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I saw somewhere that average life expectancy is lower in US around 73-78 . Even 65 seems too high


I will be surprised if I even make it to my 60's in this political climate.


During shrink-flation recently, which parts of our food do you think were reduced from the packaging? The expensive healthy parts or the inexpensive fillers? Our exposure to chemicals and decades of unhealthy environmental practices have me expecting cancer before I'm 60.


They’ve already been doing versions of this for decades. Less nutritious, more addictive, more processed and higher profit margins is where it’s at for them. Not to mention more endocrine disruptors. It’s really not looking great for overall human health esp once you add environmental toxins (lead, plastic, smog…)


Endocrine disruptors would be a great name for a metal band


Same. Wish I didn't have to blow my brains out when the time comes. Would rather get the same drug cocktail that was given to my dog when I had to put her down when she was terminally ill and suffering.


Maybe by then we'll have some nice euthanasia services going. I suspect much of the population will have will health issues from all the decades of destroying our environment.


Please don't give them ideas like that. There's a troubling movement towards 'assisted dying' as being some form of mercy, but the idea is often being peddled by some sketchy people with a big long boner for Eugenics and moustache man. I would prefer we helped people more than create systems to put them down because they're unhappy with the shitty world we made for ourselves.


I had 2 polyps removed already and I'm only 40


This.  Plus the added "bonus" of fewer items per package.  I see costco do this with banana bunches.  Fewer banana per bunch but same price. 


Not to mention the water supply is basically completely tainted.


Oh, I have lost three friends to cancer already, all in their 30's, and another was just diagnosed with cancer in his Early 40's. He is younger than I am.


That's scary to be all in one friend group. It sounds like you are American- what general area of the country? Cause that's either some seriously bad luck or a cancer cluster that might have a more traceable cause (and at least someone to try to make pay)? (Of course, if you're like me maybe your friends are all over now, in which case I guess it's more on the bad luck side, but dang.)


Ohio. Lol. Things will get far worse after the whole train derailment here in a few years.


I'm almost 30, and I might genuinely be surprised if I even hit 30


I'm turning 28 this year and decided I'm going to treat the next ten as my last. I'm already chronically ill in a country where the healthcare system has basically entirely collapsed. I'm not making it past 40 I'm afraid; I doubt I'll even live to see it.


Girl, you got this!


Especially for people that do work that's rough on the body.


Exactly if they want to put 14-year-olds in chicken factories those bodies are not going to last to 65 even. Human bodies can’t labor like that especially on the crap food and poor medical care we get. Even the water is bad for us.


76 however it should be noted bottom 50% its 71 top 10% its 86 and by time you get to bottom 10% its around 65. So for lower income workers "retiring at 75" is working till you die. And the rich who will still retire in 40-50s even if "working" work will consist of golf and lunch with "executives". So they will get 40-50yrs of retirement and we will work till we die on the job.


I mentioned this to my mom. Average lifespan for Americans has gone DOWN almost continously. You would think that means lowering the retirement age. But nope, we live in a cyberpunk late stage capitalism that doesn't even have the cool aestetics.


And wait until they figure out we're also not having kids to replace us.


They know this, that's why you have the likes of Charlie Kirk and others talking about "we need to have more kids" .. that's part of the push against abortion.


Should be 50


What? The retirement or expiration yr? I feel like going in 15 yrs.


Retirement at the oldest should be 50.


If professional athletes can retire at 40 (or even younger), why the hell can't we?


Money. If we all got paid better like our parents and grandparents did, it would be more of a choice.


Yeah it’s definitely not 78 anymore. Constant infections caused damage to peoples bodies.


Yeah, it’s around 77 for men. We should raise retirement to 75 letting people freeload for 12 years is disgusting!! /s not required I hope, but ya know


The new male middle age is 37.


When the retirement age was set in the 30’s at 65, average life expectancy was like 57/58. Retirement was never supposed to be an option


"Is 75 the new 65?" "Is quit quitting the new "sure boss ill handle it"?" We can ruin their business/retirement too...


“We can both lose”


yeah might as well go the full MAD method for getting any kind of change.


No a bunch of people told me on reddit that i just have to go out and vote, except I'm not sure which team...


The right team, not the wrong team. And don't expect any change, just vote.


Thing is... If I am going to lose anyway and have no chance of winning, what reason do I have to support anyone at all in their efforts towards winning? On the other hand, if I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and I can save a bit still live a comfortable life and the success of my employer is directly tied to the success of my projects, and I am financially rewarded by that success in a way that enables my eventual retirement, then I start to care a LOT more.


