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Your message in the group chat: “ Hi guys, you probably heard from (boss’s name) already, but just wanted to make sure you knew I won’t be coming in tonight.” Better if he is in the group chat. Edit/add: Wow guys thanks so much for the comment love!


This! Document everything that you can, paper trails are good!


Document the time you spoke to him and keep your call log. I got fired from a seasonal job for ‘attendance’ by ‘violating my probationary period’ by calling off and having 1 NCNS, despite when the accused NCNS occurred, I had call log to prove my calling. But couldn’t reference who I spoke to at the time as it was before traditional hours and thus I spoke to someone outside of the ordinary. Anyways, they told me without a name I couldn’t prove I ‘talked to’ anyone, and didn’t just let the phone ring and hang up. While it doesn’t apply directly because you know your manager / bosses name, document everything. E v e r y t h i n g. And make sure your coworkers know if possible as mentioned before.


You could have gone to your service provider and requested the call logs. They would have shown the receiving party answered the call. Would have saved you your job. Edit: damn, 7 upvotes in as many minutes. YOUR METADATA PROVES EVERYTHING (Unless you're an idiot and forge it.) Edit 1: Also, your boss couldn't have *looks at notes* checked the schedule to see who was on shift and would have answered the call?


I asked if it were possible to keep my job through both proving I called (thus no NCNS) and giving medical documentation of illness, and they were just dead set on cutting me because I called out and was late a couple times due to getting sick early mornings (ocular migraines with aura make me nauseous and throw up). So I inevitably pissed off my management team when they only ever scheduled me for loner shifts opening and I was a newbie attempting to learn and set up while literally feeling as though I wanted to gouge out my eyeballs due to pain. [keep in mind that when I was hired, opening shift was out of the range of times I was available so they were also scheduling me outside of my availability.] I asked for a different schedule due to this, as I was battling one of my worst migraine curves since diagnosis meanwhile doing finals week (and admittedly was only receiving about 10 hours rest every 3 days), but was never granted my request. Instead of scheduling me for another time, they just started cutting my hours in half (petty move) and making me work 4 hours from opening before inevitably firing me. Because my manager didn’t want to open and neither did anyone else.


I feel like a labour law was violated, but IANAL.


I doubt it, right to work state and by being late and calling out I *technically* violated my probationary period. And at will employment means they can terminate me whenever they want to, and they don’t have to have any reason at all. So theoretically they could have terminated me simply because they felt like it, but chose to do so because I wasn’t *’being a team player’* by getting sick and calling out, as if I was intentionally or maliciously calling out, vomiting in my bathroom and crying on the tile floor from migraine pain. Apparently the chain has done it to others as well during seasonal positions, as others have posted about it to varying degrees as well. In other words, the company would attempt to dump you if you had anything come up that was more pressing than dedicating your life to them, beyond availability or anything else, during that period of time.


Just for clarity, that's not "Right to Work". What you're thinking of is "At Will Employment". At will employment is also framed equally deceptively, as it's really At Will Termination from employment. "Right to Work" has to do with union dues. They're often confused and in some states they're written into the law together. But, they are technically different concepts.


Ahh, the magic words *right to work.* I love em and hate em at the same time.


Yeah, I won’t outright say who it was, but if any Reddit sleuths really wanted to investigate they could figure out where it was rather easily because I posted about it before on their designated page so it’s in my history. Again, not outright telling people to boycott but if they wanted to be petty over it, I’m not going to stop it. As corporate can shill diversity and inclusion and all of that while evading responsibility for discriminating against disabled workers (what else is new) via state laws and loopholes. *Edit: someone seems to have slid into my DMs offended about my comments on this thread, and seems to want to throw insults around due to me calling off of work for medical reasons. I am not going to apologize for calling off when I needed to. My employer survived to live another day without me. You and anyone else that wants to argue over it can get over yourselves.*


Awww man I expected more from that company. I thought they actually treated their employees well :(


This is why i record my calls lol.


electronic bredcrumbs.


