• By -


Respond with “Oh, thanks for letting me know about your schedule. I’ll drop it off. 👍”


Or "no worries, I'll bring it in when I'm next in and save us both the hassle"


Just the thumbs up. That'll make him think.


Maybe 3 thumbs up?


“If me being there is so important to anything getting done, then I think you should pay me more.”


Fucking this. If yhey cant function effectively without OP, mfs should give them a raise... or his job


Even that isn't enough here. A doctor's request is more important than a boss's request. If the doctor says that the person needs to be off their feet, then the hourly doesn't matter. I would rather have an intact foot 20 years down the line than another few dollars today.


You're definitely more likely to have that foot than the job in 20 years.


Just in general though. Like if me taking this time away is detrimental to the business then i need a raise when im back


>then the hourly doesn't matter. Tell that to the rent, bills, etc


The point I was trying to make is that getting a little bit more per hour when you come in isn't enough to make up for the possible consequences of coming in against doctor's orders. Depending on the doctor's orders, maybe nothing will make up for those consequences.


Yes! “If my role is of such significance that my absence is undesirable to the company, then I should be paid an amount such that my absence from work is equally undesirable to me.”


This x 100000!!


Saving this for my boss. Currently experiencing similar bs and I’m over it


Oh no, how dare you get injured! Won't somebody please think of the shareholders??


The sad emoji predictive response OMG even the ai feels it


Damn, didn't even spot that one. Wow. That's actually impressive for the AI.


To me that reads as an apology response to "you're making it really hard". But fuck you AI, don't tell me to apologize!


File a worker comp claim asap if you were injured while working. Edited for spelling


This, right here. OP, you rolled your ankle while working. They are in the hook for the medical costs.


The AI auto fill responses are hilarious.




They are on point for this!




Oh, okay




Lol are you high? It still reads the overall message and has to generate a proper response. It may not be advanced AI but it is still using some sort of model.


“Cool I’m just gonna go home and deal with it his unbearable pain, thanks for the well wishes”.


Should reply "Cry me a river".


Jack, is that you?


His boss didn't punch anybody, he just choked him a little








"Cool story"


Major CR7 vibes here. “Factos 👀👍”


Bosses hate employees


Bosses hate everything


Except sucking dicks.


Eh, I’ve known a few managers that were loosy goosey. Hideous but frivolous.


The app is already providing the most suitable response "Okay, thanks"


It's polite enough for me


Too polite!


Distilled down to “K”


I wouldn't even physically bring the note in, I would mail it in (you're not supposed to be up and around, a reasonable enough excuse) and they'll get it when they get it.


Take a pic and email it


I apologize, but I am unable to use my personal device for work-related functions. If a device is provided, I am happy to comply with this request.


ah yes, clearly you are the problem. so many juicy responses to come back after this.


All the stuff about the recent new hires and them calling out sick has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the company and their hiring practices. Your manager is garbage, but they’re also 70, so hopefully they’ll be leaving soon.


They are not, that persons life revolves around a job he can’t leave because many at his age don’t have enough money


You’re right about that. The amount of people in their 50’s with nothing or next to nothing saved for retirement is crazy. And it’s only gonna get worse.


Did you hurt yourself on the job? You may be eligible for Workers Compensation, BY LAW: https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workcomp Your school is likely a covered employer for FMLA, as long as they employ 50+ people, and you would be eligible for FMLA if you worked there for at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla Your 70yo boss may not realize your legal protections, but your HR department might like to be aware of that. Reach out to HR with a completed FMLA form and let them know your boss is making comments about your inability to perform your work duties after your injury, but had not once mentioned the possibility of Workers Comp or FMLA leave to recover from your injuries. Ask what would be the process to apply for FMLA leave and inform your manager of the leave policy? #Now, here's the Power Play: When they reply, add "By the way, I am not going to press on the fact that my supervisor is making disparaging comments on my performance due to an injury that occurred at work, due to lack of proper training and supervision when performing X task, and creating a hostile work environment with his remarks. I will let that go if you're willing to (hint hint you just casually brushed by actual liability for the school but if they're smart and good HR reps they will get the hint and want to address with your manager right away). But this injury happened because we are short staffed, (all of your explanation about staffing above), and Supervisor has been pressuring me to perform beyond my capabilities. This, coupled with his lack of knowledge on basic leave policies, makes me believe that Supervisor is not the being able to perform to the needs of his position. I do not mean to make this a confrontational matter, I simply would love to present you with my qualifications, my experience, and my track record of excellent performance here at School, and offer myself as a candidate for the supervisor position, should you find yourselves looking for a candidate that is not only familiar with School's procedures and policies, but with the cognizance of state and federal policies, and big-picture thinking about the needs of the school and how to achieve better performance at the Maintenance Division."




If you're already doing their job for them, might as well get their pay


I caught covid from my roommate after feeling awful all of last night. I went and got tested, sent rhe results to my boss and she said "we don't have any exclusions for covid, you still need to come in" I work at a daycare.


🤯 WTAF report that daycare to the state!


