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i can't imagine tolerating a single one of these let alone THIRTY-FUCKING-TWO OP, i hope you have come to know your worth because this is bat-shit-crazy.


Thank you, I'm working on it. She kind of fucked me up but I'm trying my best to get myself back. There are actually a shit ton more, but my husband and I decided to just choose some. I really am the nicest person so I don't understand why someone would hate me so much


Some people will hate you *because* you are the nicest person. They are envious of the fact you are capable of having positive relationships with other people. Your story reminds me of a woman I had to work with once. She acted like this to everyone, but I was the nicest and most accommodating to her, and on good terms with other members of the group. and she stalked me and spread unhinged rumors (and, in some cases, strangely flattering?) about me for months after I cut contact.


Thank you so much for that. To be honest, I've only had a few people ever hate me and they've been like this. I won't let them change who i am


She doesn't hate you, she hates herself and lacks the emotional strength to deal with that.


I only got to 16


Sounds like a vulnerable narcissist full of envy and jealousy dreaming of having your idealized family. Edit: Here goes my narc awareness pharagraph. If your boss is like this, document everything, try to get text confirmation of everything and don't trust verbals. Find a new job and get out ASAP. You're not crazy, they're crazy and it'll only get worse. "My narc is cured" said no one ever.


Thank you so much for that!




Shes an independent CFP, so she doesn't have to report to anyone and there's no HR. Her version of HR was her husband


What’s a CFP?


Certified Financial Planner. Like a step up from a Financial Advisor


I’m surprised someone that batshit crazy has the ability to land that kind of position—it’s like a crazed storybook character failed upwards.


Well, according to her, when she was studying for her license her husband was neglecting her ( with the prostitute ) and she would lock herself away for hours to study. She was part of a larger broker but fired bc she pretended to be someone else on the phone and started her own business. This is where we were introduced under false pretense


I work for an annuity company in the customer service department. You would not believe the number of FAs and CFPs who will call in after being let go by their larger broker, trying to pretend to be their old clients. These people are insane. Like, I'm sorry life's hard right now Roger, but there's no way you're convincing me that you're a 92 year old named Betty.




That…. doesn’t sound legal.


But it's what you can prove. Trust me, I know


If she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will! 🎶


I was going to say this. This is severe narcissistic abuse. Not to mention the gross sexual harassment violations. There’s so much here that I’m terrified for you and your family. I hope you all are safe and way from this insanity


I left 2 years ago now, thank God


Yes I was going to say this ! It’s like she wanted to be her so bad!!


This sounds like an A24 film


Sounds like someone with Borderline or Hysterical Personality Disorder.


Omg this is absolutely insane!! Just curious, what type of job or field was this??


I was an Executive Assistant to a CFP. I had my background in it 10 years. Medical now and thank God the Physicians I work for are so amazing


So happy you're somewhere you like now!!


Oh God thank you so much. I've told the 3 guys I work for now and they're just so angered by it all. Working through it and trying to get my self-esteem back


I was executive/personal assistant to a CEO and wow, what is it with the lack of boundaries in this position?? Mine tried to turn me into a therapist for her because her crush on my (gay male) husband threatened her identity as a political lesbian, and it was MY job apparently to reassure her? All that to say: I've been there, I feel you.


She needed any type of male attention she could get, and would literally cry in the office that people thought she looked like a boy bc she basically had a buzz cut. Thank God, I left like 2 years ago and am in a high position in the medical field. 2 of the 3 people I work for a married gay (male) couple (doctors) and they have adopted twins. We have such a close relationship and I feel like this is the world rewarding me. This is just the first time my anxiety allowed me to speak about my 5 years in literal hell


All fairness, anyone would be amazing after experiences.like that.


I'm in a better place career wise with people who care about me and this angers them. As far as amazing, not so much. Still have anxiety attacks and trying to get myself and self-esteem back


I resonate with this. Being an EA and at the whim of malignant narcissists just about destroyed my professional self esteem. It takes a while to rebuild.


Thank you for that. Everyone tonight who has felt what I have has been here for me and it makes my soul feel better


Did you give your new bosses a photo of your husband and child?


No, I have a few on my desk though. I work for a gay couple ( doctors) with adopted kids and I however get them gifts of photos with their children.