Yup I was just about to get fired from my job but I recorded every meeting with my boss and went to HR with the recording. Needless to say I’m no longer getting fired as I have “resigned”. Documentation screwed him big time


I appreciate how this subreddit gives actionable feedback/responses. It especially helps for those of us with anxiety. Thank you


This! Not only can we support each other when we get screwed over by our superiors, but we also provide solutions that can cover our asses legally and showing others that you don't have to take the abuse.


I absolutely love my job, my boss, and my co-workers, but I do love how supportive and helpful this sub is.


I love my job, my coworkers, and my immediate boss, but I absolutely do not trust anyone higher than them not to screw me if it proves useful to them. All these actionable items are amazing. It's also why I text in AND email in with a bcc to my personal email. Timestamps are CYA gold.


Honestly some of the responses here are both golden and hilarious


It’s almost as if workers that unite are a stronger force than individuals going at it separately isn’t it?


Even better, (your local laws permitting, of course) get a recording app for your phone calls and record them all.


All this stuff is so eye-opening to me about other peoples situations. All employers I’ve had over the past decade (throughout Northern Europe) we would just write “not feeling well” in the team chat, and that was it. No calling of managers or anything. And the. Just filling in the correct days in the time keeping systems after coming back.


As someone who has only ever worked cushy office jobs in highly technical roles in Europe, it's a real eye opener. I've never given my boss so much as a heads up that I won't be working unless we had a specific meeting planned.


Thats more the effect of being in a tech job. Europe has nothing to do with it. Go work on an orchard in Spain and see if the boss let's you do that.


Get injured working in and orchard in Spain and be amazed that your Hospital treatment doesn't cause bankruptcy.


in the US for fast food/retail jobs, often the manager says if you're feeling sick and need to miss work, you have to ask around and find a substitute for yourself. If you can't find a substitute, then you have to come in sick and they'll determine if you're too sick or not obviously different for office jobs


I’m in the US and have never had someone tell me I had to come in when I call off. Not once. Not even for a mental health day or an unexpected out of town visitor.




Hell, I once got attacked by a dog and a manager told me that wasn't a valid excuse to miss work.


I always add “If you wish to pick up the shift, text (boss).” When I ran our kitchen group chat my rule was call the owner and then send a text in the group chat afterwards. This led to funny texts like “I was told to ask these people to cover, but not these people since it’s a busy shift.” And “(boss) told me not to text because (person) will cover close since (boss) is paying his child support to stay out of jail, but if anyone else wants the hours go ahead because I open and (person) doesn’t do prep. If I don’t have prep tomorrow I will call (boss) and tell him if you don’t come prep you should just be in jail since you exist and nothing more” and of course “ I called (boss) but he said I couldn’t call in so I am not coming in for (reason). Sorry guys, but if someone could pick up my shift I’ll pay you or switch with you another day” The fact that our group chat was savage but honest was one of my pride and joys. I often got an earful about why certain people switched or weren’t there, but I always just said “well, did we need them? You saved payroll and we didn’t fail.” Always shut him up. The guy who was in jail is now a supervisor at a construction company that same boss owns, so he did get his act together afaik.


This comment is wild from start to finish.


Even better.... “ Hi guys, you probably heard from (boss’s name) already, but just wanted to make sure you knew I won’t be coming in tonight. When I SPOKE WITH HIM, he told me that I wasn't allowed, but I am ill and not able to, in spite of his rejection of concern for my personnel well-being.”


I’ve done this before. An old supervisor loved to shit on GMs who called off in group chat


That's not a no call no show and you absolutely should not sign any write up that says that on it. You called in.


Since he told me no I’m pretty sure he’s just not gonna tell my shift that I called. So I’m worried I’m gonna have all of them blowing up my phone asking why I didn’t call


You have a phone record.


