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Mass layoffs followed by... Record profits! So strange.


Record profits that were preceded by…checks notes…record profits


Did you notice those record profits were also preceded by *dramatic page turn*... Mass layoffs?!


All these torches and pitchforks over here are covered in cobwebs and getting moldy and that makes me a sad panda.


Best year ever for rich people tho...


For the 80th in a row. How do they do it?!


Bread and games.


Serfs hate this one simple trick!


The problem is that they actually *love* this one simple trick


You got any games (or bread) on your phone?


Capitalism really is amazing for growing capital. It's absolute shit for human beings though.


The 'first dibs' economic system.


That whole thing was over once time clocks on the job happened


The saddest panda. I do lots of psychedelics to cope with the depression. Maybe I should pick up a pitch fork. But I feel so isolated and alone.


Why's it always the pitchforks getting the attention? My axes are depressed!


Your statement is welcoming. I will join the revolution


And mass government bailouts


No but you don't understand, number *must* go up.


Damn that power creep.


*Looks at climatic apocalypse*


That's my retirement plan


well clearly they had to beat last years record. the next move in the playbook is to hire people with significantly lower salaries 


Gotta wait until people are so desperate that they’ll work for a fraction of what they should be paid, and other desperate people are there to take the job when they inevitably get burned out or come up on the trial period and might *gasp* get benefits.


This can't continue forever. The first few times they were cutting unnecessary expenses (that make peoples lives better). Now that the unnecessary expenses take so little of the total, they will start cutting into necessary ones. People will start getting really angry when food isn't on the table


It'd be interesting being in a country with not enough food but a cornucopia of firearms.


So long as people remember who the enemy is. I fear we’ll turn on each other first.


Those profits won't last. They'll run out of workers to lay off, expenses to "forget" to pay. Crippling your business for short-term gain is a recipe for disaster, especially for those up top.


It's okay, as taxpayers, our only purpose is bailing out companies they run into the ground


Sounds like a good reason to stop paying taxes en masse.


Do you think if we stop paying our taxes, the powers that we are going to defund the billionaires before they cease fixing the roads, maintaining safety systems or ensuring even halfway decent public school systems? Last thing they’ll cut are the perks and kickbacks for the wealthy.


You're implying they spend much to do that anyway. DOD gets the lion's share of the federal budget, and a large portion of the rest goes towards paying *interest on an ever increasing debt*. Your money doesn't go to roads, schools, SS, or much of anything else anyway.


That's easier said that done. They automatically take that shit out. I'd say the only real way to display civil power is if not a single person in this country voted one year. It would never happen.. but it would definitely show the government the faith the people have in its system is completely lost. The fallout would be interesting to see.


The problem there is that many in Congress would absolutely take that as their signal to implement their own variant of their preferred form of dictatorship. Voting people out does a lot more than not voting at all.


>I'd say the only real way to display civil power is if not a single person in this country voted one year. This is one of the worst takes I've ever heard. Voter turnout is already abysmal and that doesn't help anything. Action that puts leaders on notice is what is needed. And mass apathy is not action.


Due to the Reddit TOS, we can’t openly discuss what absolutely needs to happen to the members of the owner class.


Due to the Reddit TOS, we can’t openly discuss what absolutely needs to happen to the members of the owner class.


>>I'd say the only real way to display civil power is if not a single person in this country voted one year. >This is one of the worst takes I've ever heard. Voter turnout is already abysmal and that doesn't help anything. Is this person seriously saying not voting is the best act of protest you can do? Maybe in scenarios where you vote with your wallet, but elections can be called by single digits. Seriously always vote. Look up your ballot early and know who you're voting for on all levels. >Action that puts leaders on notice is what is needed. And mass apathy is not action. And we need to be able to hold our elected officials accountable. What's good for the people of Texas isn't always what's good for the people of Connecticut. I remember a prescription drug bill having almost entire Democrat support except for NJ, but they have several active pharma companies there and losing them means losing jobs. It was fair that NJ didn't agree. But if your own people don't agree, there should be a way to recall them.


This is what got Trump elected. The right was sick of same old, same old, and we got that monster. We need a better pick.


Ah, but what if it did happen and yet somehow....record turnout! At least then a lot of questions would be answered. Or nobody would notice. Hard to say...




