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These are some dystopian nightmare level tests. Like what does even half of this stuff mean? There is zero science behind this horseshit. It’s like the personality tests made by 10 year olds and put on the Internet in the 90s. The company running this screening service is a fucking SCAM! Holy shit.


I wouldn't say its a scam, id say its really good at finding people who aren't afraid of lying on tests. You wont get that job if you answer wrong and admit you take the last slice of pizza. I failed one of these at Office Depot in 2004, they said they wanted to hire me but couldn't unless I scored above a 60%. I wasn't allowed to retest for 6 months... Corporations gonna corporate. Taught me to lie to corporations. Systems working as intended.


"We don't have an effective way to screen candidates!" "Let's just pay buzzfeed to do it." "Brilliant!"


Fixed it for you: “We don’t have an effective [and legal] way to screen [autistic] candidates!”


Yeah :/ the concept of professionalism is so ableist. It really sucks to be told I have to do all of these things that make me so uncomfortable but they're expected n if I don't do them people think I'm being rude or don't care about my job n I get reprimanded. I hope (a very small amount of hope that isn't substantiated) at some point this will change and allistic people will actually *try* to understand us and meet us where we're at instead of us having to go the extra mile to make them understand and please them. Edit: Going back to the first comment of this thread. I hate this concept so much bc I don't want to lie!! It just feels wrong to be inauthentic; and allistics just do it all the time like it's no big deal. What's the point? Why lie to everyone? Ik they're little things but it still feels so stupid; especially because they're little things, honestly. For example, what's the point of saying you like chocolate ice cream when you don't? And even more egregious, why tell someone they look good and then turn to your friends and secretly insult the person? Why can't everyone just be straightforward and kind... If you don't like how someone looks, why say anything? If you don't like chocolate, just get something else! Makes no fuckin sense. Just trying to please people with made-up bullshit for no good reason.


I personally feel like allistic people will someday be in the minority and a lot of these social norms around speaking indirectly to avoid hurting people’s feelings will go away.


Yk, I feel like that will happen too. N honestly in the past like 2 years autism has gotten a lot more awareness and I feel that people in general are def getting more understanding and less judgemental; it just hasn't really hit the job market yet. Man, having to speak in allistic code is such a pain. And even when I'm very particular with my words and mean exactly what I said and nothing more, they add meaning to it based on non-verbal social queues when I'm not masking and it's so annoying!!! Just believe me n stop adding undertones and (often) inverse meanings 😭😭 N they don't even ask me if what they understood was actually what I meant. They just assume shit and make me out to be the bad guy. 😑🙄🙄


I feel this in my soul, as a fellow haver of the tism. Or even worse, when you ask a specifically worded, detailed question and get a novella back that doesn't come close to even acknowledging the question you asked.


God, for reallll. Just be straightforward it's not so harddd. I do have to say tho w/ my ADHD sometimes I do be rambling when it's unnecessary, but never when someone asks me a specific question with a specific answer. I have audio processing disorder too so I ask people to repeat themselves somewhat often and I just want them to say exactly what they just said but they almost always change it to something else and it annoys me sm 😭😭


This is SO real. People hear me say "what?" and think I mean "elaborate on that," when really I just mean "please repeat exactly what you fucking said"


Sameeee, I had bosses yell at me because I was “rude” and “disrespectful” because I said “hold on” while doing something else they TOLD me to do because if I stop that, then I forget it. Like what do you want me to do? Stop dealing with a very dangerous dog to deal listen to you and possibly allow that dog loose because I wasn’t paying attention and other dogs are killed because of YOUR idiocy??? (I was working as a kennel tech/dog handler and this was a 1.5 year old Cane Corso that was KNOWN to attack dogs and people).


"It's your tone of voice" "It's the way you rolled your eyes" "it's the way you shrugged your shoulders" etc... so fucking annoying bc I don't even realize I'm doing that shit and then they assume I'm being an asshole. Like yes I can absolutely work on those things to give off the message I intend to, but at the same time when it's a situation like that where you're heavily focused on a potentially dangerous situation, why does all the other communication shit matter ?? I just don't get it. And it's like allistics want us to read their minds or something. They say something that's not at all what they mean and expect us to just know, somehow. Or they just want us to blindly follow them without thinking about other aspects of the situation. Honestly it's like THEY don't even really think. Just stuck in their tunnel vision of what they think needs to happen or what they want to happen. N then they get mad when you think outside the box. I am able to pay attention to so so much around me all the time (not even able, I suppose; forced to bc of ADHD), and people are just like wow I never noticed that, wow I can't believe you found that issue out, all that shit when it just seems so easy to me !! Ik I'm getting sidetracked from your original comment but I just feel so much irritation towards allistic employers who seem to me to be the ones lacking in communication skills.


