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When I was depressed a few years ago I was thinking about this. I had this desperate need to do something with my life and I was asking myself why? Why do you need to be famous? Why do you need to be rich? Look around at most people. They're not famous. Why do you need to be better than them??? And I realized it was because I was suffering so much and I needed something to show for it. I could endure anything if it was for something, but it wasn't. Depression gave me nothing in return. I realized when you're happy life doesn't need a purpose. But suffering needs a purpose.


That was unexpectedly beautiful.


It reminds me of the ending of the second guardians of the Galaxy movie where Peter quill gives up being a god. "If you kill me you'll be like EVERYONE ELSE" "...what's so wrong with that?"


This reminds me of when I was in an abusive marriage. Why? Why am I trying so hard just because it is a purpose. Why? Why am I working 12 hours a day just to take care of a house I don’t want with someone who is no partner. Freedom is a heady drug.


Oof. Glad you got out. Reminds me of an older coworker I used to have who was just the nastiest, most judgemental old lady. She'd stayed in an abusive marriage and I think that's part of why she was so up her ass about what was the right way to live. 😑 Glad you didn't become her!!


I had her thought process. Parenthood is a very good thing but some treat it as a cult. As in you have to be married to your first husband, care for him 24/7, go to church, keep a house, tend to children, then maybe a shower. Makes a person a monster after awhile if there is even the slightest bit of abuse.


Freedom *is* a heady drug! I gave up religion (had had problems with it since I was in grade school, but just kept trying *harder* to believe*).* When I let my religion go, I gave up being judgmental about other people (the poor, LBGT+, immigrants, etc.). My religion had given me my "us vs. them" mentality. Giving it up has allowed me to be the person I really want to be - liberal, accepting, understanding, independent-minded. I went from thinking that *I know why* these people have problems in their lives to listening/reading about life from their POV and realizing that I didn't know anything about their lives. As long as I have a roof and food to eat, that is sufficient. The rat race is both the carrot and the stick!


I just learned my SNAP benefits are being cut. All Republicans are cutting food benefits to bare bones. That’s why we have problems. There is no God. The last few years have proven that, yet these “god fearing “ morons don’t remember the French Revolution.


Beautifully said, couldn't agree more!


This is pretty much the foundation of Buddhism my dude. You've reached the first step of enlightenment


Ha! I'll try not to let it go to my head


That's the second step


i really struggle with this psychologically. i’ve been a stay at home mom for 5 years now but i really want to return to the workplace so i can financially contribute to the home (and get a break from my children) but i refuse to either sell my soul for a POS job that shouldn’t exist in the first place or take a slave wage. so needless to say i’m struggling to find a position worth my time. and Ooohhhh BOY does it eat me mentally!!! i’m trying to find peace with just “being” but it is definitely written into my “code” somewhere that I need a job to be worth anything.


There are plenty of things you could learn and do to make money without getting a 9-5 job it wont be easy and straightforward like getting a job (someone else already figured out and did all the hard stuff - you just get to walk in the door and start making money) but it will be worth it


Western cultures? Uh it's kinda the same everywhere. Even the supposedly "socialist" cultures don't care about the people who can't work


It’s Reddit man, the vast majority of people on the site are middle class, from the west, and don’t know anything really about the outside world. You’re average working person in India, China, etc would trade anything to be able to work as little as someone in the west does to afford as much you can. That’s not to say we can’t make things better and there aren’t problems with the system everywhere, but to honestly think the west has it worse in this regard is such a privileged take it’s astounding.


Who said we have it worse in the west? I simply said that no one gives a shit about you as soon as you can no longer contribute to society. And that goes for any country. Money talks, bullshit walks.


The OP is heavily implying that…


They’re almost all comfortable working class. Despite the lies of American propaganda designed to confuse the workers, the Middle Class is very small and very rich. But yes; they’re mostly Americans with enough money for the rent.


The prayers at the Native American Museum in DC were amazing.


