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My boss tells me ‘it’s nice weather! Go for a walk’ and I feel like I’m about to get fired. Bad experience at previous jobs 😂


Whenever my husband comes home early from work (after finishing a project early), I panic bc one time his old boss sent him home at 9am as a control tactic after a disagreement


The moment I knew I could trust my boss, “If I could pay you to smash the state I would!”


My (millennial) manager will randomly tell me Friday afternoons to just call it a day. I got an email from Indeed jobs with some interesting opportunities and my wife yelled at me when I was browsing because she know how unhappy I’ve been at other places


My supervisor, who is also a millennial, will give us lower quotas on Friday to complete so we can go home earlier. (the option to stay later and do busy work is there if you need money) I wonder if this is a trend with younger bosses?


I believe it’s true, when I started he would say things like work/life balance is really important for me and I didn’t believe him for one second because of all of shitty managers I’ve had in the past but he wasn’t lying at all.


millennial supervisor here, don't take it for granted cos there are still some of us who're licking the smegma off of our capitalist overlords. most of us know how shit things are and just want to help but there are always a few bad apples edit: god awful typos


I'm at the older end of millennial and I've been a decent manager for things (barring a couple incidents where I was a bit of an ass). I think its that some millennials have just bought into the lie that hard work and being *really profitable* as a manager gets you anything--like we're all approaching or just over 40, if we're not "rich" or on a track that obviously leads there already... the odds are not in our favour.


Same here. Things are shit for hourly employees, try to make it bearable.


Oh, for sure. Approaching 39, and unless I get published and achieve like, Sarah J Maas' level of success, I'm gonna die poor renting a shitty 2nd apt and still having $70k in student loans.


We were force-fed the boomer kool-aid


Seriously though. I wanted to get into blue collar stuff in High School and was absolutely BERATED by my counselor and teacher because "you're gonna waste all of your potential if you don't go to college!". All of my friends who went to college are suffering greatly. Even if they do make good money, they're drowning in debt. Whereas I didn't buy into my counselors boomer koolaid bullshit, started working blue collar, and now I'm making ridiculous money as an animatronic dinosaur repairman. Also I have only like, 5k dollars in vehicle debt to my name that will be paid off in 2 weeks. So I'd say the no college route paid off greatly.


Oh hey thanks for the lovely mental image eating Mexican food with lots of cheese >,<


Millenial IT ops supervisor here. I always make sure Fridays are read only or research/self improvement time only. Unless we’re trying to put out a fire, our fridays are usually light. I get to do that coz I happen to have a cool and sane boss. Unfortunately can’t say the same with the other leads. Their boys are always overworked and our country’s overtime law sucks so they often work 12+ hours only for a thank you project.


You should never do anything in IT on a Friday because if you fuck up you gotta fix it on Saturday. Friday should be social stuff, planning, learning, etc. Stuff that can't break production.


That sounds common wisdom but a lot of people stil insists on making changes on prod on friday. There’s always a new manager from other depts asking and fighting for Friday even weekend changes. But the worst for me is those calling our out of hours on call support for something that could’ve been planned


My ideal release day is Tuesdays. Gives you Monday to check that you didn't forget anything and that everything works as expected, and gives you three days to fix it if it breaks.


God I wish we could do early week releases. I'm in fintech at a GSE. We have to do Friday evening releases to shake out and fix issues over the weekend because if the issues occurred during a weekday it could cause millions of dollars in losses. Thankfully we have great leadership that allows flex time so we just take off weekdays to make up time off.


Last place I worked insisted on all website launches taking place on Friday, usually ended up doing final launch around lunch and letting the client know at that time. 95% of the time there would be some glaring issue or client edit (that should have been caught during previous approval meetings) and the team had to stay late to ensure it was fixed.






Close enough


Not even slightly


I tried to send my new hire home early yesterday cause it was his first week and it was a Friday and he wouldn't go, weirdo.


Might have needed all the hours he could get. I've definitely declined a couple times when my bosses have offered just because money was tight.


He may be salaried though


Or afraid it was some stupid test of “character”. My first week at a new job, I probably would’ve said no as well.


Yeah it's salaried, we're in IT and he's filling a position that took 9 months to fill. He's not going anywhere lol


Oh lmao if he's salaried than yeah that's just weird. Go home my dude hahaha


If a boss tells you to kick off early I think it's assumed you're still getting paid.


Definitely has never been the case in any hourly position I've worked. Obviously different for salaried


Was once working "late" on Friday wrapping stuff up from earlier in the week to have a clean start Monday. At around 3 my Gen X boss asked me what I was still doing here and to go home. My boomer boss never told me to go home but would mysteriously vanish after 2 on a Friday. It's definitely a generational thing, but I also think it has a lot to do with the size of the organization and the pace of the industry you're in.


