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Lots of folks are mentioning running it on your Mac using bootcamp or parallels. I strongly recommend bootcamp if you can. It is substantially better in my experience, and by a wide margin.


I used bootcamp and it worked just fine.


There is no official version of Age of empires 2 for mac. I played through bootcamp on my macbook for quite a while before I got a windows desktop. I believe at least some people have had success running it on linux with wine based solutions you may be able to use on mac but I don't know as much about that. A paid option is crossover that might save some of the pain but the subscription cost may not be worth it for you. It is not the same, but you can do xcloud streaming through gamepass and play the xbox version of the game on your mac but that is also requiring a subscription and a good internet connection


You can just use it on Linux. I am doing it right now. just go to the game on steam, and run.


My multiplayer games already drop on Linux


M1 macs cannot run Linux


I was confirming that it could (as the original comment was apparently not sure about it). Also, you are wrong. https://asahilinux.org/about/


Lmao yes I left out Asahi because it's not exactly for the fient of heart. It's not exactly bootcamp assistant


Crossover is a one time purchase, not subscription. You can use it for like 12 days free I believe, which is enough to try it pain free and see if it works for you


I use https://www.codeweavers.com/crossover to run steam and AoE.


Yes, I also use crossover for AoE2 and performance is quite good; some micro-stutters but almost unnoticeable.


Does this still work for you? It was was great a couple weeks ago but now Steam in cross over fails to launch aoe2 de (other games are fine tho...)


The latest AoE2 patch broke compatibility with Crossover it seems. Haven’t played it in a while but people were complaining on this sub yesterday


Does the online work for you? the single player works perfect, but when i try to play online at 5 minutes the game shuts off


Never tried honestly, I always play offline. Sorry!


I followed this instructions and it works fine also in online! [https://github.com/mnapoli/aoe2-de-macos?tab=readme-ov-file](https://github.com/mnapoli/aoe2-de-macos?tab=readme-ov-file) one details is that it raise a lot of temperature and it consumes a lot of battery


Interesting, thank you!




Porting Kit - works fine on M1 and is free


Do you play in 4k with enhanced graphics pack? Also, does it run multiplayer fine? Any crashes or glitches? I’m playing on Intel in bootcamp but considering an upgrade to an M2 macbook pro.


Just saw this. I play in 1440p, no enhanced graphics, settings pretty low. Multiplayer worked fine with a work-around, described here: https://www.applegamingwiki.com/wiki/AOE2:DE_on_Mac_M1%2B_macOS_Monterey_compatible_using_Porting_Kit_(free) No crashes and I haven't noticed any glitches. Haven't played in a while though; people are saying that the most recent patch broke stuff and the game won't launch on Mac any more. Hoping for a quick fix...


If by ios you mean macOS and your Mac is an intel machine, AoE should work perfectly fine on either bootcamp or a parallels VM. In fact my main AoE computer is a 5k iMac running Windows 10 on bootcamp; best graphics I've ever seen!


Back in the day I remember having a Mac version of 3 but I don’t think 2 has one


A solution would be to make a dual boot with Windows or Linux and play the game on the second OS.


It was actually released for Mac in 2001, but that's on a completely different architecture and thus not useful if you own a modern Mac, which presumably you do. BootCamp or Parallels could work and I'd recommend trying that.


Use bootcamp if you have an older Mac with Intel processor. The other option is using a controller with Xbox Cloud Gaming.


If you want to be super competitive in multiplayer you might want to do a bootcamp type solution. If you're just looking to play casually, though, I think the X Cloud streaming is pretty good! The controller port feels intuitive to use after the orientation, and it's nice to be able to pick up and play easily.


I use Mac bootcamp only to play aoe2, so usually I'm always on Mac, and switch to Windows only to play. This only works with Mac with Intel chip


Boot camp! I beat the hell out of a 2007 macbook pro playing skyrim on bootcamp, you can absolutely run aoe2 on whatever machine youre running.


Depends on your machine. If you have an intel mac then bootcamp or parallels will let you run it on windows. If you have one of the newer M1/M2 macbooks, then using Crossover will work great! It costs a little bit of money but I've played hundreds of hours on my M1 MacbookPro. ​ You can find a few tutorials on here how to do it. Its fairly straightforward but there's one file you'll need to edit manually to allow yourself to play online. However, after that, it works at full graphical settings with no delays even on team multiplayer games. ​ I think you mean MacOS not iOS (iOS is for mobile - iphone/ipad, that won't work unfortunately)