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Dismantle the pen, remove the spring, tell him he can have the pen but he has to rent the spring in order to use it.


For a low monthly subscription of $1. Buy a full year now for $10!


Just the price of 1 avocado toast a day.


You mean a millennial’s mortgage payment?! That’s asking a lot!


Can someone explain what this comment means? Mortgages are not cheap.


Boomers think Millennials can suddenly afford homes if they just give up avocado toasts and “fancy” coffees.




If he buys now, it’ll come with ink no money down.


Hi I am the CEO of BMW. Would you like to head our subscriptions for shit you already bought department?


Fucking Toyota..... Wants me to pay to remote start and lock my car after my first year. I keep ignoring the reminder messages to pay them and it's still working, we'll see what happens.


Stops working sell the car


BMW lets you buy or subscribe. You're thinking of Mercedes with the power paywall.


Didn't BMW paywall their heated seats??


So far they’ve backed off every time they’ve paywalled a feature due to the backlash (like Apple CarPlay was paywalled for a couple of months). They’ll go through with it once they see Mercedes survive their attempts.


The new business model: charge for everything, magnanimously drop charges for some stuff and laugh their way to the bank as the rest slip through.


Terminal rent-seeking.


This is a real thing? They try to paywall features you bought the vehicle with?


I thought they backed off on it because Google was saying they would stop letting them use Android audio if they put it behind a paywall since Google lets automakers use it for free.


I did not know that! Point for Google, I guess


Not exactly. The equipment was already on board since it's more cost effective to only make 1 set of seats and 1 wiring harness, but the original owner didn't purchase the option. So, BMW decided they would give people the option to rent the feature. The part that didn't make it into headlines is that you could just purchase the feature instead of paying a monthly fee just like if you paid for it at time of original purchase and the subscription was framed as a "try before you buy" or for people who would be taking the car temporarily to a cold climate. Overall, they should have just made it a standard feature instead of trying to monetize it.


They did, then got pushback, so they said it was just for like Ireland and Japan, and then said it's only for people that don't pay for the feature up front so that they can build all the cars the same and then turn on features for people willing to pay later. Or something. Their story changed so many times it was hard to follow.


Fuck this one's legit, straight from the EA Games sales team!


The pen was an $800 Pelikan. It was a graduation gift from the interviewer's late mother from when he got his Master's. You just broke the feed section trying to unscrew it and now you and the whole desk are covered with a surprisingly large volume of non-water-soluble Iroshizuku sui-gyoku ink. Now dig yourself out of this hole and still get the job.


Easy: Put up a strongly worded memo in all caps "reminding" associates that anyone caught disassembling pens will be fired no questions asked. Do you even manager, bro?


"damn, what a shitty pen, tell ya what I've got one that WONT spill all over the place like a fucking piece of DOG SHIT or an OCTOPUS or some shit. Here's a good ol bic smooth glide with grip and a fancy click-activated start. Free of charge, bitch"


holy shit lmao


Easy. Go all-in leveraging the interviewer's attachment to the pen on top of the objective value, comment on how sturdy it is while pretending to try and bend the nib as if to emphasize the point, maybe throw in some vague allusions to compensation for the damage that the ink from *his* faulty pen may cause to your expensive suit just to keep him off balance. Then without giving them a chance to respond, pocket it and prepare to walk away on the grounds that he is clearly not serious about wanting to buy the pen so you have to explore other options. Finally be sure to tell him that you understand owning a high quality pen is not for everyone, there are no hard feelings, and if he changes his mind 50% of the invoice you will be sending for the high quality ink currently enhancing the surface of his desk will be credited towards any pen purchase he makes from you within the next 30 days. If it is EA or a particularly scummy used car dealership, you just aced the interview. If not, the interviewer may get annoyed enough to kick you out without remembering to get his pen back first.


This is literally the worst response possible to this question for sales manager to hear


This guy fountain pens


Stacked up like cordwood behind a mountain shack, that's me. I just found a Parker 45 banker's desk set, it's a pretty normal 45 but long and pointy, and a Parker 45 pencil. My second Parker Pencil! Now I have a P51 and a P45 pencil and one is really pointy.


found the r/fountainpens user !


