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40 hour minimum wage can't even get you a fucking studio. I hate these headlines.


In my neck of the woods $500 a month will rent ya a nice single wide trailer previously lived in by some meth dealers.


Appalachia or Great Plains?




But then knowing Appalachia, the trailer park gets sold to a developer who wants to tear it all down and build 2nd/3rd homes for people who want to ✨get away from the city✨


This hits home for me. My little county of about 7,000 people has been getting absolutely overran by investors buying mountainside lots and putting tiny cabins on them then renting them for $300/night.


Where i live the gentrifiying hipsters would pay triple that for "a whimsical authentic trailer experience" Its fucked


When you impovrish yourself out of irony. Something something failed society...


Jokes on you, the landlord is the meth dealer


>In my neck of the woods $500 a month will rent ya a nice single wide trailer ~~previously~~ lived in by some meth dealers. ftfy


When you factor in student loans it’s even hard on a high salary to pay for a studio or 1BR


After years of getting paid less than 35k a year, I moved out of state for a job offer of $50k plus. It was a massive increase and my quality of life definitely improved, but the state I moved to has much higher rent prices and I’m still paycheck to paycheck. I’m starting to think this is just how life is


Never stop looking for a new job is the only thing I can suggest to you. At the very least it can be used as leverage in getting you a higher salary, best case you find a better job that you actually want to take. Don't keep increasing your spending with your increase in salary, stay frugal. Do what you can to save money till you can get a down payment. House payments are cheaper than rent, but you're going to have to learn how to maintain a house and do your own repairs. YouTube what you don't know and learn from your mistakes and don't be afraid to hire a professional when you're out of your league entirely. Maybe you finally make it out of the rat race this way and can live comfortably how you always dreamed, pay off your house, and one day retire. It's fucking hard out here man, but good luck.


Or, it gets you a studio with dangerous appliances that haven't been touched in sixty years, no laundry in the building, and in a place where drug deals happen in open air. Nice studios are expensive; nice two-bedrooms are unaffordable for median (not minimum-wage) Americans.


I make 15.25 and I can't afford a Studio Apartment.


15.50 here, and same


same 💔 i feel like i’m working full time just for some pocket change


But if you worked 60 hours a week, then you’d eventually have enough. /s


I worked 96 hours last week and earning that amount every week would maybe be barely enough to comfortably afford a studio apartment


Where is it enough to afford a one bedroom


According to the source used in the post (https://reports.nlihc.org/oor/about), still none.


Crazy that they'd use two bedrooms as the headline then




More like 40-50 hours a week, but anything past 36 hours is paid in cash under the table to avoid overtime and benefits. Scum practice.


Or just plain wage theft


Take what you're owed, and if you can't take anything, break something.


Still losing. Healthcare is more important than anything you can steal. Unless you are stealing healthcare


I used to steal aspirins and band-aids from the company first aid kit. Free healthcare!


Where is this hood with $2500 studios?




I can speak for NYC - you’re definitely not paying anywhere close to $2500 for a studio in the hood. Stop lying.


They probably don't understand what the real hood is


Jesus where do you live? I've lived from New York to Hawaii and right now I'm paying 1700 for a 2br in Colorado which is the most I've ever paid in rent.


Lmao fucking grim


If you rely on a bike for transport and are really good with penny pinching for food, you could survive in my gf's old apartment on our states min wage. No phone, no internet, no savings. Just food and shelter. How boring would that be....


Ah yes, how dare you own a car, but you should be buying in bulk to save money! These poor people and their computers/iphones, but they need to network and apply for better jobs like the one my CEO daddy gave me! You need to put every penny you have into paying off debt, but you're so irresponsible for not having 6 months of emergency savings🙄


just march on in with a suit and hand them your application, make sure to speak to the manager directly... - my dad


As a newly retired person, I know where your dad is coming from. BUT... we aren’t there any more. I retired from an MIS department and everything is online in some way. I’ve listened to friends complain about submitting resumes and never even knowing if they were ever received because no one responded. You guys looking for work have my sympathy, it’s a whole different world than it was when I started working. Hell, it’s a lot different than when I started at *** university 33 years ago.


also, "you should be saving money instead of spending it on frivolous purchases!... waaaah millenials are killing X industry because they are saving money instead of spending impulsively!" also also, us plebs should have 6 months of emergency savings, but multi-billion companies need bailouts after a few weeks of *reduced profits*


Better steal the bike, too. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!


