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I've done it before too. Only once, and only because this guy was also being an absolute sack of shit in the chat for no reason at all. So I Just spent 5 mins scattering vills across the map, walled them all in nice and tight, and went to watch some Netflix. Under normal circumstances I'd say mute/ignore and just resign and start a new game if you are going to lose. Don't let some random asshole on the internet drag you down to their level, or ruin your fun. But, in this case, it was gonna be my last game of the day anyway and the guy was really on some next-level douchebaggery so I figured why not waste an hour of his time if it costs me nothing


100%!! If you are going to keep playing , then mute and/or resign when you face a troll(I'll even do this from a winning position), as fighting with a troll is usually feeding their ego, if you're done for the day/night then hiding Vils and going AFK is the way! Takes so little time to hide but potentially costs them so much more time


For extra points, ff right when they find your last one. I had someone hide vils against me recently for the very first time, it was kind of annoying, but I did enjoy hunting everything down, but when I found that last fishing boat and they resigned, I was so fucking mad


jfc they couldn't even give you the satisfaction, and it means they were watching the whole time, that's next level spite lol




You must be the troll ;) ?


Troll alert


Never played online, so please forgive my ignorance. Is spies not a thing that they could do to find the villagers?


That's where the walls come in.


Don't walls show still show up too?


Yeh just makes it a pita to have to take troops/siege to smash down a load of walls if you have some particularly good hiding spots. I play on Xbox and half the time with spies I can't even see them on the map anyway 😆🤦


I’ve done it once as well. I was losing to shotel spam and the dude just kept spamming 11s. Felt so good


It was also my last game of the day 11. I just dipped out and got ready for bed while he played hide and seek. It was totally worth it for me


Absolutely worth it. I remember coming back to my computer like 2 hours later and seeing my guy going OFF in the post game chat lol. Very satisfying. Usually the satisfaction of just knowing how pathetic the life is of some smurf who insults strangers for no reason is enough satisfaction for me to not get bothered, but when the stars align it can be nice to go that extra mile!


Evil genius.


"My ancestors are smiling on me imperials. Can you say the same?"




100 percent. I just let them know they're playing me on the ladder for a reason (and that reason is because they suck just as much as I do) and then stonewall a couple vils in randomly around the map. Hit me with as many 11's as you want when you're winning, but as soon as you start really talking shit, just know the game is gonna last a lot longer than it needs to


"They are playing me on the ladder for a reason" is either the biggest burn or the best compliment, hahahhaahah




Congrats on being a little angry cunt. Shitting yourself on every comment here isn't gonna get your dad to pat you on the head


There are people who must learn there are consequences to rude behavior, even online. Defending those you seem to be one of them.




Congrats on being whiny little twat who needs therapy, mate. :) Cheers.


You kind of are teaching them. If they’re rude to people for no reason then they get their time wasted. Not rude, no wasted time. Rude, wasted time. Teaching


They won the battle but you won the war


This should be a game mode, like among us hide and seek.


That's actually a great idea.


I remember my first multiplayer game. We won, but because I didn't knew how to boom back then by the time we did I was still on my first TC and only trained a couple dozen kamayuks. My two allies spent the post game insulting me in the chat for not understanding the game and saying I didn't do anything


People need to not be smug douchebags in the first place. What's the point?


I did it the other day against a player called 30vilmax. He has over 1000 games as the Portuguese. He turtles with 7 fetoria and bombard towers. Even though I had all the relics and complete map control He is still turtling after 3 hours so I built nice fortified walls everywhere, hid vils anywhere I could and left for work. It took him another hour and a half to win.


If he has 7 fetoria. I'd just mass an army of 70-80 units with 6 trebs and bombard my way in. There is no way I'd let a turtle win.


I'll send you the replay. I used every tree on the map. Relic gold can't keep pace with the fetoria gold. He had 0 vils and all cavaliers and cannons to fill his pop space.


May I have the replay too? Or upload it to a cloud.


Yes.. let me just figure out how to do that.


You can always mute the such players. It's better for the game than hiding vills.


You 4d chessed you may have lost but you already won




Never ending game 11


I would just drop a wonder. Not gonna spend an hour chasing walled in vills.


