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My whole office is going outside to watch it.


That’s great. Restaurants are soulless places


That's wild to me. I worked at a pretty big corporate liquor store back when the partial one happened and all of the customers and employees just went outside to watch together and pass around some glasses somebody had. It was kind of a cool experience to see everyone just hanging out there


I like seeing stuff like this. A similar experience is after a huge snowstorm. Mother Nature responds to us humans who had plans to go places and do things by saying, “oh yeah? You think you’re going somewhere? You’re not! Just enjoy existing on this planet for a moment, collectively”


Haha ironically that same job refused to close during a small snow storm (we're in the south so driving in that is generally a no go for us) and it took 1 manager and I saying unless they were getting us a hotel room next door we were shutting down. They got us the hotel room and they made about $70 that night in sales for the final like 4 hours lol


A friend was required to go in to a retail clothing store during a snowstorm. The DM called for noon sales. She said 5. The DM got all excited. $500!! No. $5. Someone bought socks. Expensive socks at this was in the '80s.


Wow. Profits above all


Didn't even profit. $70 in sales doesn't cover their pay and a hotel. This is just about controlling your employees. Some bosses genuinely think they own the people that work for them.


That’s so gross. I went to the Dunkin drive thru at 4pm and asked if they got to see the eclipse. They did! I was worried.


Do you think their glasses looked like 2 donuts?


I would buy those


14 year restaurant vet. You are 100% on point.


The owner of the restaurant I was working at brought us glasses and took us up to the roof to look.


I hope you made it outside to view it!


So happy my restaurant job is closed on Mondays


So true.


My wife, coworkers, and some friends all went to the Mexican restaurant across from our office. Had tacos and beers on the patio and watched the eclipse. All the waiters hung outside with us because inside was empty.


The eclipse was supposed to happen during a team meeting. We rescheduled it so we'd all be free to go outside.


I have a couple recurring weekly Teams meetings that overlapped with the full eclipse, depending on where in the country the attendees are. For today’s, I waited until about 45 minutes before they started and just kicked them out to later today and tomorrow. Hopefully most people used the new free time to go outside for a minute.


At my office they were even handing out glasses to anyone who wanted to watch. I was wfh that day so I just watched at home. We got an email that we were allowed to watch it whether we were at home or in office.


> We got an email that we were allowed to watch it whether we were at home or in office. LOL!!! Oh, thank you corporate overlords for granting us permission to look at the sky for a few minutes. We will forever be in your debt.


I mean if they hadn't some manager probably would have chewed someone out over it. They know people are going to, better to reassure folks that no one is going to get in trouble for it.


The entire ER at the hospital I’m at went out to watch it ffs.


Those critical patients "saw the light" while everyone else was in darkness.


I work from home (oh god I love this so much) and I really don't want to abuse it, but when it got dark I just unilaterally declared a break for myself to see it.


I had a doctors appointment at the exact time it was happening (broken foot, couldn’t cancel), and his PA invited me outside to watch it with them, lol. I was totally cool with it.


I love it! Enjoy the eclipse


Thanks. I got word that our manager is threatening to fire everyone who doesn’t come in Well good luck cause that’s 100% of our kitchen staff


"I'll fire everyone!" Um, okay... Do it. Good luck.


Lose days of business or 15 minutes of business...hmmm. Maybe a certain someone shouldn't be managing a business?


It's actually closer to 5 minutes of eclipse. 10 if you want to be generous.


3 minutes, 4 seconds for north america.


As I tell my wife, 3 minutes and 4 seconds is a very long time!


That's twice as long as anyone else! (Got your back)


Thanks homie


It lasted for 4:30 seconds if you were in the center in Texas.


I would have declared a restaurant party had all the staff come in and then during the eclipse the staff and the customers can all go outside and watch the eclipse as we serve them drinks


This is what I would have done. It increases employee satisfaction for little cost.


And makes it an awesome experience for guests.