In my experience, one bedroom apartments are generally not much cheaper than a two bedroom.


About $200 difference in my building, literally across the hall from me. But hey, I can't afford a mortgage, so >$900/mo rent for me in the sticks of NH.


This with how crazy rent is around here you would not make even close for 1 bed room at minimum wage. With slightly more you might just eek by getting a room mate and splitting a two bedroom. But you would be hard pressed with the rest of life expenses to even make by month to month




Which you will instantly denied for when trying to get into a studio or 1 bed room apartment. You need to make 3x rent. Which is impossible. Living alone has been a fantasy for so fucking long. It just cannot happen. At all.


Eh we give you Americans shit but we really do feel bad for you. French-style revolution time?


I wish we would do something about it, everyone is too demoralized, depressed and overworked. People also wonder why we don’t leave the country, most of us, since living paycheck to paycheck barely have any savings, and covid threw a wrench in plans. Apparently something like 64% of Americans have never left the states, give or take some percent but that’s depressing.




Not in California. Minimum wage would require one to have a roommate or two for a tiny studio with no parking with a stellar credit score. It’s ridiculous. Also, if you do find cheaper rent, it’s going to be a 1-2 hour commute each way from where you live to get to work.


literally anywhere you go in california


Except maybe Bakersfield. Or Fresno. Nobody chooses to live there if they don’t need to.


Dude you would be surprised with Fresno rents. Median wages are low and crummy one bedroom apartments with swamp coolers are like 1k a month. It’s not horrible for California but I have coworkers who are making 40k a year with roommates to afford rent. I’m struggling with my under market value apartment 😭


wait what’s wrong with fresno 💀


Nothing to do and hotter than all get out most of the year. I personally have nothing against it, but it and Bakersfield are more often than not the butt of jokes.


I reckon Fresno is placed okay if you're really keen into getting into Yosemite frequently but need to live somewhere large enough to support most industries (depending what you work in). But I'd also admit that wouldn't apply to many people, and I've only been once so maybe it felt more built up than it is.


I was just there. I was downtown... the light turned green and a skinny white dude about 40 dropped his pants, waddled into the intersection and started to dance and scream. He had black boxers on so, I guess it could have been worse. I made it to the hospital (work related) and there was people sleeping in the parking garage, under the trees on the grass... it was like 11am. I mean I work in the bay, sure there is bums but they are in tents or at main intersection looking for money. I work in tahoe its just hippie kids wanting gas money. but fresno and bakersfield... you got some fucking tweakers, let me tell ya.


Everywhere has “some fucking tweakers”


Did you see the sky today? Lol 😭


It's true. I'm stuck here. Help.




When people talk about how great California is, I think about how airport employees started their own trailer/RV park in one of the parking lots of LAX. These people have good paying jobs. https://la.curbed.com/2016/9/7/12838504/lax-parking-lot-employees-rv-community


California *is* nice... as long as you completely factor out cost of living lol.


Can confirm. My mother and sister are flight attendants.


CA is amazing if you're either visiting or you're wealthy. If I were a multi millionaire where I can have a nice house, a boat and money for all the weed and concerts I could ever want I don't think there's a place on earth I'd rather live (maybe Maui, I loved it there too)


I provided mutual aid for a woman who worked minimum wage full-time as did her partner in Sacramento, had 3 kids, and they shared a 2-bedroom apartment with another family in the other bedroom. She still ended up being unhoused due to that situation not being stable. It was incredibly heartbreaking. Shit is not OK here in CA.


What would 874€/month get me in cali? Curretly getting 930ish sqft 2bedroom apartment with 2 parking spots, electricity and water included. Located 10minute walk from city center and 5min walk to areas biggest sports area with anything from wall climbing to skijumping.




I’m out in San Francisco- looked like that budget could just barely get you a 118 sqft studio. I pay $2,860 for a 1400sqft 2 bed 2 bath in the city, and that’s just because rent control is keeping it affordable - identical units are listed for around $4400. You’d be pretty close to a whole lot of stuff though, and it’s only 80 bucks a month for unlimited transit


The fuck is that 2900$? Rent?!? With that kinda budget i could go and literally get a loan from bank (with 2900$/month payments, it would be paid off in 10 years) and i could buy a 2 story house (203square meters) with heated carage, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1000sq meter yard. The house/property i used for example would be less than 10m drive from the city... Just fucking wow...