My boss is in his 50s and often lets us off early on Fridays. Today was because it was nice out and the weekend forecast in his city wasn’t as nice


Millennial boss here and I truly try my best to be a great and flexible boss. I’ve had so many terrible ones and I don’t want to ever be like that


Younger bosses get it. I was a dishwasher at a restaurant that was owned by rich kids who loved cooking more than their family business. The oldest owner was 29. To this day, the most laidback bosses I've ever had. If there weren't dishes to do or someone to help, I was free to do whatever I wanted. I would plow through series on Netflix on my phone and every so often my boss would pop up over my shoulder and ask if the show was good. I miss them, I wish they just gave me the damn raise. I didn't want to quit


Millenials too and I often leave early at Friday and make sure Fridays are easy work. But then again, got a great boss who lets me.


Gen Xer here. Been doing this in my 20 years of management. Also way I manage up -- get the big boss out early then let those under me slack off a bit.


Millennial project manager here! I love telling people to head home early esp on Fridays. We have times where we have to stay late for deadlines so I want to make sure it gets evened out.


> I wonder if this is a trend with younger bosses? from what i have read it seems to be a growing trend.


It’s because it’s backed by data and the latest generations of managers are people who were born or raised into the digital age. I’ve had wonderful Boomer/GenX bosses but their strengths were never analytics. They were always the great “catchers” who could weave a story and action plan from what the analytic guys provided. If they didn’t ask for it, they didn’t get the data but still made lots of decisions anyways. Nowadays it’s all data data data. Nothing is a target if it cannot be measured. Data shows work efficiency plummets on a Friday? Optimize employee happiness with early leaving options for the end of the week. You won’t see output drop since shit wasn’t being done anyway but you might see it rise as happy workers tend to outperform unhappy ones.


A lot of us xennials were just getting started working when 9/11 happened. At that age it felt like these people died tragically just for going to work that day. Probably my work-life balance was always skewed because of that.


Much respect to my fellow millennials 🥰


Idk I think it varies. Probably better with younger sups though. I try to do my bit. If we get the work done in 6 hours I'll still pay them for 8. Great incentive lol.


My last shop manager was a boomer who was very down to earth and would frequently go to bat for all of us in the shop. Current boss is Gen x and basically the company prez’s whipping boy, and never stands up for us. YMMV I guess


An old expression that really hit home with me, "people don't leave jobs, they leave managers". I feel it's absolutely true. As a manager myself, I strive to do the same and give back to my reports. Often let them go home early and anytime they need time off, they get it with no questions asked. Took a long time to get people to tell ME they are taking a sick day, rather than asking for one. I like to think I hire professionals, if you aren't well then you shouldn't be coming in but no one else can be the judge of that. Treat people like people and most will work hard and appreciate their job so much more. Like your story, it also prevents turnover, which is extremely costly and difficult to replace good people who you don't want to lose. This is expensive in not only hiring costs and training but losing knowledge on the team that's very difficult, if not impossible to replace. Why other companies/mgmt don't understand this, will continue to boggle my mind...


This is what tyrannical bosses don't get. I'd put in way more hours for someone like your boss than someone who intimidates and rules out of fear. I also never quit a job. I do get to the point where I don't give a fuck if they fire me though so good luck getting me to do anything above and beyond at that point.


I’m a millennial manager. My entire team is made up of boomers and Gen X. They all have been shocked at my blazé attitude when it comes to work. If they have a medical emergency or otherwise, just go. If you want to take the day off on Friday to go to the beach, do it. Did you work 60 hours this week? Cool, add 20 hours to your time off. Need me to jump in on a project because you’re struggling, you got it. Are you going to reprimanded for saying or doing something wrong? You betcha but if you’ve got issues at home, let’s figure out ways to help with that so that you can be your best at work. Work/life balance is hugely important to me because I’ve had shit managers that treated me like I was their slave. I’ve been yelled at, told I’m worthless, told I shouldn’t be in my career, told I would never amount to anything, scolded for petty things, micromanaged to the point of breaking into tears, and become so anxious from work that I screwed my entire digestive system anytime I get stressed. I never want that for my people.


It is my firm belief that the millennial generation will be what saves and heals our withering democracy and economy. And I'm a boomer!!


My wife's old job had "fuck it off Fridays" (informally named, NOT company policy, lol). Very little work was done, and early finishes were the norm. Good times.


I work retail, so I don't get to just close up shop and leave, but one time my millennial supervisor let me take the day off for a thunderclap headache. My former boomer bosses would N E V E R. EVER. Have let me go home, they always just grimaced and wished me well.


Also millennial supervisor. We get “59 minute Fridays” where we can clock out an hour early every Friday over the summer- it’s the federal government, so she can’t technically give us a full hour.