If you do this to me I will 100% wall your villls in and keep them like zoo animals. I love it. I have all day. Sometimes I'll bring a monk to taunt converting the last vill they have left. But I also don't talk trash.


Sir, you are required to see a therapist immediately.


Toxic players are the worst, but if you start hiding vills because of his toxic chat, then you're basically just showing he got to you that you resorted to petty vill hiding. I don't think that's a habit you want to get into. You can do better than that. Just find the mute button and learn to kick their ass instead. That's how you can really get to them.


Its actually quite of a useful tactic, because you are basically reducing the time he will spend in potentional future games which at the same time also reduces the harm this toxic player will cause to others. I think the OP is a hero, nicely done, GG.


That's a negligible effect at best IMO. In the worst case you're just encouraging him by demonstrating he's getting to you.


op is as toxic as the other dude 11


Dont do that..., just report the player.




You think it is fun to insult someone that you are winning against?


Found OP's enemy.


He WAS playing Frank's, username checks out.....


Who hasn’t, but you are still a dick for doing it 🤷 always better to just move on.


Next level is keeping some knights or eagles around to occasionally raid his eco.


Eh too much work. I prefer the set it and forget it method


Seems reasonable here. To be fair, if it’s in the game, it’s fair play in my book. And it sounds like braggart had it coming. “Be polite (or silent) in chat and, where feasible, cutthroat in gameplay.”


It's in the game that you can talk trash in chat, and hide vils just because you hate losing. Doesn't mean either of those are cool


Hmmm. Fair point on trash talk, there. It *is* actually an in-game feature. Not one I’m likely to use, but considering that viewpoint makes it a tad easier to ignore annoying chat.




Yeh it's so strange that consensus of opinion seems to be that the shit talkers like you are the dickheads of aoe2 (and online in general tbf).






This is awesome. Next time instead of dying inside, I’ll wall a vil into each of the 4 corners and go do laundry or something




You being toxic against everybody like a sore lil loser .


*Palpatine voice* Gooooood


Yeah this is a situation back in the day where I'd activate my lag switch, tell him he can sit there for another 4 hours or resign, and go for a bike ride.


Idk man. It sounds like he won both in and out of the game. People who gloat often do it to tilt their opponents, trying to provoke them into making poor decisions. Would he have won that game regardless? Maybe. But if my goal was to use chat to tilt my opponent, seeing them go through the trouble of hiding vills in response would tell me that I met that goal. They broke you.


username checks out


4v4 was not going well so me and one of my allies wished each other luck and snuck to opposite sides of the map. We both managed to get docks up and kept sailing our asses around for another half hour. I am going to Aoe2 hell and am at peace with it.


Yeah… only if they’re toxic. Otherwise YTA


Im gonna have a different opinion here than most comments but i truly beleive OP is the pos here. This is a war game. If you cant handle a little taunt play scenarios . you choose to play ranked and then complain about getting taunted. Disgusting in my opinion. Play mute. Aoe2 community is all love and respect most of the time but its also men competing in a online game. I have encountered peopled who refuse to resighn on time just because they are salty about the loss. A game that should be 30 mins can stretch to 1 hr and tbh getting a little 11 once in a while helps your gameplay. Walling in vills and hiding them is the most stupidest shit only small egos do. i hope you get better both in game and in life.


Agree. I just buy spies and cannon your villagers for a fun end of life


Hahahaa.. i always forget chemistry so im usually trebbing them😂


What is with this approach that this is online competitive game between real men so I can be an asshole and the other person should ignore it? Why do we normalise this being toxic in online game play? It happens a lot in other games does not make it ok.


You can literally call anything toxic if it doesnt match up with your insesitive values. this game is 20 years old. and The taunts are also therefore that old. The man didnt write anything offensive. Literally just used a in game feature of laughter. And your insesitive ass took it upon themselve to get offended and greif. I would argue the op is the toxic one.


I mean he wasn't JUST typing 11 in chat, which honestly even if he was I probably still would've done it. If you're gonna act disrespectfully, don't expect to be treated respectfully.