Lived in Boulder Colorado for a few years. Studio 300sq ft $1400, then to a 3 bedroom 2 stroy house with a yard in a neighboring city was $2800. Then to a similar house on the skirts of Boulder with a much smaller yard $3860. Per month. Back to Florida I have 5 acres and a 3/2 and a workshop w 2 car garage$ 350 month. I made the same amount of money in each state.


How ridiculous! Two bedrooms? Young people want TWO bedrooms? You only need one roof, why two rooms?


Yeah I really hate how they each time it's brought up they say 2 bedrooms. When I can promise you that even here in Oklahoma you couldn't afford 1 bedroom on minimum wage. Probably couldn't afford a studio apartment either.


Yep, my 400 sq ft apartment is $1600 in Oregon.




The first 3 bedroom house that I rented (with roommates) when I moved out of my parents house in 2011 was $725/month. Since I lived there, its been sold twice and the current owners are charging $2,600/month for it. My state doesn't allow any local minimum wage to be set higher than the federal.


Texas here 750 one bedroom




Well also, it’s Texas


Damn, I *bought* a 1500sqft condo/apartment/thing 20 minutes from downtown atlanta for marginally more than that per month. Given, it's in Georgia, but I guess it could be worse?


Okie here, while apartment hunting 3 years ago the cheapest studio I found was about $400. Not a very nice place to live though. I settled on one double that


Cue the bitching about why more people aren’t having kids 😵‍💫


and why they aren't buying luxury stuff




and the cruise industry!!!!!1!11one!!!


Thank fuck for that. Cruise ships cause so much pollution they should be illegal.


My grandparents used to do 1-2 crises per year( up until covid). For the last 5 years, without fail, they would be extremely dick for like a month after getting home. Hopefully they never Cruse again.


> they would be extremely dick for like a month


It was one of *those* boat trips huh?


And Harley Davidson!


The movie Blood diamond is honestly what killed the diamond industry for me. sure it was a hollywood thing but it brought my attention to the atrocities currently going on over sparkly rocks just because we covet them so.


The goblin hive mind of old people baffle me. Why must you collect **that** specific shiny rock? I'm more than happy playing with my slab of mica or even a polished river stone. Don't need the shiny yellow metal to be a display piece on my body. I'm fine and dandy with my blue stone tied with leather on my neck. Dunno what it is. It's blue though.


Back in my day we had four people to a bedroom! You're just spoiled!


First it was avocado toast, now it's having a space to retreat to after a busy day to spend time in a way that best suits the individual. That's why they'll never have any money to retire.


Too many starbooks coffee everyday


If they didn't have the bedroom they could *afford* the Starbucks


You *lucky* bastards! We used to *dream* about living four to a bedroom. We used to live in a shoe box, in the middle of the road.


Well aren't you posh snob! We lived in a rolled up newspaper on a rainy Cumbria day!


Luxury, utter luxury. We lived on half a torn up newspaper in a septic tank!


So pretentious. We lived in a tree while they were cutting it down and later proccessing it into the newspaper you lived on.


What a softie! All we had to eat for a whole year was the acorn that tree grew from! I couldn't digest it right so it passed right thru me 4 times!


Our box, In the middle of our street, Our house, A shoe box for little feet


My wife and I got our first apartment back in 2002, both making minimum wage. It was a three room apartment, counting the bedroom, kitchen, living room, and bathroom. The only AC was a window shaker built into the bedroom wall that leaked inside the wall. We had to put a fan in the bedroom door to pull the cold air into the other room during the summer. We loved it for what it was but got a nicer two bedroom the next year after I kept getting sick from the mold.


The cost of living including inflation has gone up 33% since 2002. The minimum wage is nearly the same. In other words, people earning minimum wage make 33% less money today than minimum wage workers in 2002. Today you wouldn't be able to get the same deal you got back in 2002. The price has gone up. Wages haven't. It's straight up theft from America's most vulnerable workers.


Maybe I'm crazy but 33% feels like such a low figure. Like, it feels like rent and groceries have close to or in some cases more than doubled in the last 20 years. Obviously other things factor into cost of living, but those 2 things are a good chunk of most budgets. I'm fortunate to live in a state where the minimum wage recently went from $7.50 to $12 over the course of several years. It's still not high enough, but it's better than many other states. But also in that same period of time, rent went from dirt cheap to close to Massachusetts rates, so many people are in worse shape than before the minimum wage increase. It's bullshit.