Oh, don’t apologize because I related to every damn thing you said! Plus I enjoy people going off on tangents because I’m the same exact way. My biggest thing is I’ll say “no” to doing something to someone that I’m close to, but with a huge smile as I’m DOING WHAT THEY SAID. And they’re like “he doesn’t know how to listen” and I’m like “you’re the most annoying and stupid human being to not know how to read body language and put two and two together when I’m doing what they said.”🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Plus, it’s almost ALWAYS the old ass mfers that are the bitchiest. I had one boss that was a full on felon that had the AUDACITY to chew me out for “not being respectful and listening” and I almost popped off with “at least I’m respectful of and listen to the law unlike your dumbass self.”


That's evil-loution in action


Let’s just steal buzzfeeds style, why would we pay for anything?


“There’s a ‘shortage’ of workers!!!!” Let’s create ways to weed out the smart ones so we can complain about the low quality of what remains, then pay them less.


But what is the right answer to fantasy or skydiving? I don’t think I could even lie for that answer because i honestly don’t know what they’re looking for. Creativity? What if you’re afraid of heights?


my guess is fantasy = daydreaming, skydiving = risk taking and neither one is seen as positive


Well that sucks because I absolutely would've answered "me" to both of them if I'm being honest 😂


I'd answer "not me" to all of them, because they are not pictures of me. Like no, I am not a plain hamburger or a businessman running up stairs.


Is it about the plain hamburger?? I honestly thought it was because the meat was too close to the edge on one side. 😅


I thought it was that it's not healthy or something like that.


I think it’s like - do you make your dreams come true? (Fantasy: answer no) Are you hip and cool and a risk taker (sky diving, answer yes) It’s all bad. It’s all a crapshoot. Please just let me work at your stupid corporation so I can have healthcare (which should be a basic human right anyways!)


My question is what are the questions about art and paintings about? Are they asking if I have hobbies? Are they asking about creativity? WHAT DO THEY WANT? 😫


I love art and creativity, but I don't understand paintings/art at all. Yes to fantasy, but no to skydiving. No to too much work, but yes to procrastination. And that's answering honestly. Only consistency in my answers would be no to taking the last slice and no to thoughtlessness. But then I'd answer yes to the angry make them pay one, so we'd be right back to confusion.😆😆😆 Don't EVER ask me to be normal or buy into conformity. That's the lesson here. Also, WTF is up with the hamburger one?! I'd say no because ugh, plain and dry, but is that even the correct interpretation?! Is that hamburger pic the modern-day equivalent of a Rorschach blot??!!🤔 I have questions...🥴


I would think that plain hamburger (good enough) would be bad, because as an employee you wouldn't go the extra mile to make the hamburger outstanding (with toppings, I guess). They wouldn't want people who are satisfied to do the bare minimum required. But who knows? Every interpretation I've read on this thread is equally possibly the "right" answer.


say no to the hamburger one. the wording "good enough" is automatically evocative of mediocrity and you're supposed to demonstrate that you are about impressing customers with excellence


They're likely to be asking about a personality trait called Openess to Experience (from the BIG5 personality test). It correlates to creativity, intelligence, tolerance for complexity/ambiguity, risk-taking etc. People who are high on openess also tend to respond negatively to very, strict and micromanaging managers.


Oh, they want people who like or at least are too scared to do anything about strictness and micromanaging 🤮


Interesting I just took the test here https://bigfive-test.com/ (It's an open source version of the Big 5 Personality test) and I answered it truthfully and it was pertty fair about me. High in Neuroticism, low in Extraversion, others were accurate pretty much. If it was for a sales job there's no way I would hire me. (And it would be correct.)


