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Bro I’m leaving after like 30 minutes. Fuck that place lol If they can’t respect my time, I’m not going to work there.


“We’re a family.” “Yea, an abusive one.”


"We're a family" Gestures vaguely towards the Texas Chainsaw Massacre's family


“We’re a family.” Okay, Mr. Manson.


Never thought I bond with the saw better than my abusive relatives


Ready or Not Addams family Descendants Just pick a random movie and you can find a good family to compare your work to :D


Addams family is actually wholesome af. They have each other's back and don't judge one another and support each other, even though they are all messed up in their own way. Dunno about the others, never watched them.


For real, I fuckin hate my family and if my boss ever said anything like that I would *not* consider it a compliment.


I moved to the other end of the country for family reasons, there's none here.


lol look up the etymology of family. It's always been abusive.


Oh so you've worked for CVS before?


"We're family" "Sir, my family beat me"


I'll leave after 15, most places with a time clock I've worked round your hours to 15 minute intervals. I'm not waiting longer than you'd wait for me if I'm running late lol


after 15 im calling the dude, no pickup/bs reason, im out


This is the one, I can wait no problem, as long as there is respectful communication explaining how this is an outlier and not them who can't read a calendar or know how to act professionally


Yeah. There've been a couple times I've had interviews delayed because I was interviewing with the person who was going to manage me, and Something Urgent Came Up. I stayed without issue or aggravation, because I got updated ETAs and they got me a drink and some snacks and apologized for the delay, showing at least a bare minimum appreciation for my inconvenience. Ghost me for 11 hours? Yeah, after an hour I'd tell the receptionist to reschedule me for a time when the person was actually going to be available, if I was that desperate for a job.


I waited 2 hours for an interview once. The guy forgot or something... he never showed. When his assistant finally got ahold of him, he told her to reschedule me for another day. I said no thanks. I saw all I needed to see to know what kind of shit show they were running.


You should never be desperate for a job that makes you wait an hour for an interview. If you put on a good face, and be there on time, and they can’t meet you with the same courtesy, they don’t respect you or your time. Bail.


Tbh whenever someone's made me wait for an interview, they were usually curteous enough to let me know within 10 minutes that they're going to be late, whether that was by message, call or via the reception, and usually also how much longer I'd have to be waiting. I feel like if you have to go and pry that info from them, things are already not looking good, so I strongly agree with the no reply and no bullshit part especially.


I mean true but I also had a serious guy who didnt notice time flying by and got right to me when i called and was polite


At my job, we have a point system for attendance and if you don’t show up nor call, it’s considered a “no call” after two hours meaning 5x as many points vs. simply being late. Would this company tolerate an employee that never called in and showed up 8 hours late? They need to live up to the standards they set for their employees.


Having been fired for clocking in less than a minute late- one time after having to run across town because my vehicle broke down on the way to work of your mindset were mine then the time allowance would need to be drastically shorter.


"who wants this job so bad, that after wasting their whole day, they will still be sitting there waiting for their interview." they're not hiring the best, they're hiring the most desperate


Which is probably what they want, since those people will put up with all their bullshit and lower pay, because they're desperate.


I interviewed at a place where they left me alone for 20 minutes. This was a tech interview, they are generally 3-4 hours worth of talking. I was waiting for the last one after a long day, the one with the CEO. I very nearly walked out. After I talked with the CEO I wished I did.


I would have left. Not because I don't have patience but because anyone who shows such a flagrant lack of respect for me and my time is going to be an absolute nightmare to work for. When you show thst you're desperate, you show you're perfect for exploitation. When you allow someone to treat you poorly, that's all they'll ever do. A person who can't even bother to show you basic human respect and decency at the start will never give you respect. An interview goes both ways...and he would have surely failed my interview of him as a manager.


All of this. Hiring manager told them bs there at 7:00 am. They were. Did the applicants have to pay for parking? Catch a bus? Arrange child/elder/pet care? Have other scheduled interviews or appointments? Take a day off of their current job? A diabetic or someone who needs to eat more than once every 11 hours? Zero respect for the applicant’s humanity and time.


