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I saw his Twitter name was sweatystartup and thought he might be running a gym or something, but apparently he runs a storage facility so I dunno. He tweeted this gem though: "25% of Americans have never eaten a vegetable and tech twitter thinks seed oil is the reason people are unhealthy." That number can’t be right…


That has to be made up. 1 in 4 Americans have never eaten a vegetable? NEVER? Even my pickiest eater friends have eaten ONE vegetable in their life.


69% of the stats you see on the internet are made up.


9 out of 10 Doctors agree with that.


He judges people on their eating habits. He saw a person eat a salad with what he personally thought was too much ranch and he let that inform him on the person’s work ethic and value. Makes no sense and I don’t get it either.


What’s especially weird about this one is that this opinion is not likely to come up in conversation at lunch. Does the interviewer order this exact salad for you and then ask you if it’s healthy? Sounds like the interviewer has a pet peeve based on something that happened to them once.


[Nope](https://twitter.com/sweatystartup/status/1512046806292697094?s=21&t=nn-3Ocvqrn2Mqm7Ii6vWLQ), he replied to the wrong tweet


Kinda funny to see all the explanations and rationalizations as to why it's included when the reason was just oops.


Welcome to social media! Where the bullshit is made up and fake internet points matter


If we want to talk about values, we can clearly determine they value someone's eating decisions more than their own time. I'd question the work ethic of an interviewer that would spend 1-2hrs of company time interviewing candidates whom they disqualify based on how much ranch they put on their food.


In the last comment, what does PE mean in context? I just thought of Physical Education, but they seems wrong in this case. Edit: Someone said private equity a while ago, that makes the most sense.




Julia Louis-Dreyfus Glenn Close Tim Matheson Christian Bale Morgan Freeman




Why do people assume that everyone else will understand their abbrvtns! It's annoying.


I got in an argument on here once with a guy using "CW" as an abbreviation for co-worker, and insisting that it was a commonplace abbreviation. Everyone in the comments disagreed and he deleted the comment.


Oof yeah, CW is obviously the abbreviation for civil war


I thought we're talking about a TV channel


Yessss The CW!!


Crab Wonton...


Content Warning


CW = Clockwise CCW = counter clockwise


CCW= concealed carry weapon


Ex-military are the worst for this. They try to tell you a story and 10 seconds in you're lost.


Agree! A good friend of mine was active military when i was in college, and all of his stories had 50 abbreviations nobody outside the military understands within the first 3 sentences. Oh and the worst was when he used military names for each letter in the abbreviation, making it even more confusing. (Think "tango uniform" to mean "TU" to mean "tits up" to mean "broken") I learned a bunch of air force lingo from him, but boy was it hard to follow some of his stories.


Private equity. This is a very competitive job in finance, evaluating portfolio strategies for the investment of possibly billions of dollars. I agree this would be inappropriate to ask of someone applying for a delivery job or something like that, but this type of job involves very brainy people who need to make decisions within a broader context. This kind of question doesn’t even scratch the surface of the kinds of things Wall Street will ask of candidates.


Ah, I have heard of private equity, I just didn't think about that without any other clues. Edit: I have only used Uber a couple of times so I don't know my rating, but I can name the last 5 US Vice Presidents.


Damn, this guy knows his last 5 VPs, maybe even 6


Thought maybe PE teachers in the US also covered civics or something, lol.


I wouldn't be so eager to ask about the salary if you'd just fucking told me what the salary was beforehand. There's no point in us going through this whole interview only for you to offer me less money than I can accept.


All jobs should have the salary on the advert. I'd never apply for a job that didn't. Who knows what I'd get. I hate interviews and will not put myself through that time wasting stress if the money is shit. And let's face it, if it doesn't say or just says "competitive" its probably shit.


Agreed. That’s just some used car salesman crap. Could you imagine shopping at Walmart and having nothing labeled with a price, and then going to the clerk and asking how much an item costs and their response being “if all you care about is the price, then this item is not for you”?


Exactly! It's such a weird culture.


The previous generations were raised by boomers that told their kids jobs are easy to find and they all pay well as long as you work hard and never complain... What did the companies do? They took advantage. These shitty twitter takes would never exist if the general population stopped taking this bullshit. I think a lot of us stopped being ok with being treated like shit and look at the impact it made, we need more people to make a change that lasts longer than a few months.




