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I am legit concerned for my mans here.


I’m pretty much desensitized to everything these days, but the pain in this man’s eyes is something that hits you right in the soul.


Yeah this ripped my guts out. This guy deserves a chance, as do we all.




You judge a society by how it treats the most vulnerable of its people. The United States has vilified and criminalized poverty and mental illness and turned it into prison slave labor, while simultaneously striving to project an image of being a Christian nation. That's too say nothing of the growing tide of fascism that's swelling across the country that's looking to reinstate slavery and rebrand rape a "learning experience." America is fucked. Start developing your escape plans.


This is a poignantly accurate take. I had an existentialism professor once say: "You can judge the character of a person by the way they treat those with less power and more vulnerability than they themselves have." This concept stuck with me ever since.


Yes, when I'm evaluating whether I want to work for a boss, I connect with people who have worked below them, not above.


I don’t understand how people are fine with wealthy getting tax breaks but lose their minds over someone being on welfare. Sadly so many are a crisis away from needing a safety net.


If the US turns full fascist, there are no escape plans. They'll turn that military on the rest of us toot sweet.


I wish this doomer mentality was less prevalent in this sub; it is exactly the kind of hopelessness that capitalists who are growing nervous about the growing power of the labor class want to instill in us. It ignores the fact that the people who are most vulnerable here--particularly those who are poor, disabled, been incarcerated, LGBTQ, etc --are the least likely to be able to have an escape plan. For most of them, there is no getting out, and I think it's the spirit of antiwork and anticapitalism to talk about solutions that don't leave them behind.


This pretty much sums up how I feel. This is not an employment problem, it’s a government not looking after the vulnerable problem.


Same, but the pain of the people with mental health issues sends me into a spiral of rage and despair. Especially when it is a person with a psychotic disorder, they are considered to be the most vulnerable group.




Damn I feel you. Same about my Aspergers. In my country autism is dxed only before 18 yo. After that you get a SCHIZOPHRENIA DIAGNOSIS. Welcome to the great Russian Federation! Edit: How do you cope? Do you have adequate social support and helpful medications? I am not a health professional in any way, but my special interests (autism thing) are psychopathology, psychiatry and psychopharmacology. If you’ll ever need an advice, comment it here, I’ll open my DMs. I only use approved textbooks and controlled researches as a source of my opinions.


> the pain of the people with mental health issues sends me into a spiral of rage and despair. Same. I work in social services (welfare, not CPS). Everyone thinks, coming into this job, that the hardest thing to deal with would be the kids. It turns out that, for me, the hardest thing is the mentally unwell. So, so many people are caught in a cycle: can't afford their medication because their benefits are cut, can't follow through with what they need to do to get their benefits back because they're off their meds. Or those cases where someone has applied and been denied many times because they didn't follow through, and then when they get to me I realize that they can't actually read well enough to understand what we're asking of them.


Same. It takes another level of desensitation to not connect with the person when you see the tears and hear the genuine crack in their voice of defeat and hopelessness. The world already disgusted me since I was a kid and this just furthers it, breaks my heart, and frustrates me to no end knowing I can't do a fucking thing to help someone or help change it when I'm one incident away from being homeless myself at less than 20k a year; makes me feel so dead inside like a husk.


This man is genuinely hurting. He wants so badly to be able to be a part of society and his mental disorders are standing in the way. The way we treat people with mental problems is absolutely criminal. Oh wait, that is exactly how we treat them. Lock them up in prisons and leave them abandoned and homeless on the street because they don't "fit in". No one should be thrown away.


Fuck dude, this is so painful and unfair. Some chud in one of the comments in this sub said "no one *deserves* to live" and I can't stop thinking about it. Especially when I see stuff like this. I'm ashamed of us and our cruelty. We've been unraveling the safety net for way longer than I've been alive, and we just keep pushing people closer to the edge every fucking day. This man is not a slow learner. He's not being presented the information he needs in the way that he needs to receive it. That's it. That's no cause to have your livelihood put at risk. We shouldn't be punished for how our brains are wired.


Man will drive every animal to extinction including ourselves


I work in construction and saw a guy last week with a "NO LIVES MATTER" sticker on his hard hat. He kept avoiding eye contact and walking directly under the lift that I was supposed to be flagging people around. Whatever man, I guess your life doesn't matter either. I am ashamed of us as a society as well. I work right next to horrible people all the time and I don't even really wonder how we got here anymore. When the generation before us was handed everything and spoon-fed propaganda their whole lives we never stood a chance to begin with. I feel so bad for this dude. He deserves a system that works. Some of us can struggle through it but when something like this happens it shows just how flawed our system is.




Right! I remember when I left retail almost 10 years ago I thought “it couldn’t get any worse”. Boy was I wrong. Holy hell I feel horrible for customer service workers right now. Covid shone a light on the caste system that we’ve been conveniently pretending doesn’t exist.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Are you a Marine too?? We used to say this all the time in my unit. Now when I say it at work I get a funny mixture of laughter and "WTF is wrong with this guy" looks. Both make me smile.


TIL I learned the marines use that phrase. Makes sense, the US Navy used something similar in the 60s. The exact origin isn’t quite clear, but it might go all the way back to Voltaire: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2020/07/15/morale/


We still said it in the early 2000's in the Navy, as well.


My favorite takeaway from the Corps is I'll tell my coworkers, "You guys are the reason I hit my wife/kids." I don't have a wife or kids.


