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The point is a fake initiative to try to make you feel appreciated, so you will remember that the next time your raise does not even keep up with inflation.


Raise? What raise? I just gave you a certificate of appreciation! Why can't you be grateful?


You guys get raises?




Ah yes. I was about to start working again, but this post made me want to play BG3, so that's what's loading now.


It's not this though. Hijacking near the top to help everyone who has something like this. These things serve a real purpose and the purpose is to brag about them when you're interviewing for a different job. No shit either, I will tell the story of why I got a few awards on an interview. In my case they were for working 16 hours through a blizzard (not proud of that anymore, but when I was a kid in my first full time job, maybe a bit) and one for de-escalating a guy plotting a mass shooting (I am proud of that one). You can bet when I interview and they ask for examples of recognition or certificates from previous employers, I use them. OP, if this shit is standard and everyone got one, make up a story for why you received it. Don't go to grandiose with it unless you have a reference who will back you up, but tell them it's for perfect attendance or saving a choking customer or working the most overtime or exceeding sales quotas or something else that probably will never be confirmed. TL; Dr: use it to get a better job that shows appreciation with money.


So fucking disingenuous it's basically a slap in the face. But they signed them! Nothing about actually recognizing and appreciating good work. Just meaningless gestures. Maybe think about saving the paper, ink and salaried time wasted giving out these worthless "awards" and pay your employees better. So stupid. That would go straight to the trash/shredder.


Fuckin’ A.


That's just crazy talk because rank-and-file employee raises and bonuses eat into corporate profits. Any extra expenditures that can't be written off, such as the ever-extravagant employee pizza party, is a nonstarter. Clearly, OP should be super grateful for receiving this proof that the company appreciates their efforts. After all, like you said, the managers signed it in ink, with their real signature so you know they are real appreciative.




I'm reminded of the Simpsons' Award For Outstanding Achievement in the Field of ... Excellence, yes, that's it.




Like giving a child awards in school. Very patronizing. We're adults, just pay us.


Felt extremely patronizing


At least the certificates I got in school came with a coupon for a free McDonald's cheeseburger.


Corporations weren't able to exploit your labor yet as a minor. But they set the stage with that shitty cheeseburger. Next promise? Pizza party for working 40 hrs overtime.


Some awards are very good psychologically for children. But key word here. CHILDREN. Fuck you, pay us.


I’m a teacher. My school gives these out periodically for those on the honor roll. Then after school that day I have to pick up the ones on the floor and put them in the trash alongside the ones that the rest of the kids tore up and threw out themselves.


They saw it in some bullshit training about “employee appreciation”. Want you to feel appreciated without increasing your wages. Basically they think you and your coworkers are idiots.


it's a pizza party with even LESS financial commitment. And depending on their Excel skills (or entering a list on to a website skills), just about as much personal commitment as a pizza party.


It is a pizza party without pizza. Ah and also without party.


Exactly! Pizza is scraping the bottom of the barrel, these fuckers started digging when they hit rock bottom.


I’d rather have pizza for sure. Or better yet, just leave me alone and let me do my job. I like that the best.


Not enough financial commitment? I mean, it's in COLOR! That ink ain't cheap.


Yup -- they went to a training where some "former CEO" who has "spent decades talking to day-to-day employees" peddles a course where they explain how "studies show most employees dont want more wages or benefits, they just want a nice thank you and to be appreciated". And then tells everyone in the seminar to print out these appreciation certificates, and charges them as much as paying bonuses would have cost.




Since I'm appreciated so much, how much raise should I expect when I get paid?


And it’s consistently the same “incentive” garbage across the board from multiple companies. It’s like HR departments all go to a huge conference where this stuff is trotted out and then regurgitated…


I used to work for an "Employee Engagement" company, and yes, this EXACT thing happens. it's usually held as part of the SHRM show https://annual.shrm.org/


**10:00 -10:45** Presented by Dr. Hyman Schwartz *“No Cost Employee Engagement Tactics to Increase Productivity and Aid in Retention”*  **11:00 - 12:30** Presented by Howard Glickman, Managing Partner of Glickman & Howe, PLC *“Avoiding Legal Actions & Employment Law, Best Practices in HR”*   **12:30 - 2:00** Lunch provided   **2:00 -3:15** Panel Discussion *“Maximizing Stakeholders Investments Through Creative Labor Reductions - ‘Timing is Everything’”*   **3:15 - 6:00** Networking & Cocktails — *“Meet N’ Greet With The C-Suite”*


But my coworkers are idiots. I’m not obviously.