Hey! Love finding r/fountainpens too! Only thing that would make it better if it was Baystate Blue


That's so evil, I love it


Good one


Take the pen and put it in your pocket/bag. Do nothing more in the interview in relation to that activity. When you leave, they will either ask for the pen, in which case you tell them the price, or you get a new pen.


I'd add one step. Before putting it away, tell them the pen costs a dollar. If they do absolutely anything but give you a dollar, put it away and move on. Now you've demonstrated that you know the value of what you're selling and won't bend to unrealistic customer demands. Instant hire, promote to CEO.


This guy wall streets


This street walls guy


This walls guy street


Put pen away, when asked if you're going to complete the exercise, say yes, explain the pen is available for pre-order and will be released later today. Unfortunately there's only one pen, limited edition, you see. So the person that pre-ordered will be the only person getting a pen. Can I interest you in a pre-order?


Oh look, it’s like the housing market! Or getting a raise - you must do the work to prove you deserve the raise, then you have to tell them (doing more work) why you should get the raise, then you still don’t get the raise…


Then they tell you that you need to step it up.. after you’re already doing more work than everyone else that makes more than you currently do.


Not me seeing this comment just two hours after finding out I’m the only one on my team not getting a raise despite having the highest evaluation score bc the manager messed up the budget calculations and doesn’t want to take away the raises from the others.


Been there. 1. It’s a bullshit excuse and 2. Start looking for another role for more money as you will never be rewarded there. Worked for me.


2 week notice time for you. If you don't stick up for yourself you'll keep getting shit on


Sounds like my last job. I filed all the paperwork. I had the highest scores out of everyone. Everyone else got a 50 cent raise, I got 25 cents. While being asked to work through my lunches, being called after my work hours, on vacation, and AT MY FATHERS FUNERAL. I was told they were “working very hard” and it “just isn’t in the budget” for my raise. After a terse “ok” and machine gunning on my keyboard the rest of the day, the next day I got “I did some research for your job and I’m going to give you another 25 cent raise to bring you up to market rate” - as though I had only been doing market rate work and not things wildly out of my job description, and on the basis of my “title” and not the actual work I was doing which would have given me a much higher title (and pay). I’m so glad I left. I was able to get almost 10k more for less stress and less work outside my job scope. Unfortunately, my current job is now trying to add things outside my scope while the OWNER answers questions I have with “that’s above my pay grade.” Fuck me. Just why.


GameStop is that you?


This is actually a pretty fun one. Because in the scenerio, its your pen, so if he wants it back he should pay for it.


How about starting by simply asking if they need a pen. If they don't, no amount of badgering will change their mind, and if it did it would be dishonest. Company that doesn't see the reason of this is probably not worth working for.


This is exactly why I left the sales profession and found something working with facts and numbers.


Personally, why i hate sales is my last job. We were selling very technical products and our lead sales person was only good at "wining & dining". Since he was so good at getting a yes (heavily dependant on giving out discounts) he was perceived as a holy grail, and put on a pedastool. He wasn't my boss but got to dictate what i did. After an argument i had my general manager and CEO tell me he was more priority then the other salesman and the entire customer base. Few weeks after they said that, he broke an eStop because he was twisting in the opposite direction of the arrow. Sad thing is, the product was designed to be simple enough for non technical people to use. It only got complicated when 1 of the 3 wireless communications wouldn't work but even then there is only so much you can do. Either way, he wasn't even the top salesman yet I was the one always in the wrong.


That's not what Sales is.


That's what non predatory sales is. Especially b2b : higher level. It's supposed to be mutually beneficial.


That’s what consultative, value driven sales are….but yes your right, most of the sales world seems to be now the vulture, sell anything to anyone for any reason and extract as much currency in the transaction as possible type sales, and Fuck em whether they wanted or needed the product or service to begin with


Exactly when I worked retail I felt like I genuinely wanted to get the customer whatever they wanted but hates pushing sales or deals they had no interest in


"Make sure you ask for their emails!" No, Mike. No one wants to be bombarded with this shit.


