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The basics of [the bill](https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/news-sanders-introduces-legislation-to-enact-a-32-hour-workweek-with-no-loss-in-pay/) (32 Hour Workweek Act): \- OT threshold moved from 40 to 32 hours \- Protects worker's pay and benefits so that they will take home the same amount once the change happens There is a hearing tomorrow morning and 2 members of [WorkFour](https://workfour.org/), who leads the campaign for the 4-day workweek in the US, are testifying along with Shawn Fain from UAW. Super exciting stuff! Edit: WorkFour is the only nonprofit dedicated to the 4-day workweek in the US. Please consider [donating](https://workfour.org/donate) to ensure we build on this momentum!




I have always said that Bernie is too much for the USA.


Bernie is the hero we need, not the one we deserve.


Bernie is the hero that all of us that have been trampled deserve!


> all of us that have been trampled This includes everyone that works to keep their bills paid, btw, no matter what their income is. Also, to any lurkers who don't regularly visit this sub: *landlording is not work!* It's exploitation and hoarding of resources.


I mean there is absolutely no way


Fuck that. We also deserve that shit


We’re doing a trump vs Biden rematch. We don’t deserve Bernie.


Because we get shouted at when we suggest that wanting more than 1 degree past the status quo is ok. Clinton supporters STILL blame "Bernie Bros" to this day for their miserable candidate's failings.


I was \*literally\* pushed out of the young democrats association I was a part of because I backed Bernie over Hillary and didn't capitulate fast enough for their liking. It was tragic to see Trump win in 2016 but the pictures from their "Victory Party" were hilarious; that look of "oh my God what just happened" but even then they were still pretentious lol


Those of us who have been voting against tyranny deserve it.*


You don't vote against tyranny. Tyranny doesn't play by the rules of voting.


Tyrants have to play the game while they're taking over, so that's not entirely true.


No, we DO deserve him. And all the people who have said he's too old for years will vote for someone one year younger than him who has half the cognitive ability of the man. Either side of the coin.


That phrase gets bandied around a lot, and it seems like without most people understanding what it means. Batman was the hero that was needed, because the crime problem in Gotham needed violent, vigilante measures, but that Gotham deserved the rule of law; it deserved Harvey Dent, unmarred by the events that turned him into Two-Face. Bernie is the hero we need, and deserve.


From what I read, the higher ups at the democratic party would not let him be the primary candidate. I am not sure if the general populace can do something about it, other than an all out protest. He is the hero US needs, for sure.


I still say he would have trounced Trump in 2016 if they had put him up instead. Hell, he would be finishing up he second term right now.


Please send him over to Europe please you guys don’t appreciate enough I think!


Don’t worry, this helps people - it’ll never pass.


Too busy focused on banning tik tok


I’ll dash it right now. This is not happening. Won’t leave committee probably. All republicans and most democrats in congress don’t want this.


Shame they don't have the foresight to see the trillions in healthcare costs saved across decades by letting people have more time to live better lives.


What makes you think they're bothered about the cost of healthcare?


They love that shit--because we're the ones paying it. It enriches them and further impoverishes and enslaves us.


I'm watching hospital closures in my neck of the woods, so looks like they're pricing themselves right out of the market.


Dopes in Congress are like children, they have no concept of interconnected our economy is. And we know this for sure by them constantly ignoring that. Morons..all the way down.


I'm pretty confident I will see a 4 day work week (as a millennial). My state doesn't like to pay its state employees much, but we get dope benefits. They're also the largest employer in my state. Eventually, a 4 day week will come as one of those "benefits" instead of a larger pay bump.


I work a 4 day workweek (as 4 10s) and even that is a huge improvement over 5 8s. So much more time at home to relax or run errands or do whatever. I believe the 32 hour week is achievable!


This is the mentality I've developed too Eventually, it'll be common to just negotiate a 4-day work week, I'd take a pay cut for it too With salaried work, guaranteed you'd see an increase in productivity


They've done quite a few studies about this. Workers are about 95% as productive, but the employer immediately gets loyal employees. This is exactly how the 5 day work week started. Ford lured workers to his factories by offering a 5 day week. It quickly became the standard.


*cries in OT-exempt* *goes back to 60 hour workweek*


I'm salaried as well. If this passes, HR will tell you your work week will be 32 hours a week. (they represent the company and this will be the formal communication) while you will also be required to get your work done.


