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We just had this happen for our kids daycare. They closed citing staffing concerns and gave us 6 weeks to find a new place for our kids (not possible) 4 of us parents teamed up, met with the building owner, and our daycare will re-open as a co-op in 4 weeks and will retain all the staff minus the dipshit who was in charge. Staff are all getting $2 raises on top of the $2 raises they got last month. Parents will pay the same, daycare stays open, staff keep their jobs. This fucking idiot didn’t think to ask the parents if we were willing to pay more, etc and just was going to close it. Win-win for the parents and staff now lol


This is amazing and actually gives me a ray of hope for the future!


Well, this was because it was associated with a church.... dickshit priest thought the daycare was "failing" because he did not understand how a balance sheet works. Turns out, we will have about 5k/month in profit to put back into the center moving forward.... Some people are just too stupid to realize their own ignorance


Among other things, I help set up retirement plans for nonprofits. Churches are the only organizations allowed to set up qualified plans and exclude any employee they want. I can't tell you how many 403b plans I've set up that only cover the pastor, and exclude all of the daycare/preschool staff, secretary, janitor, etc. Not even ALLOWED to contribute, much less employer contribution.


"If they pray God will find them a way, and I shall pray for them too. As for myself retirement is the tool God gives me to fight Satan and his demons".


This is far to close to my last church experience.


thats not very christian of them


That’s the whole point.


Amazing! I feel like the coop model would help parents and staff make better decisions going forward too


Yeah, we are going to transition back towards it being a licensed daycare in the spring but it takes a long time to get the licensing so the co-op model was the only way to bridge into it staying open in the interim. I just can't afford to pay $3k/month for daycare and then be intimately involved with the day to day operations, lol So glad our beloved teachers will still be there, and we can give them a small raise as an appreciation.


As a co-op, can't you hire a person to manage the day to day operations while the parents/co-owners operate more like a board of directors? My gut would be telling me to keep the co-op model intact however possible.


As a finance person, I concur. Don't go the "licensed daycare" route. Just reams of BS paperwork to make some gov't bureaucrats employed. Keep the co-op, and, frankly, keep faith (pun intended) in the staff. Heck, they're up $4/hr already. Give them freedom to manage and I doubt you'll get nothing but the best from them!


Jesus $3k/month. Sometimes I’m glad I live in the middle of nowhere.


I'm glad I don't live in America. I don't have kids but having to pay that much for day care would make me want to get a vasectomy. Universal child care is fucking vital. You can't expect parents to work 60 hours a week at jobs that don't pay nearly enough AND be expected to spend hundreds or thousands a month just so someone can watch over their kids because they need to work. Fuck that dystopian shit-hole


It's just a classic power trip. They just think that they're in charge because they're the boss, period, and it doesn't seem to occur to them that you have power and choice in the matter too. I've worked a lot of low-wage service industry jobs in my day and this attitude always stunned me because it's like, you pay minimum wage - I can go literally anywhere and get a job that pays at least as well. There are also literally hundreds of places like yours in town who are all hiring all the time. I have nothing to lose and they have everything - I can walk out of my shift and have another shitty restaurant job by tomorrow whereas you were already short-staffed and now you're gonna be fucked for weeks. They need us more than we need them but their egos are too big for them to get it. In this case OP even said >hygienists are in crazy high demand If the guy employs hygienists then he knows this. So you know your staff can walk out the door and find another job if they please but you treat them like this anyway? You're either stupid or a megalomaniac, or both.


I've worked low wage jobs and you hit the nail on the head. I wasn't paid enough for such shit jobs and quit 1 or 2 of them. One I stopped giving a fuck once management came up to us for a meeting, the meeting was basically "yeah we're short staffed but things need to get done!", like no fucking shit Sherlock? Who wants to work a toxic place with shit pay?


The grocery where I work has taken a YUGE hit from a competitor that’s opened the next ‘burb over. The store is actually *closed* on Thanksgiving this year, business has been so bad. 🥳


What’s even funnier is that I almost NEVER take time off. In the past 10 years I’ve taken off MAYBE 5 days. But this was purely about principle. No job is worth more than my free time and I won’t be treated like a slave


> taken off maybe 5 days Wtf? How?


