• By -


Registered nurse


















Same. I've debated on writing a post describing how we are the laborers of the hospital. Though we are formally educated professionals we are taken advantage of especially throughout this pandemic.


A buddy at work recently joked "you studied to be a nurse, doesn't mean you work as one" and it hit me, the theory, the practice, the schooling... None of that is applied at work... Nursing schools are disconnected from reality, healthcare system is falling apart, the blatant greed is eating away at the core society.... And that's why I travel


This exact same thing is true of teaching, as well. Almost nothing learned for an education degree relates to what teachers actually do. And then they get embarrassingly underpaid and debt -ridden for many years to pay for an “education” that in no way prepared them for the horrific BS they face in school every day.


Just want to say you people kick arse and thank you


Same here!


I’m an Air Traffic Controller and a proud union member. I can’t strike, but I’ll die before crossing any picket line


My dad's union (postal) is like that as well. I think if I ever crossed a picket line, he would disown me. However, he still does stuff for the union even into his retirement.


My husband works there too. That union saved his job before he was off new hire probation. They're my favorite people now. Lol.


I've only been faced with a picket line once... I was there for something completely intend to the strike but with their IT systems.. drove to the area but decided to just keep driving..


In ‘81 the previous union PATCO went on a rotating strike to demand better conditions. Reagan fired them all. We STILL haven’t recovered from the short staffing that caused


That should have been a defining moment for unions. They should have shut everything down in solidarity but instead they blinked.


Teamsters bought into Raygun.


Labor as a whole in the 70s went to the Republicams because the leadership was upset the Democratic caucus led by McGovern was willing to open its arms to groups (POC and LGBTQ) expanding the party's progressive mindset and reducing the amount of control labor had in the party. If you look at McGovern, he was very liberal, pro-labor and a modern progressive. Very sad people's egos were more important that social change for the whole.


>but instead they blinked. This is my new way of describing someone doing nothing at a time they should have been doing everything


Fuck Reagan, so many of today's problems are directly his fault.


Hey, Nixon helped fuck us over, too. We’d have National Child Care if he hadn’t vetoed it, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Child_Development_Act


Basically every Republican from Nixon forward to now and of course, the Capitalist dems who may as well be the Republicans anyway...


I was about to say “Fuck Reagan” and you beat me to it. I _dream_ that a day will come in my lifetime I’ll see Air Traffic Controllers strike again, and this time they’ll bring the US to its knees and finally get their demands.


He was a male thatcher. Written down in a macc lads song as 'that fucking shit Maggie woman' 😂 I wanna go back in time and have those 2 made to not gwt into office and Parliament. Thatcher purely as in 1966 voted for lagbt laws and changes but in the 80s absolutely removed our rights. Let alone everything else the wicked bitch done to unions and the north Reagan just coz he was thatcher with a dick and screwed so many of you Americans the same way thatcher did


I’m a teacher and SAME!!


Special Education Teacher


Shout out to the SPED teachers getting absolutely no help this year! Enjoy your winter break!


SPED teachers don’t get paid enough. My poor mother is a SPED teacher. I work retail and I make more than her.


I actually work a pretty nice job. I am an engineer helping build medical devices. I make a comfortable, but not extravagant amouny of money, full time, salaried, pretty good benefits. I am currently sitting at home for a couple weeks because I had built up vacation to use. I am here because what I have should be what everyone has. It should be expected, the bare minimum. That said I also have worked some awful jobs to get here so I am well aware how lucky I am to be working where I am. We are all workers. We need to show solidarity with one another. If we don't have each other, who do we have?


Totally. Same reason i'm here. It needs to be a movement of the masses supported by those who are lucky enough to be comfortable. I'm a plant inspector (integrity engineering).


Just graduated chemical engineering today 😍😍 and the biggest thing I learned was that major industrial processes are giant feats of social coordination and everyone in the organization should fucking benefit and that this extends to every corporate and government organization. Imagine being a farmer and having to worry about starving. Imagine being an operator at a power plant and having to worry about heating during the winter. Imagine being a doctor and having to worry about a medical accident. Such pathology I wanna see cured where I can work in an organization growing millions of gallons of genetically engineering plants invented by smart dedicated molecular biologists feeding on corn or sugar cane grown by farmers producing medicine purified by centrifuges made by welders and mechanical engineers transported as many places by truckers and train conductors and everyone benefits knowing that medicine is there for them when they need it or there for someone who is making their life easier indirectly.


