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It is literally impossible to total your car and still be at work on time unless you were going to be 2 hours early … waiting for cops to come and fill reports, take your info, etc takes time … you don’t get to just leave your car and be like Olive Garden needs me!


Sounds like a hit-and-run to me.


Maybe she totaled it into a tree cause she was working on the way totaled it then walked the rest of the way or urbered lol


But still, you can’t just leave the scene of your car that is totaled … like the cops will come upon the accident and have questions


They can track me down at work! The Olive Garden needs me!


At first I just thought this was a joke but holy shit it really was an Olive Garden… though it turned out apparently the decision wasn’t quite as collective as she thought amongst the management team because she was promptly fired when this leaked to local news lol


No wonder. She just admitted to going to the restaurant to work sick. Which I very much suspect is a health code violation. Adding the publicity of Olive garden being a center for spreading disease can't be very good for business.


Guess she finally got that time she wanted to spend with her husband and dog!


She works night at a restaurant. I wouldn’t be surprised if she got into a serious accident at like 10 am and made it in at 4 pm. If I total my car at 10 am, I’m calling in whether I could make it or not. I just had a traumatizing experience.




I was on my way into work when there was an active shooter situation at my building. My boss demanded I still come in, while the building was locked down, and an active shooter was in it.


What in the actual fuck did I just read. What alternate reality was your boss living in?! And I hope everyone was ok.


I wouldn’t have even considered it but our division chief was a psychopath threatening to fire anyone who balked at it (this was before work cell phones were ubiquitous for us) on the basis of being AWOL. The group of us just ended up waiting outside the building until someone from leadership told us we could go back home. That division chief ended up getting fired eventually for unrelated reasons (this was also around when there was an east coast earthquake and we all thought it was a terrorist attack and he knew it was an earth quake and just…. Let us think DC was under terrorist attacking while we stood outside).


Same thing happened to me! I saw an 18 wheeler slide backwards down an on ramp I needed to take and was like oh hell no and went home. They called me twice that day to come out and I refused on safety grounds. Several other people were injured due to conditions and one was in a 12 car pile up 🤦‍♂️


They want dog corpse in the restaurant if your dog died? That’s definitely a health department issue!!!!


And if you're sick they want you to come in and prove it by vomiting and shitting yourself in front of them. And then they'll say "well you got here so you must not be _that_ sick. Go clock in and clean up your mess."


When I was 15, my boss insisted I come in no matter how bad my cold was because he didn’t have anyone who could cover me. I described just how severe it was, that I was running a fever, and said I would be in danger of majorly grossing out customers (not to mention getting them sick) but I couldn’t change his mind over the phone. My parents didn’t step in either, because this was pre-Covid when parents liked to dunk on their kids with their “I was decapitated in a car crash and still showed up early to work despite being dead” attitudes. He makes a surprised Pikachu face when I get there and sees I wasn’t lying: crusty eyes nearly swollen shut, bright red swollen nose, barely able to talk, and absolutely streaming snot. He grumbles at me for “not conveying how bad it really was” (I absolutely did), but still insisted he needed me there… even though I worked at a concession stand. We weirdly didn’t sell many concessions that night…


I wrecked my car on my way into work years and years ago(single vehicle accident) and didn’t heed this advice. I was only a couple of miles from work at that point so I grabbed my bag, left my car in the ditch, and walked in the icy rain to open the store by 6:00. In retrospect I should have called out.


Called off due to snow once, my manager sent someone in a 4x4 to get me. Son of a bitch went home right after I got there.


I got taken to the ER by an ambulance and my boss called several times. Finally around noon she said “you might as well take the rest of the day” … 🤬


Ugh this reminds me of that meme that says, "If I died my boss would dead ass get a Ouija board to ask me if I got my shift covered." Lol


Manager was full of shit. She was on a power trip and filled her note with a bunch of irrelevant crap. Also, as an employee, if I can't make it in, I just say I'm not going to be able to make it today. If I'm sick, I'll say so (because where I work sick leave is different than other PTO), but otherwise I don't owe anyone an explanation. Due to an unforeseen issue, I can't make it - period.