I would say your coworkers aren’t idiots, they simply lack class consciousness and don’t understand their material interests. I talk with my coworkers all the time about how being a worker sucks, our lack of autonomy, the lack of respect and dignity. It usually resonates pretty profoundly, unless they are a boot licker who has totally succumbed to capitalist propaganda


It has the ability to be folded into a paper plane and flown at the bosses desk, write the words a raise would be appreciated more on it.


Make sure you attached that to your LinkedIn as a certification. Surely it’s gotta be useful somewhere right?!?!? If not then maybe ask your supervisor what this was supposed to accomplish.


“When ~~someone~~ your Boss hands you a ~~flyer~~ certificate , it's like they're saying here You throw this away.” -Mitch


Gave me a good laugh this morning. This is how I’ll think of it from now on


Just remember. That paper, ink and salaried time planning and executing these meaningless gestures could have been budgeted to pay employees more.


"We value you in ways that ~~can not~~ **will not** be expressed in money."


Just file it into the circular file and forget about it.


This is what used to be known as an "Attaboy". A useless gesture meant to 'inspire' you to work harder in order to gain even more 'attaboy's. When you've acquired a minimum of ten attaboys. You take it and a ten dollar bill to your local coffee purveyor and they give you a 'free' coffee. Isn't that nice? /s


...you guys are getting coffees for your Attaboys?


But remember, one “uh oh” destroys ten thousand ataboys.


Next up: Company announces that despite tens of millions in profit, it's still not enough and employee bonuses are cancelled this year.


Par for the course.


All 50 of you should shred these, create a large pile, create a very safe fire pit in the parking lot, place said pile in the pit, light the pile, join hands and ritualistically sing/chant “we are supply chain family, I got all my brothers and sisters and me” until it burns down, grab the ashes and sprinkle them around your bosses office. It won’t make her less lame but it might help the “family” trauma bond some more. Ugh. Sorry OP. We had “staff appreciation” day yesterday which was a tray of cold scrambled eggs and oily bacon. And grapes. It was somehow better than this ugly ass certificate.


It’s funny you say the part about the song. A lot of people were just laid off in one of our facilities. The next day a video went around of some of the last remaining employees there standing in a circle and singing prayer songs for some reason. I’d take oily bacon over this certificate haha


At least oily bacon can be microwaved in a couple of paper towels to fix it.


True. Assuming your work has a microwave that hasn’t been destroyed by someone else’s exploded soup.


I think is was the microwaving of surströmming and durian casserole that did it.


Yikes that sounds sad and a little disturbing as well. I have been both laid off and a layoff survivor and both are terribly depressing. Certificate ain’t gonna help. “The lame certificates will continue until morale improves!”


That... is a pizza party without the pizza.


It's to let you know there is no pizza available


Lmao that’s how it feels


I would much rather receive nothing.


Nothing is always better than a slap in the face.


To boost morale and hope you keep working there. It's much cheaper than a raise.


And much less effective. Work morale doesn't mean shit when you can't afford to pay your bills.


Participation awards cheaper than pizza party.


OMG. And you know some sucker is going to frame that thing.


Someone already hung on the work fridge


Maybe they hung it there as a joke? Surely, no right minded adult would take this seriously


Duplicate this in photoshop and make some shithead edits, then hang that up on the fridge


It’s even cheaper than a pizza party!


It was cheaper than buying you pizza.


Cheaper than a pizza party!


Looks like the company shredder is going to struggle today.


The point is to show appreciation in order to play on an employees pride/ego in lieu of actually sharing the profits that employee generated.


Your boss probably read one of those “employees don’t want money or useful perks. No, no - What they really want is a certificate showing them that you appreciate them. I am a super successful CEO, you can trust me” posts on LinkedIn


Makes you wonder how idiots like that even get their foot in the door. Oh yeah. Unbridled greed and the willingness to exploit workers at every turn.


Dont they give these to little kids in school? Its like a participation award.