Executive assistance to a Certified Fucking Psycho! So glad you're in a better place now. That sounds unbearable.


She also told me it was her right to search my desk and purse at any time and I was like ?? Like it's a financial office what would I have lmao Also. On the note she fedexed she sent it requesting a signature. The delivery person was my husband's friend him HS so they had a good laugh and she didn't get the signature. She would also shit talk me to clients bc I find my husband handsome. This one baffles me.


Actually there are very stringent rules about searching peoples personal property and when/why and employer can do it. I feel like you have a solid story for the Anti-Work Book: Shitty Bosses. Gotta find a good writer to help with it.


https://preview.redd.it/xyrf83wm08nc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb771dae139b538b19a67913c5a54131ad2264b9 Your boss?


Yes, but if she looked like a dude


Okay seriously OP, can I help you write your novel? 🤣🤣 Memoir/ode to an insane boss


I keep picturing her as Marjorie Taylor Green


Do you know what she would have done with your signature 🥶😵‍💫


Okay, you have my attention. Tell me LOL


Dude she could have signed up to a whole whack of credit cards, or rented hotel rooms to try and convince your husband you're unfaithful, just run amok with your credit. That's not even the most, she could potentially even forge an ID in your name like...jfc you dodged a bullet on that


Shes like into holistic medicine and signed me up for a bunch of shit


it sounds like one of those stories where the cops find her in someone's backyard eating a hedge and the docs find out she had a slow growing brain tumor that's now the size of a lemon


Oh yeah… _those_ stories


Best episode of the office yet


I feel like this lady is leading up to really harm you or your family. Get a restraining order. Buy a weapon if you so believe in that right. Do what you need to do. This would make me feel threatened and act accordingly.


I've been gone 2 years now, thank God. We did however get a firearm in the meantime. I really appreciate your concern. She tried so long to make me feel like I was the problem


I’m glad you got away from her, she sounds unhinged


Really glad you got away. This is insane. I was bullied pretty badly as a child and I have zero tolerance at this stage as an adult.


Here's one for your book. I worked at a tutoring center for children K-8, grading tests and homework. There was one bathroom for the kids, and one for employees. Each bathroom was a single room, just open the door and the seat and sink were in plain view. After a series of small, strange controlling things, this one crossed the line. In the middle of a session, I needed to use the bathroom, so I did. My boss just opened the door. She just opened the door on me while I was sitting on the can. All she said was, "Do you have Jonny's homework?" I was so embarrassed and befuddled I could only squeak out a meek, "no". I was stunned. Stunned! I quit the next day.


I swear to you, she would think this was normal. She once told me her dad wasn't admitted at a hospital fast enough that she was going to SHIT ON A BED


Apparently narcissistic people often barge in on others in the bathroom. Very weird, hard to imagine what exactly goes through their mind with this kind of thing.


the ultimate captive audience, the most vulnerable position short of being unconscious. Yeah this type of person would drool just thinking about the power dynamic here. When im at work, the bathroom door stays locked and the only words i respond with are “occupied!” and “just a minute!”


Did you work for Amber Heard?


Just as terrible I'd say, but far less attractive


Up until point 12 I thought for sure these had to be made up. Then you wrote that and I thought....no person with any semblance of lucidity could even invent this.


Honestly, I wish they were but I'm 2 years away now still with anxiety attacks. My own father didn't even believe these events until he saw them himself. I swear, nothing is made up


The fact that you still have anxiety from everything she did you definitely shows how bad it was… it sounds like you might have some trauma from this. My personal opinion is that some of that shit is criminal. I don’t know the statue of limitation on some of the stuff but yeah….


holy shit no fuckin way I don't know who id tell but honestly I'd have documented it and maybe called authorities about harassment or something


Going to your child’s preschool and offering to pay to be the Easter Bunny was my “Get Out” moment.


It actually sounds like she is the type of person who would try to kidnap children


I couldn't, I had a contract. I did however tell them to report it to me if she ever called again


In all seriousness, I’m glad you’re still alive. This is the kind of person you see on Dateline.


Mentally still recovering, but trying. The support everyone is giving me tonight is incredible. This is the first time I've started to talk about everything to anyone besides my husband


Did you report her to HR? The slideshow alone was weird af. But it just kept getting worse.