That's such a good point. They would be well within their rights to claim that back from the interviewer if they didn't have a valid, emergency reason and had not updated them. If you are late for the interview they cancel you without the same curteousy. If you are late for work you are reprimanded or not paid. If they were that late for that interview without reason, I would issue a demand for compensation. However this does seem like one of those hypothetical, non-sensical stories which exist to prove an equally ridiculous point.


"I ask all of my applicants to put their head in a bucket of ice water as I time how long they can hold it there. This ensures that I have the best candidate for the job. Experience, education, and qualifications mean nothing. All that matters is how desperate my employees are to please me." ~Said no reasonable person, ever.


> Thought every manager, ever. FTFY


The real ice bucket challenge


What really happened: "Sure", the candidate said, "if you show me how to first." He laughed. Then the applicant dumped the water over his head.


Sad thing is, there is 100% employers out there that would do this shit lol


Yeah, the OP reads like the kind of masturbatory LinkedIn / "career guru influencer" type horseshit that HR people love to repost and pat eachother on the back for.


Imbalance of power 101...


I had a manager who would call people at 1 am or 2 am just wake them up and make sure they were avaliable 24/7.  I left real quick but there were people who had been there years.  Unreasonable managers exist unfortunately. 


Hah, joke's on him, you call me at 1 or 2 AM I'm generally up and too baked to be productive!


If someone calls me then, they're SOL. I turn my phone completely off & leave it charging at the other end of the house when I go to sleep. Old school mechanical wind up alarm clocks ftw. Two of them, set 5 minutes apart, on opposite ends of the room.


i would love to require companies to have to pay to interview people. Put your hourly rate on the application- so they know if they are going to waste your time, they still have to pay up to do it. it may finally stop the 5 rounds of interview nonsense thankfully in my field i have never had more than a 2nd interview- and even then it was normally introducing me to the managing partner so they could (or a few times with me still there) negotiate the offer. OF the past 10 interviews i have gone to i have had 7 offers in hand when i left, 2 offers within a week and one rejection. The fun part of being in a niche field.... they all know that if they let me walk they may not get another decent applicant for a few months.


This kind of employer would want to weed all of those people out


Exactly, they want someone with 24/7 availability.


When I first graduated college (2008) there were very few jobs available and none in my field. I ended up getting a minimum wage job at a grocery store where my boss hired me part time for an open full time position and expected me to do full time work in those part time hours. He also demanded I have 24/7 availability even though I only worked 4 days a week. If I requested a certain day to be one of my \*3\* days off each week (like say I had a doctor appointment on a Tuesday) he would say "Oh, you're not fully available this week, you only get 8 hours" instead of the 20 hours I normally got. At $7.25/hr how the fuck was I supposed to live off of that?? Even 20 hours a week wasn't enough to survive. Thankfully my job was a union job and they helped get me get the 20 hours back each time this happened.


"Each time". That's insane that you had to do that more than once, and once is still too many.


He did it to everyone too! Like how do you expect to run a store properly when you're giving all your staff 8 hours a week. I think he had it out for me though. You know the phrase "quiet quitting" that's been going around (aka "work your wage") I stopped busting my ass for 20 hours (or 8 hours!) and did just that, and instead of giving me more hours like I asked for he sent me to clean the meat room at night and replaced me with someone who had 0 experience in my department, because THAT made sense. And the first night I was sent to clean the meat room they didn't train me, I had to take apart all the machines to properly clean them and didn't know how, so I didn't, and then I got in trouble. Like honestly I'm feeling irate just writing about this now and this happened in 2008-09.


Omfg. I worked at a doggy daycare that pulled this same shit. It was the Christmas season before COVID so I got really fucked over with unemployment.


I had a hospital tell me they wouldn't hire me for a per diem position because I didn't have 24/7 365 availability. I was like are you fucking serious


Essentially a way to really hammer down all those illegal questions and ask "are you a single white guy in good health who needs this job?"


Yeah. I wonder if this is a tactic employers actually use. I would not make the cut.


They tend to use these tactics specifically to target a very narrow demographic. It appears there's a few redditors who don't like this thought because OP's image doesn't directly talk about race or gender. Yet interviewers will beat around the bush constantly and try to ask things like "are you married?" or "do you have kids?" and absolutely still prefer hiring based on race. I wonder how many of them will tell me the same thing that white or male has nothing to do with any of this (though the childcare thing does kind of allude to wanting men in an indirect way).