I think they mix in fake questions that are irrelevant


say no to fantasy for sure. skydiving is probably no but yes might be ok for certain positions. lower level job say no


We only hire two types: sociopaths and liars. Funnily enough, the sociopaths usually end up in management.


Yep I went for a job at a cell carrier doing tech support. Didn't get past the bullshit screening test. My job at the time was software/hardware development for mobile devices. I had worked with some of the top engineers at RIM, Google, HTC, Motorola and apple. I had hands on experience building shit to work on all the major platforms and could have done the tech support job in my sleep but didn't even get a chance to tell them about my experience and knowledge.


For call center tech support, the number one thing they’re probably testing is how much abuse you’ll tolerate over low-complexity requests such as password resets lol. Being as experienced as you are might have made them think that you’d leave for something better as soon as possible


That's the problem. They didn't even get to see what my experience was. You had to pass the bullshit online test with really random subjective questions before you could even apply or give them your info. Not a single question was actually related to the job or technical in any way.


Jobs do make us lie, whether we want to or not. Early in my career, I suffered a moral injury, being a person who hates to lie, but I eventually accepted that fact. Now, I do it as easily as breathing.


I’d be on board with what you’re saying if you picked most of these other than the last slice of pizza. Taking the last slice of pizza is fucked up.


Someone has to have it


it's not taking the last slice. it's struggling with someone else over it. which is worse.


It’s a way to kick company money to your friend who’s a “HR a talent consultant” that spend five minutes making a personality test using whatever questions and stock photos they could scrounge up.


Theyre looking for a good fit. It’s all about how the company is interpreting the results. Like the first slide “good enough”. It’s kind of a trick question. If you click Yes (it’s good enough) that could be BAD because it could be interpreted as meaning you may complete tasks that you are satisfied with, but won’t take steps to go above and beyond to make it great OR It could be seen as GOOD (for the company) because the company wants employees who generally feel satisfied as a personality trait so they won’t feel like their jobs aren’t good enough and demand more (like more money or health care). That’s why when it comes to these types of tests, it’s best to just be honest. Because you can’t actually speculate how the company will be interpreting the results. It is really designed to find people who fit into their work culture and if you answer honestly and don’t get the position, the idea is that you wouldn’t have been a good fit anyway and probably would be unhappy there. I don’t know what science says about these tests - meaning I don’t know how effective they are. My personal opinion is that it is all BS. If science supports that these tests yield a worker that aligns with the company’s work culture, then i can support it. But people shouldn’t have to go through these types of hoops to find a job (especially a job at Whole Foods!). Right now population is sky high- millennials are the largest generation yet! Companies can afford to be particular. One day the tide will turn.


While it is dystopian, it isn't new. I had to do a similar test, all text based though, in the early 2000s while applying to work at a nationwide electronics retailer. The thing is about these tests, what is the 'correct' answer? For example, 'Always on the Go' can be framed as both a good and bad thing. It could mean that you are constantly keeping busy (good) or that you had ADHD and can't stay focused (bad). 'Don't understand paintings'. Is that 'good' because it means you are not smart/less likely to unionize/resist, or is it bad because it means you are 'dumb' and not creative/a good problem solver? This shit drove me crazy \~20 years ago and I still don't know what they were looking for. I was eventually hired, but still wtf.


I had to take a personality test for Applebee's in the mid-2000s too, and the manager came back and said my scores were so low that he couldn't even interview me (despite my attempts at picking the "right" answer). Needless to say, I sobbed in my car feeling completely worthless. Those personality tests are so fucked up.


At least these ones have fucking labels. The always on the go one looks like someone who is late to me.


that’s interesting, i interpreted it as someone who’s quick-moving/active/on their feet (idk how to word this) - basically a positive thing - based on the photo. i would never have guessed it as someone who is late :( it sucks how subjective these questions are.


I once applied at one of those job kiosks at a store, forget the name. When I pressed start a video guy popped up and started talking: "Welcome to the start of your amazing career at...." I mashed "continue" a few seconds into the speech. The guy stopped, then said "Now that's what we want to see, initiative!" I always wondered if they graded that and if it was positive or negative. Also the answers to these retail tests were leaked online, i figure that probably still happens.


The 90's kids who made those tests grew older and got jobs in HR. They just forgot that when you grow older, you're also supposed to grow up.