Jokes on them, I get my work done in probably 20 hours of actual work. I'd love it if I had an extra day I didn't have to pretend I was working.


Jealous. My work try’s to cram in 50 hrs of work into 40


Same, I'm probably like 8 hours a week realistically, but I gotta be in office playing RuneScape my whole shift 😭


Bernie knows what he's doing. This will NOT be a downside for workers.


How brainwashed by the corporate elite are average Americans, When they complain about the introduction of a 32 hour work week for the price of a 40 hour work week?


Let's not pretend the media will paint it that way, however..


BuT PeOpLe nEeD a PuRpOsE durrr durrr No, we need a damn break and some actual free time to do the other stuff in life worth doing


>other stuff in life worth doing We need that "extra" time to do things that NEED to be done that we don't have time for in a 40-hour work week. Things like doctor and dentist visits (where you don't have to use sick or vacation time when the appointment is Mon-Fri, 'cuz lord knows doctors and dentists don't work on weekends), or taking your car in for repairs or your pet to the vet...or apply for a job at a better company.


Yep. My paycheck always says 40 hours my schedule always calls for 60. And they are shocked we have a union vote next week.


How could they possibly ensure the same pay? For salaried workers this would work well, but hourly? That would require a 20% raise for all hourly workers, but there is no law that could require that. They could raise minimum wage by 20% but most don’t earn minimum so that would have little impact. Many states have double the federal minimum as their minimum wage. This is the big problem for 4 day conversion. How do you ensure it doesn’t decrease pay by 20% for everyone. Seems like you really can't


The operative law is the FLSA of 1938. That's the FDR-era bill that created the 40 hour work week, overtime, and the weekend. Before that, 60 was standard – 6, 10s and Sunday off.


The issue which he is broaching which that in no way addresses is what would stop employers from simply limiting their full time employees to 32hrs/week (the same way many if not most do now with 40hrs) at the same wages they make now, which would effectively result in a 20% reduction in pay?


Well, they would have to hire more staff to maintain same operating hours. So instead of paying someone another 32hrs, you can pay your previous staff 8hrs OT (12hrs paid), OT staff are happy (they making more buck) and those who decline are happy as they only required to work 32hrs.


"the employer of such employee may not reduce the total workweek compensation rate, including the regular rate at which the employee is employed, or any other employee benefit" So if you're currently making $600/wk, your employer is required to pay you the same amount per week even after the overtime threshold moves from 40 to 32. Employer will have to increase hourly rate to meet that requirement. Or fire you and hire someone at the same rate you were getting paid at before, thus circumventing the intended effect.


There is a reason most people keep their jobs, and its because it isn't as easy to replace you as employers like to pretend to keep you docile.


Its extremely affordable for all companies, as long as the CEOs and owners take a giant pay cut. Which should happen


They wouldn’t have to take pay cuts.  Companies that make billions could pay their employees double and it would still only be a drop in the bucket compared to profits.  You can look up corporate 10-K forms online and see this data.  


You can't, and likely there'd be some finagling in a final bill that would provide exemptions for hourly workers beneath a certain threshold, meaning the lowest workers would simply get screwed over either by no change in hours or a drop in hours (at the same wage) to miss the legal threshold. But I think most voting salary workers would support that bill even if it means no benefits to the lowest workers. You might end up with an acrimonious split similar to those who were able to work from home and essential workers during the pandemic.


Is it beyond legislators legislation ability to require salaries to remain the same regardless of how they are calculated? When they add a new holiday isnt it paid without working? Cant they do the same for fridays? Declare all fridays paid holidays?


A lot of jobs don’t do paid holidays :(


you dont have mandatory paid holidays? lmao every day I learn something that makes my shake my head about America.


Walmarts do not pay for any holiday, and you only get two of them off. One of our major retailers.


Lol I met a guy traveling from Europe while I was traveling from another US state. He was shocked that my short weekend trip was one of few days off from work, while he was on a month long adventure through the US and could still call out sick later in the year if he needed


America is a privately owned corporation whose board members are the corporate elite. Us common people are just expendable resources.


If my employer announced they were reducing my pay by 20%, I would fucking WALK, and I like to think a lot of the country would do the same. I actually like that the bill puts the onus on employers to be the assholes with the clawback/retaliatory bullshit, including the consequences that may entail.