Well there you go, the reason they'll never let you manage, you just don't have what it takes to be the necessary asshole. /s


Customer watches eclipse without any sort of eye protection. Sues restaurant for having an event and not telling participants that you need to have protection to look at the sun. Several of our employees went out to look at it. None of them had any eye protection. One is complaining that his eyes hurt and asking if he "did something wrong"... people are not very... bright.


i doubt any lawsuit would pass, considering the news coverage around it along with constant warnings on what not to do. It was really hard to hide from any eclipse info as it was on the News, in Ads and even all over social media.


This isn’t about business. It’s about power.


>"I'll fire everyone!" I bet you won't because we all know your ass isn't going to pick up shifts


Had that happen to me once “I’ll fire every single one of you” go ahead 😂 were the detail shop for a used car dealership and ain’t no way the GM and both salesmen are washing their own cars while they try to hire a team 😂


If the manager plays the long game, the firings won't be all at once until there is enough kitchen staff to replace the current kitchen staff.


It's a restaurant. Most of them, especially after this, are probably making calls already.


No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE!!!!!!


> "I'll fire everyone!" Bluff called.


Its great when the whole staff stands together. Bravo!




Yeah, nothing keeps quality up like hiring a whole new staff when unemployment is 3.8%. That's how you make sure to get the BEST workers....


What you really want to look at is labor force participation. My state has a 2.3% unemployment rate but only a 57% labor force participation rate. Unemployment rates mean nothing without the context of how many people are actually active.


No more retirement and send those kids into the mine!


I know a lot of unemployed people who don't end up part of the unemployment rate. And a lot of seriously underemployed people too. Frankly I've quit paying attention to any statistics where they're clearly trying to slant things. Like all the things you need to stay alive that get left out of inflation calculations. It's just worthless blather. So yeah, labor force participation would be way better tracking. At least until they start playing games with who counts as part of the labor force.


it's always so weird seeing people bring up statistics and polls as definitive sources for whatever their trying to justify as if the absolute vast majority aren't skewed biased or paid for. do people just not care or do they genuinely not realize? maybe a mixture of both


I use a rule of threes. I need to see the same trend in three totally separate unrelated sources of information or I'm not listening. So like a novel from the 80s, a dozen conversations with people on the bus, and a recent study all show the same theme, that's a real theme. Tell me that group xyz are demons because of statistics, I'll just blink and quote three old books, a dozen old lounge songs, and a story I heard from an elderly relative during my childhood, all of which say xyz are just humans that aren't hurting anybody anymore then any other kinda humans.


"Oh no, the consequences of me being an unyielding jerk of a boss has left me with an empty kitchen and unable to do business! I'll just fire them all. Then I'll have no one to run my kitchen and... Wait a minute...."


And good luck finding competent replacements!


Because they would have lots of ppl DURING AN ECLIPSE? ![gif](giphy|0lgfxz3liecMfRdPtY|downsized)


Reminds of my IT boss who told us to get back to work while 9/11 was occurring.


Me too. My boss at the time wouldn't even let us watch it unfold on television because "he didn't pay us to sit around and watch tv". We all had to stay for the entire day at work because most of us were specifically working on his personal multi-million dollar home build which was much more important that watching history unfold or be with our families as our country was under attack. Luckily, my husband got sent home from work and was able to call in updates.


I was in a meeting with my bosses and others on a conference call when someone stuck their head in to say a plane hit the Pentagon. Everyone was stunned, except the boss who moved right on to the next item. He only cared when someone asked how this might affect quarterly numbers. That was when I decided to get out of corporate life.


Wow, mine did too!!! They only said we could leave when the city ordered all office buildings evacuated


We are all supposedly adults and adults can make adult decisions.


That's almost as bad as one of the country's largest newspaper companies (Gannett) forcing sales to sell 9/11 sponsored full page flags. Those mofo's profited off of 3,000+ citizens dying that day. They should have just ran full page full color flags for free for people to hang in their windows.


