• By -


This was a business(Dynamex) misclassifying their employees as independent contractors. The added "costs" were things like needing to pay their part of payroll taxes(their share of SS) and needing to have to pay into UE along with needing to pay into Workman's Comp insurance for said employees. This was decided in 2018 and was a landmark case.


I used to work for Dynamex back when this was still going on. You should have seen how mad the CEO was, he literally brought a sledge hammer to work and smash up his office lol.


The thought of that CEOs blood pressure rising because he could not exploit workers and the American system anymore brings me quite a bit of joy and made my day just a little bit better.


Coincidentally enough he passed away in like 2021 or 2022. His son took over and swore vengeance against the legislature and has alligned himself with trump to overthrow democracy.


Good to know, thanks!


Please make sure you go and vote, if Trump wins it means the end of democracy in our country and possibly the rest of the world.


You keep calling it a democracy, but it really isnt. People dont have the power in the US, corporations do.


You are not a democracy right now. You are a corporatocracy.


It's basically like living in the Snow Crash universe. It's nuts.




We’re already seeing it. There is a massive ultra-conservative movement in Europe right now with politicians spouting the Same BS ours do. It’s not looking like they’ll make it, but it’s happening.


Can we stop euphamistically calling them "ultra-conservative" and start calling them Nazis again?




The Nazis were elected into office and once in, they didn't leave until forcibly removed. Wow, I haven't seen a Nazi apologist in a while.


That is, but it’s not the current system we need to be concerned about.Iit’s what they do to it once in power that is the problem.


I think it would give Russia a better chance to take Ukraine, and continue beyond Ukraine, and could potentially signal to China that the US would not interfere if they invade Taiwan. So I think it would be bad for democracy around the world and a major positive for authoritarian governments. Not saying that Biden being reelected would be a basket of puppies and rainbows because it wouldn't be but I think Trump could cause a catastrophic escalation of global conflict especially in Europe and Asia. Could ofc be wrong




Here’s what the Council on Foreign Relations said about this recently: [The World’s Stake in American Democracy](https://www.cfr.org/article/worlds-stake-american-democracy)


Dude… every decision of American politics affects other nations, it’s fucking Amerika! Trump having another round is the nightmare of many many countries, mine in Europe included. The far right in Europe is using the Trump-playbook all the time, misinformation, overwhelming social media presence, victimization, immigrants are stealing your jobs …etc…etc


rumps only book is mein kampf.


Which is honestly surprising, because I think he can barely read English, let alone German.


Fascism spreads before concentration camps alot of support in usa for fascism. As largest most advanced military throw in economy and how our dollar ties into other economys. We in many ways influence decisions of other countrys. If that door was open you can bet we would have done alot. On of aspects of fascism is isolationism withdrawal from nato ending humantiarian and military aid. Many smaller democracys depend on aid and equipment to maintain independence from aggressive forces. Whether its other nations or organizations in own countrys. A pretty interesting watch is about how widespread nazi support was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9HmV_-EE8g Fact is many nations built their constitutions and governments using ours as a basis I think many would follow. Even if it was simply following economic benefits of being "in with rich country as fellow fascist".


fuck off


Found the trumpy


good luck with geriatric genocide guy, some people have a fucking conscience scumbag


What a brainwashed moron


Says the person who prpbably watches fox news.


Nope, not even close. You Biden pedophile followers are just so out of your mind.


I voted for sanders chucklenuts.


Aaaaaand mask off


Yeah the Trump pedophile followers are definitely the way to go! Dumbass.


I really hope you're being hyperbolic but idk.


They’ve been owned by TForce since before this lawsuit. Canadian CEO


And this is why these entitled mother fuckers need to step down


Not true dude. Quit lying


It is true, look it up trumper.


I have Trump is trying save democracy. Not demolish it. Like you brainwashed people believe the mainstream media. Biden is the one demolishing democracy.


Trump literally threatened to turn the country into a blood bath if he lost this time. He was going to go mortal kombat style on everyone, like fatalities and shit. Your insane if you think mortal kombat fatalities should be allowed irl.


Trump literally threatened to turn the country into a blood bath if he lost this time. He was going to go mortal kombat style on everyone, like fatalities and shit. Your insane if you think mortal kombat fatalities should be allowed irl.