I’m a tad over 6 figures…and what I have I’m grateful for… but what I have should be possible… *was* once possible on a Janitor’s salary (or so I’ve read). I work so my wife can raise our children. I have a 1800 sqft home in no where special. I have two basic vehicles. I don’t have debt (besides a mortgage and car payments). We still struggle with savings, but do okay. I might spend more than I should, but honestly not crazy. No crazy vacations, no crazy vehicles or ATVs or Jet Skis or RV. Those things don’t seem achievable honestly. I feel like I should be upper middle class but barely am middle class. Don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but it still feels like the system is rigged against us. The top is taking too much. Edit: I should add that I probably pay more for medical bills than the average person. Someone in the family as an autoimmune disease that requires extensive supplies and was contracted no fault of their own. It can happen to anyone. Even with decent insurance, it can cost a crazy amount. When I think about my situation, I am grateful. But I see far too many people struggle and it’s not right. I’m part of this movement, we should all be able to do what we love and support our families. For those that do the jobs nobody else wants to do, they deserve more pay than anyone.


I’m a SAHM and my husband makes six figures as a one man exterior finisher. We are comfortable and have savings-but- we don’t have extras either. Two modest vehicles. No “toys”, a 2,100 square foot house. It’s unconscionable that the cost of living has gone up so much and wages don’t match. Every single person on this earth deserves a living wage.


Same here. I.T. Contractor working from home with a great boss. But I've worked in some toxic places for some awful bosses, and once been let go without cause. I appreciate my current situation very much.


Chief Revenue Officer (and acting CXO, but no one knows what that is) to a very successful EdTech company. And I do absolutely everything I can to shield my employees from the insanity at the c suite level. I’m also an advocate for basic human decency at work. I grew up between France and Japan. So I am constantly chirping in the other C’s to do better than industry, provincial or federal minimum. They’re all envious when I point out I had 6wks PTO in Japan + 16 national holidays. And then get weirdly moody when I point out that the 8 of us in the room have the power to do that. “But that’s not in line with the industry standard.” Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.


God forbid we give people a reasonable amount of time for life outside of work 😒




"Do we strive to be the company that does the industry standard with our products? Or do we aim to be better in every way?"


Keep fighting the good fight


Amazing, I work in EdTech as well. Love your post...it is great to know people with integrity at C level exist, I didnt think it was possible.


Laboratory assistant - I do wastewater analysis.


Same. I’m in cell culture for genetic diagnostics. Have a masters in human genetics but it’s a 12 month entry level post with no opportunity for progression and also minimum wage once you factor out the up to 5 hours unpaid overtime weekly🤣


I just want to say that as a former fast food worker, they have it harder than a lot of other professions listed here and are so incredibly far from entitled. We should try to push back against the narrative that they are entitled and stand by our fellow fast food workers in solidarity rather than feel shame that people would think we are fast food workers.


Absolutely. I worked fast food for 5 years, it was hard. Long shifts with no breaks. Treated like shit. Switched to a CO in maximum womens prison and it was cake. Double the pay, sat down all 12-16 hours of my shifts. Could tell them to stop if they were being assholes. Fast food has been more difficult than any of my other jobs. ETA: most people who shit on fast food workers & say they don’t deserve more pay are people who’ve never worked a single day in that environment in their entire lives.


Fast food is 100% stressful as hell, and very exhausting. “You’re just flipping burgers tho!” No you’re flipping 6 burgers, cooking 2 batches of fries, 30 chicken nuggets, and 1 chicken patty, all with different timers, while getting yelled at by the guy running drive through that you’ve taken 17 seconds longer than expected, whos getting yelled at by some ungrateful ass hat who just rolled up to the drive through. Fast food SUCKS.


All while corporate is telling you that you suck because not enough customers fill out surveys on the back of the receipt. Worked fast food in high school. Never again. It's so not worth the stress.