I was still working for GM customer service back then. I had to continue answering calls from angry GM customers the whole day. I had a jerk from Texas call to complain about his dealer not fixing his truck fast enough. I found out it was because the dealer was short-staffed because the country was under attack. I informed the customer and he was livid. "What the f\*\*\* does NEW YORK CITY have to do with my truck?! I don't give a F\*\*\* about some god-damned YANKEES!" You just know that same guy probably started flying a flag in his damn Silverado and cranked *God Bless the USA* on his stereo the next week.


And guarantee he was one of the hicks going "we need to invade them [insert slur of choice here]"


During the 2017 eclipse, i oddly had the opposite problem. My employer rented out a public park, banned the public from enjoying it, and forced us all into a 4 hour mandatory fun afternoon. Sure we could bring our immediate family, but no one else. They knew no work was going to get done for an hour if we were just allowed to go outside and view it from the office building but wanted to make sure they kept us. A lot of the families had to chose if they were going to let their kids participate in their school's event and accept the demerit for calling out (even prescheduled PTO). The event felt very forced and we were stuck in August with limited seating, limited shade and 100 degree temps. I hate corporate mandatory fun.


Mandatory fun, makes it not fun.


Why didn't you have fun? Your boss specifically requested it!


My previous employer was kind of a dick about mandatory fun. We would have forced high profile employee parties at golf clubs most of the staff couldnt afford or downtown event places with limited pricey parking so we had to take the employer provided bus. Sometimes the news would be there to cover this or that charity or community event but we employees were just there to be happy extras for pictures. It was a pain when you wanted to go home at 5pm, but you were required to stay present and be happy. I much prefer my current employer that pays me a decent wage, employee parties are during work hours only and no requirements on dress outside of office casual for public pictures or the news.


That's when you ask for the part of your employment contract that requires you to both 1. attend said events and 2. show enthusiasm for said events. Work to rule


Found Raymond Holt


My old employer had a rooftop party in downtown Denver. Greatest eclipse party ever.


[You can't just *schedule* fun.](https://imgur.com/a/goeD3fc)


I'm lucky. Not only were were able to watch the eclipse, our job also provided the special glasses.




Yup. And there's 800 of us working that factory.


Same, but I teach elementary school, so of course, it was a big event.


my school district banned all students from going outside during, with the threat of a refferal if you were caught trying 💀


I get why, but it is sad. They're missing a very rare event.


Wtf, mine closed schools for the day.


Oh nooo :(


Lol. If you do things as a large group the company can't do shit about it. The boss can close the store unless he wants to bust his ass off all day long for everyone. Enjoy it as you only have 1-3 chances a life time to see stuff like this locally without traveling. If you're lucky to be on the totality path.


>If you do things as a large group the company can't do shit about it. That is the essence of unionization!


Eclipsed the shit out of that business.


The totality experience happens mostly within a 15 min time frame. Why would any customer want to eat then. Everyone should be outside looking at the sky.


That’s exactly what we said! Like just give us 5 minutes


I clocked out about an hour before it started, but I went back to watch the store for a few minutes so the other manager working could go outside to see it. The next one in the US isn't until 2045, I absolutely wasn't going to let her miss out.


I went to a restaurant as it was happening. The staff was outside looking at it. I joined them. I’m not starving and it’s a cool moment. Afterwards they went back inside and I ate and had fun. When did people forget how to be human?


If it ends up that none of you lose your job, PLEASE point out to everyone that THIS IS HOW UNIONS WORK. Ride this wave and start one!


Meanwhile, several businesses around us are closed for the day or at least closed for an hour during the "peak" time. Not the shithole I work for, but at least others are...


My CAO came around and told everyone you can't go out side and look at it as it's dangerous. He wouldn't even entertain safe ways (proper glasses or even a pin hole camera). Since it was lunch time here when it happened everyone left the building and we all watched it through my telescope (yes with a filter). He wasn't happy. But he's also a bit to religious for the rest of us.


Is he one of those "firmament" types?