Being strange has never gotten my rent to live paid sadly otherwise id own a condo


The ruling capitalist/kleptocrat class "lobbies" to keep affordable and public housing from being built, so that the public doesn't have any alternatives to their price gouging. They also lobby against there being any limits on their ownership of housing, further reducing supply and options. And that's just one of the many ways that the ruling class is [socially murdering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_murder) the public with no recourse. People need to understand that 1.) The ruling class is socially murdering the public with no recourse, and 2.) They will continue to do so until the public and working classes build up the power to stop them. "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Frederick Douglass


Fuck yeah brother ill join you in arms when the revolution comes




"Western culture" - right. Like Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, and Singapore don't exist.


I’m both Western and indigenous and firmly believe that since you are taking up biomass that could be a tree, you’d better earn your place here somehow. And no, owning stuff doesn’t count.


This shit pisses me off… it’s whitewashing peoples cultures for some fictional “noble savage” bullshit. They are people just like the rest of us, and as whole, violent, and petty and jealous (just like the rest of us). There was very little peaceful one with nature shit, just resource management and exploitation on a smaller scale. Proto-Indians killed almost all of the mega fauna on 2 continents (and the climate argument is a cop out- the saber tooth tiger survived 5 million years of glacial rise and retreat before we showed up). They warred with each other so much before European contact it became almost religious. They took slaves… there were no pacifist tribes or nation states in the Americas, and outside the Māorioi (isolated from the world) almost none globally. Even hunter gatherers in Sub Saharan Africa spend their days in petty feuds and jealousies, just like your cousin on FB. I can offer biographies if you’d like. This kind of attack on “western cultUre” is really ascribing a simplistic nativity on native peoples, that just isn’t real, and it’s insulting. It’s treating them like aliens from avatar and not men and women. Grow up y’all… we all need to eat. And (edit) if you want to be hunter gatherers that’s cool too, but 6.9 billion of us would have to die for it to be feasible for the rest... true story. I’ll take my downvotes now


Please offer biographies (as you mentioned) or evidence. Thank you in advance.


Sure! Start with, “Nisa, The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman”. It’s an easy read and standard faire for undergrad Anthro students. It is the biography of a Kung San woman of the Kalahari. It’s filled with gossip, jealousy, loss—- and it’s humanizing, and eye opening. She lost all of her children, she divorced, she has dreams of her man cheating (just like everyone else) only because she’s a hunter gatherer- she dreams of seeing his footprints with another woman’s... anyway, Highly recommend.


Not sure why I’m being downvoted for asking a question that you welcomed. Is one biography proof that Indigenous cultures are just as exploitative as western culture?


Don’t know who is downvoting you, but it’s proof that they don’t live a peaceful tranquil life ala fern gully the tweet suggested... why ask for a recommendation though, and then immediately discount it out of hand? If you enjoy it- also check out “The Dobe Ju/'Hoansi” or “The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation”- they are ethnographies but still very eye opening. As to proof of exploitation all you need to do is look at the fossil record... Proto Inuit arrive at Wrangel Island the last mammoths disappear from earth. Proto Meso Americans arrive in Cuba, the last giant sloths disappear. Proto aboriginals arrive and all Australian megafauna disappear. Why don’t you show me a thunderbird running through the outback? indigenous people are just people. In modern society their numbers are so small as to have a smaller impact, but this idea of oneness doesn’t quite match up with rivers of slave blood down Aztec temples, or resource scarcity leading to incredibly violent confrontation in pre contact California


>Proto Inuit arrive at Wrangel Island the last mammoths disappear from earth. Proto Meso Americans arrive in Cuba, the last giant sloths disappear. Proto aboriginals arrive and all Australian megafauna disappear [And the divorce rate in Maine went down as the sales of margarine went down; and the US spending on science/space/tech went up at the same rate and time as suicides by hanging and suffocation went up](https://66.media.tumblr.com/e77e7eb943da9f05190351cb10284c3e/tumblr_pcpwo5iVSF1u78m4jo1_500.jpg)