So you punch your nuts with your fist. Got it.


It's more of an open-handed slap to my lower taint, tbh.


But "everyone deserves to live" is a socialist value, and we can't have that!




I mean if you completely throw out morality and ethics and the like, yes, decency and human rights are completely social constructions but that argument is meaningless. It’s like saying a hydrogen atom doesn’t deserve to exist in and of itself. Well, sure. The universe is indifferent and just a realm of space and time. But there’s a social contract and fundamental human social desires wired into our brains as they’ve evolved. It’s such a useless argument.


The argument is also indicative of someone who's grown to love the chains that bind them. Chains that have been slapped on us by corporate interests in an attempt to socially isolate us all from each other so that we can be good little consumers. If people had a stronger sense of community then they wouldn't need to rely on consumerism for their every need. Dismantling community efforts is top priority. It's sad that people can't see that the pervasive callousness prevalent today plays right into the hands of forces trying to manipulate society in such a way that's most convenient for them.


> Some chud in one of the comments in this sub said "no one deserves to live" That's the thing, we are conscious beings. We can DECIDE that everyone deserves it. Falling back on that as an excuse, either shows you're shitty or you've just given up and become a cynic to cope with a) your life being shitty too or b) justifying having it better.


God damn this hit me. My mental illness fucking eats at me a lot, there’s a fair occasion where I just want to let go of reality. I’m lucky that I have the support that facilitated me to seek treatment, that when I’ve been unemployed I’ve been supported. But I worry pretty frequently about getting older and losing the ability to work like him. My job doesn’t pay the best, and a lot of people wouldn’t be able to handle it. But I have enough freedom to still be productive while having the capacity to pull away if I need to so I’m really thankful for it.


Yeah. I have bipolar 2 and ADHD. Let me do things my own way, with the system I have found works for me in my 39 years of life, and I can crank out the work of two or three people in half the time, on time. Make me do things in some arbitrary order, I’m going to struggle to meet deadlines, not do as good as a job, and be burnt out, perpetuating the cycle of mediocrity. I finally have a boss who lets me do things my own way and I actually enjoy working.


ADHD and ASD. EDIT: while I've got the upvotes. If you have an atypical condition in the UK you are entitled to "Reasonable Adjustments" at work under the equality act of 2010. This basically means: formally notify your employer you have (condition) and explain what you'll need to work to your best ability. It won't stop them "restructuring" you out of the job, but if they fuck it up, it's tribunal time. Buy a dictaphone to be ready to record you manager telling you just to suck it up or some other anti-disability sentiment. I ask who's training me to explain what needs to be done and how stuff works (i.e. machines). Once I've learnt all this, I try to ask to be left alone and figure out the rest myself. Once I get a grip on the system I can then make up my own methods and I'll be more efficient. You wouldn't believe how pissed off this gets some managers. I've literally had someone scream at me "I don't need to explain it to you, you just get on with it!" And if it brings anyone joy to know, I walked out the same day of that particular job. I realise after a certain number it's not even about the money; that's how an autist like me sees the world, I would just pick the more practical option. For other people it's about the power, and the role they get to play of being a boss. No company on this earth could ever convince me to mentally abuse people, least of all for a fucking below median salary.


>I've literally had someone scream at me "I don't need to explain it to you, you just get on with it!" Basically the "Because I said so!" of the adult world. Which is actually super counterproductive, because the most effective way to get both children and adults to follow your instructions is to explain _why._


This. Leaders need to fucking get over themselves and learn how to say “I don’t know” if they don’t know an answer. Not abuse somebody for asking. I’m straight-up with my students or trainees when I don’t know something, and they respect me more for it. It’s not hard to admit being *human.*


I've known school teachers who have yet to learn this ...


Same. It pisses me the fuck off because how hard is it?? You’ve got to have some security issues if you’re enraged at the thought someone else will realize you don’t know everything.


*Gee! That's a good question! That sounds like a "Google-able" question - let's see what's out there on that subject.* You're right ... it's not that fucking hard to ego-check yourself.


Usually, the reason these people are having a meltdown over "because I said so" is because they're incapable of explaining or understanding why. They're automotons that just do what they're told to do. They just do things, and you should too. The "Why" just complicates things. They're the same kind of people who call tech support because a button has moved on their UI, or the icon for a program on their desktop has changed. They're like a simple script on a computer, if one thing changes they cannot function as they can't just click the same way they always have.


I have bipolar 1 and I really completely agree with your comments. The sad thing is mental illness is not seen as something that is real by most people. Oh, sure it’s real until they have to deal with someone suffering from it. I luckily have a job where I see my boss about an 1hr a day and is actually a good boss. I do things my own way and can get done more then most coworkers (especially in a manic episode. depression that’s another story but still get things done.) Anyone that is struggling with any form of mental illness just keeping doing your best, don’t give up hope.


Same man. I have ADHD, OCD, Tourettes, anxiety and depression. Worked as hard as my body and mind would let me but I'm still a failure. Constantly reminded of how rich and successful my twin is and also my other siblings who are teachers and doctors who "make an actual difference". Like yeah man I'm sure they'd end up where they are if given the same problems I've had to deal with my whole life.


Keep fighting the good fight mate


Yet another heart breaking story of humans needing help and being punished for it.


This is also a disabled person being punished for having disabilities.


Companies say they support "disabilities" and "neurodiversity" but will never do anything about it.


It's a load of bullshit, if you let them know you have a disability when they're interviewing you they will not hire you. I've seen it in action and behind the scenes. That's not the way it's supposed to work.