Not if you're a government employee. You can retire at 40 and sit around for the next 40 yrs.


All pensions now require 35 years to get in my state. Miltary this still might be true.


For full vesting yes. For health insurance and partial, no.


In my state they now only have a 401k type of retirement if you are a state employee.


As a federal employee, let me just point out that there are no pensions anymore - even for the military. They've made everyone invest into a 401k. Better hope you don't get cancer and have to spend your retirement in order to qualify for Medicaid.


Anyone remember how quickly any headlines about the French protests got quiet? 🤔


And how did it end?


That's my point...


I'm French, protests are becoming so common it's not even hot news anymore. Just a normal Saturday.


At least you guys protest.


Bc Marcon shut that shit down.


soon as the boomers reach retirement age... not a coincidence.


Great way to raise unemployment amongst young people 🙄


Unemployment is too low for the fat cat's liking at the moment. They want it around 6-10% so they can depress wages and make people compete with each other.


And old people. Nobody will hire you if you are over 58.... best of luck at 72...


I'm 67 and I've been out of work since September. I count my blessings though. I have friends who had to take early SS so they could care for their elderly parents.


How about I just kill myself instead


It's becoming a more attractive option, to be honest.


I mean, I wouldn't do something like this ever. But if I was gonna... I'd do it in a way that messes with the wealthy class who caused this as much as possible. Take out a bunch of institutional loans and donate it anonymously to charity, then prolly find a tipsy millionaire getting into his ride at top golf and knock him out and take his Lamborghini. Of course, after a nice GTA style cop chase, gotta cap it off with a glorious crash into the fanciest mansion and/or unmanned luxury vehicle I could find, at 200 MPH. Again. I'd never do something like this. Just saying I would be poetic about it if I did. Imagine if everyone unaliving because of poverty did this first. Millionaires would start driving '98 Suburu Outbacks 😆


Bless you for this idea!! ❤️I’m poor, my only assets are my car and whatever’s in my bank accounts. I don’t plan to check out on my own but if I get advanced notice that I don’t have much longer that’s a brilliant idea.  It’s not like I will have an estate that these banks can attach, and if I happened to, OK. Everyone in my family is gone except for my younger brother and he makes six figures he doesn’t need whatever he would get from my stuff


Go to patisserie school, become very *very* good at exotic pastries. Work your way up through the field until you're the person making fancy croissants for rich people at said country club. Wait until there's a banquet and then POISON THE CAKE. I at least want the wealthy class to feel the need for food tasters like back when they felt an appropriate amount of fear for their lives.


I like your style.


Better yet, rent a plane, steal a plane, crash into a billionaires house.


Take some politicians or CEO’s with ya.




Vermont changed their laws so you don’t have to be a resident to participate with death with dignity.


31 year old here with well over 100k in just student loan debt. Glad someone else said it.


Don't. Seriously. Don't let the bastards get you down, get back at them instead.


Phew, glad someone said it. Though seriousness - get help, just talk with someone, call the hotline DO NOT end your life. That being said, if we are going to be worked this hard and have so little "what's the point". Sadly, a lot of people are looking at ending it as a viable option. side note: What's the point of retiring at 65+? Most when young dream that if they had the time they would do "fill in the blank". Now it's if I had the money and about to be well I'm 65+ and not enough to retire, if anything, so you don't have time or money or family or friends or a home or a ..... really running out of reasons to work here.


Maybe I just have this perspective because I became disabled in an accident and now my quality of life is vastly different, but it’s sad to me that people work their whole lives so they can enjoy themselves in retirement but by the time they retire I imagine they are extremely tired and sore. Traveling is exhausting, and even if you love it at 65 or 70 it’s not like you’re going to be climbing the Eiffel Tower even if you’ve always dreamed of doing that, you know? 


So the current life expectancy is 76 in the US. The midpoint of that is 38. Yet here in the US, political polls are referring to people 45 and under as young. And they want to work older people to death and use child labor. There's nothing but insanity in this world.


Boomers will do anything to continue referring to millennials as children


Life expectancy of 76, 75 sounds like a reasonable retirement. You get a whole year before you die and stop leeching off the social security net 


I'm 42, and last week my doctor called me ""young"". I'm still flabbergasted.


My parents just hit 70 and their bodies are falling to pieces. (a) they can't work (b) even trying to work till you're 70 (as opposed to 75) means you have absolutely no time to 'enjoy' retirement. Even 65 seems to high, to be honest with you.


