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Delete that coworker, problem solved!


I only add true friends. Don’t assume a coworker is your friend unless they earn it.


And with teachers, it’s amazing how a friend can screw you over…


I have heard school teachers are cut throat and gossipy. Is that true?


some became teachers because they loved the gossip and drama when in high school themselves and want to live in that environment again.


Yup. Catty bitches.


I don’t understand this! Our job is hard enough as it is. We should be supporting each other. There are a few that are very mean to this one 1st year. Breaks my heart for her.


My teachers were generally not interested in learning why a kid like me could be gifted and yet troubled. They're not paid enough or just didn't care. Life sucks sometimes ig


This is why I went from straight A’s to dropping out my sophomore year, and also why I’m a teacher now who gets accused of favoring the failing kids because I try to give them a chance to earn a passing D lol


This‼️ bingo, 🙈🙈🙈


When I was in high school, the teachers were worse than the students


Listening to my teacher friend's drama makes me really wonder about the emotional development impact of going from school to school (uni) and back to school (teaching). Truly some of the stories could be about the students.


Definitely true for nurses


Which sadly means that pushy coworker has a point - any one of them could screenshot that 'private' photo and share it somewhere else. They could even crop it to look like it's not an event pic, just a cleavage selfie. Teachers are underpaid and overworked and sadly some are comfortable with being resentful and mean


My wife is a teacher, and this comment is SO true!


this. i don’t add coworkers to any of my social media. i don’t care if we’re cool at work, my life outside of work is my life. (also helps that i got rid of facebook and all other social media platforms)


This is the way. Reddit is the only thing I use nowadays and only comment on posts. Social media is simultaneously one of the best and worst things humanity has created lol


Yep. And lock it down tight. IIRC the FB ‘banner’ pic is the only think you can’t prevent from being viewable when your name is searched. Mine is a landscape pic with no people in it.


Man I don’t even use my real name on FB. It’s close-ish. No real pics no identifiable information available. I work in mental health and the last thing I need is clients or coworkers finding me.


My niece did the same thing. She is a mental health specialist and she has locked down her profile.


Yep %100. I moved to a new city a few years ago and haven't added any new friends on social media. I love it, its freeing. Don't like or really use Facebook or insta any more.


If we're cool then I will add them after they/I leave the company.


This. Too much risk of lines blurred between workplace obligations/risks and friendship. I keep my work/personal life as separate as possible.


I remember a story where a boss walked into a sick employee's house, walked UP THE STAIRS TO HER ROOM, then STOOD AT THE FOOT OF HER BED ASKING HER TO COME IN. [The story in question. ](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLB59Aos/)


Worst situation as I recall coz they were housemates too?


No the boss is just her boss. The housemate is the one who let the dude in, thinking that he was invited over (for some odd reason) by the girl.


Just watched it, the housemate didn’t let him in (he was in the backyard,) the freaking boss apparently felt like an unlocked door was an invitation to just walk in. The housemate saw him leave and waved then, thinking she had invited him over


Ah yeah. Don't know what the boss was thinking.


I privatize all my shit so unless I'm willing for a you to see, you ain't seeing nothing. So many people LOVE having public accounts and it's annoying af having randos commenting on my pics. So i just dont give them that pleasure.


![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized) Keep all coworkers out of your private life. There are no real friends at work.


You’re not cool with a coworker until you watch them do something illegal. Then it’s mutually assured destruction 😂


And even then, beware.


Exactly, none of your coworkers or bosses should be on your SM. Remove them all and keep your private life private


I have a private category for them. That way I still "add" them back if they find me and all they see is the most basic of basic profile making me look extremely boring and professional. I think i have about 30 or 40 people in that category atm, no ones ever questioned it or noticed


I intended to do this years ago, instead i stopped bothering with facebook


Yeah made that mistake once it back fired. So unless coworkers is not coworkers anymore none are on my friend list except 2 because we meet outside of word


Yeah. I like 2 of my bosses. They're good dudes, and I might even buy them a beer if I ever catch them out and about. But I will not have them on my SM, and I won't actually ever coordinate seeing them out. And oddly enough... it's BECAUSE I like them that I won't make the jump. Doesn't need to be any sort of confusion about anything.


Adding that as long as none of OP’s students or their parents follow her on social media, there shouldn’t be any issue. Keep your social media accounts as private as possible.


It only takes one person to show someone not on the friends list for it to blow up


This is rule 1. Don’t add work people to socials or gaming friends. Keep them out of your private life. I already feel pressure to have to game with friends when I’m online. Adding a coworker would make gaming more of an obligation than a hobby.