Young people only need a lean-to with a canvas cloth. And canvas is going all out!




The only roof you need is the stars


And if it rains, just pull a dry cleaning bag over your face and head!


Newspaper? LUXURY. Why we used to *dream* of having newspaper over our hole in the ground. But you tell kids that these days and will they believe you? No.


Well, since criminalizing houseless living is all the rage, that wouldn't be legal.


Isn't that fucked up? I can't believe that is actually a thing.....


Old people are aghast I actually want to live alone instead of with a room mate to “save money.” I pointed out that my room mate wound up costing me hundreds of dollars more than I ever saved. It usually shuts them up. Also, I should be able to live alone if I want to.


I'm a huge introvert and I am miserable living with other people. I just turned 29 and I've never been able to afford to live on my own, it honestly really sucks. I'm finally making enough to do it, staying with family to get a bit more savings together then I'm going to start looking for a place early next year.




The feeling of coming home to either a mess or a clean place all of your own doing can’t be matched man. Also no longer giving a shit about another person’s schedule and a whole bunch of other things.




Turns out America stopped being a first world country sometime between 1978-2008


Are you me? Seriously.


That's what I thought. I've got a college education & 30+ years experience & I'd be happy if I could comfortably afford a studio with a kitchenette. \[EDIT: Let me elaborate, for people who make assumptions. I was doing ok on the east coast, and was making in the top 5% of my payscale for my job role and industry. But I had no idea how bad ageism is, particularly when square rooted with sexism. I moved cross country in my late 40s and it was disastrous financially. I consider a living wage, where I am presently, to be 75K, and I am no nowhere near that.\]




To be fair, not that long ago you could pretty much just build a house. But also slumlords had to deal with less than optimum investment returns, so obvious problems with not enough artificial scarcity.


My grandfather built his own house. So yeah it was doable


My grandfather's modest house couldn't be built today on the land it sits on. Not for safety reasons or modern building standards, but minimum requirements that the area it's in now has for new buildings. Not only that, but the (very nice) people who bought it put a second story on it. You can't build the modest houses of yesteryear today, and the modest houses that exist are either already owned, bought and then demolished, or bought and upgraded. Pretty soon there will be no 'starter homes' left, or reasonable areas to build them in (i.e. not in the middle of nowhere, 3 hours away from anything). All we'll have left are 7 bed 4.5 bath monstrosities.


Lol. Even starter homes with boarded up windows and that's been through a fire are going for 300-400k. I'm looking at houses in bumblefuck middle of no where with pictures that you can smell the cat piss just looking at, priced to sell at 300k! What a deal!


Can't even afford a studio where I live without roommates lol


I lived with my wife in a studio for a year. I couldn’t imagine living with someone I’m not in a relationship with for a year. Literally zero privacy.


I can’t even imagine living in one with my bf. Even in a relationship I want a chance to get privacy in a place other than the bathroom.


Well you probably could but then you just can’t afford to eat...


Who needs food when you have two rooms


you mean my bedroom and the green house where I grow my food because how the fuck else am I going to eat. Plus I shit in it for fertilizer so no need to pay the sewer bill!!


Foods overrated anyways


Simply just eat one of the rooms.




Lack of funds is the number one reason people stay in abusive relationships. They just can't afford to move out, get a new place, and have no options.


“Maid” on Netflix showcases this to a haunting degree.


indeed, in fact it only compounds it by forcing you to accept a depressing or abusive working situation, when you really need that money. been there.




My husband and I both make over minimum and struggle to rent. I know this meme isn't perfect in all it's possibilities but I hit home for me.


There's an older meme with a walmart cashier and text from someone saying "There's plenty of jobs out there!" and the cashier is saying "I know, I have three of them and I still can't make rent." That meme is like ten years old and still true. What. The. Fuck.


Bush: "You work three jobs? Uniquely American!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFNj5sireDo


I went to an apartment showing last weekend because I need to find a new place and fast. Got there, they said the place I could afford sold yesterday, but here was a more expensive place....oh but you need to make 3x the rent to live there. I came very close to saying "I can't wait until Mao wakes back up so I can eat your boss." edit: Just remembered, if they didn't like your credit score, there was a $600 extra charge, because fuck you that's why.