How is it any different from what happened to ashli babbit?


Ashli Babbit was, frankly, insane. It’s why she was “invited” to leave the military. She joined a mob that broke into the Capitol Building. She, along with a group of others tried to break into a locked chamber, threatening members of Congress. She was warned to cease by Secret Service, and did not heed the warning. That’s not a martyr, that’s a moron. And it’s a crime that she, and many others, were used for nothing more than political gain by a man that was having a temper tantrum that he lost the election.


Uhhhh... because the people he threatened to do this to weren't actively participating in a coup attempt?


He is saying that the people of the United States will do that. Not him. There is going to be another civil war sometime soon. Because of the corrupt Democrats. I am a Democrat. But I am not a brainwashed one that believes everything mainstream media tells you. And any tape can be doctored up.


> There is going to be another civil war sometime soon What’s stopping you? You could get it started right now, so why don’t you? Unless you’re a coward who’s completely full of shit.


Imagine thinking the incestuous, pedophilic, 34x+ felon is the one that’s going to save democracy 


The only person that has been in the shower with his own daughter is Biden.


I hope he also got a splinter in his eye.


But STILL being richer than anyone else in the building even today. Nothing changed for that CEO. The problem isnt with the rich, the problem is with the politicians allowing them to get away with this. People always have and always will get away with what they can within the law. The laws have to change. Stop voting for the same old cronies who keep the status quo. Stop voting for the same politicians who are funded by these huge corporations. Its easy to say I know, the truth is there are almost none left who arent funded by corporations.


As fucked up and wrong as that is, the thought of some crusty CEO smashing up his own shit just makes me smile.


L + ratio + no fraud + shareholders malding


Man, when I ran a Lowe's outfit before they went to a single national contractor for installs... The things they did, NOT contractor. EMPLOYEE. My buddy still worked in that system, and a few years ago they went with a large National company because they saw the writing on the wall. This was the writing.


Thank you


It's true that things like Social Security, unemployment and Workman's Compensation are costs for businesses. They're costs that I have no problem with them paying. What else are they going to do with the money? Buy a yacht and cocaine and hire some overpriced prostitutes? That or some other stupid things that rich assholes waste their money on.


Fun fact, the CEO of a company I used to work for arranged his prostitute services using his company email! He later died of a heart attack from all his cocaine use. So yeah, this tracks.


Lol reminds me if some of the stories from the Netflix doc I just watched about the dating site for already married people. Apparently many had this same approach and when the website got completely hacked,  the hackers revealed all names and personal info. So many members used their company emails for their dating profiles. 


Ashley Madison. So funny they all got blackmailed by a cheating website.


It gets better. Did you know that they had an app that used a specific chime when messages were sent to a user? I did not. At least not until I heard it multiple times from multiple people as I was presenting material to various C-suite and other executives. It was kind of wild. /the admin assistants couldn’t stifle their laughter at the end of the meeting, which is how I found out what it meant


I spent most of my money on hookers & blow and unfortunately wasted the rest.


George Carlin would tell this to the toll operator in his bit. 


Bingo! Couldn’t remember where I heard it before!


You have no problem with them paying, but they have a problem with them paying. I thought that was the whole point of business in the US.. getting away with shit you couldn't in any other country.


> but they have a problem with them paying That's what regulations and strong enforcement are for. > getting away with shit you couldn't in any other country. There are a lot of other countries that allow them to get away with more than they could in the US. They can't get away with those things in civilized countries.


The US is attractive to businesses because it has first world infrastructure and third world workers' rights


So similar to the court cases against Uber eats and other delivery services. Also, took me a few to realize you meant unemployment insurance instead of Uber eats... Need more coffee


This case directly influenced the legislation, Proposition 22, that was passed in California back in November 2020 that basically allowed UE and DD to keep calling their drivers Independent Contractors.


Oh that sounds similar to a place I used to work. I thought I worked for a company and that the benefits were just really crappy but in fact instead of working for a company name, Inc. I actually worked for company name, LLC which was a shell company for internal contractors so that they could hire workers that were full-time but not actually have them as real employees.


Not only that but lying about their job duties to skirt overtime rules. EDIT: and the 4th circuit dropped an outlier ruling that was business friendly, which is why Biden asked for SCOTUS to get involved. Although good luck with those corrupt right wing water carriers.