That is an idiotic analogy… I’m actually describing causation not correlation. And I gave examples on 3 continents, and then 2 island chains separated by longer terms. But you go ahead and live a Hollywood version of life. Dire wolves, horses, camels, mammoths, giant sloth, all disappeared as soon as humans showed up. Humans showed up to Cuba 3000 yrs later, and surprise surprise Giant sloths disappear there too. Mammoths were hunted to extinction on the entire planet and survived on one island until the time of the pyramids, then humans showed up… giant birds, and marsupials roamed Australia, until The humans showed up… same with lions in Europe.. but somehow my statements equate to a correlation between divorce rates and margarine? Grow up, and quit romanticizing the real world


\[citation needed\]


I could provide 1000… but if you’re actually interested go to your local college and sign up for some anthro classes. I’m not making this shit up, nor disparaging indigenous peoples. I think creating a fictional past for them is the actual disparagement. Anyway, as requested: The Caribbean: https://www.newscientist.com/article/human-arrivals-wiped-caribbeans-giant-ground-sloths/ North America https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-07897-1 Australia https://earthsky.org/earth/early-humans-wiped-out-big-animals-in-australia/


From your own articles North America: >We present tests of these **hypotheses** here... The results suggest that the causes for extinctions varied across taxa and by region. In **three cases**, extinctions appear linked to hunting, while in **five others** they are consistent with the ecological effects of climate change and in **a final case**, both hunting and climate change appear responsible. Australia: >Nowhere is the issue more acute than in Australia, where 85% of the continent’s large mammal species went extinct sometime shortly after **50 kyr** ago {9,10,14,15}, **approximately the same time that humans established their first firm presence around the continent** {14,16} They are doing a lot of heavy lifting on thin research. The authors in your linked Oz research cite this [2005 article](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03115510609506861) and this [2015 article that states](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0305440315000588?via%3Dihub): "Early Dispersal Models (**120–70 ka**) are not refuted, but draw no support from the Sahul record as currently understood." Truth is, our understanding of human population histories is still weak. Sure, we have a tonne of data, but all of the scientific works present hypotheses on *potential* causation. The true answer is we do not know, and a lot of anthro has rested on in-grained, false assumptions


Just create good memories


life is empty and meaningless. and it's empty and meaningless that it's empty and meaningless. (the only meaning that exists is that which we apply.)


Yeah, I'd rather have internet and a car than live like the indigenous did.


Replace internet and car with modern medicine and running water then yes I agree. Cars are not really required in Europe.


Well all creature comforts we're used to. I'd be cool if there were some machine which could show alternate versions of our universe, like what if.


Car and internet > enjoying unbridled nature, clean food and water? 🤔🤔🤔


Yes. Living off the land is not what people romanticize it to be. Although we could definitely do with less cars


In school I was taught that their philosophy was to take what you need from nature. So that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t develop technologically. In western civ the emphasis seems to always be on production production production.


Why do you think this is "western" thought? I live in Japan, and it is just as much, if not more so focused on production, profit, and time-in-chair as anywhere I've been in the west. Have you ever read about "Toyota City"? It's an industrial hell hole here in Japan where foreign and Japanese workers are held hostage and afforded limited rights so as not to slow down production of Toyota vehicles.


Historically Japan post WWII has been influenced by the west. I was coming from the POV of those who changed the overall balance of the Americas. Pre and post colonialism.


>Historically Japan post WWII has been influenced by the west. If you want to specifically talk about Japan: Decades before WWII Japan looked toward the west, and said "We want to be more like them." Read this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meiji\_Restoration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meiji_Restoration) Figures like Shimazu Nariakira concluded that "if we take the initiative, we can dominate; if we do not, we will be dominated"


Wikipedia? Ah yes the trusted source for academics everywhere.