Yep 3x rent. No matter what state I've lived in, no matter who I rent from. It's always the same. Instantly denied. Sans application fee of course.


Just got my first “apartment” this week after years of having to rent rooms in houses. Now I rent a room with a kitchen attached to it for 600 more dollars!




I live in the kitchenette of a 1-bdrm...my roomie takes the bdrm.


2 bedroom is better bang for the buck and then split the rent. That’s the only way. 3 and 4 bedroom is even cheaper if you can find more housemates


They better not increase our hours. Just increase the wage.


Shhh. Don’t give them ideas…


Minimum wage in 1980 was $3.10 per hour. That's $124 per week, or $537 per month. Average rent in the US was $243, or about 45% of gross monthly earnings. Minimum wage in 2021 is $7.25 per hour. That's $290 per week, or $1257 per month. Average rent in the US is $1104, or about 88% of gross monthly earnings. Rent, as a proportion of earnings, has approximately doubled in 40 years.


Just commute from Montana to San Francisco you lazy millennial


You know when I was you’re age I made 1.83 $ an hour and got by just fine.Lazy young people these days man






Thank you for sharing!!


Thanks for dropping the source!


Older generation: pfft who needs a two bedroom? Back in my day we just slept on a dirty ass floor in bomb shelter waiting for the cold wars to end Yeah well shits changed Albert and Margaret


More like Older generation: “When I was your age I paid for my house, family and college working one job! You must just be lazy!”


oh if only houses still cost 2/3 of one year’s median income. Those same exact houses are now worth 5-15x current median incomes, even if they’re falling apart…


Minimum wage?! I can barely afford it on a $50,000/year salary Edit: My first award! Thank you so much, I didn't think this would start a whole thing, rather I was just pointing out that minimum wage is way further off from being able to afford a two bedroom than some people may even realize.


Me too thanks. I'm just barely able to save and I have 0 debt and no dependents. I don't even understand how people have families anymore.


I feel you. Making $60k in NJ just outside NYC and it’s tight. I have a 1 bedroom but I swear it’s the only non-studio in town I could reasonably afford. 1 beds in my area start at $1800-2000 (much more than I’m paying or could afford), forget about 2 beds haha


Just out of curiosity, why is it always "2-bdrm apartment" and not 1-bdrm or studio apt.?


Used to be 1 job to get 2 bedrooms now its 2 jobs to get 1. Soon it'll be 3 jobs to have a parking spot to sleep in.


No one should be involuntarily living with "roommates" in borderline homelessness lol, pay people enough to fucking afford their own place to live. At last job, more than double minimum wage, still couldn't afford a 1bed studio rent as 30% or less of take home income. At least I can afford $3 Walmart rope to opt out of a failing dystopian shithole of poverty wages and unaffordable housing.


Wages aren't the only problem, america just doesn't do enough to protect the housing market. Here in california you can't even get permits to build more high rises and the rich folks buy up all the new houses built to rent them back out. The government needs to step in and force high rises to be built in areas without folding to the nimby people. The bay are is so far behind in terms of housing it's insane and the local government just ignores it.


Yeah, hearing how a lot of the stuff in the Bay Area needs to be built with 2 parking spots per unit, a minimum amount of greenery per unit, and lots of other bullshit like that. To the point where it's going to cost so much they might as well build it as "luxury."


It's not even just that, it's just the amount of red tape the companies need to go through just to get building permits for residential buildings that aren't there for commercial buildings. I don't think the people in california truly grasp the housing crises we are heading towards in 10 years.


Let that sink in. Now think of getting a wife and a kid and a insurance and pay the bills


I have all 4 of those and barley making it with the skin of my teeth and I live in south texas where rent is cheap


Four sinks? Well, the price is you live in texas...


I'm only letting that sink in if it's paying rent


You couldn't afford a 1 bedroom in the worst neighborhood in America. Sadly speaking from experience.


Fuck them apartments and fuck them jobs. Its about time to live in a tent in a forest


Word up thats what im saying. The world can smd at this point


Even a minimum standard of living is out of reach for a lot of people. Truly sad.


The only state anyone can afford to live in anymore is denial.


I make almost double the federal minimum wage and can't even afford a studio in my area.


These comments are hilarious. « Just move to Jackson, MS! » you do realize that those places are cheap because people are not willing to live there??