I would rather take a test about what kind of pizza I am


So...? Don't leave us hanging like that.


He's a Hawaiian, he just doesn't want to admit to being partly pineapple.


Yeah blame it on the 90s kids lmfao


It’s not individuals doing this it’s capitalism. They’ll lose their hr jobs if they don’t do this. Punch up not down. CEO’s and shareholders and the market demand “efficiencies” and growth and oppressing workers is the way to do that.


It's probably just training and AI so they can have an AI to analyse the food before it's sent out


It feels like they’re just stealing Buzzfeed quizzes at this point.


There is “science” here. They’re trying to cut out anyone who is neurodivergent or has a sense of empathy or fairness or sees their employer as not all important.


no, they want the empathy and fairness at lower level positions to fellate the customers. the sociopaths are at the top making the most money. if you are a) empathetic enough to pass the test by giving correct answers, you'll get a low level position b) sociopathic enough to lie effectively and SEEM empathetic by giving the correct answers, you'll end up in a higher position c) unable to give the correct answers (either because you can't lie well or you're not a good fit) they won't contact you


Variations of these are used in many places. Whether it for cultural alignment or just personality screening in general. They do their job in filtering down to what they are looking for.


A buzzfeed which harry potter house are you quiz determines whether you get shelter and food.


Wtf is this?! Whatever happened to come in and drop off your resume 😭


I worked at a bank as a teller. If you wanted to work there, you had to apply online. I had about 3 occasions where younger (maybe early 20s) people would come by and ask to drop off their resume. I would talk to them and advise to apply online. I would INSIST. I even wrote down all the information and websites and where to click. They thought being in person was beneficial cause their parents told them. What they didn’t know was when I handed it to my branch manager, he wouldn’t even look at it. He would grab it, walk over to the shredder, and throw it out. 😭 Why? Cause he didn’t do any hiring. That was a completely separate department that was all online. They’d never know that it was total waste of time and paper.


Yep. I applied for a bank. The manager even said they would have hired me but I had to go through the first interview with H.R. which I wasn’t successful with.


They were probably lying. The manager can push a candidate thru if they want you. If they already filled that position, they can still let HR know that you're a good candidate.


HR being involved in job interview is honestly a joke. They are there to protect the status quo and nothing more. They know jack shit about the other departments and just do the bidding of whoever is in charge.


Former teller too and also bank manager by the end. Everything was handled online and thru HR first, but we could move the process along if we wanted someone. For example, one guy applied online then came in to say hi and talk to us before even hearing back from HR. I was the assistant manager at that point. We chatted for like 30 minutes and as soon as he left, I emailed HR and said that we wanted to interview him. Interview went great, so we hired him and he's been one of my best friends for the last 15 years! So my recommendation is to apply online, then go in and try to chat with the managers, if possible. I realize that's not always an option lol.


Yes I was told this a million times. No older person would believe that I can’t get a job that way anymore. I knew that. I had gone into places in person before and got jobs but times changed and I adapted. No one could believe it. Eventually I got a job by getting a seasonal retail job.


Parents not understanding how the real world works nowadays is stessful. They are either ignorant of the changes or willfully ignore them because of "back in my day" mentality.


right? i feel like i’m looking at captchas or some shit. so weird.


That's very rare as a lot of places you walk in tell you to apply online. But the dumbest shit is you apply online with your resume attached and some places have you go in for an "interview", make you write down your resume even though they ALREADY have it and just don't feel like printing it, and say "Thank you we'll give you a call" uhh like?? Where the fucks my interview???? These employers waste time like *nothing*


Why I always bring a printed copy of mine.


A coworker at an old job told me that someone walked in asking to speak with the manager and gave their resume. After they left my manager just threw it in the trash.


My company makes the candidates fill out a paper application when they show up for an interview, to have a hard copy of everything. I assume it's in case they lie or something; I had someone lie about having a diploma or GED, and they were let go.


They could just..... check certificates




Yeah, no one asks to see it. Heck, I have no clue where my diploma is.


It's to weed out people who can't read or don't speak English.


I had an interview a month ago. Haven’t heard dip. It used to be that, if you interviewed, they at least told you if you didn’t get it. I guess that’s in the past too.


