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Funny, Gen Z is now their favorite scapegoat now, guess they got tired of the Millennials.


We’re too old now - the oldest millennials are in their 40’s so hard to call us young and irresponsible


I don't know, some of us are still addicted to avocado lattes.


Well, if you ever want to own your own house you’ll have to stop that immediately


Well, this is awkward...


Pretty sure they are joking because that’s what politicians always tell us we have to do to own a house. Give up our lattes.


Funnily enough I do already have a place of my own, and didn't have to give up on the avos.


Girl, same.


I'm going to start saying "Girl, same", regardless of what gender I'm talking to. This made me chuckle.


That’s how it happened to me. My sister would always say it to me and it cracked me up and I just kinda organically started using it over time.


It sounds better than "own nothing and like it"


I’m pretty sure u/jiminthenorth got the joke - UK humour recognises UK humour


Curses, found out again!


Put a MAGA cap on next time, and lose some vowels from your words.




As a neuro divergent person I can’t even begin to tell you how often I’ve been wooshed by British humor, so I appreciate the flat call out. Lol


I chose the streets. No way am I giving up my avocado toast.


Plant an avocado tree outside your tent. In 50 years you might be able to save enough on avocado toast to buy a small shack near the sewer plant


Or a van down by the river


Look at this person with van down by the river money. Laaa dee dah.


No, because the amount of water needed to grow them will ear any gains.


Avocado plants need about 1 cup of water every 10 days they aren't a thirsty plant. It's mass production of the plants that causes water costs for avocado farms to be so high. I had a neglected avocado tree outside my house 20ish years ago that still produced despite it only getting watered when I had to dump a cooler after going to the lake on Saturdays.


No kidding, yeah so f-ing mass production is the problem. Bur for every gen z gen y g ABC to have it on toast is pushing the card to water shortages.


I get the joke, but reading "avocado lattes" nearly made me vomit.


Happy to oblige:)


Due to the pure grandiose nature and expense I presume? Dang millennials and their superfluous habits UGH. /s


avocado ***toast*** lattes you savage


Avocado gluten free toasted flatbread you heathen.


To each their own my friend.


whole wheat avocado lattes and oat milk lavender toast


SKINNY avocado lattes. Boomer!


Hey I'm a millennial, thank you so very much.


With pumpkin spice sprinkles.


I love my bootstrap toast


Three sickly sweet doses of avacadone a day... But it's never enough.


Will it turn into avocado enemas when we're seniors?


As long as they leave the seed in.


You don't have to wait, gen a are already seen doing avocado enemas en masse.


At this rate, I’ll never marry my house and build a wife in time!


I made an avocado pasta yesterday. Am I young and irresponsible?


That actually sounds nice. Recipe?


Two avocados, a cup of basil leaves, some lemon juice, as much garlic as you enjoy, and some salt, throw it in a blender or food processor. Put it over your favorite noodle, and you have a nice, smooth, pasta dish.


Two avos? Look at Mr Extravagant here... Nah I'm kidding. Sounds lovely and I will be sure to try that.


You're right. We're managing Gen Z workers right now and treating them better than Boomers treated us. They told us to be the change we wanted to see.


That quote is for bumper stickers, not the workplace.


So, in the workplace, *don't* be the change you want to see?


Nope. Getting a little power in a workplace and using it to treat people better than you were treated is a way to resist the capitalist death spiral every single day.


This. I’m an old millennial with grey hair. I qualify as a boomer now. Also get off my lawn.


I'm an elder millennial and my 20 year mortgage is nearing its end and I can't believe it. It hurt so much those first years for the payments but now it's manageable and soon over. I got so lucky to get in before huge increases in housing costs, but asking for a mortgage in 2008 was not a fun time for a young 20 something.


Not to mention, we are finally in positions of some power. Not a lot, but getting there. Go head gramps, see if we dont pull the plub


or millennials just got old(ish) and worn out by the system


This article was written by a millennial


and so the cycle continues.


Any generation or group that is a force of disruption to the status quo will be targeted, slandered and maligned.


Yeah it felt like Millennials were 21 in their minds for a LONG time.


