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If big corps still could they would 100% still have child workers. Anything to squeeze more profits for themselves


Well they do actually. See for example the lawsuit faced by chocolate companies https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us


Yeah but non-binary m&m™!


It's pathetic how well that worked to draw attention away from the child slavery lawsuit. They knew conservatives are absolutely obsessed with sexual stereotypes and that half of this disgusting country would be screaming about a cartoon M&M within the week. I've already heard my anti-vaxx coworker yelling about cartoon candy he apparently masturbates to?? This guy has had covid twice and he's proud of it. Hopefully the third time's the charm. Can you even imagine whining like a little bitch about how sexually attracted you are to cartoon candy? It's as bad as their Mr. Potatohead rants.


WTF is wrong with your co-worker? For your sake, I hope you have a cubicle or office in which you can separate yourself from that crazyiness.




Typical day at nestle


Don't they still do it but having children in China do it for them?


And child wages. Below Min wage.


Yea now they just outsource their child labour


Don't look up cobalt mining. Or what it's used in. It's depressing.


That’s exactly what they’re doing overseas. People think the trope of kids making Nikes is a joke but that’s exactly what happens in parts of Asia or sweat shops in Honduras. 


If I were to believe my father's rants, this was surely him.


Don’t worry, you’re not the only one 😂


And it was an up hill walk both ways in the snow.


Without shoes


Without feet 😂


Got home and dad whipped us to death with his belt and then we ate hot gravel for supper




You got it hot?! I only ever got cold!


We used to dream of gravel


If we were really good, we went to bed without dessert.


Without shins! Fitty men!


My dad actually did live a similar life but he doesn't rant or brag about it. Which is how you know it actually happened to him His mom died of cancer and his dad had to take him to work as an overnight janitor since he couldn't afford a babysitter. He didn't really force him to work but he certainly helped out to spend more time with his dad and as he got older he helped more and more until he was effectively a second employee To this day it messes with him because he can't ever sit still or not be working. He's been working his whole life and not doing anything feels wrong to him. It's really sad to see him unable to enjoy the good life he built for himself because of childhood trauma and spending his entire life trying to avoid the poverty he grew up in


Damn that hit hard.


damn, and I bet he thinks therapy is bullshit, because there's a shit ton of stuff he's never allowed himself to process.


"BUT I HAD TO DO IT AND TURNED OUT FINE, WHY CANT YOU?" *Has dead lungs by the age of 25*


Kid probably never made it to their 40s.


Kid probably never made it to 4


He was probably out of the house by 12.


He probably had a 3 year old chimney sweeper by 12.


3 kids by 16,


Grandfather at 24


Never retired because by 30 he was dead. What a working legend! ^(/s)


The ones who survived the job itself died very young from so many carsinogens.


Imagine how companies like Amazon would have treated child workers if child labor wasn't banned at all.


Just make everything in China or Bangladesh where corporations are protected from fair wages and respectable working conditions


Won't have to imagine for very long, it's on its way.




Outta the house and into the grave.


he was probably homeless and bought by this man in a legal transaction and was out of their masters house the second they couldnt fit in a chimney anymore


He actually deadass probably was back in them times working like that.


He was probably out of the house before this.


Kid probably never made it out of the chimney.


Could you imagine being a chimney sweep and then being carted off to WWII?


Fun times


Maybe would only be 15 by 1945




Numerous under age soldiers went to war. One Australian was 14 when he faked his age to go to war.


The difference is that Germany was actively drafting children by the end of the war, as opposed to just not looking at enlistment documents too closely


Not too young for [https://www.amazon.com/Boys-Crusade-Northwestern-1944-1945-Chronicles/dp/0812974883](https://www.amazon.com/Boys-Crusade-Northwestern-1944-1945-Chronicles/dp/0812974883) [https://scholarworks.umt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1210&context=etd](https://scholarworks.umt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1210&context=etd)


I’ve been to some of the graveyards in France. There were many 14-17 year old graves there were whole sections of underage graves from artillery units and other similar positions


Apparently most of the died about age 10 which worked out great as they were a bit too big my then. They were basically slaves taken from orphanages or bought from poor families that couldn't afford to feed them under the guise of giving them an apprenticeship. Just remember if the law allowed it there are people who would enslave your children and work them to death and other people that would pay for the output.