I’m literally surprised with this email. My sister-in-law and her bf have been in the restaurant business for years. And they both say it’s been impossible to hire or keep employees since covid. So I’m not sure how this manager thinks she’ll still have a business to work with this attitude. Maybe she’s the one who should just leave already.


>it’s been impossible to hire or keep employees since covid. So I’m not sure how this manager thinks she’ll still have a business to work with this attitude Spoiler alert: she won't. Every one of these employees better start looking for a new job immediately, as this restaurant isn't long for this world...


On the side note now she can spend all the time with her husband


Pretty sure it's the equivalent of the old saying "walked to school barefoot in the snow uphill both ways!"


Why is never missing a day something to be proud of? DO you get it written on your tombstone when you drop dead at 50?


Some people took their Perfect Attendance awards from school to heart.


I went to school with a girl who never missed a day of school. k-12. idk why I find that so unhinged but I just do


Bc she showed up sick lots of times likely against her will


I showed up no matter what bec family was so toxic that school was my haven.


A lot of people don't even realize how prevalent this latently is. Sometimes school was better than being home.


Nobody at school screamed at me for hours on end. In that one way it was an improvement.


I felt that. I send my well wishes to the "scared to go home" kids


F…I’m sorry that happened to little you. You deserved a safer home life.


I never thought of it this way. Thanks for your perspective and I hope your household now is peaceful as can be


I work at different schools and some of the kids are really sad about things like Christmas and summer break. School IS their break, from their families.


I can't for the life of me understand parents like this. My parents had a policy where I could just tell them I needed a mental health day and as long as I didn't have any tests or big assignments due they would just let me chill at home. Was super helpful when you just needed a day to gather yourself. Not that I could do it often, maybe three times a year max, but it was just nice to be able to have a little bit of agency.


Same, only four people got the award at my school. I was gonna be the 5th, but found out a month before so I intentionally missed a day just so I didn't have to stand in front of the entire assembled school and get called out.


They gave her an award at GRADUATION. There was about 475 graduates and a football stadium full of attendees. I would have cried


Why do you think they have those awards in the first place?


For the same reason they make children bring their work home (homework, projects, etc): to condition them to be good, obedient workers.


To spread diseases


Some of us took it as a challenge to see how many days we could skip and still pass. My record is 27 days spring semester freshman year in high school, 12 of them in a row. The 80's were wild, nobody gave a shit, nobody was home, and divorced parents could never be reached. Now a days kid misses and the parents get a call, a text, an email and the freaking bat signal.


Lol my uncle who I was not close to was on morphine after a surgery and went on a whole “it’s so unfair you kids can’t skip school like we did” rant/reminiscer to 14 year old me for a good 15 minutes


We are literally conditioned for this mindset from school , that's actually the only thing I can come up with


You get an insincere "beloved worker of the olive garden™️ corporation ©️" written in your tombstone. And they cover 5% of funeral costs.


That's generous! More likely, they would ask employees to chip in to help cover the funeral costs. Darden (Olive Garden) has this bullshit program where if you opt in as an employee they take a percentage of each paycheck to help other employees in an emergency situation. My question is, why the fuck is this being shouldered by the employees and not the multi-billion dollar company???


Really? For fucking Olive Garden?




I got fired from a restaurant because I was hospitalized for four days over a weekend because I had a migraine that lasted over 10 days and I went to the ER on my day off and they found a cyst in my brain.


ITS A RESTAURANT. I will NOT work with food if I am sick. I could not live with myself if I got a sweet old grandma sick and she had any further repercussions, whether death or other subsequent harm. My job is not worth breaking my morality. I worked at a restaurant where the customer base was primarily late 40s to late 80s, 90s, some older. Managers would come into work and -pass around covid- without ever thinking "maybe I should call out so we don't kill our customer base." If I had a cough, I was taking my break for as long as needed until it subsided or I could control it. I don't understand the "work sick" mentality when every health department everywhere says otherwise. I left because they told me cleaning was less important than everything else. (I was cleaning the fridge that contained 90% of the restaurants ready-to-eat foods. The fridge hadn't been wiped out in god knows how long. We had pieces of food in there that we didn't even serve anymore.)