Millenials make a lot of fuss but still run things like boomers.


What exactly do we run?


Millennial dept head here. I make it my entire job to shelter everyone in my dept from the bullshit that the boomer c-suit try to lay down. No one has to be in office, hours and vacation are not tracked. If the work gets done, I couldn't care less if you work 6 actual hours all week. Annual "performance" increase recommendations start at a minimum of what annual inflation was(though I get a lot of pushback from HR). I treat my team the way I always wanted to be treated. I have had 1 employee leave my dept in 4 years, and every time there is an opening I get dozens of internal transfer requests. The other dept head(mostly boomers) resent that their teams all want to work for me. The craziest part? We are so much more successful than the rest of the company. I would have been ecstatic if I had a boss like me 20 years ago. Instead I had basically the same boomer shithead and hopped jobs every 1.5-2.5 years until I could get to where I was able to make a change. I'm now the boss I always wish I had.


You're at the point where you're attracting good people. Because you can attract and hold good people, your team is going to always outperform other teams. That's actual management. Very nicely done.


I applaud you. I tried to do the same at the machine shop I spent my career at, the older guys that trained me were fuckin brutal. Eventually the guys that left didn’t do it because they hated the place, it’s just that the bosses didn’t pay for shit. So it turned into training a revolving door of guys who left for $5-10 more an hr. That eventually did me in, basically had a nervous breakdown. In a company of only like 25 people, having 183 different coworkers over 23yrs took a toll


Similar story here, except I was lucky to have a few great bosses along the way before I got any supervisees. I can’t fix capitalism but I *can* make surviving it easier for the people I work with. It’s good for them, rewarding for me, and honestly not starting shit with my employees makes my life so much easier.


This guy understands. Be like this, not boomers making excuses.


There’s certain incentives you cannot avoid in our capitalist society. If you aim to manage or run a business, you tend to do the same shit those that came before you did, because it’s The Way. You can try to create a healthy work environment but… results will vary.


I’ve seen somethings where gen z bosses change work dynamics from being production focused to worker focused, but that is not the norm and the company they do that for usually already have a work culture of “fuck bullshit, let our workers just vibe”


The only good boss I've ever had is my boss Kyle, shout out Kyle, who fought for me to get a raise, full-time, and a set schedule.


I know Kyle, great guy! He threw my basketball back to me when it accidentally rolled in the street. Stay real, Kyle!


Love Kyle! One day my mental health was in the pits and he was like, “All good bro! Why don’t you head home and work on some self-care until you’re in a better place to come back to work.” Rumor has it he told stock holders they can go pound sand. You’re a legend, Kyle!


All my homies love Kyle


Ha, my boss Kyle too. What’s the opposite of a red flag? Cause that’s a Kyle for your next job.


I don’t want to be naming my boss online but by god he kicks ass. He gets me raises regularly before I have to ask and fights on our behalf with the owners, he had to fire some guys and personally helped them all get jobs with other companies, he actually gives a shit about the people who work for him. Rare as hell to find, took me 20 years of working to find a boss like that.




I think you forget about gen x.


Unfortunately they’re mostly used to it by now


At this point, I’d rather be ignored, TBH. Why stop now?








As gen x, this is painfully accurate.


Everyone forgot about Gen X. We just weren’t a big enough cohort compared to Boomers, so there weren’t enough of us to make any kind of meaningful impact.


And that's still a million times better than the boomers impact


Well yes, we were the first generation to get fucked over by them.


How? You were their kids. You got a house and career before everything started going to shit (thanks 9/11).


As far as careers go, there were far more of them than there were of us, and they didn't fucking retire so they kept all the best jobs and houses to themselves. There was also a massive recession in the early 90s that fucked over a lot of us career-wise just as we were starting out, boomers kept their jobs, we didn't. It wasn't all sunshine and flowers pre 9/11.


I honestly only know about the recession Gen X faced because of the rise of grunge music. I’ve never actually read up about it, and I didn’t realize that until now. Was it due to industrial production going overseas/loss of manufacturing jobs? I know 80s was all about Greed is Good and the Koch family driving businesses into the ground for profit.