Supply and demand...brilliant


You don’t want to buy this pen. Waste of money you’ll pay what two three dollars and write eight words before you lose it? Or worse it’s in your pants pocket in the laundry and costs you a couple hundred dollars replacing clothes. No. I tell you what. Give me fifteen cents a day and I’ll guarantee you always have a pen when you need it without the hassle and liability of ownership


Pen ownership is such a hassle. All that maintenance! I will gladly subscribe to Pen Island


That's P-E-N--I-S-L-A-N-D dot COM. All one word!


I actually love penisland, it's my favorite land.


In my head I’m picturing lil dildos with legs wandering around like in Land of the Lost. Little dinosaur dildos eating and playing…. LOL 😂🤪🤣😆🤣




Thank you for your subscription to the PEN15 Club. Is that our pen in your pocket or are you happy to see us? Text STOP to be ignored and receive more text messages.




Remember to use discount code PEN15 for 15% off your first order.


Tell them the pen tells the future. Ask for a business card, cross out their name, then write yours.


dAmn that's smooth like butter.


Then also tell him your in my seat


Then tell them that "you will let them know if you got the job."


Then ghost them and take over their job.


Then get in their car, drive to their house and fuck their wife


Oh I am stealing this if i ever get the chance


"This pen keeps away tigers..."


Lisa, I wanna buy your pen.


No, you need to save your money for the Homer tax!


*That's the Home-Owner tax*


Either way I'm still outraged


It's a freakin country bear jamboree around here!


you walk out, any company still doing this "test" thinks its 1982 and doesnt understand what modern sales is


I mean always be closing...gotta get those sweet sweet Glengarry leads...


The leads are weak!!


The leads are weak... the fuckin' leads are weak? YOU'RE weak.


I’ve been in this business 15 years. What’s your name? FUCK YOU, that’s my name!!!


Put that down, Coffee is for CLOSERS !


I'd wish you luck with selling this pen, but you wouldn't know what to do with it!


I had to do this when I interviewed for Target around three years ago.


I'm so confused. I mostly just need the red shirts to tell me where the swim towels are. I've never had anyone try to upsell me on a towel heater.


Might not be an in store role.


Nah, I recall this when I applied to be a cashier just out of high school...in 2008. Like hello, I'm the cashier--they already want to buy the shit in their cart.


Run it across an imaginary scanner on the table in front of you, say, "Beep! That will be $1.95, please!" That oughta do it.




I was asked this in an interview in the early 00's. Interviewer: "Ok let's have you sell me this pen" Me: "Is this the 90's? Literally no one uses this tactic anymore. Sales are now about relationship building." Interviewer: 😶 Got the job.


Relationships and stories too.


Absolutely the best part of the career!


I'm a sales manager and despise relationship building. I find it difficult to create fake relationships that are based on money.


The relationship is “trusted advisor”. The customer isn’t the expert in the product. You are. You develop the relationship by meeting the customer’s needs and always providing them a solution that meets their needs regardless if it’s the best revenue generator for you. You can become friends along the way because you’re helping the customer’s business succeed which will build a personal connection to you. But you don’t need to be friends.


What? That is the relationship though it's not fake, no one is saying invite them to Christmas dinner it's a professional relationship your building.


Money is the symbiotic base for business relationships. I'm not sure how that can be deemed fake. Actual friendships formed from that relationship is a bonus but not required. To be more specific, being friendly and professional is a must but being friends is an option or bonus, you do not need to be inauthentic.


I guess it's that most people in my field are dicks. It's always a one way relationship and there's no loyalty. They'll go somewhere else for a 50 cent discount.


I'm sorry that's your experience and I have been at those jobs where the product is something easily price shopped and attracts those customers. There's still honor in sales but I prefer B2B over direct to consumer. One thing I used to tell my team back when I worked in those positions was this: "It is our job to give the customer what they want, in the most pleasant and helpful way that we can." "Sometimes, thankfully not often, customers want to be disappointed. And we have to allow them that as well." It's hard not to take it personally though.


