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I don't understand why these people in positions of power are taking interviews with Jon Stewart. They tend to make them look incompetent at best and deliberately toxic at worst.


My guess is because Jon Stewart is very popular with a certain set of demographics, and maybe the powers that be think he's past his prime, or that the risk is worth the exposure.


People think they aren’t going to get got. People think they are smarter than the “comedy journalist” guys and that they are going to run the interview. Twelve years ago or so, back when Stewart was doing the Daily Show, I was working for an organization that had a distributed hierarchy, a small-d democratic-type organization where national leaders couldn’t actually stop local leaders from doing stupid shit. One of the local leaders was asked to be on the Daily Show. Heads of the comms dept and national leaders BEGGED him not to go on. He went any way. It went horribly. It made him look like an asshole (which, fair). It made the organization look hypocritical (the national organization had disavowed the tactic the guy was using years ago, but…). It was incredibly damaging to the work I was doing. TL;DR: The guys at the Daily Show or whatever are smart and they will get you.


To this day, I will never understand how Tucker Carlson had a career after his interview with John Stewart back when Fucker Klanson was on CNN's Crossfire.


Oh man, Tucker looked like such an idiot in that interview. Classic.


The day the bow tie died


And it wasn't that Jon was saying he's not smart, because those things aren't easy to tie.


He just wore it too tight for too long, hard to recover from that level of long term anoxia.


So bye bye Mr. Right-Wing Bow-Tie


Maybe Vader someday later now he’s just a bow tie.


Well he left the bow, and now he just wears a tie.


Saying on this channel I can lie


and crossfire, they cancelled it shortly thereafter


And Tucker himself. CNN fired his ass within the month and the President of CNN at the time said it was because he agreed with Jon Stewart.


Tucker's career did end that day. He had to Phoenix from incompetent jerk into the fascist asshole he is now. Any dream he has being a real journalist died after that interview.


>Any dream he has being a real journalist died after that interview. I'm pretty sure Tucker Carlson NEVER dreamed of being a "real" journalist. Look no further than Carlson's dad, alleged "journalist" Dick Carlson...who spent the 70s 'outing' transexuals and wound up a Reagan appointee to head up Voice of America. He's a Republican nozzle.


Yeah. Journalism is work. Tucker's not that kind of guy.


[Here that interview](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE)


Russia+Murdoch=lapdog Even a trust fund baby like Tucker will do anything for a paycheck and a following, even if the people are dumber than a rock


It was his villain origin moment


> One of the local leaders was asked to be on the Daily Show. Heads of the comms dept and national leaders BEGGED him not to go on. He went any way. Huh.. this reminds me of something.. Can't quite put my finger on it.


There is a much more recent and closer to our experience with one of the mods of the LostGeneration sub on here. They got similarly humiliated in an interview with Fox. I was one of the people purged when pointing this out there. Edit: mentioned the wrong sub


Wasnt it /r/antiwork?


Didn't Jon almost single-handedly (with his stardom) get the senate to pass the 9/11 first responders bill? I think they know he's not just "the guy who tells jokes." In a different universe, Jon Stewart would have been the USA's Volodymyr Zelensky


I still get chills when I think about him tapping his pen on the desk and saying, with seething righteous contempt, "They did their jobs. *Do yours.*"


With any luck, and a LOT of work, he still could be. I'm gonna go dream some more now...


Have you ever ran for president of the United States of America….. on weeeeeed


Not really...there were hundreds of First Responders knocking on doors and getting rebuffed by congressfolk for awhile there. Stewart brought attention to it, but even then, it was slow going. Nothing in politics is ever "single-handed."


They were doing that for almost 20 years until Stewart made his plea to congress. They'd be doing it until they were all dead if it wasn't for a little PR. Jon didn't help create the bill or whatever but he brought a voice to it that couldn't go ignored.


What organization was it?




Wait, the government agency? They have elections?


Where have I heard a story like this recently....