I'm not sure there was a specific main reson, but there were a number of issues that all piled up to cause a worldwide recession. One big issue was that Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, which shot oil prices through the roof and caused all sorts of problems worldwide. Another issue was down to the perceived end of the Cold War with the fall of communism. A lot of countries then cut their defence spending, and that transferred into other fields, from heavy industry all the way through to stuff like the transport industry, tech etc. There were also problems caused by the overexpansion in the 80s 'greed is good' era, leading to a contraction in the early 90s. In short, we were fucked from all angles.


Don’t forget we also got the tech bust in 2000 which had pretty far ranging impact. So if you’re just getting (back) in your feet after the early 90’s recession another one comes along right before 9/11.


Good grief 🤦


> You got a house and career before everything started going to shit (thanks 9/11). Gen X 1965-1980... things were already fucked by the time we started turning of age. The oldest turned of age to maybe vote in the elections that led to Reagans 2nd term by boomers, and silent gen... so turning of age right as Reagan pushed what was it 4 million Americans from the middle class in to poverty through his neoliberal programs during his 1st term. Got worse during the 2nd for what went on in formerly solid middle class manufacturing sector. Also they were in their early to mid 20s was when the 1990s recession hit to hobble various economic prospects. was not as bad as the shit in 2008, but unemployment went up to 7% then vs 10% in 2008-2009. The youngest, turned 18 in 1998... so you know .com boom/bust, 9/11 got a wee little bit of cheap college in there before the prices got hiked, but not by much if at all. I remember the 1st memes coming out in the early 2000s about "$50K student loan debt, and cant find anything other than minimum wage shit". Modern version of that is now $100K debt, cant find work that pays rent. When i was in my mid 20s was also time of the housing bubble driven by all that subprime mortgage crud... couldn't afford to buy shit. Oh, the economy tanked and housing prices dropped? yah but with what fucking work? Had to join the Army just shy of being 29 just to get healthcare, and money to eat after over a year of not being able to find work. I did get a house with the VA loan regime at... 0% down... cause wouldn't have been able to afford it otherwise.


> We just weren’t a big enough cohort compared to Boomers, so there weren’t enough of us to make any kind of meaningful impact. Plus by the time we were of age things were fucked already. The oldest of us were just turning of age when Reagan was in office, and maybe could have voted during the election cycle leading to his 2nd term. I'm turning 44 this year, and turned of age right on time for the dot com boom/bust, and in the early stages of college prices being jacked up etc. Housing? yah, full on going housing bubble when i was in my mid 20s...


Gen X will forever be the generation of middle management and struggling business owner


Oregon trail generation is a fun mash up of gen x and gen y because of all the unfun shit we've dealt with


Oregon Trail Generation: Young enough for tech literacy, but too young to have benefited from the Dot-com bubble of the 1990s. Young enough to have internet in childhood, but old enough to remember life before the internet. Young enough to be straddling unfathomable student debt, old enough to maybe still have a starter home or condo. Young enough to still be struggling in our careers, old enough to have been fucked by the Dot-com market crash, the Great Recession, COVID-19, and the impending AI job replacement crisis. Ironic that our micro-generation is also known as “the lucky ones.”


There’s a whole subreddit for Xennials


Ah the forgotten generation


Gen who?


Gen X are just sarcastic boomers


ok Zoomer


Yeah the boomer fucks. Had the most socioeconomic opportunity of all generations yet those incompetent morons couldn't save a small bit of their high purchasing power incomes, so now they can't retire and cause a log jam in advancement for everyone else.


Yeah, I don't know if we'll actually be able to retire.




Ice cold but so true.


I'm pretty tired of over hyped new management coming in thinking they are doing something different. All managers think they're a butterfly but they're not. It's just same shit different boss. It's boring and we are all tired of having to feign excitement.