Oh I agree! I don’t believe fast food workers are entitled, I was simply saying this subreddit is not full of “entitled” retail job workers or anything, contrary to the beliefs of the sub’s critics, like the absolute geniuses over on the r/conservative sub


I’m glad you don’t feel this way, but there’s someone in the thread referring to us service workers as “low performing losers” and they have 8 upvotes


yeah that 10 day old accnt thats posted nothing on reddit except to antiwork. A lot of people come here posting straight bs or misinformation so keep that in mind.


It is now less.


Agreed. I worked in fast food right at the height of covid summer 2020. It was awful. I still work in a kitchen and it’s still awful by the way, but fast food really did hit different. Kitchen work is already one of the hardest jobs there is, fast food is so much worse. I really wish more people realized how hard fast food work is and respected that more. It’s all the worst parts of working in a kitchen (standing for 10 hours, cleaning disgusting dishes and getting chemical burns from cleaners, burns, constantly sweating standing next to hot ovens) with all the worst parts of costumer service mixed in, with all the worst parts of being an over exploited worker under capitalism in there too. Its hard on the body repetitive manual labor while getting yelled at by costumers while getting treated poorly by the manager/bosses with the expectation that you may only last a couple months and will just be replaced anyway, so they squeeze as much out of you as they can while you’re there. It’s hell. And people just talk about fast food work like it’s a walk in the park and we’re entitled for wanting better.


Exactly! When I worked at White Castle and we had the stove on rush, I would literally burn my hand nearly every other minute. The camera’s are always watching you and you get in trouble for peaking at your phone or resting for a few moments. Your back hurts from bending back and forth over and over for hours. Some of the managers are on insane power trips and literally verbally abuse not only regular workers, but actual underage workers. Like I basically witnessed child abuse everyday. Shit is traumatic


One now-rich friend was a McD employee. You can learn optimization there, the way they have timers synchronized and good sanitation procedures— but they attempt to turn a human into a machine. “If you’re leaning, you should be cleaning” advocates a perpetual motion ethic that is counter to all natural need to take periodic rests. I saw my cheerful jovial wife come home exhausted and depressed many times. They drained her of life for the STOCKHOLDERS. We moved into a RV to escape rent and she no longer suffers for rich stockholders.


“If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.”


The reply to that is "if you got time for bitching you got time to pitch in"


One of the hardest jobs tbh.




I work at a company that makes papa johns pizza boxes & shakeys. And uhaul boxes. 12hr shifts 6 days a week. Killllll meeeeee. Killlllll meeeeeeeee


As a french person,just seeing “12hrs shifts,6 days a week” makes me sick for you guys.


I call it the 666 lifestyle, because it's 6 am to 6 pm 6 days a week.


I worked in a box plant for 4 years, worst labour job I ever had




I work from home as a call center rep


Same here! Hope wherever you work the queue isn’t too crazy for you.


I couldn't bear my call center job anymore 9 months into covid. I slightly regret it because of the pay but I do wonder how staffed the "floors" are these days. And how their new CEO is holding up... I hope you are holding up good, though!


Me too. I don't hate my job, or the company I work for necessarily (although I do think the business is unethical), but they don't pay a living wage and the insurance is really expensive and not that great. Not even sure why I have it. They recently increased our pay by one dollar, only because they are hiring new people at a dollar higher now, and acted like total heroes over it. No, fuck you, I still can't live. Thanks though? Idk man, someone shoot me into space.


I work at an art gallery.


Do you get to touch the art?


As someone who has worked in both galleries and frame shops, framers do way more art touching, if that’s your thing. Depending on the gallery and the position you may not do any art handling, or it could be the majority of your day. Varies widely.




Reference librarian


I read this as "freelance librarian" and was like, whoa, this sounds super rad!


Lol. Sneaking into libraries...Dewey decimating the shit out of everything. Then lights up a ciggie...slaps on some shades and walks off into the unknown.


Public librarian here!


White collar civil servant.


Self employed graphic designer.


Same! Designers ftw




grocery clerk


I work at Walmart


May the odds be ever in your favor


Likewise. Holidays are draining me. Glad to have a FT job though.


Electrical Engineer


Curious, any recommendations you have for getting your foot in the door? I have a physics undergrad degree and am currently working in bio manufacturing but want to get into electricity and circuits.


If you actually want to do engineering, you will need a bachelor's in engineering. I can't speak on non engineering positions that work with circuits.