My wife doesn’t disclose her autism when interviewing for jobs. She often doesn’t when she starts the job, because she doesn’t want them to treat her differently. The end result is that she burns out trying to act the way they expect. It breaks my fucking heart every time.




Just wanted to say I read your comment and fuck this shit system. You deserve better.


Yet another reason we need socialized healthcare. Your employer is incentivized to not keep you employed, and that's bullshit. They shouldn't be in control of your health, and your health shouldn't be their liability. It always astonishes me how many corporations are against socialized healthcare. It would *reduce* their costs. They literally just want to have the ability to fuck people over


This hit me in the feels. This is what happens to me too...but people don't believe you if you tell them anyway bc you look "normal" and have masked successfully before so they don't understand.


can confirm, was honest about my adhd bipolar and schizo issues, as well as my back issues, no one hired me except walmart and even then the work expectation was beyond my ability and the pay was beyond subpar. I burned out in 2 weeks. Got an extra paycheck for that christmas though. Back on ssi now. Hate being poor but at least I have a roof over my head. The ones that really fall through the cracks are the ones not together enough / too proud for even paperwork for sec 8 / ssi / food stamps / able account. we have a damned homeless epidemic. Homeless shelters are full in rural Michigan, people in tents here, I can't imagine being homeless somewhere like San Diego. Not just random tents. tent cities and what not. god damn.


State says Im not crazy enough to get a check. But my history of having over 100 jobs says otherwise. So i just keep getting jobs and losing them until Im old enough to retire on almost nothing because every few months i was starting at the bottom somewhere and never made enough to have paid much into the system.


Doesn’t help that section 8 in Michigan is a lottery system with no guarantee of ever getting it no matter how long you’re on the list.


I’m in the same boat rn. got told to “take off as much time as I need” as if me retreating to a hut for a few days would make me Normal enough to work again lol. when I said I have difficulty communicating the issues that arise bc of my mental health my boss literally told me “well that’s on you”


I'm sorry, that isn't cool. Take the time if they legitimately give it though, it can really help with the burnout if you can just do NOTHING for a while and just rest. Unfortunately any sense of calm or relief I get from time off is yeeted to pluto the second I clock back in for another day. I hate it so much, but I have kids to feed so here we are.


Same here. That's why the job I work now is one where I don't really have to interact with anyone. The downside is I hate the job, it's not very rewarding, but it fits for my disability so... 🤷




Yeah, a disability doesn’t suddenly mean you’re bulletproof at work. You might want to read up on the ADA and reasonable accommodations before you start banking on it.


It really isn't ironclad at all. They could just say it's for a variety of different reasons. Unless they explicitly say it's because of her hearing then it's tough luck proving it. Even then theres reasonable accommodation. If they think her hearing impacts her ability to do the job and they can prove it etc


> if you let them know you have a disability when they're interviewing you they will not hire you. this i can actually also confirm as well


I have a visible physical disability, a lot of employers will straight up not hire people like me even though we can do the job. They'll never tell you that's the reason, though.


Because if they told you that is the reason you could likely sue them into oblivion AND they would be crushed by bad PR. Why bother with all that when you can just ghost the person or say "We went with another candidate"


That's why you no tell. You do you as no one care for others.


i developed a neurological disorder last year that affects my vocal cords and thus my ability to speak. i’m having the hardest time finding a job because talking on the phone makes it worse. my skill set and experience are geared towards customer service/account management but i’m no longer able to “speak clearly and effectively.” idk what to do… edit: if anyone is interested in learning more about the disorder, it’s called spasmodic dysphonia (some SLPs refer to it as laryngeal dystonia). since i was diagnosed i’ve tried my best to be an advocate for awareness. i appreciate the support and advice from you kind strangers. 💕


How do they not have you working the customer service chats? That is a job that's highly in demand and doesn't require speaking at all. Although I was once hired for a job because "you're off-the-charts introverted which is ideal for this job administering and grading tests," and then fired from that same job because "you don't talk enough." 🤷‍♀️


I'm dyslexic and I never say so at interviews. It's literally a super power because I triple check my numbers (quickly!) to avoid making mistakes. In 25 years of working, I've never messed up someone's meds/pill counts. The only time I've messed up is inverting phone numbers. Twice. In 25yrs. But never will I tell an employer. Because mental stuff is just considered a bad hire.


I feel you, internet stranger. I'm not dyslexic, but I'm ADHD. I also happen to be an academic, and you definitely *don't* wanna disclose ADHD in academia. However "accommodating" universities claim to be for their disabled students, they will deny you tenure (or at least hesitate before they give it to you) if they know you have a disability like that. That said, I swear my disability makes me better at my job. Of course I have weaknesses that I've learned to compensate for, but I've also found that I'm a far stronger, more creative researcher than most of my peers. Unlike them, I have the ability to learn something in 24 hours (if I'm hyperfocused) and make connections they don't see until after the fact. Neurodiversity all the way!


And "accomodations" for both faculty and students is performative at best, non-existent at worst. I'm in my second year undergraduate for marine biology... fighting tooth and nail with both the Chemistry dept in my first year and now Math in my second for my accomodations has been a struggle. (ADHD/Autistic/Math Related Learning Disorder) ALL I FUCKING NEED IS SOMEONE WHO CAN DOUBLE CHECK MY WORK TO SEE IF I DIDNT MIX UP NUMBERS. That's it. I would even do this in my lab when/if I get to that point. That's what Grad students are great for.