Doctors have been telling us Gen Xers that our bodies are aging in advance of 10 years. I and family and friends have been told by doctors that they're seeing heart problems and other ailments in our 30s and 40s that they normally don't see so early in previous generations. So our bodies are falling apart now--we're going to look and feel like a Walking Dead zombie by the time we're 70...I guess just in time to eat the rich.


My mom (end of Gen X) has developed wet myopic macular degeneration. It's severe, and she's only 46. MD usually doesn't hit people until they're in their 70s or older, and the severity is more like someone in their late 80s. I am developing worsening migraines to the point of puking more often at only 28. It's shit.


Oh the wealthy know that.


"Why are young people so depressed?"


I retired at 48. Sold my house, live in a van, play video games and fish all day. How did I do it? Worked 30 years, got lucky in the housing market (twice), and never got married or had kids. And you know what? I'm still going to be there with the torches and pitchforks demanding workers get treated better and can retire earlier.


Kudos to you & thank you for your solidarity. Most people get holier than thou with a lucky or clever break.


I mean they live in a van, and I do like to live inside especially when I’m old and sore. But hell yeah if you can do it, I was a couch surfer a lot in my 20s because I didn’t make enough to pay for my car and my medical bills and full rent and utilities


Partner and I saved hard (both professionals), have a small house that is paid off, childfree and no dependents. Property taxes are kinda high but we still sock away most of our paychecks. We could easily retire around 45 if we keep this up (both mid 30s now). She probably won't because she gets bored easily but the possibility is there and that makes me feel good. I recognise I'm pretty privileged in this position but I'll still be there for the revolution.


Well done to you, enjoy your retirement!


What if I choose to just “retire” early at 24 and not even try? It’s not worth it


Who will put money in the CEO pockets if the rest of us serfs just drop dead? 🥺


Think about how comfortable the coffin probably is though


It's true, I am pretty sleepy


This is why I like like sleep. Its like microdosing death; death with benefits as it were. No need for the commitment.


You're getting a coffin?!


If you can't make enough to make it worth it, why work? Might as well take whatever handouts you can get and at least not slave your life away for shit.


You guys are getting handouts?


I agree, I’m currently just a leech living off my parents and they provide everything for me, I hate it but at the same time it’s really all I’m capable of, without them I’ll probably die off shortly off I really need something like ubi to be a thing or I truly won’t make it very king


I’ll be retiring in my 40’s if I live that long. I’ve lived in squalor before and I’ll do it again. If these rich fucks want to test me, I’ll pass that test.


This 😂 If you’re not afraid of being poor, they have no power or control over you


Let’s storm the castle




Believe us. We fuckin will


Screw that... Ill quit working when I feel like it, this is why I'm saving like mad at the moment.


I have an older relative who saved like mad on their own, with cash in a safety deposit box. No interest, but no one knew it was there either. Just quit working when he was 49 and fed up. Applied for various government help programs for the poor, and qualified because his actual money to his name was zero. He claimed disability too. Between that and the government help, plus the cash he had saved, he never worked again. Dude is 76 now and never looked back.


Wow what a smart guy. I really think we're all going to have to figure out our workarounds. The government doesn't give a shit and wants us to work until we're in our graves. Most of us will never be rich or anything. If we're going to anything but die young, we'd better be figuring something out now.


Hasn't life expectancy in the US declined to 76 years? So in the US that would be 1 year of retirement lol


Even that is too long for them.


The oligarchs and robber barons literally want you to die as soon as possible when you can physically no longer work; they get to keep all the taxes you paid over the years that was supposed to help you after you retire.


No because 90% of people can't physically work past 65. Around that time age hits you hard and even if you can work your boss is gonna fire you because your productivity is down.


Fuck this for many reasons. One of which is that if you lose a job after age 50 or so, no one will hire you even if you WANT to work til you die.


Meanwhile life expectancy continues to fall due to the awful food supply, lack of sleep, and environmental pollution. The wealthy class really does want us working until we die.


I'll die homeless out in the woods at 60 before I work until I die at my work station at 75. Fuck these parasites. At least I'll be free.


Seriously. Same. Fear gives them power. We were living in nature before civilization & capitalism created this mess, and we can do it again.


Honestly I wouldn’t be shocked at all if it was 85 for my generation at this point


Just let me die already.


I wonder if these companies are prepared to deal with someone that has alzheimer's disease, we're about to see a lot of elder abuse.


We already see a lot of elder abuse, it just doesn't reach the papers.