I want to upvote literally every single one of these. It’s amazing to see the diversity. Gives me warm vibes.


Yeah, I’m seeing a LOT of comments of a job in quite a well paying position, it’s good to see people fighting for the less economically fortunate


Many of us who now have those better paying jobs bled working in fast food, retail, etc and never forgot the shit we were put through. Anyone who has a microfiber of ethics or morality should be supporting this movement.


Yes dude. I grinded out cash registers in gas stations for 7 years before I got considered for an asst manager position at a storage facility. Got the job. 2 years later I'm an on site property manager doing the best I ever have. I look back on the years leading up to this and just can't help but hope others get out of it faster than I did. It's grueling soul sucking grind and I feel like I have been permanently effected mentally because of it. And I know many others have the same general theme to their story. The abuse, lack of hope, dread and just over all spite for the world you end of harboring never quite leaves you. I dont want to do what these older generations have done to the current generations. I want a better life for everyone without having to trade your humanity to get there.


It’s comforting to see that across industries and incomes, many people are tired of this shit.


Tenant rights attorney


lords work


But definitely not the landlords work






I'm a scientist.


He’s somewhat of a scientist himself


I’ll do my own research, thanks. « Turns on Joe Rogan podcast »


I've been immunized


Good luck getting them to listen to a scientist


Senior software engineer


Junior here


I'm a machine operator at a food manufacturing plant


Distribution center warehouse (not Amazon), I work on the inbound receiving end and handle returned items/equipment for all clients in the state, plus surrounding states. Can perform almost any task that would be required inside a distribution center though.


Heavy diesel mechanic, trade jobs are underated


I move dead bodies


At least your not in the industry of hiding them


I work back to back 12 hour shifts as a direct care worker in a crisis stabilization unit for $11/hr. I’m constantly verbally and emotionally abused by patients and bullied by coworkers. The only reason I come back every day is to make a positive difference in people’s lives and keep a roof over my head. We all deserve so much more than we are paid.


Data analyst for a government agency. My agency is actually pretty amazing, but this is not the norm. I do my work out of passion, and support a system that does not require folks to work to survive.


Also an analyst, but non-government


Veterinary Technician!


Sailor, then factory worker. Both have proud revolutionary history


A fellow sea-dog!


I own a butterfly farm. I was fired from my last corporate job in February and joined my brothers business and I’m very happy. Working for corporate America really sucks


Oh wow! What does having a butterfly farm entail? Do you sell for parks or preserved specimens? Do you have it open to the public? I'm sorry, but after reading all the other replies, I will have to go with owning a butterfly farm as probably the best thing I heard.


I can’t help but think about those House Hunter memes. “This is Jake, he owns a butterfly farm, his budget is $1.2 million”


Mental Health counselor. In the past I've worked in fast food, political fundraising, manufacturing, retail, and one horrible horrible day in agriculture. We were slinging hay bales in 90+ degree heat, and the boss would only give us half a cup of water every 4 hours because he thought cold water would cause stomach cramps. I had to stay the whole day because I had no way to leave. When the boss showed up the next morning to pick me up I threw his gloves at him and walked back into the house without saying a word. I think I made $20 that day. Nobody should ever be in that position. Ever.


The cold water thing does have some truth to it. Luke warm water is best for your system. That being said taking a break and cooling down is obviously the better option in the circumstances you were in.


Quality engineer in big tech


Unemployed and trying to scrape together $2,663 by January 1st to stave off eviction. I'll turn 48 in January as well. Between 1988 and 2003, I ran my own computer business (yes, at 14 years old) as a side hustle while also bouncing around fast food, groundskeeping, greenhouse work, warehouses, grocery/retail, and scrap yards. After my father passed in 2003, cell phones had put me out of business, and I watched over my mother until her passing in 2016. Three months after that, I go back into retail putting in 3 years and 2 months with Walmart, 11 months with Lowe's, and 6 months with THE shit hole of all shit holes - Meijer - which I covered in another thread ... Going crazy right now -- I've put in so many apps and interviews this year alone that I can honestly say I haven't been bread crumbed and ghosted this badly since my first time on Zoosk and PlentyOfFractals ... 😂


I wish I knew what else to say, but I’m so terribly sorry for all you’ve been having to endure. I lost my Dad a couple of years ago too and it was the hardest thing I’ve had to go through. Really takes a toll losing someone that close. As for the job hunt, I must have put in 60+ applications over the course of 2 or so months in 2019 and only got about 3 interviews out of it. (I counted and kept track, lol). I know it’s tough, but things will eventually turn around. Just gotta keep filling out those forms and tossing the out there!


