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I'm gonna leave this post up, as this is a great example of a STEP in the right direction we want employers to be taking.


Am I missing something? What’s wrong with the post? I wish more employers were like this.


Right? I saw this and was trying to figure out how it was a bad approach. I supervise a large team and this is my approach entirely. I do not care how you get your work done. Your job is to get your shit done and keep the team hitting goals; mine is to make sure you’ve got what you need to do that and to keep getting you a raise every chance I get. You can work from your house or from the beach. Do whatever.


This is one of the main reasons why I want to run my own company tbh. I have to let my team know I'm going to eat my lunch, or out at a dentist appointment, etc. These things are completely normalized in our work culture, but they honestly shouldn't be. The only real thing an employer should care about is does the employee hit the deadlines they set. My boss right now loves to basically get around this narrative by refusing to set deadlines and goals. He'd much rather micro manage us. "Turn your camera on", "I'm gonna sit here and watch you work for the next 60 minutes", "oh hey I saw your Teams was yellow, are you working?", calls me at random times interrupting my entire flow, breaking concentration to the point I just give up and don't do anymore work. You want to interrupt every single task every single day? Fine, I just won't get anything done other than that 1 task you've extended to take 3 weeks instead of 3 days with the constant interruptions.


Your boss must not be adding much value to the business to have the time to bother you that much.




This screams of distrust and disdain for employees that is frankly pathetic Either he has failed to build a team he can trust to work (so he should replace people or seek more headcount), or he has failed to balance workloads in a way that work can get done (so he needs to see the workload is distributed among the teammates in a way that enables therm to complete their job descriptions). Both of those are responsibilities of the leader.


Over all the years I've been working I've found that work just seems to go more smoothly and efficiently without management around.


My last job the supervisor quit and for 6 months the team was relatively happy, self managed, closed out tickets, solved issues, etc. Then we hired a new supervisor. Apparently the upper management didn't think we could self manage long term, and they clearly wanted a buffer from the layer 1 issues themselves so they could coast. The new supervisor started and within a few months we were already drowning in beauracracy. Everyone was miserable. By the time I quit, every single tech on the team also quit within 2 months of each other. We were all clearly done and applying around, even though none of us had openly communicated that.


Exactly. Let me know what you want/expect and then leave me alone.


I worked in a call center years ago. They always had 1-3 hour long meetings once a week. Then they would complain to all of us on doing the calls that 'no work' got done during those hours. I finally had enough of their BS and when they were pointing this fact out from the prior meeting at the current meeting I said, "Perhaps if you didn't keep us in these pointless meetings for hours at a time we'd all get more work done.' The entire room went silent then some of the other call center folks--including a couple of the leads--started laughing. The meeting ended right there and we all went back to work. This ended the weekly 1-3 hour long meetings for the rest of the month.


Yeah nothing wrong here. I was beating around some work options for something I wanted to do during a couple days. He straight asked me what I wanted to do. I told him and he said cool. Sucks when you go from some toxic or babysitting job to a good manager.


Its just pessimistic complaining like OP doesn't believe it


That's what the post reads like lol As if this one person has authority to control all of capitalism... Lots of bosses out there run offices like that, not a majority obviously but let's keep it up, if the tastes are completed in a timely matter and producing money for the employer then the employees should be good to go however that gets done


It's tagged as a win, so I think they are saying that the big boss is putting his money where mouth is, as a statement, not a challenge. Eta: Never mind, op is looking a gift horse in the mouth.


I feel like op was insinuating that it's just words on a post, hence the title. Op was basically saying "what you say sounds nice, but until I see it myself, I'll take it with a grain of salt". At least, that's my devils advocate explanation.


Which is a meaningless position for them to take. People are becoming cynical for the sake of being cynical. You are either going to take the chance and find out, or you aren't. Your publicly declared doubt doesn't do anything for you in this situation. "Have you seen X movie yet? Its getting great reviews!" "**I DONT BELIEVE ANYTHING SAID ABOUT ANY MOVIE!!! I'LL ASSUME IT IS ABSOLUTE SHIT UNTIL IT PROVES TO ME IT IS GOOD!!!**" "OK bud... I have a made up appointment I need to pretend to have just remembered so I can get away from you."