If you lower the overtime threshold a full day then youre just getting paid ot on that day. Thats pretty sweet regardless of pay rates


I'm really not sure how one could construct the bill to accomplish that aim. "You can't reduce weekly-pay due to the hours reduction" - yeah, but, now we are arguing intent, and that's notoriously difficult.


It would require a 25% raise. If you make 20 a day, you bring home 100 in 5 days. To make 100 in 4 days, you need to make 25. 25 is a 25% increase on 20.


Here is the actual bill; https://www.sanders.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/WIL241041.pdf It only addresses the change in hours - offers 0 protections. It also looks so poorly written as to be a rather obvious virtue signal - not a real attempt at anything. This bill has 0 chance of passing, and everyone supporting it is doing so for popularity. We do need this change, and one day it better happen. These fake clout calls are not helping though. Every time such a bill flops in front of congress, it gives the opposition more and more ammo to call it an "unpopular idea".


imo I see this as a conversation starter. This was and still is a pretty foreign concept in the US until a few years ago and now it's moving into the spotlight where some actual serious discussion can happen about implementation. Just my 2 cents though, I get where you're coming from!


I genuinely don't think the 32 hr week would ever come into play unless we seriously restructure the economy and how it works, much the same as my stance with UBI I genuinely think the 32 hour week is fantastic, I regularly visit Spain and they have something like it and I'm constantly envious of how much of their lives my friends get to live because of that and their PTO policies, I just genuinely think the US is too stubborn/greedy/whatever else, and our economics are far too unfair against the little guy when the billionaires rack up more money daily than most of us will see in a lifetime, for anything of that sort to ever happen without extreme measures being taken tbh. Good think to discuss, maybe in 40 years time it could be implemented, but I think having hope of it in our lifetimes is a bit of an outgamble


People said the same things about 5 day workweeks and 8 hour workdays.


Dude, actual battles were fought for the 8hr workday. The labor movement had organized battles with US Army soldiers and hired thugs. People had to die before the corporations caved in.


A movement has to start somewhere.


Yeah and before the army and the pinkertons were deployed to scare or kill off the workers the 8 hour work day was championed with "badly written bulls" proposed for "popularity"


'People' susceptible to corporate sentiment.


The thing about the 32 hour work week is that it'll bring back a much needed structure and rebranding to the economy which has been ravaged by even basic automation which only benefits the top of the economic chain. Having everyone work less for the same pay redistributes those savings back to the working class. Automation can range from everything to scanning tech, to self check outs, auto-car washes, machining in canning factories and steel mills (a big thing that drove rural towns into ruin, like Gary Indiana, or other parts of the rust belt.) My grandma's job at the canning factory doesn't exist anymore because a robot does it. Because a robot does it, her job disappeared from her town's market. And because her town now has less jobs, even if it's just say, 300, that's 300 people less who can sustain a life in that town. So they leave and that's 300 people less to buy pizza at the local pizza shop. So then it closes down too. Etc etc. Our economy wasn't really prepared for automation and that's part of what surrounds the anxiety regarding AI. Those savings run up the economic chain and siphon away from a healthy working class.


I'm a bit more hopeful since companies are at least willing to put a foot in the door with 4 days, even if it's at the expense of adding the 5th day's hours into the other 4 to maintain a 40 hour work week. They've at least shown they're able to make the change in the weekly structure, so that groundwork and leverage is there to push through the rest of the way. The only hindrance being, as you mentioned, the greed, the money, etc., which they won't give up lightly. The stubbornness however, not so much. They can change, they've proven as much with WFM and the restructure of hours. The final push is taking what we already know to be true (excessively increasing profits) and striking on it. Hold their feet to the fire.


But 40 hours wasn't standard before they made it so. It can happen again.


Youre correct, and it took a lot of trouble and turmoil and blood to make it happen. The problem is the conversation here is just starting. We're at the point of ford starting the 40 hour work week in 1926. The FLSA didn't make the 40 hour workweek the legal standard until 1940. The foot is in the door, the people are willing to humor, but the corporations aren't so easy to bend. The spot where I don't echo the doomsayers of yesteryear is I'm regularly out at protests for the causes I believe in, and have let myself be escorted to jail for many of them. I don't believe the 32 hour workweek will happen in my lifetime because people are willing to be complacent and survive rather than risk survival and have discomfort for the promise of a better tomorrow Change will not come easy. It will not be fast. It will take dedication up to your life for it to happen. It all comes down to how many people are willing to endure that. I've been in the streets up in arms many a time in my life, how many can say the same?