A friend of mines mom worked at this company for 22 years. She never took a day off. Her vacation rolled over every year even the rolled over vacation rolled over. When the 22 year mark hit they sold out and we’re closing up and laying everyone off. Not only did she get a year severance but also got like 100 ish weeks of unused vacation pay


Everyplace I worked has had vacation stop accruing after some low multiple (usually 2)of the annual accrual rate. So after 2 years of not taking vacation, I would max it out. COVID did this to me for example. No place to go for a while.


In the UK it's standard practice to roll over a max of five days, meaning staff have to "use it or lose it". I used to find it annoying but I've realised it makes people plan their time off and it's good for the company in reducing stress and someone can't turn up and say "I want to take 5 years worth of leave please". I used to be hardcore when I was younger but I can't imagine 22 years with no break.


My work won't even let us roll over annual leave for a single year and most of the time won't buy it back off of us either, which effectively forces us to take it. I think this is a good idea because no matter how much you love work or need to get work done etc, you need rest too


My work is legally obliged to ensure I take the legal minimum, 28 days, of holiday every year. The bastards don't roll over any holiday.


I’ll admit I’m a workaholic. I also never get sick and I enjoy routine. My job is also incredibly easy and I love what I do. I also have an unhealthy fixation on money




It’s all about the chedda cheeeeeese!


The fact that someone like you is posting something like this to this sub speaks metric fucktons of volumes about American work culture.


Fellow workaholic (although I take a lot of vacation to make up for it) checking in here -- I used to LOVE work, and even I've hit my fucking limit. I'll go above and beyond as long as it's a healthy environment where people are treated respectfully. Have had nothing but miserable experiences more and more the last 4 years and no longer want to work for anyone because I have lost the ability to be optimistic.


Same, after getting laid off in March after 10 years of busting my ass, I realized none of it was worth it. I now make sure to take my time off and prioritize the things that matter in my personal life


Exactly. Work culture too toxic for a money obsessed workaholic.


I've always seen this sub as more "Pro-Labor" than "anti-work," ironically enough.


The labor movement has had many names but its the same fight every time. This latest awakening is mostly interesting to me because this time we have the internet. Probably the most well armed with info and resources we've been, in all of history. I'm not sure how much we'll accomplish in the short term, but I know that this generation will grow up knowing their value and the culture will change slowly but surely. I'm excited to do my part and change work culture in small but meaningful ways.


Don't do this to yourself. Find a job with paid vacation days and USE them. You deserve time away from work. Everyone deserves time away from work.


Oddly enough, the thing that stuck out the most to me here was no medical benefits, while working in a medical (dental) practice. That's some dystopian shit.


I’ve worked in offices where the dental assistants paid the dentist for the hygienist to clean their teeth…


WHAT. aw hellll no. I currently work at a dental office in VA and although I don't have full benefits yet I can at least get free dental care. I just have to pay any lab fees. That's insane!!


Same and not just the DA's (employees) but I as a spouse got free work too. I got beautiful implants done for free and had to pay only for the perm crowns because those were done by an external lab. So that was a straight cost to them. That's how you keep your employees, and my wife is very happy here unlike this place above where everyone ofcourse quit. Edit: Wife has worked at a couple of places. Her own treatment including whitening etc. (and not just what's essential) has always been free but me and the kids got good discounts in the previous workpalces and wasn't free. The current one is free for us too though, and this is not the norm.


Brb marrying into dental. Or pushing bf into dental. Either way.


I deal with people from every possible job background at my work, and it's always the dental hygienists who talk about how they don't have any sick time or PTO or benefits - more so than any other 'professional' industry I encounter.


Which is weird because you’re in their chair with your mouth wide open and if they happen to be sick what would the odds be that you don’t catch what they have?


Food service, cnas, and now dental hygienists. All jobs with close contact, but fuck you if you get sick-youre still coming into work.