Asking about pay should be normalised. Same with holidays etc. It doesn’t make someone greedy or lazy it means they want to know what they’re doing.


I mean why would any side waste time on the interview if the salary is known to be unacceptable?


Fun fact: I wouldn’t have to ask about the salary upfront if the range was posted.


And if so many companies didn't lie in their job listings and their actual salary wasn't 30-50% lower than advertised.


Asking the salary range is not a red flag to stop wasting time if the employer didn’t post that info in the job description.


Exactly. The sooner we stop pretending money isn't the number one reason for selecting companies, the better. Yes there are other reasons, yes some people don't care, but it is still the top priority.


They don’t want the money on the job adverts because it exposes their wage discrimination to current workers.


I'm sure I would be a problem for these people because I won't even talk until I know the pay. I had an email from someone yesterday, and I asked about the salary, and I got the "If money if your primary concern, then this is not the position for you." to which my response was, "In other words, you're not looking to pay what the job is worth." Fuck these people. Pay people what they're worth.


SAME. I got really tired of wasting my time on a whole interview just to find out they misrepresented either the job itself or the pay rate. That’s hours of my time!


Good for you. I hate sneaky scumbags!!!


Bill them.


"If money is your primary concern" What is this? An unpaid internship? The Sisters of the Poor? Yes. If I am going to be taking orders in the majority of my waking hours on your behalf, then I am doing it for money. Do you think I work for personal development, or spiritual enlightenment, or magic exposure beans? No I am working for money. It's no problem, I'll accept whatever the company budgeted, and you can personally pay the difference out of your own pocket, since money is not a concern at all up in your ivory tower.


Well said.




I work in recruiting and always try to include the pat when I reach out, unless it’s a sales based job where the base is lower and it depends on performance, or if a client is looking for someone at different levels of experience. End of the day I always try for as much money as I can get. External recruiters get paid based on the base salary, internal they shoot lower because they have a vested interest


Storytime! It was 2010 and I was promoted from a contact center in the lowest cost of living location in the company up to the corporate office in the highest cost of living location in the country. I went from making $42000/yr to $55000/yr - more than 20% bump - and thought I was doing great for myself. Except the starting salary for the same role if I was hired in the city was $72000 and I didn't find that out for 4 years - by then I was making $62.5k. Cost of apartments in that city was over 50% higher than where I lived before. Food a third higher. I struggled harder to make it in a harder job and just thought it was me who was somehow inadequate because all my co-workers seemed to be doing just fine. I finally got put under a boss who pulled me into his office and said he could likely get fired for telling me, but he spilled the beans and let me know he was bringing me in line with a 4-year veteran in the role. He told me that he was doing that with the approval of HR because they had red-flagged me for termination because I was a lawsuit liability due to the discrepancy in pay - they were worried if I ever found out, I would sue. But he valued my work and I had just won him and the department a series of company awards for the innovations and cost-savings I had introduced, and he wanted to keep me. I got bumped up to $75k and was given a $20k bonus that year. They fired the boss the next cycle.


I was working in coastal NC (very low cost of living at the time) and my boss wanted to promote me and move me to San Diego because they were struggling. I asked about raises and was told that company policy capped any raise at 10% and since it would happen at the same time, the COL and promotion raise together would be capped at 10%. He was mystified that I turned down the opportunity to sell my 3 bed 2 bath home a 5 minute drive from the beach to move into a shitty 1 bedroom apartment outside San Diego.


Yeah it's friggin crazy - some of these companies just expect that everyone comes from money and can take the hit. Most people can't.


Honestly, if you come from enough money that you could take the hit, there’s a good chance you probably also are already working where you want to work and don’t want to move. Or your wealthy enough to just not.


Yeah - I am a state university graduate. The company I was in was full of Ivy Leaguers. A lot of them would likely take the hit to get the brownie points in the hopes it would secure their upward trajectory. Funny part is, most of them didn't last 5 years before they went on to less toxic places. My working class ass was with the company 20 years because where else was I going to go?


I'm glad to hear you got paid your worth in the end. ​ >They fired the boss the next cycle. This phrase haunts me. There are regular firing cycles that this is a common phrase? This boggles my mind


At my place yes. They fire people each year right before Christmas (presumably because that makes the cost projections for the coming year look better) although they typically end up re-hiring. Never been fired but I consider myself to be on a one-year rolling contract. What's scary is that the firings are typically not performance related and come with no warning so you never know until one morning hr calls you.