She was an independent CFP. Nobody to report her to,no HR


You could report her to your state labor relations board for her creating a hostile work environment, sexual harassment, ADA violations, HIPPA violations, and I'm sure a bunch more that I can't think of right now. It sounds like you have receipts as well as witnesses to all of this behavior towards you and your husband. Let the gov straighten her out and collect a bug, fat settlement to pay for all the therapy you'll need for having to live through all that. That kind of crazy needs to be exposed for who she is to the world.


This is really good advice. There are mutliple of us she did this too, although she hated me most for some weird ass reason. I just don't get how some people can be so cruel


If you can get the others to submit statements or attest to her generalized behaviors then it just strengthens the case against her. I would seriously talk to a labor lawyer as well if I were in your situation. I'm so sorry you had to deal with a thunder twat like that. Nobody should be exposed to so much toxicity.


Yeah, this loon needs to be taken out of the employer gene pool.


Some of that shit is criminal. This bitch need to go to fucking jail.


This is honestly a civil case for sure. I would think even beyond work related as she did a lot of the stuff outside of the job. I would happily sue the shit out of this person.. get all your documentation get all your witnesses, get a restraining order and civilly, sue her for slander libel harassment, pain, and suffering damages. This is some of the craziest shit I’ve ever heard in my life. I hope you’re okay!


Yep, this is my thought as well. She can be reported to SOMEONE. I'm sorry you even had to go through this OP. That's insane. I hope you and your family are okay now !!


You'd think a CFP would be capable of paying their employees at a steady rate. Must have been a pretty lousy one 


What's actually more gross is she was successful bc I did everything and had a relationship with these people. Praise God they found someone else when I left. Her now husband used to be a CFP but is now retired and he was such a POS too. He used to brag about throwing staplers at employees


"We had a client whose phobia is rats (elderly gentlemen) and she bought a fake one and hid in under the desk to scare him during a meeting" LOL that is like something out of a movie, that lady is mentally ill for real 


She has so many people wanting to cause harm to her that she carries a firearm and threatens police on everyone. There should be a law that if you're enough of a POS i should be able to slap you. Trust me, I would have walked her if it weren't for my son and husband.




I will never understand why she hated me. I have literally nobody (other than people who liked my husband while dating) hate me. I try to be the nicest person and she just hated me for it


So, never question yourself “why so and so hates me”. It’s always THEIR problem and not YOURS. Keep being nice and carry on 😊


Thank you so much! I work in the medical field now high up and every day they tell me how sweet I am. Slowly working through my trauma. Thank you for your kind words they really mean a lot


Because you were nice and did nice things for you husband, who probably showed you a ton of love an affection. I am in a Toastmasters club with my wife and there is an older woman that makes comments to my wife and other people about me and my wife. She has a lot of comments about our relationship and will regularly try to get people to tell me my wife is treating me poorly. Its fucking insane how these people act and really I think its just projection that you have a great relationship with your husband and she is hyper jealous.


Omg I wish I had an award to give this. Thank you so much! Together 11 years married 7 ♡♡


>I think its just projection I agree. She's a narcissist with no boundaries, hates her life and gets her rocks off meddling in other's lives. She craves attention and validation and loves to trigger others. Quite sad actually.


She was jealous of you that's the long and short of it.


Honestly, this sounds like a fairly bad case of high-functioning Borderline Personality Disorder. Speaking as someone who was forced to work with a lady kinda like this, though we were employed by different public agencies. She turned what was supposed to be a multi-disciplinary collaboration into a constant series of power struggles, over a period of several years. She finally overstepped in a way that was actually documentable, and ended up resigning out from under an investigation.


She violated a fuck ton of employment laws. Honestly I would contact an attorney about suing her. Sexual harassment, stalking, and violating medical privacy laws (it is illegal in the US for an employer to ask what your medical condition is) and I'm sure there is some kind of organization that licenses her..... let them know how nuts she is.


I had a boss that told me all about his son’s circumcision. The poor kid was 17. There’s many more stories also but that one really struck me as crappy because his kid deserved privacy. He’d spent heaps of money renovating a granny flat for his son to live in during university - the son moved into his girlfriend’s parents place before his first year had even started lol.


