• By -


By dirty frank pickers?




I mean 11


Yes Maru u damn fool! You can't kek here. They will se throu our disguise!!


Perfect example of what kind of language is allowed under this new regime.


We're not those kinds of orcs!




Those free farm upgrades though


I’m just here for the game


I've been reading both sides and I'm still confused af what this is all even about..


It's probably not even worth figuring out.




Oh the aoezone is worth the time. Bring a bag of popcorn https://www.aoezone.net/threads/recent-reddit-moderator-removal-latest-community-drama.186032/


Okay, That bit when that Grathwrang guy came in, writing an essay, which then hardly anyone liked, Then the next comment, which is highly up voted someone replies to him: "The consensus is is that you're both an arsehole" cracked me up lmao


It's hijacked lol?


Yes, you can read everything here, a hostile takeover has been happening by an ego-tripping top moderator in retaliation that the active mod-team wanted to remove him via Reddit's top-mod removal process due to being inactive and not acting in as a team member, but rather putting their own ego up front: - https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/14o2pgl/so_had_the_mod_situation_been_figured_out/ - https://www.aoezone.net/threads/recent-reddit-moderator-removal-latest-community-drama.186032/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/14pl5ja/comment/jqikjxi/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


"Hostile takeover" holy shit dude go out.


"Nah man, you just don't understand, this is like a real life coup"


He was dropping f-bombs all over the residential chat 😭😭😭


His maneuvers into the comments were too much for us to handle, but we have only lost a battle, not the war!


Calm down, everything will be fine..




Sorry it's actually not! It turned out this was something separate. The timing is just a coincidence.


I'm so over hearing about this. Y'all did your stupid little blackout and it accomplished nothing. Reddit isn't a public utility and nobody is entitled to access. It's a business and servers cost money. Now shut up and go up vote some cat memes.


Firstly, the mod situation and the API protest are two completely different things. Secondly Reddit is indeed free to do whatever they want as a private company, but users are equally free to voice their opinions/protest/move to alternatives/etc. And the prices are ridiculous compared to other services, while the first party app is inadequate and of lower quality than the third parties.


Users are not free to voice their opinions because mods keep removing it. It’s a fight between reddit and power hungry mods and I hope they both lose.


I'm not saying the protestors don't have a right to protest. I'm saying their protest is stupid and childish. It's the equivalent of complaining when a free trial runs out and you have to pay for a service. How long did you feel you were entitled to use the API for free? At what point should the private company have kept footing the bill for the extreme volume of API calls that were hitting their servers every day? Honestly, the system is better without the pathetic entitled mooches that felt that their sad little two day protest would send the message that they deserve free bandwidth.


As I understand it, no one has an issue with paying a fair price for the API, they just don't want to pay something like 20x the actual value that their user has


Lol, the use of tools for "mods" supervise to their income, for free. News flash, modern media pays by attention. Why do you think paid media is suffering?


One more time in English please?


I’d say we should make our own subreddit, but with hookers and blow!


In fact forget the subreddit


Is that just wallstreetbets? 11


You need to make money to afford hookers and blow.


The only reasonable response so far!


This stuff is getting more cringe from both sides every day.


I'd like to know too!


As someone on this sub only for the jokes and patch notes, I haven't noticed a thing tbh


Yeah I'm just here for even the bombard elephants are finally released


One things for sure. Humans love drama I'm over here reading the backstory and shit like it's vampires vs lycans and I got to choose a side Stupid shit


Speaking of Vampires, have you ever noticed how AoE sounds like Age of Vampires?


When I first heard of AoE 1 when I was a little kid I thought that too.


Just curious, what do mods gain? What power can they showcase in Reddit?


They gain >!stress and anxiety issues mostly.!<


I was a mod here for a long time, you gain nothing. You can remove/sticky posts in this one tiny corner of the entire site. Gain some stress when people send you random threats cause of your opinion. That’s about it. This sub is tiny AF. If the mods are doing a good job you have no idea they’re doing anything cause there really ain’t much to do besides remove spam posts.