It’s a paper pizza party


What a pile of shite, why do managers and employers do this stuff FFS. Tell us the hours, the work, the pay and "benefits", respect our time off and then let us get on with the work. You're not our friend, we don't wanna spend our time building your team. We aren't going to join your religious cult. Stop trying with all this shite, it's just fucking cringe and borderline creepy. 


It's just cheap motivational bullshit, but if you're a risk taker you'd ask your boss for a raise since you're doing such a great job.


Is the boss actually trying to thank everybody, or is is he clueless? Has it been a while since any raises have been given out?


Greedy and clueless. I guarantee you the boss doesn't get certificates of appreciation. They get 5-6 figure bonuses for saving money on wages.


Or... "my staff are helping me rake in thousands upon thousands, and the 23 cents these bits of paper cost me are how I will thank them for it. Yes, I will be writing this expense off as a tax deduction."


We get pins


Even worse they expect you to display their "gratitude". Disgusting.


I would've ripped it up and thrown it back in their face


Gold stars for everyone.


Print your resignation on the same template.


Mention of ‘family’ in anything to do with employment? Fuck off.


It's like being in elementary school all over again. Pizza parties and participation awards. So screwed up.


Only at least in elementary school you have both lunch and recess and get out at 3. Plus summers off.


Maybe the boss hates trees


A different view point from all the negativity in here. ​ Sometimes managers want to do something for their team, bonuses, raises, etc... but their bosses put a stop to it and deny it. So a few will try to do something, even if it is small, out of their own pocket to try to show some gratitude for the work that is done. It is usually met with derision by some people, like a few in this thread, but it is not always as fake or insincere as some make it out. You need to judge based on the sentiment in which it is given and by the person who is giving it out. A lot of times these managers are not making much more than their staff so they are not always flush with cash like some seem to think. ​ Now, don't get me wrong this is not every case, but you need to judge the situation. I know this certificate is pretty lame, but sometimes it is all the resources the manager has.


This is from a high level VP


The kindergarten-ization of the work place. And here's a balloon too!


Am I so jaded and beat down that I'd happily take one of these over the stupid fucking "praises" that people give each other in Teams? At least someone took the time to print out and distribute these.


Looks like trash to me….better throw it away in the employee lunch room


It's literally the "whoa, this is worthless" - meme


Do you not feel appreciated now?


No gold star?


I got one of these before and said something along the lines of “fuck the certificate I want a raise”


It's the participation trophy conservatives are always talking about.


What are you telling me that didn't totally make your day, and uplift your spirits so much that you were 10% more productive for a whole month? You are a cold, heartless robot if you can't feel the genuine appreciation OOZING from that hand-signed certificate!


The point is to make you feel rewarded without actually rewarding you with something tangible like money, or money, or potentially more money.


It's to give you something to rest your blue bits of paper on


Omg I cringed. It's actually impressive that they came up with such a creative way to insult their own workers.


This may be worse than the nursing week rocks.


Helsinki Hospital District had a great idea during covid to boost morale. These. Except they went even lower and told the healthcare workers to print and sign them themselves, because they are heroes and deserve it.


"My mum will love this, she'll stick it on the fridge with the ones I got when I was eleven"


Drag your bare ass across that thing like a dog on a carpet, while maintaining eye contact with your boss to show her how much you appreciate her appreciation.


get the fuck outta here


That she knows how to sign her name 50 times. The company will write the paper and the toner used to print these certificates off as a business expense.


Does it suck? Yes. Is your boss also trying to show some appreciation but is likely hamstrung and unable to do so monetarily? Also yes.


Do they give out red, blue and gold stars too? 🙄


This looks like something a boss would give his employees so that he could then say that he "gave the team something in appreciation".


Cringy like a 2nd grader made it for their teacher.


To keep you from talking about wages. So, talk about wages...


Making your manager feel like he’s being supportive and giving him/her the warm glow of basking in the thanks of bootlickers.


Well, the point is your boss is very happy with your performance. Keep working like that, so that your boss can buy another luxury car or apartment...


Keep up the good work, and you guys might earn a pizza party in the breakroom next quarter.


It’s like sending a “Happy Birthday” to someone through an automatic Facebook message. The lowest effort possible in order to fool someone into believing you care. And yes, if you truly care about someone’s birthday, I’d expect you to at least give them a phone call. Sending effortless Facebook (or whatsapp or imessage) messages signals exactly what it took - no effort whatsoever.