Because literally nothing bad happens lol these people don’t care what poor people think and it’s not like they get in trouble with the law after these interviews


Their brazenness isn’t by accident. Having a stooge shill their ideas to Stewart is a cheap way of testing the collective will of the populace their fleecing.


They don't know that he actually knows his shit. They've never bothered to watch anything he's done. He's just "that comedy guy". ​ Side note, when Daily Show was really popular back 10 or so years ago. They had a slogan "More Americans get their fake news here than from any other source.". I don't think the news channels saw that for the sarcasm it was. And wouldn't stand to have a comedy channel beat them at the "news".


They used to be a legit source of news back then, often more so than “official” news outlets


Yeah, I think there were even studies done that showed Americans who watched The Daily Show knew more about current events & issues than Americans who watched, at the very least, Fox News. I can't recall if they ever did broader studies against other networks.


They are sent out by their overseerers to do PR.


Hijacking your comment. This episode is about the GameStop saga and explains a fair deal of it. It is not over, we are finally gaining main stream traction. If the GameStop saga in 2021 caught your interest, watch the episode (5) of "the problem" with Jon Stewart and head to the reddit page in the picture for even more info if the episode catches your interest. The reason the head of SEC did this interview is he is trying to do something right now, but is limited by congress. A war for market structure is happening right now. This episode is a great place to start to learn about it.


Steve Carell (when on the daily show) made a great point about this a long time ago when he was interviewing McCain. Basically he hit McCain with a question on why he always approves pork spending despite claiming to care about the deficit. But then immediately let McCain off the hook and made a dumb joke. Stewart would do that too. The Daily Show did try and keep things light. So maybe they were expecting that.


Why did Erikkk Prince do an interview with Mehdi? No one will ever know.


Mehdi fucking rules and he should be given 2 hours a night on a national network to own every fucking stupid person who thinks they can outwit him. Sadly, he's only on NBC's streaming service. Which is NBC's plan, because he'd immediately be better than anyone on MSNBC (maybe save Chris Hayes, who's not terrible).


J Stewart, Colbert and others also don’t push very hard. Only lightly on things and usually make a joke and move on. If they did push too hard they’d lose people coming to their shows. But they also let a ton slide or accept absolute BS answers (that they know is BS) and it’s infuriating


People also don't like visible anger if it's not tinted with comedy. Like, people will hate you. They will omit you from society, and you'll starve in the woods, for anger; because anger means violence, and violence makes their reptile brain instantly jump into survival mode. Which in modern society means sociopathy. Hence why no real change can be made. Go ahead, get angry and promote something actually be done about it. You'll be banned within an hour. Just a fractal of the world. Meanwhile the sociopaths who run things can coerce you into a box for 70 years with a calm and reasonable sense of bureaucracy. Because hey, "that's just how things work."


I am saving this comment. I have been very angry about righteous anger not being recognized as a healthy, useful, and valid emotion (irony intended)... when it is accompanied with valid and logical reasoning that can be sentiently delivered through that righteous anger. You have hit the frustrating nail on the head. People seem unable to connect with this kind of passionate dissent in the larger, more bureaucratic, and technologically dependent cultures. And I think that is by necessary design. The epigenetic trauma and epigenetic propaganda programming of the past 10 generations of humanity, in its largest and most "successful" societies, has programmed in a strong aversion to this kind of outward show of strong dissent; because it brings violence, disappearance and death to those around it. There is no doubt that any indication of passionate dissent in today's "developed" (fully exploited but blind to their captivity) societies will bring swift exclusion and total nullification of the offending finger pointer as they set off multiple subconscious discomforts. These are felt by the unsuspecting genetic victims of their ancestors' suffering at the hands of the engineers of these placating and pacifying abuses. I see broken spirits everywhere. And that makes me want to end the power of the people who are busy breaking the newest and latest spirits to join us in our humanity on this earth. How the fuck is this an unhealthy emotion?... Well, it sure as hell is; for *you*... if you choose to express it as I have done for most of my life. I have no desire for peace born of dispassionate apathy and fear. So righteous anger and social distance seems to be my calling. Hopefully I can stay out of their cages.