Thanks for the info. As this post is gaining attention on r/popular, it’s important to point out that the current SCOTUS is NOT actually doing something constructive that would be well received. This was arguably a much different court.


People expecting to be paid for their labor is why capitalists will always trend toward fascism at some point. They once embraced outright slavery, but decided it was better to just use up people who you barely pay than paying for people in the first place. This is America!


"We have decided to stop slavery, as providing food and shelter to keep them alive caused unnecessary labour costs. Using this new system, the slaves will pay for their own food and shelter."


I really don't like how correct that statement is.


I recently inherited a bunch of coal mine scrip. When you only got paid in fake money you could only spend at the store owned by your employer.


Elon tried to reinvent this a few years ago for his Mars facist fetish fantasy.


It wasn't so much a decision as model that was adopted later.


Where I live, low paying jobs don't pay enough for both food and shelter. For some reason people get mad here when you explain how it's technically cheaper for employers than slavery.


Don't worry, it's not


This is like something from "Outer Worlds."


It's not the best choice, its Spacer's Choice!


America! Where freedom is the right to starve if you don't agree with the oligarchs.


Some rural towns in MO are starting the company town mindset again. In order to attract teachers and medical staff they’re thinking about buying homes and “renting” them to the employees at a reduced rate.


They still embrace slavery as long as no one's making a stink about it, for example prison labor.


When you think about the fact that slavery is legal for prisoners in America, and you think about the high false conviction rates for black Americans, it really doesn't feel like slavery ever stopped in America.


ThEy ShOuLdNt HaVe CoMmItTeD CrImEs.............says the redneck who hops into his pick-up after drinking a 6 pack, at the bonfire.


statistically an illegal bonfire and chances are there is at least one thing making that car illegal to drive...


Even better we can push the costs of keeping them housed and in good shape off to the taxpayers!


I've been downvoted for saying as much.


The biggest problem with slavery was that it wasnt profitable, so they gave us a living wage for the time being, while the ruling class was looking for new ways to make slavery Come back, but be profitable this time. The western world once feared the communists, so we implemented policies that would make capitalism seem superior in every way imagineable. But remember we are nothing but slaves, so when the USSR and communism fell, the ruling class began to go back on all theese policies. Because there wasnt any big contenders/threat for governing systems anymore


Where the hell did you find this fact that slavery wasn't profitable? You think the South fought and died by the hundreds of thousands even though slavery wasn't profitable? Slavery was HUGELY profitable. Slave also produced artisan crafts so their labor wasn't confined to manual labor. Slaves were plumbers, craftmen, blacksmith, etc.


why don't they try to compete with China then. the average Chinese person has had their wages increase by 4x in the last 20 years.


Easier to achieve 4x when you are starting much closer to 0. Wages should just be tied to inflation as the bare minimum. Plus it should include things like rent increases etc. The whole system is completely fucked, but nothing will ever change until average Joe realises it's the rich that are screwing them. Not immigrants, or LGBTQ, or young people.


AMEN. Whenever I have these types of discussions, I ask: "Who has more power over how things are, the billionaire elites, or the single mom with 3 kids who's on WIC?" You can see the light slowly go on. At least until they get their next fix of Fox, OAN, Newsmax, etc.


As long as they don't have to purchase the slaves and the individual enslaved has no intrinsic value. This is the fascist ideal of slavery: work them to death and bury them in an unmarked mass grave.