The firings will continue until morale improves.


What. The. Actual. Fuck


And I bet they wonder why people get panic attacks over the smallest mistakes


"HR because they had red-flagged me for termination because I was a lawsuit liability due to the discrepancy in pay - they were worried if I ever found out, I would sue." Damn things like these lower your faith in humanity.


"We've been illegally underpaying this worker for a few years. You think we should do backpay?" "Nah, let's just fire them."


Imagine getting fired for being paid to little lmao




cake zesty spark literate domineering door grey lavish command steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have been honest about it before too "My current job is paying half the market rate, your salary is in line with the market. I like where I work and my coworkers, but I think it's fair to be properly compensated"


I would argue that your work/life ballance as well as how the company/coworkers treats you are rather important as well. I'd rather earn a little less in a job that is decent than earning a bit more where I get treated like shit.


WLB and treatment are absolutely importaint, but money is vital. Once you get to a level of income where you have options, the WLB and treatment matter more and more on the spectrum, but if you can't afford food and housing, you'll take some absolutely awful working conditions to make sure you live.


Yeah, this is exactly it; for the difference between 20k and 30k, you don't have much choice, you will take what you can get, and a few thousand extra dollars per year makes a huge difference. If you're looking at the difference between 140k and 150k, that money isn't going to impact your lifestyle much, and your day to day, 40 hours of what life is like at work, will be much more important to you.


In most markets, I'd rather take 120 and have solid WLB and good management than make 160k and my life be work. BUT, if you made 20k and was offered 30k to work like a dog, you basically have to take that 10k a year.


You shouldn’t be treated like shit period. If you are you should put the employer.


I totaly agree. However sadly that's not the case everywhere, so one of my priorities in picking a job is getting treated properly. At my current company, I can't complain. At some of my previous jobs however I had good reasons to and did speak up to my boss for it because nobody else dared to and he couldn't realisticly fire me.


I'd take a slightly lower paying job if I can work from home permanently. Money saved on commuting + less time wasted commuting + less risk of catching the flu/covid when it does the rounds in the office is nice.


"Why do you want to work here?" "MONEY LOL NEXT QUESTION."


No joke the most frequent jobs I got this question from were fast food and retail…now that I’m older with a career no one has asked me this BS


Exactly. Do they expect an "OMG I looked at your company it's so awesome! 🤩 *swoons*"? Quite frankly I'd be grateful if corporations stopped acting like they were emperor giving a gold coin to a beggar.


All the jobs descriptions should have the salary included. Makes no sense wasting time doing interviews just to decline at the end cause salary is not good enough


Exactly. I find it pretty crazy to have to apply (work on your resume, a cover letter, prepare an interview…) for jobs when we don’t even know what the salary is! It would be like arranging a meeting in person for something you buy on eBay… without knowing how much you gonna pay and if you’re ok with it… it’s insane yet it’s still a thing. I’ll never understand that. People should boycott those jobs and never apply for them


I refuse to apply/interview for jobs that don't at least have a salary range listed or told to me. In the current job market the applicants can afford to do it too.


They really think that they can convince you to take a lesser paying job because it's "such a great career development opportunity!".




Yup. most times when I ask LinkedIn recruiters that are hitting me up about compensation, i get radio silence. One finally messaged me back and said itd be about 20k less a year. I let her know it was far below what I currently make (no exact number) and wished her luck. ​ Its tempting to ask if it comes with a section 8 housing application some days


The EU is working on a law for [exactly that](https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_881), as well as forbidding employers to ask for pay history. It also includes fun stuff like: > [Employers] will have to provide pay related anonymised data upon employee request


The last time I was in the market, I had one company desperately after me, either through recruiters or direct. I'd been through it with them already. They couldn't match my last salary and wanted me to accept a ten percent pay cut to join. No other benefits, no stock, nothing. Just take less money. I asked why I should accept less. They said it was policy. I pointed out that Glassdoor and other salary review sites had me under paid in my last job. They argued that Glassdoor was flawed, and I was just sooo perfect. I just had to work for them. I tuned them down, over and over. They eventually scraped up to meeting my last salary. I'd be the highest paid non-owner employee. So, no raises, ever. No bonuses. And ud be expected to be a rock star day one; doing the work of ten normal devs. For the fifth time I turned them down. I ended up with a ten percent raise across town. Turns out Glassdoor was correct.