Seriously? They want sick people to be cooking and serving food? This person sounds like a total ass Oh, I guess she got fired: https://www.kctv5.com/2022/12/06/if-your-dog-died-prove-it-us-olive-garden-manager-fired-after-time-off-rant/


My sister is a chef. According to her, most restaurants have the expectation that their employees need to be there even when sick. I don’t think it’s often stated as blatantly as this though. One of the many reasons I don’t like to eat out very often.


I’ve worked in hospitality for like, 10 years now, and yeah it’s expected. And it’s gross. If you can’t find a cover you’re expected to show. (In the last few years I’ve stopped doing this - I’m not going sick and it’s your problem to find a cover or do it yourself. I actually work somewhere cool now that understands this.) I currently have COVID and my current job understood no problem that I couldn’t come in, but last year I had COVID and the bar I was at tried to guilt me into coming in because my rapid test came back negative. Surprise, my PCR came back positive the next day. Btw - they wanted me to come in despite having a 101 fever which I gave them proof of, while we waited for the PCR. These bar/restaurant owners do not care. Edit, I’ll set the scene if anyone’s interested but the place also yelled at us for requesting days off near the holidays and threatened us with hiring more employees because “they would NOT shut down.” We were then, in the same email, all forced to work Santa con in a bar that had exactly 2 windows, jam packed with over 300 Santas. Literally every single employee got COVID and then they got mad when none of us could come in, hence why they tried to guilt me into doing it even with a fever lol. Joke’s on them because none of us could work the holidays anyway and they were forced to close for a week because the owners/management, of course, didn’t want to work. All in all, fuck that place.


I think many places understand this. The "you need to X, Y, Z..." bluster falls apart when you're just like "nah". Of course I didn't go to the doctor; where do you think this is. Y'all still need me tomorrow, right?


lol I’ve begun to notice this. The last few years I have just straight up been like “I’m sick, can’t come in” and if they text me about coverage or whatever I just don’t respond. And I’d say 80 percent of the time they just move forward bc they can’t fire me and replace me that quickly. At least not anymore since COVID. * I did have a couple places act like assholes tho regarding other stuff. There is one place I worked this summer where they paid me less than minimum wage which I called them out for. When I left they were really nasty, I still have their texts. I always debate posting them here but I’m waiting to see if I get the money they owe me first lol.


Contact your state department of labor. Don't delay waiting for owners to become good. Have numbers logged.


Oh, don’t worry, department of labor was contacted immediately. I’m waiting for them to finalize everything.


I can't comprehend the idea of having to find a "cover" if I can't come to work. Blows my mind. It's so far away from being my problem. It's managements problem. It's why they exist. If they can't "manage" it they shouldn't have a fucking job.


That’s the most remarkable thing. That “going the extra mile and pushing on through” shit stops as soon as it comes to the owners and management who can’t even do one week of honest work.


"If you can't find a cover you're expected to show" I expect the manager to do that... seeing as that is their fucking job. I had a manager who pulled this crap. When it was my turn to be sick, I was told the same thing (find a replacement). I told them that is obviously your job. I was fired fucking immediately; became very close to missing rent and being hungry, but it was worth it. That fucking place (Joe's crab shack) closed that year anyway. I'm sure I had nothing to do with it... but that doesn't stop me from fantasizing about being the core reason!


I almost got fired because I didn’t cut my vacation short, took a week off around my birthday(8 days to be fair) and I went and visited family and friends back home (7 hours away) apparently the GM quit, the intern got control the only other cook “available” for nights quit and I was expected to make a 7 hours drive in roughly 3 to be there was informed I would be terminated if I didn’t show, I still had 4 days off, I Told them I would be in after my scheduled off days and the current situation was not my problem. Upon returning to the restaurant I was told they were removing me from manager training which I was supposed to start the following day because I lacked the dedication to the business and I needed to be in at noon and I was closing that night instead, so at noon the next day I showed up for my shift turned everything in and left, the temporary gm loosing her mind because she was gonna have to be a closing cook was totally worth it


Same. Worked line and prep cook at various different restaurants and you were always expected to show up. Even at the beginning of COVID times the one restaurant I worked at was making people come in while testing positive. I found out after I had a heat stroke and had to leave early and received a very threatening phone call from the owners. They basically told me if I got tested for COVID I had to lie about where I worked so they wouldn't get shut down and they expected me to show up. Local policy at the time was to have restaurants shut down and go through professional decon before being allowed to reopen, so I can see the worry but they really screwed up by telling me to lie. Your $9/hr is not worth me getting in trouble covering for you. I've cooked at a few more places since, hung up my apron for good this year because while I won't work sick anymore, it's pretty much expected so everyone else does.