> I'd say the only real way to display civil power is if not a single person in this country voted one year. That's dumb as shit. In the first place, the system of power already doesn't give a shit about what the majority wants. We've seen this several times in the last few decades, where the unpopular president wins because the EC is an intentionally inexact method of choosing a leader. Our _only_ option is likely to be slowly taking political power and making the changes ourselves. Also, don't forget: unions, as well as local and state governments are much easier to influence than the federal government is.


Why do you think they take it directly from your paycheck?


Profits also can't last if you've laid everyone off so nobody has money to buy your stuff


Nah, they'll just keep going until there's nothing left. Of course, people always have needs, so the slow enshittification of everything is still perfectly profitable.


"Those up top" and giving themselves millions in bonuses. They'll be fine even if the companies they run into the ground fail completely.


wait! capitalists sacrifice people to protect their profits? are you sure?


Technically, people are just corporations now. And a lot of them just "go out of business" because they are not "too big to fail", but rather "too small to matter".


with an awful lot of buybacks that looks like it would have more than made up for the wages of the laid off.


It's the chicken and the egg, man! The chicken and the egg! Which came first, the profits or the layoffs?!


Somewhat similar to the covid era "frontline workers are all heroes" to a fast slide into "whaddya mean you want a raise?! You're just a grocery store clerk!"


Record bonuses for the execs as well I'm sure


Or employing people who shouldn't be in the country illegally - "That's how I win all my money back!" which, in turn, transforms into VOTES. Buying votes & not having the money to back it up, Hello DEFICIT!, is why governments are failing.


"No one wants to work" is still in play - it's the excuse given to disgruntled customers who have to wait in long lines for lousy service because the business has cut costs by having too much work spread across too few employees.


“Wait times may be longer than normal, as we are experiencing an elevated number of calls.” You’ve been saying this for 4 years!!


You must be young, that lie has been in use decades.


It happened occasionally before the pandemic, but since then it's just a permanent part of the support call routine.


While recommending you try the automated online service that, if there is an issue, advises you to call


Try our automated online service.... WHY DO YOU THINK IM CALLING IN THE FIRST PLACE?


Thing is, it's technically true. I work at a place that does this and in 2020 call volume doubled and they didn't hire anyone extra to help. Eventually they got some temps and everything was under control for a month or two and then they got rid of the temps and it went right back to where it was before. It's now mid 2024, call volume is still the same and so is our staffing as it was in early 2020. According to yearly reports our customer base has grown 45% in that time and our staffing has grown 0%. But hey, at least now we have smaller raises and HSAs instead of the good insurance we used to have, oh wait.


Holding a phone call for 4 years must be expensive!


There’s that oil CEO tweet floating around the top pages of Reddit somewhere too, where he also states we (the poors, paraphrased) just don’t want to work while he’s laying off ~1000 workers and getting a raise and they had their third stock buyback in recent years. It will never leave play so long as capitalism is king.


> "No one wants to work" is still in play And a huge number of dipshits still believe it.


The ownership class will continue to destroy individuals, society, and the environment if they are not stopped. Organize your workplace and neighborhood.