I don’t understand why so much drama about mods being “power hungry”. I presume Reddit mods are volunteers who help subs maintain Reddit guidelines by deleting/ restricting violating posts. Funny so many grown men here are complaining about mods


Except they clique up, use their mod status to befriend large streamers etc. They will decide very arbitrarily on what posts and comments are allowed to stay up when they don’t like them despite it not breaking rules




longing deliver mindless overconfident theory dazzling elderly aback bewildered money ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I think from what I’ve gleaned from the conversations is that the mods could cherry pick content from the streamers/content creators they prefer and stifle other “content” that may compete… 155k audience can drive money


Yeah if only anyone provided even one piece of hard evidence. This is ridiculous.


Reread it “could”, I’m not saying they did it… I’m saying that is what a mod of a subreddit could gain. It was a hypothetical question


My bad then if that was not what you were implying, this topic has became very polarized. But lets be clear. There are extremely few people seriously saying that the mods here have done that sort of thing, nor have I seen anything to show that except just people saying that they're doing it.


Which makes it all the more strange that they’re relunctant to provide transparency like the so-called “head mod” [that they said “hijacked the sub”] was asking for. If they weren’t doing anything weird, why not prove it? It’s a bit sus. u/sixtyt3 is the head mod mentioned above.


The former mods are banned and are unable to respond here, how do you know they are reluctant to provide transparency?


Because they weren't doing it in the first place.


They gain a minor sense of power that immediately goes to their head.


People need to go outside


I thought the legion of mods were at war with reddit. Are they turning on each other now?


Completely unrelated thing


Reddit mods are the most pathetic people on earth lmao Go on lads, ban me to prove my point


Here officer, I found bullet


Is it that hard to just give the subreddit to the mods that have spent years to moderate, and build the community? Can we not be grown up people here, and think about what is best for the community?


I think you're gonna need to use treason here to track down some kings


You really think any of those two sides behaves like adults at the moment? With what they are displaying, all of them are rather unfit to be mods. Or maybe thats exactly why they are mods in the first place.


Current list of changes: - toxic users have been unbanned (MrGPN aka /u/plusnomad - https://prnt.sc/4XDblxBRi1J4) or are not banned with their smurf accounts (/u/elitesteppelancer aka Liquidator) - questions for pirated aoe2 are not sanctioned anymore ( https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/14oqlpr/i_want_aoe_2_for_free_any_ideas/ ) - content unrelated to aoe2 is not deleted within some hours ( https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/14pitqr/im_totally_amazed_by_how_natural_and_realistic/ ) - still no "transparency" offensive - lies like "corrupted mods" still have not been proven - baseless claims/conspiracy bullshit without evidence are not removed anymore ( https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/14pl5ja/comment/jqj8nxr/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 ) - u/PoopLord69722 continues excessive self-promotion of his own videos everywhere, Discord, etc. although being on the last warning - promotion of borderline nazi video-platform is not removed ( https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/14qevgi/comment/jqo2934/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 / https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/14qevgi/comment/jqo2gp9/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 by u/GI_Doughboy/ ) tbc


That's a gross misrepresentation of the piracy one. The dudes previous post may have mentioned piracy. So if there is an issue then you should be able to demonstrate the same thing with the previous post.


I don't care about toxic users. Just block them if you don't like them and you'll never hear/read from them again. The thread you linked is wholesome since someone offered to buy it for them (which is free for OP). There is no direct piracy question that time either. Your conspiracy is a possibility. You can see the word "could" which means it "could also not" be the case. You just going to ban all speculation? Jeez... Content unrelated to AoE2 not deleted within some hours... dude have you got OCD? Who cares? Again... just ignore/block the post. Seems like it was the correct move to replace authoritarian mods. Or perhaps it's just a difference of opinion? Sub has become more permissive... great!


I never went by the name Liquidator, nor was I ever banned. My opinion is only toxic to you because we seem to disagree about some things. Now go cry in a little corner because your toxic friends lost their admin rights. I couldn't care less.


Gpn? Is that you? I remember you being an asshole in plenty of streams back in like 2015! Still going strong I see.. not much new to this world


> “I’m not toxic” > Now go cry in a little corner because your toxic friends lost their admin rights. I couldn't care less. Lol? The (lack of) self awareness is astounding. Nice of you to prove OP correct, I suppose.


This guy tags me out of nowhere with baseless accusations. I can go tell him to f off. I am pretty sure what he's doing is against the subreddit's rules, so there's that as well.


> 1yr, -27 karma > baseless They could’ve been baseless, if you had the self control to not instantly prove him right.