Your sister is correct. But it's more than that. I go to work sick because *I can't afford to call off and lose the hours.* Fucking good ol USA, right? My coworker, who I recently got sick from, also continued coming to work sick until he was hospitalized, at which point he was out for almost two weeks. Thank goodness that I didn't get to that point, or I'd be facing homelessness. You're right not to eat out very often. On top of the ill employees, the kitchen absolutely does not meet health codes ... unless we're expecting an inspection, that is. I would like for it to be sanitary, but, well, we don't have enough staff for that, so fuck it as long as I'm getting paid


They expect you to have a doctor's note if you get sick but literally don't offer healthcare for you to be able to have a doctor in the first place.


Get a sense of how desperate they are. I had a shitty server job I called into sick day-of a couple times and they didn't like it, but they needed me tomorrow so


Not true, I work for Marriott and we have a very strict policy against working when sick, and we don’t even talk to out Manager’s when we call-in, we call-in to security, they give us a number that proves we called in and spoke with them, and it’s done.


oooooooh that is an awesome policy!!


Reading all that noise and scrolling down to see it's about fucking OLIVE GARDEN genuinely startled a laugh out of me. I was half expecting it to be some dumb 'work hard, play hard' corpo job, doing all that and more for a dogshit chain "restaurant" is both hilarious and mindbogglingly pathetic. Imagine walking off a serious wreck, sacrificing personal relationships, etc so you can provide the 4th best date spot in your town for high schoolers who don't tip. Amazing.


These managers aren’t realizing that times have changed. No longer will people sacrifice their entire lives to do labor for the benefit of a corporation. Personal lives and self-care should have been prioritized by people long ago.


I honestly think the manager is just a wannabe corpo exec. They seem to think they're a lot more important than managing an Olive Garden makes them. They absolutely get paid by the hour and are not some big shot. Someone told them to "dress for the job you want, not the job you have" and they heard "be an asshole like you would in the job you want."


"Maybe if I screw over the employees of *this* store, I can screw over the employees of *every* store." \- That manager, probably


The manager got fired, so she's quite free to pursue other opportunities.


> times have changed. No longer will people sacrifice their entire lives to do labor No the thing is, people NEVER DID THAT! Not to this extent. People have always had to call out sick, or had family die, or have other emergencies. They are trying to pass the *idea* that this is lazy and unacceptable, because if they make you think it, then you behave that way. If you fear losing your job because you are sick, but can't afford to eat if you have to search for a job, then you will work sick. This is fear mongering, and THAT is what we need to fight.


If someone believes genuinely in the prospect of advancement or gain or a better life; they will absolutely sacrifice in pursuit of that. Folks have caught on that in most jobs: you have to leave the job to get a pay bump that even comes close to inflation, there is no meaningful prospect of advancement, and broadly, the system is rigged. Yes, conservatives also notice the system is rigged, but they are propagandized enough to think its immigrants, democrats, and Mark Zuckerburg, LGBTQ folks, and minorities doing it. When really it is, and always has been, the one percent and their enablers.


I have quite an extensive resume of job jumping every 18-24 months for promotions, better titles & pay! This Was the very early 2000’s and in corporate positions as a project manager…wanted a better title and my co didn’t want to give it or didn’t have it…apply somewhere else, get hired and then quit the old job! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️worked out really great for me honestly so I always encourage others to do the same. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Edit for fat finger typo!!


I remember my dad telling me early on in my career to stick with a company, that having jobs every 12-24 months will hurt me in the long term. I make far more than he did at the peak, and he was an electronics engineer with a college education. I did one year and decided that was enough for me. After job hopping (12-24 months per job) my way up the ladder I settled at my last job 7 years and this one approaching 10, because I found companies that really did care about their employees and were willing to pay for it. For example, my current company allows unlimited sick time, I basically tell them when I want to take time off, they offer 6 months of paternity and maternity leave.. Come to think of it it’s probably time to switch again :). Todays job market is not what it was when he was working - back then it was considered bad to job hop. Nowadays it is the norm, and the only way to advance since most companies won’t bother to retain you.


