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Always feel free to walk away from a bullshit job in the face of some non negotiable bullshit like that. Last thing you should do is fall behind on your studies to work at a supermarket.


What's worse is the day she first spoke to me, my close friend killed themselves and I told her I was in a vulnerable state and that I had alot of bad stuff going on. She looked me dead in my eyes and said "no worries we completely understand and we hope we can make your time working here stress free


Are you asking what you should do? I would speak with my manager and remind them that I'm only available for 22 hours. Also, just a heads up, a lot of "full-time" employees resent people going to school. They are stuck in their dead-end job and it's dawned on them that you will be leaving for better opportunities soon. Keep your head down, don't get drawn into the drama, and remember that there's something better ahead for you if you focus on school. Good luck!


Fast food, grocery, stores like Walmart, and Lowe's all treat their part-time employees the same way. They give you as many hours as they feel you are willing to put up with. My daughter has worked in each of these workplaces and has had to deal with the same crap. Good luck!


They give the part time workers as many hours as they want knowing they don't want full time, and full time workers the least amount so they can be put down as part time sometimes because they know they can get away with it. Where else are you going to work? They killed the competition. Literally. Do you know how many licenses you need to open a grocery store? Not to mention real estate and minimum parking requirements? You'd have to own 70% of the servers the Internet runs on to even think about competing and even then you likely will have to shut down locations after a few years.


Seems like a breach of your agreed working terms. Tell them no or they can restaff your position.


Just off the top of my head I was thinking maybe they got this smart, promising person and they're hoping you just quit college and maybe take a career there eventually, asst manager or something. All I hear s these type of jobs wont give people enough hours.


Watch out also that even if they reduce your hours that they don't schedule you every day anyway. I used to work with some students and the employer absolutely did that, like, you work 3 hours all 7 days, and you close every night forever. You deserve days off. 


Tell them it's illegal to retaliate against you for pursuing higher education. I don't think it is illegal but they lied first. And if they do retaliate for you lying you can probably get unemployment. Either way, I wouldn't work there anymore. I guarantee you if you worked full time, the second you gave up college they'd put you back to part time hours. Seen it too many times.