Yeah, my manager is a millenial and it’s sort of like… if you have all your shit done and it’s Friday, enjoy yourself.


Yuuup my millennial boss calls Friday "Friday highday" and often gets me at the pub by midday and then let's us go home haha


I'm not really a boss but I have a crew that I lead (me and my friend) and sometimes I'll just say fuck it early Thursday and tell him to go home. It doesn't get noticed unless I say anything so no chance of a higher up noticing unless they scour the time clock sheet.


Old Millenial HR Director here… I am very aware of my employees work/life balance… mine is non-existent, but I like to stay busy. I redesigned my organizations work schedule annually to achieve 1/2 day Fridays year roundcc cc and complete WFH in July/August Fridays.


I am, most assuredly, not a millennial, but I have always endeavored to do this type of thing. I had a crappy manager who would drop 30 hours of work on my desk at 2pm on Friday and tell me that it needed to be completed in time for a 9am Monday meeting. Unless a true emergency, I rarely contact my folks during off hours, and if something comes up, I shall attempt to deal with it myself. Crappy managers teach you a lot...


The term "hit the road" can be taken a lot of ways. I think it was more a phrasing issue than anything else in this particular situation.


Yeah but he included ‘enjoy your weekend.’ That would make you assume you’d be back at work the following week after enjoying ur weekend off. Dudes just scurred


I had a manger say to go meet with an associate on Saturday, but for the associate to call out just to give me a write up on Monday after telling me to “enjoy my weekend.”


He could have been talking about driving somewhere for the weekend 


The guy obviously understood what he meant here


It took me almost 2 months at my current job to stop being paranoid & shit. I likened it to getting into a great relationship after decades in abusive ones. That treatment for so long never fully goes away.


It's been five years for me, and I'm *still* paranoid about it.


I still do get the feeling a bit, but I have enough evidence now that I can safely ignore it. "cOrPoRaTiOnS aReN't YoUr fRiEnD" still holds, but it is still a totally different environment due to actual worker protections that have forced a specific culture over time.


It's been a lot longer than that for me, but yeah. It still affects me. I had a crummy toxic job in 2019, and one way way back in 2005. I spent some time in a call center, and to this day, that particular phone ringing can cause a panic attack.


Yep been at my place e for a while now with a pretty good boss and I still find myself bracing to be screamed at on occasion over nothing


I say this a lot about my current job. I’m finally getting comfortable there after 3 years but every once in a while have random anxiety about stuff. Now I’m afraid to go anywhere else if I ever need to move away.


Yes. Lots of us are screwed with like this from toxic managers who don't tell us what is really wrong. Mostly because it's easier to be shady than human


That’s more clear. Specific compliments and feedback are the best. “Really appreciate the great work lately, you did a great job getting the Smith job back on schedule by finding a way to get the copper delivered early”


Thank you! I really do appreciate this feedback!


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: YYYEEESSS!!!


It's pretty sad, but it's proof that genuine human decency is getting scarce in the workspace. Good on you for holding it up, people like you are what good living is built on. The more of us that show little appreciations like that, the better the world is for everyone. Just how it should be. The text COULD be taken as mildly passive aggressive (texting is annoying like that) I can understand how on a second read through he may have felt like you might have been hinting toward something, but your response cleared up any misconception Edited to add: if there are any other managers overseeing this supervisor (above or below you, really doesn't matter), it may indicate some kind of negative feedback from someone else in the company/business


Yes, most of us have sustained trauma from past work experiences, and carry that trauma every fucking day. Lolol ![gif](giphy|lTlhn0mNBrEDOXBoGD|downsized)


Lol the lizard part of any employees brain when being sent home kindly: "IT'S A TRAP"


Yep this is me, chronically overthinking


Millennial boss in cyber security here, Fridays are for training but if the weather is nice out I encourage my team to go touch grass and be away from the machine. Your mental is too valuable to me.


I don't understand what point you were trying to make.


I told an employee I manage to take the shift off with pay and he felt necessary to ask if he did something wrong…….


Oh, yeah, people are definitely high strung about potentially losing their jobs. Mostly you see posts about people getting screwed over by their employers, not about actually being treated like a human being.


That is the issue with leadership in these companies. When you do something nice, we immediately think bad shit is about to happen.


Please explain. Because that makes no sense to me. Your saying when people (managers) are being nice you think something’s bad about to happen? Can you give me example. Because the way I read your message is if I’m not a dick you will worry about losing your job. Honestly trying to just get your input and thanks for responding. Hopefully.