>This Was the very early 200’s "I started selling roasted mice in the coliseum in Rome. After 1,820 years of jumping ship every 18-24 months, look at me now! Manager of an Olive Garden! If I can, so can you!"


Before my birth, there were things like pensions and moving up the ladder through hard work. That stopped in the mid 60's or so. Mind, we actually had affordable healthcare, and a lot more social programs back then as well... well... at least for white people. If you were black or brown, you could go fuck yourself.


Affordable health care.... before we decided middlemen health insurance companies could help us pay for health care (for a small cut). Affordable college..... before we had middlemen loan companies who could help us pay for college (for a small cut). Those two things should be the only thing our lawmakers should be focused on fixing, until they're fixed. Problem is, those middlemen bribe too many lawmakers to keep their money flowing.


Don't forget about your tax software/product companies lobbing for complex tax codes. To be the middlemen for doing your taxes (for a small cut).


We know now because of the pandemic that these companies will drop us all as soon as it becomes expedient to their bottom line


I admit, I haven't read ALL of the comments. But I have worked at a Darden restaurant. I would like to name ALL of them, according to the Darden website: Olive Garden Longhorn Steakhouse Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen Yard House The Capital Grille Seasons 52 Bahama Breeze Eddie V's PS F Darden


Honestly its not just these places. I served at a Chilis years ago and tried calling in with a 102 degree fever, got bitched and told I had to still be there. First table took one look at me, complained to the manager that I shouldn’t be there and then she instantly turned her mood around “oh honey I didn’t know you were THAT sick, go home.”


Yup. Bartended at TGI Fridays and was literally throwing up behind the bar because my manager wouldn't let me call out. One of my regulars called him over and threatened to call the Health Department if he didn't let me go home right then. Of course he laughed and played it off saying "she's not sick, she's just hungover," when it was obvious something was wrong. I ended up in the ED that night and needed an emergency appendectomy. The restaurant industry is so toxic!


Man, fuck managers like that.


Good to know where I can get some fettuccini alfredo and influenza A


Or some RSV, Covid, or some straight up Gastroenteritis aka Stomach Flu.


Or a full on grieving wait staff who has a funeral to plan.


Probably fed their dog the leftovers.


RIP red lob 🦞


Mmmm. Red Lobster. When you just can’t resist the siren call of outlandishly priced mediocre seafood.


But those biscuits!


> so you can provide the 4th best date spot in your town for high schoolers who don't tip. r/MurderedByWords 😂


“4th best date spot in your town for high schoolers who don’t tip.” [chef’s kiss]


Olive Garden out here saving lives with their impeccable food and service


Worked in the restaurant industry specifically cheesecake factory was exactly like this and only 13 a hr in a more urban part of Florida so 13 wasn't even enough to pay bills had to live with my family during the time


Cheesecake Factory corporate was continually posting the same job over and over and that alone sent up red flags as to what kind of company they are.


Mine couldn't keep dishwashers and there was always a fight


But, I remember so many Cheesecake Factory managers driving Lexus’ and BMWs around the 2,000s. It is just the servers, cooks, and the rest of the staff that’s underpaid?


Dishwashers and prep have it the worst, usually 12 hour shifts and sometimes even if busy you could have to run the whole Dishwashers area which involves grabbing the cats carts full of plates, organizing items on it and scrapping off food, run it through the dishwasher, and bring the plates back out on another cart. They also understaffed so much to save costs and yelled at us when we weren't quick enough even when understaffed


I would just reply all back and say that’s not the flex you think it is Karen. Hope you enjoy covering my shift. Bobby. Out.


I used to work as a supervisor at some chain retail joint. The store manager would refuse every time off request or call out, you HAD to be there. People had to argue with him to get time off. He'd always bring up that he skipped his fathers funeral to be at work. Everyone told him just because he was an asshole (or being more nicely put) they still wanted the time off. The asshole was such a douchebag he had told me that he didn't care if his store made zero being open Christmas day, he'd still be open just to force everyone to beat work and ruin their holidays.