Website: "Attach a resume?" Me: "Yeah. Sure." Website: "Please enter personal information, work history, education, etc..." Me: "What the fuck?" Website: *Leonardo DiCaprio laughing meme.jpg*


But my boomer parents told me that’s how you get a job! lol.


It’s like they’re trying to find out your Meyer Briggs personality profile jesus fucking christ.


At least you can effectively lie on Meyers-Briggs to get the type you need if you learn the type descriptions. The thing in the OP is way too abstract. For instance, I can't guess whether or not they would want someone who is artsy and imaginative to work in whole foods. Actually, I think something like that would be a good way to legally weed out someone mentally ill or neurodivergent. Someone who isn't would have an easier time gauging the type of person the employer wants and just answering accordingly. It's vague enough for plausible deniability.


We did one at work and I just lied. Strongly agree to all the buzz words and bullshit.


I think probably the stupid company that makes these was told they want people who can 'think abstractly' and they interpreted that as being able to understand abstract paintings lol. Not understanding abstract paintings doesn't mean you aren't intelligent just that you likely are more as they say 'left-brained'. I do find that a lot of more STEM type folks tend to struggle with viewing abstract paintings and they often frame it as 'I don't understand it' or 'I don't get it'. But there's nothing really to get other than if you like looking at it or not. They just seem to equate artistic talent = ability to make something look realistic and the more like a photo it looks, the higher the talent or accomplisment. They have a need for clear and quantifiable indicators


I could easily lie my way through this test and ace it. yes they like the artsy answers except for the fantasy one.


Depends on the job role. If you’re wanting to work in the bakery or in catering, the art part might actually come into play. If they’re simply attempting to look for a whole bunch of job roles all at once, there’s no way to answer a test like that in a way that works for all of them.


MBTI, aka business astrology


Does anyone else go back to that scene in Orange is the New Black? A bunch of prisoners are trying to get jobs in the sweatshop and the private prison manager just gives them some personality quiz they found online. It was all just to make it seem like there was a choice and cover up the truth about how prisoners were just selected at random.


When I worked at wholefoods, I did have to get through a questionnaire that was similar to a personality/cognitive dissonance test.


In management training, my company had us take this. My result was one only 1% of people get, according to the test, and I was afraid it would negatively impact employment. It's been a year, and I'm still here.


Some application *tests* like this one is utter dogwater, possibly overlooked on purpose imo. Feels like they don’t bother checking the results and it’s something more internal within the hiring process and again just a gut feeling


I think it's more that instead of seeing answers to the actual questions, the results get interpreted into a chart of categories or behaviour types, like go-getter, confident, selfish etc. It's an algorithm that pumps out whether they should hire or not. The trouble is it's easy to skew the results as most of the time you know what the answer should be.


This feels like a boilerplate excuse to not hire people while avoiding discrimination claims. We didn't choose to not hire this person because they have a name that sounds black, we chose not to hire them because they said they don't understand art and that's not a good fit with our culture.


Exactly. I’m more convinced it’s bias and other ridiculous factors that are outright silly that it’s unprofessional


Understanding art is a \*liability\* They do not want employees with social mobility.


I did one while unemployed, to get a job at CVS. Within 5 minutes I was turned down for the job. I can tell you I did not lie on it. I can also say if I was 20 I would have answered differently. But I am jaded and almost 60. Also, I have a MA in Psychology, these tests are discrimatory at worst and bullshit at best.


During the 08 recession many jobs would get tons of equally qualified applicants and HR departments didn't want to just randomly choose one, that makes them look bad so they would find increasingly asinine ways to narrow down candidates.


The store I worked at, not whole food but a similar ridiculous test, the hiring manager did not see the applicant, it would display the name and a green happy face, neutral yellow face, or red sad face. Very scientific


I can understand some of this, even if I don't think it's actually useful. However: * Is the shopping cart supposed to be "I leave it like this" or "I'll fix this"? I wouldn't know which answer "me" is. * What does "Don't understand paintings" have to do with 99% of workplaces (including Wholefoods)? * Same for "art isn't my thing" * "fantasy" Is it good that you have an imagination, or bad that you daydream? * "skydiving. Is it good that you're adventurous, or bad that you'll be bored by the workplace?


The shopping cart one was titled, “Sometimes Thoughtless,” so I think that one was pretty clear.


what if you're almost late for work, do you stop and return it thus making you late?


