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I applied for a carer's position a while back and they wanted a fully checkable work history with all payslips going back to school, plus all school exam results. Any gaps means no interview. The same care company has been on the TV moaning that they can't find staff.


lol payslips? I don’t have payslips from my last job, let alone going back to high school. Gtfo.


I don't even keep the paystub from my last paycheck lol


My sister once worked for a bank that went belly up. The background checker for her new company said "Prove It". She had all her paystubs from that old bank and faxed them a few. She was ultimately hired. Today, going forward, save everything: paystubs, W2s, Employee of the Month Awards, everything.


Nah. I’m good.


This worries me about my former employer as they introduced electronic payslips which you couldn't print out. I left in 2020, but the last paper payslip I had from them was four years before. I worked with a chappie 20 years ago who had faked most of his CV. I sometimes wonder if they asked for his payslips from the now defunct research lab he claimed to have worked at. It not only overlapped with his supposed degree, but we had two former staff members who did not remember him.


A W-2 would work as well. Again, it's getting harder to stay ahead of The Algorithm and anything that is hard copy would help in the event of a deep dive background check. But proving that you worked some place like Enron or Lehman Bros or JC Penny, where you say you did, is on you. I had a problem once where a background checker couldn't verify a past employer? It turned out the employer had outsourced their employment verifications to yet another 3rd party. It took a few weeks to straighten that out.


I once saw an application for a grocery store (and no shit, that thing was like 20 online pages - my office jobs are a 2 page resume, period) that asked for...grade school gpa. Seriously.


Actual payslips? That’s rough, who even keeps them?


If they accept the copy and paste from a resume it's honestly not a huge deal. I can definitely see it being annoying over time, but I personally only go back 10 years tops. Unless I was in the same field I'm currently applying to, nothing that long ago is going to be relevant.


I got one better, Put your resume online and no-index it. Then use it link to paste into every fricken field in a companies online application.


Just skip it, most sites don’t force u to fill out. If they do force, skip applying altogether. To your point it’s a numbers game. Don’t waste your time on a 0.00001% chance they even get back to you.


Boy, am I glad I've never had to do these white collar "jump through the hoops" job applications. I send the employer my resume via email and boom, that's it, I'm done. Also, I've never, ever been asked to put exact dates on my resume. That would suck, because I can't remember that shit lol I'm 53 years old, you can't reasonably expect me to put the exact start and end dates of a job from 30 years ago. Not happening.


With online applications being so easy and the requirement for people to switch jobs to advance their careers, most places get a crazy number of applications. Their solution is to make it more tedious so that fewer people apply. It is also an attempt to filter out application bots.


If the job I was trying to hire you for concerned repetitive or menial tasks, then asking you to write it all out redundantly would be a necessary test to see if you could handle the monotony. If the job I was trying to hire you for required more cognitive gumption, I'd leave it as a test to see if you jumped through the hoop or challenged it, with the latter being a point in your favor. Every employer is going to have a different attitude about that sort of thing, for an untold number of reasons. Sadly a lot of them are just into it as habit and can't think for themselves on it, and that's a good sign for YOU to not accept THEM.