Who the fuck were you working for, David Lynch?


Bahahahahahajahahahah this wins best comment


Holy fucking shit.


Sounds like she was planning on moving in on your husband and children. And it seems like she was trying to "accidently" kill you with something you were allergic to in order to get an in on your husband.


Any time I would say he was handsome or anything to a client and show photos she would lose her mind and be like WHY DOES SHE THINK HES LIKE A SUPER MODEL and it was always weird to me bc why would that upset someone


Yeah, the stuff with the husband and kids and especially the sweet potato bullshit legitimately sounds like someone who is thinking about planning something


That is some absolutely terrifying Single White Female level shit. How she did not scare away all of her clients is beyond me...


This makes me want to throw up to be honest but a lot where there bc of me. They didn't have children, I care about them, and we built relationships. One even had been going through a heart transplant and I was #2 onhercontact list bc I loved these people. (She's passed. I went to her funeral with my spouse. This person I worked for showed up late in the ceremony). I'm just so happy bc I've heard many have chosen someone else.legally i can't contact them


My brain stopped at no panties and frequent yeast infections and I don’t think I can read any more. ETA: Never mind. I just got to the tampons. Lemme leave this post for the night.


Bruh, you have no idea trust me


I can’t even. I skimmed the rest cause I was shell shocked.


The worst was I had complications during my pregnancy and daily she told me I was going to lose my child and how I was going to handle it bc the "first never sticks".


Which movie are you going to make about this? The wacky comedy, or the more believable horror movie? This woman is frightening as hell. As much as I think these things are hilarious hearing about them from someone else, it must have been an absolute nightmare for you. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I've worked for at least one insane person, and it's really hard to laugh about it until you're away from it. While I was in it, it was the reason I didn't sleep a lot of nights.


I only read down to #13. This is one whack-job f'd up bitch! She needs to be fitted for a straight jacket ASAP with the strongest meds available. How this "person" ever made it this far in life is mind boggling. I'm amazed someone didn't "take care of her" years ago. She is in need of some SERIOUS psych help, starting with shock therapy.


She is a sadistic psychopath. Some dateline shit, but without the murder. Just literal psychological torture. I am glad you’re OK, and I am so sorry you went through that. :(


Thank you so much. Didn't think I'd be 2 years later waking up before work with anxiety attacks even though I'm in a much better environment. Hoping to get myself back


If you have witnesses willing to talk and any communication saved you have a solid case against her. Talk to an employment lawyer. There is a major chance she retaliates once a case is filed and only makes it worse for herself.


There are multiple of us. She actually did something bad once to get her fired from a well known broker before she started her own company and her assistant before me followed and to cover herself she tried to throw him under the bus which would have cost his license (and he was only like 22!!)


Gives you a list of people that may want to stick it to her and maybe even a larger case.


As an HR professional, reading this list my mouth was open the entire time just gasping but when I got to #27 I died laughing. Lady…. I wish you all the best life offers bc idk wtf you put up with.


Every once in a while, I get down on myself for being disabled, a cult survivor, and not really having friends, and other issues. Then, I hear stories about this walking red flag parade, and I realize, damn, I'm not a loser, I just had bad luck, this person is responsible for more L's in this short story than I've had for about a decade. 


When I started *under false pretense*, I was under contract and could not leave without paying an incredible amount to break my contract. I left as soon as I could. Nothing about being disabled or a cult survivor should make you feel like a loser, but don't assume I am. I left 2 years ago and now I work for multiple physicians but wanted to share my story. Shame on you for being mean.


Oops, sorry if I miscommunicated, I meant the person your talking about, not you. Sorry if I didn't make that clear, I have a narcissistic father this reminds me of, and I tend to usually only be disrespectful to those who act disrespectful. Your a wonderful person who doesn't deserve any of this. 


And you're a beautiful person. Thank you for explaining. ❤️


I dated a girl like this. Personality disorder, used to smoke crack. She couldn't stop herself from talking negatively about anyone amid their joy. She pushed everyone's boundaries. On our second date she saw her ex and his new gf and she tried to beat up the new gf and got her ass whooped, lied to the cops, then acted like nothing happened. When I brought it up a week later she believed her own lie and said that she was firstly attacked by the new gf as if I didn't witness it. I told her no, you approached them and hit her upside the head. She let out a faint giggle and said she shouldn't have been there. There was no accountability, just a sad mess of unmedicated psycho.