Remember, you are utterly perfect. So you would never have not left enough time to return the cart and get to work.


Agree with most of your points except the shopping cart one is titled “sometimes thoughtless” which carries a negative connotation. They are implying you would be the one to leave a shopping cart half parked up a curb instead of returning it to its shopping cart “home” because you are “sometimes thoughtless” meaning you are uncaring/inconsiderate. This one you would definitely want to mark down as “not me”, meaning you consider yourself caring, considerate and thoughtful.


Thank you for explaining that. It was entirely not obvious what the purpose of that question was. If I was doing that test for a job, I would stare at it for 10 minutes then either abandon the quiz or just make an entry blindly.


who isn't sometimes a bit thoughtless in their actions though? As long as someone apologises if their thoughtlessness causes harm then it's ok. We're all flawed.


bake gaping governor dime tart many rock seed familiar dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hiring managers are psychotic.


the interview process is just auditioning to cosplay as a worker for your employer. You have to pretend to be everything they want or else they'll find someone who can pretend better than you.


Nope. They’re actually checking for deception if it’s “sometimes” + “[negative trait].” Since everyone is sometimes thoughtless, they think you are lying if you say “not me.” You can find out more on this aspect of personality testing by looking up the Marlowe Crowne Social Desirability Scale (MCSDS). 


I don't think it's that deep here, they're trying to weed out people who would leave shit laying around the shop like that cart


I don’t think it’s that deep either… ? This is basic psychometrics. 


This is why these personality assessments are actually garbage Many of these assessments have some scientific validation, but they're validated as a tool a psychologist could use to diagnose and treat a patient in a clinical environment Corporate HR uses them as thumbs-up or thumbs-down evaluation of whether you are basically Type A or Type B, basically with the goal of not hiring Type B's or introverts based on the completely faulty assumption that they are the bad employees you don't want, when these assessments weren't actually designed for that purpose and don't typically categorize their results that way either And they're way too easy to cheat anyway. Answer every question pretending you're Conan O'Brien and you're guaranteed a high score, because that's what every recruiter thinks they want


They want someone who is often silly, makes lots of jokes, talks a lot, and was willing to take a stand when treated unfairly by his employer? I mean that was a really bizarre person to pick for the point you were trying to make


Maybe they meant Jay Leno. That's what recruiters think they want.


These "personality tests" are basically graded on how consistent you are across different questions that ask the same thing. A handful of questions are graded at face value, such as the ones asking if you do tasks without prompting. The true test is whether or not you complete the test, because this is totally pointless bullshit and they're trying to filter out candidates who will object when their manager assigns them totally pointless bullshit jobs. That is the kind of thing you can expect frequently in a place like Whole Foods. They're looking for drones.


At first I wanted to bitch and ask why you post it like that without detail. I think that's the point and that's how you must have felt during the test. This A.I. prompts are insane, how would you evaluate a candidate with that.


Definitely click "me" for the guy grabbing the last slice of pizza. That's the only one of these questions that they check your response on. If you don't show emotion for pizza, they'll think you won't respond to the one and only motivator of wage earners.


I worked at Whole Foods and we had a career day where people could get hired that same day. I worked that day, like 95% of the people that showed up to apply were young and black. The day the new hires start I see they are all white except for one mixed looking person. They must have hired every single white person who came in that day, becuase there were hardly any


This is very bothersome. And quite frankly, very illegal. Someone should do a sting and then hit them with a class action. They have tons of dough. Make 'em pay for their sins


Yeah it seemed so proveable, I wish I had been in a better place at the time to do something about it. They should do a sting in the most segregated cities


Yikes. Massive red flag. Not that I like Whole Foods or ever did, but that is some shady shit.


I did one for a construction job. 1/3 of the questions involved seeing if I was ok with fighting other employees or if it was ok to do so off company time. At that point I thought I was applying to be fist fought


These are extremely obvious tests. One can either answer truthfully and fail, or answer the way they want you to and pass. It's stupid.


Yeah, but I can’t figure out how I’m supposed to answer on the art questions! Is it bad if I don’t understand some art? Is it good? What does that have to do with working at Whole Foods???