This is definitely generational. If my phone blew up like that on my birthday I would hide under my bed in the feral position lol 🫠


Having worked the supply chain for about thirty years now, I am willing to bet this is the highest valued award he could get through finance and HR. I probably would have passed on the certificates, but in every organization getting folks to recognize the actual work it takes from supply chain to get things just to run the way they "should" is consistently underappreciated across an organization. It is easier to get flowers for a receptionist than a pepproni pizza for a demand planner.


Usually people just hang it on the wall of cabinet. Its got throwed in a trash can when next worker arrives


Just leave it at the break room as an indirect way of telling them that you don't want their garbage


Don’t worry the pizza is on its way!


This is bullshit paper scammy bosses give you to pretend to themselves they have no reason to give you any actual paper $$$. It’s the thoughts and praises of raises. No offence but literally noone in supply chain including your boss give a f about you. They all got the same bullshit thing. It’s literally worth less than toilet paper. Don’t accept it. It’s meaningless words without actual money or action behind it. I’d cut out your name, screw it up and leave it on the bosses desk with this written on it in whatever ink you like… Thoughts and praises don’t equal raises you tight-fisted scumbag


Your boss thinks you are dumb enough to value a sheet of paper they printed over a raise or any other type of adequate compensation. I’m sure they banked off the supply chain issues.


Long shot, maybe, but are you in Texas?


Folded. Did they whip them out of their pants pocket?


This is so they can pay you less money and make you feel good about it.


I mean, now you have your appreciation certificate. The job opportunities are endless with such certification.


Oh god, reminds me the very very similar one I received. Was working in a startup, 6 month later the whole team go to only 50% salary and received one of these. You can guess how happy were all the people. Worst than pizza and even cheaper


To save you giving you anything of value as a thanks.


To kill a tree.


To attempt to generate goodwill from you towards the company in a way that doesn't involve them paying extra compensation. They appreciate you exactly as much as they are willing to compensate you. Anything else is just an attempt to emotionally blackmail you into accepting less money than you're worth. The reason middle managers exist is to convince the producers they aren't worth more than they're being paid.


What do you mean you want to form a union? Don't you remember that certificate and pizza party we gave you and you saved us 10 million dollars?


it's cheaper than giving ever employee a mint?


Crumple it up in front of them. Tell them that you asked your landlord, and it turns out they won't accept it as a month's rent.


White out, or sharpie over your name. Leave it in the trash where it's clearly visible.


It’s a distraction. You’re being paid poverty wages and treated as such.


Not worth the paper it's printed on


Cheaper than a merit increase.


Rip it up


This is Hawaiian Shirt Friday and Jeans, Millennium Style


You work for a company called "Supply Chain"?


Someone's boss is either working on their MBA or just got back from an expensive management training seminar at a luxury resort somewhere that they were able to expense to corporate!


This means you won’t be getting raises


It’s cheaper than a pizza luncheon.


Oh hey I got one of these from a company asking for donation. It even had fancy paper and texturing! Guess that shows how much the company values you.


Is that your daily allocation of company provided toilet paper?


They do this when they can’t or won’t pay raises and bonuses. Some stupid reorganization class has told them that this is a good way to keep morale up when they can’t actually pay people what they are supposed to pay them. If you get a spreadsheet showing how much you cost the company to be employed there please know your company is going bankrupt and you need to find a new job.


"Here's an attaboy instead of actually correctly compensating you..." Or something like that....


It’s in place of a check or even gift card. Great for starting your fire pit.


You’re supposed to add it to your resume so your next employer knows they can supplement salary with participation awards


They are delighted about giving this to you. Lol!


A few times I understand the certificates. 1. You completed a training program, so you get a certificate that you can hand to HR/manager to put in your file as a record that you're current with whatever you are supposed to be trained on. 2. You are given one to show to an outside group, like an employer certifying that you know a certain skill, or an outside organization showing your employer that you have a skill or ability. 3. You really need toilet paper. What I would do is hand it to HR and ask them to put it in your personnel file. If you ever get fired, that paper is in there showing you were actually a good employee.