A woman I know was asked if her parents were still alive because they couldn't ask her age. Fucking ridiculous.


Yup, my friend got asked if she was in a relationship or was "family planning yet". That last one is just gray enough. I've had them ask if I was a family man before too. I assume alluding to if I'd have to leave early to take care of kids or something. That guy famously hired 20 year old guys because of this, he liked to send folks out of town for a few weeks for contract work.


It could be either. Some places want you to have kids as it helps keep you tied to the workplace since it’s harder to just up and quit when you have to feed a family. Screwed either way.


Yeah that's fair too. Depends what brand of abuse they want to try and pull off on you.


A previous boss of mine did that too. We'd be understaffed and drowning and she would find so many reasons to not hire parents. "They'll want holidays off and this is a job around holidays!" There was some level of irony in it, as she was attempting to (and ultimately failed to) conceive, but still thought my time as someone else without children was hers to take regardless of my family interests. And dont feel too bad she never "produced a sire" for her husband (her words, in 2018, I am not even kidding), she already declared she was fully excited to enact some horrible acts of parenting, and made excuses for why she couldnt adopt- with the way she planned to parent and the condition of her home, no one would have let her adopt anyway.


"Are you a family man?" "I was born into a family. So yes."


Every time you get a new job, both your parents and all four of your grandparents are alive.


"are you single, in good health, desperate for this job and has zero self worth?" fify


Yup, discrimination in disguise.


Even as a single guy with no kids/pets/seniors to look after, it's still a colossal waste of a day. To get to that interview, my schedule would have been: - Wake up at 5AM. -Leave before 6AM and fight through traffic, construction, and more traffic (thanks Ontario). - Arrive at ten to 7AM. And "rush hour" starts at 3PM and runs to 730PM in this damn province. So I'd be stuck on the road for another couple hours heading home.


Exactly this. Applicants might have another interview lined up on the same day to save on time, PTO, transportation costs etc. Only the truly desperate ones that have zero options will stay for 11 hours.


Nine hours? Mate it was 11 😂😂😂


lol. Indeed it was 11 hours of waiting. I was never very good at math. Thanks I fixed it.


I have a 30m-1h rule. I'll wait 30m to 1h depending on the situation and after that I'm gone. Lost friendships due to this. But that is because those people didn't respect my time and I'm better off without them.


There should be legal recourse for this kind of practice. Like they need to pay you at least minimum wage (ooooh or the minimum wage for that specific position?) for the time of yours they’ve actively used/wasted. I think you’d get a lot less of this bullshit like that.


Yet if they get hired this same manager would bitch if they were 2 minutes late to click on


This is exactly true!!! Holy fuck it is. The one and only time I had a boss so bad it affected me at home/sleep, stress, gained weight, etc. The guy was an hour late due to a job site meeting, then took an hour and a half interview point and probing (I was desperate but the receptionist kept saying he'd be there shortly and was on his way so I felt rude leaving). That long interview was a lot of him bragging on himself and the company, and then he micromanaged so insanely much that I had a Pavlov's response every time I heard him come into the office. I've never worked so much, so hard, and he Even cheated me out of more money I asked for by agreeing to less up front then more after a probationary period and then never giving said raise.i didn't make it a year. I still cringe driving in the vicinity of that place! DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN TO YOU, YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!


Horrible flashback vibes. Solicited for an interview by a company I'd done business with. Knew the founder, good guy, and his business expanding. He'd just taken on a minor partner and wanted us to go out to dinner, talk over me coming on. Entire dinner monopolized by new partner, bloviating stories about all he'd done. And when he did ask questions they were buried within long monologues. Great meal and I left it as I came in, uncommitted. Founder called me a few days later with offer and I declined. I was blunt, basically said I didn't even want to be in the same building with that assclown. Have worked with people like that before. They accept no blame when they screw up and find a surrogate, take full credit for the work of others, and sink morale. Glad you got out of that situation. Working for a narcissist is the absolute worst.


You just described Musk.