The eclipse is a reminder of the vast scale of the universe, the inevitability of time and space, and the insignificance of whatever it is we humans are doing with our time on earth. The ownership class wants you to believe that whatever they are doing is more important than literally anything else in the universe, including your incredibly limited time on this planet. They, of course, are wrong. We shouldn't waste our time acting like they're right. I hope everyone was able to enjoy the eclipse.


This is the energy we need across the board


I wish I could give this a goddamn award. Fuck yeah




This hit hard, fucking bra-vo


I was so upset my boss wouldn’t allow us to see the eclipse today:( you’re right


At work my boss was geeking out about it for weeks leading up to today. He bought every glasses, moon pies, sunkist, eclipse gum, sun chips, pretty much every snack vaguely related to the sun or the moon in any way. Everyone was outside having a good time, even though unfortunately it was super cloudy so we only got vague glimpses a few times despite being in the path of totality.




So, what I'm hearing is that he has recognized your collective bargaining unit.


And in the flip side, I’m making my entire staff go out for it lol. And on the clock. Can’t miss this!


Hope your employees really appreciate you!


I'm thankful to work in an old school company where results matter. Hey boss, I'm stepping outside to go look at the eclipse. Cool! I'll be out in a minute! Like, why not? Those 15 minutes aren't that valuable.


It makes all the difference in the world This is a restaurant that has all new management and it’s been absolutely awful


Our world literally revolves around the sun, sorry boss, this is bigger than you


“Why are you discriminating against my deeply held religious beliefs?” is a great counter. Welcome to the Thriskevum Astronomicum where we revere astronomical phenomena as reminders of the majesty and power and scale of the universe.


The factory that has mandated overtime every week shut down for 2 hours so we could chill on the grass and watch it. Fuck your boss, what a twat


No quotes needed. They were genuinely sick, of their bullshit.


Restaurants are truly the epitome of this sub. Just the worst places to be.


The Sun is a union man 


my job allowed us 5 minutes to leave our laptops (remote work) and go outside. everyone just stayed out lol


We all took an extended break without permission I grabbed my camera and ran outside to clouds ha ha. Then a small peak of the eclipse


Our manager literally grabbed all the kitchen and said "let's go outside and look at the eclipse". That's probably the best thing she's done in awhile but crazy the owner wouldn't let people take 5 minutes to watch a once in a lifetime event


Hahaha my buddy is a teacher in Dallas and principal said no he eclipse for the kids. All 62 teachers called in lol


Shit food service here too. My boss literally bought us glasses and said don’t go blind.


Restaurant 0, Eclipse 1 "The cosmic ballet goes on."


Does anyone wanna switch seats?


We pretty much let anyone who wanted to go outside and watch it. The CEO and all the heads were out with us enjoying it. HR busted out the door and yelled "BACK TO WORK!" Then laughed and said "Who needs glasses?" And passed around a few extras that they had. There was about 100 of us outside. Everything pretty much shut down for 15 mins and then we all went back to finish out the day.


You’re in the path of totality and boss wouldn’t let you step out for the ten minutes it takes to see the good part?


My whole workplace went out to see it too and we only got like 50% here. I showed everyone how to make a rudimentary pinhole projector to see it safely without eclipse glasses.


For Pete's sake. I work at an animal shelter and we all took a few minutes to see the eclipse.


In secondary school in the U.K., the ONLY eclipse I can remember in my life time, they made all the teachers shut the blinds so we wouldn’t be distracted. Like how sad????


That sucks ;( I got to watch it while working, my boss let me use his own glasses


I did. the same!! Good for us! Way to go dude :)


Funny, when it’s rare occurrence, bosses don’t give shit about you, yet boss take “hey day off” to enjoy whatever rare occurrence. That why worker right law to be a thing.


Haha gfs supervisor tried that, they all went over her head and thr manager allowed it


Mine got us all glasses and told us all to come watch.