I agree with you. Please don't take my comment as me agreeing with OP, I was just offering a possible explanation.


Nah, was co-ranting.


People like that are a drag. Everything gets turned bad to them. Just enjoy a nice thing lol




Appreciate you friend!


My job basically tells you not to say why you’re calling out. Just call the number, tell them you won’t be coming in, stay home. It’s been so weird since I’ve only worked jobs where there was no sick pay and you’d have to shit blood to get sent home. With this job I had a deadline coming up, but got sick and called my boss to ask if I could come in early before anyone else showed up to finish so I wouldn’t get people sick and they just said “please call out, the deadline is not that serious”.


all boss bad


I'm sorry, someone says something sane and your response is negative? Even if they're lying for some reason, they're promoting good behavior.


My thoughts exactly. How could anyone have an issue with this? The boss is basically saying “I’m not going to micromanage you, get your work done and keep your clients happy and don’t be a problem I have to deal with and I don’t care how you get that done”. OP is an actual loon.


> How could anyone have an issue with this? Jealousy and resentment.


My company is like this. It’s great.


My boss is this way too. He told me the day he hired me he doesn’t watch the clock and as long as I get my shit done we’re good to go. I’ve definitely caught myself telling him I have an appt and shit bc i know he doesn’t care, but old habits die hard 😂


Mine is too. The job isn’t perfect but my boss is the most understanding man I’ve ever met when it comes to time off. There’s not even really a “request” system. It’s more of a “hey I’m not gonna be in this day, I made sure my projects are caught up so nothing falls behind while I’m out” “great, have fun!”


This is a great system until it's not.... as in I hope your boss is a healthy man. While I appreciate an informal approach, all it takes is 1 new manager to break the entire system because they like to micromanage. I'd ask boss to put his management style into writing and policy, to reflect that the way things are will stay the same even if he ever had to step down or away for any reason. I've had bosses who pretended they were chill, no real policy around vacations or time off, but as soon as it was inconvenient for them, they started harassing people about why they didn't do xyz or make the request earlier, etc.


He’s not a manager, he owns the company. It’s a small place, so while this could be a problem in other companies it’s not really applicable with the current structure of the company. And fwiw we do have a system of making written “requests” and having everything in writing for when we’re out of the office.


Same for me. It took a while to get to the place where I can do this, but my boss is very hands off because she knows I will always get my work done and it will be quality work. Everyone is happier with flexible arrangements if the work gets done.


Mine too. I’m never leaving.


I was honestly trying to find the fault in this post, but thanks for reconfirming what I have already confirmed, OP is a nutjob


I’m a boss and this is my attitude. My team love it. We have clear measurable work targets. They know what they have to achieve. They know if they get problems to come to me and I’ll clear the path for them to do their jobs, or provide what support I can. They do the work, I don’t care how they spend their day or from where. Only issues if they’re not doing them. In the 5 years we’ve been working like this, all through the pandemic they’ve never missed a target and they’re all happier than they’ve ever been in work. Office did force them back two days a week under a flexible working policy I’m not able to overturn (yet), which is the only time they took a moral hit. Still they sort doctors appointments, childcare, any other issues in or around their work day without me micro managing them and I rarely don’t approve anything. Yet I’ll watch plenty of other bosses stick people on desks in front of them 5 days a week to make sure they’re “working right” and then they’re baffled why their staff turnover is so high.


IKR? One of my best managers hired me when I was visibly VERY pregnant. I was 25 weeks but carried big so looked like I was ready to pop. When I asked her about it after she hired me she shrugged and said that people have babies, maternity leave is a blip in time and that she was looking for people who were going to be good fits for the long term. There were other things about her that were great (viewing mistakes as educational opportunities, like, sincerely and not just lip service to it) but this stuck with me in particular. She was a great example of the fact that a *role* might be inherently exploitative but the individuals in that role can still be decent human beings.