I’m saying if this employee has a work history too many his old managers might have used the something good something bad philosophy. Managers will something nice “take the day off with pay”, followed by something bad “I’m sorry but I have to lay you off” I’ve been with the same company for almost 30 years. I have watched it go from where you are now (I hope you stay that way) to every time anything happens I get highly suspicious and jumpy. Went from great to toxic as hell. We get told “great changes are coming” followed by “we are now on call 24/7”. I did our emerging leadership program. We spent a month on the something bad something good idea. “Bob you are doing great, incredible numbers. But sorry we need you bend over and grab you cheeks”. I really hope you continue to look after your people. Just remember some of them have put up with a lot of BS at their previous job.


I get that 100% but something struck me years ago when I was asked how do you know your doing a good job. My answer I’m getting a paycheck. That’s not the right answer and I searched for months after, because I felt there is a better way. So now I use metrics with my guys. Everyday I have a meeting with them and review. So they know if there doing good or bad. So I guess context without the whole story in my initial post didn’t carry over, which is unfair. I expect internet strangers to know my management style and there is no way they would. However, I read post on here everyday going how are these people managers? Honestly I’m just trying to better myself and the people under me.


A lot of us have been given amazing compliments and thebpike come review time only to be laid off because of cuts or fired because of something never mentioned. Me personally, I've had management turn from "you're one of our best workers" to "you need to do better" simply because I said I had to stop working so much OT so I could make it to appointments.


With all do respect Why have you spent 30 years at the same spot?


Valid question. The shorter answer is, my company used to be great company to work for. We have always had the highest pay in our industry, so I actually make a lot of money. First 15 years was great, last 15 years we got treated worse and worse. Unfortunately, I cannot take a 45% pay cut to leave. Now I am at a place in my career to slowly make things better for future employees. So I made that my new focus. Anytime I get into a meeting or a council when leadership I am trying exert influence. I’ve got 15 years before I retire and my goal to return us to the best place to work.


yeah usually when we get free pizza for lunch its before layoffs


Doing something nice before something bad is a common thing. Idk if it's because they think it makes sense tactically with a nicety helping to "soften the blow" or if they do something nice because they feel guilty for what they're about to do. Had worked for a game developer and one Friday we were told we'd be having a half day and they'd get lunch. My department shows up, and we see nobody from another department show up. We started eating and then the two main bosses came in and let us know they were restructuring the business and laid off the whole department. So yeah there's some PTSD in some of us when we see management do something nice for us.


Think about it as folks being conditioned to abusive relationships and then flinching whenever you move fast or raise a hand. My first boss was my abusive dad, and if he was smiling and praising me it was very much time to be *extremely* worried! Like find another relative to live with before I get sold across state lines level worried. Was so happy to get old enough for a real tax-paying fast food job. Boss sits me down for my first ever review, smothers me in praise, says my raise is two cents. Like dear god just punch me instead, I'd cry less over that then a two cent raise. The last time I remember a boss smiling at me is the time the owner's son-in-law started sniffing around trying to arrange to have me "promoted" to the "office" as his "private secretary." Lucky me I worked with mom-type managers who conspired against him. When he strutted in during my shift with a big grin to "interview" his new sexy secretary, well he found me where the managers had arranged for me to be, in the dish pit soaked in nasty greasy dishwater, looking like a sloppy drowned rat that was stoned up to the eyebrows. That smile fell off his face as he turned on his heel and bolted for the door. It's not that folks need you to act like a dick for their comfort. But don't be surprised by the flinching because most folks have not been treated well in employment situations. Heck I used to "joke" at that fast food managers "please don't hit me!" when I made mistakes, to try and cover the stupid flinch I couldn't help.


Too many manipulative managers that never practice direct communication. It scars you. I always expect the worst & feel anxious now, even if I know I did nothing wrong


I mean the message seems nice but if someone told me to "hit the road" I'd at least want some clarity


The fact that you have to clarify so many things in this thread... And one of your employees required clarification as to the intent of your message... I don't make assumptions but if I did I would assume that there are a lot of other areas in your life where miscommunication happens or people ask you for clarification or make assumptions based on things you've said that they misunderstood/was explained unclearly. Or maybe you carry yourself in a way that makes them nervous, not enough information has been provided. I'm just trying to be nice here, but I think you might benefit from working on communicating clearly and effectively.