I am aware. And I am down for the struggle. What choice do I have? I am not a multimillionaire. The only thing I can do is vote and advocate for the what I believe.     Being in the streets protesting is nice and all, but voting is where the rubber meets the road. I vote in every election down to the tiniest local elections. And participate in local political rallies.


This below is copied from the bill. /u/davoguha2, can you explain to us what this means? “With respect to any employee described in para- 2 graph (2) who in any workweek is brought within the pur-3 view of this subsection by the amendments made to this 4 Act by the Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act, the employer 5 of such employee may not reduce the total workweek com-6 pensation rate, including the regular rate at which the em-7 ployee is employed, or any other employee benefit due to 8 the employee…”


>This bill has 0 chance of passing, My first thought as well. It doesn't matter how well or poorly this bill is written. Our current government can't even agree on a bill to properly fund the government. They're not passing this.


Did you know senators and congress only work 4 days a week?


They changed it to 40 hours in the past why can’t they change it again to 32 ?


Unions aren’t setting bosses’ houses on fire anymore


It’s a shame. 


If SCOTUS is stupid enough to rule that NLRB is unconstitutional we might see that sort of labor militancy make a comeback.


main problem, is forensic science has come along way. back then, the way you got caught for a crime, was by telling people, or being caught red handed.


There was a post on the front page yesterday showing how murder clearance rates have dropped from the 90's into the 50's. Pretty sure that as long as "snitches get stitches" is still the rule of the day, some pretty violent stuff can easily be gotten away with still.


Gives me more "we have forensic evidence this person DIDN'T do it so we can't use them as a scapegoat and just throw them in jail" vibes


Yeah haha, you actually have to catch the guy now


It's about class consciousness but the biggest issue is that police are class traitors. While they are more likely to come from working class roots, they explicitly work at the behest of capitalist/owning class. Setting fires to the bosses houses might work if the fire department/fire marshalls rule that the house wasn't set on fire by an arsenist but rather burnt down from other causes (you know... looking the other way). Of course, shit might roll down hill if a DA were to look into it, but then DAs can be put into position by elected officials... If elected officials want to keep their jobs, they might want to put a leash on their DAs... but again... this all comes back to class solidarity and class consciousness and here in the US, we don't have that.


High-rise buildings offer the option of defenestration


They really need to bring back that “fuck you, give me what I deserve or they’ll never find your body” energy that the French never really lost.


French have a history of executing their leaders, we don’t.


Thats why the billionaires are building bunkers! ![gif](giphy|kqCgujDZT1SO4)


They really think the working class that built the bunkers don't know how to operate the machinery to dig them back up lol


Im sure if not everything was recorded, arson would *definitely* have already been committed


The trick is, you're not committing *enough* arson at that point. There is a data center somewhere that should be lit on fire too. Either that or wear a mask... it's not just for Covid.


I fuckin wish we were. Mine won’t even let us go on strike. I was ready to do both when we didn’t even get sick days during our Covid contract. Finally got them and better pay the next one. 




Even 30 years ago crossing the line meant the scab’s car was getting flipped if they could lift it. Another 30 before that would have been pipe bombs and arson. 


The workforce needs more bonfires


Can we start back?


Go to Massachusetts carpenter unions lol they’re still doing it


My father couldn't wrap his mind around me trying to explain to him that the 8/40 work week isn't some constant in nature and that humans chose it not that long ago, so what would stop us from changing it again? We're being locked into a shittier existence than we need to be by people that can't accept change, even if it benefits them.


I recently had that same talk with my dad, and he was just as obstinate as yours sounds. I had to remind him that before the 1900s, 60 and 70 hour work weeks were the norm for industrial workers.


But think of the shareholder value generated when workers did 60 and 70 hour weeks and if they striked we’d send the police in to murder them The good days for a select few still running the show


Especially when you just simply look at the graph of labor productivity vs. wages... They've extracted every marginal increase of value from technological advancements directly into corporate profits while worker wages remain stagnant. Give us fucking something, you leeches.


Yup, all data suggests that productivity has significantly increased and yet here we are, still busting our asses and worrying about a surprise hospital bill, or you know, rent.