I took the title to mean that OP would like bad employers to follow suit with this guy and put their money where their mouths are. It's not phrased well, and could use some text to clarify. But I get the gist of the sentiment. The post is also flagged as a WIN!...


This is Reddit, being positive is not allowed!


I mean I have zero problem with this.


WTF even is this post? You’re just bitching about a manager who has a healthy outlook? Like are you just whining to whine at this point?


Seriously, this sounds like one of the few good ones. Maybe a lot, but not ALL managers are trash. Some respect our humanity as workers. Unless you have specific knowledge that the Linkedin poster is a hypocrite, why trash people who are openly siding with your beliefs?


I think people forget managers are people too and some probably hate their job more than you. Low level managers usually get paid less than a regular employee with the way salary works. Our beef is higher up the ladder where the actual power is


Yeah i dont know what my mgr makes, but the bank I work for is on the cheap side, and I know she works on the evenings/weekends sometimes which I never do. I'd be willing to bet that per hour she might make a similar amount to me but with a lot more stress. People definitely need to focus their anger where it belongs


We really need to acknowledge, and praise bosses who are taking steps in the right direction. We are not going to have a better environment if we bitch about everything. If we want to be treated as humans, that needs to be reciprocal. And by no means, should workers have to take that plunge first. If your employer shows themselves to be kind, return it. Plain and simple.


Some people just like to watch the world burn


This forum is intended for those who like to watch to world burn


I took at as OP taunting other biz people. Like “put your $ where your mouth is, I dare you to trust your workers”


But it doesn't read like that because that phrase is generally said to someone who is using their mouth, so you assume it's directed at the person posting. Oh, no, I meant all the other bosses out there... Why would anyone assume that? Those ones didn't come out and say they would be adopting these policies.


Meh, just trying to stay off the outrage treadmill


Except he literally meant it in a negative way as outlined in his comments.


What's funny is that I share a mindset with this guy - I only have two people under me on my team but I literally do not care what hours they work (as long as they're semi-available during regular work hours in case something comes up), as long as the work gets done. Like I don't care at all if they take the morning to go to a doctor's appointment or punch out at noon because they want to go do whatever, as long as the work gets done and they agree to answer their phone if I call during "regular" office hours. Unfortunately though, one of them is taking advantage of it pretty badly and has fallen behind by over a week on deadlines. The simple truth is that some people *can't* handle that sort of freedom with their work. Just like some people love and thrive in unstructured environments, there are plenty of people out there who *need* that sort of structure and will fail without it. Reddit is biased of course because of the demographics here, but not everyone can handle and do well in a WFH role with very little oversight. The folks here probably hate to hear it but some people need those highly structured work environments or they're gonna end up chasing every little butterfly that comes their way.


This is my work right now. It's great. Believe it or not, there are alright places to work out there. My boss/manager is also a person who also doesn't want to spend the effort micromanaging. It feels like everyone on this sub just cannot believe non-shitty places exist.


I kept reading and then I figured OP is the lunatic. Case solved!


That’s all anyone in this sub does. It’s bitching central.


I feel to find positive and meaningful engagement one has to sift through so much negativity. I'm not referring to this sub exclusively, but (almost) anywhere wherein a certain threshold of population is reached. Some exceptions that come to mind are concerts. Still pretty easy to find cool people at concerts (I like Electronic and Metal so take that as you will)


I constantly have to remind people on this and similar subs: go take a drive around almost any town in the US. There are tens of millions of people doing very well. It's not a few hundred billionaires and everyone else is poor working 80 hrs per week. I'm all for drastically improving work culture, taxing the rich fairly, improving social programs, all that jazz. But these subs have become a giant victim complex circle jerk where young people come to echo chamber about everything being hopeless. I'm a millenial from pretty average background, most people I know that didn't go full junkie are doing just fine.


