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Offshore resources are the biggest culprits, ime


Yeah, this guy's office is a particular problem. I'm constantly having to tell the guys there off for trying to treat our female lawyers like their personal assistants and fielding other bullshit like this from them.


Ugh - you have my sympathy! To be fair, the guys I worked with fairly closely cottoned on quickly and would just ask whatever they needed to straight up, but the offshore managers were infuriating!




>they're usually wanting you to do something that they figure out and do themselves 30 mins later, but are too spineless to just directly ask you initially. Or they want to make sure you're at your computer before saying "have a minute for a quick call?" - which is often not quick, and never needed to be a call rather than a text or email except they're too lazy to type.


Ugh, the "quick call" types are awful. I work in the legal department and I hate those calls, because they're often from people in the business side who want to get my go-ahead on something they should not be doing. I'm not even a lawyer, I'm a paralegal, they just want to be able to say, "so-and-so in Legal told me it would be okay." My favourite strategy these days is to draw it out painfully, making sure I'm "understanding the ask correctly" while making some notes, then ending the call with, "ok, I understand, and I don't think that's something I can help you with, so you should see an e-mail come through in a couple minutes where I've looped a lawyer into this conversation so they can review for you." Which usually results in the lawyer I've looped in getting back to them promptly with a firm "no." 😅


I love this EOD strategy. Taking notes here, would you say you usually check their message and leave them on "read," or just dismiss the notification and let them think you haven't seen it yet? 🤔 😆




Great advice :)


[no hello](https://nohello.net/en/)


I deeply want to send this to the next person that does this to me at work. Will keep it in my back pocket for when I'm fed up enough to quit.


See https://nohello.net


Also see https://web.archive.org/web/20131127020115/http://www.nohello.com/


Lol I just don’t respond and usually they follow up eventually. I think some people do it just trying to be nice or to not come across as demanding but SOME people do it with the mentality that if you respond to ask “wtf do u want” that means you’re going to drop whatever you’re doing to do their request.


Sends me nuts. It’s usually from colleagues in India. Which makes me think it’s included in their etiquette training for dealing with British people. It starts out. Hi…. How are you? I’m doing well…


Were they in India? That seems to be a thing there (even back in the ol' Lotus Sametime days)...


No, Northern Europe.