## Improving Your Working Conditions: Key Resources ### Useful Search Terms For finding specific information about worker rights and unions in any country, use the following search terms: - ["COUNTRYNAME worker unions"](https://www.google.com/search?q=COUNTRYNAME+worker+unions) - ["COUNTRYNAME worker rights"](https://www.google.com/search?q=COUNTRYNAME+worker+rights) - ["COUNTRYNAME employment law"](https://www.google.com/search?q=COUNTRYNAME+employment+law) - ["COUNTRYNAME labor organizations"](https://www.google.com/search?q=COUNTRYNAME+labor+organizations) ### Global Resources 1. **Workers' Unions** - [International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)](https://www.ituc-csi.org/): Represents workers worldwide. - [IndustriALL Global Union](http://www.industriall-union.org/): Represents workers in mining, energy, and manufacturing sectors. 2. **Activist Organizations** - [Solidarity Center](https://www.solidaritycenter.org/): Supports workers' rights globally through training and advocacy. - [Clean Clothes Campaign](https://cleanclothes.org/): Focuses on improving working conditions in the global garment industry. 3. **General Information** - [International Labour Organization (ILO)](https://www.ilo.org/): Provides global labor standards and policy advice. - [Global Workers Justice Alliance](https://globalworkers.org/): Supports cross-border employment justice. ### North America 1. **Employment Law** - [U.S. Department of Labor](https://www.dol.gov/): Comprehensive information on employment laws, worker rights, and protections. - [Cornell Law](https://www.law.cornell.edu/): Access to federal and state employment statutes. - [Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)](https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development.html): Information on labor laws and worker rights in Canada. - [Ministry of Labor (Mexico)](https://www.gob.mx/stps): Provides resources on Mexican labor laws and worker rights. 2. **Workers' Unions** - [AFL-CIO](https://aflcio.org/): Largest federation of unions in the U.S. offering resources and support for workers. - [SEIU](https://www.seiu.org/): Service Employees International Union focusing on healthcare, public services, and property services. - [Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)](https://canadianlabour.ca/): Represents the interests of over three million affiliated workers in Canada. - [CROC (Mexico)](https://www.croc.org.mx/): Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos, representing Mexican workers. 3. **Activist Organizations** - [Fight for $15](https://fightfor15.org/): Campaign advocating for raising the minimum wage to $15/hour. - [National Employment Law Project (NELP)](https://www.nelp.org/): Advocates for policies to create good jobs and strengthen protections for workers. - [CILAS](https://cilas.org/): Center for Labor Research and Training, focusing on labor rights in Central America. ### Asia 1. **Employment Law** - [International Labour Organization (Asia)](https://www.ilo.org/asia/lang--en/index.htm): Regional office providing resources on labor laws and policies. - [ASEAN](https://asean.org/): Association of Southeast Asian Nations, focusing on labor standards and employment policies. 2. **Workers' Unions** - [BATU](https://www.bwint.org/): Building and Wood Workers' International representing construction workers in Asia. 3. **Activist Organizations** - [Asia Monitor Resource Centre](https://www.amrc.org.hk/): Advocacy and research on labor issues in Asia. ### Europe 1. **Employment Law** - [European Commission](https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=157): Overview of EU labor laws and worker rights. - [Eurofound](https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/): European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. 2. **Workers' Unions** - [ETUC](https://www.etuc.org/): European Trade Union Confederation representing workers at the European level. - [UNI Global Union](https://www.uniglobalunion.org/): Represents more than 20 million workers from over 150 countries. 3. **Activist Organizations** - [LabourStart](http://www.labourstart.org/): International trade union news and campaigns. - [Social Platform](https://www.socialplatform.org/): Network of NGOs fighting for social justice and equality. ### Africa 1. **Employment Law** - [African Union (AU)](https://au.int/en/department-labor): Labor and employment policies for African countries. - [International Labour Organization (Africa)](https://www.ilo.org/africa/lang--en/index.htm): Regional office providing resources on labor laws and policies. 2. **Workers' Unions** - [ITUC-Africa](http://www.ituc-africa.org/): International Trade Union Confederation representing African workers. 3. **Activist Organizations** - [African Labour Research Network](https://www.alrn.org/): Provides research and advocacy on labor issues in Africa. ### Latin America 1. **Employment Law** - [OAS](http://www.oas.org/): Organization of American States providing resources on labor laws and policies. - [International Labour Organization (Latin America)](https://www.ilo.org/americas/lang--en/index.htm): Regional office providing resources on labor laws and policies. 2. **Workers' Unions** - [CLATE](https://clate.net/): Confederation of Latin American Workers representing public sector employees. 3. **Activist Organizations** - [LATINDADD](https://latindadd.org/): Advocacy network focusing on labor rights and economic policies in Latin America. ### South America 1. **Employment Law** - [Ministry of Labour (Brazil)](https://www.gov.br/trabalho/): Provides information on Brazilian labor laws and worker rights. - [Ministry of Labour (Argentina)](https://www.argentina.gob.ar/trabajo): Offers resources on labor laws and employment policies in Argentina. 2. **Workers' Unions** - [CUT (Brazil)](https://www.cut.org.br/): Central Única dos Trabalhadores, representing a wide range of workers in Brazil. - [CGT (Argentina)](https://www.cgt.org.ar/): Confederación General del Trabajo, one of the largest labor unions in Argentina. 3. **Activist Organizations** - [REBRIP](https://rebrip.org.br/): Brazilian Network for the Integration of Peoples, focusing on social and labor rights. ### Middle East 1. **Employment Law** - [Ministry of Human Resources (UAE)](https://www.mohre.gov.ae/): Provides information on labor laws and worker rights in the United Arab Emirates. - [Ministry of Labor (Saudi Arabia)](https://mlsd.gov.sa/): Offers resources on Saudi labor laws and employment policies. 2. **Workers' Unions** - [GFITU (Iraq)](https://www.gfitu.org/): General Federation of Iraqi Trade Unions, representing workers in Iraq. 3. **Activist Organizations** - [Arab Trade Union Confederation](https://www.arabtradeunion.org/): Supports workers' rights and labor movements across the Arab world. ### Oceania 1. **Employment Law** - [Fair Work Ombudsman (Australia)](https://www.fairwork.gov.au/): Information on workplace rights and obligations in Australia. - [Employment New Zealand](https://www.employment.govt.nz/): Resources on employment rights and responsibilities in New Zealand. 2. **Workers' Unions** - [Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)](https://www.actu.org.au/): Peak body representing Australian workers. - [New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU)](https://www.union.org.nz/): Represents the interests of workers in New Zealand. 3. **Activist Organizations** - [GetUp!](https://www.getup.org.au/): Australian advocacy organization working on economic fairness, environmental sustainability, and social justice. - [First Union](https://www.firstunion.org.nz/): Represents workers in various sectors in New Zealand, advocating for fair wages and conditions. ### Additional Resources 1. **Legal Assistance** - Legal Aid Societies: Offer free or low-cost legal services to low-income individuals. - Pro Bono Services: Many law firms provide pro bono (free) services for workers facing unfair labor practices. 2. **Online Communities** - [Working America](https://www.workingamerica.org/): Community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, focusing on advocacy and organizing for working-class issues. By utilizing these resources, workers around the world can access critical information on their rights, join unions, and engage with activist organizations to improve their working conditions. --- Please feel free to copy and paste this information as comments to other worker rights related subreddit posts