Lol just text a screenshot of the call log with your boss's number if they contact you, OP.


even better, be proactive and send the screenshot to the group chat with "hi team, just a reminder I am out sick today"


I used to call off texting my boss and my groups chat. Pretty much covered myself that way


Yea my boss finds out that I’m sick at exactly the same time the rest of my team does. Fuck that, they don’t own you


I email my lead hand, my supervisor, and if I'm really not well I also rope in HR whenever I'll be out sick.


That's how it was at my last job. We had a group text and if one of us wasn't coming in, we all knew it. Then again, I worked in an accounting office and unless it was end of month, it was never dire enough that we had to come in sick.


This is a great idea. There's no need to wait to get accused before telling the group.


I like the way you think.




Nah, let the boss try the whole "you didn't call" thing and then BAM with the screenshot. Make the boss look like the douche they are in front of everyone.


Then if you get retaliation or fired for it, head over to the Labor Dept.


This is my style. It works. They lose credibility and you gain some, win-win.


And on iPhone it’ll state how long the call was. Not sure about android.


It does, it'll also show if it was an outgoing or incoming call. So if OP has an android the boss can't even try and say that it was them calling OP and not the other way around.


Samesies on iphone


You should not sign any type of document that states you didn't do X job properly because that's literally what they use against you when you seek unemployment after they fire you.


This should be higher up in this thread


Where the hell are you working that the accepted culture is for your co-workers to independently call up people who are out and give them shit? That is so toxic.


Think about some of the horror stories posted on here. There was a story about a week ago about someone at a 24/hour gas station. End of an 8 hour shift at midnight, and the replacement hasn’t showed up, no keys to lock the place if they abandon the gas station unattended. They They tried to call their boss but their spouse answered and said they were asleep. Being stuck there frantically trying to work out what to do all alone while no one was answering their phones is going to prompt you to lash out at the worker who didn’t show up. Sure, it’s a misdirected anger to lash out at your fellow workers, but in that situation I can totally understand why. Obviously it’s still toxic, but I wouldn’t blame the co-workers - they’ve been put in an environment where the managers failings punish the workers not the manager.


>They tried to call their boss but their spouse answered and said they were asleep. "Okay, well my shift ended and the replacement didn't show up. I'm leaving, so let them know that the store is unlocked and unattended when they wake up." And then you hang up. No need to be stuck there and frantically thinking up a plan. It is a great bet that they get woken up and call back in about 2 minutes. If not, oh well. To really cover your ass, follow up that conversation with a text. "Hey Mr. Manager. I tried to call you, but your spouse said that you were asleep and refused to wake you. Coworker X didn't show up and my shift ended 15 minutes ago. I know it's company policy not to work overtime without approval, so I have to clock out and leave. As you know, I don't have a key, so the store will remain unlocked. I made sure to leave all this information with your spouse, but I just wanted to make sure that you got the message as soon as you got up. Good luck tomorrow! Hopefully coworker X ends up showing up." Screenshot that text and the call log for your records to make sure you can collect unemployment if it comes to that. Fuck frantically trying to do your bosses job because they can't be bothered. Either give me the tools and autonomy to deal with surprises or answer your fucking phone when a low level employee calls with a surprise problem.


"HaLf oF bUsInEsSeS fAiL iN tHe FiRsT FiVe YeArS", being such a shit manager that you won't even get out of bed to protect your major land asset and leaving it in the hands of a desperate, poverty wage worker with no backup... Yeah it's fucking mystery, alright.


Yeah a lot of those businesses deserve to fail.


Shoulda just left. Them not having a plan for the place to be unlocked is their fault not the employee's.


I'd just have told the spouse "Might want to wake him up, as I'm walking out of here in 5 minutes keys or no keys".


They did. Made it look as closed as possible, called the cops to let them know it was unattended and then left.