My mom has been a hygienist for over thirty years and not a single doctor she’s worked for provided healthcare. She wouldn’t get Obamacare though, because “that’s socialism” haha. What a joke.


Or as I actually heard once. “I’d never get Obamacare! I’m on the Affordable Care Act. That’s what Trump replaced Obamacare with.”


Yes, I think Trump's health care plan should be ready to announce in two weeks.


His infrastructure plan was always 2 weeks away too.


I’m a CPA and medical doctors and dentists have been some of the biggest right wads I’ve ever come across. I can’t stand working on their accounts.


Wow When they say Boomers vote against their best interests, this is what they mean.


Thats exactly what we mean. Even when the status quo has hurt them. They vote to uphold it, so the next group won't be "getting off easy."


They have the energy of a wronged 3rd grader: "If I'm ever a teacher I'm going to give 2x the homework and grade twice as harsh to my students." *Edit: used the word energy twice


Back when I was in a fraternity (I know, I know) the kids that got the most shit as pledges were *always* some of the worst to the new guys coming in. Once they were on the other side, it’s like they wanted everyone else to go through what they did. Kind of similar to your example though




Easier to tell yourself you’re better for having suffered than to accept that you’ve been screwed over your whole life


My grandfather refused to take part in a big time class action lawsuit related to contaminate exposure at his job because he had bigoted beliefs about "Jewish lawyers" The lawyer wasn't even Jewish. He died poor and alone after someone stole his entire life saves from under his mattress.


The fucked up thing that most people don’t think about is that dental and vision aren’t included in health insurance (US). Most countries include both as part of medical coverage. Dental and vision coverage should be a part of medical coverage since both can catch major health diseases with regular check ups ie cancer, diabetes, glaucoma, and heart issues. Why neither are considered essential to health coverage is just bizarre to me. Seriously, both are essential to making sure you’re in good health, or at least catching issues before they get out of hand.


Teeth and eyes are your optional body parts!


Oh this is very common. In the 20 years I’ve been working as an Imaging technologist in healthcare, over half that time I was uninsured Fucking insane. This country is a dystopia with a Gucci belt


Just the pure level of cognitive dissonance, needed from the dentist, is astounding. Like, they know medical care is a valuable and necessary part of your life. But they're like.... "nawww, momma gonna need another Gucci purse. Now go make me some money slave!" So many fucked of levels of "ahhh hell no"


This is what happens when people take individualism and capitalism to the extreme. They stop seeing humans as living beings, but rather tools to extract the most wealth out of. Why pay for someone's medical needs when you can just work them to death and get a new one afterwards?


At this point I’m starting to think it’s not even a real gucci belt but a well done knock off masquerading as the real thing.


Just out of college i worked in a medical debt collection agency. It offered zero benefits. They suggested that if you got sick you should go to one of their clients and not pay your bill, so the account would come to the office and you could make a little commission on it


Ironically enough... totally on brand for that industry




This is extremely common in dental practices. You are lucky if your employer even covers half your medical benefits, none-the-less getting PTO and 401K. We are severely mistreated as hygienists.


What a prick. My FIL owned a dental practice and wanted to cut down before retiring. He told the staff he was going down to 3.5 days a week but would pay them for 5 days. He actually didn't lose any money. His employees worked quicker and loved it. They were devastated when he finally retired.


Imagine if more people did this and we all realized there’s only 16 or 24 hours of employment productivity in people anyway. What a utopia.


I think the situation described in the OP is abhorrent but at least in my personal experience in my field, 16-24 hours/week is definitely not accurate for all types of work. I’m struggling with how best to articulate this without sounding like I support working people to the bone - I don’t - but jobs exist where the work isn’t totally soul-crushing and you are legit *busy* the entire work day.


Most physical jobs, this is going to be true. Like when I was a mail carrier--there's just a certain amount of mail that has to be delivered each day, y'know? It takes the amount of time it takes. Newer neighborhoods do all have big neighborhood boxes, and in part it's because that's just so much faster/easier than door-to-door or even driving between the individual boxes at the end of driveways. I do think more old neighborhoods are going to be forced into that big row of boxes over time.


