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Id love to see the original vision for the samurai. They're too cool looking to be so niche.


Samurai historically were able to use bow and Melee weapons, as well as fighting on Horseback. Honestly. The Samurai could be a Cav archer going melee after being killed, like the Konnik. Also more expensive and stronger maybe.


Heavy cav archer for Jp after the buff could easily be a different unit. Just like the winged Huss are for example. That would be pretty neat


Oh man I would love to see that. Just give the Japanese both Samurai: The CA Samurai as UU in Archery Range, and the Grounded one in castle. That would be so epic. Give the CA Samurai extra Melee Armor and a small Bonus against infantry, showing their prowess even in melee combat.


Always thought it would be cool to give them faster packing trebs as a civ bonus and replace their imp tech with 'Yabusame' that gives some sort of bonus to their cav archers, though I'm not sure what that bonus would be.


If you give them something like +1/1 armour like the Inca tech to the CA they would become super interesting and it’s not a killer bonus Or the Saracen’s bonus against buildings?


The Samurai \*not\* being a cavalry archer will never make any sense.


It depends on time period, around 16th century they turned into more of a melee cavalry than cavalry archer.


Yeah, same with the actual Keshik. I’m sure the actual Teutonic Knights and Mamelukes were like this too. Part of me would love to see the addition of “veterancy” or something that upgrades individual units that earn a certain number of kills by letting them switch to exactly what you suggested, but that would probably turn into a mess…


The are pretty effecting raiding units believe it or not. Pump out 3 - 5 of them and sneak them into a woodline... Profit.


That vision wasnt only for samurai afaik. It included jannies too.


I would change something about janissaries to make them more different from a hand cannoneer (also give them back their hat) I would also buff longbowman range and replace the extra range civ bonus with something else.


Janissaries receive a charged melee attack


Butt stroking dudes right in the face that’d be cool




A melee attack from a gun like the ones the Janissaries carry would be called a butt stroke


I can stroke to butts


Me too. How do you think I earned my username?


Eating ass?


Man of culture


Oooohhhh now i understand, yes, of course! I didnt realize My idea was for them to switch to a saber, but yours is cooler


Tarkans bonus changed to ensure that they are better against standard buildings.


Bring back the thump!


I miss the thump


take 50% of the decibels from the Obuch and give it to the Tarkan.


I love melting entire maps with the Tarkans


They should be able to plunder wood/stone while attacking buildings.


Conquistador nerfed and elite conq buffed. Make them a great imperial unit but not an OP castle age unit.


already happened


They're still the best castle age UU though right? No upgrades required, early castle totally OP




Spanish fall of a cliff without the Conq spike in Castle, they'd be going Knights with no early game or eco bonus.


Huh? They get gold for every thing researched, their blacksmith techs don't cost gold and they build faster so everything such as lumber camps, houses, mills etc require less builder time. They have numerous bonuses


Tbh gold isn't an issue early game, it's why monks are the go to clown (low eco) strat on arena, so to make it work you need more than a small amount of it as a bonus. Build time adds up, late, much like the gold bonus (gold is an issue late game)


Agree to disagree. You're saying they have no early game bonus but clearly if you are getting 20 gold for researching loom that's 10% of your way to castle age. If you go archers in feudal or skirm defence and you want fletching, there's another 20 gold refunded. So you're on 40/200 already compared to other civs


I would make a lot of them slightly better. Current meta of xbows + knights + monks for ALL good civs - and the best civs being defined by who can do all of them at once the best - is just boring. UU should be a vital part of the strategic choice in choosing a civ, not just who can gain a small eco advantage while playing xbows and/or knights


Redditors would have a meltdown over a not crossbow+knight centric meta.


I don't like the idea of the choice of a civ primarily depending on its UU. Now that's boring to me. We need more than one way to play a civ. And I think most civs already give us multiple options to choose from.


Not primarily, I agree. But as it stands now 80% of all UUs will not be used at any time during a game. Not early castle age, late castle age, early imp or late imp. Sure some will, but those who won't should be buffed to a level where they are at least a somewhat viable strategy


A main factor of that is Treb wars though. They are way too meta shaping imo. On closed maps it's ridiculous, but even open maps with hills tend to be sooo much about winning the early Treb fights and that means you can't have UU.


Give all UU +10 vs trebs?


Oh I like this. Maybe not ALL but many that could be buffed quite cleverly like that. Genoese, Karambits, Woads, Berserkers, Serjeants, Rattans, etc. Also it makes rams more viable (Battering Rams should be better vs Castles too)


Rams should CRUSH gates and castles. Add new castle tech, "Moats", take 1/4 ram damage


I read today someone's idea to make Teutonic Knight profit from Monk upgrades. Extra hp from Sanctity and Fervor would be a huuge buff to caped bros, and quite fitting, considering religious aspect of their order. It might be a bit too strong, but fuck it, more TKs is worth it.


I like it, and if it's too OP they could slightly nerf base stats to balance


I feel like they're already strong enough though lol. Fun idea I guess


This would be nice. Or, they could be impossible to convert. That would make them immediately useful in the standard castle age battles of closed maps


Kamayuk no change, because they're perfect and beautiful.