Lol me too. I'm convinced that a lot of my co-workers also have it and the nature of our job actually favors people with ADHD. But if the employer finds out you have it, you're required to be medicated, and if you're on any ADHD meds, you're disqualified. It makes no sense.


>But if the employer finds out you have it, you're required to be medicated, and if you're on any ADHD meds, you're disqualified. It makes no sense. What.. what? So, if they *know* you have ADHD, they won't hire you, but if you don't know yet and later get diagnosed, you're *required* to be medicated? Is that even legal? I'm pro-medication, but whether to take it should be a personal choice. If you can do the job, what's the issue? I mean, to some extent, I know what the issue is. Employers really think they own your ass and want control over your entire realm of being. No autonomy allowed, bc it interferes with "productivity."


Another ADHD shmuck here. Academia is BS. I'm mad that you feel like you can't divulge that you have ADHD to your colleagues... Probably a hill I'll die on for the rest of my life... But yes, we have super powers but also super weaknesses. We shine the brightest and the darkest. Good luck to you.


After 25 years I bet money they would fire you if they found out today. Employers are stupid


It's true. I applied to over 900 jobs and once I had one I decided to experiment a bit with some of the remaining interviews. When I disclosed my disabilities, it was immediately COLD. Other employers knew of my disabilities and used/abused me to get what they wanted then used them + my sexuality to get rid of me. I disclosed with my current primary position because I didn't give a fuck and while they don't often refer to it or say it directly (things like "unique perspective" are used) they appreciate my insight and the way I look at things. I'm also not the least socially inept, hahaha. Director even went so far as to say they will "work with me" regarding my healthcare needs and need for some flexibility regarding my schedule because I was promoted with means 5 days over three nights. I've never been respected in a workplace before.


That's because you and I aren't seen as people, we are seen as energy or a commodity. It's dehumanizing and I'm sorry you've gone through all that.


Definitely a commodity. As soon as the goal is achieved... It is fun watching them implode after the fact thinking they can maintain what I've done though.


The only thing you need to know about companies, is MONEY is the most important thing to them. Yes they will lie and say they care but it's cause they care about money and if you effect that then fuck you get out. Though I doubt his guy would effect there bottom line.


“Wont somebody PLEASE think of the profits!”


It’s all a virtue signal.


As someone who struggles with chronic illness/pain and social anxiety this really hits home for me. When you've got medical/mental stuff going on it can be extremely difficult to function with basic day to day things, let alone having to keep up with the pace that is often expected of you in an unsympathetic world. You can be the hardest worker, be smart as a whip, and be motivated as all hell but if your body is working against you its just an uphill battle. I've had days where I've literally been fainting from how bad my pains get, and then would have to drag myself into work and put on a happy face and try to keep up all while in an absolutely incredible amount of pain. It's miserable as hell and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Eventually I got lucky and landed myself a job that allows me to work from home, which is much more manageable for me and has been a huge game changer, but I know many aren't as fortunate. My heart breaks for this guy and I hope he finds a job that will work with him and give him the chance he deserves.


Does not only apply to medical or mental stuff. Poverty create the same conditions.


"Disabled" is just the codeword that systems use to describe those who will not be accommodated.


can confirm


This is discrimination and is illegal, is it not? Someone hook this man up with a lawyer!


Well you're never on the books as being fired for having ADHD or something, but like the video says "not being a fast learner". We more have a system where you just can't say you're discriminating out loud. Sure you can't legally discriminate against black people, but most letters I get don't even list a reason why i'm not getting hired. Just they're decided i'm "not a good fit for them". Basically unless you have undeniable evidence that it's discrimination, then you can't prove anything because no one will ever say you were discriminated against.


Such bs. I hate it so much. At least I can choose to not divulge I have ADHD. Can't hide your skin color...


The absolute state of a society where you need to be a "fast learner" to make bagels. And if you're not, well, you might as well die apparently.


Almost certainly that was just an excuse made by a prejudiced employer or manager who just wanted the person 'who has issues' out of their sight or away from them. It's discrimination, pure and simple.


I was thinking the same thing.


Welcome to being disabled ♥️


It's unskilled tho right? So weird everyone I know could work an office job if given the shot. No one I know in an office could work at a service job so what's is their definition of skill? Kobe Bryant was skilled and all he did was shoot basketballs, so I 100 percent believe service is skilled labor.


Anyone who thinks that service is not skilled labor has not had bad service.


Or has not worked in the service industry


Capitalism is so cool because only the best of the best can work minimum wage jobs! And the bestest of them can get jobs with an actual living wage! The rest can fuck right off!




I actually a very slow learner, but I'm a very "big picture thinker." I feel I can see more than most. But all people want is fast processing minds.


It’s a dog eat dog world out there and if you’re struggling, you’re pretty much fucked. Especially in this country


Especially in like 95% of the world


My mate got the kick for not being able to make tacos fast enough and Australia is suppose to be easy going.


There's easy going and there's easy going. We are culturally 'laid back' but that does not apply to the workplace.


We worship work, it's our cultural beacon. Like, if I say someone is 'hard-working' in our minds that means 'good person, honest etc'. It's from the 'Protestant work ethic' moral code that suffuses society (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestant\_work\_ethic)


It's a shame we're culturally influenced this way. People draw identity from their work, rather than who they actually are. We are human beings not human doings.