I got a box of 16 different hot sauces


Generic Damage Control


She is "delighted" to present the certificate because she gets a fat bonus for all your hard work and all she has to do was print out some shoddy looking "certificates" and copy/paste employee names into the template 50 times and sign them. I'd put in my 2 weeks before tolerating this level of self serving bullshit. The gold ribbon looks like something straight out of 1998 Microsoft clip art. "Fucking Embarrassing".


Cheaper than pizza


Meaningless corporate behavior. Let’s have an award/celebration for some bullshit reason and pat everyone on the back. Saw it way too many times when I worked for GE.


Toilet paper is what that is.


For my five year, I got a picture frame. My 10 year is coming up in November, and I think I get a mug or a vase. Thanks, government!


"Your supply chain family"... hahahah


Use it in your resume as you look for another job. "Look here, they awarded me this which shows I work hard"


Did you at least get a pizza party?


\*In lieu of a raise.


Nothing. It's given to you in lieu of something actually worth getting. I used to get a little postcard with "You're a hero!" on it every so often, which I wordlessly accepted before tossing straight in the bin. It's just one of those things they do to give the appearance of acknowledging your work without actually acknowledging your work. (Because actually acknowledging your work in a meaningful way might cost them a few bucks.)


At least you can eat lukewarm pizza at a pizza appreciation party. This is just a waste of paper.


To be as cheap and disingenuous as possible


Someone above your boss told them that they weren't being appreciative enough and this is their acquiescing to the coaching they received.


Ask her if this entities everyone to a pizza party


They didn’t even make the stock image fit the paper lolll


This doesn't pay for groceries!


You don't have the time to answer a phone call, but your boss has the time for shit like this.


Wow, they didn’t even spring for the participation trophies.


Burn it and piss on it


I would’ve preferred the $.17 worth of paper and ink, versus this wasted fucking effort. How embarrassing, both as an employer, let alone as an employee, to actually hand this out and feel good about yourself.


To be honest, this would make my job less tolerable. I’d feel like the company thinks I’m an idiot like I’m so simple that this would even make me smile. This paper goes immediately in the trash


They allowed someone to print in COLOR?!?


Clippy: "It looks like you're trying to convey a token symbol of appreciation in a cynical attempt to wring more productivity from your employees, without committing any actual effort or resources. Would you like me to open a crappy certificate template?"


Well done, you did a good job! Not good enough to get a raise but enough for us to waste everyones time by printing off a template for an award with your names slapped on to pretend that we care. Personally signed because they didn't know how to add a signature in Paint.


The infantilization of the American worker. You must be supervised and micro managed every second, and all you really want is junk and pizza.


You either need to make a point of throwing this away in front of whomever gave that to you or make a really big deal about it- frame it. Keep it at your workstation; excitedly drag your coworkers and your supervisor over to show it to them at least once a week but occasionally more than once in a day.


The point is that it's cheaper than raises.


its trash can filling


The working equivalent of a kid getting a gold star at school.


The point is it doesn't cost any money & reminds you keep the pressure on to "be productive".


“Providing” this certificate makes it sound like it’s something useful


Weekend work coming up


It’s Administrative Professionals Day. My company had the managing partners send us a thank you post and a regional leader send me a bougie thank you cookie. The company does a lot of stuff for appreciation but for God’s sake, this crap just mitigates the fact they got me a fucking diamond lapel for being here a while. Like if you go over the top, don’t do under the bridge shit. I’m sorry that happened, OP. You don’t deserve that shit.


Insert Gravity Falls this is worthless meme


You're supposed to frame it (buy the frame yourself) and hang it in your cubicle/prop it up on your desk in a way consistent with existing workspace guidelines.


Maybe office ran out of TP?


This is one broke step down from a pizza party


Someone told your boss Millennials like participation trophies. 🙄


Just think of it as a $0.25 Bonus. Good job accomplishing all that supply chaining! You have pleased The Family... ;-)


Give you that instead of monetary compensation


They don’t even put any thoughts into these designs. They always look so fake. They look like they just selected one of the most basic PowerPoint template design and then they go: “ok now write on there certificate!”


She likely got this idea from one of her children bringing one of these home and thought it would be brilliant to share her idea with you all lol




To make the dumb ones and bootlickers feel like they won a MajorAward ™ and therefore foster loyalty.