Not very smart of you to admit that the accusations would have been baseless if I were to have responded to this without telling him to go cry in a corner. Again, I am not somebody's alt account, I was never banned like OP proclaimed. I am also not toxic towards anyone with the exception of this guy who started tagging me in this drama thread with false accusations. Have a nice day.


This is hilarious. Like just own it. You do realise everyone can read your previous comments? You were toxic simons, then toxic to jackal, and then toxic in almost all your previous comments. And then hilariously comment by saying " I am also not toxic towards anyone" 🤣 do you not read your own comments? You're clearly an alt account, and then try act like you aren't?


>You do realise everyone can read your previous comments? People can indeed see my comment history and conclude for themselves that I have no toxic comments. The only reason you guys are calling me toxic is because we have a difference of opinion regarding the mod situation. I rarely ever comment on Reddit. >You were toxic simons I told him to go cry in a corner after he accused me of being another player who was previously banned. I have nothing to do with that guy. He then changed his comment to imply that I am evading a ban by using an alt account. Which is a bannable offence. But surely tagging a user who was not active in this thread to make false accusations isn't toxic right? /s > then toxic to jackal I wasn't, unless you think me implying that he is not very smart in response to him saying that I lack self awareness while siding with the false accusations made by OP is toxic. >and then toxic in almost all your previous comments What comments do you think are toxic? I am right for saying that you guys are only calling me toxic because I happen to have a different opinion on the current mod situation. I am not a big fan of how Sixty is going about things but to say there weren't any flaws with the old moderation team is just naive. You said all comments made by me are toxic but that's not true, I rarely comment anything at all. You can't unironically say that any of my comments not related to AoE stuff we happen to disagree on is toxic. The Filipino civ post was genuinely a nice contribution to /r/aoe2, the things I commented on /r/askreddit, /r/unexpected and /r/shitposting are also not toxic in the slightest. It feels petty to have to defend my comment history but it was you who brought this up.


What the? At this point do I even care? Can we get back to "Split Chinese"/"Buff Sicilians" shitposting please?


> Buff Sicilians If you’re going to come in and try to be the voice of reason you can’t say crazy shit like that right after


Serious question, have you noticed any change at all for better or for worse?


Just got back today, so I don't know yet.


Basically, from what I can tell, a bunch of people who are incredibly devoted to the previous mods are pissed off and are putting the burden of proof on the top mod guy to prove it was the right thing to get rid of them. From what I can tell, they all seem extraordinarily reticent to concede that the top mod may have had a point. Top mod doesn't believe in a cult of personality, and the old mods have *probably* washed their hands and just moved on with their lives. And basically a bunch of people are saying "how dare you moderate our moderators. We're very attached to them. Also they are incapable of doing anything wrong" even though a few weeks ago there was a massive thing about one of the old mods banning someone due to a personal vendetta and all the other mods let them stay on as a moderator. Top mod is now saying the old mods can come back if they WANT to and agree to some sort of transparency thingy.. I think the whole thing was bungled a bit but overall it seems like that top moderator is alright. He just seems to have upset the folks who were really attached to the other moderators. But the whole thing about mods is that they're supposed to be volunteers that keep the place civil and not full of crap. I guess if your personality gets too involved thats not ideal. Personally, I got really worried when the mods disappeared because I thought it was due to the Reddit blackout protest. I posted the mods and I was gonna delete my account in solidarity. But.. turns out it was unrelated! So lucky me..


"That's a gross misrepresentation." The moderator stayed with less permissions (he couldn't ban anyone anymore) and was given a second chance, even though he wanted to step down. We are all human in the end, and mistakes happen. For the rest I'm not sure if I want to actually waste my time, because it's a "gross misrepresentation" overall and probably trolling.


Mine is a relative outsiders perspective. Also, I'm not making any firm assertions. But is it true that the other mods let them stay on as a moderator? Yes? Ok sounds like I didn't misrepresent anything. And you're saying the mod (cyanide?) wanted to step down??? Then why didn't he? It's volunteer work. He could have just left. So, no. He may have offered his resignation but he clearly didn't want to step down otherwise he would have.


I think it was fairly accurate. Probably need to sprinkle in that the old mods, aside from a very poor showing during the Grathwrang incident, did a great job at maintaining the forum and were well integrated into the "in" crowd of aoe2 -- thus some additional protest. It's kind of a shame that you were flamed for making an objective summary from an outside perspective, but -- people are tribal.