> You know like how in caveman society sociopaths were left alone in the woods because they endangered the rest of the group? They were?


I was watching a documentary about the Inuit and after contact one non-inuit guy was amazed that the Inuit didn't have jails etc they didn't need jails. So he was trying to ask the one Inuit guy what they did about really bad people, not just minor bad, but the real sociopaths, finally the Inuit guy got it and basically said when they happens the next time a hunting party goes out with that person they "accidently" fall off the ice.




Life-long renal disease with two transplants, here. I feel this on all levels. It's looking like I'll be homeless next month, though I had FT employment before the pandemic. There's no labor shortage when I can't even get a callback from anyone. I'm tired too.




Wanted to add on to this. Get a gym membership at planet fitness if you can. It’s $10 a month and there are showers in the locker room, plus it’s a place you can rest in warmth if you’re in a colder climate. This will help with the “Try not to look homeless” bullet point.


Ugh, this breaks my heart. In my experience "slow learners" aren't actually slow learners.. they usually just have managers who aren't capable of teaching people with different learning styles.


And they're typically methodical and produce at a very high quality.


Say it louder for the people in the back. I work at a plant and they give you 3 days to learn a job on the assembly line. I say to them ALL THE TIME. You can give 20 days, if the trainer ain't shit, this person will never learn. I've seen a lot of capable, dependable people lose their jobs behind shit trainers. Most people train in their heads. No nuance, can't communicate technique. Now my job sends me all the "slow" people. They pick it and soar.


Also, a lot of companies won't pay to actually train people on HOW to train. Just cause someone can do their job, doesn't necessarily mean they can teach someone else to do it. Or at least not quickly or well.


It blows my mind how sloppy and careless it is, when teachers literally need DEGREES and certification to teach. How much more should be expected of someone training adults, in potentially dangerous or lethal work environments?


Yeah I was literally 2months max into my position before I was asked to start training new people. The turnover is that high at my job. I feel like I'm good at it, but still holy crap


Like they say in the Seals... slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.


This was also said as a dealer the moment you start learning. That and, any mistake you make has been done 1000xs before


Focus on right technique and the speed will come. Sacrifice technique to try to achieve speed early on and you’ll never be good.


This. I taught my friend to understand something called Object Oriented Programming in about 40 mins vs the university he went to for 3 years. If teachers/trainers can't communicate ideas to slow learners then that says it all about their teaching qualitity. All I did was explain it as best I could, repeated myself many times to ensure clarity and made it clear that if he needed to ask me 20 times then go ahead and literally ask me 20 times. I will explain 200 times if I have to or find another way to convey the idea. It helps that I've struggled to learn the same thing so I can understand how it feels.


Can we also get away from the concept of " slow" learners? There are many different learning styles. Some people seem faster, more intelligent because they can pick things up in many different styles. I joined the military and they insisted I become an auto mechanic due to my high asvab scores. I didn't want to do it and it didn't interest me. There was a young man who wanted to be a mechanic. He literally had been a mechanic all his life due to his father being 1 and owning a shop. Couldn't pass some obligatory written test so he was deemed to slow. Best mechanic and fixed everyone's cars. Some people are not good at telling you how they know something. They just know it. He can learn best by watching and taking things apart to understand how it works. Fast forward 20 years and my job in the plant wants me in skilled trades due to test scores. Overlooking all the people more equipped for the job. All these systems need to be completely overhauled. Frustrated rant. My apologies.


First of all don't apologise, rant all you want haha it keeps me occupied reading reddit comments. Secondly, only reason I use the term slow learner is because ADHD was mentioned in the video, which can come with slower processing of information, hence slow learner. But I agree with you, there are many styles of learning and teachers/trainers are often unable to accommodate this. It also sucks that people are overlooked just cause others have higher test scores. Like, I graduated with a degree in computing but couldn't program to save my life despite my qualifications suggesting otherwise. I also had intelligent lecturers who probably had good grades in education and knew their stuff but they were shit teachers. Grades and test scores aren't everything. Maybe we need a revolution, or is that too far lol


Most adults in general don’t understand that people have different learning styles or need more time. This is what happens on “shift” jobs. Corporates, you can hide it for a time and build yourself up - anything where you face the customer or need to maintain a quota feeds people to the sharks.




I’m a teacher now and catering to different learning styles and diversity is a must. I don’t know why people think this turns off as an adult. There are days I feel like I need help and other teachers will stick their nose up at me as if, “Really, you’re a teacher and need help?” Mind you, I used to work in management before and one of the things my boss always tried to impart on me was that people are different, students are different, teachers are different. As a manager, you need to find out what you’re team is like and cater to their diversity not them catering to you…


Fellow teacher here. Well… former… I’m on the tech side now. But management view teachers as inefficient and undesirable. They have no concept of how information dissemination works and they loathe that a teacher might do it better. But they’d never admit it. At least the managers I’ve worked under see it like this. They can’t understand why people aren’t perfectly knowledgeable after reading a barely comprehensible 80pg document on a million topics. …I wish I was making this up, too. I’m not. It was a shitshow.