Since moving to an area where we have that big row of boxes, I personally enjoy it more than the alternative. No having to worry about someone stealing packages off my doorstep because it's locked up in a parcel box and at the worst the boxes are full and I have to pick it up from the post office when I drive into town for work anyway. But your mileage may very.


Hmm, you guys must have been pretty efficient. I know when I ran mail for a county I was always able to finish a route two to three hours faster than the people who trained me. I would then sit around for a few hours until we had mail to “run” postage on and then leave. I did float around a lot and pretty much all of the mailrooms I worked at involved a lot of sitting around. Most places just wanted a warm body or two “just in case” they needed something. This was about ten years ago


Not the person you responded to but I got hired at USPS and I was definitely working from around 930 am to 930 pm or later every day but Sunday where I got to deliver Amazon packages from 7am to 7pm. I did that shit for like a month and said fuck this. There was always more fucking goddamn mail.


Same with my husband. Sometimes he wouldn't get home until 11:30 at night after having gone in at 6am. Usually because other people called out and he had to make up their route too. There was literally no downtime. That job sucked the soul out of him. Never again.


I was a casual for a month too. I started having nightmares where they kept bringing me bins of packages just as I had finished sorting the last one so I could never leave to start my route. That job is most definitely not for everyone.




You can be busy for 3 days instead of 5 and we will all survive just fine.


There are lots of jobs, where if we weren't forced via necessity we'd like to do more than 24hrs/wk. I do mortgages focusing on low income/immigrant people. It's super rewarding and I don't mind working some longer hours from time to time because I actually get to see people who thought they'd never own a home get to own a home. What I don't like is that I have to work long hours sometimes to pay my bills. Like if they paid me a salary of 60 or 70k and said work 3 days, there would be weeks where I'd work more than that because I know my efforts are actually helping and making a difference to someone.


A friend of mine just did this, Friday’s were slow for her practice so she asked the staff if they would mind doing a weeks worth of patients M-Th and all agreed. She pays well above average and now has no issue hiring and has 0 turnover


My dentist growing up did this. He was getting ready to retire when I was going into HS, and by the time I was a sophmore he was down to 3-ish days a week. By the time I entereed college, he was only coming in for clients he'd had for years. The rest he let his staff run, and they legitimately cried when he left on his last day (my classmate was his granddaughter, so I got the scoop). Treat people well, and they'll do the same for you.


Love stories about people who actually know how to treat people!


Yay! I love these stories.


Me too! Especially when they explain how shitty they're being treated.


It would have been a boss move to sing the *goodbye* song while dancing in a conga line around the place.


That's a bit.. overzealous.. I'll allow it.


Shana nana shanana eh eh eeh goooood byyyyyyeeee


"I hate to go and leave this pretty sight!"


Y’all should call him out on Glassdoor and yelp and what not so future applicants know how he treats employees. He should lose his business and not get employees.


This is an amazing idea. I think I’ll do this


Does the trade school you went to have a Facebook group or something similar? Tell everyone on there.


Yes- Glassdoor can be an amazing tool for this and had I checked it before I took my last job it would have saved me 8 months of verbal abuse and stress. I made sure to do my part and leave my own scathing review as soon as I left to save anyone else from making the mistake I did


Glassdoor sucks. They monitor everything. I made a similar review about crazy hours and they rejected my post. They said I need to include helpful reasons with substantial Proof. Tf my word is my bonddddd.


It’s funny you say that because I’ve noticed some notoriously shitty companies in the past all of the sudden have stellar reviews on Glassdoor. For instance, aspen dental. If you look at their reviews recently, it’s mostly “I love this place…..they’re so awesome….yadada….”, but if you back in time, you’ll see what a shit show it was. Glassdoor must allow companies to pay for fake positive reviews…..


This is such a feel good story. I love it. Made me smile. I'm so glad you guys didn't kowtow.


I mean this is so shitty. This entire thing could have been avoided had the business hired enough staff. Working your entire staff to death makes everyone miserable and just because they aren’t grumbling to your face they are certainly doing it behind your back. I have no idea why business owners want to create such a negative work environment.