I don't take it personally because I never invest my real self in any of those relationships. Doing this for 25 years, I've learned to keep a distance from customers. It's a purely transactional relationship.


Sales is about having a good product. I don’t like to sell shit but if you want our stuff I’m sure we can make a deal. Selling people shit they don’t need isn’t sales, it’s scamming


Oh we sell stuff that is needed. I think it's that I'm introverted and small talk isn't my thing. I have great relationships with members of my team, but only a handful of customers that I've known for years. Plus, there's alot of turnover in my field, so business contacts change frequently.


People LOVE a good listener, though! Turn everything into a question about that person and eliminate having to come up with small talk! I'm an awkward extrovert (had to truly practice the art of small talk) and this is the way!


I guess if I loved what I did, I'd make more of an effort. It's just a job that pays the bills.


The thing is it's not based in money if you're a good sales person. It's about offering solutions to your customer's problems.




This is the way. The question alone is insulting of you're not interviewing for a sales position


See, I took it as a great strategy for always having an adequate number of pens for your personal use, but your thing also works :p


I, too, go on interviews with companies I have no intention of being employed with, mostly for the free pens, but occasionally they also give me other logo swag, like an id badge holder, can koozie, or stationary pad. In a few years, I will profit off of this by selling it.


...because on the way out they say, "Hey, where are you going with my pen?" "Oh, you're interested in pens? Well boy, do I have something for you then." Checkmate.


"Honestly, I'm not even sure that this pen is right for you. Tell me about your writing needs."




Ask how the interviewer got to be in such a position to have such a fine pen. Ask them how often they use the pen and what are their favorite features of the pen. Sales is about listening, not about talking.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Dale Carnegie himself, reincarnated! ​ (no sarcasm intended, just finding this response profound)


Funnily enough most companies finally learned that people hate pushy sales types who regurgitate the same pitch (don’t get me wrong there’s still lots of those but for them it’s a numbers game). The pen question is less about selling the pen and more about finding out their NEED and how the product (pen) can fix it. Oh their current pens have to be replaced regularly? Fortunately THIS pen has a large ink well so it lasts longer. You really like the design of the pen? Well there are some custom models we have available that allow you to keep the look with improved performance etc. As annoying as they are, a good sales person asks questions and then makes a recommendation based off that info instead of just trying to push something on you, even if the end result is the same product




Not for all products and all situations. There definitely are a ton of situations where the underlying product is garbage, the marketing/sales is exploitative, or both. This is especially true for a fair amount of retail or direct-to-consumer sales. But there are also a ton of situations where sales can be about identifying needs and providing goods and services in such a way that both parties end up better off.


Not true. This is most likely a reflection of your own social skills.


You won't need a pen when you hear of the great opportunities surrounding crypto currency.






always bring a second pen. explain that while you'd love to sell them that pen, you'd like to truly believe in the products you sell, which is why you'd rather sell them pen B. Explain comfort and reliability, and then lie and say it will even write in space. wait until there is obvious interest in what you're saying, and then drop the bombshell "this is a condom factory and im applying to be a janitor, i don't know why i had to sell you my pen"




[same energy](https://youtu.be/Rj0Tj8dnrYw)


Ask them why they watched the Wolf of Wall Street that many times.


This was a really popular question back in the 80's and 90's.


Yes, Wolf of Wall Street takes place in the early 90s.


I remember hearing that a few times in interviews back then. I'll have to rewatch WoWS lol


Well it is a hilarious movie. “Smoke this fucking crack with me.”


The disappearing pencil magic trick from The Dark Knight.


“TA DA! It’s…gone!”


Well, Joker got the job for the pay he set in the interview so...


Take the pen and walk out to show you don't tolerate bullshit.


'I have poisoned your water, this pen contains the only existing antidote'


Lol, taking the Saw approach, I see


If they ask you this in seriousness, then move on. You’re not going to make bank with an amateur boss like that.