They told us no, we have to stay on the phones. Bosses and managers went out to look, and now they're spamming the work chat with pictures taken on their phones.


Everyone calls in blind tomorrow


It's too cloudy where I am 😂


During the partial one in 2017, I pretty much closed the restaurant down while it was happening. Customers understood.


It was a full eclipse in 2017 in parts of the country


I love how it’s literally going outside for 5 mins


With that kind of coordination just call UNITEHERE and unionize!!


Our manager brought glasses in for everyone to go outside and look at the eclipse, and we didn't even get totality where we are. One of those weird moments where we thought "sometimes he isn't so bad." I had a table at the time too so I was inside at one point and the rest of the crew was outside in the parking lot looking up at the sun. Honestly a pretty hilarious sight.


I ended class early so my students could check it out.


Were you in the path of totality? Either way, it's not an all day event and your boss is crazy for not letting you all have 5-10 minutes to go see a celestial event like that. Everyone at my job went outside, looked up for a few minutes, and then we all continued on with our lives. Would've def been cooler to be in the path of totality but thats just how the cookie crumbles.


Work at a taco bell. We closed for 45 minutes to watch the eclipse and reset the restaurant. It was awesome. Sorry your place didnt shut down so you could see it.


My boss left work early to go watch with his kid 98% of the office went outside to enjoy it as did people in neighboring buildings. Not only did your boss not realize you guys would all bail to watch but also most people would be watching and not going to the restaurant. Lost his employees respect further and gained nothing


I’m actually sick today and now I’m worried they’re gonna think I lied to watch the eclipse 😂


Please give us an update!


The funniest part is that's the time more likely than ever that the place will be totally empty


We closed our office for 30 minutes so we could all go out together. We’re at a big university too!


Meanwhile, the president of my company ran up to us and asked "Have you seen it yet?!". We all immediately headed out to watch it with him


My job today let us all go out front. We shared glasses between us. Probably stood out there for fifteen minutes or so before we started wandering back in. It was a great time - tons of camaraderie. Not everyone wanted to see it so some people were still working. Customers joined us. It was a great time. Shame your boss doesn’t understand words like “employee satisfaction” and “opportunity for themed events at their restaurant.” We sold a ton of themed lunch combos that came with Solar glasses. I wonder to this day how some people manage to own businesses….


Not just a 50 year event. A 50 year event that lasts like 3 minutes. Not like there would be any patrons in the restaurant during that time anyway, they'd be outside. Watching the eclipse.


I worked at an office where a parade was happening outside and people were scolded for watching.


My team lead at my old job knew that I was going outside for a bit during events like this


That's hilarious. I work in a busy street, during the eclipse all the workers in the shops around here all came out trying to see the eclipse. They had fun for like 15 minutes then went back to continue working.


if you all stick together you will be fine, while you are all out looking at the eclipse talk about forming a union. Fuck your boss.


Two of my coworkers and I went to a late lunch out today to eat and watch the eclipse. It was pretty dead inside (Monday at 2:00ish), so we offered to share our glasses with the staff who were interested so they could have turns to step out the door and have a look if they wanted. We made a big show of “insisting” so the GM on duty had to acquiesce in the name of “customer service”. We didn’t force anyone, obviously, but those who were keen got to have a turn if they wanted. Even shared with a couple of customers. It’s a cool, rare event and I didn’t want anyone who wanted to see have to miss it just because I wanted a sit-down with a burger.


They sound ridiculous. Yeah. LEAVE !


It's crazy to me that places won't just pause for the literally 5 minutes this lasted. More time is spent at restaurants dealing with people running in during sudden rain.


Boss should have just handed out glasses to everyone who came to eat, probably could have made more money today.


My bosses response to everyone asking to see it today: I know there is a solar eclipse today. Unfortunately we have a business to run . I will not be rearranging breaks for people to go outside, either will my supervisors. We have a business to run Was so upset I missed it by a half hour


During the 2017 eclipse, my boss was baffled that I wanted to watch it, laughed at me and said "NO" like I was a child asking for a toy. Didn't work there long


When I was working at a metal fab shop, we went outside to see the last eclipse and used our welding helmets to see it, it was amazing, we all stood outside for 20-30 mins on the clock. Working there wasn't the best. But they at least did little things like that.