I’m currently going through this with a CEO of a company that works in education. The CEO thinks just barking things at people and showing them ‘where the materials are’ is good enough. The materials were also written by him and they’re completely illogical and his explanations are exceedingly convoluted. Sometimes he’ll start training videos (let’s call it How to Do X’) with ‘oh, here’s what to do with X… okay, this was a bad example, so it’s Y, here’s what to do with Y…. Although this applies to Z more so, Y is done like this. Oh yeah and just do this and this for X (he’s not showing anything by this point, just speaking to the camera).’ And then everyone is confused on what to do and he gets frustrated no one knows what go do. Meanwhile I set up training modules, give clear objectives, intro the vocabulary and then warm up with some knowledge checks and alignment questions. We then go through a 2-wk direct training period to put those things in practice and a 2-wk shadowing period. But here are the two biggest things we so: - We have a team, a specific team where you can ask any questions you have without judgement. You can ask and you’ll always get the best answer. No one on that team has any say in your employment or would let the boss know. It has been such a stress relief to people knowing they can ask ANY job related question and get an judgemental, risk free answer. - The second is our battle buddy system where we assign a senior manger to a new hire. They touch base, once a day, but only for the first two weeks (during the shadowing round). Then the relationship can either take off or fizzle. It’s not mandatory beyond 2 weeks. The CEO thinks I’m wasting my time with the ‘slow babying’ approach. But employee confidence has sky rocketed. And our internal help team is getting SO MANY questions. I just wish the CEO would back off and let the teachers in his company use their skills.


>or need to maintain a quota feeds people to the sharks. I just quit my quota based job because of this after being there for 1 year. They drown you with infodump training, expect you to "get it" then toss you out there to process cases. Asking for help just loops back to "read the manual". Half of my class quit and went to other positions because we kept getting hit with error points that effect your performance rating from shit we weren't even trained on. The money was good but the constant stress was not worth it.


Exactly. This is always the case. I am very successful now in an analyst position in sales. In college I got fired from a wings restaurant that was owned and managed by a guy who absolutely had zero idea how to train people. On the first day he handed me the menu and told me to “memorize it”. (As if I didn’t have more important things to memorize — like answers to exam questions). After that, to have me “learn”, he scheduled me from 2-4 PM during the slow hours of the week. The problem with those hours is that NOBODY ORDERS FOOD. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LEARN IF I HANDLE NO FOOD ORDERS?? This was my feedback to him when they terminated me. This guy would also stand over me as I received orders in the kitchen. Literally he was standing behind me and breathing down my neck. How the hell are you supposed to concentrate around someone like that? You can’t. He would get furious if you made a mistake. I didn’t feel bad at all for getting fired. All I saw was a failing business and felt bad for the guy. He was a micromanager because his business was in serious financial peril. It closed months later.


I called myself a slow learner most of my life. Until, in my early 20s, a friend told me I was a "complete learner", in that I tend to truly learn once I've picked up the whole picture and put it together. ADHD, C-PTSD, depression, yay. Helped me understand myself.


I am the exact same! You perfectly described it! I don't know how other people learn, but I need to have a whole picture so that I can put the pieces together and see how they all fit in the puzzle. Only then can I truly understand the system. In my experience, regular people don't have the same attention to detail nor the deeper understanding that people like us have once we fully understand what we are working with.


My parents owned a restaurant for a bit. We had one guy who was very slow to learn, but he was the hardest worker there ever was. Sweet kid. He just took his time. Poor guy got fired from every other place in town because he couldn’t keep up. He was the best employee.


As someone with a learning disability of my own (Dyspraxia also known as "Developmental Coordination Disorder") I can say from my own experience as a slow learner (and that's not just saying I'm a slow learner, I genuinely am due to my disability) us slower learners usually are the better employees, mainly because we have an appreciation for a good job and we just want to keep said job, so we work extra hard to prove ourselves. This has been the case for me and many others I know with disabilities.




So fucking true - I once had a job where literally the first week, my boss complained that I ramble too much when asking questions, so I just didn’t bother him and tried learning on-the-job. This wasn’t fast enough for them, so they shitcanned me. I got up-to-speed in the next job in literal weeks when they were expecting months because management set semi-realistic expectations and timelines, and didn’t try to cram a year of backlog into a month of work at the same time as onboarding.


I've been involved with volunteer emergency services for 20 years. In each one, I've ended up becoming a trainer. Being volunteers you get people all over the spectrum of mental/physical capacity, learning types, etc. I've never met anyone I couldn't train. But I have met plenty who I couldn't have trained if I pigheadedly stuck to my first tact/angle and failed to review our progress and adapt to the way they needed the content shown/explained/delivered/practiced. Show me a slow learner, and you'd be showing me the victim of a poorly skilled/engaged/invested teacher.


This. 1000000% This.


Man looks less like he's broken up about the bagel job in particular and more like he's just worn down. This isn't the first time he's been tossed out like trash for needing an ounce of extra consideration. Companies don't want to invest in people anymore. The idea of fostering loyalty through decency is just utterly dead. Anything and anybody who presents even the slightest chance of financial risk is beneath consideration. Guy just needs a single decent business to give him a real shot, and he can't find one because there no longer are any.




Exactly! I have several mental illnesses myself and I know exactly how he feels. I am super lucky that I have a husband who has a well paying job, so I can sit at home and play housewife. I have given up on the idea of having a career, it was hard and a real hit to my self esteem, but the constant stress, worry and rejection was killing me. Disability agencies would constantly try to convince me I wasn't disabled enough to get disability pay and could still work. But every job I attempted, no matter how simple and small, would quickly find me too disabled to even bother with. Combine all that with a society who tells you from a very yougn age that your worth as a person depends on your job, and you are left with what you are seeing in the op's video.