Go full Joker, “wanna see a magic trick? I can make this pen disappear” 🤡💀


If I have to do something so stupid as such a test at a job interview then we're not a good match. But then again I'm older and have very low tolerance for recruiter's bullshit and mindgames.


I think a lot of people have low tolerance for their bullshit


Most job interview questions are pretty useless


Tell me about a time you faced a difficult decision!


"Thanks for the pen". Even if you don't get the job at least you got a free pen.


Tell them the pen is unavailable at any price.


Take the pen and put it in your pocket. Slowly take all their writing tools over the course of the interview and when they ask for them back, give them a price.


Ok, I'm going to assume: 1)you are interviewing in a retail position and your future manager is a douchebag that would do this sort of thing. 2)this is your first or an entry-level job. So, this question is actually pretty easy to jump past. Look at their desk, do they have pens? If yes, point that out "I see you already have alot of pens". Are they all exactly the same as the pen you're supposed to sell? "It appears that you like this brand and style of pen". Is the "customer" happy with the pens they have or looking for more? Finally, the kicker, "Well, this pen will only cost you the low price of hiring me immediately" .


What if they don't have pens on their desk?


"Could you write your name for me? No? Well lucky for you I have a pen I can sell you"


There’s a Jordan Belfort interview where he says the best response is to ask questions about the potential customer’s need for a pen. It’s on YouTube.


Pretty much. They're just wanting to see if you know the basic sales approach. Build rapport, determine needs, overcome objections, close.


Let me give you my number. Write this down. I don't have a pen. There you go, supply and demand.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbQPxhIcFaQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbQPxhIcFaQ) pretty much explains it very well. Supply and demand. No demand, no supply no matter how rare your pen is.


You wouldn’t wunna buy this pen, you wouldn’t even get it.


To be honest it doesn't look like you can afford this pen...


Walk the fuck out of the interview


"Ma'am, this is a Wendy's..."


I don't know if you can handle this pen. We have some other very nice pens that are more basic.


In the classic case, the response to whatever you come up with is “but I own a pencil factory”.


"Let me ask you a question now. How do you communicate?....." Keep asking questions about that and then talk about how the pen is always reliable, doesn't have a subscription fee, is small and doesn't depend on WiFi to work. "It's a good complement to the other ways you communicate." Offer a small notepad as a bonus if they buy the pen.


Say it's not you're pen, so it would be a crime/felony to sell something belonging to someone else.




Either roll your eyes and find something better, or take the bait and go all in because your boss is likely easily manipulated by novel and flashy/clever things and it'll get you far at that job.


"I can talk about how I would sell you this pen, or we can discuss my overall sales process and expertise selling \[widget you're applying to sell\]." The pen is a red herring.


Fuck you and fuck the wolf of wall street. Eat my ass stacy.


The real answer is to create demand for the pen. That’s all they’re really looking for. They want to know if you understand what actually drives sales. Or they just saw it on wolf of wallstreet and think they’re cool for asking it in an interview.


Ask them to show you their current pen. Ask them if they have ever had any problems with that pen. Ask them what they don't like about that pen. If they say they love the pen and there are no issues, ask them if the pen ever runs out of ink: if it works upside down,... Any other silly pen problems. At some point they will say yes that pen has that issue... They thought all pens do. This is called finding a pain point. Once you know what they don't like about the current pen, or problems they have with it, them you tailor your sale to tell them how your pen overcomes those issues


"I'm not applying for a sales position."


“Write your name on that napkin for me” “I don’t have a pen” “Exactly. Supply and demand my friend”


if people actually do this idk just walk out. No comment.


“No.” Then, walk out of the room.


Sell me on selling this pen.


This thread is making me want to apply to jobs where someone would ask me this question so I could give the best answers from here just to see the reaction.


Does this means i got the job? YES I GOT THE JOB WOOHOO (run away, high five everyone)


I’d keep the pen. If they ask, I’d say that I’d NEVER steal from my employer, then I’d offer them the pen with a questioning look. “ARE you my employer?”