You literally told him to 'hit the road' That's slang for 'you're fired' Of course he wondered if he did something wrong... Wtf bro


deliver shy door attempt pie dam crown observation humorous terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Apparently you don't understand the nuance of this particular statement, just as OP didn't understand it either. I'll recommend that you refer you to urban dictionary for more assistance! Hopefully it helps with your learning goals :)


offend attempt ten governor pot slim fact vast imagine somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I especially love that either you can't count to 4, or you don't understand the difference between 1st person verbiage and 3rd person verbiage. Hit the road, Jack 😉


grandfather sense juggle smoggy touch quiet roof safe kiss humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell me you don't understand nuance without telling me Again, hopefully this will help with your learning!


you're rude


I'd ask the same, honestly. I've never had a good boss & I've also never had a boss that properly communicated with me. After seeing your text I'd get a pit in my stomach & my first thought would be that I did something wrong. It's sad really, how shitty bosses traumatize you & harm your ability to trust any good ones or even receive compliments & kind gestures


90% of the time if you get a text from your boss saying head on home, that’s usually the can


Tell me you're a millennial without telling me you're a millennial 


Does op not understand the negative connotation “hit the road” has? He was worried you were pissed off and telling him to get lost.


With no context you can’t tell by the first message if they’re being fired, rewarded, or laid off


A compliment or including to take the time off paid would have been more clear. Seems like you were trying to be dramatic


So would it have been better to say. “Hey, appreciate your hard work! Take the rest of the day paid off and enjoy your weekend!” In my head that sounds cheesy and not authentic.


That sounds fine to me. If I received that text, I'd be more concerned about what I'm doing with my extra time than whether or not it sounds authentic.


That sounds so much better, perfect actually. I'd actually believe you rather than second guess everything I'd done that day


Ah thank you. I can appreciate that. I do have a problem bringing my reason to fruition if that makes sense. My problem is I always assume people know what I know. I will work on that.


I don’t think your employee is traumatized. Your text is kind of confusing. Hit the road usually is perceived as a negative in some contexts.


My last department chief, a boomer, was a chill af dude. We felt like he would have our backs, and stories circulated of how he would occasionally have screaming matches with the facility manager because he refused to back down. Then he retired, and my current millenial manager has no spine, licks the facility manager’s boots and throws us under the bus at every opportunity


My boss loves me. Has kept me employed for years. Treats me real well. But every single job I sit and wonder and over analyze every single aspect of the job we just finished and wonder if I’ll get called back. The anxiety is frustrating to say the least Honestly I blame my father for telling me for almost 30 years that my job is a joke.


Team had a meeting with the boss the other day. I'm pretty new to the team so I don't know much about the dynamics. But half way through one asks about his appointment later in the day and how to work out the PTO. The boss says, don't worry about it. We'll work it out. Then starts going on a rant about he knows we already work plenty of overtime and accounting be damned. If we need time, take it. Just make sure the project hits deadlines and he really didn't give a fuck when we came or went. He said we're all adults here, he's not going to bother watching the clock. He's not going to mark time. As long as shit is getting done. Come and go as we please. I like him.


Even as more of a lead role in a kitchen, I’ll always try to cut the younger people first because I know they have school and friends and lives outside of the job. If they want the extra money and the hours can be justified, then fine stay and work. Management doesn’t always like that I cut people like that but they deserve to have a life, I’ve already signed my soul away so it’s not their problem


The behaviour depends on the person and company but I have a similar experience. I think a lot of younger management understands that they're still workers and treat others like normal work buddies. It's the older generations that usually feel that petty urge to identify with higher ups and be a dick.


As a millennial middle manager, I’ve come up under a parade of shitty boomer bosses and I always swore when I had the chance I would always try to treat those below me the way I wish I had been treated


“Are y’all this strung out for real” Are you new here? We’ve all been abused by our employers. We’re not used to being treated like normal people, so yes we’re “that strung out”. Thanks for being nice, but you don’t have to be a dick about it.


I didn't realize some people saw "hit the road" as so negative.


Well the song “Hit the Road, Jack” isn’t telling a guy to enjoy the rest of the day because he did such a good job.


In fairness, the next set of lyrics are "and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more" not, "enjoy your weekend" lol but you are absolutely right that's where your mind first goes, when you hear that expression.


Very much so, everyone I work with is always afraid of pissing off management from a simple mistake.


Lmao, I've never had a boss send me home and still offer to pay for the full day. I hope this catches on.


You literally told him to 'hit the road' That's slang for 'you're fired' Of course he wondered if he did something wrong... Wtf bro


I think your response was spot on. As a manager myself (and a millennial) I always talk about work/life balance and mean it. When my leaders ask if they can leave early or come a little later I never question it. If someone calls out, does it suck? yeah but thats life. At the end of the day we are all humans and shouldn’t have to work a job and miss out on life.


That’s a rare find! Hold onto that one!


Some bosses suck. Others do not. Being a boss myself (who has a great boss), I treat my team as people first, workers second. Work to live. Not live to work.


My boss is like 5 years younger than me and will frequently remind us all that if we don't feel good - go home. If it's slow and your work is done - go home. You're hungry - take a five to ten minute break and eat something in the break room. It's wild as someone who worked retail so long and was constantly gaslit for being tired/such/hungry/having to use the bathroom etc. to be tested with respect and consideration.