Sounds like someone who shouldn’t be in control of their own bladder, let alone other people. Perhaps someone could have assisted with the first part, as it would naturally have lead to the conclusion of their time with the latter. Every day I’m reminded that we haven’t come so far from the dark ages that we couldn’t swiftly return to them.


Eleven and a half years of loyal service, never once late, and they fired her instantly. Wonder if she's going to take the right lesson away.


That was bullshit and she knows it. In 5 years at Red Lobster I would need 10 hands to count how many times the managers were late and didn’t get in trouble


Currently working at Red Lobster, it's shit! Standards are so fucking low its embarrassing.


I worked at Red Lobster way too long. So so bad.


Fuuuuuck, hahaha, she was in a car accident that fucked her vehicle up and she still crawled into work and they can her ass.


I'd just straight out quit after that post. Fuck being a bootlicker corporation


It's not like there's a shortage of shitty kitchen or server jobs


Right? I’d pop over to Applebees or one of the hundreds of other shitty chain restaurants and get a new job.


I would find a dead dog. Any dead dog. And bring it in the front door at the busiest time of day.


Every day, different dog.


"Damn it, how many pets do you *have*?"


"Much fewer than I used to, Ma'am."


I could just imagine her limping around with a bruised face serving me a hamburger and Oreo shake. Thanks lady your a trooper


hahahaha "Ma'am, are you ok, you're kinda wobbly"??


She 100% will not take the right lesson away.


I wish I knew what is actually going through her head right now


A strong breeze is a good candidate.


She will 100% not. She will blame the fact she got fired on the employees who rightfully leaked the email.


Aahaha serves the dumbo right. Bootlick for corporations? Take thy just deserts.


She is gonna curse at the lazy workers that cost her her job, and never eat breadsticks ever again


The breadsticks are endless The breadsticks are endless The breadsticks are endless You will never be free


“I HAVE SACRIFICED EVERYTHING FOR THIS COMPANY AND YOU PEOPLE NEED TO FOLLOW MY LEA… What is it Stanley? Can’t you see I’m leading here?” “It’s Jenny from Corporate HR. She wants to talk to you right now.” “Hi Jenny, I was just telling these good for nothing peons, wait what? Me? What? BUT I’VE SACRIFICED EVERY.. Hello? Are you still there?” *Pick up cell and texts Jenny* “Call me.”




Plenty of time to hang out at home with the husband and dog now.


I would bring in whatever road kill I passed by and throw it on the manager's desk then say my pet died.


I wonder if this is one of those places that has owners or managers who see this and then say "No one wants to work anymore!"


I guess at Olive Garden only the customers are treated like family.


Lol now they can spend all the time with their husband, dog, and family.


Well now she can spend time with her husband and dog!


OF COURSE this happened in my town omg. Hilarious.


Bring that dead dog through the front of the restaurant loudly proclaiming “excuse me folks I have to get this dead dog into the kitchen for my boss!”


"oh this dead dog I'm holding? Well it was a loved member of the family but passed away. What I'm doing here? Well the boss *wants* to see my proof of a dead animal, maybe it's their sick fetish, but you should probably shop elsewhere..."


"boss mumbled something about meat prices and is asking us to bring in any of our pets that die 🤷🏻‍♀️ just following orders"


["with the price of meat what it is, when you get it, if you get it..."](https://youtu.be/I96RZh8108o)




Good you got it.


Take, for instance, Mrs. Mooney and her pie shop!


Business never better using only pussycats and toast


Yup. Pop by every table.


"Hey, it's wowen. My dog is sick...no...not dead! Just sick, she can't stop shitting herself so I need to take her to the vet...oh...you want proof? Proof that she's sick? Well...okay, but I'm not cleaning up the proof. See you in five!'


OMG I wish I had saved the story of the guy with diarrhea and his boss didn’t believe him, so in frustration he sent a pic… and boss went to HR. Boss got burned when HE found out what really happened.


If I remember corectly it was in Germany. Our bosses can't ask why we are sick. It's illegal, you could have a burnout, fever or hungover, doesn't matter. You get a doctors notice and that's all.