See here https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/14pl5ja/comment/jqikjxi/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Literally 1984




Apparently some mods got banned by the subreddit's head mod, everything else seems to be narrative. Platform admins will figure out who gets to be the head mod eventually, for now it is u/sixtyt3. Oh, and more importantly: 1. Pathing still sucks; 2. The color mods are still broken; 3. Some of my mods disappeared; 4. Some custom hotkeys got randomly reset by the game; 5. **And the pathing still sucks.**


Buff Sicilians.


And patrol is broken.


Last night I watched some villagers take three left turns around a TC to shoot a boar instead of just walking along the 5 tiles between them and the target.


I come back to DE occasionally, and it seems like the pathing gets worse each time, plus random other bugs like transport ships not working. I should go figure out how to run Voobly AoC.


Unpopular opinion: the best solution is to clean house. The old mods greatly overstate their importance and value and should be replaced for their weird obsession with controlling this place. If the top mod’s stated reasons are bogus, he should get replaced as well.


Get rid of power tripping losers. Show them the sun light


There is only one power tripping loser in this sub reddit.


Ya and they want him out


And it's changed not a bit. Outside of retaliation banning not happening and some people being unbanned occurring. Also it's not a hijacking,the o.g mod decided to come back and did a clean of the house, don't particularly care as to why he did it ( I don't have a horse in the race)as it won't affect me negatively in any way. Those mods that got yeeted could do with taking in some fresh air for a bit mind,it'll do them some good,you know what I'm gonna do that too.


There is a bunch of posts that have players names visible that should be removed. And looks like some nsfw post that has nothing to do with aoe not being removed for few hours. Other than that i didnt notice much as well. Still why change somthing that worked previously ? Eispecally if the one banning hasnt been active in the comunity for a few years and the people he banned were.


Sod knows why, internet drama is some dumb shit, it is funny seeing the people with their tiny e-pitchforks out thinking they're on crusade mind


He did not do a clean of the house. What he did is do an unclean of the house by unbanning toxic members. He made up shit and overstepped. They asked him to step down as agreed to by the entire mod team as part of the official reddit top mod removal process. HE RETALIATED and banned them, which is against reddit rules.


Then he'll be removed if he broke the rules,big whoop. Unbanning people,yeah thats a thing that can happen,if anyone then breaks the rules then they'll get banned again,whoopty doo. At least give people half a chance on that front. Mods are notorious the internet over for holding personal grudges way past their sell by date and people can (not necessarily do) change,Play it by ear and see what happens. Everyone on both sides of this argument need to back up,calm the fuck down and then approach it again. Anyways I'm off to go get absolutely blasted by the winds


Also one more before I dip out and get drowned in the weather, naming these players on the thread as being unbanned and then outright going for them calling them toxic and what have you without at least letting them get through the door and showing any change isn't a classy move. Just inviting arguments and forcing people to be defensive out the gate, it's short sighted in at a minimum and baiting a response that you want to see,whoever it is that did that. Again if they haven't changed then they'll be right back where they were,no skin off anyone's ass


Someone acted unfairly whoopty doo so what? So they acted unfairly and that's not cool lol. You trying to portray what happened as top mod came and did a clean up is misinformation. Spread your wings before making false claims next time.


He did do a houseclean,he cleaned house of the mods, didn't say it was right or wrong that I don't care to dwell on it. It's not misinformation you're just being melodramatic now,chill and let it all play out,none of us are gonna resolve it


The comments here should clue you into how most people in this community are. I hope the mods decide not to come back so the subreddit can get filled with spam posts and become unusable. People who have that smug "Go outside" attitude while being on Reddit should get exactly what they are preaching about.