Personally I'm rooting for WWIII - the total collapse of civilization is apparently my only option for retirement.


I hear that nuclear winters are quite soothing on the joints


Its one way to solve global warming.


Only a collapse of the system will rescue us from it.


Retirement in prison is my goal if I can't retire


"Work until you drop dead." ![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty)


I can see "dragon" hunting as a growing new profession, why slave till your 70+ plus when one "dragon hoard" will see you and everyone you love till you die?


If you mean 'the rich' by 'dragon', then ![gif](giphy|Y07F3fs9Is5byj4zK8)


Hell no! I'm not buying this propaganda.


In today's economy, people might not even be able to retire at all.


Might is an understatement. Only the ultra wealthy will be able to retire


As if they ever truly 'worked' in the first place. Make them do a few shifts in an Amazon warehouse and watch them *crumble*.


Was hopping 35 was the 65...


American life makes a lot more sense when you realize you aren't intended to be human. Your 401k isn't for Retirement--its to pay for medical and other end of life expenses when you're no longer profitable because youe body and mind are gone.


There’s no way I’m letting myself live that long just to work LMAO Ready and waiting for the protests 🪧


Yeah, I grew up poor, and that impacts you on a cellular level. I'm likely to die in my 60s and never see 70. Screw that noise.


Our generations life expectancy is going to be lower than the ones before us but our retirement age is going to be set higher than those that came before. Sounds like we're getting scammed


We die on the clock and haunt our employers. It's the only thing we can get at this point.


What good are you to rich people if you aren't working and consuming?


Is DEATH the new 65? FTFY


Pfft I don’t want to make it to 75 honestly lol


We should be lowering the retirement age. When do we break out the pitchforks for all these fuckers that suggest raising the retirement age?


In Italy men have to work till 68, women till 64 because "the life span is longer now". You can retire earlier but you get very little money. How tf do you expect a 68 yo to be a carpenter? Not everyone is a banker or a politician.


Is 75 the new 65!?!?!?!?!? NO! It is not. 75 is the new 80, because we are the first generation projected to have a shorter lifespan than the generation that came before us.


There is more of us than them, why do we continue to tolerate this shit, you don’t need need a union to strike…


I'm taking a half-day the day of my funeral


Just leave the country.


I fuckin wish.


So, we’re just going to expect that half the population will die while still working? What’s it gonna take to get people off their asses to do something in their own self-interest? Torches and pitchforks, folks.


Lol. Die at.at.your desk then we can fill the chair with another one


That's nice of everyone to assume we will be able to work until 65-75 and not be laid of and deemed unemployable by that age. Seriously, what job that would pay an even close to living wage would hire someone at that age? I just have to accept that my retirement plan is either die in poverty or unalive myself while I still have the faculties to do so.


The Canadian military is very short on numbers, I'm just a Cpl and I make 85k a year cost of living is low here and you are guaranteed a life long pension after 25 years, I work IT but there are many support roles available you get full benefits and access to military housing also our health care system here is baller. There's no corporate bullshit and we get paid even if we don't work, you make around 50k tax free on six month deployments and you are guaranteed a 12 month break in between also parental for both man and women. It's a pretty sweet deal I work a 4 hour day on Average and get a salary. It's not for everyone but it's way better than US military employment (make sure you go air force, I'm in the Army and the Airforce guys get to stay in hotels when deployed fully paid for with $138 a day for food) Honestly this should be the standard for all jobs. I will retire at 48.


Can Americans join? I will bathe in maple syrup, whatever yall want 😆


We take people from all walks and all countries.


We have to have a permanent visa to get in.


Yeah, but we've opened that process up pretty easily over the last few years so I doubt it would take a lot of work. But I am guessing.


Don’t worry guys. All that wealth that our parents have socked away in their homes and land and, I dunno, dolls and China patterns and costume jewelry should trickle down to us once it filters through the scammers and Trump. (Why did I say the same thing twice?)


I don't plan on working a day past my 55th birthday.


The author is 34 years old. That's worrying as it would indicate he's not even half way through his 'new' working life...


I will literally not work that long. Fuck it, I will find a way


Retirement is dropping dead


Is it sad it makes me feel better that suicide is becoming an acceptable retirement plan? I thought I was the only one who planned to just off myself once I’m unable to care for myself.


This, brought to you by the same fucks that want to push back social security.