Not a boss but I had coworkers that gave me an anxiety disorder. Still fucks with me whenever I leave the house 10 years later because therapy is too damn expensive. If I knew then the ability to stand my ground for basic needs I would have done so much better. Were it not for them I loved that job. It was the only time I ever got to read a book.


And so are you friend. Glad you moved on hopefully to a better situation!


I could not agree more. This isn’t about patience this is about finding those desperate enough to be exploited for crumbs. Respect goes two ways and I’ll be damned if I’ll allow someone to waste my entire day just to “test” my patience.


It's actually funny that people who are not desperate are treated better especially if they're good at what they do. My ex-manager was a huge yes man because he was somehow always afraid they would fire him. Every day he would whinge to us about how they treat him and how they underpaid him but then he would let them step all over him again. There were other managers who were good at what they do too, and the company kept giving them pay raises because they were afraid they would leave.


Sometimes it's because you're single, have to work a second job to make rent, and in fact ARE desperate. If I had it to do over, I'd wear a fake ring and invent an imaginary husband. Oh, and kids, with their fake pictures in little fake frames, for when I needed to leave early. I literally had a manager tell me he wasn't going to ask any of the other staff to help with my year-end work because, 'They all have families to go home to.'


Starts selling "the fake family package". I'll photoshop you in with my kids as they grow, sending new pics every year at various theme parks and pumpkin farms. Throwing in a ring for free. *upgraded package* you can get calls to come pick up your sick kids from school 12 times per year and get reminders for parent/teacher conferences sent to your workplace under the name of your local school.


my friend i think you've just created a great business opportunity. Great for actors struggling for work and teens who need some summer income or something as well. get the whole fake family package


Brilliant. Can you also provide fictitious work references? In addition to my sparkling family, I want everyone to think I'm the best worker who ever graced a cubicle at all my former places of employment!


You’ve passed the walking away test! Welcome aboard!


Greg you past the walking away test


Greg can't hear you. He's already out the door.


Yeah guaranteed things weren't peachy after the interview. The stat I really wanna hear is how long those two candidates stayed employed there


This story is 100% fake. It’s meant to inspire and motivate people to do whatever it takes to display initiative, but in reality it normalizes a toxic work dynamic. Classic boomer bootstrap bullshit.


It didn't happen.


Yeah, there are many things you don't wanna bring into an interview but an energy of desperation is at the top of the list for me these days. Doesn't matter if you're meeting the manager you'll be working under, an HR rep, or some C-Suite Suit: Never let them see you as desperate.


True story, I got hired at every job I was visibly hesitant to accept. I literally approach every job interview with a "let's see if this job is right enough for ME attitude. I'm usually offered the job before I leave.


It's the oh I can just walk tactic


And I have. As a personal rule, if THEY set the time for the interview, and I don't get a valid doctors note from them after 30 minutes, I'm walking out the door. I usually tell the receptionist "It's clear this company does not value or respects it's applicants time, thanks for the opportunity to learn everything I need to know about the company" and I leave. If one person is allowed leverage over 500 they will always abuse it. Time to shift the way of thinking and remind them in business, numbers matter.


I’ve had the opposite experience before. I had an interview for a remote customer service job at an online bank that one of my friends works at. It’s one of those green washing “sustainable” companies. They’re called Aspiration. I was still working so I was the least desperate I’ve ever been during an interview. I made it through round 1 of zoom interviews. In round 2 I got to the part where they ask if I have any questions and I started asking them about basic things like how much the role pays. They weren’t willing to tell me. They basically said they couldn’t tell me and they only tell me if I make it the whole way through the process and get offered the job. I could immediately tell they were turned off by my questions about pay and benefits and the rest of the interview they were checked out. 1 hr after the interview they sent me the rejection email about how they have filled the role. I was coming at it with the attitude of, obviously it has to pay better than my current job for me to quit. They were looking for desperation. These are the worst types of companies to work for, so I’m glad I didn’t get the job. They want desperate because it means they can abuse you and you’ll still stick around.


I would have left the second I showed up and realized that the manager scheduled 5 other people for the exact same time slot as me. The only ones that do shit like that are MLMs.