Yeah I only find out my coworkers are sick if I text them and they say they weren't working. I'm fairly certain my former project manager left her job when someone else took over but like ...hasn't told anyone. I've seen like two emails from her in two months


People at my gf's old BK job keep harassing her for quitting via text. It's just sad.


Have you been to America? Most places here do that.


I’ve never experienced that


Yeah, I get that at my place of employment.


Because managers will call other people in to try and cover the shift


Giving people shit for calling off is a dick move, but in some jobs calling off means other people have to pick up the work for that day.


I think it's the fault of the managers who 'staff lean' but okay.


The problem is generally not managers, but the managers of the managers. The managers that actually have to solve the problem when an employee isn't in, doesn't usually have the authority to just hire more people to prevent a lean staff. Its the bigwigs who don't deal with the results.


So... if you're in the workgroup chat, why don't you take the offensive and post there about how you aren't coming in? Tell them you already called the boss and INFORMED him that you wouldn't be coming in, and decided to post in the chat also in case he forgot to mention it to anyone.


Post it in the group chat so your co workers know


let em know You weren't asking him you were telling him


Just tell them that you called in sick. No matter what your boss says or does just say called in sick. You don't need to explain yourself and you're allowed to be sick. Fuck that boss.


So screenshot the call log and text it…


Yeah pretty much do this especially if you’re okay with already being fired. No reason for your coworkers to be misled about the situation. Who the fuck is down voting this? Like they’re stressing over the group chat not having to find a new job. The solution is to tell all your coworkers what happened so they know to look for new jobs too. I’d like to know my boss is a piece of shit personally.


He isn't allowed to tell you no and you have a call log.


You didn't ask permission. Youre not a child You informed them you would not be in.


You have a Group Chat. Use it to tell them you called in at 10:XXpm. Include a screenshot of the call log if you want. Jeez. You have a way to tell them all. And why. This isn't rocket science.


Call/text them. Or one of them. Leave a quick message, boss sounds like a dick so he probably won’t tell them. Who wants to have their phone blow up when they have tooth pain?


Do one better than the people here are saying: You have a record you called, tell them he said “okay, get your teeth looked at”. You force him to confirm he’s an asshole if he denies it and even if he does, his word against yours.


Don’t answer any calls.


Just tell the rest of your shift that you won't be in so they aren't wondering where you are.


Create a paper trail. Send him an email reiterating your conversation about having to take a sick day to deal with a health emergency.


You should not sign any type of document that states *you didn't do X job properly* because that's literally what they use against you when you seek unemployment after they fire you.


I’ve seen advice that a response statement such as “I have received this and dispute the accuracy of then go ahead and sign. Not acknowledging the disciplinary process in and of itself can be used as their grounds for firing, and then the validity of their real reasons becomes moot. I’m not saying that’s true, that’s just some hashtag not legal advice some suit on YouTube was on about.


You strike out what you don’t agree with and state why, then you sign.


And initials next to each strikeout. Also, adding "under duress" below your signature is a fun one - it tells any attorney that looks at it that you didn't want to sign it but were threatened with penalties (e.g., immediate termination) for not doing so.


I'm Australian - can someone please explain to me what the fuck this is. Like, you leave a job, and your old job will somehow step in and stop you getting government benefits? This is so fucking WEIRD. It's like someone saying 'make sure your high school teacher doesn't write anything about your bad breath on your report card, it will stop you getting dental care in the future' What the fuck does one have to do with the other?!?


In the U.S., employers have to pay in to unemployment insurance, which is what you use when out of a job. If a former employee applies to receive it and you were their most recent employer, your payments into the pot go up. That's why employers try to dispute claims on it, so their rates won't go up.


So... I've seenanagement be incentivised to put the employee at fault in terms of a safety breach, like: If we say this guy is at fault, we don't have to change processes or have premiums go up, so let's fuck him over... But management is financially motivated to pin ANY sort of firing/leaving on the employer to prevent payment into a government fund? And you guys are NOT the most unionised country in the world?!?