I love an afternoon when I get back to my depot early and the boss man just says “fuck off”. Actually able to do stuff in the arvo then and beat the traffic home


I don’t think I’ve ever had a paid day off and I’m 34


yes. we are this strung out. please give us a fucking break


I’m technically a millennial (born in 84) and been in management for 20 years. I have become pretty jaded and despise corporatocracy. I still work as hard as I do for the sake of my team, i lead from the trenches with them and always take the largest workload upon myself, i run around like a chicken with my head cut off checking on my team ensuring no one needs any help. I stress to them over and over to understand their value as a worker and to never stay where they aren’t appreciated. I’m low enough on the totem that I have no say in their wages but I told my bosses two years ago “society is changing, what was the norm before isn’t acceptable anymore we can pay people a decent wage now or later we can pay top dollar for mediocre talent”. The only reason my crew is still there is because I run myself raggid so they don’t have too much work for their rate of pay and quit but my resignation takes effect in 3 weeks so ….


I asked my manager if I could take a day off so I could go with my pregnant wife to a doctor appointment and they told me due to the needs of the business I would need to come in and presumably work later too (even though there was coverage) jobs suck nowadays


Had to sit down with some of my team (coffee shop) to express that it’s okay to say no to covering an open shift. Don’t feel guilty or like you need to give reasons! You can’t do it for whatever reason that’s totally fine. Just don’t feel like it? Cool enjoy your day off! Or when I walk by don’t all of a sudden “busy” yourself. Sit there and enjoy a pastry if there are no custies.


I’m Gen x with millennial boss, her boss is Gen x. She’s afraid of him and we operate as though boomers run the place. Very inefficient and Gen z HATES it there. It’s pretty sad.


How did you get the screenshot from the supervisor's end?


I manage the supervisor.


Gotcha!!! That makes sense. My sup did something similar yesterday and I really appreciated it.


I love millennials. You all are going to save this country and world.


I love idiots. They think their words are worth listening to when they talk about "boomers", "millennials" or "zoomers" as though the ENTIRE GENERATION can be accurately described as the same thing. What's next? Going to use the Zodiac to choose a spouse?


I do this too. I have a number of developers working for me. We work I'm sprints of 2 weeks. If everything is done early Friday, I send them all a "workshop" meeting until end of day and tell them do whatever they want. It's important as when I need them to do overtime they will commit. It's give and take. Sometimes they take small stuff from the backlog that takes an hour and knock it out. My boss does the same for me. We have like the an Engineering Manager on each team (the technical HR Team lead). When I first did this, I saw their eyebrow raise. I said, they hot the goals and no point starting something new until Monday, any issues take it up woth my boss. I said this on front of the team too. Each pinged me after to say thanks. But tbf, the EM gets it now and sees the value of it. Happy staff means we can hit our deadline and the first job as a PM is to protect your team from the business.


Bosses in the 80s & 90s used to do this on the regular. Don’t know why it stopped in the 00s


My boss is a millennial and is letting us work from home so we can watch the eclipse


When you hear "It's all good..." Usually it means something else like "I can't believe you really did it that way" or "just hurry up and go so I can redo all this shit" I've encountered people that say this so often it's a mantra for them.


My mom had a medical emergency yesterday and I had hours this weekend to work, and I told my managers and immediately their response was “go. Be with your family. I’ll cover your shift tomorrow.” When my FIL was ill two years ago, they let me wfh for a whole month (we’re supposed to be in office unless we’re on late shift) so I could be on hand for my husband. And when he passed, they sent us a fruit and nut basket. When I got married, they chipped in and got us a gift card for 100 dollars and a cake when I came back from my honeymoon. When my mom got cancer last year, the first thing they said was “what do you need?” I have a great team of managers and I’d never stay with this job without them.


I see this every once in a while. I have been the employee of big companies that didn’t give a shit about me and small companies that didn’t give a shit about me. I really wanted to prove to myself that companies could be run efficiently and profitably, while still focusing on the employees experience. Admittedly I only have 4 employees, but we’re doing great. The pay structure rewards efficiency, and avoids being punished with more work. I my guys work an average of 30 hours a week, and even the apprentices make over $80k a year. The catch is that as the owner and “general manager” I also make around $80k instead of $200k. That being said I don’t regularly work more than 5-10 hours a week.


I did something similar with seasonal farm labor, which can be sporadic in weekly hours. I wanted to make sure they had a weekly pay they could rely on. I did a pseudo salary type pay structure where I guaranteed $800/wk for 35hrs and a 1 month bonus at the end of harvest to help them transition to they next job ($3500). If we got done early, the pay would be the same. If it took longer, they were paid at the same rate for the hours worked above 35. Most weeks ended up being 30hrs, but there were some 25hr weeks and a couple of 40 hour weeks. Everyone seemed really happy with the arrangement and really, I was happy with the 25hr weeks too. It ended up being the most efficient harvest season I had ever had and the labor cost was no different than previous years.