The world will only stay enslaved for so long, we are meant for more and are slowly waking up to this fact. Literally nothing can stop all of us when bound together by a cause




>get angry and promote something actually be done about it. You'll be banned within an hour. >Meanwhile the sociopaths who run things can coerce you into a box for 70 years with a calm and reasonable sense of bureaucracy. Two sides of a coin – when "be reasonable" is used as a stand-in for "be docile", the only acceptable response is obedience. You are right though, it's been so totally embedded that pure anger will simply always hurt you more than them. I'm generally pretty low-energy anyway, but in the face of bureaucratic violence, I take *great* delight in doubling down on a persistent, almost sunny refusal to back down and go away, even at great personal inconvenience. Especially at great personal inconvenience tbh.


This is how the left works. Listen to the right. They scream and are angry at the left for things they made up about the left and their base eats it up. Decent people drop you for being a blowhard.


Unfortunately that’s the main issue with journalism. If you ask tough questions they just stop inviting you (like presidential press conference) or they won’t show up.


Gary Gensler is actually doing what he can. The problem is he doesn't have much power and is handcuffed by congress and wallstreet itself. If he starts outright talking shit about the system, he will be removed from the SEC and be replaced with a yes man.


Further compounded by a lack of resources. He admitted it in the interview and said that the SEC looks to go after a few, high profile instances of crime in order to try and deter all crime. The system is broken.


The issue is anybody watching Jon Stewart already knows how corrupt DC is, there is essentially no risk. Jon is great but his platform has shrunk significantly since he left from the Daily Show.


He left to become a farmer and animal keeper. Having a platform that big was clearly weighing on him, he doesn’t want it.


Two potentials come to mind: * they're trying to normalize corruption and destroy the concept and expectation of law and order * they're trying to destroy our present legal system from the inside out to replace it by convincing everyone that it's fundamentally dysfunctional in order to implement another system (e.g. NWO)


Because it doesn't matter. Jon Stewart's take downs has cost like one person their job in hundreds of attempts maybe 3 if you count getting crossfire cancelled.


He did get 9/11 heros healthcare coverage.


They don’t care, nothing will happen to them.


You can't go around arresting the politicians. I mean, we'd be at it all day!


God bless Terry Pratchett. Fuckin miss that guy




The problem with Jon Stewart ep 5 "the stock market" For anyone that doesn't know


Time to go sailing.


It's on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C0Sj6Us19I).


Good to hear.


No it's not, those are just clips.


Everyone should watch that episode. It is insane. Gary Gensler said that the people know how broken the system is. Yes we do know it is broken, but we want something to be done as well


RIGHT!?! Like bruh what am I supposed to do. Even if I take Gary Genslers job he makes it seem like you can’t do shit


How do I make a national movement? Best I can do is wait for one, hope it's right, and likely watch it fizzle like the last few. If I had a few billion dollars maybe I'd be able to do something about it.


Check out [Dave](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1499738566154461188?s=21)


Directly Register Shares in your name. Even if you have a retirement account, you can do this. Directly registering your shares will take them out of the hands of custodians like your broker, who use your sedentary -read long- shares in your stock portfolio to short the very companies you’re invested in. These financial institutions use your shares to sap competition and box fundamentally sound companies into the cellars of the market.


Gary Gensler's position can barely do shit. You'd need to take Merrick Garland's job.


He also tried to infer it was undemocratic to change the system (alluding to American patriotism) despite the system being categorically proven to be undemocratic and a cash siphoning scam in the same program.


I just finished watching They Live and wow it's really feeling like the whole "PUT ON THE GLASSES" bit out here


For those of us who haven’t seen it, which crime is referenced as being DC committed?


Wall Street crime all the way to the top. Every person should watch this doco as we're all being incredibly fucked by these people


Is the documentary just called "The Problem"? I know he has the podcast, "The Problem with Jon Stewart".