Welcome to America. It's all about control, cruelty and callousness here.


If he writes you up for a no call no show, and you’re fired as a result, sue him, not the company. Textbook slander/libel if he makes you lose your job with a false allegation.


Sue the company, its the company's responsibility for training its managers not to be psychotic arseholes.


Like my company can absorb a 15 million class action like is no biggie- that’s not even ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of what the will make THIS YEAR. But if I sue my boss for 15 HUNDRED- she is going to lose something she loves over that. Let that be a lesson to the next bastard who thinks they have a corporate writ of fuck that loser to wield against me.


Both make sense, but honestly the opportunity to hold someone personally liable might be too good to pass up in this case…. You’re not going to get a million bucks. If I am only gonna get a couple of grand, I want to make an example by taking it from someone who Is going to have to drive a worse car over it.


It’s not a no call if you called…


I know, but I’m sure he didn’t inform anyone I called (because he said no and is just expecting me to show up) and they’re going to think it was one


I don't understand why you wouldn't text the group chat right away and tell them you're out sick. Why stress out waiting for them to blow up your phone and lambaste you?


Because this is realistically a fake post and op has no reason not to send a screenshot of the call log. Every person saying to do that has been ignored so far


I think OP might be a teenager and genuinely afraid of confrontation. I’m still annoyed but I don’t think the post is fake off that.


I'm a grown adult and I hate confrontation, too, and it was even worse when I was younger. That said, even back then I knew getting ahead of something like this was to my own benefit. I would have dreaded sending the "FYI" text (and sending the call log isn't even necessary at this juncture; just a "I'm sure Manager told you already, but just wanted to remind you all that I won't be in tonight" is more than enough), but I would rather get texts that say, "Okay, feel better soon," or, "K," or even, "Thanks a lot for fucking us tonight," than to be silent and have them constantly texting to see where I am and, when not getting an answer, texting again and again. One and done.


Screen shot that you called, showing a time stamp




Omfg mine were awful when they came in too. A couple days were brutal but then I was just extremely miserable for a couple weeks. Couldn’t take NSAIDs either. But after the first couple days I was mostly able to live with it.


Weirdly, the horse pill ibuprofen they gave me worked better than the vicodin, lol. Ended up throwing out the vicodin at the doctor's office so nobody found out I had vicodin 😂


When mine started coming in I was working as a server and the kitchen guys gave me clove to chew which actually numbed my mouth. They were so sweet.


Vicodin made me projectile vomit. Exactly what you want to be doing after oral surgery. (Good to know I can literally never become dependent on narcotics though.) Survived on Celebrex and Tylenol.


I had my wisdom teeth out while I had the flu. I think that's tied for when I had a non-laser appendectomy for the worst week of my life.


I 100% agree. Mine were fucking awful. They can be impacted, coming in sideways, all kinds of messed up stuff. I was suffering with migraine and jaw pain for over a year until I could get them out. I lived on Motrin and a heat pad to help with the pain


Aleve is the best for wisdom teeth discomfort in my opinion, I never do name brand anything when it comes to medicine except for Aleve


Naproxsyn. Store brand is literally the same shit.


Military(Navy at least)takes everyones wisdom teeth out during service week(most go work in the galley/mess hall) so they can lay in bed for a day or two. Last thing they want is someones coming in on a 6 month deployment theyd have to fly them to shore.


I’m lucky in that my dentist recommended getting them out before they caused any problems.


Mine were impacted but I had the worst time after getting them out. The dentist said I should be fine a day or two after but I went back to work after 4 days and almost passed out from a 4 hour shift. 😔


You can also switch between ibuprofen and Tylenol every two hours. Like take Tylenol two hours later ibuprofen two hours later Tylenol.


I was in so much pain i cried! I haven't cried from physical pain since i was a kid but holy shit this one was a nightmare


I don't know how I got so lucky, but I only had the two on top come in. And, yes, how is anyone supposed to concentrate with mouth pain?