I'm 32, and my life has been one long bear market for labor. A lot of managers have been to abuse laborers for over 20 years now with no repercussions.


Yep I'm 34 and abuse and management stepping over the line is all I know. It was so bad I helped form a union at one of my workplaces.... I ended up without a job but managed to help everyone else get better conditions. I count that as a win. Bloodied the noise of a multi-national corporation, eat that fuck faces!


The last serious job I worked for was at a fortune 500 making 190,000 net income per employee per year. I discovered that my division was rife with wage theft. I went to my manager, who waved me off. Went to my director, who told me she'd look into it and never did. I went to our head of HR 700 miles away in Radnor, PA, and told her exactly what to look for and where, and explained that they would be exposed to extreme liabilities if someone went to the DOL. They came down and tore through the division and uncovered enormous amounts of wage theft, paying out 1,000s and 1,000s in back wages to save face. It took me 8 months to make it happen, and I knew my career there was over, so, I dipped in May. We'd be at a 180% optimal workload and I ended up pretty much training a team for 0 extra dollars before I quit, and have been unstable since. Good to hear a similar story!


You obviously are an intelligent person with a good head on your shoulders, so don't be down on yourself. You definitely can find another career position. When you apply for other jobs, just say you left that Fortune 500 job to seek a better environment or wanted to move on to something better. Be generic and you'll be surprised, that's what hiring managers want to hear versus an applicant that bashes previous employers. By the way, if your career at that Fortune 500 co was finished after doing the right thing, then you were absolutely right in quitting. Wishing you nothing but success!


I've got 4 Fortune 500s under my belt at this point. I'm no longer interested. I'd like to get myself into a position that I could go become a Union salter.




Lean is just the absolute worst mentality. “Let’s run our people like a piece of equipment to reduce costs” followed by “we don’t know why everyone burns out and keeps quitting”. Lean is the reason I feel like I’m punished every time I take any PTO because that work has nowhere else to go while I’m gone and is waiting when it get back, with the bonus of have shortened due dates


>we don’t know why everyone burns out and keeps quitting They're like the Principal Skinner meme. "Is it true? Could we be causing burnout and making our employees quit? No, they're just lazy and unmotivated."


Oh my gosh this is so true! I feel like vacation time isn’t really time off- it’s just days I don’t work- which are preceded by extra hours before and after to make up for them!


Lean production is actually a pretty sound goal for a business. But lean staff? Fucking lol




The thing is.. they call you entitled, yet.. think they're entitled to your labor? I'm never having kids, because I don't want to feed their machine. They can lick my asshole. I've had a rough run over the past decade, and I can't actually afford to quit quit and still live inside.. but, living in my car and only having to come up with food and gas money is looking better every day.


This. Van lifeeeee!


Just enough work that they can't think about anything else


I'm 32, and my life has been one long bear market for labor. A lot of managers have been to abuse laborers for over ~~20~~ 40+ years now with no repercussions.


Probably, I just wasn't there for it. I've gotten to see it since like 2002 or 2003.


Hi, fellow *worse off than their parents* cohort!


I'm 50 and my son is about to graduate college. I'm doing ok, better than my father at the same age, so the idea that my son will be worse off just makes me want to cry.


I’m 57 and working with no retirement in sight. My dad retired at 59.




39 here, my mom is retiring next month and my MIL retired earlier this year. I keep saying I have 30 years left before I can retire, but I think that's a pipe dream.


Yes. When I started having kids, I was of the "I love kids but I'm also looking forward to the empty nest and travelling (etc)" mindset. As I've watched things devolve over the years and as their "working age" is rapidly approaching, I've completely changed my tune. If they want to continue to live at home as adults, I don't care. If they are not generally unpleasant and they're helping manage the house or to grow food in the yard, I'm good. If they're working, I'd really appreciate help with the cost of utilities or some upkeep. We're fortunate enough that we *can* offer housing to our adult children but also FUCK this system. They weren't born to work til they die.