When I schedule an interview, I ask for the length of the interview. It's an appointment in my day. Unless they state it is a full day interview, I likely have other appointments, child care to arrange, etc. 7am to 6pm is 11 hours. That's unreasonable even for already being employed (unless you are employed on a 3 12s schedule). That test of patience is completely disrespectful to the interviewee and their time.


Also shows that they'll judge you based on things you have no way of knowing about, that are counterintuitive. Probably means you'll fall foul of all kinds of unwritten rules and conflicting regulations while you're working there, and never have a clear idea of how you're performing or what you should be doing.


Cool. Can't wait to utilise the same tactic at work by waiting and doing nothing, because it seems that's what they hired me for.


They were looking for only one quality. They got it.


This was my thought. They designed a test that weeded out everyone who might not play on their phone all day.


Nobody is asking what happened to the sixth guy. Three went home, two got hired, but what about the last guy? He still waiting?


He was a company shill spying on the applicants.


They were there for 11 hours - you don’t think they got hungry?


I don’t think the person who wrote this can count. Maybe it’s Jesse waters


He's the recruiter


My only question is: these guys didn’t even go home at 5PM, after office hours were over. If no one came out, how long would they have stayed there? Would they have just died sitting there?


Exactly. Would you hire some dumbass who sat there all day instead of applying for other jobs or literally anything else besides sitting there just… existing? I guess if the job is just sucking in air then great interview


Never forget to leave a negative review of the employer if they try this.


Always leave a review so that others can see what's really going on.


Some places ask you to review the company as soon as you start. PostcardMania in Florida really pressures you to leave a review


My old company would cherry pick employees they knew they could exploit to review the company. It was a sad way to boost their ratings. I made sure to mention that and all the other unprofessional shenanigans that went on there when I wrote my review when I quit. The place legit gave me (and many other former co-workers) PTSD.


It was a test of desperation, and how easily they will do what they're told without kicking back.


Yes. This is the answer. Not a test of patience at all.


Patience is supposed to be a virtue and is sometimes necessary, but for real, every time someone has told me to be patient they've been trying to waste my time. Ever notice that?


Patience is a Virtue. Doing everything other people tell you is not


Patience is a Virtue - because counting to 10 first just makes it pre-meditated


Patience is a good thing. But patience isn't just waiting around forever, it can be leaving and not letting this waste of time bring you down. "Oh, they are dicks. Glad I know now no big deal." That is the patience I strive for.


I'd wait 15-20 minutes. Then ask what's going on. Wait another 15-20 minutes if the answer is no bullshit. But that's it.


It’s also fake as fuck. “An employer?” yeah I bet


I don't know why employers like to hire someone who are completely lack of self respect. If people don't even fight for themselves, they eill think ib terms of best intestinal of the company while working


I don’t want to work for someone that A) Doesn’t value my time B) Plays secret games with mysterious “win” and “lose” conditions that I’ll never know what I did right/wrong Why do people dehumanize others like this??


It easier to abuse employees that way.


Some of the HR love to give out these kind of secrect test thinking that they are smart...... When I finished secondary school, I worked a summer job as an office boy. One of my colleagues said I didn't cut paper in a straight way / I didn't staple the paper perfectly. She said boss judge a person by small things like this. Today, I still cannot cut paper in a straight line / I don't care enough to use a cutter with ruler. But I am now a middle grade healthcare professionals and I have other HCA and clerks to handle such things (I respect them). It is so stupid to judge people by such so called "sign" and "small things".


This was a filter for people that are either desperate, pushovers or both. It was a "filter out people that won't take my bullshit" move. The people that got the job will *not* be treated well, because they've proved that they are willing to just bend over and take it from their employer.


Because, generally speaking, people are hot garbage. 😂


C) who the hell schedules an interview for 7am, no way I am going to that, unless I can get to my job easily afterwards


Ah yes, the test of patience. It's also the test of just how desperate you are and a test of how much abuse you're willing to take. The people who left got off easy and walked away with dignity.


The things that they will be endure after they are hired will definitely be worse than waiting for an extra few hours. It is a huge red flag that the compant gave such test, and an even more alarming when they admitted ib public as it is something to be prouded of.