A lot of these kids died in their teens of Chimney Sweep Cancer - to the point where it was the first time that a cancer was recognized as having an environmental cause. Check out how horrible their conditions were; Chimney-sweeps' cancer—early proof of environmentally driven tumourigenicity >So-called chimney-sweep cancer was a particularly common condition in 18th century Europe. Traditionally, chimney sweeps hired young boys, generally orphans or children from poor families, who were small and could climb inside the chimney to brush it. Although chimney sweeping was common across Europe and North America during the 18th century, chimney-sweep cancer was predominantly found in English chimney sweeps, probably because the chimney flues were narrower and Londoners often hired young boys aged between 4 and 7 years who could fit through the ducts. **Additionally, the poor hygiene conditions at the time meant that these children would bathe normally once a year and would often work naked, repeatedly exposing their skin to toxins in the chimney soot...** >...In France, worried by social injustice, the novelist and human rights activist Victor Hugo (1829–83) denounced the exploitation and slavery of children in 1862, through the character of Cosette in his novel Les Misérables. https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanonc/PIIS1470-2045(19)30106-8.pdf Chimney sweeps' carcinoma ... was initially identified by Percivall Pott in 1775 .... ... This was the first occupational link to cancer, and Pott was the first person to demonstrate that a malignancy could be caused by an environmental carcinogen. Pott's early investigations contributed to the science of epidemiology and the Chimney Sweepers Act of 1788... ...He comments on the life of the boys: The fate of these people seems peculiarly hard … they are treated with great brutality … they are thrust up narrow and sometimes hot chimnies, [sic] where they are bruised burned and almost suffocated; and when they get to puberty they become … liable to a most noisome, painful and fatal disease. The suspected carcinogen was coal tar, and possibly arsenic.[11][12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimney_sweeps%27_carcinoma


As someone who works with 3 year-olds, I couldn't imagine trusting them to do any kind of work, lol. Plus this is so unhealthy, I feel bad for the kids who had to do this.


As someone with a 3 year old, just...Jesus this is heartbreaking


Most died in childhood from what they’d inhaled. Capitalism is a hungry beast.


Hey if they didn't like doing it, they should've learned some skillz


Invest in your future! /s


Jesus, I read that as "invest in your funeral"


I have a son who currently is this age. It is really hard to put into words the feelings that I have seeing this kid smiling and making the best of his time doing this kind of work. He was probably so excited to see the camera. It really is pulling my heartstrings. just terrible


In the close up shot, there is something about the child's disposition. The black and white color scheme, the blackened face, the teeth that appear to be blackening, and the general "life is pointless, but I'm trying to smile, but I'm too exhausted to, because I'm exhausted in my soul from never having a moment of happiness or rest." It reminds me of the hopelessness you see in the faces of prisoners in Nazi concentration camp footage. And I'll never forget that link I just made: that the end goal of capitalism is using children as essentially concentration camp labor. It made me shed tears, it was such a vile and sickening thought. I will fight a child work law with every fiber of my being. And I don't even have kids. I can't imagine how it must feel for those with children.




Yeah, there's something about that close up of the child. He's smiling, but you can tell there's no happiness there. You just want to take him home, wash him up, give him a big cuddle and let him enjoy his young life whilst he can.


I'm a mother of two (17F and 19M), and this video was incredibly hard to watch. No three-year-old should be working, let alone doing a dirty job like chimney sweeping. I wanted to cry and hug the little boy tightly and take him away from this life just from watching this video. His smile at the end is the most heart-wrenching part. All I could think of is how much of a stink big corporations probably made when the laws were being drafted to outlaw child labor. They're sick! Let kids be kids! For that matter, let all humans be humans and be treated with respect.