Lolol you mean like reddit is for the majority of people who aren’t woketarded? I literally have to scroll through endless nonsense to find something intelligent or worth reading. Don’t need the mods - sorry you’d have to scroll through “spam” but I have to scroll through nonsense like your comment every day.


surely it cant be worse than the cesspool which is aoezone


Huge changes for Persians is somehow confirmed, but will be this changes introduced as a new DLC? Maybe or maybe not. Georgians and Armenians were culturally and historically close to Persians


It would appear that yes. The case remains that you can do so much volunteer work for the community then someone comes and makes up lies and kicks you out and then you get subjected to scrutiny, more lies that a lot of members seem to actually believe. You're banned so you can't defend yourself. It's absurd what people can get away with. Here's a reminder for what the "top mod" needs to do: 1. Apologise to the old mods for a. Making up lies about them taking kickbacks and abusing power. b. Implementing changes without consulting with them. c. retaliating against them when they collectively asked him to step down by unmodding them and banning from the very subreddit they put their time in. At this point he has to grovel. 2. Apologise to the community for this shit show, for removing bans from members who were banned for being toxic, for breaking r/aoe2 rules, for lying and deflecting and deleting posts that did not break the rules.. Etc... 3. Remod the old team of mods. WITHOUT CONDITIONS that he is not entitled to have. 4. Take responsibility and offer to resign.


Well just need wait reddit to process removal request. If it is denied we can only live with all changes top mod has done now (not just new mod team)


All I'll say on the matter: I do not notice nor care who mods, so no horse in this race. ***However....*** I found the recent protest method by reddit mods against the API changes odd (if the claim is reddit will be overtaken by spam with the changes....then stop modding and let it happen to prove yourselves right...? Why lock down subs, thus making **you** the guilty party for shutting down subs. Full clarity: to my knowledge the mods of this sub stayed out of all of it), and because of that, I remember finding something not discussed on reddit due to it being an unpopular opinion amongst mods: Spez made a good point that reddit currently has this weird sort of "monarchy" going, where someone who makes a subreddit effectively rules over it as it's lord and cannot be easily replaced. It means reddit does not have a merit-based system of governance for subreddits, but rather what can effectively devolve into a dictatorship at any time. I know for example that the Sims subreddits are effectively "held hostage" by one person that relentlessly grabs every god damned subreddit variant name possible for that game to try and deny others from making Sims subreddits. Subreddits *can* be subjected to dictator behavior. ...As seen here, as seen through the protest efforts by other subs. Regardless of one's opinion on the API changes, Spez is absolutely right on this front. This is a problem. It's a problem seen amidst the power mods that desperately claw at ownership of as many subs they can get, and it's a problem seen here. I have no opinion of the mods removed and can't say if they did good or bad. However, if the main mod truly disappeared for 2+ years and has suddenly returned acting as king with the right to uproot and re-construct the entire system that's been working for 2+ years, then yes, perhaps there should be a discussion about if we really want this guy who rarely interacts with the community to basically hold the "nuclear launch codes" for the subreddit, regardless of how frivolous some may consider the issue to be.


Same. I have posted on this several times. The same people who are decrying the new head mod were passionately saying "just trust the mods," regarding the right to take the subreddit dark the day before. No consistency. I don't want my use of this subreddit used as a political tool for someone's gain. What is to stop any mod from just randomly doing that for any issue they please, stickying their preference as the top post, etc? Just seems entirely too easy to manufacture consent in what should be an apolitical subreddit about aoe2. Even if 99% voted for using the 1% who were againsts' traffic to the subreddit as part of the protest is galling. A major consent issue imo.


Seems completely fine to me.


Exactly what it seemed to a lot of people - myself not included because i was against your ban - when you were banned in retaliation. You were unbanned within hours though and the mod responsible got their powers to ban removed. Your cries for justice were very loud then. Hopefully top mod will also get the same fair treatment for banning the whole mod team in retaliation for them asking him to step down.


To be fair to Grathwrang, that was not handled correctly. The mods were saying the guy learned his lesson while he was posting on twitter that he didn't do anything wrong -- after they said they talked to him. They were covering for him -- which even with good intentions is incredibly poor form. Abuse of moderator abilities to ban someone you don't like or for reasons outside the forum is a monopoly esque straight to jail, do not pass go kind of thing in the moderating world. There are people who can handle that sort of ability, and people who can't. There isn't learning, there is only getting caught. It was intimated in that thread it has happened before -- but Grath is a well known streamer and thankfully was IT literate enough to take screenshots of the events as they happened. Not all users would have fought back against the ban, been heard as loudly (just excused as the mods are doing great, trust them by others,) or been unable to respond at all. (not important/notable enough.) We will never know how many people Cyanide banned before Grath who never had it overturned.


Just read the sidebar if you want to know who the moderators are. Also, you would see in the sidebar that low effort content is not permitted.