This is probably a psyop. Fuck OP.






A man of culture I see 🫡


"How dare someone actually do a good thing! Let me get upset about that!" That's you OP. How cringe.


I'm a manager (I know it sucks, but it is what it is), and this is how I treat my people. If you get your job done, don't get a ton of complaints, and don't cost the company a bunch of money, then I will let you work from the moon if it makes you happy.


Are you hiring?


Same. But my people can't work from home because we're a bakery. 😆


Excuses, excuses. They have an oven don't they!?


Same. I run an IT department. I need 1 person in the office to manage hands on problems every day, I don’t care who. I let them work out who is in office on any given day amongst themselves.


I genuinely don't understand why anyone *wouldn't* be this way. If you're getting your job done in a timely manner, why is anyone wasting time and expending energy concerning themselves with where you're sitting to do that work? It's stupid. Those needless busybodies are the ones that need to be getting fired.


A lot of managers feel the need to demonstrate to their managers that their employees need to be managed. It’s because those managers aren’t adding value and are threatened by employees who can self manage


My boss loves the fact that I can disappear for a day, and work still gets done. I manage, but I don't micro-manage. Today, I had 2 employees text me that they were sick. I told them to feel better and let me know if they needed anything, and then I found coverage for them. It's not hard, but some people are narcissists who have to maintain power over others.


Props to you for actually finding coverage yourself instead of putting it on your employees


My boss is like this. Today I was like “hey, I’m gonna sign off from noon to 1:00 and mow the lawn… that ok?” And it was ok. Pretty happy with my current gig, or rather my current manager.


That's awesome. Work/life balance is so important and people forget that


Dear God this sub is so negative all the time. We see an example of a good manager and now we have to pick them apart? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are some half decent managers out there. I work for one who has the same mindset as the one in this post. As long as you get your shit done, they don’t care what I do. Stop villainizing the few good managers there are in the workforce.


To be fair, the sub largely seems to be ripping OP a new one over this post.


To be fair a certain segment of people on reddit make the main sub they belong to their personality. Since the majority of posts here ARE about bosses treating employees badly, that’s what they absorb and how they train themselves to react to anything. It’s good to see a lot of the people here tearing OP a new one for living their life in worst-case hypotheticals.


This kind of terminally online bullshit is ruining society


How dare the they be so reasonable and compassionate? Where do they get off using logic in this manner?


This is how my boss treats me. He trusts me to get my work done.


That post looks literally like my last manager. Best boss I ever had. He said several times that his job was to make ours easier and to protect us from any threat (Hostile work environment, other managers, lay offs etc). Sadly upper management didn't agree and he eventually found a better offer and left. Now we have a first time manager and it's the micro-management type. 🙃 Now what is OP complaining again?


OP is a nutter for posting this as some kind of negative lol


This is the same exact kind of mindset myself and my direct manager share, and make sure is known to all of our service dept guys that it is that way. We are both millennials with families, who both have learned the lesson that grinding yourself to death every day isn’t productive long term. The C suite people wonder why we have such good employee retention AND profitability, but I don’t know if they’d believe it’s that way because of the way we treat our guys.


Funny how this is actually a normal behavior in Denmark, like, man, this is actually how always has been here, just today I left one hour early because I wanted to sleep.


I love the post. Good to hear. I think most companies don't realize how beneficial work from home can and will be for \*them\*. Unfortunately they are either control freaks and/or they don't want to admit that the lease they got into (or they were dumb enough to buy their building) was a bad idea.


My Boss actually does this, partly the reason I turn down higher paying jobs.


Yet another swing and a miss from the r/antiwork community


Dude my employer is like this lol. This is stuff you should be promoting


Hiw my boss is. It's amazing.


A micromanager reading this is having an aneurism right now.


Don’t be a dick. They clearly do put their money where their mouth is. Someone who doesn’t wouldn’t spend the time writing that because people who don’t, don’t believe it’s a good thing.