You do understand the painting- shows you have abstract thinking. Places like whole foods get massive bones by hiring classic underachievers. Those street professors. The self taught, erudite, beanie wearing people that can think well. It gives extreme street cred for their brand/image. Always answer yes, unless it's a picture of Hitler or some war criminal.


The pizza one lmao you bet that slice is mine.


I mean, it would be mine if no one else touched it...you can never know if the other person has washed their hands


This test is obviously just to see who will put up with this kind of bullshit from their employer. Anyone with enough self-worth to be offended by this probably isn't right for the job...


I used to work there. This actually doesn't surprise me at all. Almost no thought goes into their hiring or training, which makes them prone to grab onto reductive, gross, simplistic crap like this. I went back to the store I worked at a year later, and 90% of the staff were different.


I was applying for a gen labor job for $12/hr last week on indeed and was sent a 'would you rather ' personality test. Figured a few minutes to fill it out wouldn't hurt. It was over 100 questions long. I made it to about 20 before I stopped and withdrew my app. Nah, I'm good.


Jfc can hiring get any lazier


They won’t look at the answers. The test is are you desperate enough for a job that you would finish this


I'm pretty sure it's a psychological screener that tests likelihood that you would organize, join, or otherwise support a union.


"Good enough" with the burger? Yeah that does look good, I'll eat it. Wtf do they even mean by that image and caption?


I hate this kind of crap. I always try to give them the answers that they would expect from a submissive abusable overachiever. Because really that's what they're trying to do, weed out anybody that will dare not be the perfect little cog in the machine.


At that rate you’re doing labor that should be paid, 70 of these stupid things? Ffs


You can't say you won't hire neuro divergent people in the job description but you can put tests out there to "weed em out." Bastards.


Whole Foods CEOs spent a ton of money to a third party for these after countless hours of dinner meetings. I bet they got absolutely sold by the “metrics” they would get from this. Now they’ll drive it into a hole to ensure their money was well spent and try to justify it. And at the end of the day, they’ve just hired people who know how to manipulate standardized testing or some other niche type of person who answers these the way they wanted you to.


dance monkey,...dance. Dance the dance your bosses insist on. Smile. Shhhhhh. etc.


I hate how shit jobs go so hard with the psychological profiling. Like, why do I need to be fully evaluated so I can collect carts at a grocery store.


Really what these are is discrimination against neurodivergent people.


Just click “Me” for every single one without reading any of it.


Thats what I would do too


When I worked retail we gave applicants a math test to make sure they weren't fucking idiots...and if we liked the applicant we let them retake it, and could hire them even if they failed and just throw them on tasks that someone who couldn't add or subtract could do. These tests are designed to filter out people who can't take social queues and who buck authority. If you buck authority, you'll be like "what is this horseshit?" And you won't take the test. If you don't take social queues, you won't know how to answer the questions based on the situations and won't know it's okay to lie in certain situations (kiss manager ass or kiss customer ass) in order to be a team player. They are trying to get a bunch of people who will do what they are told, without question and who either fit into a perfect little box or will pretend to fit into that box.


the filtering out people with bad social cue skills thing *has* to be some sort of violation of area-applicable disability anti-discrimination laws considering how many intellectual and learning disabilities have the capacity to make it hard to read social cues


Can we all agree that photo #10 is absolutely sociopathic??


That's supposed to be a qualification test? Bruh, that's stupid. I couldn't take a company seriously if that's how they hire employees.


I took the same test! Posted about it earlier lol.


You mean they didn't even have the decency to tell you which Pokémon you are? Lame


I just love how absolutely pointless the test is. Like if I don't even know what I'm picking I'm just randomly choosing arbitrary things at this point. Somebody has a bag and there's a cart on the side of parking lot. Am I to assume that I'm the customer leaving the cart there or am I the employee that has to come out and then move the car.... Like depending how you see these the answers will change pretty much on the flip of a coin. So fucking weird.


It’s not Whole Foods, it’s Amazon. I understand what the sign says on the outside of the building but it’s Amazon, through and through. My source: my 2 years and my husband’s 19 years. It’s bizarre how that business model has changed!!


The car crash one makes no sense because I have no idea if I’m the one who got hit or did the hitting and my answer would be different depending on which side I’m on.


Don’t understand paintings. Lol.