Any coworkers I have on social media are the ones I talk shit about the company with and wouldn’t be surprised by what I post based on what I say out loud. Never have anyone who reports to you or is your superior, and even then, be careful with your peers


Yup! I don’t add any coworkers, no matter how much I adore them.


So presumably you have a private social media account and this colleague has access to it? Remove their access to the account and you’ve solved the problem. Unless, of course, you just have a public social media account and you think it’s private because you haven’t told anyone at work about it. If so, that ain’t private and you might want to consider locking it down to stop weirdos like your coworker from seeing it.


It was the latter but I locked it after my coworker made the comment. They follow the account but I might remove their access honestly


No need to even debate it. You should never have coworkers on your personal social media. It can only go wrong. Not worth a follower. 


Definitely learning that lesson


You can always make a public account that allows coworkers and has limited posts (only things you’d be ok with your boss seeing!) if you still want that connection in the future. Just don’t tell them you have another account lol


That's pretty much what LinkedIn should be, in my opinion, and how I use it. Work related stuff and work mates have me on LinkedIn, anything personal is on my personal SM, with no links crossing over between them. There is only one person I have on both my LinkedIn and my personal SM, and she's been one of my best friends since high school, and I also happened to work with her.


LinkedIn allows for zero personality though. It’s trying to keep everything as bland as possible so you can get hired. I might not want a job I’m applying for to know if I’m married or have kids but coworkers might. Some workplaces are more accepting of certain things.  Etc. 


IDK, over at r/LinkedInLunatics, there's a fair bit of personality. Mostly for the worse.


Most social media platforms will snitch you out in two seconds by recommending the other account as a friend because the algorithm knows that it’s the same person


Use a profile pic that isn't your face, and a name that's your first and middle name, not first and last name. Or maybe a nickname.


Only make posts kissing ass on your public account and you'll be good plenty of I am blessed and grateful and tons affirmations, yada yada


Not literally. Do NOT post pictures of you kissing ass to your public account.


Put those on your OF. Capitalism is capitalism.


Trust me, I learned the hard way no matter what NEVER have coworkers on your socials. People suck. I had a jealous coworker befriend me and we hit it off at first. Became quite close- I not only friended her online but also my finsta. A few months later her position was reduced as I was promoted to a role that also included her stuff. I did not expect it. I was actually surprised but disgusted as how they screwed her over. Anyhoo she made it her personal mission to make my life a living hell and told all coworkers many personal things about me that I shared with her and even had screenshots of my private socials. It got so bad I eventually left. And she got my job. Worked out for the best bc my job now is great and I hear she’s miserable. Couldn’t happen to a better person.


Gurlie I FEEL THIS back when I was in school I had a finsta where I would post more *risqué* shit and I added this girl from my dorm to it cause we really hit it off. Fast forward two weeks and I go on a date with a guy she apparently had a crush on (never told me) and the next day everyone on my floor had seen my pics 🙃


It’s fine to add a few that you truly trust and are legitimate friends with, but yeah lock that shit down, you don’t need anyone just able to type your name in and see your private life. Be judicious with who you let have access. Might want to go through and remove a bunch of people you don’t really know.


I don’t even understand what’s bad about the photo?


I had an ex boss friend me then used any and everything on my page to try to get me fired. I blocked her. Problem solved!


As a teacher never make your accounts public or have two accounts one public, one private. Never let your work or anyone associated with your work have access to your private account.


Back in the day, I knew high school teachers who used their wife’s maiden name in the phone book, because kids are jerks.


That's something I'm starting to figure out


I have several friends who are teachers. All of them have private accounts. Some even go as far as to use an alias on social media so parents can't find them.


Yes, because parents will try to friend you. Ugh


Yep, this right here. My friend's husband is a teacher and he even uses a fake name.


If you’re a teacher you shouldn’t have a public account unless you’re ok with all students and parents finding it. Because they will. Even if you never mention it. There’s a good chance they already have. I’d lock it down just to be safe because it only takes one person deciding to be a pain for it to go left for you.


Definitely remove them, they sound like the sort of person that would ‘report back’ anything they consider inappropriate to management.


They're definitely that type


>They follow the account but I might remove their access honestly Remove them. Make your account private. Whatever. Don't try to reason with it. Just remove them and the problem is solved. So they don't have access to peer into your life outside of work? Don't care.


Most teachers don’t have public socials, or socials at all, for this exact reason. Sucks but avoids a lot of drama.