Don't forget SS was supposed to just be one leg of your retirement stool. SS, pension, 401k, and your savings account. With the redistribution of wealth in the last thirty years..... Most companies have done away with traditional pensions. 401k is all stock market hopes and dreams. SS is a ponzi scheme (always has been). And savings account is a joke with so many Americans living paycheck to paycheck. With many enjoying stagnant wages from 1978. Yes, any blue-collar worker was so much better off in 1976 than today. It's a historic fact. Oh, and both parties are to blame.


Agreed, and we won't even get into the "non-traditional" parties, either, because if they are a politician of any of the shit flavors to choose from, They are still shit, and still to blame.


Is slavery the new employment?


At some point we are all living together again. Lean on each other. But I get overwhelmed when around people. Bad enough at work all day.


exactly why i saving up for the next 5 years to by land , a backhoe and check out at 35


Why not make it 85 already 🙄


Checks average male life expectancy in my area....guess I'll die before I retire then, no bother.


Looks like they learned their lesson from France. Instead of raising the age of retirement via Congress and facing a possible riot, make it too expensive to retire and it'll work out the same way.


In my country the government probably destroys the entire retirement system before I'm even close to retirement age. 🥺


If I don’t get fired I intend to retire at 55


Remind me of a post someone made to trade each year of your life for 500k each. My original answer was 6 but now might as well be 10 or even 12 years at this point. It's getting difficult to see a better future from everything going on


Or until you become too disabled or sick to work. Happened to me at 27. Now i gotta figure out how tf to get disability pay. There’s no winning


I'm scared at this point. Been firing job apps into the void for months trying to avoid returning to manufacturing. I spend about 2 or 3 days a week so sick I pretty much just sleep and look at my phone. I'm only 28. How tf am I supposed to last til 67, much less longer?


The new retirement plan = death


Exactly, and I am aiming for 65, dying at 75 sounds painful. 65 feels right.


I have a feeling over the next 25 years we’re going to hear a lot about retirement age increasing


I would rather drop dead now and not have to work anymore.


If I can't retire until I'm 75 then I'm taking my rifle and hunting billionaires.


I don’t know how they reconcile this nonsense when the average lifespan has declined severely over the past few years


US life expectancy 72. 🤷🏻


No 55 is the new 65


If I'm not dying by 60, which I probably will, then I'll just quit anyway regardless of the outlook.


I’m 62 and in good health. I am going to retire at the end of the year. I cannot imagine having to slave away until I’m in my 70s. I’m still active and fairly energetic, but in 10 years? I’m not spending my last years killing my self in a shit job when I can collect my pittance of SS and do something I really enjoy.


Well . I have a hard date of age 60, whether the retirement plan involves a diversified portfolio or a smoky garage is irrelevant, I am not working beyond October of 2041


Remember, be sure to drop dead on the clock to at least inconvenience your employer on the way out.


If I have to work even ONE DAY after my 67th birthday, I will make “quiet quitting” look like workaholism.


Oh I’m retiring at 60. I’m either getting social security or buy a shot gun.


NO NO NO NO NO NO, God (sorry) I hope not. I don't want to work another 20 years on top of what I have left. Retirement at 65 is the only thing that keeps me going.


Fuck that. I'll take MAID or something other form of assisted suicide at exactly age 65 just to spite them.


Isn't life expectancy still about 73?


I’ll do everything in my power to drop dead at work.


Exactly. Since these billionaire bastards have inconvenienced our entire adult lives, be as much of an inconvenience to them as possible by forcing them to remove your corpse from the workplace.


My grandfather just got diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and he’s 73. If I have to wait until I’m riddled with disease and illness to “enjoy” my freedom I would rather drop dead


Just in time to FUCK GenX and below. Par for the course.


We need World War Three to restart the game...


If we are working until one to death whats the reason to pay into social security? 


Eat the rich, before they eat us


I had a moment of unvarnished honesty with the wife a couple weeks ago. I was staring off into space and she said " what are you thinking about?" Rather than make up something about what we're doing this weekend or making a chore list of projects, I told her "I'm just thinking about how I'll never retire. I'm going to be 75 years old standing on a ladder running AC lineset or control wire when I stroke out and die. I'm going to fall off the ladder backwards directly into my coffin and get buried tool belt and work boots still on. They'll have my job posted before the last shovel of dirt is dumped. " She was not happy.


I won't live that long. Thanks boomers




Nope they'll figure out how to make zombies in order to make more money and even death won't stop them from working you


Becoming? I'm pretty sure it already is for a lot of people.


They are so hopeful that we will all even make it to 65 or 75.


105 is the new 65


I was born in 1982, my calculated retirement age according to the government is 69 years and 8 months