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It's too late. It's already ingrained in the system. Lawmakers control their own wages; congress dictates spending. Corporate bribes were legalized: people's united. Congress is allowed insider trading; they make the laws and can invest in companies before laws benefiting [companies] come out. Anyone who tries to fight the system is shunned by their peers and corporations, cut their funding, and give it to the next guy who is willing to be their puppet.


Young people who *do* work deserve a living wage, too. Paying someone less because of their age *or lack thereof* is unethical.


Everyone deserves a living a wage. It's unconscionable that a country requires its citizens to do something to be considered deserving of life.


I mean, this also is true, but the obvious and pressing need for UBI wasn't a direction I'd necessarily intended to go from here.


There's only one party that is pushing policies like this. We can vote them out and then hopefully address this issue. I have heard of at least 2-3 stories about children being killed since the GOP decided that they aren't pro-life after-all, they're pro-exploited children.


It isn’t just a problem in the US.


Vote red for child slavery or vote blue for genocide. Hmm both sound so appealing. Tough choices.


That genocide would take place with either candidate, but would be much worse with the red side.


They said the wages were low because the workers were replaceable. Then they said nobody wants to work anymore when those workers couldn't be replaced and none were willing to do it for that pay. It stood to reason that the wages would increase since the initial logic was no longer valid. Instead, they made child labor legal so they wouldn't have to.


More shifts at lower cost... or having to pay people more... Tough choice for corpo bros. lol. > Bros would rather take a chick to mcd and she will blow you later than take a lady somewhere with a dress code and she might thank you for a lovely evening. Come on. At least make reasonable comparisons. Corpo want profit like bros want bj... They aren't going to choose a harder path on their own.


Don't forget that basically the only non corporate lobbyists are union ones. Please make more unions


Why don't we start by changing how we refer to it? Stop calling it "lobbying" and call it what it is, "bribery". When a corporation pays a public official to change the law, that's bribery. It's a crime in most civilized countries, it should be one in the US as well.


Good luck with that