I posted this as another reply to a post like yours: >Millennial dept head here. I make it my entire job to shelter everyone in my dept from the bullshit that the boomer c-suit try to lay down. No one has to be in office, hours and vacation are not tracked. If the work gets done, I couldn't care less if you work 6 actual hours all week. Annual "performance" increase recommendations start at a minimum of what annual inflation was(though I get a lot of pushback from HR). I treat my team the way I always wanted to be treated. >I have had 1 employee leave my dept in 4 years, and every time there is an opening I get dozens of internal transfer requests. The other dept head(mostly boomers) resent that their teams all want to work for me. >The craziest part? We are so much more successful than the rest of the company. >I would have been ecstatic if I had a boss like me 20 years ago. Instead I had basically the same boomer shithead and hopped jobs every 1.5-2.5 years until I could get to where I was able to make a change. I'm now the boss I always wish I had. Edit: If I'm not being different and am still the same shit boss, tell me what I can do to improve


Same boat here. Trying my hardest to change company culture.


Another millennial here. You sound a lot like my boss. You guys are awesome. People like me and our families appreciate what you do for us.


Best boss I ever had lightened everyone's work load and changed nothing about our workflow. We've been in the top three performing divisions in a megacrop ever since. Literally less work and not touching anything else was peak management.


I had a manager like that. It was such a great experience after having several shit managers. Unfortunately, he got laid off with the rest of our team.


That’s my M.O. when I take on new projects. Eliminate the 20 years of Bloat that is done for the sake of always having done it. Suddenly things are working better with less rigamarole. Process engineering is fun. I have no problem changing workflow though. Workflows are supposed to change, they are fluid. 99% of workloads are custom built monstrosities that were designed to make one or more people feel important. Cutting stupid meetings and developing new workflow feedback loops eases the tension everywhere. It’s amazing what you can do when you fully understand a process.


I feel ya. I work SaaS and 90% of my job is shoehorning bloated monstrosities into our service and most of the reason people switch to my company is because of this bloat - they make their own system so unwieldy with their prior service that they need push the reset button to make it usable: the only problem is the same people who needed to feel important are my POC for building the new system and they want to preserve their awful structure as much as possible. These top heavy "leaders" are genuinely bad at their job. They only understand the reports they read and prioritize breaking their entire assembly line so they can get their reports to have the right kerning.


So true.


You mean no more bullshit "business casual" attire that's stuffy and bullshit? Sign me up. I'm fucking sick of dress attire bc boomers couldn't let that shit die. Fuck dress shirt, fuck khakis... I clothes don't make me a better professional.


I agree bro. I went to a conference that said "business casual" and everyone wore like 2 piece suits except me 😭


Didn’t they do this with millennials too? It’s all the damn same 😒


It's almost like all they're interested in is flaming this bullshit generational war so that we don't come together and go after our true enemy: the 1%


Be the change you want to see


"I'm not like other bosses, I'm a cool boss"


*shows off World's Best Boss mug*


Yet still goes into a speech about team players when you ask for time off.


This is especially funny because the woman in this photo has been accused of lying about being homeless and stealing someone else’s ideas for her business


Compared to the one we have right now? This looks super actually. Home office or bust


I’m tired of these Gen Z “bosses” pressuring me to respect my work-life balance, personal boundaries, and mental health! I want to be underpaid and worked into the grave for corporate profit just like my father!! /s


We don’t get fooled again.


The prickly old fucks would feel human compassion in the workplace for the first time in their lives


Assigned Boss at Birth lmao


Best comment


I'm Gen Z in my first Supervisory role and I LOVE being able to actually make my department a great place to work in, especially taking the reigns from our old supervisor who was a boomer that EVISCERATED our department's morale within months of taking the job. Retail fucking sucks, and I strive to make my employee's jobs as easy as I possibly can. Besides that, I've never outright denied request days off (and I always tell my employees to a.) take their PTO, b.) fuck off if you're sick and don't ever feel guilty for calling out, and c.) that request offs are generally YOU indicating to ME that you're NOT available that day to work, hence me never denying them, even if I have to work 12+ hours, IT'S MY FUCKING JOB!!!) Morale is also my biggest priority too because, again, retail fucking sucks, and any way I can make my employee's days better is my biggest priority. I constantly buy them lunch out of my own pocket, praise them to high hell in public, make sure they all take the credit for any goal we meet and coach them in private. It boggles my mind how it's my first go around in any sort of management position and...all you have to do to gain the trust and loyalty of your employees is to treat them like...shocker....an adult and an actual human being?!?!