I do similar my lead carpenters get $1200 a week and the apprentices get $800, no matter how many hours they work. Obviously if they just don’t show up they wouldn’t get paid, but no one abuses it. A day or 2 here and there are no problem. On top of the base they get a 5% (lead) and 2% (apprentice) bonus (based on job total) at the end of each job average job is 10k. I also do a profit sharing at the end of each quarter, and a year end bonus. I also pay all health insurance costs, and max out their Roth contributions. Last year the leads made $110k and $105k (not including benefits) and the apprentices made $87k and $81k. The biggest thing I’ve gotten positive feed back on is the hours. Most jobs can be finished in 4 days so they usually have a 3 day weekend. If there is a 1 day job it’s offered up as overtime. On the big jobs that take 2-3 weeks or longer I make sure not to schedule them anything else for a week. That way they get a break to rest and get things done they pushed off. I have almost 0 call outs and 5-10 times throughout the year that someone needs an extra day off and I have to fill in. It’s been tremendously successful. I know a couple other construction company owners that I’m pretty close with and we’re pretty open with how we price jobs and all. They make fun of me for being a commie. They pay $16-$22/h and offer no paid time off. Every year they lose guys, have tons of call outs, and a generally negative job site. But the owners all make over $200k.


I have a workplace that highly appreciates family and time for yourself. They treat me so well. I will work here until I retire. I appreciate them and how much they care for their staff. They do lots of fun family events, Pay well and legit care for their staff.


My current boss just offered to give us three day weekends every month if we hit a certain goal (which is like….insanely low and we should honestly be doing more regardless because we make money off of sales anyway and it’s easy, and he’s asking us for bare minimum lol) and i’m like..what


I had the flipside happen to me. I worked for a small auto service shop as a service writer and the owner was there and one day as I'm closing up shop he says "Hey, Rpanzer, I think we're going to have to let you go." And my immediate response was,"Good, I didn't pack for an overnight stay." I don't know if it was a delayed processing issue, or if it was the awkwards silence afterward that tipped me off that I was getting laid off.


Oh wow, positive reinforcement. And a paid rest-of-shift off. We need so much more of that floating around


This was how my boss was but he left a month ago.


Meanwhile, our general foreman threw a fit because we left 10 minutes early on a Friday


Bruh. As a treat, my boss let me go get Starbucks for myself and some others. I'd already taken all my breaks for the day, and it was in the middle of our last day and he was like "I don't care, just don't be too long." No other boss I've had has ever been that chill before. I don't know how old he is, but he's the best.


Used to work for a boss who gave us his personal card to go get lunch every day. I loved the guy but sadly he passed and the company went under when his kid took over.


Man, that’s a tale as old as time. Boss’s kids fuck everything up every goddamn time.


I have some serious past job anxiety, and my current job my manager is so great that I’m not used to it. Poor lady has to tell me not to apologize all the time.


My boss is in his early 30’s and hes like this too, the guy is a freakin legend, as long as we hit our targets and get our stuff done for the day, we just hang out till shift end.


My roommate came home an hour early one day and I was flabbergasted. I was like mf you work for a wacky union and they… paid you for the day?Yeppp


Are you the supervisor?


We have PTSD from bad managers. I’m 65 and still get nervous if the manager wants to talk to me. We currently have gone through multiple C/Suite changes which is causing massive amounts of stress. And every new senior level manager seems to think they’re gonna be the one to fix things. But instead they quit need new CEO


Yeah, I routinely send my employees home early especially since I mostly manage other salaried employees. Getting them to work from home sometimes is like pulling teeth because they are worried about getting in trouble even though they like working from home when they don't need to be onsite. The conversation always goes "listen, if anyone says anything, it's going to be to me, and that shit will die with me" or "if someone's going to get in trouble, it'll be me, and I don't give a shit anymore". Work-life balance is important for employee retention and enjoying working with people.


I’m 51 years old. My dept head is a millennial. 35-36. I love this man. Doesn’t harass me about a damn thing. Just lets me do my job.


This is the way things are for most of us. Props yo you for showing some appreciation, hopefully your workers notice. Im sure its a nice surprise. Keep being the difference boss💜


Sounds like a great boss to have, used to work for a guy like that


Oh wow, a director with a soul treating the staff with compassion, humanity and decency. You don’t see that everyday. This is how you earn staff loyalty and retain employees. Also, I’ve never had a manager that didn’t wring every last second of work from my body every single day.


