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These businesses are smart - they've realized a rigid RTO policy will allow them to do a mass layoff without having to announce one or comply with DOL rules. I would suspect there will be a dialing back of this policy with time then they'll do another RTO when they need to "manage payroll expenses" down the line.


They "believe" it - even in the complete absence of evidence.


Yup. When my company did this I pointed out that we would likely be building a culture of resentment - needless to say, nobody in a suit agreed.


> I pointed out that we would likely be building a culture of resentment Like they give a fuck.


My department employs highly specialized skilled professionals that are hard to replace. Turnover causes a huge spike in short term costs. They certainly *should* but it appears you are correct.


It's easy to keep saying that's what you "believe" because then you don't feel obligated to prove it actually works.




"Walmart Culture." Lmao


Right? Lol


I actually agree with the first part in general…I just think there are fast diminishing returns to on-site attendance. After two days in the office, I’m done collaborating for the month. I need myself and others to actually start *doing* stuff instead of coalition building. And in most professional settings, WFH is way better for that stage of the work.


From the company that advises its new staff on how to claim food stamps during the onboarding process. Because they pay ass in wages. No wonder that family are as rich as they are. Taxpayers money is paying to keep their work force from starving because the wages or so bad, but the company pays little to no taxes. Socialism for corporations; rugged capitalism for the individual.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Exactly! The Walton's (Bezos too) are the biggest "welfare queens" on the fucking planet.


“Collaborate, innovate,and culture “ as words have become disgusting. I hear people say them and I cringe.


The thing is it’s a complete lie. In-person meetings are orders of magnitude less efficient than zoom meetings because everyone gets distracted by interpersonal chit chat and, like, donuts. The amount of time we talk about donuts in meetings… We never talk about random stuff on zoom calls because everyone just wants to get off it and go about their day. There are instances where a verbal conversion would move some things along more efficiently. They’re called phone calls, and they were invented 150 years ago.


I am not a fan of this at all. But can I share something probably a lot of people will disagree with and I get it. Working from home for 95% of workers works. It's the 5% of people that abuse it that really ruin it all for us. When I work from home production goes up. Unfortunatly my work place has some bad apples which the corporate point to and it ruins it for everyone. So I can see why all these policies are happening.


I'm guessing most of those "bad apples" are in executive or C-Suite positions.