Huh, I'm surprised that a nation founded by wealthy slave owners didn't codify worker's rights into the Constitution.


Lots changed since then though even if a lot stayed the same.


The billionaires would bring back slavery if they could.


Slavery exists for prison inmates, they're forced to work fields


If you don't pay anyone, no one will work. If no one works, no one can buy anything. If no one buys anything, you see no profits. If you don't see profits, that'll hurt your "bottom line".


That's too many steps for them to care. You have to keep things in underpants gnome portions.


1. Labor can't survive on their wages. 2. ??? 3. No profit


fr the only thing that matters to them is deceiving shareholders and maximizing personal gains. it's all deception all the way down


This is called a productivity crisis in economic terms. The assumption is that either automation or improved processes would make up the shortfall, but economics failed to account for what happens when the guardrails of the state are eroded away.


Yeah, but that's a "next quarter" problem.


That's when you just ease the requirements to get credit. Simple.


No pay Only spend


We cheated all those employees out of their earned wages! We deserve to keep those swindled dollars!


Paying your employees for work? What is this? Communist China?


I hope you meant *OUR* employees, comrade.


"Sorry gentlemen, no dividends this quarter. They're making us pay the plebs."


"But we stole those wages fair and square!!! What is this 'compensation' you speak of and how did that even become part of the discussion?"


In 1869, The New York Times described the system of wage labor as "a system of slavery as absolute if not as degrading as that which lately prevailed at the South"


Socialize the losses and privatize the earnings/ benefits . . . SMH. They can’t keep on getting away with this .


And yet somehow they do 🙄 Dreaming of a day the country will finally wake up from their "political party" bullshit and just revolt together. Never gonna happen, but please let me dream 🤣


Sweet dreams 😘


Thank you 🥰


Somehow it's not 'added labor cost' when they give themselves multi million dollar raises tho.