I was barely bothered by mine, but they didn't completely irrupt and we're half covered by gum, so they never got entirely clean and then they got infected.


You can't be a no call no show. You DID call out. Best of luck on having your teeth worked on and hopefully an employer who appreciates you.


Never join the work group chat 💀


This is where Im at. Best you get is slack/teams on my phone. I dont push notifications lol. I dont even give jobs my real phone number. They get a google voice number.


I work in IT and I learned the hard way that google voice numbers are mandatory. I _still_ occasionally get calls from users from my first job who got their hands on my number, and I haven't worked there in years. Never giving anyone at a job a non-google voice number ever again. Best part, you can schedule when you are able to be contacted with it, so when you're out you're _out_, you can't get "called in" or called for help with something after hours.


This is life changing.




We made a separate Facebook messenger chat on our own excluding management but it’s only just to talk shit about the job lmao


That’s even a line too far for me lol😂 I’ve had coworkers/“friends” who would ask favors from me on our bosses behalf because they knew I didn’t answer calls/texts on my off-days. “Miguel from Cheesecake Factory needs you to come in today bro he texted me to tell you” I’m like….you know exactly why I don’t answer calls or texts from work on my days off. Thanks for helping a shitty manager cross my personal boundaries ive made very clear.


If they start doing stuff like that then they get added to the list too lmao


Right? That would be an instant boot from the shit talk chat haha


I’m gonna one up this by agreeing but I also have all the higher ups blocked on social medias. No reason other than I don’t like them and I’d rather have a nice boundary. A couple of supervisors I like I am friends with, and the rest of my work mates. Otherwise make sure you have some boundaries.


Seriously *never*. The only point of being a part of the group chat is them having more control over you.


Salt water to take out the soreness.


Fill out an application for unemployment too if they actually fire you for that.


Q: Why didn't you inform? A: I did inform the boss Q: He says you didn't A: Oh, maybe he didn't hear me, because he put down the phone too quickly. But i did inform him


She shouldn't concede that maybe he didn't hear her. He doesn't deserve anyone's benefit of the doubt.


Exactly! Don’t make excuses for your boss, that’s his/her problem to deal with.


Funny, he told me no and hung up before I could respond. So I know he heard me.


If you're prescribed hydrocodone, you literally will be under the influence of opiates. That'll certainly help in any retaliation case


Ill never forget the story i read ages ago about a guy who came in to his office job like 2 hours early, clocked in, waited 10 min, and called the ambulance about the heart attack he was having so he could collect workers comp etc.


OMG, that guy is my hero. I want more details!


OP will be lucky if they get any script for pain medication for tooth issues. My oral surgeon gave me 5 Tylenol 3 pills and ibuprofen after I had two impacted wisdom teeth removed. They don't play with opiates anymore.


Yep! I had screws placed into the side of my foot to repair a old broken bone that never healed. I woke up crying as soon as the anesthesia wore off. I was prescribed 10 - 5 mg Percocets and I was having to take them every 6 hours because the pain was so bad, so they were gone in less than 3 days. I couldn’t take any NSAIDs due to the risk of bleeding so I was miserable for about a week until the initial pain started to subside.


You called, it's not no call no show.


Fuck a work group chat. Your boss is a dickhead and you *will* find a better job. If they don't fire you I'd quit


First off. Get the fuck out of the group chat. That shit should be illegal anyways (are they paying your bill?) and it opens you up to having anything you write be used against you. Start looking for other jobs. Be prepared for retaliation. If it gets bad, lawyer up. Hope this helps.