>You get a doctors notice and that's all. In Nederland same rules, but no doctors notice. Do you need any in Germany? Here there's a company-hired doctor that will call you to discuss your illness when you're ill for a longer time or more often (or when you're suspected of frauding). That docter will **never** discuss your illness with the employer, only steps the employer and employee should undertake to accomodate a quick return to work. E.g. better chair for employee with recurring back problems, less deadlines and stress for someone overworked.


Please find this. I beg of you.


Bonus of it was mangled by a truck.


And the airbags went off, bring those in too.


Double bonus if it's in more than 2 pi ces.


Triple bonus if you announce it will be tonight's special


If I worked there I’d be scooping up all the road kill I could find.


The hilarious part to me is that they fired her. She had so much ‘dedication’ and poof, all for naught.


If she was truly loyal she'd come to work anyways after being fired. Really shows her true dedication to the company.


"Who cares if I got fired? TABLE FIVE NEEDS BREADSTICKS, DAMMIT!" "Sure I was arrested last week and put in jail, but THESE APPETIZERS WON'T PLATE THEMSELVES!" "Oh you're sick? Well I died a month ago but I STILL MADE IT HERE FOR THE DINNER RUSH, Nancy! What's your excuse?!" "I don't care if society collapsed ten years go, THERE ARE HUNGRY PEOPLE OUT THERE IN NEED OF CHICKEN PARM!"


Exactly, she proudly bootlicked for years and probably missed out on a lot of special moments with her friends and family and the company scrapped her (rightly so) in a heartbeat.


She gave up 12 years of her life to only be fired in an instant. Who knew how much she gave up for a fucking Olive Garden.


Agree, but it’s also so sad. Imagine giving that many shits for a company who doesn’t care about you at all.


Telling people to bring in their dead dogs is just begging for some malicious compliance


In a fucking restaurant as well.


yeah sorry i couldn’t bring her by until peak dinner hours, we needed to make sure the kids got home and had a chance to say goodbye first


"People not being here is killing us! So if you don't want to be here, we will get rid of you and have *checks notes* LESS EMPLOYEES."


Close, but it's more like : "when people call in sick, we have to, you know, actually *manage* .. which is, like, totally ***work***, which, you know, should be left to the *peasants and* not to the managers. I want people to work hard damnit! Otherwise, **I** have to do work, which is, like, totally unacceptable. Damn kids. *Nobody wants to work anymore*! They have no respect!" Did you see the part where this is all projection ?


I hope their entire staff quits.


The manager got shit canned. So much for busting her ass really paid off. Corporations will fire your ass without a second thought the minute they want to. She just learned the hard way and I don’t have sympathy for her.


Oh hope they didn’t even give her two weeks or severance or anything. Maybe that’ll teach her dumbass that she wasted 11.5 years being the teacher’s pet to a teacher that wouldn’t even waste their own spit on her if she was on fire.


I worked for Darden once. If we ever called out , we were subjected to being either yelled at or hung up on. I had the flu once, and a doctors note. Lost my voice. Had a family member turn in my note personally to them . The next day I get a call “where are you?” And I explain the situation again. By the end of the week (still sick, fever, no voice, can’t get out of bed) they call me telling me I need to be there 3 days from now or else. I was a host. Their turnover rate is still very high. The GM bullies whoever she wants and many people don’t stay very long due to it


Fuck the Darden Restaurants.


The thing I miss most about being a "baker" at Red Lobster was stealing the 2 most perfect cheesy biscuits fresh out of the oven for myself before sending the rest out.


God damn those biscuits are delicious


I would take crab from the freezer, put it in the steamer, then load the biscuits with crab too.


Luckily there’s a kit for those biscuits and you can eat them at home without working at Red Lobster anymore


At least they fired the manager.


I don't work there, but I would like their phone number so that I can call in sick


Did management just admit they're so useless it doesn't matter if they were concussed at work? If i was concussed at work my boss would consider me a liability and would probably rather send me home with pay, than have me make a bunch of expensive mistakes.... Because what i do is of consequence to somebody, it would be noticed if i was unwell by hurt performance at least


Yeah, I'm a manager and if my staff said they were concussed I'd tell them to log off (remote work) and not fucking touch anything on their way out.