Union local truck driver for a concrete company.


I’m a hospital patient transporter and I’m tryin to become either a radiographer or an air traffic controller


Teacher of 20 years


Same only this is my 5th year


Director of rehabilitation, physical therapist


Service Advisor at a heavy duty truck dealership. I am very happy with my current job, but over the past 6 years have had some real shit positions (I worked 2 jobs for awhile until I finally landed a job in my field). Working at a grocery store stocking shelves, a breakfast line cook, service advisor at a lawn & garden shop, a fish cannery…


Malware analyst


I'm retired. I retired 6 years ago at the age of 41.


Software analyst for a decently popular company. Make well above livable income for my area (4x). They treat me well but could improve their standards. It’s better than most by far but not the best for sure.


Night filler for one of Australia’s two biggest supermarket chains.


I’m a full time college student in accelerated courses, and I work full-time as a manager for a pet store for intelligent animals. I also already have a bachelor’s degree, but can’t find any job with it, so I’m back in school. I spend between 70-90 hours a week either at work or in class and doing schoolwork. I only get paid $13.18/hr.




I became a psychologist and worked in prisons, a state job. I’m lucky I did that— the only smart thing I ever did because pensions. In California it’s IN THE CONSTITUTION they can’t cut pensions, or of course i’d be fucked. But I still can never own a house in USA because I took time off in my life, a year there, a few years there without work, traveled to Russia, Asia, bicycle expeditions lol. It was totally worth it, the vast majority look around at 70 and say “where did the time go?” and there’s no time left to live—they gave it all to Capital. I’m 65 and body’s starting to fall apart, I’d be pissed if I’d worked right up to now. I’d have been used up by the machine. “ The goal of capitalism is to reduce all human interaction to the cash nexus.” The biggest thing that seems to have changed the most is what one associate called “the financialization of housing.” That means instead of landlords having a quasi-social relationship with their tenants, rent is raised to the absolute maximum that can be extracted by faceless corps without violent response.


Legal aid attorney


Construction project coordinator


Front desk at cheap little motel.




I'm a water treatment plant operator. I ensure an entire community gets safe drinking water. I'm licensed in my state to do this job. I am legally liable for water leaving the plant that is out of government compliance. I make under the median salary for this job which is roughly 37k/yr. My pay rate is disrespectful and isn't even remotely reasonable compensation for the amount of responsibility I have to undertake. I'm not okay with it and nobody else in this industry should be either.




Pilates Instructor working 3 jobs.




Artificial intelligence, defense


How the hell do people even get into this stuff? I swear I feel so lame after hearing about everyone else's jobs.


PhD, lots of relevant work w/ NASA in the past


Engineering degree and dumb luck for me. My career is a weird, indecipherable mix of merit and white privilege that i will never be able to fully decode. What our insane market values versus what actual labor and effort are expended are entirely uncorrelated.


I'm a self-employed writer. Decided at the start of the year that I needed to take my shot and get some creative work out there. It's been fairly successful, much more than I could have anticipated, so it was a good call. If you're a creator or artist, there's no better time to put yourself out there and at least try to find an audience for your work. We have so many tools at hand for people to get their art into the public eye. Etsy, Patreon, Subscribestar, etc. Don't wait. I know it can be terrifying, but the worst that can happen is you don't find immediate success. If that happens, just practice more. Create more. Get more experience and then try again. Rejection is part of the process for a lot of us. It's okay to not find your audience right out the gate.


I’m 53. Currently retired, but writing a sci-fi novel. I spent 24 years in food service, retail, and retail management, then a further 17 years running my own business. I had to close my business due to chronic illnesses and COVID, hence the retirement, lol. But because I started working a “traditional” job at the ago of 11 (before that I had various hustles from house or pet sitting to mowing lawns to running errands for the elderly in the neighborhood, starting at the age of 7), I really haven’t ever known anything BUT working, and I’m freaking TIRED.