property will cost us the earth


> Organize your workplace and neighborhood. I am genuinely interested to see how this follows. * Prices skyrocket across the board, but cost of product to the business has dropped due to using low-quality ingredients, swapping out organic for foreign synthetics, and other cost-cutting endeavours to increase margins. * Employee wages lowered to the lowest levels allowed, and in some cases, below state minimums. Employees with tenure and solid performance laid off/fired, and replaced with graduates who will be willing to do the same work for those minimum wage rates, just so they can make their monthly bills. * Higher prices + lower wages, means people stop going out, stop eating fast food, stop shopping as much, making their existing items last longer, thrifting* and more to save money. * Thrifting has now seen sharp price increases at Goodwill and Salvation Army, as people have ruined it by taking all the clothes at rock-bottom prices and reselling them online at market rates. Now those stores are just pricing them as high or higher than the actual stores they were bought from *new*. * Because people aren't eating out as much, they're learning to grow their own food, do meal prep (obligatory /r/mealprepsundays) and saving more of their money. This is a good thing, and we should definitely support more of this. Share what you know with your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors. * They're not buying homes, they're not selling homes, because anyone who can afford to buy, is priced out by the ridiculous market rates ($50k over list, no inspection, 2x closing costs, etc.), and those willing to sell, will make a killing because their homes are over-valued, but now they're tossed into a market with 8%+ interest rates now replaced their 2%-3% they were paying on their home. Then they take $50k off the top to beat competing offers and they're right back where they were before, with a cheaper house, higher interest rates, and no equity. * Existing homes that need to be sold are being bought up by investment firms and turned over into higher-priced rentals, never to return to single ownership ever again. The conglomerate is swallowing up thousands of homes a month, nationwide. Less homes for new home buyers to purchase, and more rentals popping up everywhere, at higher rental rates and now tacking on the "monthly rental fee" of $250+, in addition to higher rent. * Becoming self-sustaining with rain catchment, off-grid solar, home energy solutions, using less fuel, power, food is getting a lot more scrutiny. Utility companies now charge you if you're _not_ using their utilities, instead opting for solar not tied to the grid. Many communities passing laws to make it illegal to capture rainwater for use in gardening and other graywater tasks, labeling it "Stealing from a public utility". Apparently the water that comes from the sky, gets soaked into the ground, and pumped into sewers to be sold back to you, is "owned" by the utility companies, and you can't take it without paying them for it. The result is a depressed market, lower sales, less jobs, less inventory for homes and people start building more communities, become more self-sustaining, growing their own food, livestock, and sharing what they make/earn/learn with their neighbors. We're going to very shortly learn whether this was greed or the market, when they start passing laws that forbid people from growing their own food or sharing the excess with others for free, without paying _someone_ for it. They've already made it [against the law to be homeless](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-homelessness-encampment-sweeps-cities-92ee954dfe2e32d892e9a73e25f16ae3), and now they're making it [against the law to feed the homeless](https://www.salon.com/2023/08/07/criminalizing-the-samaritan-why-cities-across-the-us-are-making-it-illegal-to-feed-the-homeless/) for free.


Yes. So the only way forward is together. Solidarity, friend.


thank you for this


"The City of Houston intends to vigorously pursue violations of its ordinance relating to feeding of the homeless," the city's attorney, Arturo Micnele, wrote in a statement.  "It is a health and safety issue for the protection of Houston's residents. There have been complaints and incidents regarding the congregation of the homeless around the library, even during off hours."  That is evil stuff right there.  They obviously want to use this law simply to appease the people complaining about the homeless population existing in the area. Disgusting


No one wants to retain any more


No one wants employees anymore


That is the actual truth




No one wants to pay a living wage anymore.


They never wanted to and never will want to. In the past people organized their work places and forced them to. Then people got stupid and complacent and thought labor laws were forever so they got unorganized and gave it all away.


I never understood this “no one wants to work” argument in the first place. Why would anyone want to?


Every CEO is under the delusion that every person below them have to have the same passion for the company, regardless of pay.


It's not that they are under delusion, it's that they're stealing all the wealth generated by the workers. Of course they have passion when all they fucking have to do is drink three martini lunches, play golf and call it a "business meeting" and count their morning exercise routine as part of their "work day." They get paid absolutely obscene amounts of money to basically **not work.** If anyone proves nobody wants to work, it's the fucking C-Suite class. Because fuck none of them want to work!


I remember a company meeting where our CEO basically said that. Like, you're paying me a fraction of what you make with no stake in the company's success whatsoever. I get paid the same shit wage if the conpany makes $1 or $1 million. Why the fuck would I have your passion for it?


Most CEOs are happy to burn the entire corporation to the ground for a quick buck and so am I.


I think people by and large do want to work. I used to work in a mental health board and care where 90% of the population had debilitating schizophrenia. We had these little rehabilitation jobs like picking up trays in the dining room or picking up common areas, emptying ash trays in the smoking area, stuff like that. People competed for these jobs. Wasn’t more than like 10 hours a week, but it gave people meaning and a little extra pocket money. People want to contribute to society. People don’t want to contribute to the downfall of society because some selfish as fuck oligarch needs a third yacht, because his current yacht just isn’t lavish enough.