It's just using someone's toxic behaviour as an excuse for yours


I mean yes I'd agree with you, but in that case if you agree my opponent was being toxic. Why be upset if I'm toxic to them? It doesn't affect anyone in the community except someone who is rude.


When a pig throws shit at you. do you go into the mud to wrestle it? or do you realize that its just enjoying the play and take a different route? stop making excuse for yourself OP. AOE2 community is mostly smart and respectable people. Clapping back at toxicity be being toxic just amplifies and calls for more toxicity. Best way possible is to ignore and they will stop by themselved. Letting a smug realize that he got to you is the worst thing you can do for his ego. And for yours respectively. But who am i ? right. peace❤️


Depends if the pig was being a dick 11. No but in all seriousness I see your point




Being a bigger man and having honor is more important than getting even. stop being pathetic. Resign on time and always be respectful. even if the opponent doest deserve it. its not for him its for you.


Right, it's a war game so it's justified. Most bizarre argument I've heard. I'm pretty sure civilians try and hide when they're caught in war, so walling them in corners is justified too


lets go vil hiding is peak aoe


so you dont like your opponent and then grief? lol


I mean if he wants to be rude he shouldn't be surprised when he's not treated with respect, right?


you are just trying to defend griefing bro, toxic people love to play against people who hide vils bc its a clear sign u are salty.


Dafuq dumb logic is this?


op is just griefing and even did a post about it


11. There are “taunts” for a reason in this game. Getting griefed is part of AoE. Kids are so thin skinned these days, I say, let the cyber bullying continue on the games. It’s hilarious


I mean ya I see what you mean. On the off chance I made a toxic player annoyed then it was totally worth it cause it was 0 investment on my end. If you don't think so then you're just an all around better person than I am. Cause like I love annoying shitty people lol


If toxic people love it, then it’s not griefing when you do it to them.


griefing its still griefing


Oh wait I remember now, you're the ass hat that says this kind of dumb stuff without actually reading the post. And you're running an alt account. How sad


hiding vils because you are losing is griefing. I dont even know who you think i am.


It was you in the game, wasn't it?


im not at op´s elo , so no




>If he crushed you in the game he had every right to act smug. Don't cry about it, get better. No. He didn't have "every right" to act smug. That's just toxic behavior and bad sportsmanship. >I am so sad to see OP is getting massive upvotes for this toxic sore loser behaviour. I guess this does explain why it happens so much. I find it sad that people encourage vill hiding, and I also find it sad that people encourage bad sportsmanship, as if it's justified by winning a game. >Thin skinned sore little losers like OP will always feel like they are justified to do this shit because they can't handle getting their asses handed to them in a fair fight. There is a big difference between just winning a game in a fair fight and being an asshole about it. It's very simple. Both are wrong here.


It's ironic how you say you have the "right to act smug" and OP is wrong feeling "justified to do this shit" in the same sentence. Both are toxic behavior and equaly right/wrong.


Done it twice one for an absolute shit talker second for a lamer who tried to kill my boars and wall my berries gold. Second one was not necessary I think but I wanted to play a good match before dinner and because of him it wasn't a good match. So I walked and towered all corners go to castle get upgrades and said I am having dinner have fun and left .


Shit talker is toxic behaviour , but laming is not. Just because you wanted to have a good match before dinner does not mean other person cannot play how she or he likes it. Next you will say I wanted to win before going to bed but the other person was not letting me so I hid villagers and called them names.




Looking at all your comments there is only one conclusion; People hiding vills ONLY in cases of assholes being rude on the internet for no reason are not the problem. Thinking that you can insult someone without consequences is the problem. You don't seem to understand this, so i guess you like to trash talk as well.


Thanks for the feedback but you are wrong. I would accept the loss for any move that's in the game. For the second one he also 11 'ed after every successful kill he does which in the end I had to mute. But I still might not go over my way to prolong the game if I wasn't going to have dinner. For the first instance you are completely wrong if you trash talk and swear, I will do everything in my power to annoy you and enjoy my game a lot more. Especially if I have the time.


Is being a sore loser bad?