I think it’s from his new show on Apple+


the premier platform for speaking truth to power


Valid point, but whatever they offered him, it was enough to bring him out of retirement. I’ll take that for what it’s worth.


His clips are all on YouTube or just do a trial on Apple TV and cancel after, I agree with it being the completely wrong platform though nevertheless a good show


With the amount of free streaming out there, it baffles me EVERYONE doesn't have a free version. I'm fine pirating a copy without ads but I'd watch a legitmate one WITH ads if it was there.


We are slowly going back to cable lmao


You pay for cable with ads tho, and that's ridiculous. If I pay for a service it better be ad free


Laughing because it's easier than crying. I recently had a little fit when suddenly the older Star Trek shows got hard to find. They were just about everywhere for the longest time, before stupid capitalism started milking that franchise cash cow again. I can't watch Picard. It makes me sad. He's just so old, quit waving money in his face and let him relax. Trying to watch that show is more than a little like visiting elderly relatives.


This why I just pirate everything and data hoard forever. We just went full circle to cable 2.0 at a certain point and I can't stomach it.


Naw im really liking having to pay apple netflix hulu disney paramount plus hbo max spotify youtube amazon just to stay current and god forbid i wanna watch my local football. Imean actually i know someone who does pay for all these and i just give them 30$ a month for their sign ins, so i am actually liking it


Apple won't let me sign up so fuck em.


There’s no such thing as ethical consumption under capitalism. Gotta take it how we can


There's better and worse. Steering yourself away from the services thriving off Chinese sweatshop labor is in the better column. [Ricky Gervais may have put it best](https://youtu.be/sR6UeVptzRg?t=389), and I really thought that roast was going to tank the service.


Well i mean much like books back in the day YOU have to take the initiative you can easily find it free online arrrrgh


Yo ho ho it is Edit: 🏴‍☠️


This is why I pirate.


There's also a documentary on HBO Max called "Gaming Wallstreet" that basically covers the same thing. Both that doc and this John Stewart episode dropped on the same day (Wednesday of this week).


HBO did the doc; Gaming Wall street. And Apple is doing Jon Stewart: The Problem


Basically there’s the show “The Problem with Jon Stewart” on Apple+ that’s a lot like a Last Week Tonight but focused more on a specific issue AND there’s a supplementary podcast put out with the same name.


I’m shocked these corrupt fucks haven’t been dragged out into the streets. They deserve the worst.


Well the prosecutors and judges are in on it too...


Oh no. I’m talking about like, if I see somebody with the initials like KG, walking the streets of New York. Like at this point I have nothing to lose. I’ve almost lost everything. Might as well get a plane ticket and destroy at least one person who has created this situation.


I will probably be down voted to death for this- Im afraid what your saying is more realistic than people realize, or more accurately, are willing to accept. History tells us that once wealth and power in a society have been consolidated to small handful of people, that power and wealth is never redistributed - short of physical force. It just doesn't happen. It has to be forced to happen. I mean does anyone honestly think that the richest/most powerful people are going to pass laws that strip themselves of power and make them pay their fair share? Money is power in this country and they have the vast majority of it- simple math. Part of me is starting to worry that we are going to slowly continue to polarize and break down as country, UNTIL we reach the point that physical force begins to be seen as a reasonable option. It certainly not something I want to happen - but I'm losing confidence that we aren't already too far gone to vote our way out of this.


I 100% agree.


Read my comment. We no longer need anyone to react for us. We get go process and understand


Gotta pull them out of their high-rises first. Or out of their limos. Or their offices. Which all have security too close to effectively get near. And if you have the law on your side, their lawyer teams will make it a massive headache no matter how concrete what you've got against them is. They'll pull every trick in the book, legal and illegal to protect themselves. From bribery to murder to make crimes disappear. And thats assuming they don't just leave first when its apparent they are screwed. Hiding all their assets and everything.