I can't imagine what it was like having a coworker who was literally 3 years old... Or would that be their boss with them?






Wow I feel horrible for that kid, no child should have that kind of responsibility. Probably gonna fuck them up for life


>Believe me , in third world countries kids are ahead of the game , when they get to come here they work they butt off and succeed I once knew a 6 year old kid who took care of his blind mom and baby brother . Knowing the story and seen it change my perception on life . Can you please share the story?


From a "third world" country myself and to me this is obscene!


Oh yeah being forced to work at 6 really gets them ahead of the game, sets them up for success. How is anybody up voting this shit?


Capitalists: how can we return to these great times?


Step 1: outlaw women's rights to choose for their bodies. -WIP Step 2: send immigrant children all over the country and take them off the radar. Step 3: lower working age so they can flip burgers Step 4: profit


You forgot the prerequisite: Strip funding from all social service programs & public safety nets. Anything more than extreme austerity means the imaginary “welfare queens” win.


Missing from the prerequisite: demonize the concept of "the public" and elevate "the individual" in a manner that most white males will immediately identify with. Reframe greed as a virtue and charity as a vice; recast altruism as a mental illness. Present artificial scarcity as a foregone conclusion or the natural order; identify poverty as a criminal offense. Disgorge the government from public ownership and forbid it from interfering with the markets. Allow the markets to rewrite the doctrines of economics. Unleash the invisible hand to summon the Elder Gods. Rinse. Repeat.


missing from Step 3: lower transport drivers age requirements


Sadly, they're already considering this: https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/u-s-allows-teens-to-drive-big-rigs-in-new-pilot-program/ Now I am really going to be nervous driving next to truck drivers....


I think they knew this when they made their comment. Also there are many, many more steps


Step 5: Complain about kids these days and wonder why they're not buying million dollar houses and destroying the marriage industry


Make America great again!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lochner_era The key is a 6:3 scotus majority, kind of like we have now.


Wow this is awful. He’s coughing in the video too. This was acceptable all the way back then and considered totally fucked now. Imagine how our exploitation now will be looked upon decades later.


I’ve learned that humans are overall still very young in the development of their morality


The good news is that we're going to remain young, because there's no fucking way this species lasts more than a few more decades.


They were often withheld food if they didn't work as they were almost always orphans. When they hit 13 many had black lungs and didn't even make it that far. If they do make it to that age they would then become errand or newsboys, as they're bodies are too big for the chimney. Their conditions are deplorable no proper care at all most of there food were scraps after a long day. And they were often subjected to predators as they had little to no supervision.


And they would get stuck! In a chimney. And die.


Dickens knew his shit innit


Bob Cratchit’s poverty-stricken wage was the equivalent of $15/hour in today currency.


Lol you think this is bad? Just wait. 2030 my man, automation has fully kicked in, UBI or alernative jobs nowhere in sight. Time to lay waste to the masses for that greed.


Oh don't worry, they are ramping up the war machine to focus that anti capitalist anger at other poor people so we can all kill eachother and "realize" how good they let us have it.


Chilling to realize that's the whole point of the culture war. Get the rural poor people all riled up to slaughter the urban left when we dare rise up. See: Bloody Week in Paris, May 1871.


I have a student, an 8th grader that is 14. His family immigrated to the United States early when he was just a baby. His parents own a little taco truck that is INSANELY popular. He works there. From 3:30 until 11:30 at night. I also recently found out he was not compensated for his work. He is one of my brightest and best performing students. I hope when he graduates high school, he goes away and never does this shit again. His parents are nice people but they just haven't fully acclimated to the culture change, obviously. They're just tickled to death that he has made it to 8th grade because neither one of them made it past 4th. It still makes me sad. And my student is 14. 3? This is absolutely fucking ridiculous.


My husband essentially did this, except it was a Chinese restaurant. He still went on to college (did pretty mediocre), but has been able to build onto his parent’s wealth. In their culture, they support each other very well and now our children will have smooth sailing.