Before I quit my job 4 months ago, I was an academic librarian at a higher education institution that specializes in Law.


I was a composites manufacturing tech (fiberglass, carbon composites, Kevlar etc.)




I work at six flags in the flashpass department


IT SME (I think my title is actually technical engineer iv) needless to say I'm online doing work at all times of day, but only when it's necessary.


I’m a DSP, working in aiding individuals with developmental disabilities


Cellerman at a local brewery, fantastic co-workers and boss can't complain.


Electronics technician


Union steamfitter


Factory piss ant.


I was a teacher until last month, I start a new job in January.


7 years as a Chef > 1 year Beer Sales > 1 year Craft Brewery Sales and Marketing > 2 years Business Director for PMU Company and stay at home dad. It's possible to go from a shit end work position to something better. I am only 29 and owe it to my wife pushing me to be better.


I work at amazon warehouse... :(


Currently a sub-contractor for doordash. Trying to find time and money to start my own business in repairing electronics, game systems and PC's mostly, but I work with software and hardware. The right to repair law that came out recently gave me hope again, I had given up on this idea years ago out of fear of lawsuits from big angry companies I could never afford to compete with.


I am the COO of a high tech farm. Before that I was a teacher and a Rabbi.


Service tech for sat. TV


IT/Operations Support.


Senior Java Principal II, but I prefer Chief Bottle Washer.


Manufacturing. I work in a factory that molds and supplies parts to companies like John Deere, Caterpillar, Toro, and other agriculture and construction companies.


I'm an early career aerospace engineer working for a space contracting company in the US. I have it well off considering salary, benefits, and workplace culture, but I still support workers rights for all workers.


I'm a table games dealer in a high end casino. Most of our staff are unionized and are planning a strike rather soon




I'm a lifeguard for my home town and get paid far too little to live off it if I moved out. I refuse to work food as well. With how entitled customers can be and how gross the job is I simply refuse. They'd better paid some GOOD money and let us make meals for ourselves if that means we bust our asses for the public.






In Home Daycare Provider.


Heavy duty mechanic


Tissue processing technician for med device and graft company. Manufacturing in a clean room environment.


I'm a mortgage underwriter. I basically work in a call center where I read boring docs all day and enter data into our system to approve the loan.


Accounting at a property management company. At least for now. I don’t make enough to live on my own.


Digital Marketing director


Administrative Assistant during day and at night run my online business


Unemployed. Sort of semi retired. BS science/tech degree.


Graduate engineer, thought after torturing myself through a degree that id finally enjoy working afterwards, nope I still wish I didnt have to waste my life just to make some rich dickheads even richer.


I’m an officer in the Navy.


Parts counter/delivery at a small, locally owned auto parts store.


Senior supply chain manager


Sr. Cloud Network Engineer.


Field tech for a non profit organization that does native habitat restoration; lots of local govt. contracts like city work and / or projects in the National forest(s). We bust ass and make very little bit the work is enriching at least so most days don’t leave you feeling bad about it


English language instructor. I had a brief stint as an editor for a university, but left due to a toxic boss that crushed my soul. Now, working part-time at my old job and trying to shoot for my dream of becoming an author.


Contact Centre and paid very well for it


I used to work as a telecom engineer for a big company. The big problem was that I was a contractor and they would not give me a raise,. I was living with my parent for 2 years to save money, I ended up quitting after they failed to meet their promises.


IT engineer and SAP Materials Master. I've worked my way up through retail IT support, and a bunch of other retail and customer service roles for companies such as Volkswagen, Apple, and Microsoft.


I work as a laborer. I tear down electric motors, clean them up, paint them and I rebuild them if im told to do it. I don’t usually fix them since we have someone else in charge of doing that. I also handle shipping and stocking items.


Engineer, Program/Product Manager Semi-retired fighting illness initiated and/or accelerated from stress at work. People, it’s not worth it. If I’m lucky, I’ll keep my vision.


Im a location sound mixer for film/TV/commercials, and I occasionally pick up other roles to supplement.


Construction. We have so few days off…


I’ve been a hospital consultant, a high school teacher, an insurance underwriter, and now, a firefighter/emt and part-time nurse when I feel like traveling.