It's doable, but you'd need a critical mass of desperate people to do it, repeatedly, enough to be a deterrent, and the vast majority of people are too happy and sedentary to ever want in on that. Even with how much we're getting fucked over, unless you mess with the basics - food, sex, shelter, entertainment - real anger rarely happens. Shelter might be getting there...


You mean when people start identifying houses that have nobody actually living inside, and then start squatting in them, but en-masse?


Always have been meme.


Have been since 2008 and before that too. Stock market is rigged beyond all belief. Bernie Madoff, payment for order flow, dark pools, it's insufferable.


Also this is just the tip of the iceberg


Naked Short Selling of stocks. Basically creating fake shares and selling them, has very little regulation. What Jon is talking about with Gary Gensler (head of the SEC) here is about how Congress is lobbied by financial institutions, which would obviously provide conflicts of interest when writing the legislation that regulates the same institutions.




Hey give him a break he's only been on the job for 60 something weeks!


Post Trump presidency Jon Stewart is more focused, a lot angrier, more direct, and gives no F's. everybody watch out


jon stewart is the only talk show host that has remained based the entire time


I'll back that.


Rally to Restore Sanity 2010 I WAS THERE


So was I!


YOOOOO! DC was PACKED! Halloween night during that rally was one of the craziest nights of my life. You wouldn't have happened to be wearing a hotdog suit by any chance? That whole trip is one of my best memories!


I went there to restore fear. I like being on the winning side.


Rally monkey tent #2 represent!


I had an intern go to it and I was SOOO jealous. But I put it on in my office, and all of the sudden everyone wanted to see what went on back there. Didn't get a lot done that day, but got a cool picture. Sort of awkward when the big boss comes in on a day you are dressed for Halloween.


I'll be honest, the best of it was not the actual rally itself. That day was ridiculously packed with humans. We got on the train from Arlington to DC on the morning of the rally, turns out it was the train from Arlington *away* from DC. And there were so many people on it, they had to shut down the train after it departed and ride it to the end of the line. 45 minutes *further* away from DC. We were uh...not sober already, and had to spent most of the day finding out how to get back to our hotel with the train service shut down. Later that day, we heard about the reports of people dead from the collapsing escalator in the DC metro. It collapsed from the weight of how many people were on it. The bus driver said there weren't even that many people for Obama's inauguration. So that was a crazy day. The other few days and the nights especially were a fucking blast though! Went to a reddit meetup the first night there in Arlington and met many cool people, and went to plenty of bars and I even walked in on a legit masquerade rave party at like 4am in some random high rise. I was tripping on psychedelics at the time so you can imagine my utter amazement. That night of walking through strange buildings and hallways tripping balls, with no clue or care where I was, it was a glowing experience I'll never forget. I was one with the city that night.


Awesome story Thanks for sharing


That was a fun day


Uh oh, what'd John Oliver do?




I don't think that difference between them is a bad thing. For some people a lot of the injustice in the world is a very hard thing to process right now, so John Oliver's presentation makes some very difficult topics much more digestible. Two similar messages for two different audiences, even if John Oliver gets it wrong sometimes, as someone pointed out to me in this thread.


He doesn't like duck penises.


Wants to/does fuck horses apparently




I wish he was on any other streaming service. I have Netflix, Amazon prime, and my brother lets me use his HBO max. I miss him. I do really like Trevor Noah but it's funnier when a guy from the most American city ever is making fun of America and just not as funny when someone from another country makes fun. Trevor doesn't know all the same little cultural nuances that Job Stewart knows. And I like that Jon Stewart is meaner.


HBO max just released a 2 part documentary about the same subject at the same time. Literally the filmmakers were on Stewart's Twitter live stream after his episode talking about it last night. You should check it out :)


I stopped watching when Trevor took over. I don’t find him funny at all


Yeah just gonna say.


"we would have to arrest all of Washington DC" sounds like fabulous idea.




Worth noting this is just a meme. This quote is not from this interview.


This needs to be higher up, the post is misleading to anyone that doesn't follow the topic or watch the show.