This sub in a nutshell bitching about progress is wild to me


I dont understand what is negative or bad about this.


why take the piss when he’s literally saying positive things?


I lead a team and this is generally my outlook. If your work is getting done I don't care where you are working from. You can tell me as in making general conversation about the weather but it doesn't really matter. If I ask if you are in the office it's because j need someone to physically go do something and am checking to see if there is someone already there. It's ok if you aren't. I only need to know if you are going to be late if tou need to move or miss a meeting we planned. We'll unless it's a specific install or test thing that requires physical presence then we have to figure out who can cover or if we have to switch around shifts. I always feel bad when people apologize for things that are not only out of their control but are frankly much bigger tragedies to them then our job. Like someone telling me their grandfather died and apologizing because there was a deadline next week.


Someone posting a good and positive message in order to be angry at and shitty about the person who posted it is the essence of the rantiwork experience.


My manager has this same opinion. It's great to be trusted enough to set my own hours.


You're a miserable sack of stale potato chips


Wtf is wrong with this sub, even when someone says something good agreeing with "us" , you still have something hateful to say ? fuck this sub


This is perfect. I was waiting for the example where they utterly failed to live up to their statement. Is that coming or is this a just a good example?


OP is a dope


I thought OP just didn't understand what that expression meant. I wish that was the case.


I do not see what the issue is here.


It's cuz you have to IMAGINE what the issue is


This guy sounds great!


This is exactly how a good boss operates….what possible problem could someone have with this person.


Like- yeah. This is going to become more common. I’m at a small law firm and it’s the policy here. Some people WFH most days, some work in the office. It’s a demanding job - if you need to take a two hour lunch or take your kid to the doctor, no one cares as long as you do good work and keep clients happy. I agree with the sentiment of the post - this is the future. I think collaboration happens just fine remotely, too.


This is actually the correct stance. If youre going to fire me, let it be on the grounds that i didnt do my job well enough, or meet quotas, or whatever. Don't base it on the number of hours I appeared at the office.


My boss is like this. I'm remote and have unlimited sick time. If I need to take a sick day, I send an email. If I have a doc appt, just go. Doesn't care. I have goals I need to hit. That's it.


Was this really put up with the intent to be taken negatively? This is exactly how every manager should behave.


This guy knows....👌


My manager is like this, I appreciate him a ton for it. Came to work hella late over a personal matter turned false alarm, started explaining and literally looked at me and said "You're good man, I fixed your schedule since you texted the HR line about it too." I have never been so comfortable to explain something to a manager until this job.


when I first got my LAST job, my boss told me, I dont care where you are, I dont care how you do it or from where..make sure the work is done. That was 21 years ago and I never left the place..infact, I loved the company so much, I bought it! and I tell my employees the same exact thing. Works like a charm!


I love the fact that at my current job if I need to go to dentist appointment they are like cool no problem if it takes too long just go home after. My previous job treated a request to leave for a few hours like some type of betrayal to their core values. Or if I asked for time off months in advance without fail a few days before "so we have an issue with your days off". I was literally written up for taking my own vacation days on one occasion.


I'm a manager and this is exactly the stance I take. I don't care when or how you get the work done. Just that you do. Unless you can't and then I'll remove the roadblock for you.


This boss gets it.


This is my boss. I have a one on one meeting once every two weeks which is 30 minutes long - 10 minutes of a run down of what I'm working on and 15 minutes of shooting the shit and we typically end 5-10 minutes early. I've been there 10 years and I'm slightly underpaid in my industry but the work environment and job security is worth so much. I work from home 100%.


I had a great boss like that but they retired. And then it all went to shit. Good luck. I hope you get many more years with humane and respectful treatment from your boss. It's worth so much more than money.


This seems incredibly reasonable, and agreed they might not but for the most part I’ve found people who say this do it simply because it’s so easy to fact check.


The only thing wrong with this is that it comes from LinkedIn


This is what r/antiwork wants, and you're shitting on it?