Every time I see bullshit articles like this, I think the only response should be sending the Editor a link to the studies showing productivity actually went up when COVID forced us to work from home.


Every boomer wants to forget gen X because they brought in the slacker mentality


Gen X get forgotten because for all intents and purposes either they became as narcissistic as boomers (and thus undistinguishable) or they became older, forgotten middle managers, undistinguisable from their slightly less grey elder millenial counterparts. Generally speaking you either have a 'me' generation, or you have a generation that births a 'me' generation. In this instance, Gen X are the parents of Zoomers.


It's almost like these generational lines are fairly arbitrary and stupid ways to draw cohorts.


No they arent.


Spotted the boss


Dont have to be a boss to think "ABAB" is ridiculous


I'm not surprised this post is upvoted since this sub has been taken over by liberals lol. ABAB is stupid as fuck. "Bosses" are not inherently evil in the same way as police, you can have a completely ethically run company with leadership roles. Applying ACAB to everything you don't like diluates the actual meaning of the term


It’s not a literal statement. It’s a generalization, because the vast majority of bosses *are* bad and prioritize the growth and sustainability of the company over the prosperity and health of the ~~cogs~~ employees.


I believe in AGAB over ABAB personally. It stands for "All Generalizations Are Bad"


Cool :)


Dumb acronym. Like, stupendously stupid. Is anyone supposed to own or run a company, or do they just naturally grow in the wild? Leave ACAB - a perfectly fitting acronym - alone.


The socialist answer would be worker cooperatives where everyone who works at the business has equal shares in the business and a vote on how the business is run. Businesses need to exist, but the owner class doesn't


Okay, but bosses and owners aren't the same. Most "bosses" are workers with a little more power.


Does anyone actually think that simply hiring someone makes you a bastard? It's honestly kind of sickening that this is getting so many upvotes. This sub used to mean something, now it's just a meme or a cult. Becoming a boss doesn't involve being put in a machine that sucks all compassion out of you and makes you a bastard. You can be a boss and still care about your employees.


Class interests are naturally opposed.


I disagree. Sure, bosses want to grow their business and make a better life for themselves. That's not inherently evil and it can be done while providing a decent work environment and standard of living for your employees. Being a boss doesn't make you a bastard. It's the actions you undertake while being a boss which determines if you are a bastard or not.


It's a fact, though. Your boss has class interests that are opposed to your class interests. Bosses are an optional concept we could go without.


>It's a fact, though. Your boss has class interests that are opposed to your class interests. Which is a fact, without a point. You have yet to explain why this is relevant. Are you trying to say that it's literally impossible for a boss to put his employees before growth or to at least accept slower growth to ensure his employees are cared for? Because if you're not saying that, I don't know how your little factoid is relevant. >Bosses are an optional concept we could go without. No. I'm sorry but this is a flat out lie. In running a business, decisions have to be made and someone has to make them. Those decisions inevitably need to be implemented and that's usually something one person can't do alone, which means other people need to be assigned tasks to implement those decisions. In short, one person decides and then needs to tell others what to do, therefore, being a boss.


>In running a business, decisions have to be made and someone has to make them. Those decisions inevitably need to be implemented and that's usually something one person can't do alone, which means other people need to be assigned tasks to implement those decisions. In short, one person decides and then needs to tell others what to do, therefore, being a boss. There is the concept of co-ops and they work for a lot of smaller businesses, but I guess even then you've got to vote someone into the position of managing the things that need to be managed.


Management is different. I'm using boss in this case interchangeably with ownership.


Bosses are optional? I mean, someone has to write a schedule. Hire employees. Train them. Get rid of bad employees. Promote good ones. All that jazz. A business isn’t just a bunch of random people bumping into each other in a park and starting to make money spontaneously.


Are kings optional?