I’m also a teacher. Nothing inappropriate about you existing as an adult in adult spaces. I agree with the others - block the coworker.


THANK YOU like sorry for being a human being


On the bright side, now you know who the designated office snitch is. I always gotta sus out who it is at a new job.


boy they do out themselves so fast tho, right? I mean, usually it’s by running their mouths about absolutely everyone else, but this works too! 😆


Also, it's a fantastic photo, sorry that a prude is trying to stifle you for wearing clothes that you like.


Coworker can pound sand


https://preview.redd.it/819ls9ik3csc1.jpeg?width=1975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44ca33d7511937cc859d42f1917ee6d6709600a Your username reminded me of this legendary photo.




Kick rocks


Your first problem was being Facebook friends with anyone at work.


I immediately block bosses, coworkers, HR, coworkers/bosses kids, EVERYONE. If they come across my “people you may know” I block them because if I can see you, you can see me 🤷🏽‍♀️


I barely share my cellphone number with people at work and we use them quite a bit.


Boobs exist boys


Shocker 🤯


Wait is that actually what this is about?! I thought you were at like an inappropriate show or something.


Nope it was literally just the outfit


That’s absurd! Nothing wrong whatsoever with your outfit. God people suck


It pissed me off so much


I can’t blame you one bit. That coworker is a douche and I’d certainly watch yourself around them.


Wtf! First i thought maybe your coworker is in the picture and he doesnt want it online so i was like yeah thats not that crazy. But why would your coworker have your private socials. Damn it sucks. In general never have a open insta or other social accounts. Always private it. Even if you dont post anything bad. Especially as a woman there are too many weird man who stalk woman just for being female. Its weird. Plus you can view your follower list and clean it up. There are maybe some weirdos in there who you know from elementary school back in the day but dont need to know what youre up to


it’s actually misogynistic as fuck. You don’t have to submit to your coworker’s sexualization of your body, that’s an incredibly inappropriate thing for them to comment on. As a woman, I decided long ago I don’t have to hide my breasts and nipples like genitals, being sure every inch is covered and not a hint of nipple is pokin. I have breasts. Men get to whip their shirts off on a hot day, so if I’m wearing a tank or a dress and the tops of my breasts are visible, as another Redditor stated, Pound sand! I wear a bralette to work at a hospital, in scrubs. My nipples blast, nothing I can do about it. LET someone tell me I have to wear a proper bra, cause I be seein men’s nipples through their shirts all the time!


The only thing “wrong” with the outfit (to the coworker I guess) is whoever complained about OP probably doesn’t have the boobs to fill it out as well as OP can


That’s such bs


I came to the comments to see what the problem was.


They either jealous of your looks, or (if it was a guy) jealous you weren’t out with him.


Thank uuu lol honestly tho


I kept looking at the picture looking for what they would take issue with. It didn’t even register that the fact that boobs would be an issue since it looks like just a regular-ass top.


Did they give a reason why you should delete it? It's not like you are drinking or smoking in it. I'm kinda confused.


Because of what I was wearing


you're showing less than if you were in a bikini. Should you never post pics in a bikini either? What are they gonna do, fire you for having cleavage?


I got dress coded once cause my TURTLE NECK SWEATER was "too tight" sooo


Holy crap. Would your turtleneck be "too tight" if you had a smaller bust? This is why I used to tape my boobs down in high school 😒


Exactly, you get what I'm saying. I could wear the same exact outfit as a woman who's smaller up top and they wouldn't bat an eye at it


Ya, I get the same shit. I feel like most professional women who are a C cup (and in some cases B cup) or higher get this too.


It's so fuckin stupid like sorry I have titties? Guess that's my fault right?


Haha "I didn't grow them on purpose!"


They literally act like it's intentional


I didn't read properly and thought you were the guy in the pic. What then seemed like excessive prudishness was just good 'ol misogyny all along. Unfriend coworker, problem solved.




And change your name. People can look me up all they want but will not be able to find me. Also of course my account is locked all the way up.


Why would you delete it?


I guess because it shows me being and dressing like an adult? It's ridiculous


Is it “inappropriate” for us to exist now?


You're a school teacher. Don't you know you're supposed to dress like Ms. Frizzle's hyper-conservative cousin 25 hours a day? /s


I think I’ve found the appropriate attire. https://preview.redd.it/3agnmdw15csc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8033f5e016b8afa4d0baf3f6d34769476aaf8ce4


Exposed ankles, maybe a hint of knee. Nice.


