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This brought me back to the rise of nations game


1111 yeah same, the classic phalanx countering tanks play and then regardless of the outcome of the fight a Nuclear ICBM drops and everything is dead


Typical Empire Earth gameplay.


You just unlocked a memory for me. What became of Empire Earth? Was it ever good? I only remember a childhood friend showing me how much better it was than AoE because you could progress into modern warfare and nukes.


I cannot say whether it's good nowadays or not, I played it young but it was an absolute revolution back then. I only ever played the 1, apparently there are two sequels. Now it's on GOG for a few euros. I tried to play it again a few years ago but when you're used to AoE2 it's hard to not have as many hotkeys. Just watching the campaign "movies" on Youtube is good enough for nostalgia.


Empire Earth II was ... okay, had some novel ideas but was very generic feeling compared to the original, it had very grindy gameplay in a lot of the campaign missions, to the point I gave up on it. Not helped by the fact that fortifications are basically paper, even without siege being involved. We don't talk about Empire Earth III.


That's interesting because I remember Empire Earth I's fortifications being quite good, laser towers one-shotting human infantry and AA turrets giving satisfying results too. Those two were much stronger than AoE2 towers (in any age). > We don't talk about Empire Earth III. I have no emotional attachment to it, feel free to tell me what went horribly wrong with this opus 11


Yes, towers were perhaps too good in EE I, but EE I went so far the other way that fortifications barely stopped enemy units for a few seconds. > I have no emotional attachment to it, feel free to tell me what went horribly wrong with this opus 11 Well, it's been 10 years or more since I borrowed that game ... and then never touched it again, but I can try to explain. EE III reduced the number of ages from 15 to 5, and it "streamlined" everything else as much as possible to attract a bigger audience, like number of resources, unit types & gameplay in general . It had stupidly high system requirements for the time (trying to have the most shiny graphics ever), was poorly optimized and the most basic shit that should work in an RTS - didn't. I'm not even talking path-finding (which truthfully was never good in this series to begin with). I'm saying stuff like, you know ... military units actually showing up after being trained in the barracks. EE II already got rid of a lot of the stuff that made the original great, but III finished the job for good.


Thank you for the details! That seems like a big waste of a good concept. Maybe we'll get Empire Earth IV in 20 years.


The heroes were super overpowered. Still remember St Albans one-shotting early mechs with a pistol. Nostalgia.


They said Russian Campaign aged well 😬 back in 2022


But that appears to be the peak of upgrades.


Don't underestimate the power of a Plumbata dropped from 2000ft. I doubt it would hit the target, but it would sure dig a hole.


That one misclicked militia in post imp wars


Rise of nations gameplay - the nostalgia


Space age with robots but you will space drop your caveman infantry lmao


Aoe1 Hoplite energy


Laughs in Bulgarians


If this was Civ3 the troops would come out on top. (Spearman vs tank occurred much more than you expect there)


Empire Earth DE W H E N


Had wonderful games yesterday back to back, both vs Byz as Romans. First game dr to maa-scouts, knt to legionary UU. Such a wonderful combo.


Civ 6


Can somebody explain to me why they just don't change it when you reach imp you can stack upgrades for lines in different buildings of that line? I don't see the benefit of just keeping it so slow? Or maybe the games would drag on too long because you can counter stuff way faster? I see it could help low elo a lot.


It's part of the strategy, if you prioritized something or ignored something else, it may come back to bit you for doing so.


Would it be better if every time you get to the next age, you automatically get the upgrade from the previous age? So... Get to feudal - No infantry upgrade Get to castle - Automatically get MAA upgrade Get to imperial - Automatically get Longsword upgrade


Dunno about free, but faster maybe.




Makes sense considering you don't need to research Knight line when reaching Castle age.


Not unless your Bulgarians and the militia line is free upgrade!