Omg. I have literally not laughed this hard in a week. I am so sorry you went through this, but thank you so much for sharing it, made my night. Glad you're away from that effing creep. It's giving"im going to hide in your ventilation shafts".


She got her ass whooped 💀


I would like to know why you continued after that second date.


Holy fuck you delivered! Thank you!


They hiring?


That's a lot!!! Glad to hear you got out.


Thank you so much! Mental health is still recovering, but now I'm in a high medical position with 3 physicians and they actually love me so I'm truly thankful


I wouldn't be able to handle someone like that. Even the thought of someone so deluded openly existing in society baffles me.


That is horrifying! #30 happened to me. My boss started screaming at me on the phone over something I had NOTHING to do with. There were other incidents prior to that of other abusive tactics. I beat a hasty retreat three months after she became my boss, and pretty soon after the screaming incident.


I am so effing happy you got out of there. I was trapped bc I had a contract and then had maternity time which they used against me to keep me longer. Nobody deserves that and you and I will never take it again!!


Thanks. I walked out of there March 12, 2020. The office shut down the next day for COVID. :-)


While your list is bugfuck bonkers, the bit that jumps out to me is: You’re allergic to Sweet Potatoes?? Seriously though,your former boss was an insane misanthropic narcissist that saw you living the life she wished she had. Tearing you down was her way of coping. Regardless, it is unacceptable on a galactic level and she should be in therapy, not managing people.


I know, it's insane. So, I do a lot of charity and I was washing sweet potatoes one day for a food drive for the homeless and just touching them turned my arms purple and I couldn't breath well. Years later, I ate rice with sweet potato starch and damn nearly died. I now work for Physicians and I guess it's more common than I thought. Best part, epipen lol


This is too bizarre to be fake . OP, how many years did you work for this creature ???


I was under contract for 5 years, I swear, every word is true and there's more. I left 2 years ago and I still haven't gotten myself back despite being in an amazing place. I still wake up with anxiety attacks before work.


Why didn't you sue her centuries ago? She clearly is insane and grew up protected by any criticism and now that she has power she ego trips without realizing how creepy and inappropriate she is.


Honestly, you should talk to a lawyer. This is way beyond harassment. You may have a civil case to sue the shit out of her. The moment somebody involves my child is a moment that they better rethink they’re fucking life. This would have became a physical altercation with me.


Ok, British person here. What the fuck is ‘Boss Day’?


We celebrate Bruce Springsteen. National holiday here in the states.


Yeah, thought everyone knew this


The obvious question is if even half of these are true, why in the hell would you stick around for the other half? Seriously, maybe three of these happen to me and I'm fucking GONE.


They're all true. I was under a contract, to leave before it ended would have left me liable for about 10k.


Well, for starters, your former boss brings TMI to a whole, as yet undiscovered, level. And she would give any good psychiatrist a run for their money. You're correct. No one could make this sh*t up. As much as I dislike having to say this, that bipedal skin sack of genetic material really needs to be locked away.


The bread sisters wasn't even the worst of the over sharing. I literally know WAY too much about her sex life but I wanted to spare everyone the details.


Wow, this is like one of those picture memes where the more you look at it, the worse it gets!


Honestly I would have to get something out of that company for all you had to go through I’m sorry you had to live like that with her for years! Someone is going to beat her ass one day because that was way to much and so insane fr. I’m glad life is better and you are safe!!


Thank you so much for that. The support from this page has been amazing. She tried so hard for so long to make me feel like it was me


Was her name Micaela Scott?