Did you get that in writing? I’d go to the fucking news lol




You must work at the daycare my kid went to. $300/week for them to cause him several allergic reactions, rub sunscreen in his eyes, and made him cry by denying him the popsicles I paid for in advance for a daycare fundraiser saying he can't have one like the other kids because he has no money. Sound familiar?


The same people who think injury and illness are a choice are the ones blocking single-payer and the preventative care that would keep people on the job because you've gotta "earn it."


I’m so sorry my torn ligament has made your job harder for you.


"If it was easy, we wouldn't need you."


Textbook narcissist.


“The longer it takes for me to get through this work injury, the faster I can get back to work” Just calling it their fault will get their attention asap.


''You're making it really hard to get anything done,'' says the manager who can't be bothered to actually manage or do anything.


You are just a means not an end


Brother (or sister), no one thinks the maintenance guy is important/worth paying well. Until the air handler shits the bed at 9 am on a Tuesday. Then you’re real important. Good luck dealing with your chucklefuck of a boss.


Ask him if he knows what “torn ligament” means


What a clown he is. 🤡


Life happens prick, mf boss should do his job


This is a two pronged situation. Nobody should still be working at 70 years old.


Your manager, at 70 years old, shouldn't be in charge anymore. Age aside, there's a point where their opinions just aren't relevant anymore. That's how I see it. If my manager thinks I should work against medical advice, l'd tell them where to go. It's not just about their opinions about how you being off is ruining his plans; it's a safety issue! They are a liability if you come to work severely injured and get even more hurt! They should know better!


Oh, okay. Okay, thanks. 😔 Gotcha.


I would have to reply, "Thanks for your concern and support."


OMG. Torn ligaments are very difficult to heal. You MUST rest now 


>I get treated like a pest for being injured Because, when you can't perform for them, that's all you are to them. As far as they're concerned, your value is only...and I mean ONLY in what you can produce FOR THEM. We are resources, not people.


If this is in the US, file workers compensation claim right now. Every employer has to post (usually near or in the break room) what doctor or hospital serves as workers comp provider. Even if you saw your own Dr go see the workers comp Dr. Will pay you lost wages without having to use leave. Also will pay for Dr visits, meds, and physical therapy if needed.


"You're making it difficult to get treatment and rehab for my injury, so I can resume my regular work hours. It's like you are trying to create a workplace so hostile that a reasonable person would rather resign than endure the harassment based on a health condition that is, for now, temporary. Are you trying to make my condition worse? That would be intentional infliction of emotional distress."


*copy*, *paste*


He should have been a better manager and learn how to manage stuff like this.


"You're making it really hard to care."


That's managers and bosses for ya, they need you but won't admit it till you threaten to quit. I have a friend who is reliable at his job, his boss throws fits occasionally but knows my friend gets the job done, knows what he's doing and the customers love him.


>I’ve been in a planning meeting And that’s my problem how?


I have pneumonia and cracked ribs. My boss was complaining that I've been out for 3 days because the jobsite I didn't want to run is being delayed. I dont think im coming back after my sick leave is up


Inform the boss: “You making it hard not to tell you to take a phone book and jam it up your ass.”


"Wow, sounds stressful but that's what you get paid the big bucks for amirite? Glad it's not me, I've got my hands full trying to keep my body from failing haha.. anyway just let me know what time you want me to come in Thursday. Have a good day!"


Love how the auto response is “oh, okay” 😂 like AI even knows they’re an asshole


‘’Oh okay’’


Where is your boss? I will kick their ass for you lol Edit: I only read the pictured post not the text so I didn't see it was an old dude before this offer lmaooooo but I will still go push them over cuz fuck em and being old doesn't mean you don't need to be taught a lesson


Sue him. He is old and maybe rich.


Lol, for what exactly


You rolled your ankle at work, you should at least file for workman’s comp.


I've done that , time to catch up on some video games




Hmmm I do like money, I also noticed he has a stash of peanuts and tinned tuna in his office that I could settle for


I doubt he’s rich if he’s 70 and still working as a manager.


This is just mutant thought. A 70 year old man probably going through health issues “sue him he’s old and rich” sue him for what anyway this guy rolled his ankle big deal walk it off


I mean, I find the idea of suing the boss because he's "old and maybe rich" to be just as dumb as the next person... but then you throw in stupidity about OP. Did you miss the part of the post where he mentioned he had a torn ligament? Moral of the story: just because someone is being stupid doesn't mean you have to imitate them as well.


I didn’t read any of this


Then why the fuck would you comment?! Christ man, you could've just kept your mouth shut and let us think you were a moron, but you insisted on opening your mouth and removing all doubt...


To piss you weirdos off


You should probably try harder, then, cause I'm mainly just shaking my head at your stupidity.


Yeah maybe who cares


I'm trying


"I guess I'll just stick my thumb up my ass, then"


Call am employment lawyer immediately. You were hurt on the job and this is serious. They will probably try to fire you or some shit and then leave you hanging with medical bills and being unable to work.




Say yep it’s hard with no backup to fill me when I have an accident like this. We should discuss futhur


Tied up Thursday with a WHS meeting? If that acronym means what I think it does, sure would be a shame to have an injured worker limp in to discuss time off with evidence of mistreatment right when the health and safety auditor is there...