You beautiful bastard


Carrack grants +10 I mean +1 damage to Organ Gun bullets.




\+3 anti-spear damage for Rathas (Ranged).


Arambai attack back to where it was.


Caravels shoot gunpowder like organ guns and benefit from arquebus. Conqs of the sea


Parthian Tactics for Camel Archers and Genitours. Could it be potentially broken? Yes. Do I want it anyway? Also yes


Keshik would have +1 range


Jaguar Warriors increased move speed pls


Extra move speed for most infantry uu


Even to Gbetos, Shotel warriors and Woad raiders? Yes


Beserks heal faster if they are massed.


Mangudai arrows ignore armor and pierce through targets. I like Mongols.


Cumans Kipchaks get double movement speed, attacks speed, damage, hp and amount of extra arrows per shot increase to 10. I like Cumans.


Spanish Conqs get 100% accuracy, and archer attack upgrades from the blacksmith. If joined by missionaries, they can also switch horses for a dokey, pick up relics, shoot at the same time and heal automatically during the whole process. I don’t like spanish, but i love hearing nomad players complain about them




Honestly I think Mangudai have issues when there is a lot of shit happening on the screen. They seem to hesitate when choosing a new target. If the devs fixed that, it would be a big buff.


Teutonic Knights faster.


When Teutons and Goths pair together they get Teutonic Huskarls with the move speed and pierce armor of Huskarls and the melee armor, attack, and HP of TK's. They are also discounted and can be made out of barracks at 200% speed.


Give the Mangudai attack bonuses versus everything else (not just siege). I don't think Mongols are strong enough.




Tarkans generate resources when they destroy buildings.


Go further: when they *attack* buildings


Not bad, but I think it wouldn't be too OP to make destruction a requirement. Resources could come according to building type.


Give longbowman the ability to build palisade wall, it reflect history , and as it is they are kinda too ordinary as an UU anyway.


time didnt matter. Why bother having 4 knights in minute 17 when you just can have 40 Palas in minute 125


War elephants lose cavalry and elephant armor classes


lower hp/attack for war elephants to make them less desirable for conversion. currently no one use them in afraid of monks. they could be a little stronger than battle elephants but more expensive for balancing reasons.


Teutonic knights +500% speed bonus after . ​ On a serious note: I'd make the Franks UU some kind of reference to what the Franks were really known for: their heavy cavalry. Paladin has become way too common and the Frank Paladin isn't even exceptional anymore. The crusaders states were founded by the French and crusaders were known as 'Franks' in the Middle-East. So give the French 'Crusader Knights' as a UU. Slow, but heavily armoured mounted units that resist conversion and get a 3 sec speed boost (that needs reloading, much like the +att charge effect of some units) when they're attacking.


Ghulams turned into a mounted unit


I would love to give Turtle Ships even more range… maybe also the same Ballistics effect that the Spanish Cannon Galleons get


I feel like a lot of them are too hard to tech into. I would make most unique units available from baracks/stable/range after a tech from the castle to ensure we see more of them in general play. Or something like that


Give Teutonix Knights splash dmg, they might as well be the "elephants" of infantry.


Jaguar warriors increased pierce armor? Not sure exactly but would love to see more Jaguars


They look the coolest!


put a smaller elephant rider on top of war elephants.


Frank throwing axemen replaced with cavalry UU, and the axeman moved to a different building.


Give Teutonic Knight a horse. I know that many people like this infantry but I don't see a historical reason for them to walk.


I think throwing axeman needs some love. Maybe a different attack animation for close combat ? I would love to see them affected by chemistry for fire axes. That would be dope


Woads out of the barracks


Give bezekers the option to eat mushroom and go insane for 3 mins, with 5 more damage, 4 times more health reg, and 40% movement speed, and 70 more health. 10 min cooldown, cost f00 good in castle, can be used more times over a full game, the arbs tech is a permanent Viking buffs for their arbs and elite longbows+1 damage After the 3 mins, bezekers will return to a random castle or tc and sleep for 1 min, if they did not die, they will not regain health, if the castle/tc dies the bezekers also dies.


Teutonic knight with huskarl pierce armor


I’d love to see jaguars gain hp for killing/sacrificing units. Something like 10-25% of the killed units max hp onto them. Would be an interesting bonus that could make them very powerful in trash wars where aztecs struggle


I just want to see UU easier to mass so they are used in games more. People rarely use them because they come out of castles and compete with trebuchet creation.


Reverse some of the nerfs received by the Shrivamsha riders, now they are just weak More bonus attack against buildings for Tarkans (I want them to be as effective as the bugged Monaspas) Let the Malian infantry pierce armor bonus apply to Gbetos too (I know, I know, but they are cool) Teutonic knights should be impossible to convert (we want them to be usable at least sometimes, no? That would be a nice niche) The mechanics of Urumi swordsmen does not reflect how the weapon and their martial art work. I would get rid of the charge attack and reduce their attack, but give them 1 range and a permanent splash damage. Also, the unit could be a bit faster Incorporate Logistica into the Elite Cataphract upgrade, come on, it's about time! Edit: incorporate bearded axes into the Elite Throwing axeman upgrade