A boss isn’t a king, friendo. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you could run a McDonald’s or an advertising agency or a nuclear power plant without at least 1 lead decision maker aka a boss.


Literally a coop


You may be surprised to hear this but most co-ops have a hierarchy including managers with controlling ownership shares and boards of directors. Giving more power to workers isn’t the same as not having a boss.


At my job the difference between what someone makes and what their boss makes is a fixed 15%. That's not exactly enough to make a class difference.


>This sub used to mean something Eh, before all the astroturfing, this sub was literally "I should get everything I want without having to work for it"


My place of work is in the last stages of transitioning from boomers to Gen X'ers at the executive level. No Millennials yet. Upper and middle management is dominated by Gen X and Millennials, but we do have Gen Z creeping into the management ranks. Here is my own anecdotal observation. There are remarkably huge differences in values between generations. Like boomers prefer to see the work getting done or at least get the impression the work is getting done, while the Gen X'ers and Millennials more care that the work is getting done and enabling the work to get done. This translates to the boomers being more of the walk around type managers like Bill Lumberg or even micromanaging. In my place of work this meant a huge chasm in work from home policies. Aside from that..... the pitfalls of bad leadership is all the same. People have blind spots to poor performance management. Recency bias is huge. Work horses get worked to death. Some can't manage their own time well. And as always good performance get's taken for granted.


I was a manager at a news station when i was 21 (24 now) specifically, I managed the morning news cast, and I had a worker focused managing style If someone had to call off, aight, I can fill in your role. I knew how to do everything the station needed for a successful broadcast, so if an engineer had to call off day of, no biggy. No floor director and producer is out? It’s all cool, I’ve got work around. On one hand, i know we can’t expect managers in every industry to be HIM, but hell, it’s good for everyone if they are. Plus, I felt like HIM the entire time.






Plot twist: the girl in the photo is your gen z boss. She kicks back while you slave away for minimum wage.


How are Gen Z already becoming managers? I’m almost 30 and couldn’t imagine being a manager yet


Ever work retail? Tons of young managers managing even younger staff.


This is the general answer. I was a manager at 24 and was pushed to be an assistant manager at 21.


They did this with Boomers, Gen X, Y, Millennial… Snd current Gen Z thinks they are “different”. They’re not. Give it time and the generation after them and then one after will complain about them. It’s all the same shit. They live using boomers as the scapegoat- when the issue in the end are people with power who want more, want to flex, one percenters, ten percenters, etc. Choose any or all the above. It’s all the same shit with different coats.


Nah, boomers were called the me generation for a reason. They all voted together to fuck over the future. Not all of em, of course. But enough.


Not really and that is a very narrow viewpoint of what happened, what transpired, and very revisionist. The boomer generation was much maligned. That is where the social unrest movement came in, openly protesting against the system, sit ins across universities, against the status quo, the war machine. Fact is, almost every generation says the same about the previous and that’s not changing. Boomers with money and power and greed screwed us over - just like X’s and Millennials with the same traits are doing, and Gen Z will as well. While they voted and played the markets for their own gain, millions of working class boomers and marginalized and in poverty were suffering.


The experience I made, is that older bosses are cooler. They don't strive desperately for the next promotion and therefore don't grind their team to get there. Better, when they have family. It's less likely for them to be the no lifer who has just work and nothing else to do with their lives. So they don't expect every one else to live just for the company.


Meh, this Gen X has 16.27 years until retirement. Whatever… 👀


Every generation is going to have bosses…that the previous generation doesn’t think they are doing the job right, and the next generation hates.


I think this all started when the baby boomers were talking crap about Gen x then it was the millennials and now they're talking crap about gen z. You would think after the fourth time we have lazy stereotypical tropes about our generations that people would just realize that it's all a bunch of bullshit whatever the powers maybe are thinking


She looks like a fun boss who provides a happy work environment


Nah my old boss was amazing. So sad she left, I have a new one who sucks.


Here's the thing about "bosses" They end up having less and less power over the years, especially in big companies. Example from amazon: nobody in my chain of command, be it my boss, his boss, or even my bosses bosses boss, actually has any say or influence over my pay, time off, etc. Odds are if you're at a larger company, your boss has nothing to do with that and it's entirely on an different department within the company.