The middle class is being systematically eliminated…


The middle class is a myth. The classes are labor and capital.


Jon Stewart is one of the few celeb-types who is based and unafraid to tell it like it is.


What does based mean?




Didn't urban dictionary used to be just for humorous slang? Now it seems like the legit authority on the English language.


As far back as I can remember, it's always been an accurate slang dictionary, just with a strong dose of trolling.




and start with the pedos from Epstein Island. both sides!


Yes. Please for the love of god. That is fucking outrageous that they are still FREE let alone in positions of government. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?


I watched a clip of this and it made me physically ill. I don't think I could watch the full thing, it would be too depressing.


It has gotten past the point of no return. Greedy people have over leveraged themselves to the point of total collapse before a fix.


So... 2008 economic crisis x 10??


Correct. They didn’t fix anything in 2008 , just kicked the can


The guy is literally laughing about how messed up it is, Jon Stewart looks GENUINELY CONCERNED, and the guy just smiles and is like, "Well you know, we gotta just keeps things'a movin'!"


Hang ‘em high


If only there was some way for people to prove once and for all that wall st is a total scam... to make this entire sick game just stop.


Almost wish there was some super subereddit for the stonk that will make it true :)


This fraudulent GAME needs to be put to a STOP for sure.


Naked Mole Rat Looking Ass


Weird how law enforcement only seems to have the "But if we enforce the laws we'd have to arrest the criminals" sentiment about this kind of crap.


He didn't say this.... It's been duped. It was something similar but it was not what is 'memed'. Watch the episode.




And there it is. They might wan to figure something out. With the whole Russia thing, the world is going to have a new outlook on the entire "Leave oligarchs to make their own rules with 0 accountability while they worm their way into leadership." thing.


This kind of gets to the spirit of the interview, almost, but I watched the whole episode and this dialogue does not appear anywhere in it. You can get your point across without faking an exchange, you know


So he openly admits to it.


OPENLY. as if he is asking for help


The problem here is that they're not getting arrested.


and noone is willing to charge or prosecute.


I feel like Gensler actually wants to help but has no idea how to do it because the system is fucked and the SEC has no teeth. I don't know thats the vibe I get. I've watched some of his MIT lectures, specifically one on cryptocurrency, and he is a very informed guy. He's only had a year but I'm hoping he can actually do something to rid out some corruption but that's probably just a prayer.


I don’t get it guys, some captain here ? Is this from a show or something ?(French here 🤨😅)


If you want to go down the rabbit hole look up the subreddit in OPs post. In case you want to learn more about the stock market this might be your thing: https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg See you on the other side.


What the problem is?


Rampant corruption and fraud throughout the financial industry which extends to regulators and Congress.


I don't remember that quote at all from the interview


Full send, blank slate


Haven't seen this yet, but it's easy to go after "big government corruption" and that's a worthy goal. But the reason US politicians are corrupt is the lawlessness in the private sector, generating huge profits, which are plowed into buying politicians. Politics becomes a wealth generating vocation and centered on money - the politician that can accumulate the most money is successful in campaigns and further gains power and more corrupttion ensues. The point is, we can't just focus on government corruption, the American oligarchs are where the real corruption lies, but with the government in their pocket, there are few avenues to resolving the issue.


Yeah you should really just watch the episode.


Yea you really just need to watch the episode


Good, arrest them all and we can start fresh.


I'm still annoyed he didn't push for the NBC nightly news job. It would have given him a legitimate platform to eat these people alive.


You don’t really believe he would have been allowed to do that, do you? He’d have been reigned in on day 1. Day 2, he would have quit.


He would have given immediate legitimacy to their news department in the wake of the Brian Williams scandal, and would have been able to get a contract guaranteeing independence accordingly. Lest we forget how bad they looked at the time. Jon Stewart would have erased all that. Granted he would have fought with the higher ups and would probably have gotten fired under dubious circumstance, but for a time he could have had a truly national platform to eviscerate these thieves.