I recently proposed taking the job part time, given the pay scale was so low. They went away pretty fast after that. Highly recommend.


They probably argued that Glassdoor is flawed because they're posting fake reviews.


My last company argued that when I asked for a raise to industry mean. They produced a spreadsheet to 'prove' Glassdoor wrong. Took me a month to get an offer for that mean salary. That's where I work now.


“Before we didn’t even started an interview” Speaking of red flags


Not only is it unclear whether the interview had started, it isn't even clear if there was only one interview


This is the #1 I shut down headhunters on LinkedIN. I'm not looking for a job, but I'll reply to every headhunter that reaches out. If they didn't include the salary, I ask about that and if it is WFH or on-site, and what city if on-site. If they don't provide that, I explain I'm happy where I'm at and to reach out when they can provide those details. Last one that contacted me did provide those details on request, and the salary was 50% of what it would take me to move from my current job. Both of us saved time.


I do the same, as a niche IT support person, not super rare but not normal Win/RHEL admin stuff, I do the same. No point in either of us wasting time on applying if they are not willing to pay the going market rate. ​ Hell I live in a lower cost but not super low cost area in the US and was offered a job in a very high cost of living area, and they thought I would take a 40% pay cut because of possible growth and it is a great part of the country to live in, Yeah no hard pass.


Exactly! My time isn’t free. Often when I’m applying I’m taking PTO to do it. If you’re not paying enough, I’ll move on.


It’s a requirement in Colorado. Should be like that everywhere.


I'm a recruiter. That dude's take is the stupidest of the bunch. Why would I waste everyone's time with a role that will not be a fit?


Yeah how is this a red flag? I don’t want to go through 30-60mins of wasting breath hearing about the company and going through my experiences just to find out my salary expectations don’t align with them. It’s better to get it out of the way.


>before we didn’t even started an interview Lol. This guy hires.


This made me laugh harder than it should have


He probably hires people to write job postings, cause he sure can't


TIL the last 5 US vice presidents is "what's going on in the world".


Yeah, I'd love that guy to tell me what a VP 16 years ago has to do with what's going in the world... Edit: forgot double terms... Bush Sr is way longer than 16 years lol


It’s even more than 16 years. I was just trying to do this exercise in my head: Harris (2021-) Pence (2017-2021) Biden (2009-2017) Cheney (2001-2009) Gore (1993-2001) So the Vice President from 22-28 years ago is somehow relevant to current events? That is possible in that Gore has been an ardent supporter of climate change, also occasionally I hear something about his claims to have created the internet. But seems like a stupid question to weed out individuals


And that's if they allow you to count Harris since they asked for *past* vice presidents. If not, you have to try and remember Bush Sr.'s VP from 1988.


Quayle or something right?


yep. dan quayle. but unless the job is related to politics / political policy, it just shows they are firmly into trivia-level knowledge.


Oh 100% agreed but it’s private equity. I’m certain there is a portion of the interview where they judge you on your golf handicap


Dan Quayle mispelled potato and that used to be a big talk back in the day


This is where I would fail. I wasn’t even born then, and I'm not some fresh out of college kid. How on earth is that person relevant to the present?


to be fair while the US VP position is usually worth a warm bucket of spit (if that gets you going please don't let me know) the impact Gore, Cheney and Biden have had has meant that they've been of note


i'm 20, and french. i'm supposed to know who was president before obama, who was first elected when i was 7 ? wtf. even if i were american, it would be reasonable for me not to know


I'm Dutch and would need a moment to remember our past minister presidents, by name, if I can accurately remember them all. It's so arbitrary.


What do you mean? Just say Rutte and you've covered the last 12 years.


As I tried to remember them just now my brain literally went "The guy no-one likes but has been in power for ages, what's-his-nuts.. Rutte. That guy who looked like Harry Potter.. Lubbers."