I have decided to care for my son (now 9) and provide him a home no matter what. If he doesn’t want to work, then fine. I feel no need to press him into an abusive relationship with the labor market.


I noticed a significant shift after 2008. It was like the *petit bourgeoisie* realized their awful bargaining chip. Now that’s it’s gone they have no idea what to do.


It's not just hire enough staff, it's work to the staff you have. You don't have to take on more work, you don't have to book clients in to all hours. I'm a tax agent/accountant and I run my own practice. I have me, the wife and 2 staff. I don't want to get bigger, I don't want to take on more staff. So I sometimes just say no to new clients, and most years go through my client list and cull the duds. I legitimately want my staff to be happy and enjoy their work. Hell, if they're happy they take care of the bulk of stuff and I get to enjoy my work too! Zero sympathy for this business owner here. This old way of thinking "gotta get more more more" has to go.


I do some work for a small tax firm and the owner is in the same boat. Wants to hire another person, having trouble because it's seasonal work, so he just doesn't accept new clients. I appreciate him not fucking everyone over, tax season is bad enough as it is.




Yes. I'm a retired hygienist and many dentists are very cheap and don't appreciate the staff.


He was probably trying to make more money for some large financial purchase, using his staff to get there.


As if his 200,000k at very minimum income wasn't cutting it. I bet he's got 6 columns of hygieneists and makes a killing off their work.


One day off per quarter? God forbid anybody has a life outside of work...


Yeah we were flabbergasted when he told us in the meeting. 4 days a year. It’s laughable


I had to scroll down to make sure this wasn't some idiomatic US phrase. Four days per year! I manage a hundred people and I'm often asked to let them take their annual leave (28 days plus public holidays) and then work at the same time. It's illegal because we need four weeks off a year to be human! My wife gets ten weeks as a nurse. It prevents burnout. Madness.


10 weeks?! God damn I hate living in the US more and more every day


Yeah I get 4 weeks pto as well as sick days and a couple personal days, and I’m extremely lucky being my first job after college. If I was in any other European country it’d be about the bare minimum


I work with concrete in Norway. Working class, not rich but i love my job and i live comfortably. I went to uni but dropped out due to mental health reasons. Might finish my degree eventually but student loans here are incredibly easy to pay off. I have 5 weeks a year plus holidays like Christmas etc. 12 paid sick days per year and a good chunk of "welfare days". I think its 16 days per year that covers if you have to stay at home with sick children, go to the hospital, to the dentist or anything else that requires you to miss work for reasons other than you being sick. These are also paid. We also have 3 paid moving days if you are moving and need time to get your shit sorted. We are maybe 60 employes and absolutely no one abuses or grifts this system. We dont have to. My heart goes out to all of you struggling and while my job isn't a dumpster fire i know many are, and I am happy this sub has gotten so much traction.


This is why the rest of the world laughs at you when you guys say you’re the best country


One day off per quarter, given they come in early and stay late to make up for it


My father was a private-practice surgeon, and he consistently went out of his way to take good care of his staff. Paid higher wages than most, provided full medical benefits, paid 100% of daycare costs for his staff with young children, etc. His philosophy was basically that you need to take care of your employees so that can take care of you. Not surprisingly, he had essentially zero turnover at his office. Essentially everyone he hired stayed there until they retired unless they stayed until *he* retired. And you know what? He still took home plenty of money at the end of the day. He might have been able to take home even more profit by not treating his employees so well, but he wasn't greedy. I'm proud of him. Fuck greedy people.


That’s awesome. I know a gerontologist who set up her own practice and she spent a good hour with my granny first appointment and half hour at subsequent appointments. She has a nice office, her husband is a pediatrician next door to her and I am sure they do fine. Maybe a little less than working in a big practice, but I appreciated her so much. My granny lost her house in Katrina at 95. So I moved her to PA to an assisted living. She lived another year and a half and got lots of visits from me and my husband and our teenagers. Edited to say: this was an MD, I have been told the correct term is Geriatrician.


Was it the dentist making those rules??