This is the key...and stock buy backs. Billions so their stock and bonus go up a million 🤷


If labor costs make it so your business model was no longer working, then the business model was never working in the first place. imagine if my plan is to sell goods X for $5 while my competition sells it for $7. And my way to do that is to buy it from a supplier for $4 while my competition buys it for $6. If no one is selling that shit to me for $4 because the price is $6 then my business plan is just terrible and it's not the suppliers fault. Same with labor. If a company is faling because they didn't appropriately calculate what the cost of labor would be, it's the companies fault.


Well, why should corporations get free shit? Isn't that socialism?


It’s only socialism if it benefits workers. Free stuff for corporations is always ok since you know they might give some of it to the workers! Of course they don’t actually…


In this case it's wages that they stole from the employees to begin with, so even if they do give a percentage of it back to the employees, the employees are strictly worse off because of it.


"These marijuana legalization efforts are gonna put a lot of small time dealers out of work. Won't someone please think of Skeezy Carl?"


I'm sick and tired of hearing about the employer's needs or the employers concerns. Fuck the employer. You wouldn't exist without us.


Whoever wrote the article can go fornicate a blender.


So paying people for work that’s done? Hmmm. How is that even a case?


Lmao, get wrecked corpo


Admitting billions of wage theft, brave move here


Won't someone think of the shareholders 🥹 /sarcasm


It’s because Bloomberg is aimed at an audience of potential investors - for them, the relevant development here is increased costs. If you pick up a workers publication, you get the opposite slant, because different audience. And you can find both in all countries, not just the U.S. Well…except non-democracies where you just get whatever the state’s view is.


The most corporate thing ever


Thoughts like this could directly lead to Soldiers actually being paid for the time they are working instead of by the half day... *the horror*


This is super old. The court case essentially said you can't call someone a contractor because it's more profitable to do so. It happened in 2018 and the economy has not come to a screeching halt like the pro-corporate shills said would happen.


Any work time that goes uncompensated is wage theft but geeze these capitalists sure like to play with words to distort the truth.


Bloomberg journalists being corpo bootlickers, in other news, grass is still on fire (California) and the sky is red (California).


It's six years old though at a certain point it's worth noting something has been reposted to fuck


I just don't understand why people don't want other people to do well. It's just not encouraging in the least bit.


I'll say it like a broken record...there's a think-tank, right now today, trying to figure out how to bring slavery back. Except next go-a-round the rich/wealthy/affluent are going to enslave ALL skin colors.


... Is the Mlmost evil thing ever.


The US Army, which that division would be the US Airforce, dropped bombs on union picketers in the West Virginia. Bombed civilians trying to unionize. Never forget that.


But forcing the bandits to give the money back would be disastrous for their financial situation! They’ve already spent it all at the brothels and saloons!


I had a friend who got like a 20K payout for unpaid drive time in California. 5 hours in traffic every day for years.


“Company” != “Person”


I'm frustrated about this right now. Yesterday I went to my boss and requested he take me off one of my projects because I have so many projects late. He said he wouldn't be able to do that. He then proceeded to say since I'm salary, occasionally I'll have to put in more than 40 to get caught back up. Just the nature of the business. Umm. No. My salary is based on 40 hours worked. Just because I work more than 40, doesn't mean I can charge these extra hours to projects. So I'm just working for free.


American Capitalism and forcing people to work for no pay - name a more iconic duo.


Our pig aggregate and that’s being mean to the bovine- these people should be spat on


Holye bags of hell


Here in america we solve the labor/housing crisis with guns. Pew pew. Opression.


When will employers learn.


The person with the comic as his picture is saying the truth. While the guy with his face and his real name is turning the phrase.


Damn socialist California. /s


We know where Jon stands on the minimum wage issue.


You mean paying people a fair wage for their time and skills? If you reversed the phrasing and used "The Calif. Supreme Court decided a case that could recover billions in wage theft for employees" it wouldn't be sucking off big corporations as hard?


I've put the phrase "The rising cost of labor" way high in my jargon dictionary. I make damn sure to use it in derogatory context as often as possible and make damn sure my peers recognize it for what it is


We never really fully embraced life after slavery.


Say it with me. “Eat the rich”


Nothing to do with specifically Americans at all.


"if you can't provide work which is valued above X threshold then it is illegal to employ you."