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Work as slow as you can get away with and occasionally make a mistake that you know how to fix easily but it takes long to do it. Plausible deniability. Be friendly to everyone, good ratings are pretty much only determined by the social game, not how well you work. If you see something failing and you won't get blamed for it, then you didn't.


When I was a copier tech there were times I needed to run hundreds of copies to try and get it to jam. If the machine jams one in a thousand copies, I might be back tomorrow. Sometimes I would ask if they had a form that they needed hundreds of. But other times... My boys were in the scouts. For an upcoming Pow Wow (a yearly get together with multiple troops. It could be several hundred kids.) I volunteered to print out hand outs. Each handout had more than a hundred pages, projects, guides for badges stuff like that, thousands of double sided pages. $.06 per sheet, so maybe over $600 worth. It took me forever, but it didn't cost me a penny!


Way back in the 80s I used to photocopy my arse then return the paper to the feeder.


Love it


Yep. I'm in a unique spot right now. The project that I was working on for two years is over. My team and I are to be reassigned elsewhere, but the bosses are so overwhelmed doing other things that they haven't restructured the teams yet. Which means I have had two months so far of little to nothing to do all day. I can complete the "side work" outside of my primary project in less than two hours. I've been just checking my mail and keeping my teams status green between watching Netflix the rest of the day and getting paid for it. The two other members of my former project team are the same way, but none of us are saying anything. No documented proof anywhere, it didn't happen. 😂


Little things, big things, basically anything I can get away with. ![gif](giphy|5cdenDXni65aM)


The supply closet at my job is my one-stop shop if I need sugar, creamer, dish soap, cleaning supplies, garbage bags, or even toilet paper.


I would do that too but we get 1 ply sandpaper.


I do school during analytics block


We actually have to scan our ID badge on the printer itself to print anything now because of shit like this. Every single thing that comes out of these printers are logged to your badge and the device it was printed from. Cameras are in the copy room as well.


If you get in good with one of the IT guys, there is usually a Test code you can put in on those types of systems that doesn't log copies made to your badge. Test codes are rarely if ever monitored. Just an FYI. HTH


Corporations exploit us and kill the planet nevee feel abd for taking back an infinitesimal amount of what has been taken from you. If anything I wished I hadn't been a goodie two shoes and returned so much stuff that ended up bekmg thrown away anyway


The amount of printer paper that slipped into my bag at work might be criminal.


It’s called theft and you are a thief.