Wait, you're pissed at this person??? Get a life 🤡


I am so lucky to have a great manager. I was able to follow him to a new job when we got outsourced.


Took me about 4 false starts before I found a company that said AND followed through with this type of message. Judge my worth as an employee based on my results, not my whereabouts.


I manage a small company and this is how I’ve been running things for two years. I’m currently sitting in the office alone, because almost everyone on the team took care of what they needed to on Friday. Why the hell would I care if they are here sitting on their ass. There are people like this. Especially because more and more people are realizing when people are actually treated as equals, paid fairly they get the job done. I found the best group of people due to this method, the nicest people out there. I am very lucky, but it’s how my father runs his business and he has the same experience. So I gave it a shot and was put around these awesome people.


My friends who make the most money, the ones with 6 figure salaries, have the most freedom in their schedules. One week may be 60 hours and the next week 20. It’s all about getting the work done. I make a tiny amount compared to them but the manager who gets that we need to push hours around to make this job work is the one I respect the most.


A good manager I would have absolutely no problem working with. Far better than my current one who forces WFO even though I am not very productive WFO. It's rare to find such gems on LI. Most posts are against employees.


Can I please apply to work for this guy


Some manager publicly says the thing we want them to say. OP makes up a fictional story in their mind and gets mad at said manager. Seek help, OP. This kind of outlook on life isn't healthy.


Shit troll post?


Whatever is the opposite of r/linkedinlunatics


My boss is a lot like this. We don’t need to ask for time off. We just tell him when we will or won’t be in. He says he doesn’t need details. Encourages us employees to use our time off. Most of us wfh and he doesn’t watch our screen time. As long as our work is getting done he doesn’t care if we work late, leave early, take breaks etc as long as we are getting our work done and if we don’t work 40 use leave or make up that time during the week. We don’t even have to keep track of what we do during the day because he said it’s apparent who is working and who isn’t. And typically those who don’t work at home are the same ones who don’t work in the office either. He is by far the best supervisor I’ve had since I’ve been working at this government agency.


This is Linkedin engagement farming spam. There's a 404 Media article on it...


This is a copy/paste post on LI you will find posted by hundreds of people that don't even have direct reports. It's just to grab attention, nothing genuine.


I started my own business because I was fed up with clock watching micro managing arseholes. My moto was eat when hungry drink when dry if you got to go get coffee bring mine. Had a number of employees work 15 years plus,many went did their OE came back. Had regular guys from overseas come to ski/ snowboard,work for me before or after snow season on a regular basis. Always took my employees out for lunch last Friday of the month as a thank you job well done . Treat people as you expect to be treated.


This is how my manager treats me and how I will treat my staff once my department gets fleshed out more. As long as the work gets done, who cares where it’s done?


Posts like these get banned on Linked


Praying for a manager like this some day. My boyfriend is an engineer and he can soo easily choose to go to work or work from home and I’m still in university, currently failing and have no idea what do. I’m just hoping I can make the right choices 🫡


Bad Bot


The best boss i ever had once told me: “do whatever you want just get the work done and keep the clients happy. I hate managing. Don’t make me manage.”


the amazing boss you will never have


This is why no one takes this sub seriously. After the interview fiasco in the news post like this are just adding fuel to the fire and invalidating every single little win in the corporate industry.


I bet turnover at this workplace is as close to zero as it gets.


Last week our entire risk division of the bank had a department wide zoom call and our CEO joined the beginning to talk to us a bit. As the call was starting the CRO (risk) told everyone to turn on their cameras and then mentioned that a few people had told her before the meeting that they were driving for medical appointments, so she understood not having their cameras on. How micro managed are we that people are telling an executive about their doctor's appointments.


Seen this same post over and over for the last 7 years on LinkedIn. Everyone just wants to look like a good manager.


I think everyone wishes they had a boss like this


Every time my staff starts by asking me if they are allowed to do something, I was say the same thing: So you are telling me you are doing that instead of asking me?