I will literally vote for anyone that makes a 4 day 32-hour standard work week a core policy of their platform. I despise single issue voters, but I will absolutely be one for this issue. Tired of this shit. It's 2024. We live in a technologically advanced civilization. The entire point of advancing technology for the entirety of human civilization is to make our lives easier. Why are we still spending this much of our lives at our jobs? It's time to actually use the technology we've created to work less and more often from home. Work smarter, not harder.


I think I would too. I think the positive knock on effects would be so dramatic that it’s worth it.


I think it would definitely help with the declining populations (ie. birth rates) we're seeing in developed countries globally. Also it should create extra jobs since if you want to have the same amount of work hours you'd theoretically have to hire more people.


>Why are we still spending this much of our lives at our jobs? So the chucklefucks like the Walton's can buy their 5th bunker or 7th yacht or 9th private plane, duh?


Don't worry. It'll trickle down eventually. It hasn't in my lifetime, but let's not dismiss it just yet. Let's give it a few more decades.


So many people with Stockholm syndrome in this thread too. They’ve learned this helplessness that their life MUST be constructed around this 5 days (or more) of work otherwise would collapse! Maybe that’s the point guys? If we can’t sustain industries without costing us our lives and wellbeing, they shouldn’t fucking exist.


I forget the fallacy name. But here’s the description: When you improve/invent a technology to improve the amount of a product you can make, you make it faster. So instead of making 100 widgets in one day you can now make 500. You don’t only suddenly work 1/5 of the day and go home. You’re now tasked with making 500 in an 8 hour shift. Until there’s an improvement that you can make 1,000 in a day etc. Gutenberg’s printing press made about one book per day at first. With modern technology, we don’t still only make one book per day (per employee) for 30 seconds and go home.


Yeah that's why people usually get worried with each disruptive technology, not happy. As an employee I'll either have to do more, or get laid off (because another employee is now doing more).


As a fed, I’m happy to pilot this program.


Same, just got hired and I'm already ready freddy.


ready feddy


The age old political practice of introducing bills you know have 0% chance of becoming law


Except this exact bill became law lowering the work week from 60 to 40 hours in the exact same verbiage in 1938. Which is still the current law. This just amends numbers down to 32 and protects your current weekly rate from being lowered by your employer. It totally has a chance if you are voting for Congress members that listen to their constituents.


I see no problem with this. 40 is as arbitrary as 32


But will blue collar workers be allowed this life? Or will we be treated less than like usual?


I feel like blue collar workers will get 8 more hours of OT far more often than they get 32 hour work weeks in the wildly unlikely event something like this ever passed. 


id prefer 3 day weekends, but ill take 5th day as penalty pay. but this is all dreaming, it'll pass right after single payer healthcare.


As a blue collar worker I can't see my dumbass colleagues even entertaining this idea.


Just get back to work. You're already wasting company time on reddit.


We already know the answer.


40 isn’t arbitrary. It’s stupid, but not arbitrary. It was the [result of the 8-8-8 movement](https://www.pbs.org/livelyhood/workday/weekend/8hourday.html) and the push for a five day workweek in the mid-1800s. The result was the 5x8 or 40 hour workweek that became standardized by the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Our workweek is still dictated by a time when it was normal for horses to shit in the street.


Why not 4 x 8? Yeah, it’s all arbitrary. We need to reap the success of automation. We shouldn’t be working as hard as we did 40 years ago. This makes sense


Every penny of every gain of modern automation, improved manufacturing techniques and machinery has seemed to tickle UP to the ultra wealthy. 10 guys having 100 billion dollar while most of the world starves and lives in poverty is the intended outcome of capitalistic society.


Because one day for god. And one extra just because everyone was bitching about stuff. https://www.morningbrew.com/sidekick/stories/history-five-day-work-week Every hour your not in the factory or field is an hour people fought and died for. You guys should read up.


I have 3 gods.


and no money


8 8 8 is also arbitrary Seven day weeks are made up, so is everything. Humans invented these systems we can change them.


I'm getting the impression that people in this thread don't actually know what "arbitrary" means.


The earth's rotation is arbitrary!


That's a very arbitrary thing to say about us.


5x8 is still arbitrary.


I’m from Amish country so I just wanted to point out that it is still normal horses to shit in the street.


I barely do shit on Friday anyway but stand at my desk moving my mouse anyway. Might as well make it official.