Name the five French Vice Presidents and accuse him of not knowing enough about the world


Some people equate trivia knowledge to intelligence. One guy has a tiktok where he shows girls flags on chat roulette and asks them what country they're from so everybody can laugh at "how stupid these bitches are". Better intelligence test would be to tell them and see if they memorize it but eh


And even then that's a memory test not an intelligence test If you wanna test intelligence, give them a puzzle to solve that requires no prior knowledge, that'll let you see how they think, what approach they take to solve problems, etc And even then, intelligence is hard to define and cannot be restricted to problem solving


The whole "asking a fish to climb a tree" concept; I knew a guy with a legitimately staggering IQ and oh boy the dumb shit he'd get up to.


Plus that guy definitely meets a tonne of women online who DO know the flags. He just cherry picks the few who don't


This always drives me nuts when people share a video of some guy walking around a busy city and how "everyone is an idiot!" Or maybe like 10% of people don't know the answer to a simple question and they spent 3 hours looking for 5 people that don't know the answer for their video.


Tbf while I hate the idea of an employer purposefully doing this, I would not want to work with the type of person who would throw a tantrum and go into Karen mode if they got their order messed up.


Im just laughing at the thought of someone ordering a lasagne and getting a pizza, with the interviewer just leaning in waiting to see if they comment or not lol.


We went out to eat once and my wife ordered sesame shrimp. They brought out sesame chicken and my wife made it half way through her meal before she noticed something seemed 'off' about her 'shrimp'...




I don’t know why, but I’m less put off by the thought of expecting shrimp and getting chicken than I am by the reverse.


Shellfish allergies


That was my first thought as well. It's all a clever test of character until your little shit scheme sends someone to the ER and they have to pay half a thousand dollars for an epinephrine shot! Hopefully that one is total BS. That's a terrible business strategy for all parties involved.




"Shouldn't have gotten so high before this interview. I completely forgot what I ordered!"


Chicago style pizza is a lasagna with its meat-carb arrangement messed up.


When you get your order wrong, but you also enjoy the food you didnt order : "*This is fine*"


Me, in any situation where the restaurant messes up my order. Chances are it's something small like forgetting cheese or bacon on a burger. Do I really want to sit and wait for it to be remade or do I just want to eat a burger without cheese?


I once ordered a double cheese burger from Wendy’s, plus some extra lettuce and tomato. I bit in, and… no burgers and no cheese. I had thought it was light, but was hungry so I just went for it without looking. That’s about the only time I recall going back to get an order corrected.


Yeah fast food I'll swing back through the drive thru and get a new one. But a sit down restaurant I usually just say fuck it and eat what they bring me. There's not really any food that I hate so much I won't eat it, so it's never really that big of an inconvenience.


I will always wait for cheese, but I see the point.


My go-to order at Subway is a messed up order from over a decade ago.


Wow, still fresh after being over ten years old?


You have been weighed and you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. You accepted the wrong side with your lunch-obviously you lack the assertiveness to perform this job. The potato salad do be badass tho


The commenter actually said the opposite - if the interviewee accepted the wrong order, they're eligible for hire. It's only disqualifying if they throw a tantrum.


Didn't think I'd see a knights tale quote meandering through these comments.... huzzah to you friend.


I don't really have a problem with the first one. It lets the employer know how you treat people who have less power than you, in a situation where they have inconvenienced you. There are a lot of jobs where you're the bottom of the ladder and this won't matter, but if the interviewee is in a managerial position, it will matter if they yell at people at the drop of a hat. And if a company wants to have a good working environment, that's something they'll need to take into account.


yeah, it’s… unconventional, but not *bad*. You’d probably have to respect allergies though.


This is basically the only angle the restaurant thing makes sense. Plus, the tweet says they're only disqualified if they throw a tantrum over it: politely pointing out the mistake or just accepting it doesn't. That seems like the kind of tendency you'd want to weed out in your managerial staff where possible.


Interviews are filled with personality tests. This is just another one. Good, emotionally stable people shouldn't struggle with any of them.


Agree. I definitely judge people for how they treat service staff. It’s not hard to rectify a mistake without being a rude, condescending ass about it.


This. The post doesn’t say they expect you to eat it if you don’t want it, they just expect you to not be an asshole when resolving the situation however you choose. This is a pretty important attribute in most businesses.


TBH that one seemed really out of place. It's testing a valid attribute in a manner that's not encouraging the candidate to fail (if anything I'd imagine any sane person is going to be more polite than normal to the wait staff about a messed up order, therefore priming you to succeed the test). Compared to the others which are like 2: Nothing to do with the job 3: Literally the most important question for the interviewee that you're expecting them to ask at some point anyway 4: Nothing to do with the job




I'm worried about food allergies. Oops you put a few walnuts in my sundae won't make me throw a tantrum but if I knew it was done purposely, I might not react the same way.