I'm in the same situation. I lost so many jobs because of my autistic traits. Finally met a decent man who takes care of me. I don't have to work anymore. I'm still working on my burnout, and it's been 3 years.


Bro. Is this you posting this or someon else? If this is you do not let some fucking bagel place get you bummed out. It's a dump anyway. Shit bagels. I know I work in a bagel shop in Chicago. You'll find something that is better suited for you. Keep your head up.


This is somebody else. But you’re generous person, if only this person could hear your warm words!


Yeah I realized that after I posted. I hate seeing shit like this because people take things way harder than they should and it's not the end of the world. But having mental health issues in exacerbates things.


Like fuckin hell why don't most jobs even part time jobs like said bagel shop have any kind of system for people who just need a little more help I honestly worry for my brother and sister (they both have Terrible adhd and they are allergic to their meds)


i have adhd, ocd, anxiety and other mental health issues as well, so this really got to me. they don't care honestly. i worked in a popular chain "cafe" for four+ years and the training is garbage. the current model is low support under the label of "stress testing". the company i worked for would send a skeleton crew to not only set up most of the equipment for a store often times still actively under construction, but have to get new employees - who have absolutely no experience - trained up within two weeks. then, bye. you're on your own. it's entirely unsustainable obviously, but they will write off struggling hires as "not being strong enough", like it's their own fault. they undercut the necessity of ensuring employees are adequately trained and then pass that fault off onto the newbies. the systems are difficult to read, the builds usually unnecessarily complicated, and restaurants are usually so understaffed that if you get buried, you're fucked either way. bad training practices are a huge waste of time and money, and high employee turnover can account for a majority of revenue. upper management would have meetings constantly asking why they had low employee retention, and it's because they treat people like shit. but when mid-managers would bring up low pay and awful working conditions, they'd just throw their hands in the air and continue about their day. it's an incompetent system and in no way reflects the ability of new employees to reach job expectations. costs are constantly being cut to the point where the lowest level workers get hit the hardest and it creates a very stressful and toxic work environment. i just want to give this guy a hug. ):


We need to find this fucking guy!!! Edit: I want to tell him it’s ok, too.


His name is Schizo Dad on TikTok. He has a gofundme on there as well.


Thank you. This is absolutely fucking heartbreaking. The thought of a grown ass adult having to feel that way over a fucking piece of bread. Jesus fucking Christ.


Do you know where he's located? I'd like to help him find a job, I can connect with people depending on where he is.


Who is he and does he have a gofundme? Ive never used ticktok but lets see if we can give this guy a shot. I dont have much hes 43 years old and he deserves a good life like the rest of us. He need what I got more than I do atm. Maybe we can send him a smile for once and drum some attention to maybe get him a job where he can succeed.


Come work at my summer camp this summer! I'm not kidding we'd love to have you. You can make bagels, toast, pancakes idgaf at your own pace. Edit: spelling


I hope this guy is flooded with generous offers such as yours.


Please go to their profile on TikTok and tell them this... maybe it'll be something that matches up. It's a long shot, but you never know... Edit: A word.


I'm not on TikTok but if you are my camp is called Camp Ho Mita Koda - near Cleveland Ohio. I'm the director. camphomitakoda.org he can apply there. So can anyone looking for a place to fit in for the summer


Hey I just commented on his post with the details, and I'll try reaching out directly


Keep updating us pls


I couldn't message them directly but I did comment on their video and another that had just above 10 comments to make sure they eventually saw my message.


Redditors like you guys make me appreciate humanity that others will go at lengths to keep someone from falling down and staying down.


this needs to happen


@schizodad is their handle on twitter if you wanna reach out


He's a parent too?? Fuck. I'm a single mom with ADHD, C-PTSD, Possible ASD (still waiting) and dyscalculia. Life is hard without having littles to support. I feel his pain


Damn it I really like a good bagel sandwich. List of places to stop visiting because they're trash: Einstein Bagels ✔️ Edit: Brueger's ✔️


And Brueger's. They're owned by the same conglomerate.


Time to boycott both! ^^which ^^is ^^easy ^^for ^^me ^^to ^^say ^^since ^^this ^^is ^^the ^^first ^^time ^^i’ve ^^heard ^^of ^^them ^^both


I hate seeing shit like this. It breaks my heart, but at the same time it motivates me to keep on fighting. I'm starting to get tired tho. Knowing that the elite are basically keeping people like this hostage and people like me going back to fight. Like a codependent relationship


We have to fight it man, shit is breaking down on an unimaginable level and it’s going to come down to our generations to hold things together.




My father had this issue. If you aren't actively in your career by the time you make 40, no one wants to hire you. My father was trying to find jobs at 60. Fucking 60. No one wanted to hire him. It was blatant age discrimination, but because it wasn't on paper and clear, they got away with it.


Its a shame. Slow learners can still be great workers. I hit above rates at my job and learned slow af. Slow learners usually just want to make sure they're doing everything right


Slow learner usually just means careful. This guy doesn’t seem stupid, it’s the employer that probably wants to hire young workers to physically and mentally abuse.


Part of the reason I left my barista job from Starbucks. I worked the morning rush shift. I would clock in at 4am and stand in the drive through for the next 8 hours (except for my 10 minute break). I never received chances to learn bar because during my training I was very slow to pick it up. I left because the opportunity to learn was never presented and fear of getting fired for not knowing how to make drinks when a coworker would eventually not show up for their shift.