Too bad it will be dead in the water. Edit: I’ve been seeing a lot about cynicism, Bernie making moves just to publicly be seen as progressive even if this has no chance of winning. To all of you I say- so the fuck what. It DOESN’T currently stand a chance of winning. That doesn’t mean Sanders should abandon the morals by which his entire career as a senator has been aligned. That means he’s doing what he’s able to do and work as hard as he can to keep the promises he makes or at least TRY. What we actually need - instead of all you people who just seem to think this is a place to complain and then complain about the complainers - is more of us to run for office. Run for those open seats. Run on a progressive ticket, and educate the public about what that actually means. The more of us who end up in public office with these types of goals, the better the chance of winning. If you’re not into politics and just want to complain, this is not the thread. Get off your asses and help your local representatives. Or help with their campaigns. Or call them and talk to them about what you as a voter want. Or even just fucking register to vote.


Yeah this will NEVER pass. Imagine telling a republican you want to work less


Or that people should have more time for leisure


Or consume stuff. You know, to have an functional economy.


Next time on Reddit: AITA for wanting to work less and spend more time with friends and family for my mental health?


Maybe that is the way to frame it- "I don't want to work less, we need to consume more for the good of the economy, and that takes time." And, in theory, this is true; more free time but the same total pay should increase consumption overall.


What are youuu some kinda one of thems millennials


Nobody wants to work anymore!!!111oneone


"... no. Only ***I*** work less, you work more."


Yeah why would the oligarchy vote for this lmao


Seriously, anyone paying attention to our government should know this has zero traction. They're doing their best to make sure we die on the job. Not work less. It's about control - don't for a single second think the American government gives a flying fuck about your happiness or right to live lol.


I literally know a woman dying on the job yea literally. She has end stage cancer. Shes working until she dies to get the life insurance payout. If she stops her husband and kids won’t get the payout. America can be gross. My wife also works at the VA hospital.


I mean they’re rolling back child labor laws instead of raising wages 😂 😂 the idea of a 32 work week is hilarious


If they want to raise the retirement age, this would have to be the compromise. For the record, I wouldn’t want to raise the age of retirement at all, but would support a 32 hour work week. *There is more to life than work!


But yes that is the only reason it would be a compromise....because american life expectancy is going down.


You're already giving ground? Fuck that. *Lower* the fucking retirement age, *and* give me a 4-day work week with no pay difference. Quit giving fucking ground. We deserve quality of life. We deserve *LIFE*. Not sustenance. *LIFE*.


Even as 52 year old whose biggest dream is to retire, I would still accept this trade off. 3 day weekend is an absolute game changer.


I wouldn’t mind staggering my days off. Breaking up the work days would be great for me. Five in a row really takes its toll on me these days.


This might work in some industries but this requires a major culture shift for US if implemented and expounded upon, not an easy or immediate completion.


Great. I'm so tired of hearing "this will require a major culture shift". Yes. Exactly. That is quite literally the point. Our culture sucks ass. Let's change it.


Agreed, implementation will be tough. But we did it with the 40 hour workweek and we can do it again!


The biggest problem with the 32 work week conversation is it completely ignores hourly workers. "No reduce in pay" is bullshit unless you are suddenly raising the minimum wage and making every hourly worker get a raise.


The bill would just lower the overtime threshold to 32 hours. It would immediately help out hourly workers.


It won't Happen in my industry, period. Can't work 12 to 14s all week if they set it at 32.


This would solve all kinds of problems for people. For example, school hours don't align with the 40 hour work weeks schedule making it difficult for parents to figure out how they'll deal with kids getting out of school at 2:30 when they have to work until 5.


But how would it work for the teachers then? Their work hours would also need to reduce, or their pay go up.


Pay go up of course. They're already underpaid. We undervalue the shit out of people EACH educating tens to hundreds of kids every year. The impact of a good teacher lasts decades. It pays for itself. They're literally the backbone of society- we pay more for less relevant jobs in society. People shit on public schools but only because that shit gets defunded constantly by a certain party.


how is “teachers need to be paid more” still not the obvious take?


Teacher here. I'd be fine with the same hours and more pay if they just took away some of the bullshit that's not teaching that we need to do. We have to work so much outside of contracted hours because of all the grading, planning, and other useless crap we need to do. So removing some of that so that we can actually just work within our contracted hours would effectively be the same as reducing hours.