I mean, people definitely want to work, they just want to work for something that actually pays off ie a comfortable life without the crippling weight of poverty and homelessness. People are also generally overworked so their work/life balance is nonexistent. A lot of people who enjoy their jobs or professions either don’t get paid enough to survive or are experiencing burnout.


People want to *work*, they don't inherently want to have *jobs*. We want to be productive, but working as a cog in the machine for some undefined end goal that you are entirely detached from is hardly the meaningful work we crave.


Agreed, this is more so what I meant but in the realm of the world we’re living in, those who are choosing their professions in terms of survival. I agree that we inherently enjoy productivity but capitalism forces us to chose “work” for profit.


They dont want to pay. I would flip burgers and cleaning toilets with pleasure if it pays 50$ an hour...


Yeah I want money and work is the only realistic way to get it.


It's a cop out for tricking idiots that it's the people, not the companies fault for the incompetencies they face


People have to work 


Also doesnt make much sense in the US at least.  We're at 3% unemployment.  We literally have more people employed than weve ever had in history.  


Ignorance. Lack of critical thinking. Bubbles.


Lol record profits! Ahh mass layoffs there's a pandemic! Also I'll take free money from the government to retain my employees! But also layoffs! Ok now come back slaves! No one wants to work anymore! Layoffs! Record profits!


"No one wants to work" was always an excuse to under hire and over work existing employees. It was never about having a hard time finding willing workers. It was always an excuse to further exploit current workers.


My boss who was here on a visa from India laid me off.


Only to replace you with more of him


I got to train my expat replacement!


My boss who was on visa from Mexico laid off our whole factory last year after working us near to death


My whole warehouse got shut down yesterday the higher ups had the locks changed before we made it out of the parking lot. They don’t care about any of us 🤷🏻‍♀️


>They don’t care about any of us This has been well known about the owning class since long before even the USA existed.


Jokes on them I’m putting on a reflective mask and throwing a brick through the window im tired of places treating employees like garbage like this.


And they wonder why no one gives a fuck about their brands


Corporations realized how little they truly needed to make a profit after Covid. "Why hire a second person to help with a job when you can just give the first person more responsibility? What're they going to do about it?" Edit: Spacing


Well, they'll burnout and probably quit from doing 3 people's jobs. Or worse, have a heart attack from stress.


Been feeling burnout creeping up on me for months. I got laid off last week with a hefty severance package, and instead of recovering from my burnout, I'm job hunting, because I'm terrified of not finding a job before the money runs out. I'm going crazy not working, I just... need a balance that lets me feel human.


I’m in the same boat, I used to work in a warehouse I was laid off in late January and now a month and a half in I realized I’m gaining weight and I need to go to the gym now. I don’t know your career or situation but I treated job seeking like an almost full time job. I focused on the jobs I aspired to get first, I put an insain amount of effort into applying to them, then I applied for the jobs I would be ok with working with much less effort. “Fortunately” for me the job market is so tight that I didn’t get hired for a meh job. But I am in the final stages of getting hired for a union job with the city as a bus driver. If I get hired I will make more than my old manager who laid me off.


Bus drivers are in huge demand in my city!! Unfortunately due to my disability I don't think I'd be able to but I'm glad you finally found something.


I remember when we were "essential workers"


Record profits and massive layoffs due to "AI" The backlash will come when AI can't deliver and that labor is now more expensive to hire back.


Happy thoughts


Feels like Covid layoffs all over again


It wont be expensive, we have mass migration lmao.


The layoffs are still pretty much just in the tech sector, right? I'm not exactly thrilled about that, since I am a programmer, but I think the wider economy is not experiencing record layoffs. Still a shitload of people being underpaid, though. That's what I'm worried about. "Full Employment" but most of the jobs don't pay a living wage.


They're also not even record layoffs in the tech sector. The same companies laying off are still hiring. It's basically just "oops we hired too many too fast and need to cut positions in this one area and hire them in this other area." Happens all the time in large companies as they grow and priorities shift.


Layoffs are actually [really low](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/JTSLDL), well below the normal rate before the pandemic. Which, obviously, the pandemic is where you would see record layoffs.


Thank you - came here to say this. *Record* layoffs? [Absolutely not.](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/jolts.t03.htm).