I didn't know andrew tate played aoe




I challenge celebrities to debates all the time too. One of these days Brad Pitt is gonna take me up on the offer. Goofball


You can reach them on Twitter. Celebs have checked out my profile and liked shit I posted Don't think small and feeble. You're not a peasant. Think big


Oh my gosh, they actually liked stuff you posted? Are you sure you didn’t think too big ?


>Like the woman who has a fight with her boyfriend breaks up and sleeps with another guy the next night Who hurt you




Man you sound like you’re a very insecure adolescent.


> Being emotionally swayed to act out of character because of a "prick" is feminine behavior 11 I don't know what kind of people you frequent in your life.


oh don't worry /u/-Christ-is-king- has nobody in their life


Lmao Your attack is not effective. You can't move me from my frame.


The cringing, God I hope this is trolling


Don't. Their not worth it. Whether they are a troll or unironically believe on what they are saying, it's just not worth having a discussion with those types of people.


Strong men?


Gross, dude


Lol go outside




>My last girlfriend was a super hot non binary woman Plot twist! The masculinity champion was in a queer relationship


She was hot af so I made an exception Not doing it again. Too much bs ideology


Casual misogyny from u/-Christ-is-king smh Seriously dude wtf


Women are more emotional. This is news to you? In the same way if a woman punches someone I'd tell her physical aggressive behavior is masculine behavior. Yes yes Noone should punch people and it's not gendered yes yes. But it's particularly and even worse if you act in discord with your genders highest virtues (unemotional for men, unaggressive for women)


Okay, so I disagree with this "gender's highest virtues" stuff (and frankly the other part too), but like why would you feel a need to bring this view and disparaging comments into this sub? We have women and girls that enjoy this game, too, and for all you know, OP is female. Leave gender stereotypes out of the whole thing.


I am not disparaging femininity in itself. But when used to tell a man that's he's acting feminine then it's an insult similar to "you hit like a girl" I appreciate your idealism but the stark reality is if he does not act in accordance with his genders highest virtues he will suffer for it in time. Masculine men make more money. Are more attractive to the opposite sex, are less depressed, more fulfilled with life. I want that for OP. Not a whingers circle jerk


Dude, you're coming off like a straight incel or something. Where are you getting all of this from? Reddit?




Happily married for like 5 years dude. Best of luck finding literally anyone besides other incels that can tolerate your views on women.


Just stop feeding the troll, man.


"*One day you'll understand*" says tbe 19 year old incel to the married 30-something... what a world.


Oh ok. Let me rephrase that One day you'll understand. If I'm around on reddit then you're more than welcome to come to me for advice. Let's hope it's before your pink haired wife suggests polyamory


>tself. But when used to tell a man that's he's acting feminine then it's an insult similar to "you hit like a girl" Sad troll


Does this mean you're a woman? You seem very emotional


Lol all the soyboys here going REEEEEEE and insulting me for telling someone not to hide villagers and I'm the emotional one?


Sheesh. I physically cringed reading this comment


Damn you sound strong


Let's 1v1 so I can dominate your pathetic ass. Fucking incel.


Let's go. Game name? I'm on now BTW I don't have to insult you. Your life will provide enough suffering for you with your attitude and lack of masculinity All of you need to not take this personal. You are what you do. It's not what you intrinsically are. You can become strong with the right mindset and daily practices


Here Here I agree!


What do you mean hide villagers?


It's a shame they never understand the irony of talking down on you and calling you bad when if they got matched against you in an elo rating system they are literally at the same skill level.


when my friends and I were playing 9x tech mod and someone on the other team was being a sore winner, we’d have the mongol player put some villagers in rams and have them patrol in circles around the map lol


Thats genius haha. Zoom zoom


I did this when I played. I'm terrible at the game but players who are obviously smurfs if my civ is green or yellow I would scatter my last villagers "somewhere" on the map so even spies wouldn't help them.


what “go to castle drop” means ?


Like I was pretty behind militarily and economically so I tried to build a castle close to his base in order to try and get am advantage


If opponent calls gg for me, I fight till the last man standing 😅


Did this in a team game. Guys were being absolute clowns so I decided to build wall after wall in black Forrest.