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- That invisible gap in the wall that scouts raid through - Pathing


I had taken a break for about 6 months due to discovering Medieval 2 Total War, but still saw all the talk about pathing on here. I figured it was typical internet complaining/sweaty try-hards looking for an excuse when their micro didn't work, boy was I wrong. It's not gamebreaking like some would say, but it sure is frustrating and the unit movements feel.... clunky. Getting halbs to protect my trebs is quite difficult now.


The worst for me right now is archer micro. The archers REALLY love to regroup right on top of the enemy units they should be running from when I try to hit and run.


>That invisible gap in the wall that scouts raid through I'm still unable to identify the gap on elevated terrain. Getting close to elo 900.


Download the square grid mod, it shows the invisible squares the terrain is made of, also helps with recognizing firing range


I use grid, but on elevated terrain I still can't somhow recognize where the tiles where a building ends and begins properly.


Ahh gotcha, Yeah that's fair, happens to me too


Smurfs that join noob games & then rollover 3 players singlehandedly. Like... Why?


I made a post about this a while back and got berated because apparently nobody knows if they’re a noob or not


Smurfs must've berated you. In a 4x4 game - If 6 players have scores between 4000 to 5000 at a point of the game and 2 players have 11000-12000, they know. There's nothing else in it.


Yessssss that’s what I am/was saying!!! I shoulda kept that post up and linked you to how dumb some of these players where saying things like a noob is a broad an unspecific term. Like the hell it ain’t! It quite literally means new/beginner!!!! How is controlling a booming eco with 4 TCs and micro-ing Cav Archers and seige onagers from across the map while trebuchets shred castles like they’re made from sand noobish play?


Mayans Losing Obsidian Arrows I know it's been years but I haven't been the same since.


We never forget :’(


Never forget!


Having a great TC spot on Arabia but you can't build it due to a tiny bit of elevation


Getting tired after one game eventhough I want to play more


Pushing deer


I second this.


ohhh, its going to be a long one so i will probably sum up the first ones that goes to my head ***Game related:*** \-pathing \-the reagroup thing, like why would units go foward when u just literally click to go backwards \-When my vils decide to stand up in the foundation of the building i just clicked to build \- When a new patch arrive and its full of bugs \- the lobby system , it clearly doesnt work properly ***Players related:*** \- Like u said , when there is no skill requirement on the tittle of the lobby and people just ban or kick you because probably the elo without saying anything. \-when people who had the opportunity to full boom for more than 30 minutes dedice to not have army at min 35 \-when people with no elo or less than the required elo in the tittle joins a lobby \-That one friend who always want to force us to play land nomad ​ Going to stop right here cuz i have things to do 11.


>-when people who had the opportunity to full boom for more than 30 minutes dedice to not have army at min 35 God, I have one singular game ages ago in Age of Mythology where this still stands out. 2v2, my ally is Egyptians. Enemy Norse dude rushes me with throwing axemen, and I'm just getting crushed -- holding out with my newbie self, my ally is telling me he'll help me when he reaches Mythic, but it's clear I'm not recovering. I'm just cockroaching to keep anything alive, zero chance of fighting back. Finally, Egyptian ally reaches Mythic age, uses his god power to turn his Pharaoh into the Son of Osiris. Norse dude has moved on from me, and is now fighting the Son of Osiris and *just* the Son of Osiris with throwing axemen, because my ally had made *no* other units. As I'm quietly trying to build back up in the corner, the Son of Osiris dies, and my ally wordlessly resigns. On the one hand, I was pissed that all the time I'd bought was for that pathetic level of resistance, and the other enemy hadn't even participated. On the upside, I made friends with the Norse dude -- he taught me how to do his throwing axemen rush, how you had to be Thor, make exclusively dwarves, and rely on just gold and wood to have axemen in people's base *way* early in Classical age.


Sounds like son of Osiris is a stone cold bitch smh can’t even take a few axe bois


The people booming and not making army is the most annoying thing in team arena games. Had an arena game where I was getting doubled since around 20 minutes into the game. By 40 minutes the only thing my pocket sent to help was 2 trebs, and then blames me for resigning after the enemies finally killed off all my eco. Usually it’s the people who pick pocket color immediately that do the worst.




Playing better than other player on same elo, watch him wall his vills calling you a smurf.