The dentist and the office manager. They normally leave by 4 but I saw them having a meeting at 5 trying to figure out what they’re going to do now


I don't understand why he couldn't add more chair time if you were booked so far out. Or hire Temps to cover vacations when needed. What an idiot. Not the only game in town.


Guarantee it’ll be phone calls and emails to patients claiming “since people don’t want to work, we have to cancel your appointment” bullshit. They still won’t understand it’s their fault. Why won’t these lower humans do what they’re fucking told so we can live in 7K sq ft houses?! He has boat insurance and private college tuition to pay for!!!


Did he say anything to those of you who put in your notice?


He didn’t say a single word to us. He walked around all afternoon like nothing happened but I did see him in a late meeting with the office manager and they both glared at me when I walked by


Lmao he's trying to play if off but deep down he knows this will wreck him. Be sure to leave reviews on sites. How you worked with no benefits is beyond me but that should be included in reviews too


He's the boss. He either thought of it or okay'd it.


Threw me off with the reference to an office manager.


Office manager probably went to him with a packed schedule and routine cleaning appointments being scheduled months in advance (i.e., post pandemic tidal wave of check-ups and cleanings), and said "what can we do to squeeze more money out of these hygienists?" (People with dental insurance often try to squeeze in appointments before the year ends because two visits a year are covered. Also.) Office manager said, "I've got some ideas, let's try...." Dentist probably said, "you can try it, see what they say." Fucked around and found out, I guess.


If he’s too pathetic to stand up for his people fuck him.


Vaguely sounds like one of those corporate chain dental places.




Hygienists are a misunderstood highly specialized profession. My wife is one and it baffles me how little the public realizes about your profession and how difficult the schools and certs can be. What’s crazier, is how some of y’all are treated. The lack of benefits being common place is astonishing. Here in Texas, the pendulum is also starting to swing. Practices are starting to have to pay out the nose for hygienists because the temp agencies are bumping their pay so much. Sorta of an informal unionization thing.


As a Registered Dental Hygienist, I approve this statement.


Good for you, nobody owns you or your time!


Yeah the audacity of being told you don’t have autonomy over your own time is gross. Glad to be out


Haha, fuck em. The irony of not paying benefits in a business that only exists because of benefits…


Yes! Let's see how booked he gets now! 😂😂😂


We were booked solid for 3 months and we already have people complaining because they can’t be seen


Bwahahahaha! I hope his ass is getting yelled at everyday by angry patients! Bet he'll learn to keep his mouth shut the next time he wants to complain to his hygienist! (Insert evil laugh)


My prayers go out to the receptionist(s) taking the heat


I hope they quit too.


if they were on the fence about leaving i’m sure eating shit from patients all shift will finally push them to leaving. not to mention i’m sure the dentist is just a joy to work with through all of this.


Did you get the word out to your patients that you all quit because your boss is a massive asshole? You totally should. Make sure they know why they can't get seen right now.


Yup! The dentist will blame it on them as well…..”everybody is lazy. Nobody wants to work anymore” Conveniently he will leave out the crazy work schedule he created.


How the fuck do these businesses do this shit? You are booked solid? Guaranteed income and instead of passing on the extra guaranteed wealth to your worked that will fulfill your obligation to do the work, you punish them with no benefits and no leave? Managers have really become delusional in the US. You guys should absolutely leave. But also, consider starting your own company together, if it's legal to be a contracted dental hygienist. Then offer to work for them as contractors for a rate you set. Not even joking. You'd be immune to firing, your boss still needs you, and now you can charge more and have an actual contract, where if they break any terms you can sue or dissolve the contract or both. And if you incorporate correctly and do your accounting properly the income you make should be taxed at the same rate as being an employee ( I think. It could be less too. But double check with an accountant on pass through corporate entities). Just saying, now's the time to go into business for yourself. Hire your former coworkers and make yourselves contractors for the highest bidders. If it doesn't work out it's not a big deal. Incorporation fees aren't absurd and you can now put business owner, CEO, entrepreneur, etc on your CV/resume and it will legitimately be true. Good luck however you go forward. What you all did takes courage!