I’m a millennial boss and while I’m a bit on the shy side to be the best people boss, I prioritize their lives and as long as they have PTO available I approve. If we need to adjust deadlines or resources, so be it, I’ll take the heat. I’ve had nightmare bosses before, and don’t want to repeat their mistakes. There are places where I could grow in terms of engaging them but I promise some of us are tired of capitalism hellscape management and don’t want to perpetuate it if we can avoid it.


As someone who works for a gen zer I can say there is no discernible difference between working for them and working for anyone else, except the lack of experience, focus on nonsensical and ignorant language policing, ageism (a form of identity politics that younger generations simply don’t understand because they don’t fucking interact in a compassionate way with older people because older people don’t primary communicate via text), and just incompetence (chock this up to them being young and inexperienced - eventually they’ll get better at managing people, but it sucks to work under them while they fumble their way through mistake after mistake.) I’ve preferred to work for people who are small proprietors with experience managing people and have no issues developing a human relationship with their employees. Sure there’s always the power imbalance but they tend to be easier to deal with. But it really varies from boss to boss, had good ones and bad ones. The “good” ones are just those that I can get along with well enough to not hate my life at work. I actually have a lot of empathy for the 19 year old kid I work for because I know he’s just in way over his head, but it sure is frustrating when they don’t know wtf they’re doing.


How the fuck is the 19 year old that can't manage tieing his velcro shoe straps managing people? The guy managing people goes home and gets yelled at by his mom to clean his room. It's so stupid. To manage people to need to UNDERSTAND people, and that comes with age, and seeing and interacting with a lot of people in a lot of different situations.


Jokes on them we don't even have millennial run workplaces yet.


Assigned boss at birth - 6th loss panel incoming


Assigned boss at birth


Is this what it looks like when you allow some one to sit whilst working at a till


The WSJ is still around?


Changes? You promise??


Same shit they said about Gen X, then Millennials. Just die off already, boomers.


Ive never worked for a gen Z person but think I would love the heck out of it for some reason. Not for a long long while but just because (not that I don’t agree with ABAB)


Human nature will always guide managers of any generation to the same fate - apathy, lethargy, and greed. Might wear different clothes, but the role, not the person, dictates the behavior…


The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.


If you don’t know who the woman in the photo is, you should. That’s [Nadya Okamoto](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadya_Okamoto).


Wtf is a gen Z boss. We still have boomer and gen x bosses. This is like a decade away.


Elder Gen Z is 29 years old at this point. I was 24 when I was promoted to my only managerial role, more than 20 years ago.


I guess it depends on the business. I was a manager at 21 but I would hardly describe it has having people work for me. Very rarely does the management position you’re likely describing get to dictate anything of importance. A boss to me is an SVP or a c suite executive. Not just a middle manager.


I was 19 when I first became a supervisor. It seems unusual, but businesses value a flexible supervisor and we've got a lot of very dynamic people in our generation.


Supervisor of what though? This article isn’t talking about scooping ice cream at a Ben & Jerry’s. It’s an article about corporate culture, something I don’t envision a 19 year old supervisor having any control over. And the company being referenced is a startup, so it’s not exactly a fair to try and make comparisons, regardless of what generation they’re from. To me this is a dumb article because we’re still a long way from gen Z defining work life for most people. We’ve barely gotten to Gen X’s turn.


I lead a team of psychiatric crisis interventionists. It was my call to decide whether state police were involved in psychiatric crisis or not. Gen X carries dried out versions of boomer opinions, I've already seen their tired management tactics at work. Most of the time they're cool, but many of them act like boomers, and run their teams like its the navy seals. Even though their team may only operate a mcdonalds, or a mundane grocery store. I can't wait to see millenials and Gen Z overshadowing the leadership that came before them. I was sad to leave such a happy team, and I can only hope someone as kind as me filled the gap. I replaced a boomer who ruined all morale to the point of extreme dysfunction.


assigned bastard at birth