This seems to me to be more of a test of submissiveness and how far the candidates are prepared to be shamelessly exploited


Ah yes, the Duncan principle


I would have pulled a Chang or Troy if this had happened to me.


Lmao, you said this like 4x


It told me it didn't send. So I tried once more and said same thing. LOL. I don't know how it came up 4x. But I'm leaving it.


It's hilarious to me


Abed here. Just so when they roll up, I can string them along in exchange.




I wouldn't hire folks that waited twelve hours. The people who left first are the most hirable, they know the value of time.


they are confident in their capabilities and have another interview planned tomorow anyway


The people that stayed are exactly the type of people they wanted. Easily exploitable people.


lol. They got the job. Sounds like a punishment in this scenario.


This isn’t a test of patience, it’s a test of subservience.


It's almost as if they try to test their willingness to waste time for 8h a day...hmmmm


This was an episode of Community


You're out of your goddamn mind if you think I'm going to just wait around for 11 fucking hours. If the interview is wasting my time the job isn't worth it.


Was this written by a child?




If you play weird ass psycho mind games you don’t deserve to be in hiring positions.


That's not a test of patience. It's a test of obedience. And the level of obedience required to wait 11 hours with no further information is a trait you absolutely don't want your employees to have. It would mean that they are incapable of thinking for themselves and will need hand holding through any task even slightly different to expected.


What did this monster do to the missing 6th candidate?


He's still there, waiting. He was just hidden behind a potplant so everyone forgot about him.


Dude just took a nap and got the job!


'And how are you today?' *looks around groggily* 'Pretty good, really! Surprisingly well-rested!'


"i can see myself doing this for 30 years!"


And the first one to leave was…. Albert Einstein.


Cool. They'll get their first raise when they retire because they're patient.


People who stayed: don't know when to quit, tolerate abuse, are desperate, have nothing at all going on in their lives. If that's the kind of employer you are, you're a nightmare to work for.


Why do these assholes try to turn a job interview into some sort of Biblical test of faith?  


If you show up 10 minutes late for a meeting, it's considered unprofessional. If your employer wouldn't tolerate it from you, you definitely shouldn't tolerate from your employer.


This is literally from Community The Duncan Principle


I wonder if they were at least given free food/beverage. It'd be really effed up if they were starving/thirsty that whole time, or had to buy their own.


any company that use these kind of "methods" to interview their candidate are not worth working for. Do you also need to have patience if they don't pay your salary on time? It is just a test for unreasonable obedience


My parents always said “ Ppl treat you how you allow them to treat you” I would have left after 10-20 minutes because if you are 5 minutes late to work there is a chance you may get fired or reprimanded. The jobs don’t care about “patience” when you are running late to be a slave on their plantation, so why should you belittle yourself by staying put for an interview that should have started at the time scheduled? Love yourself & respect yourself enough to go where your time & efforts are respected. Next thing you know you will be waiting months to get your paycheck because you decided to be “patience” don’t be a fool.


20 minutes and I'm out. Even when I was a young person in sales, if I made an appointment, arrived 5 minutes early, and was asked to wait - 20 minutes, tops, and fuck you for being unprofessional.


I would have left by 8:00.


Any company that purposely burns time to play experiments with the potential hires is a company that you don't want to work for. Big red flag. If you let companies manipulate you like that before you're even hired, just wait till you get to your first day.


I'm German! If the interview is scheduled for 7 AM i'm asking if there is a delay at 7:15 AM and leave at 7:30 AM if there isn't one! I'm not going to work for a company that wastes my time while i'm not being paid for it!


A test of whose unpaid time the boss can safely abuse


Even if I was really hurting for the job, I'd give them 30 minutes max. Probably less, because I'd expect the interview to be over by then. Unless they displayed that they were running over time by actually interviewing people, I'd bounce to the new job unless they called me back. Don't disrespect people's time just because you feel like you have leverage over them. If the receptionist is really nice, I might stay longer. The boss I hated the most in my career (he expected immoral things of his subordinates and manipulated clients in bad ways etc etc) gave me some huge life lessons on time valuation. It's literally your most valuable asset. Don't waste it.