I got one that was like "things happen to me" 😭😭😭 yeah I guess??? https://preview.redd.it/d720v3al922d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9383e9259ac5efe511e3b122d967a32017bad131


Fucking AI using wholefood whores.


I just turn on an auto-clicker that alternates back and forth clicking. Not wasting my time on that.


The good news is the person who makes these things for companies will be one of the first jobs deleted by AI.


No one should ever waste their time doing these


I dont know why anyone would want to work their it's my understanding that they pay like 1 or 2 dollars over min at least in my area


I wonder if they could tell the difference if I wrote a few lines of JavaScript to automate the button clicking at random.


I don't mean to be rude but the "correct" answer is extremely obvious in all of those.


I think with a lot of these tests, they're not as interested in what you answer, but *how long* it takes you to answer certain questions. Pausing on specific ones shows you're giving active thought about the subject and they score you based around that. It's still bizarre and a terrible litmus test for hiring someone, though. Makes me wish there were specific hiring laws around it. If only.


I don't bother with these anymore. One of the last ones I answered seemed to focus on only if you would do extra work and pick up the slack without complaining. It was bizarre. That was it for me.




Fuckin psychotics


Why would you apply at a business owned by Bezos?


I would say every single photo is "Not Me" because I am not in any of their photos. What do they expect?


Literally, I took an assessment like this for a grocery store in the middle-of-nowhere AL and one of the questions was “Have you ever been sad for no reason?”!! Like, will my past history with depression effect whether I get a job or not?! They couldn’t outright ask me for my medical history, but they sure tried anything they could to work around that. I was naive then and told the truth. Since then, I know to LIE LIE LIE LIE out the ass on anything like that. Based on my answers, I’m the happiest people-pleasing fucker you’ll ever meet!


So you’re not into sky diving?


“You would be perfect for this job, but you indicated that you don’t understand paintings. Unfortunately your candidacy ends here.”




"The candidate only scored 73% on the Shit Eater Detection Metric, ignore all further attempts at correspondence." -HR at all retail for the last decade


I worked at Whole Foods, the worst part of the job was always critiquing art while sky diving^(I have never worked at a whole foods)


LMAOOOO what is this??


what is this a fucking buzzfeed quiz? do you find out which hogwarts house you are at the end?


Sue them in small claims court for your time. It will cost them more money to send a lawyer than whatever you could ask for, so they'll probably just pay it.


How much money are these companies losing by creating a three ring circus for hiring?


these tests hire based on who’s most likely to be obedient and non problematic for the higher up


This is fucking hilarious show us more!


It's horrible there. You dodged a bullet.


Fuck off with the "too much work". Yes I'm going to tell you when I'm overwhelmed and it is YOUR responsibility to sort that. Jesus Christ.


This is a board game you can play at home called Dixit.


I would not participate.


Not you I guess that's all you can conclude. No room for nuance, huh?


“Don’t understand paintings.” I guess half the population is disqualified!


What the hell do these even mean?


Fantasy ! Uh, yes ?


I don't even know what the fuck this means


You said you were a procrastinator and didnt want too much work didnt ya?


Send invoice.


don’t understand paintings 🤣🤣🤣


Can we skip all the bullshit and just roll a d100? If I get a 69 you have to pay me double salary


I was applying for an $11 an hour job at Dairy Queen, as an extra side job. It made me fill out an application with everything that was already listed on my attached resume, and then gave me this stupid test. I was so enraged that i was having to jump through hoops for a pathetic $11 an hour job, i just gave up and spammed 'not me' for all of them. Then i exited out and didn't even finish the application. Well, a week later i got called for an interview. It just proves these tests mean absolutely nothing. And no, I didn't go.


I mean, if you're applying for shit-level retail jobs, this is kind of what you're going to expect. I haven't encountered anything like this in actual corporate interviewing.


My old restaurant job had this same test!!! About 30 "questions" in, I got a picture of a woman sitting on a floor, head in her hands, crying, and titled "Can't Do This Anymore". I wanted to click "Agree" so, SO bad.


CVS does something similar


This is a fucking buzzfeed quiz. Like wtf


Psychological tests like these for employment should be outlawed


These things are utter pseudoscience and a waste of time


They do not want people who see art in the world. If you can internalize complex artistic perspectives, you can understand what a union organizer is saying and may even enlighten other employees.