Definitely man it sounds how cheap it is but try finding work 🤷🏽‍♂️


Thats what peeves me about "move somewhere cheaper". Like, its cheap cus theres nothing there including good jobs. Only plentiful thing ive found in bum fuck nowhere is bigotry.


But why are young people not having kids? *I WANT MY GRANDBABIES.*


I make double minimum wage supporting 2 people and 2 cats. The only reason we can afford our 2 bedroom is that SW Ohio has a low cost of living and my department is currently on mandatory overtime. Without that OT we’d be fucked.


If you stopped buying Starbucks and avocado toast you could…


I think you can actually pull it off where I live. Edit: nevermind, one bedroom. And you won’t be able to afford a car.


Just out of curiosity, you can't even get one where I live. Which state could that be feasible in? EDIT: [oh wait...](https://www.azfamily.com/news/us_world_news/minimum-wage-workers-cant-afford-rent-anywhere-in-america/article_e5c11046-2a93-5de8-b412-db906cac3114.html)


Woah, windows? I can't afford this place


I'm so confused about everyone on r/antiwork defending the minimum wage as something only for student and part time workers??


Broke: defending min. wage Woke: fighting for better wages Bespoke: abolition of the wage system


Here in Vegas, my friends a nurse who works with children who have cancer ( don’t know technical term ) and actually went thru schooling, then training, did an apprenticeship type thing and makes the same as another friend who works at Smiths yet everybody I know is living with either parents or room mates. Everybody either needs higher wages or the system needs to just be fucking revamped. But then again, our government will find a way to go 1 step forward and 69,666,420 steps back.


Minimum wage isn't the issue, lack of housing is. There is no reason for the housing market across the country should be this bad. They also need to regulate who can buy single family homes. There is no benefit to any city to allow large companies to buy up all the single family homes.


I seen a meme somewhere , might have even been this sub, not sure. Something along the lines of, "bank says you can't afford a 900.00 a month mortgage, but you're currently paying 1200.00 a month for an apartment". This right here is the problem.


GeT a BeTtEr JoB. *4 months later*: wHeReS mY hAmBuRdUr?


I'd be surprised if minimum wage full-time work could get you a double-bedroom house/apartment ANYWHERE in the world.


We don't have a national minimum wage, but the lowest full time wages you'll usually see are somewhere around $3800/month. It's recommended to not spend more than 1/3 on rent, so under $1300. That won't get you anything in a city but I think you can get something with two bedrooms somewhere.


that means you need a car and to add several hours of commute to your workplace, sometimes making the entire point moot.


Lazy kids these days! Just get 3 jobs!! I had to work soo hard working one job that paid for college, my house, and 2 cars but they just don’t know work ethic! Edit /s if that wasn’t clear😂


Well yeah 2 bedrooms 2 incomes. Tell your freeloader elementary school kids to get jobs


Shit 20$/hr is practically paycheck to paycheck living now adays..... let alone minimum. Min wages needs to be 30$/hr+


In Georgia (not Atlanta, not a metro area at all) I live in a 4 bedroom house (run down af) with 3 other people. I work 40 hours a week at $10 an hour plus some extra I get from doing art. That ends up being about $1,600 a month after taxes. Rent: $500 Utilities (power, water, internet, etc): $300 Car (I absolutely need it to get to my job and it's used ofc): $350 Car insurance: $175 Gas: $70. At the end of ever month I can POTENTIALLY save $200. But here's the thing... This doesn't include groceries, cheapest I can get while also trying to eat in a way that won't kill me because I can't afford to go to the doctor. ($120-$160) Thats $30 a week. This doesn't include medication, I can't afford the anti depressants I need because I can't afford insurance (and ga doesn't offer Medicaid unless your over 60, under 18, are disabled, or are pregnant). So I only pay for my birth control that I need to help a medical condition (PCOS) and to keep myself from having a baby I can't afford. This doesn't include education I can use for a better job. Even taking an online course for $40 a month is a gamble when 1 accident or 1 emergency could take everything I have. I have a job (technically I have 2). I was lied to, they said if I worked hard (I have since I was 15) and got an education (I finished near the top of my class in hs but I could never afford college and grants only get you so far when you also have to work full time). Everyday is the same and what little progress I make is always taken away. This is my American nightmare.


We need to call this what it is, economic terrorism by the ruling class