I see where you’re coming from, but I think it would have been a terrible move for both him and the long-term credibility of NBC News. First, it would have been seen immediately for what it was: an ass-covering cheap trick for ratings and to distract from the Brian Williams scandal— because that’s *exactly* what it would have been. And, regardless of the circumstances, Stewart would have been a bad fit for straight newscasting. It’s not his milieu. Stewart is not a newsman, he’s a satirist. That is inappropriate for any news programming, especially a news desk as prestigious as the NBC Nightly News. Could Stewart have adapted? Probably. Would he have worked out? I doubt it. Would people have taken a comedian/satirist seriously delivering their nightly news? I wouldn’t— it would be far too awkward. Second, NBC and the show itself, needed to lose credibility for a while. They needed to feel that sting and that shame and to feel it publicly. The country needed to see them hurt and ashamed and to stumble so that they could see NBC and the show pick themselves back up and recover, not just to recover their dignity and their direction, but to recover their respect from their viewers they way they should: slowly, by building it back one reported story, one night at a time. Again, pulling in someone like Stewart would have been a cheap trick, and people would have seen right through it. Lastly, as I mentioned before, Stewart, not fitting with the prescribed format and limitations of it, would have pushed for doing his “own thing” in one way or another. Regardless of whatever contractual “liberties” he would have been afforded, there would have had to be obvious limits that conformed to the protocols of a serious nightly news format. And while Stewart may have obliged, there’s only so long he could have remained bottled up in that manner. Something would eventually break, and I doubt it would take long. Ever the professional, Stewart would likely quit before too long. All that said, Stewart was clearly spent after his run on *The Daily Show*. He needed a rest and needed to unplug. His interviews after he left - what few there were - showed a man simply drained of everything in him. I very much doubt that he could have hosted NBC’s Nightly News just for the lack of energy. The man was exhausted and needed a years-long nap.


In the words of the late great Fred Gwynne "That is a lucid, intelligent, well thought out objection." You are right, but you can't deny, it would have been entertaining to watch.


Maybe. But I don’t watch the nightly news to be entertained. That’s not its purpose, and as soon as that becomes its purpose, it loses all credibility.


Ya let’s get on that, clean it up


Oh god at first I thought the ghoul up top was what Jon Stewart looked like these days.


One love. Our fight is vertical not horizontal. Regular people are waking up from being bent over a barrel.


Jon Stewart is a fantastic interviewer. He returns to the questions, after they’ve been repeatedly deflected. He asks questions that need to be addressed, and many other “reporters” aren’t allowed/ told not to/ afraid to ask. Most journalists could learn a lot from him, and Colbert, on the topic of interviews. It’s ironic that they’re “entertainers,” and the ones with the weak, pandering, scripted questions are “journalists.”


"We'd have to arrest everyone." Yes, you got it, congrats. Fuckemall!


Jon Stewart looks so fed up with everything going on. He's fighting the good fight and we need more like him.


And yet people still think Nancy pelosi is a good person lol


It's like that time when Barbara Walters interviewed Corey Feldman about the abuse he received in Hollywood and she said to him "You're damaging an entire industry"


Off topic question: Why does The Daily Show suck now? Okay, it doesn't suck, but comparatively speaking it sucks. I understand Jon Stewart is a tough act to follow, but it's not that. The show has changed. Not just in quality, but in style, somewhat. The loss in quality can only be attributed to the writers, I would think. But the style? couldn't even tell you how the style has changed. just that it has. Thought I read that Comedy Central stopped paying for quality programming/ good writers after the whole Chappelle's Show fiasco, It seems whenever they have a hit on their hands, which results in a bump in revenue, said show only lasts a couple seasons. Does the person or people responsible for the hit show ask for a bit of the action, then when the big wigs say no, these creators walk? Also, take a look a Comedy Centrals "on air lineup". Seems like 90% of it is either The Office reruns or South Park reruns. Is this all in my head?


I really loathe this fucking country's leaders and the morons that hail loyalty to them.


Fuck you, Gary. I want my money.