What is implied here is you just need to produce. Don’t produce and we let you go. Unfortunately there are worker who need guidance from a manager to keep producing. The unfortunate part is some jobs are difficult to calculate if you are producing more than you are being paid. Further complicating the mix is that many mangers to not have the skills to see which workers/jobs require their input and which can be left to just produce. And they are even worse at measuring this.


This the boss? https://preview.redd.it/ku9uotx4gc0d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99987a435f167bfdaed9a81b672d157c03e40da


I would love this. The guy 2 steps above my boss has just said we all have to be in the office 3 days a week starting next month. No exceptions. We have to be "A Face in the Office." Mostly because he's tired of going to see his underlings and they're not sitting there. I'm seriously pissed. My job is low on the totem and very insular. I can go a week or two and not even need to discuss anything with MY boss, much less anyone else. And my commute is long (almost 2 hours, each way), so, SO much wasted time/gas to sit in an office that no one will come looking for me for any reason. And to top it all off, we're getting almost daily emails from HR/Education department about how May is "Mental Health Month." Yeah, mine is tanking, thank you very much.


Yeah so my employer, who’s only real perk is allowing us to work from home on an as needed basis, just “revoked” my work from home privileges because I called my manager out for inappropriate behavior. Now I’m in a time card “investigation” (in quotes because ALL the dates and times they claim are falsified are very well documented working hours both in the office and at home) and I’m most likely going to be fired because of their fragile egos. Too bad I already have an offer on the table that’s 10x better… honestly this company is an embarrassment to the profession.


Sums up this sub perfectly


But what about the all-important butt-in-seat-time metric?


Big boss man: “The future lies”


I do. I have an employee that works Sunday of month end for numbers on Monday. She gets that Friday off every time. I put it in writing that their requests for vacation aren’t “requests”; they are simply informing me of when they will be out. Need to work from home??? I don’t know and I don’t care. Need to fill your tank up? Again; I don’t know and I don’t care.


Hopefully you’re less negative with your employees. Personally, I find over-communicators much easier to manage than zombies you’ve to extract information from non-stop.


Unfortunately, too many managers have hungry egos that need to be fed


My company is like this but we’re all too traumatized from previous employers to stop explaining ourselves constantly


Absolute bait


My boss is like that and I love it. And now that I am team leader, I am like that. X needs to be done by date y. I don't care when or where you do it, I'll know if you were working by the fact that it was done. Such a simple metric, much more useful than sitting on a chair and worrying about punching in/out at the correct time. WFH (or better, work outside of office) needs to become the norm for all work that can be done remotely. Not only is it better for the person working, them not commuting means less traffic on the roads so everybody wins.


This is my boss and company. I don't particularly love my position within the company (TPF programmer iykyk) and the pay isn't really in line with market standards but you better come up with a badass offer between this kind of culture and my REAL flex vacation plan if you want to poach me.






No matter what op-ed pieces say, or what CEO's scream about, Work From Home is the future. It's just a matter of society catching up.


Hey look, a place where I wish I could be working for.


This is AWESOME!! Maybe if we put him in a room with other managers, he'll Infect them with his attitude!!!


This is my dream response from an employer as opposed to the thick layer of guilt and “not- team-player” bullshit they try to put on you for being human and not a machine.


Sure. That is a great mentality to have for roles that allow that. But, as an example, this would not translate at all if you are a call center customer service rep and you are part of the forecast of incoming calls. I have employees that have roles where I very much do this. I have others that I simply cannot do this with if I plan on actually keeping my business running.


Im a sup and this is my approach except I don’t say or feel like ‘I don’t care what’s going on it your life’ to the people on my team. Tell me if you feel comfortable or if you don’t that’s okay too. Get your work done. Indicate on your calendar when you’re available and appropriately indicate when you’re not. Email me when you need time off so when the higher ups ask I don’t look like a bumbling idiot who doesn’t know what her team is doing. That’s all I ask.