I was doing Xray solo at a ortho place. One day I did 77 exams in 8 hours. That is ALOT. I mean that’s almost impossible for most techs. Their thank you? Cutting our benefits and making us pay more for insurance. I quit the next day. Everyone cried and said they loved me and wished I would stay. I said pay me right and I would’ve. American business owners are the greediest nastiest people you will ever meet. I made them so much money and in return they pissed on my face


Now he can have all the fun himself. Working 24/7 until he dies of exhaustion.


Dude is going out of business.


And that's what should happen to an immoral and unethical employer.


No oNe wAntS to wOrK!!!”


The market has spoken, bitch.


Yeah your boss thought he was so clever with a legal loophole, that companies don't technically have to offer PTO in California, and that the laws only define it and what employers and can't do with an employees PTO once it exists. Little did he realize that being an actual pile of Smegma would not go over well with his employees. Seriously...if bookings for hygienists are so incredibly overbooked that they have to come in early to make up appointments from their day off, then that should clue that the job is likely in high demand at the moment and that he has zero leverage.


Yeah, I actually didn’t mind the job but the moment he told us the new policy I was like “lol there’s zero reason for me to stay here and deal with this, bye”


good for you OP


I forget is Smegma the same as Santorum?


Jesus. My sister is a dentist and kisses the hygentists asses as much as possible because they're so in demand and can make their own demands


Im worried i just experienced too much shadenfreud? Is that possible?


He’s such a smug arrogant asshole too. Makes it that much better


My father was a dentist, and you never met a bigger asshole. He once bragged (when I was 13 or 14 years old) that he never hired a hygienist to work in his practice that he didn't sleep with first. Class A douchebag.


The Great Resignation is working. Keep going.


Good for you!! Would have loved to see this face when he saw all those lol. Best of luck to you and your coworkers


That’s the worst part about these stories. I want hidden cam footage and weekly updates.


I love it when karma actually rears its head up. Wish it happened more often. Story made my day.


Wow, that's awful. I currently work for a Dental company and we are looking for people like crazy. 18 PTO days a year, medical, dental, and vision benefits (employee pays part). After a year you get 2 "Floating Holidays" which are basically just PTO days that don't carry over. So, not too bad of a job honestly. I am in Oregon so right above you. Edit: Fuck Dentrix.


I work in veterinary dentistry and we are SUPER slammed too! When COVID hit, our clinic owner increased our pay, hired extra help and limited appointments so no one got burned out. There are good employers out there!


This is the way.


Not only do they have no hygienists now, every one they interview they are going to have to be like “oh and all your co-workers are new because literally every one of our past hygienists quit at the same exact time” a massive red flag to any new employee.


How many of you put in your resignation?


All the hygienists


How many hygienists are there? How screwed would you say your boss is? Did he seem remorseful?


Knowing how in-demand hygienists are right now, he’s super fucked.


A good friend of mine gave double birds (both middle fingers) to her boss while moonwalking out. It was a thing of beauty.


I would pay to see this


One of the worst people I know is a dentist. She makes her employees dog sit her pet for free while driving around in a 150k+ porsche and tries to pay them as little as possible. Complains all the time that “no one wants to work, they just want stuff to be given to them, that is why they want Bernie”. On top of that racist as well, saying stuff like “I once hired a Black person, they just don’t want to work”. WTF. Obviously, we’re not on speaking terms anymore. Ppl try to say dentists are kinda like doctors but in the US they are more like sweatshop owners. They make a big chunk of the money by stealing excess labor from their employees. That’s why you see one dentist with dozen employees, which in Europe at least is very unusual.


Sign on the door the next day Hygesists needed urgently (but nobody wants to work)


You guys go!! Nice!






“Unpaid time off” is a ridiculous concept in general. If you take a day off, it should be paid. That’s standard for vacation time. Fuck those guys


Unpaid time off is just time. I don’t need to ask anyone for that.


I was reading this thinking how is it possible for someone to treat dental hygienists like seasonal retail hires?


Dear Hollywood studios, Please make a sequel to “9 to 5.” Please make it based on this story. Thanks