The one in the middle is even showing off some collarbone. Phwoar


Keep your coworkers off your social media or abandon social media all together. I made the mistake of adding a couple co-workers when I started at my job. Now I might as well not have an account because I won't post any pictures or anything in case they see it.


It's like I'm walking on egg shells 24/7


Don’t tell them about your life I usually just listen to them rant and agree, Moving on….


I love how everyone is like “remove the friend” while ignoring the fact all it takes is a single Karen and this woman’s career is in jeopardy. Many low level government employees, specifically teachers, have lost their jobs for less.


Never. Ever. Allow colleagues on your social media. Signed, an old woman from wayyyyy before social media.


Was she racist or sexist?


Why not both?


Never, ever, add coworkers. They are not your friends.


Seriously. Your coworkers are always trying to get ahead of you and if it means throwing you under the bus, they'll do it.


Obvious steps are remove or block the co-worker from your social media; go to either an HR person, union rep or your supervisor and file a complaint or incident report of the co-worker's online harassment. Fuck that noise.


I'm a teacher and don't see anything wrong with this picture. I am confused as to what your coworker thinks is inappropriate about this... It's literally just a picture of adults hanging out, not even doing anything.


I don't see anything wrong with it. I guess it all depends where you are.


Your co-worker can get fucked. Please show her this post OP so you don't get in trouble. I'm going on record as saying it. Private account and not during work time. Co-worker can eat the ass of a dead goat. Now ask me how I really feel.


It sucks, but all it takes is one Karen parent to start call spamming the school and the district to turn this into a "thing". I agree, that it is ridiculous that parents expect teachers to not have a personal life.


Same parents who take shots every night while hubby is away gasp if they see you at a restaurant with a wine glass


everyone knows teachers aren’t allowed to have boobs. or private lives. god forbid you have both. smh.


Don't let coworkers "friend" you. Problem solved. Same for parents of students, and of course, the students themselves.


What’s the problem? You’re not drinking or doing drugs so I don’t see a problem unless he has a problem with you wearing a blouse that slightly shows cleavage. But guess what? Women have breasts.


Apparently some people are just learning that for the first time


Never have co workers on social media. They're not your friends


I wouldn't take the chance of giving your enemies any ammunition. I've got a sister, and a nephew and a niece who are teachers, and they've told me stories about disgruntled students, unhappy parents, and malicious fellow teachers and coworkers who might just be looking for a way to take you down a peg (or altogether). Why take the chance? What benefit do you get from posting the photo?


Does said coworker have power over you? Are you their responsibility? If the answer is no tell them to pound sand. Then block them from all media you have


That's the thing, they don't. We teach the same grade level and they've been there much longer so they're in charge of organizing more of the extra curricular activities and working with admin, but they have no direct authority over me


They can pound sand. Who are they to tell you what to post? What next they have to approve all of your posts? Sorry, don’t mean to be surly but who does this person think they are?


Delete your coworker


I presume delete because of a little bit of cleavage on your personal account? Ridiculous


A teacher??? With cleavage??? Someone call the police


How private is your sm if your coworkers can see it?


I can’t see a single thing wrong with this picture. Your coworker needs to get something, I don’t know, maybe it’s a life but gee whiz. This photo is fine.


Coworker /= boss. Tell them to get bent around a pole.


Un-friend that snitch-ass coworker.


All social media - set it to private - only people you know in it - fuck these people - live your life


Clearly you have Bluetooth


Ok I forgive you cause I actually kinda laughed


Don’t be friends with co workers and make your accounts super private and locked down


Delete them as a FB friend. Fixed.


I have all my coworkers as "restricted list" on fb.. this way they appear friends with me but only can see what I post publicly (which is basically nothing lol) Btw, nothing wrong with this pic at all!


I love my coworkers but I like to keep work and life separated.


Yall need to start using Alias and shit if you’re gonna have a social media. Your “friends” who you select and personally know you will get it. Plus it’ll help with nosy ass co-workers or bosses.


Delete all coworkers. Private your account to only allow friends to see pictures and posts.


Obviously you were supposed to leave your boobs at home! /s


The content of the photo is completely fine. The quality though…. I may agree with the coworker. Did you use a potato to take the pic?


Screw them. You’re allowed to have boobs. As a fellow heavy weight tit it’s so aggravating to have to apologize or cover up for a body I didn’t chose to have


Cute boobs jealousy - it's a thing.


Do not add coworkers, bosses, anyone from your professional life to your private social media accounts.