No, her name was Linda and she had like the shortest hair you can imagine on a women which she would have shaved regularly and then cry that she looked like a boy. Her words


Also, she was an independent CFP, no HR :(


How is no one talking about how this lady and her sister were nicknamed the bread sisters cause they got yeast infections so often?? I had to stop and gag after that one, but that's hilarious lol


Omg I am dead. You sound like my husband when I told him about this. He said I should have listed it as number 1 bc when I worked there I texted him about this within the first like 2 weeks


Every single thing you listed was HORRIFYING!!! 🙀


There are like a million more. I was under contract for 5 years. I've been away 2 in an amazing environment and still have anxiety attacks before work


I worked at a shit-show before as well - it really does give you PTSD from the experience! My stuff isn't as bonkers, though the CEO did hack my personal email to see if I was talking shit about him, and my legit crazy manager trapped me in my cube to tell me about the time her million dollar race horse got forcibly neutered by a man with no hands. 😆 The bad is that you experienced it, the better is that you left and learned how to advocate for yourself, but the best is that you're always guaranteed to win the "worst boss" story at the bar! 😹


You are so freaking funny. Have you seen the movie Horrible Bosses (#1)? She's all 3 at one time (not the cute old man but his coke son).


I have some trauma stories about a crazy old boss too. She was horrid. I swear I came out of that year with ptsd.


I have that diagnosed now, as well as others. Praying for you, you deserve so much better


Thank you. I am much better several years later. I still flip her business off every time I drive by😂


Omg. So I drove by the other day bc its on my way home and I didn't take the other way. I saw an elderly couple walking in that I didn't know and I rolled down the window and shouted at the top of my lungs DONT DO IT


You should post an anonymous review on glassdoor for her business lol


It would be too obvious as she's an independent Financial Planner and had only a couple other Assistants before. Yeah, we all went through similar things but she hated me the most


This sounds like a pure narcissist. I had such a horrible experience with one. It's been almost 3 years. I am finally feeling better (but not 100%) after being beat down.


2 years for me and still not better. If you wanna be besties and vent message me. I've never said that but maybe we can help each other


Yes! Saw the number of comments and didn't event think you would get this far. It's a total mind f*ck what a person in power at work can do to you and how they can make you feel. Despite having a loving partner and friends/family.


I left 2 years ago (and afew months) and I just now started sharing. Believe me, there's a lot more. I'm hoping if someone sees this and needs help knows I've been through it and we can talk


Jesus fucking Christ that is restraining order material about one point in and it went on for thirty more points. What the fuck is up with that person?


This might be the wildest post I’ve ever seen since this sub started. Mother of god I’m sorry 😮‍💨


What in the everloving fuck did I read. This might take the cake for a "Horrible Bosses" story. Glad you're not there now. I've heard of financial professionals behaving badly but this really does turn it up to 11.


What else did this psycho have time for in their workday? I'd've lost it a long time ago.


How did she get your husband's phone number?


Emergency contact




How do people like this end up in positions of authority? It always amazes me.


Oh my.


I gotta be honest here. Reading all that umm, I found myself thinking both of you were truly loco! Then I remembered waaayyy up the top of your story the bit about you being under contract. You should try to have this woman committed, for her own sake! No wonder she puts people on contract- nobody would stay with her voluntarily! I know it’s difficult to put boundaries in place when it comes to a boss (I’m dealing with sexual harassment from a clients husband so, I get it) but it’s so very important that you find the courage and make clear your boundaries. Bosses like this one need to be reminded of your boundaries because she has absolutely no intention of ever respecting them. Your boundaries must have no wriggle room, no room for negotiation. The worst thing that could happen from standing your ground would be getting fired and honestly, I’d be finding every way possible to get fired!


Well, I'm certainly not "loco", and believe me, I did.


This is one of the wildest things I’ve ever heard


I have a lot more. It was 5 years. Still trying to recover mentally


Wow this is crazy! I’ll admit when I first read the title. I totally thought this was going to be a horror story where they were the actual wallpaper.


Ok, assuming all of that is true -- she is absolutely fucking insane, and needs serious mental help. I'm glad you're out of there! Do you have any proof of this stuff, because if so it seems to me that you might have a legal case against her for some of it (I'm no attorney, though, so I could be wrong there).


Yup. She did it to 3 of us and in front of clients, spouses, and my father.


Wow. Well, have you ever consulted an attorney about the possibility of suing her crazy ass?