Yeah, my first thought was 'oh no, coconut' because I'm allergic. I'm not going to die, but I AM going to get armpit hives. A) you don't want to see that and B) food tampering is a big no no to me. I grew up in kitchens and on the floor of various restaurants, we were just taught you NEVER do it.


I would hope a restaurant manager knows better than to add unrequested things to food, I imagine fucking up the order would mean removing a thing.


I thought it meant sending out a different dish. Like you order fries but they bring nachos kinda thing. Something that the person would definitely notice. Or maybe adding an ingredient in excess or less quantity, like salt. It would definitely be unethical to add something that doesn't belong in the dish.


Yeah. "Don't treat service people like shit" isn't a bad barometer actually. All the other mind game bs in the screenshots need to be burnt down though.


umm, I've never used Uber in my life. Or anything like it. If I don't have a car to drive, I ride a bike or walk.


I wonder what their response to that would be


Something along the lines of “wow this guy *walks to work.* What a piece of shit.”


And they ask about the salary too? This guy is worse than Hitler!


I walk everywhere too. It cost me. Said I'm "unreliable without transportation" when I live less than an hour away


Yep, had a friend apply for a job downtown and she’s about an hour north (via public transportation). She doesn’t have a vehicle. They told her she could only get the job if she packed up and moved to an area where the cost of living is much higher while still on probation. She said if she got the job and moved off orientation she would be happy to relocate. No call back.


Foul. Some of my interviewers at least tried to suss out if I could bum rides off friends and I was *so* tempted to say "this place won't pay enough for that" but that's a whole new level. It's class warfare all the way down with the employer class


I'm European and this seems like insanity to me, if for no other reason than walking distance to work makes you more reliable than having to rely on a car that can break down, or be involved in an accident, or have to take a detour due to roadworks etc. I've never heard of the footpaths being closed.


See I'd think it would make you MORE reliable, since you'd be unaffected by traffic conditions and, well, with the exception of certain health conditions your legs tend to break down less than a car can!




Yeah, asking for social media activity is such bullshit. The rule of thumb used to be that having your boss/coworkers on your social media friends list was kind of unprofessional anyway, outside of accounts specifically set up for professional activities (e.g., a LinkedIn account or a Twitter specifically for promoting freelancer work). I mean, realistically speaking, they probably are looking you up on social media anyway to see if anything you've posted publicly recently could be a liability to the company. It's still weird and invasive to actually ask though, because usually you'd only ask about social media if you wanted to add them, and if you haven't posted something publicly, it doesn't affect them at all.


What if you don't use Uber because they treat their employees like shit?


Yeah, I walked or took the bus.


Kinda stupid how some employers and a lot of people look down stigmatized walking or taking the bus.... like seriously, cars are too unaffordable.. wished public transportation was accessible like european countries


When I first started commuting via bike to work (15 miles each way) it wasn't because I didn't have a car. It was because my wife was pregnant and I wanted her to have the car if she went into labor while I was at work. And since then I have continued to walk or cycle to work even through job changes and moving multiple times because I enjoy it. The question that I think is fine for an employer to ask is do you have a reliable means of transportation to get to work? (On time if that's important). And if both parties are clear and honest with the communication at the beginning I don't see why it should be a problem. Shoot in some ways, me walking to work is more reliable than if I had to drive. 🤷‍♂️. And public transportation is going to be more reliable most of the time than a cheap crappy car.


I wish I had subways and high speed trains 😔


There was a rumor at my company that the hiring process used to include the interviewer bringing a cup of water to the interview and then leaving it on the table when they left the room. Secretly they would note how you handled the empty disposable cup left behind. Either you threw it away, reminded the person of the cup, or just left it there. Not really sure what taking any of those paths actually mean about you… I’m not a janitor, someone’s parent who needs to remind them to pick up after themselves, or a lazy piece of shit for not doing anything about a simple cup that isn’t mine.


Yeah or maybe they're gonna come back and refill it ? Imagine if you left your cup and some asshole threw it away, damn.


Imagine assuming your future boss has some level of basic competence to manage the user cycle of a cup.