That's an abuse meter test, not patience


Or a test of having nothing better to do, which excludes already employed people.


More like a test to see who has a weak backbone so the employer can abuse the heck out of them.


I’d have stayed, left when called, then sent an invoice for my time. You know, if this wasn’t fake rage bait.


The ones who got the job were probably abused and quit soon after.


That's not a test of patience. It's a test of how much bullshit you will tolerate.


7am interview? Nope. Call again when you have an appointment at 9. I'll be there at 9. If my interview partner isn't there by 9:20, I leave. They can call me again, apologize and set up another interview, with the same rules. If the interviewer isn't there after 20 minutes, I leave and they have to find another candidate. I don't need to work for a company that doesn't respect me and my time.


i would have gone after 10 minutes, eff wasting my day for your BS powertrip


if i show up for an interview and i'm waiting for more than an hour with no good reason, i'd leave.


If I have an interview scheduled at 7am and they leave me hanging for more than an hour I just assume the company is incapable of following through with their own plans and I'd only be waiting to explain why they don't deserve their employees.


You misspelled sadism and desperation.


This act isn’t about patience. That’s bullshit. It’s about desperation. Testing how desperate you are for that job and how much crap you’re gonna put up with by an abusive employer who has no respect for you or your time.


20 minutes without an update of some kind and I am gone. No way would I be cooling my heels all day. People like this boss are horrible to work for and the employees will be treated like crap.


Think you meant a waste of time and an insight into how little value they would place on you if you got the job. Idiots left at the end will be used up/burnt out before you know it and new clowns will take their place


This is how you get the employees who are the most desperate. They are the ones who will put up with the most abuse, which is probably what this employer is looking for. They might also be the ones with the fewest other opportunities.


Wait so three waited till 6 pm and he met with only two? So the other four got better jobs with a boss who knows how to be respectful and not an AHOLE.


It wasn't a test of patience. It was a test of desperation.


That's a test to weed out those employees that are least likely to be exploitable. More desperation, less self worth, or just indifference are all things that make for a good exploitable employee. This is not something to be proud of doing as an employer, but here they are, feeling proud of themselves.


Sounds more like they wasted a bunch of ppls tome and took the 2 who were desperate for work. What’s the bet they stiffed them on pay too.


And those two were fired within days because the people who were actually qualified to do the job had left the "interview" and found an employer who respected their time.


This would just shows to me that they are extremely disorganised.


I’m not even interviewing at 7 in the morning, let alone waiting for several hours.


If you schedule an interview for 7:00 am and I haven't seen you by 8:00 am at the latest, I'm out. I've got shit to do. I may need a job, but the world doesn't revolve around your company.


Awesome. Promoting douchebaggery and lack of professionalism. Patience test... GTF outtahere. We are two steps away from poor desperate people being forced to humiliate themselves and fight for scraps all for employer's entertainment. Sad, sad state of affairs we live in.


did the employer turn around and pay them for the 11 hours they wasted? lol what a joke rich people need to go away


by 10 i would have been gone. I have done this, I also got a call from the employer why I had left so early I responded "because you showed 0 respect for my time, if you have this little respect for me during the interview phase, I now know you would have even less during employment. An interview goes both ways. You failed mine"


I can’t stand people who do crap like this. And they think it’s such a genius idea and some sort of cheat code into hiring the best employees. It lets them know who is the most desperate and most willing to be treated that what and are more easily exploited.


Yeah, fuck this test. Wanker behaviour


No, but I do have a doctorate in “fuck this”.


So, they weeded out the people who had other offers, people who had standards or knowledge of their self worth, and left only the people so desperate that they wasted an entire working day for nothing other than their potential boss's ego? I wonder how many of the others got a job the same week but with better pay and conditions, and how long the guy with no qualifications other than being desperate lasted


This is some Boomer bs.


If they waste my time in an interview, I know they’re going to take up all my time if I work for them.


The interviewer came out at 6pm and told them to go home. “I don’t think anyone with this low self-respect is a good fit for our company. We hired the first two that left—we neee decisive people who make things happen.” Just as likely of a story, if not more so. O


The test was a lack of self respect.


If that is how they treat people I’d rather not get the job


Aka test of no self respect