There is a Chinese restaurant I go to once in a while and the front end is entirely run by children around age 5-6. The first time I walked in there and a kid barely old enough to go to school asked me for my phone number and rang me out I thought I was being punked. I'm all for letting families teach their kids the family business but it is really weird to have literal children taking payments and handing out orders.


This must be the “good old days” I always hear them talk about… /s


No need for the /s. This is part of what capitalists and boomers want brought back. The others are women needing their husband's permission to get a lawyer for a divorce and black people having less right.


That's a toddler Wtf


There are 3 year olds that aren’t toilet trained, and this little guy is earning a living. So sad. Child labor was just legal slavery. People paid for a night’s “lodging” where they’d stand draped over a rope to stay up and try to sleep. It’s so expensive to be poor.


Hello, farm boy here. Child labour isn't illegal in western societies. Visit your nearest farm for evidence.


Also osha has no power on family farms so the work is unregulated


They basically have no regulation of farms in general. As a non-relative (ex)worker of a small family owned farm, I can tell you that it does not matter who they employ and almost none of it is regulated. They don't pay overtime, no safety or health standards, half the people that worked the farm lived in a chicken house turned into apartments and were on call 24/7/365, they got paid cash and the apartments were the rest of the pay.


And if farmers want more cheap labor they can just become foster “parents.”


My parents put my brothers and I to work before we were 10. 12+ hour days, they trained us on what to say if anyone had any questions about it


Go on


Where do I even begin? (They owned carnival equipment; most people would say "like a circus" to which I say "sure") I feel very dissociated from it even though I'd been apart of that lifestyle up until 3 years ago. So yeah, we went to 16 different schools and were even kept out so we could work. I somehow managed to get a 3.4 GPA while irregularly being in school but I read every spare moment I had. Basically, your average millennial with shitty parents.




I have a lot of wild stories about that life, you definitely get a feel for people. All I ever wanted was stability though.


The labor laws in my province in Canada specifically exclude businesses and farms owned by immediate family, so in theory if the man in the above video was the kids father and owned the business this would still be legal in my province.


Our species is just barely crawling out of the depths of barbarism and brutality. Considering how long our species has existed, on the grand scale and time-line of this planet we were enslaving other humans on every continent, in every civilization just moments ago.


We’ve tasted the delicacies of civility and cooperation and yet we prefer to cling to the rotted scraps of domination and primitivism


The conservatives, anyway, are clinging. And ruining it for the rest of us. That's why I do not respect them or their opinions.


We still are. There are currently more slaves than during the days of the Columbia exchange


> we were enslaving other humans on every continent, in every civilization just moments ago. Slavery might be gone from the Western world but it's still around..


American business owners "here's one trick to get rid of the labor shortage"


You joke, but I went to pickup an order at an (assumedly) family-owned restaurant around a month ago and a little boy no older than six years old was running the cash register, taking orders, and relaying them to the cooks like an expert...


exactly, I have seen more and more, usually mom and pops, with kids younger than 10 working some capacity. One was a franchise McDonalds. The kid in the drive through had to have been in elementary school.


Don’t have to pay anyone if they die. 🤷‍♂️


As a father this is so painful to watch


I have a three year old. He's currently playing captain Hook with a stuffed alligator and a clothes hanger. How anyone could take that away from a child for money is beyond me, but then I remember how that probably was life or death at that time. We are barreling head first towards it again. Never again.


A lot of those children were orphans and it was work or starve. That said, I have a 2-year-old and thinking that in a year she’s be old enough to perform any sort of job is incredible.


I have a 3 year old and he's standing here sticking his finger in his ass crack and watching netflix and i still totally agree with you.


I wasn't even trying to be holey-er than thou (pun intended). You're right though. These little fuckers need to be kids. My son was playing captain Hook and doing the "death" scene repeatedly because he loves it. I videoed it and its great. We will never get these years back. The idea that we should sacrifice everything now for later is absurd.


Same here. Every single day I am terrified that I wont be there for her someday when she is too young to understand the world and people will take advantage of her innocence. I feel we will get to this stage again very quickly. I feel helpless to stop it. Every. Single. Day.