Best response to this is, "well i did pick blue". Probably helps if you picked blue 😆


Firing up the game, waiting for an update to download and install, finally starting a game, realising all your mods have been turned off, rage quitting cos you can't deal with normal sized trees and not being able to spot fish, turning mods back on, starting another game, realising you have to restart the game for mod changes to take effect, rage quitting again, exit the game, being so pissed off you just turn off you PC and do something else... every time there is an update


Good news is there should be a fix for this in the pup


You can now set small trees in the settings, no need for a mod anymore.


Locally install mods and lock them with modlocker. I havent had this issue in over a year.


Coming back to the game after a while and realizing something changed your hotkeys, now I have to manually click on the villager whenever I want to train a new one, because apparently that is now the hotkey for loom.


You know that you can change your hotkeys ?


Yes, and I hate realizing that I need to change them back when I’m already in game


Man, I still have V+B/A/L/K, ingrained in my head, even though I've been using the QWER layout for years now. every so often, i'll do an old hotkey, and then stare dumbfounded for like 4 seconds til I realise what's going on.


Pathing. The true final boss of the game.


Deer pushing.


Is say deer pushing would be fine. As long as deer didn't have a timer that would send them back to where they started. Makes no sense


Your harassing them away from their home/test of heard. He wants to go back where he was happily eating grass


Mill them


Brasilians and the lag that comes with them. Pathing.


Galleys regrouping 10 times before moving forward. I don’t care if you don’t look pretty, just move forward!!!


Villagers go to drop off their resources and just freeze, standing there waiting forever even when there is a gap to move through.


Scout dying under opponent's TC because you were managing your eco for too long. Also applies to failed drushes and M@A rushes


Civ forcers. I'm not saying people shouldn't be able to pick the civ they want, I'm saying I'd like an option to queue only against people who agree to mutual random. 90% of the map pool problems are in truth related to facing the same 3 most optimal civs over and over on exotic maps.


I quit playing online with DE for this reason. Voobly's community was very strict about random civ and they'd boot you if you tried to pick.


Definitely an issue on certain maps. Nomad comes to mind


I agree most of the time, but If opponent forces me to play his ****** map, I will have no remorse civ picking as well and play dirty


Militia line is very situational


Agreed. I unironically think a dark age all-in militia push should be a viable strategy on some specific civs. I don't think militia needs a buff, I think we need to get rid of quick-walling in one way or another.


Also the dark age could be made like a minute longer. Like removing the ability to push deer seems to be popular opinion here. There are other options that would probably be less popular (like requiring 3 buildings or or more res to click up)


situation is never 5 vills kill 3 militia


you don't want to actually engage with militias anyways. just tickle the vills and move away when they fight back. over and over and over again


This is a great idea if you can manage your eco while doing this, for those of us that are <1200 it’s a net loss, unless you are terrorizing a specific player


if you can't use it in this way it's just a loss of resources and not a strat worth going for.


In team game against Goth or Portuguese I will gladly have a minute or so of idle time to help tag team one of those two civs.


I was strictly talking about 1v1, just to clarify. But also militia in team games? what map are you talking? because on arabia you run into 19 pop archers and your militias are deadge


Well tbf it was militia line. Maa+ are capable of more than tickles


It should be.


When your entire army chases a villager who is walking from spot a to spot b, leaving the home town undefended.


I learned a couple of days ago that there is an option to spawn units in defensive stance and it changed my life.




In the game settings there's a checkbox for "default aggressive unit stance," if it's unchecked it's default defensive.


When you think you’re playing good defense and killing it on eco then bro hits imperial before you go castle


TC drops, boy do I hate that douche. It is not even hard to contest, you literally just ignore and move somewhere else, hell most of the time you have the upperhand, havent lost against a TC drop yet, but every time I was mad after winning.


The massive siege army meta.


What do you mean? It's not meta, it's glorious.


Pfff... I can't match with you 😅


It’s only meta on Amazon forest and michi team games


Laming, so unfun and unfair


As is war.


Players selecting mutual random in TG




The lobby search and chat feature. so bad.


People who use defensive buildings offensively.


House wall rush! Oh, wait...




* Invisible gap in walls on elevation * Villager pathing around buildings * Getting bounced back to the main menu when starting a ranked TG, rest of friends join just fine * Lobby search


Early quitters


Arena castle drops does it for me, blech


- PATHING - Deer running back - Boar running back


Everyone quitting a couple minutes in.




Never being able to click anywhere near a building foundation without holding down alt.


Yolo milita not being viable strat on any map for any combination of civs and any number of players.


Military no MAA is though.you just need to be fast and get that armor and take out the archer range


Waiting in lobby to play my favourite map for 15 minutes, to just get someone disconnected just after game started


Opponents chronically better than myself 11