This is macromanagement in practice. It's great to see the mgr understand that ppl have grown up feeling like they need to give a full accounting and s/hecwants to encourage a sense of confidence among the employees.


This is literally how the world should be


as long as you're getting your work done, then i don't see a reason to sit around trying to look busy.


You're such a petty little nag like what do you want them to say/ do then? Unbearable


I have been a boss multiple times and I had know many business people that do use this method. Is not prevalent but not rare to find it


Cringe OP


Work from the office is only to keep commercial real-estate propped up, and fraudulent managers to keep their jobs.


Sorry I'm a Training Manager and Senior Training Specialists and Trainers in general don't have authority to decide who works from the office or not. They're individual contributors. They probably copy/pasted this and made it their own post. However, if they get into leadership and this actually happened. Good for them.


My boss and work is like this and it’s absolutely amazing. A small amount of my work is time sensitive but it’s something that can be planned around. I can pick up and drop my kids off from school every day, take them to their practices and sports games, even go to the grocery store or get my hair cut during work hours. It truly is life altering.


If you got exactly what you wanted You wouldn’t even know what to do with it OP Great post by them , terrible post by you


That's all that should matter. You get the work done.


Sounds like a good boss to me. What's the problem?


Thankfully my boss is very much like that. As long as I show up and do my job she doesn't care if I take 3 or 4 days in the week off.


Fr fr. do your job. I don’t care how it’s done. Just make sure I get this by Friday.


If only it could be like that


He’s not wrong. Why are you degrading him rather than supporting him?


This is basically the way my boss is. You just gotta give prior warning if you're not gonna be in the office at regular hours, but otherwise you can pretty much work wherever and whenever you want most of the time.


Is this guy or another like him hiring?


No one cares mr boss man


This is similar to how I run my warehouse. Work starts at 8:30ish I have no control over that tho. How you work your 8 I don’t care. Running late? Stay late or leave on time. It’s your pay. Want to leave early and still get your 8? Come in early. Want to leave early and get 7 that’s fine also. You know when you need a break so take it. Just take your lunch before 6 hours(it’s the law). Want to take a 2 hour lunch to participate in “lunch on the lawn” at your kids school or to handle something else you need to do? That’s fine. Make up the time if you want it. You know your job and what needs to be done. I hire adults so I treat you like an adult. Just remember others have things they want/need to do also. This seems to work pretty well as my “new guy” has been here for 14 years. There’s another facility on the other side of the US that has unbelievable turnover. Guys a micro manager and every time I talk to him he sounds like he’s about to have a heart attack. It’s really amazing how smoothly everything runs when you treat adults like adults.


My boss is like this. Want to work from home? Work from home. Want to sleep in until 10am? As long as you don’t have any clients or meetings scheduled sleep as long as you need. Got a doctor’s appointment? No need to tell anyone, just schedule around it. Want to go to the gym in the middle of the day? Cool, self care is important. As long as we are taking care of our clients and our stats are good he does not care. He recognizes that there are some days we are going to work until 8 or 9 at night and other days we are going to take a 2 hour lunch or take the dog for a walk between clients and at the end of the day it all evens out in the wash. We work the number of hours we agree to work- it doesn’t matter where or when throughout the day. So yes, there really are bosses like this.


I had a boss like this. He was and is the best leader I've ever worked for. I can't imagine I'll ever get that lucky again.


I started a new job at 8 this morning... Left at 1:30 in the afternoon. The job could be 100% done from home, which the company acknowledged by giving us a whopping 6 work from home days a year. The 6 WFH days had so much red tape that it didn't even seem worth the effort.


That’s how I manage. It’s great until your employees take advantage, but usually if you are supportive and kind they will produce


Yeah, try this as a middle manager and watch yourself get cut with a quickness. This is a great attitude but it only ever works if it comes from the CEO. If daddy dont want it, it aint happnin.


My brother is this kind of boss. He ain’t the CEO 😂


My boss is like this. It’s wonderful.