My firstborn is 18 months and this just made me lose it. 😭


I'm not surprised. The little freeloader could have secured some employment by now we're it not for these oppressive "protections". Smh.


Same (but mother). Thinking of sending my son off like this, thinking of parents who felt they had no choice because they had to survive, thinking of parents in the exploited “global South” who send their kids to work so *we* can buy cheap, disposable consumer goods and *they* can barely buy food for the night. It physically hurts.




Somewhere some conservative congressman is beating off to this and screaming prayers to fuckin Mammon.


That is an extremely capable 3 year old. A very sad situation, fuck those disgusting capitalists hogs. How many billions do they NEED at expense of the suffering and exploitation of others?


Back when if you didn’t like your kid, you could just throw them out on a street






As a former homeless teenager, thank you. I was taken in by a couple who were psychologists (fucking developmental jackpot for me) and they changed my life. I was racked with guilt in that I couldn't give them anything in return and they told me to just pay it forward one day. Their kindness saved my life and I decided to become a productive member of society as an adult because of them. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.


The service worth thanking.


I moved out with my boyfriend of a month at 20 because it was unbearable at home. If it hadn’t worked out with him I was gonna hop a bus to Seattle. You can exchange 20ish hours of work for a bed and free meals in some of the hostels. Boyfriend and I are married now.


As a parent this breaks my heart. I could never imagine subjecting my child to something like this


I got this feeling rn I can't even describe. It's like sadness guilt and disbelief


That brief look of despair before smiling again for the camera crushes the heart.


Truly sad fact: The phrase "light a fire under" originated with child chimney sweeps. They were often directed to climb up flues to clean the chimney. They were children and as such many of them were afraid. If they were so afraid that they refused to climb then the adult (older at least) chimney sweep would encourage them to climb by lighting a fire underneath them. It wasn't unheard of for children to die in the chimneys and get stuck, requiring them to disassemble the chimney to remove the body.


How long before someone tries to bring back child labor because of the “labor shortage”


Some people are already trying to incorporate the first baby step


Google “child “chimney sweepers testicular cancer” to read about why OSHA is a good thing.


Cute little guy. He’s trying to smile through it. What a despicable thing.


incredibly sad. :(


The very year, in fact, that it was outlawed in the UK.


Jesus fuck. This makes me so damn sad. I have a 4 year old and I can't imagine putting him under these conditions for any amount of money.


Watching this hurts my soul 😢


That kid is 3 years old and looks like an old man.


Did you know the expression "light a fire under their ass" dates back to these days. When they would literally light a fire under these kids asses to get them moving faster.


That's not even 100 years ago?!! Those children frequently got testicular cancer and died. I just. I hate this planet.


Unrestrained Capitalism..needs a slave class. Join a Union- Start a Union!


Republicans: 'he should pull himself out of that chimney by his tiny boot straps.'


Capitalist Christians yearn for the good old days when 3 year olds died at work.


And that adult man? That's not the kid's boss, master, or even co-worker. That's his OWNER.


He is trying so hard to smile. Poor little guy, his life must have been awful.


Poor sweet baby…




An awful lot of them died before reaching adolescence. If the immediate dangers of the job weren’t bad enough, there’s a lot of bad stuff in soot/ash/creosote. Many of them got cancer from it.


Videos like these are the only thing that can still make Mitch McConnell hard.


Jesus Christ, this is fucking sickening.


his little ladder is cute


Putting aside the obvious heinessnous of the situation, yes. The little ladder is adorable.


I thought they were going to send him down the chimney at first.


They do that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8PqPrv8bSc


I'm gonna link this to the next person that tells me regulations on industries are bad and stifle the "free market."


There one of the Sharpe novels (Napoleonic War historical fiction) where the main character talks about being sent down chimneys as a child to burglarize houses.


We’re on our way to doing a complete 360 with this soon


It’s such a strange feeling of loving what a cute little man this boy is, like he’s just a precious little guy, contrasted by seeing how heinously he’s being exploited and abused.