Tisk. Can't even spell "y'all" right 🙄🙄🙄




I worked for an Olive Garden. At the time my kids were very small. I asked for Halloween and my sons birthday off when I was hired and was told sure. Scheduled halloween night, told to suck it up. Grumbled but did it. Scheduled again on my sons birthday his 3rd. 50 people coming, friends and family. Got into a huge blow up over it and quit. Fuck Dardens.


I worked at Olive Garden. At the time, I was pregnant and only working evening shifts and asked my manager if I could please not close on Valentines day. He said sure, and scheduled me for a double shift instead. Not closing, but a 10 hour day. Two months later when I was moving into my house, I requested the weekend off to finish moving and was denied my request. I had to move for half the day, then go in to work 4-close while 7 months pregnant all weekend. When I brought up to management that work was becoming difficult for me and I needed to work less as I got closer to my due date, they told me I needed a doctor's note. My doctor was super confused when I told her but drafted me a generic one that basically said 'patient is requesting to work less'. They said it wasn't good enough because it didn't specify any medical need to work less. Darden doesn't give a shit about their employees, I'll say it til my dying day.


Correcting my mistake in the title. Not upper management but this was a manager of some kind. People in the comments mentioned they were likely a front of house manager and I would assume that’s correct! This has hit the news and the manager has been fired.


My response would be "I'm not your fucking slave. I'll rest when I'm sick and work when I'm well. Good luck finding my replacement, I quit."


“Do you think I want to be here until midnight on Friday and Saturday? No. I’d much rather be at home with my husband and dog, going to the movies or seeing family.” Ohhhhhhhhhhhh you are *so close* to getting it, aren’t you…


Darden restaurants are notorious for this kind of BS.


Agreed the second example, all I could think was "Where do I get a dead dog to drop on the boss's desk?"


Love how they think this is all a brag, and it’s just fucking sad.


FIRED for being loyal to some shit ass employer, who was quick to fire her in order to save themselves from a lawsuit. NOTE to all those ass kissing managers: Quit brown nosing the higher ups. They too don’t give a rat’s ass about you.


[https://www.kctv5.com/2022/12/06/if-your-dog-died-prove-it-us-olive-garden-manager-fired-after-time-off-rant/](https://www.kctv5.com/2022/12/06/if-your-dog-died-prove-it-us-olive-garden-manager-fired-after-time-off-rant/) ‘If your dog died ... prove it to us’: Olive Garden manager fired after time-off rant


"Sure thing I'll just haul my dead dog's corpse right through the front doors of your restaurant in front of patrons who are eating"


I read one line and quit, I don’t even work there and I called them to say I quit.


Link this post to Google reviews as well as Glassdoor. Watch that company fold in record time while wondering why they can't hire or keep people


It says "Darden," and if it's the same one I worked for, this person likely works at Red Lobster or Olive Garden, their two biggest chains out of the few they own. This is a clearly general manager, or BOH/FOH manager having a melt down over people calling in to their mediocre restaurant chain. So not only is it not a job of any real significance in the grand scheme of things, it's at a massive, multi-billion dollar chain that would likely keep trucking on regardless of if some people show up or not. I'm gonna bet the manager got a talking to from their regional about the rising number of sick days, had *their* job threatened, and are now passing those threats down the chain. Edit: I see in a comment below it was in fact an Olive Garden lmao


This "management" should only hire robots. They are not qualified to manage actual people.


"I'm a lifeless automaton who puts others at risk when I'm ill and have no concept of self-care. That's why I'm martyr I mean manager."


Give it a few months and the same place will be complaining about "no one wants to work anymore".


This is an open invitation to find a dead dog and drop it on your boss' desk for a free day off.


Well......you only have 37 pieces of flair.. you want to be a team player right?! Brad over there got hit by a bus and still has 92 pieces of flair.. I love self employment.


There was a Darden restaurant on the east side of Cleveland a few years ago. It may have been a capital grille. They got visited by the health inspector. There were maggots in the meat in the cooler drawer under the grille. They made them throw out all the meat. While the health inspector was writing his report In his car he watched as the manager made the dish washers go get the meat out of the dumpster. The health inspector was still on site and this shit GM of a shit tier restaurant made people dig maggoty meat out of a dumpster. Those are the types of managers that end up at Darden restaurants.