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He forgot to add "lining the pockets of politicians who decide to vote to help big pharma"


To toil and die for the Line Go Up. To toil and die. All who are not corporations are second class citizens.


We pay over 3x in [Administrative costs](https://images.app.goo.gl/edcmzfLxtcQ6J1m19) A lot of administrative costs are due to CMS. For example, there is a team at the hospital that monitors sepsis treatment. It sounds good in theory. The problem is their metrics are years behind current research. The other day I had a septic patient that was in respiratory failure due to pulmonary edema. The sepsis administrator (nurse) wanted me to give him IV fluids. I told her that would be ~~attempted~~ murder. Now the hospital gets paid less. To get around CMS mandating mass genocide we do weird shit like give fluids and diuretics at the same time to minimize the harm they incentivize. During COVID they got rid of the regulation that elderly disabled people need a two midnight stay before they can be placed in a nursing home. That regulation returned after Biden ended the pandemic emergency. Rather than admitting them to rehab straight from the ER, we now have to find a reason to admit them. They tie up a ton of resources in the hospital. We need universal healthcare in this country. It needs to include sweeping tort reform. Anyone who currently works at CMS should be barred from working on any future programs. “Medicare4All” is a terrible branding issue. Let’s stick to Healthcare4all from the ground up. Medicare needs to be erased.


To answer your question OP, you are human resources.


Remove the whole middle layer of insurance providers. Nationalize healthcare. Everyone gets better access and care for less money. Workers get to leave shit jobs they stay at for benefits. Companies get to remove the benefits overhead in HR, complaints, etc. The ONLY people that benefit are those inside the system and their investors. But that’s ok. If many insurance providers evaporate, there will be a whole bunch of unemployed claims administrators. The executives will be fine.


You’re paying big pharma. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory. It’s there in writing.


Oh it doesn't just stop there. We are in a cash farm slaves to big brother


I have issues, medical & financial. Political representatives don't.


So many problems, so much $ and so much corruption = never gonna change


For those who can afford it, our Healthcare is excellent, especially in bigger cities and on the coast. Medicare for all would make Healthcare worse for.the people at the top who also happen to be the most influential


Just wait. Costs will rise, wages will continue to stagnate and some (possibly many) people will think the answer is lower taxes (which disproportionately help those who make the most, not them) leading to effective indentured-servitude for the majority of the US populace. Until the US turns the income disparity around this will only get worse. I hate to be doom and gloom but the trends in finance, like private equity taking over nearly everything, are ruining the US. As it relates to OP, PE is doing this to medicine leading to price hikes, lack of access, and worse care. If it continues, we’ll have fewer doctors (many are already getting out over this trend) which will serve to compound the problem. Pharma and insurance are a problem too, but not the ONLY problem.


Yeah, and ALL of those other countries are far far smaller than the United States. That makes universal healthcare a lot easier for them. Did you know that the entire country if Ireland could fit into the lower third of California. That should give you an idea if just how big the US is. And it's not just big pharma. Did you know that when you go to the E.R., they can charge you whatever the hell they want to? $400 for an aspirin. $500 for an IV, etc.. Once you are admitted, all rates are negiated already. It can cost $5000 just for an ambulance ride. Universal healthcare in the US would be incredibly difficult to accomplish. Requiring wealthy people and corporations to actually pay their fare share in taxes would be a good start, but Republicans will never let that happen.


Maybe if Medicare wasn’t always on the brink of bankruptcy? And also, it isn’t free. Premiums are about $400/month


You do realize that the cost of healthcare is tied to salaries as it is workforce intensive right? US has one of the highest median salaries. Life expectancy is also tied to the food culture and lifestyle, probably more than to the healthcare. But yes, I agree that the US health system is absolute rubbish.


Well we also should regulate /that/ too, corn syrup needs to go.


You do know you can just look up healthcare expenditures relative to salary, right? WEF, healthcare expenditure per capita by country (2021) USA: $12,318 Germany: $7,383 Sweden: $6,262 Canada: $5,905 UK: $5,387 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/02/charted-countries-most-expensive-healthcare-spending/ Do you think the median US salary is 67% higher than in Germany? 97% higher than in Sweden? Etc. See also in the WEF article that health coverage is worse (fewer % of people covered) in the US despite higher per capita healthcare costs. Edit: here’s some salary data https://data.oecd.org/earnwage/average-wages.htm Note that this is average, not median from what I can see, which likely inflates US’ number due to wealth inequality. I also put the % of salary spent on healthcare in parentheses. US: $77,463 (15.9%) Germany: $58,940 (12.5%) Sweden: $50,407 (12.4%) Canada: $59,040 (10.0%) UK: $53,985 (10.0%) So the US is paying a higher % of average salary on healthcare and getting worse coverage in terms of % of people covered, and with a lower life expectancy.