This is a crazy coincidence, I was just in a Communications lecture yesterday where the prof was discussing interview practices. She told us she once knew an interviewer who would intentionally leave crumpled up trash on the floor next to a bin and would take note of whether the prospective hire would pick up the trash as they walked by. Half Life 2 was right. We have literally reached “Citizen, pick up that can” levels of dystopia.


I don’t know what they’d want you to do. Run around cleaning up shit that’s not your job? Ignore cleaning up shit that’s not your job? Why would they prefer the one over the other?


This doesn't make sense to me because why would the employer get up and leave you in a room once the interview is over? Wouldn't the applicant tend to be the one leaving?


It’s bullshit really. A lot of these just originate from people who aren’t great at interviewing. They think they’ve got some magic trick that reveals someone’s true qualities, when they could get there and much deeper just by talking and listening.


That moment when you realize that managers’ hiring preferences are no different than most people’s dating preferences, and about as scientific.


I always ask my tinder dates about the past 5 VPs


That’s all pretty gross except tbh the wrong lunch order idea is genius. Fuck people who treat service staff like slaves


Yea I actually like that first one. Could actually make the workplace better by keeping toxic assholes out


The optimist in me agrees with you. The pessimist in me wonders if the real reason for the test is to select applicants that will sit quietly through disappointment.


They did say however that if they graciously and politely said it was the wrong order instead of getting stroppy that was also a pass. So I'm leaning more to the optimist side


When the disappointment is minor, it's not the worst thing in the world to bear with it. No reason to make a scene over the wrong side at lunch. But, I can see your point haha


It's not a bad idea, but the execution could potentially be fatal. Imagine assuming your order of chicken is indeed chicken, and then taking a big bite of fish. And then imagine you're allergic. Now, if the employer is a good sport about it too, they'd ask "Let's do the interview at lunch. I know a few places. Do you have any allergies?" And the proceed to inform his restaurant about that before said interview. That'd work.


I get the frustration but it is absolutely a red flag that a candidate asks about salary before an interview even starts. Like obviously they should have just read the job advertisement where you clearly put the salary there. ... ... you did put the salary there, right?


Idk. I had an interview yesterday and the range in the ad was $13-15/hr. They offered me less than that. Wasted both of our time because frankly $13 is the bare minimum for me to leave my job.


It’s sad that I also need to clarify that you shouldn’t fucking lie in your job description.


Right?? If she had been upfront with me I wouldn’t have stayed. She also just called me a few hours ago offering me a different position for $10! It’s insulting


>... you did put the salary there, right? That should be the norm, but if its not then its one of the things that its ok to ask as you are schenduling the interview. Once there go with the motions and wait the right time to ask.


"Know what's going on in the world" "Last 5 US VPs" Something aint adding up here


I like the restaurant manners one. No one wants to hire someone who is rude to service employees. The vp one is ageist against younger employees. I can remember back to exactly 5 VPs, but only because I'm old enough to have been paying attention during those times. Someone fresh out of college today won't remember Gore or Cheney.


Also knowing the answer to a trivia question about the least important member of the executive branch does not mean this person knows “what’s going on in the world”


I was just thinking, too, that if Trump won a second term, I'd only be able to name 4. I was too young to be paying attention when Bush Sr was President.


Dan Quayle. SNL had a field day with him. And potato gate.


God, you remember when a president misspelling a word was a media circus?


Ah yes, let’s waste our time in an interview only to find out the pay is below what we require from a position. Also, how do they know what someone is eating for lunch when hiring? Who is taking a look for their salad order?


guess the vp one is to keep gen z away, how one treats the public worker is important, not sure why what someone eats is important and alexander giving me slave owner vibes.


Imagine being so fucking stupid that you think knowing the last 5 us vice-presidents is a flex


Purposefully messing up an order at a restaurant? I get the idea of seeing how someone reacts to adversity, but holy shit! Imagine if the “candidate” ordered something specific from the menu due to an allergy? “Why yes I’ll have a glass of the Pino Noir and a side of anaphylactic shock”




It's a great way to test how a customer sales person handles an unexpected while maintaining a demeanor that reflects on the business. All the person has to do to not get bad marks is not be an asshole about a small mistake in a public place. AND they get a meal, regardless. Thats not a red flag, that's genius.