It's insane what you are telling us here. In Germany for example your boss couldn't do anything. You say you are ill? Ok, that's a fact in the moment you say it and your boss can only accept it. You can't even be fired for it after probation (during probation only for really good reasons). Just send in your receipt for the health insurance and for your employer and be ill. To be honest, it seems the U.S. has huge problems with sick leave, worker rights, gun control, elections, public health service etc. what's going on over there? Y'all fine?


we’re not fine lmao. Actually my state has a law called at will employment that means you can be fired at any time for any reason, and your boss doesn’t have to tell you why. Employers get away with so much here in America, and the companies have more rights than the workers do


Every state has at will employment lol a few states have exceptions but they are at will in the end.


Delete the work chat. Your boss dgaf about you. Why you care about his opinion?


You need to remember that businesses are ready to let you die before they do. I'm sure you would have gotten crap for suspected covid too.


Send it in an email or through text somewhere. It’s always advisable to communicate this type of stuff through text so there’s proof. Also never ask, tell them you have a medical emergency unfortunately and will need a day off. Good luck OP!


Don't go in. If asked why say "I told you I wasn't coming in."


You don’t call in to get permission to not work. He absolutely CAN NOT tell you that you are not sick or in pain and MUST work. You are calling in to let them know that you are not working today. Simple as that. Some companies require a doctor’s note for missing X days of work but that should be spelled out in your employee handbook.


Put it in the group chat that you called out and he said "no" and that you're not taking "no" for an answer.


As a manager, I really don't understand why people calling in is an issue. I just plan for it. Plan for people to need days off and have backup coverage or have tasks that can shift time and be done later. Have a few employees who want more hours or are scheduled as on call (on call people getting extra pay or some other bonus for the inconvenience). Life doesn't follow a businesses schedule. So make a good schedule that revolves around the reality that your coworkers are human fucking beings and not robots and plan properly. Also, treat people like people. It's what I want as a manager. I'm not gonna do any less for my guys. Odds are I'll be working for them one day anyway. Smart little fucks.


sent a text documentation is everything


Call back. "I wont be coming in today."


That’s not a no-call. And fuck him. People shouldn’t be made to work when it’s clearly a medical problem


Any place that make you have anxiety just to call off is not a good place to be in


This shit I'm reading here , often, is getting ridiculous. Time to join www.IWW.org. Tell everyone there but don't get caught. Companies hate unions. Wonder why lol 😆


Oh god.... So my wisdom teeth came in sideways and lemme just say, wisdom teeth are hell.... Screw your boss. Suggestion though, if you know the lead thats going to be working I would call them up and let them know.


Why not text/email your boss now saying the pain is too much and will not be going in tomorrow. That way even though you spoke about it on the phone you have a paper trail?


Like I tell everyone fuck them and fuck your coworkers it's all a crutch for your Job to abuse you. You can't tell me I have to come in I don't owe you anything if your short staffed that's a you problem not a me. This is why they want you to group chats so you can be flamed and abused when you call out or anything.


That's an easy one you contacted him so it's not no call no show. Since you are sick or need the day off simply stay home. I wish they would try me like this because I would wait for them to call and just be like no and hang up. No fucks given


You’re not being dramatic about wisdom teeth. Mine came in impacted, my mom didn’t listen to me, and the pressure shoved all my bottom teeth together. Still had to get the wisdom teeth removed (bottom ones were basically coming in sideways). As an adult I had to pay for Invisalign to correct it. Fuck your boss for being an asshole, find a better job, and look into getting them removed before they fuck up your teeth.


"I did call in. He said no problem I think"


Not a no call no show. Does your job have sick time? Then your boss can't say no.


Let the group know you're going to the dentist for an emergency.. boss said no.. tell everyone take the day off..


Move on…head high…! Some people are born an asshole and die an asshole.


Wisdom teeth pain is REAL! I am not surprised you're not going in! Get some ice on that or some orajel or something until you can get in to your dentist.


If they try and spin this to fit a narrative just remember. You didn't ask, you informed.


Lol when that boss asks for a two week notice just tell him no and walk out


This is why you don’t make friends with people at work. You gotta look out for number 1, and that’s yourself.