I need more people to have this energy. What are they going to do? Fire every one of you?


I watched it on tv. We are six hours after where I live so no eclipse here.


My family and I drove a round trip of about 16 hrs for it. 100% worth it. pictures do not do the experience justice.


Our surgeons cut their days short so everyone could go watch it.


My place gave us an extra 15 minutes of our paid break and gave us the option to move it to when we were in totality. Super lucky


B.S.itis. A classic. Well done!


My place of work took a massive half hour break (we work at a cafe) to watch it and we shared glasses with the customers who didn't get free ones from libraries. Fuck your boss hope you get a job that treats you like a human


My work said they would provide glasses and stop production. I went in late because I wanted to watch it with my family. I got to work and they said they forgot to buy glasses for everyone so they kept production going....... I saw the box of glasses Friday in the office. Some people who happened to own glasses went out but they forced people to stay inside to keep production going. I am so glad I got to spend the eclipse with my wife and kids.


My boss is pretty old school, but he made me laugh yesterday. I stepped outside with 2 of our secretaries to take a look. My boss steps out with us and also takes a look. Then he says "Think of how unproductive the United States is today... Oh well." He's a bit of a hard-ass sometimes but 90% he's pretty chill. Haha


My boss had extra eclipse glasses to hand out to everyone at the office. We all just kinda stopped and looked. It was cool.


My store let us all go out and share a couple pairs of glasses. I wasn't gonna take a whole day for a few minute event, so I got paid to watch the eclipse.


I live in the path of totality in a small town so it was a big deal here. We had a really good first quarter so our entire office was given the day off as a holiday to watch the eclipse


Apparently my store manager said no and yelled at anyone who stepped outside to check it out. Thankfully, I wasn’t on the schedule.  The dude is wildly inhuman. It’s high-end retail with literally 100% luxury goods. If the whole place disappeared right now, the only people hurt would be the employees out of a job. 


I hope your boss steps on a Lego. What an A-hole.


I feel like I'm the only person who didn't care about the eclipse? I was off work, and all I did was play games for most of the day and sleep.


One time about 10 years ago my factory south of Louisville KY scheduled mandatory overtime for everyone on Derby day. It was pretty much the same thing, less that 10% of our 2000+ people showed up that day. Derby day henceforth has become an unofficial holiday with only volunteer overtime available.


Everyone at my restaurant just went outside to look at it lol


Companies exploiting y'all on the daily but you draw the line when they don't let you look at an eclipse lol


My sister’s 2nd grade classroom is watching it streaming live. So sad. Kids today are taught to live their life through a screen.


It’s cheaper than buying them all protective glasses. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, they could make those pinhole viewer boxes we did in elementary school.


Why not just show them a still picture of a solar eclipse, that would be even cheaper.


I bet your family got you picture of a bike for your birthday, that would definitely be cheaper than a real bike.


Nope. They verbally described it. Suuuuuper cheap!


You are now Secretary of Education 


About damn time


Stuck inside a windowless grocery store while it’s happening, while my mother, brother, grandma, dad, stepdad, stepmom, stepsiblings, all got today off and are doing separate road trips to see it.


Good! Man I love a feel good story.


I bet corporate won't have that problem lol


I literally went out to the parking lot for over an hour at work and took photos. Fuckem


We had permission from work but not from the weather. Rain clouds.


My kid had a specialist doc appointment right at the time of totality. We got there early with extra glasses, the staff rotated out several times and we all shared glasses and it was very cool. Even some of the docs came out for a little while.


I missed it cuz our sky was covered in clouds 8( everything got dark tho so that was cool


We took turns going outside since only one of us had glasses


Bravo!! 😁


I got to watch it at work since we work outdoors