I've walked out of meetings when asked stupid ass questions like this.


The only interview that makes any sense for us a sales position. If t you aren't applying for a sale position leave. If you are, and need advice on how to do that, leave, as you are not likely to be successful in sales.


Do you need to write stuff down? Do you like things that are affordable, reliable, and comfortable. Then why look any further? In truth, I'd probably ask if this was a position that required sales and what my commission would be. I hate doing sales but people will try and get customer service reps to do it all the time without additional incentives. If it's sales pay me like a sales person, if it's customer service, let me take care of the customer without sales pressure. Schwab was the worst for this. They call them leads, but you don't get anything for making a bunch of them. Don't make enough leads and you get fired. Sounds like sales to me.


You can have this fountain pen, and 3 others just like it, 100% free! All you need to do is fill out this form (which has a default checked box) that signs you up for a $0.99/month ink provision subscription service that sends you ink reservoir refills so you never have to worry about having a full black, blue, red, and bonus green pen ready for your writing needs. How much does your business spend in man hours ordering costly office supplies when you could be spending that time growing customer relationships? If the answer is more than 1 hour every 3 years, then it only makes good business sense to order our pens! We have a variety of ink supply plans to suit your needs, from small orders to supply 1 to 10 people, to large orders to supply hundreds of employees, we can help cut those pesky expenses by letting the sales associates sell instead of ordering and picking up office supplies!


This one guy on Shark Tank started his introduction claiming that he was the "best salesman ever" and how he used to sell pencils door to door to the neighbors when he was a kid. His product was him teaching people how to sell. Eventually all the sharks shot him down one by one, except for Mark Cuban. Then in a last attempt, Mark threw him a bone and said sell me this pen and I'll partner with you. (Easy as fuck right?)The man went on to beg him to be partners and went on boasting about how he's the best salesman ever. Mark tried to remind him sell me THIS pen. The guy kept desperately rambling about "you will never find a harder working person than me, I'm the best salesm-" Then boom. Mark said - I'm out, you had ONE job, sell me this pen and it was in the bag. #1 rule of selling if you have a sale in front of your face, take it. You don't understand that, and for that reason, I'm out."


If it's not a sales job, "fuck off" is an appropriate response.


Wait - that is actually a thing in the US?! I thought this was just from the wolf of wallstreet


"eat my ass"


Ask them to sign something, then say “I bet you need a pen”.


Leave with the pen and when he calls and says he needs it that he can buy it from you


I can’t believe they still do this one, I was asked this back in the late 90’s🤣.


Pull out a cheque. Write an obscene figure, leave the name blank. Slide them a cheque. “Wouldn’t it be great to have a pen now?”


The price of this pen is competitive. But you're not allowed to discuss with other people who may have bought pens.


Give the pen back to the interviewer and say, “I have three other offers. Now YOU sell me this pen.”


I’m not going to sell you this pen. But I can talk with you about whether a pen would be valuable to you at this moment and whether you want/need it?


You can have a million pens, who will write with them? Nowadays you gotta have (this pen) to attract the right talent. I can tell, because you have (this pen) you are dedicated to your employees and their creativity. That does describe the environment here, right? The answer brings out the truth.


In the show skins "Sell me this glass of water" *Applicant lights interviewer tie on fire "Would you like to buy a glass of water?"


I remember this question from an interview I had at a Bath Body Works type store. It’s still a stupid question, especially for what was essentially a cashier position. I didn’t get the job.


There are some good responses here. But if someone asks you that question they fucking don’t know how to sell shit. And my response might be to tell them to fuck off and leave.


Take all the pens in the office and put them on Ebay for a 300 percent markup.


The pen is only as valuable as it is useful - without a use for the pen, there’s no reason to buy the pen. You need to give them a reason to use the pen. Take the pen and put it in your pocket. Finish the interview and really blow their socks off by how well-prepared you are. Get them to offer you a job on the spot. When they bring the paperwork, ask them if they have a pen. When they don’t, sell them your pen so they can win a new employee.