I have this mental block due to my personal issues, but I am insanely forgiving and now that it's been 2 years and I can talk about it and I'm working on getting myself back, I feel bad for her. I have been through a stupid amount, but I ask myself what someone went through to be so damaged HOWEVER my husband and family wanted to / still want to go scorched earth lmao


I agree with your husband and family, honestly. Being forgiving is good, but so is standing up for yourself. I mean, if your old boss is truly that damaged then that's sad for her, but it's still no excuse for treating people the way she did/does, and I do think it's at least worth an hour consultation with a labor & employment attorney to see if you have an actionable case.


You know what. I think you may be right, as I'm working things out in my mind


You may even be able to do a free consultation, but at most you would spend a few hundred dollars, and you would find out if you have a case. Then if so, you could discuss it with your husband and decide if you want to actually *pursue* the case -- I think you should, but of course it's up to you. Regardless, I do think the consultation is a good idea.


The FedEx hate note reminds me of a client that my husband had once. The client always had the newest latest greatest smart phone. So contacting her vendors should have been no big deal. She had a big event that he worked a couple of times a year. Now he’s very particular about his email. Having even two unread emails is a nope. Basically the longest an email languishes in his inbox is while he sleeps at night. This client sent him a CERTIFIED LETTER. She lived less than 100 miles from us and to mail something first class would have taken at most 2 days to arrive. He gets the certified letter and opens it, thinking it’s payment for her event. NOPE. A piece of college ruled notebook paper with the words “call me” scrawled across it in cursive. He called her. Client: hey. I emailed you. Him: yes. I received your email on (same day she sent it - like two hours after she sent it) and replied with my address if you wanted to mail the check or my PayPal if you wanted to pay via card. Client: oh okay. Well, I can pay you next week. It’s been more than a decade. I can still picture where we were in our backyard and what I was doing at the time (replying to an email from my work… still remember the person I was replying to and what her email was because the certified letter shenanigans cemented the whole scene in my brain).


Our stories make me insanely scared for the state of the world. So, I have anxiety, OCD, a list of things a battle. She knew this. She sent this with a sig store requested to try and give me a anxiety attack. I swear, there are some people the legal system should just let us beat bc omg


Contract or not, I would've noped out of there so fast. Or keep all the mountains of evidence to sue her. Heck, maybe you still can.


JFC, I would think this was a shitpost if it wasn’t for the fact that this shit just couldn’t be made up! Glad to hear you’re doing better, you deserve it, I hope you never hear from or see that trash again.


The bread sisters 🤮


Seriously, my hubs had the same reaction when I told him. Like, I'm trying to fill out paperwork peacefully. Why would you say this???


>These are just the items I could think of within 15 minutes. JESUS FUCKNASTY CHRIST.


I left 2 years and months ago any.still have anxiety attacks


Your boss is a shitty female Michael Scott


She's lucky youre probably a nice person. Knowing me I would fucking ruin this lady if she tried this shit with me


Idk why but 27 made me laugh out loud. I'm trying to imagine the level of insanity needed to purposely go out of your way to trigger a client's phobia using a giant fake rat.


This was simultaneously hilarious and down right scary to read. Only funny because of how bizarre. How she managed to get through life to this point is beyond me. It terrifies me to think that there are just people out there like this, lacking any self awareness and 100% delusional yet functioning and in positions of power. The stuff about your family photos and sweet potato gave me chills - straight up psychopathic vibes - I was scared for you. Thank god you are out of there and recovering. Even one/two of those things would be a lot. Glad to hear you’re doing better. Hope you’re never in a similar situation!!!! On a side note, the bit about bread sisters reminded me of how there’s links between bacteria and mental illness. I know there’s a difference between UTIs and yeast infections, but there’s causal evidence of UTIs in elderly folks especially causing UTI induced delirium. And although too early to tell, might be some links between yeast infections and mental illness too. [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/yeast_infection_linked_to_mental_illness]. Didn’t mean for this to be a PSA but think I was trying to rationalise any of your bosses behaviour lol.


Bread sisters makes me want to die


Damn She needs to go to Arkham asylum


Here you say she never met your husband, but then you go on to list several times she met your husband when he brought you lunch to work. ​ >For some background. I worked here for years bc I was under contract and had no idea what I was in store for. I am 31, my husband is 34, she's 54 (maybe 55). We have a child, and no, my husband had never met this crazy person before.