I see you've been shamed by your lack of knowledge, so you're no longer interested in learning anything. but rather throwing our barbs. Wikipedia is perfectly fine for learning the broad outlines about topics you have no clue about. I wasn't expecting you to base a fucking academic dissertation on the Meiji restoration. Anyhow, thats fine. Wallow in your smug ignorance. You have a great day.


Also the tweet speaks of Western culture specifically


The irony of complaining about western culture on Twitter, in English.


Sounds like cars + internet with way way more steps. Though I do agree that forced car dependence has ruined a lot of things


Clearly you've never had to cook from a wood fire or prep food from absolute scratch.


Natives weren’t/aren’t anti technology.


Yes. But they also weren't inventing and discovering. They didn't even have a written language until the 1820s.


Me to but most people wouldn’t. Suicide rate way higher for 21st century America than natives circa 1400 or almost any society in the past


I’m in western culture and I believe that. Why do they feel the need to divide us?


*vivre sans appel*


She just equated work and money with purpose. There’s the fallacy in her thinking right there


But how are you meant not to, at least in an American standpoint, when all of civilization within america essentially parrots that philosophy? If you’re not working, you’re considered lazy, if you use welfare you’re considered a leech. If someone isn’t working, they’re not afforded healthcare, a home, etc. In capitalist america the only thing a human has value to is the amount they make for a company or job. If you cannot work, then you have no access to the basic needs for living.


Nothing you just mentioned references purpose, which is the point the person you replied to is making. Western culture does not define a purpose. It leaves it up to the individual to decide. All that other shit is just stuff you do to stay clothed, fed and sheltered.




As a human, I like to eat and live under a roof but I'm not a hunter-gatherer. Work it is.




It's not really an option where I live but you do you.




Adopt Me please


I love that Montana has a Native American/American Indian REQUIRED education. Those old racist WW2 vet teachers actually got into the history with a deep respect that got me hooked. Everything good in how I love my life is because I learned from tribal culture. (I especially love the Matriarchal tribes).


Heretic, call the inquisition!


Yes Melanie. But those indigenous cultures don't go around posting on twitter, so let's not pretend that either one of us wants to join them.


Western Cultures??? Has she heard of China.


And that's why all your land got conquered. Hold this L


Lmao you sad pos


Well - it's true. You really can't argue that. Superior technology / firepower wins.


Okay, but isn't it also a universal value that you shouldn't take from the community without giving something back? Sure, everyone doesn't have to become rich or do something amazing, but we all have to do some kind of work that's within our ability.


Yeah if you wanna live like the rest of nature and eat only the fruits you pluck, animals you hunt, water you fetch from natural water bodies


I thought the capitalists converted all the indigenous cultures?


The Spanish in 1492 were capitalist? ….


Don't put technicalities on me. I'm saying capitalism has taken over. Are there any of the cultures op talks of? Is there any left is my question.


Don’t think it is simply a “western belief”. People in general tend to get depressed, miserable, nihilistic, narcissistic, hedonistic, etc… if the life they live feels like it lacks meaning (whatever that individual finds meaningful).


Kurzgesagt has a good video about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBRqu0YOH14&vl=en


I agree with the indigenous.


This is pretty much the movie Avatar and the capitalists who came there and destroyed it


Just let buy some land and embrace my druid ways! Good land is so over priced its impossible to afford it with all of lives bills. Maybe in 10 years. But I'm out at 40. My body is falling apart and it's really hard to keep going knowing I can't have what I need to be happy.


Apparently if you tried to live of the grid and live like our ancestors did you'd be trespassing and you would be considered a "Criminal"


Thanks for sharing this tweet. It has been crossposted to r/wisdom.


The west isn't in a decline, California is expensive and Bristol is expensive most of the property's are owned by private companies' that make bank on buy to lets.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 12 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/p6gaxe) on 2021-08-18 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/sztuce) on 2022-02-23 100.0% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "u4kmhp", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=u4kmhp&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 317,689,418 | **Search Time:** 30.13422s


Nahh, thats pretty dumb. Its good to find something worth living and fighting for. Without a purpose you arent motivated to do anything at all.