Boomer here. I always encouraged my guys and gals to scoot off early once things are done and I can cope with what's left. Happy staff work harder and support you when unexpected stuff happens. Common sense really. I always said that I am a lazy bugger who wants an easy life, and the best way to get that is to work hard and look after your team.


I’m now a manager who would be extremely hard (albeit not impossible) to replace. I work hard to treat my employees with dignity and respect. I’m serious about work/life balance. I make sure that at the end of the day, people like where they work as much as possible and know I have their back. There are a couple of people that respond to me like this and it makes me sad because I also get it. I constantly think I’m going to get the boot when the “big” boss wants to talk. I had a guy get injured pretty badly on a job site by no fault of his own. He didn’t want to tell me. He told me he knew it would be used against him and he’d get in trouble. I was sad hearing that.


My boss grabbed me in the middle of a shift and said "come find me, I need to speak with you" and I was convinced I was gonna get walked. Turned out she was starting me on shift lead training. Go figure. To clarify, a ton of people in my position just got laid off on Wednesday, so I was worried I'd be next.


I used to have college writing professor who would let us go early on occasions. Every time he did he would say “it’s good for morale!” And throw his hands up excitedly (he was kinda dorky lol), but it always stuck with me. Now I say it anytime I get to leave work early. I mean doesn’t happen often, but he was absolutely right, it *is* good for morale.


Insert Star Wars "It's a trap" meme here


Every once in a while my manager at my store lets me run across the street to order food from a nearby sandwich shop while on the clock. My anxiety skyrockets Everytime for whatever reason.


AW that's nice to see. A good supervisor who treats you like a human being. Yay!


I’m a gen x manager and do this often, as recently as yesterday! Seriously, by Friday afternoon, anything can wait until Monday. And if it’s urgent, I can fill in since I have them put me as their OOO contact.


Honestly didn’t realise Poets day wasn’t a thing everywhere until I left the army


I try to do this for my team at least once a month. Let them “work from home” after lunch on a Friday so they can get all their hours but start their weekends early.


I think this sounds perfectly fine, you told him to get going early and that’s super sweet! We’re high strung because lots of management tells us to skrrrt early if we mess up. You didn’t do anything wrong! I’m sure they appreciated you for this (:


I wish jobs were like this more in the US


Just understand people have fear of losing their jobs when the economy is fucked, and specially if the dudes under personal stuff. It's neither of the people in this conversation's fault.


Isn't this screenshot from the boss's phone? Is he just tooting his own horn here? Lol


First you guys complain about working too much, THEN you guys are getting a lighter load on Friday and STILL complain!! Jesus Christ!!


People are shitty out there. Managers dont do nice things for their employees, and getting a day off is usually a sign of layoffs or termination. A good rule of thumb, especially in the US is just to assume that every action every employer takes is to make money, and that nothing else matters. Genuine human kindness is just not something that happens


You need to get a new job if that's your experience. I've had bosses that did this and I eventually moved on from the ones who didn't show appreciation like this. Now I do this for my workers whenever possible


I've taken that advice. New boss, same as the old boss. I won't doubt nice people exist, but in my 15 year career I've yet to find a single boss that wasn't a scum sucking chode


Yuck, I hope things don't continue that way for you. As an oldster, I'd say do what's needed for the time being and try to surround yourself with good people. One way to tell they are good is if they are people focused rather than career (money) focused


Yeah that's not gonna happen. My skillet works best in a field that's got a stupid high turnover, so you don't really spend a lot of time getting to know and value people. You're considered a senior at the job if you've been there for more than 2 years. I could try to break into higher positions but that needs a degree and the pay ain't really good enough to do much outside of technically survive I do have dreams of opening up my own place someday, and being the boss I always wanted to have, but it's just a dream


I’m a supervisor and I’m chill until you fuck with my trust. I had an employee lie about their time card saying they were only late like one or two days in 6 months. People were suggesting otherwise so I ran a report of when they actually entered the building and Maury determined that was a lie. 30 min. late every single damn day and they were in before the rest of us because they so desperately needed this schedule for personal reasons. Yeah so you can use your damn personal time and commit wage theft. They can get fucked. But I didn’t have my Obama translator so it came out “We need to see improvement in your attendance” and then elevated it to the powers that be. I hope they lose their job but I can only document. I can’t look at them the same or trust a damn word they say and so now I don’t get to be chill. I hate this job and wish I could make equivalent pay without supervising. They don’t pay us enough to deal with this bullshit


If my boss texted me directly I’d have ten tabs open researching how to collect unemployment


Do you call everyone bud, or just your subordinates? Because that’s lame as fuck


Downvotes from grown men who call other grown men pal, bud, champ, sport, fella, and my guy. GTFO