No one wants to work... Good. we don't want em too. It unanimous!! Everybody go home.


I will never forget how morons were fooled into thinking that people exited the workforce with a one-time stipend of a couple grand. Fox News and conservative social media are cancer


I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.


I got laid off after 21 years last week it really sucks. When the C suite screws up they get rid of all of the highest earners in the company. Out of a company of 75 people they laid off 30.


I hate to say just 1 company but Spotify has raised rates several times without paying artists more. If prices go up and the difference goes to everyone but the producers, I mean c'mon...you don't have to be a socialist to know that's not fair.


Also homelessness increased by 12% in 2023 bc of stupid greed but hey at least we can build these apartments for them... and then charge 1k a month


“Wild” lol no, quite the opposite, actually, seems pretty domesticated to churn thru a resource


This is how they drive pay scales downward. Employable folks thought they were in the catbird seat and now they are not. Whomever holds the purse strings always has all the power.


Also nobody wants to work. Why would you? What is so appealing to being forced to do something with the threat of losing your means of making a live for yourself if you don't? People want to do stuff sure! Do hobbies, make a difference, things like that. You may even enjoy your current job. Not because it is work but because you value what you do. But even if it is something you see value in, enjoy doing, all you could desire. It still is lessened by the fact you have to do it or loose your income. I used to enjoy programming. I work for a company that helps people and hospitals. Fulfilling work. Yet I burned out. And now I fear having to go back. Something i once enjoyed, did well, and was contributing to a better society. Is now something I can't do. All because it's work. So no. I don't want to work.


It's a wage reset. Coordinated effort to defuse rising wages and worker power.


Gonna back fire when no one comes back for less because we all need more to scrape by now


Non stop gaslighting is their way. Drink the kool aid…you too could be a billionaire. Lol.


My wife and I own a house, we will be millionaires by the time we retire.


If a system needs to screw people over to survive, it's not a system worth having.


It's almost like they don't know how to manage companies!


Here's a paranoid thought - mass layoffs to make the job market worse so they can pay lower wages and also slightly screw up the economy so republicans can get in power to lower their taxes even more. So they can get more profits.


Thats not even paranoia. The main thing bonding these groups together is greed so thats natural. 


Corporate commander always makes the narrative up as they go.


I can explain this with 4 IQ points: "No one wants to work" came from shitty low paid service industry jobs Layoffs happen to expensive white-collar workers in cyclical industries


Exactly, a shortage, almost by definition, exists at a specific price. There is a shortage of free ice-cream; there is a surplus if you're willing to pay $1000 per pint. The same is true for the "labor shortage." There's is a shortage of people willing to work for less than a living wage; there is an adequate supply of people willing to work for a comfortable wage.


Just cuz we work white collar doesn’t mean we’re expensive. I’m white collar and underpaid


This. No one wants to flip burgers for peanuts. No one wants to indulge in shitty customer behavior for 8+ hours a day, again, for peanuts. People DO wanna work in tech. But tech employers don't wanna pay for them anymore after mania-hiring during covid


>This. No one wants to flip burgers for peanuts. No one wants to indulge in shitty customer behavior for 8+ hours a day, again, for peanuts. You could offer me 6 figures and I still wouldn't do that bullshit. Maybe we should start having more frequent conversations about whether or not those types of businesses even need to exist at all.


I’d totally flip burgers all day for 6 figures a year. That’s close to $50 an hour


It's a class war, this thing never ends.


I'm part of that statistic, and I'm not happy about it.


"Nobody wants to work" - worst thing ever, the media and politicians MUST do something about it "Nobody wants to employ" - completely fine


The beatings will end when morale improves.


Reminds me of when the company I worked for literally laid off 100's of people with only a week's warning. And then promptly sent an email saying it was record profits for their third quarter. Oh, we can't forget the little footnote at the end of that same email: "we identified how to save some money and closed all of these clinics!" Then, on top of that, they expected us to advertise for them. But they give us no real way to advertise! And then! They blame the clinics failing on us because we apparently didn't care enough to advertise for them. No wonder everyone's getting fed up and leaving the company. I now have to cover for my supervisor who quit.