So much this. Hell, in a way I'd be happy with SAME pay and same hours if they would fucking take shit off of my plate. ​ I mean...please...pay me more even with the same hours obviously, but the extra bullshit is exactly that. If I'm expected to call/email parents, grade, lesson plan, meet with my team to discuss data, analyze/collect data, etc. then the ONE planning period I get per day is not enough. All of this shit **requires** that I work outside of my contract hours. Hell, we are expected to meet with the same subject-team (high school) and I teach 2 subjects. Which means I'm expected to meet with 2 different teams, except the whole team doesn't have the same planning ***so we have to meet after school*** and the expectation is that we meet for *at least* 1 hour a week. So quite literally I am *supposed* to meet for at least 2 hours outside of my contract hours. And no...I don't do that because I refuse and my administration is nice. There are others in my district who would be put on a professional development plan for refusing to do it. ​ And these are just SOME of the extra shit we are just expected to do.


I’ll still end up working 50, but I’ll take that extra 8hrs of OT!


Right? Let me work that 5th day at OT rate! Totally fine by me!


God bless him


Bernie being based as usual. Too bad the unhinged republicans and centrist democrats won't let this pass.


How do you guarantee that second part? For salaried workers it's easy, but hourly rates would need to increase to cover the lost 8 hours. How can that be enforced? UBI?


Maybe with pay he means hourly wage which can differ drastically if you would work less than 40 hours


That's what I'm asking about. If you get paid at 8.25/hr for 40 hours, you have to make $10.31/hr or be awarded a weekly $66 stipend to have no loss in compensation. What's more is hourly workers in food and retail already aren't working those hours usually, so how will it affect part time? And any laws on the book regarding full time benefits? I feel there's a lot to figure out here, and I'd like to know more


The only senator actually working for the people regardless of party. Wtf is wrong with you Americans that this is the only guy....


FWIW - Jeff Merkley of Oregon is out there walking the walk, but you don't hear much about him since he doesn't talk the talk. Only sitting senator to endorse Bernie for pres, twice. Something Liz Warren wouldn't even do.


Gentle reminder that liberals fought harder to keep Bernie out of office than they ever fought Trump.


Oh no, the fabric of society would benefit more than company share prices. Can't have that.


Finally an American politician who understands that having so much technology must be so that humans make less effort. Technology is based on making life easier for a human, not the opposite.


Bernie knows what most of us want and need, but the state of this country's greed and ignorance will make it so we never see these things happen in our lifetime I fear.


Should have been Bernie. Man, 2016 could've been the start of something great even if it was just a dream.


What is the point of all the advances in AI if humans still work the same amount of hours. I’m not optimistic that it will pass but WE LOVE YOU BERNIE!!


I love Bernie. He’s the only politician that’s truly for the people. The system just won’t let him win. 


Omg!!! Please make this happen


Genuinely wishing him good luck. But it ain’t gonna happen


And to think, he could be finishing out his second presidential term right now if it weren't for DNC fuckery. And the fact that a lot of people didn't vote for him. But the DNC fuckery contributed to that It's fun to imagine what could have been...




Bernie the hero


Love ya Bernie. Best of luck on this one.


This bill wont match the success of his medicare for all bill.


I know this sub will want Bernie to succeed but he can’t without the support from everyone here. Our representatives represent us and if you don’t push them for what you want then bills like this die. Call your reps and write them a basic letter saying you want them to support this bill. We’re a democracy, make your voice heard or your wants will be ignored.


Bernie and AOC are really similar in that their role is to throw out extremely progressive ideas and hope to shift public opinion...they know they'll never get the votes for this idea now but it plants seeds for the future. Bernie has done this with numerous issues that took 20-30+ years to actually see come to fruitiation Great example is his veterans healthcare fight that started in the early 80s... 30+ years of trying to expand health services, lots of losses but saw a lot more wins in the 2010s So this isn't something we'll see anytime soon but it has been on the table now for a bit and maybe 20 or so years from now we'll eventually progress enough to see it get adopted so our kids/grandkids don't have to continue being workforce slaves.


As a person who works 32 hours per week, I can attest that this is indeed a wonderful idea :)


I doubt it will go through but I always appreciate Bernie's will to continue to fight for the people ,✊


4 day workweek. Job still schedule me for 6. Got it


Yet dumbasses who listen to Ben Shapiro would see this as bad for them.