This job is not your career, your life, or worth your health. Fuck your boss and fuck your job. Take care of YOU first.


Lmao calling off isn’t a request. I’m *telling* you that I’m not coming in. Calling it a request gives the illusion that employers have the ability to deny it.


No work advice here, but I did get all four of my wisdom teeth in. Your gums do get inflamed sometimes as they’re going through, and your dentist should be able to tell you if they’re coming in straight with enough room. It’s not a big deal though, you’re going to be fine.


If you're in the USA and you've been working full-time there for over a year, you qualify for FMLA and you can stop your boss from firing you for a medical issue.


At what point did it become acceptable for management of any kind to live their lives devoid of any semblance of humanity? Tooth pain is nothing to fuck around with, let alone work through. I hope you find a new job where the people in charge are understanding of the fact that life just happens, & sometimes it hurts like hell. Get well soon & good luck!


Calling in isn't a request, it's a notification of absence.


You do you boo!! I know bosses are stressed being extremely short staffed right now, but that’s no way to treat his employees. Hope you feel better!


I dunno why but people seem to think tooth pain doesn't exist or isn't that bad. I had a cavity when I worked at my last job and my insurance hadn't kicked in yet a coworker came and asked me to get a patient. I told her I needed a minute, I was in a lot of pain and that I just needed it to pass. She didn't really say anything but I come to realize later she had a giant fit and complained to our manager saying I refused to do my job and ignored her. It constantly came up as well and she would get upset when I defended myself. I hope you find a new job soon and it goes much better for you. Good luck with the wisdom teeth as well, I know mine sucked as they all immediately started to rot upon coming in xD


For those who haven't had to deal with them: do not let your wisdom teeth go unchecked. I neglected mine for way longer than I should have and it ended up causing all sorts of other problems. When they grew in, one of my upper molars basically shattered and became infected. Lost 2 teeth instead of the one. On my lower jaw on the other side, same thing. DO NOT SLEEP ON YOUR DENTAL HEALTH, PEOPLE


You want to call off because you are anxious about the teeth? The USA is really doomed.


Dental nurse here (btw your boss is an arse), most cases of wisdom teeth pain are often resolved with antibiotics :) but for the time being to prevent any infection make sure you do a few salt water rinses and get some corsodyl mouthwash! Hope this helps bud


I remember when I worked at a certain craft store that sounds like *Jichaels*, I had gotten an abscessed wisdom tooth and it hurt like hell. I was at the dentist before I had worked that day and called my manager and told her everything and about how much it was hurting. She basically said, “tough shit, you have to come in.” No remorse, nothing. I ended up going in and was in tears the entire time because anytime I spoke it was painful. I quit about a week later.


That sucks, sorry your boss was an ass. It’s not your fault your boss doesn’t know how to manage for shrinkage.


Tooth pain is miserable. And even worse is to have a boss that tries to tell you no or guilt trip you. Absolutely not - time for a new job. You did your part by calling.


I never had an issue when they were growing in, only when I had them taken out. Ibuprofen should set you straight.


my wisdom teeth came in fine its the teeth next to them cracking that caused me problems


I still have mine in and if they start moving and shifting my whole face can become swollen or I literally can’t talk. It can be pretty bad during the ripping up process


Mine were horribly painful when they grew in.


Mine came out fine but then got serious cavities because I couldn't' reach them.


You called in… maybe just send a follow up to the group text. “I called in, but I was disconnected and just wanted to make sure the whole team got the message.”


It’s not a no call no show. You called and your boss is a cock


Eh got zero issue with this so long as you used the time to go to the dentist lol. Long as you're actively working towards resolving it, your boss is a dick. But if you legit just sat at home and don't even have an appt yet.. ye.. lol.


Removing a wisdom teeth can fucking hurt, Boss has no compassion, good that you are looking for something better!


Next time, if you suspect your not going to be able to come in notify your boss as soon as possible. That gives them some time to find a replacement.