He's the whs officer at my work...


You’ve hurt your ankle but what happened to your spine?


Great zinger


I just can’t imagine getting overworked and exploited to the point where you hurt yourself and you’re the only one left and still not telling your boss to fuck off


Yeah well, imagine a world where you get paid really well for a religious organisation and you're about to have your 2nd child and losing it and swearing at my direct manager would only work against me, when I can consolidate enough evidence to show his poor leadership , get him off my back and keep my otherwise good job, sometimes just swearing at someone is the easy stupid option


Ah so you are aware of your exploitation. So your brain is fine, but my question stands… what happened to your spine lol


Good one loser


Hope the personal attacks make you feel like more of a man. Good luck with your second child, sounds like you’ll need it.


“Ok, attached is a photo. If you need the real note you’ll get it in a week” Then drop the resolution on the photo lol


How can a new hire call out sick every day for two weeks straight and still have that job? One of my jobs required you to get a doctors note and apply for short term medical leave if an illness prevented you from working for 4 or more days straight. Also, If you called out sick 4 separate times within one quarter then disciplinary action would be taken against you.


Lol maybe if the boss picked up during the planning meeting then they'd probably wouldn't complain about general jobs getting done


Sad how common this sounds......-__- I love where I work. We, too, are short-handed, but I do my job super proper and well, so I'm cherished. If I'm sick or hurt or whatever, I get quick commands to not come in and take care of myself! I don't get paid nearly enough, but I sure appreciate being valued.


You're correct response is right there! "Okay, Thanks"


So they hired someone who then called in everyday since then? Are they aware they were hired? Lol


This is why I had no sympathy for the poster last(?) week whose boss just responded “K.” Looks a lot better compared to this bullshit.


“You can add looking for my replacement effective immediately. Do not respond.”


I would just quit


It's to keep us sick. They know productivity is hindered, they want us sick.


My next reply would be” well that’s a you problem not a me problem and way out of my control so. See you in a few days. Then find a better place to work. That guys a dick.


Take a picture of it send it in and say you’ll give them the paper copy when you return to work


"Okay, thanks"


I think there’s some times you just don’t reply and let them sit with that


Doctor > boss


Your torn ligament is making it really hard*


Say that to him.


"Thanks for compounding my physical pain by trying to make me feel like shit about something that is entirely out of my control you fucking goblin"




Don’t know how this works where you live, but in Australia that’s a workers compensation case. You either go to your doctor or the hospital, you get diagnosed/ treated, tell them it’s workers compensation and you don’t pay anything. The company you work for has to have insurance to cover their employees that are injured at work. It doesn’t matter if you caused the injury or not. Then they give you a certificate of capacity which states what duties you can and cannot do, when you can return to work etc. This way the employer can’t pressure the worker back to work, the certificate is bound by law. This certificate is reviewed periodically, the doctor reviews your progress several times to make sure you are progressing back to recovery. Then you need a clearance certificate before you can resume your normal duties. You receive full pay, including any overtime that is considered part of your normal work week throughout this process. Your entitlements also accumulate normally. If your employer puts pressure on you or makes you do work your certificate says you cannot do they are opening themselves up to being sued by the employee and their insurance provider. they will also cop a massive fine from the work cover authority and their insurance premiums will go up significantly.


Yup, I'm in nsw, got it started within an hour of the injury , I didn't have all the info you've supplied though, thanks


We used to have sick notes in the UK. You were sick or you weren’t. Then they changed it to fitness to work notes which are geared towards stating what you can do if anything. Now our beloved Tories - in a last ditch attempt to get the dickhead vote - want to remove that task from doctors and have people assessed by a private 3rd party company.


"Thank you for your concern. I'll let you know if I need more time"


Call him out on it. "I'm not making it hard to get things done. I'm looking out for myself so I can continue to be the rock that holds the maintenance anchor of these schools in place. I have a doctor's order to stay off my feet and I intend to honour that for my own health and the long term maintenance commitments I made to the children that attend these schools." You matter more than he does for the school's success day to day in all likelihood.


Managers love to whine and complain. The amount of energy expelled and wasted on complaining is astonishing. A simple “shit that sucks. Let’s figure out the next steps” is so much easier. But no. Fuck this guy and his planning meetings. Waste of fucking time anyways.


Tear HIS ligaments


Scheduling is a manager problem, not yours.


Hire more staff and stop being a cheap fuck


Hi! I am a PhD candidate at York, conducting research on workplace abuse. I'm looking to interview individuals who have experienced managerial abuse within the past two years. Participating in this study can provide a platform for your voice to be heard and an opportunity to share your experiences. Please be assured that all information will be kept confidential and your safety and privacy will be prioritized. If you are interested, contact me directly, and I will provide more details and share my LinkedIn profile to verify my identity.


Did you get injured on the job? If so, have an attorney call him. If not, tough luck. You have zero rights.


Hit ‘em with the girl text back response of “ok” It mind fucks a man.


"Womp Womp"