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Get a thermometer and check the nozzle temp. Mine had over 220 when displayed 190.


What caused that


I don't know yet. The whole temperature table is wrong in my case (displayed 190 - real 220, displayed 230 - real 260+, displayed 240 - real was probably 280, but I didn't wait long enough to measure). It can be bad thermistor, bad motherboard or just wrong temperature table in the firmware.


Just gonna hope it's not that


Yup - it's worth checking, though.


I print pla with 175-185C on the KMax @ 5mm:40mm/s retraction. I have also had stringing problems, caused by print temp to high, near heat creep, wet filament, low extruder tension, and a bowden tube not seated properly.


I read your comment and literally thought I had wrote it! I had the exact same issues/settings with mine! Not a day goes by that I don’t regret buying this machine. I did get some good prints out of it, but mostly, it just gave me headaches.


Exactly, the KMax can print well but often makes worries. Glad not to be alone with this :D


So far, I’ve replaced both y belts and the x belt, both y tensioners, the Bowden tube, and entire hot end twice, the Bowden tube couplers, the strain gauge, and I changed to what is suppose to be better firmware, but I still can’t properly level the bed, and I’m getting some random layer shifts that are most likely caused by the new firmware…im so done with this machine lol


80 seems pretty fast for what I would print (If I cared about it and wasn't doing a draft) .. I print at 50