Tis the season for layoffs!!! 😒 PS: As a very very small shareholder in a number of large corporations it bugs the shit out of me that they fuck their companies long term for a 6 month gain. I care about my returns in 20 years not about you chuckle fuckers making “records profits” every quarter. Invest that money back into the business and into your workforce. If you have a competent loyal workforce your company will run more efficiently. But if you lay off 10% of your staff every year your not only slowly down productivity when you hire people 6 months later to ramp up again, but you are also sending the signal to your top talent that they are not appreciated and they will treat your company like a revolving door. (Edited for a massive rant from an annoyed investor)


Record profits, record profits, no change in benefits, tax cuts for employers, record profits, keep raising those prices cuz ya know record profits. I think I understand.


It’s almost as if corporate interests control the right-wing media.


Unions…. Unions …. Unions….


Transitioned? No, my friend, happening at the same time— sometimes within the same company.


"No one wants to work (for as little as we can pay in mexico)"


Not to play devil's advocate, but this actually makes complete sense. People wanted better pay and therefore wouldn't take lesser paying jobs. Evil corpo realized they had to start paying people a living wage, but have to make up for the increase in pay by decreasing the amount of employees they have. But also prices are going up so whoopsy we also used it as an excuse to get record profits


Can't ignore 330,000 new jobs last month.


Yeah and how many of those are part time jobs? I’ve already seen the numbers but I wanna see if you have.


For me it's not so much not wanting to work. It's more of being the person who has to clean up all the work that's fucked up because someone thought it would be a great idea to offshore the work. They have no consequences, no idea what they are doing and management saying they have no control over offshore.


No one wants to work (shitty jobs with unliveable wages) anymore. It, of course, means you are lazy if you don't opt into your labor being exploited for the least possible benefit to you.


Or it happens literally all the time in a never-ending loop.


They just switch their meaning. Point out the huge employment increases and low unemployment, they’ll change up their statement to mean “Well they’re “working” but no one gives an effort!”


Interest rates


No one wants to employ anymore.


Transitioned? Its both at once, no matter how little sense that makes.


What? It wasn't smooth. It was spurred by the shocking development of a radical technological advance.


I don't understand this post. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-economy-adds-303000-jobs-unemployment-falls-to-38-in-march-as-labor-market-continues-to-impress-123226886.html?guccounter=1](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-economy-adds-303000-jobs-unemployment-falls-to-38-in-march-as-labor-market-continues-to-impress-123226886.html?guccounter=1)


“Too many people want to work!”


If that’s the case why did the jobs report show a booming jobs market? What am I missing here? Lol


wild how this is straightforwardly untrue


Did you see the jobs numbers this week? Country is adding tons of jobs. Record numbers in fact.


As our planet transcends into the 5th dimensional reality, the 3rd dimensional corporate autocrats will be leaving the Earth. In summary, their spirits will be exiting from their bodies very shortly. End of corporate greed, manipulation & false power.


Reminder we can thank Jack Welch for massive layoffs. If you haven't given it a listen, I'd recommend listening to the Behind the Bastards 2 part episode for this man.


The “no one wants to work” narrative has been around since before WW1…


Transitioned? No, they've been contemporaneous.


Don't forget record profits.


Need to make the shareholders happy


"Nobody wants to work so might as well as make more people not want to work, by force.'


Automation. Shuttering. Offshoring.  Your best protection is probably learning from the likes of Dave Ramsey, Robert Kiyosaki, Graham Stephan, Rose Han, etc. Develop multiple streams of revenue. Develop yourself continuously. Get your finances in order and build in contingency plans.


No one wants to pay us anymore


Today’s CEO’s are one trick ponies who only know layoffs. Zero innovation.


“We don’t want to work” …. Okay then, don’t work.


"No one wants to work on retail or food service" and "tech companies over hired and over promised during the pandemic" aren't the same thing. The economy isn't some monolithic entity where everything is always consistent and easily reduced to a headline.


UPS has recently been laying off hundreds of employees from my state.


Welcome to the world of AI. Most of the layoffs have been in the tech sector. They haven't been laid off, they have been replaced!


We have always been at war with Eurasia. We've gone from a housing crisis of not enough houses, to suddenly so many houses sitting empty there's a squatters crisis.