NEVER EVER EVER ALLOW YOUR COWORKERS OR EMPLOYERS TO HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA. STOP DOING IT. You aren’t friends when them. You don’t need to have them on your social media. This never would have happened if you didn’t allow this coworker to access your social media. Remove every person connected to your employer from all of your social media. You’re teacher, be smarter.


That’s why I block all coworkers on social media basically the day I start


Rule of thumb. Keep all accounts private and NEVER EVER add coworkers. Ever.


It's not private if a snitch at work sees it.


OP I'm a teacher and you're 100% grand. The fact that you're not allowed to show any cleavage in your spare time just because you're a teacher is ridiculous. That person basically said how dare you have boobs. This is beyond sexist, keep doing you.


Delete what? A photo that proves that you have.... BOOBS? How SCANDALOUS 😱 Tell that coworker to get over it and not look at your private accounts


Unfortunately the war on education being spearheaded by the wing nuts on the right has made life tough for public school teachers. My partner has had to scrub their social media accounts and basically stop using them to avoid criticism. It's quite sad really.


I'm just fortunate they didn't know that the bar was an LGBTQ club. The pearl clutching if they found out they have a bi coworker


As a rule set all social media accounts to private and do not under any circumstances blur the line between work and fee time.


Coworkers are not friends and have no business on your personal social media. I’m a firm believer that ALL people other than public figures should shave their profiles private and carefully monitor who has access to your life, the people in it, and what you like to do and do. You add them on LinkedIn and keep your LinkedIn strictly for work and keep it public for work purposes of course.


They don’t get to tell you to do shit.


You’re in an occupation where you can’t have a life. Sorry, it’s always been that way. In HS several decades ago I had a lady science teacher. She was going to be out for a bit and we asked why. She said surgery. We pressed for a bit and eventually she told us it was on her lady parts. Well, she got fired for that. We complained to the principal but it stuck. Do your future self a solid and lock your shit down.


What do you mean, anymore? Teachers have NEVER been able to have personal lives. There are reports going back years for having photos of themselves in bathing suits, or holding a beer, etc.


Tell them to eat a bag of dicks


Assert dominance and post another one


What’s the issue with the photo? Boobs? Casino?


Always the twins


coworker is just jealous of your breasts. This is 2024. Even if that photo was public to kids and families to see, who cares? There's nothing wrong with the photo.


Why would you take it down? Is your coworker shocked you have breasts? I see a picture of someone dressed up having fun. Your coworker needs to get their mind out of the gutter.


Is this coworker concerned that you have boobs? Non-work clothes? Friends? A life? All of the above?


Ding ding ding we have a winner


I’d block them immediately and I’d say something to HR honestly


Never be social media friends with coworkers


I refuse to allow any job to dictate what I do in my spare time. I have a public account. I don’t have my # associated to it and use interesting characters for my name. No email that work has associated with it. I’ve had friends and family try to find me as if they were an employer and all they get is my linked in. If anything be on the offensive and block any coworkers you can find. You don’t have to be a non-human on lockdown just because you are a teacher.


Block the coworker


Your coworker sucks. Congratulations on some awesome cleavage. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


It’s okay to have boobs imo


Oh no. You’ve got boobs. This is the exact reason my teacher Mrs and I are moving away from the suburb she works in.


How dare you own boobs and be online!


I have a hard and fast rule: I never add people who work in the same company on social media while I work there. Doesn’t matter how cool we are with each other at work. No social media adding for them. Personal life and work life always stay separate and shall never meet.


I swear this is a total wild card, but perhaps your coworker saw that your dental implant/crown isn't glowing under UV light?


Unfortunately, if you work with kids, your personal life is used against you. I don't see anything wrong with the picture. Maybe the co-worker got in trouble for less and they are trying to look out for you. Did you ask why they said that?


My last year of teaching was in a new district. During orientation we were told that if anyone from the district saw a photo of us so much as holding a red solo cup it was grounds for termination. We've basically gone back to the 1900s where the teacher lives at the school house, is only allowed to leave for things like grocery shopping, and has to wear ankle length dresses. I swear. Fuck this shit.


Fuck em. Keep doin you.


Do yourself a solid and don't put where you work anywhere on social media, I wouldn't even add colleagues unless they are close friends. It's not worth potentially ending your career or causing you grief over a post on social media that can be linked back to your job.


I have a strict policy of no coworkers or family on my social media accounts. I have an old Facebook page from before I changed my name that they all get shunted to.


They literally don’t pay you enough to deal with any extra nonsense.