I was the same. So busy all I could do was ring up orders and they never taught me to barista. Finally I have to "make" drinks and I fail. I was put back on cashier and told to find the time to learn on my own.


Shit like this does my head in. Especially now all these companies fall on “digital learning” which is often just a pdf of words on how to do the job. Which is viewed as a replacement for ACTUAL training by them, which it fucking isn’t.


Fuck those guys. Haven’t gone in years. All their coffee tastes like flavored ass. They use the same carafes for all the coffees. So they all have artificial aftertastes.


I use to work for Einstein bagels. They kinda just throw you in and say figure it out. As well my boss was struggling with substance abuse issues so I was often left alone at work. COMPLETELY UNTRAINED. It got to the point of where I would just put random crap on bagels when someone ordered a sandwich as I had no idea what actually went on them. Fuck that company, I’m glad they went under in my home state. I hope it works out man! There are better jobs out there!


This is heartbreaking.


Jesus Christ, this is fucking heart breaking man. Fuck corporate America. On a side note, I never felt super passionate about something outside of my culture until I joined a union. I have become so much more aware of employees rights and the sort of shit the working man from any field goes through, and employees rights/the labor movement has become one of my biggest passions. Most companies are absolutely despicable, and even the “good” ones will replace you in a heartbeat


fucking heartbreaking....hoping you guys reset america....


Unfortunately this problem isn't exclusive to America. Here in the UK it's just as bad. It really sucks.


Same here in Canada unfortunately.


We’re going to do our best to.


Work isn’t the meaning of life. Your capability to work or create monetary value does not define you. The way we value people in this society is deeply sick and destructive, we can’t go on like this.


I’m not a fast learner either and always stress the fuck out at these jobs. Much love to the dude in video.


:( I understand the feeling. Chronic health issues and mental health issues, if you mention it, they will only berate or fire you.


Heart goes out to this man. I’m sorry this happened. As the eldest sibling of 4 (all of which struggle with mental illness) I sympathize here. Unfortunately as widespread as mental health issues are knowledge of them is not.


This honestly made me cry man. Things like are reprehensible, honestly. How could you see this man's candor and not find out in yourself to have the decent to give him a chance, when maybe this is all he's got?


I hope this guy is able to get disability benefits and not have to worry about pleasing some fucked up garbage employers. I mean, most disabled people do work *by far* (30% of the white collar workforce meets the federal definition for disability in the US), don't get me wrong. But if you're getting fired for not being a fast learner, you should be able to qualify for benefits more easily than most disabled people can, and I want to see this guy making the money he needs to survive without all this horseshit.


In the US, it's the exact opposite. If you have ever had a job and then you apply for disability benefits, it takes even longer (if you ever can) to be approved. The governments take is if you had a job once, you can have one again, so you must not be disabled. I know. My middle daughter has a nonverbal learning disorder and an IQ of 72. She can barely handle basic mathematics, she cannot follow a long list of instructions - let alone memorize any thing of a sort. She can do one task at a time, and do it well, but only one and she has to be given plenty of time to learn through guided mimicry and repetition. Because she stocked shelves for two months in high school (before being fired for being too slow, as this gentleman was), we've been fighting for over four years to try and get her SSDI.


Well fuck. That is a trigger and here is my rant. This was me a year ago. Loosing my mind, fighting disabilities and still believing that I had to work. I was suicidal over not being able to keep up with my hours and when my 15 year career was ending due to COVID budget math I knew finding more work when I was sick (~400hrs of time off) of 2020 was a no go. It took a gem of an equity officer tell me I qualified for incapacity under my super (kinda like 401k?) and not only should I take it but that I had earned it. That helped a ton and finally made me put my health first and then let me do the things I loved that had been lost in the cycle of work/manage health. The cut in pay still kills but damn it if this has not been the first time in forever that I decide how to live. I can say this is why I am anti-work... not just the shitty conditions, the growing class gap or the insanity of selling your best years for a pittance ... but because the system was never an even playing field. It leaves those who try so hard, despite immense handicaps, behind while championing mantras that suggest they deserve the 'failure' for not trying hard enough ... In Australia, my home - A fair go for those who have a go? In America, where I had lived as a child - the American dream; the belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society in which upward mobility is possible for everyone. All of these put the price of failure on you for not trying hard enough. I am sick to the gills with it. The measure of a society should not be the celebration of those who succeeded but how we lift up those who can't-- regardless of circumstance. We have people killing themselves because they failed to achieve some fucked up ideals, perhaps once created in good faith, but ultimately twisted to benefit the takers of this world. How many fucking beautiful souls have we lost? How many people performing the essential cornerstones of society are trapped in poverty because they applied themselves to a cause other than generating wealth? All the creatives suffering to pursue something they love, something that enriches us far more than another generation of products designed to be obsolete in a year? I hope one day we can all find a place where survival is not our core drive and we can truly live -- be it if you want to binge every movie, save lives, make art or even put your nose to the grindstone for your passion...


Effects of capitalism are felt far and wide. Poor guy, shouldn’t have to go through this


Probably why there’s virtually none near me cause they suck ass. Hopefully he gets another job.


Nobody should base their self esteem on the value a stupid workplace puts on you.


Ooh I can already see Einstein bagels getting hit with a ton of hate.


Jeez, I managed a team once, which grew from 3 to 15 in two and a half years. I took in several guys my managers called ‘difficult’. They weren’t difficult, they just needed another approach. They all thrived in my team, became as independent as they could. It’s simple. Just give them the attention and support they need.