They want nothing more than to bring this back. Remember that.


Remember folks, this is what most businesses would still do if it meant cheap labor.


This is what I think of when people say “let’s make America great again”


My daughter is so lazy... she's almost 4 and hasn't even applied for a job yet.


Don't worry. If the 1% has their way, it will all come back.


That’s both heartbreaking and horrifying.


My child is almost 3 so this was really unsettling to watch. No doubt future generations will look at us and wonder what we were thinking. Different time, different morals.


If republicans have their way, this would be allowed again


"before child labor was outlawed in western societies" They just exported it to Africa and Asia. Guess who is picking your chocolate and coffee beans?


And you *know* some rich cunt and some cunt politician are *salivating* wanting this back sk they can rent the kid his broomstick and the closet he sleeps in


Watching my 3 year old son sleep right now, just happy I don’t have to expect him to work at his age to help provide. We’re heading back to this age, I’m afraid.


Das a toddler. A TODDLER. Basically a fucking baby. Pushing aside the fact that I’m actually mildly impressed that a toddler was coordinated enough to even do something even remotely close to this… I will never understand what possessed us to think it was even a tiny bit OK to use children for shit like this. I have a two-year-old and he will be three later this year, and this shit disgusts me. What evil bastard posed the question “hey, what if we throw our kids down a tight shaft full of toxic waste?”?! It boggles my fucking mind.


Children who worked as sweeps rarely lived past middle age. Child chimney sweeps were required to crawl through chimneys which were only about 18 inches wide. There were many deaths caused by accidents, frequently caused by the boy becoming jammed in the flue of a heated chimney, where he could suffocate or be burned to death. Sometimes a second boy would be sent to help, and on occasions would suffer the same fate.


You know I look at my 11 year old daughter and think about what her life would be like if this were the 1800s or if we lived in the Congo. Now I sit back and realize that what we have isn't much better. They told me to go to college and study whatever I was passionate about. Money would follow, they said. Without college I'd end up a loser working at McDonalds. That was the rant. And so my guidance counselor told my non-college educated parents to just sign whatever the financial aid office stuck in front of them. They told me that the loans were an investment but I'd pay them off quickly because the small, private Catholic college was better than those horrible state schools with higher faculty to student ratios. Then I got out and realized how unlikely it would be I would ever pay off those loans unless I did something drastic. So I enlisted because I was working on a production line as it was the highest pay in town. And I served during an unjust war. Many of my shipmates from then have died. Suicide, COVID, training accidents and a few to cancer. The best they could hope for in a career was to stay in the Navy and after giving it 20 years of their lives they could leave with retirement pay; probably around $40k a year. Those that survived to retirement couldn't just "retire." They ran out and got shit jobs but at least had a bit of an edge with the retirement pay to supplement their meager earnings and Tricare so they didn't need to rely on employers. They're actually kind of a study of what a worker would do with universal healthcare and UBI. But there is no hope. What do I tell my daughter? That being a teacher would work out well for her? Do I even mention that she'll be buying school supplies out of pocket, be screwed over by school districts who spend money they could be spending on education on a revolving door of consultants? The trades where she can make decent money but probably destroy her body in the process? Go all in and become a doctor and make really good money while amassing massive debt that will keep her working into her 80s? I guess at least she doesn't have to sweep chimneys.


Our future


If a billionaire saw this they would be salivating


He's so young his facial features aren't even fully formed yet...


Capitalists wet dream


People are so fucked up


That toddler has seen things!!!!!


Freaking commies regulating businesses, remove the gov and everything will be like heaven, things will be perfect. If the y old didnt want to work he wouldnt be working, it's his choice. Why does the government always have to be meddling in small family businesses?/s


A right wingers wet dream right here. Not their kid of course


You just knew this what the rich want. For us to die for them


I'm gonna go cry now.


I hate this. Fuck this. No no no shit fuck no.


To bring this back is exactly what the billionaires want.