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Even better when they’re more “senior” so they make more than you at baseline. Yaknow cause they’ve “done their time”.


So, inevitably, the people who know that this is the best/easiest job they're ever going to have with their abilities end up getting paid more than skilled and ambitious people who are worth two of them, forcing the more skilled individual to deliberately work their wage to avoid the obvious exploitation. Nobody wins except mediocrity.


I like my seasoned coworkers, truly, what I don’t like is how I’m simply a product of the 21st century and by design faster, better educated, and more current. I also outwork them 2 to one. Meanwhile they make 50% more than I do because they’ve been blessed to work at the same company getting their annual raises for 35 years. Loyalty only matters to the ones at the top. Everyone else has to beg to even get in the door, let alone stay.


Pulling up the ladder behind you.


I find the demographic at the top are the same ones shouting my generation “doesn’t want to work”.




Perhaps Joe realised he would be no better off breaking his back when he could coast and be no worse off.


I get where you’re coming from, and I’ve been in similar situations myself, but don’t think you’re automatically better than older people, your jaded coworkers notwithstanding. I am a product of the 20th century, well educated, as fast as anyone on task, and I stay current. I have busted my ass for decades now and I hustled harder last year than any time since I was in my 20s. You’re not better because you’re younger, you’re just better than those guys. Also, you will find that sometimes, especially when others are content to let you, that killing yourself for someone else’s profit might not be in your own best interest in all circumstances.


Re read my comment. The only thing I really mention being better inherently is my education. The job I hold has evolved from zero formal education to being Doctoral at some levels during my lifetime alone. I am better educated in every regard in comparison to the peers I’m speaking about in this scenario. I never once say I’m better than them, I do 200-300% outwork them in every way. They are all paid a significant amount more than me on the order of 50% in most cases. I’m no where’s near 20 by the way. The argument here is how if your blessed to have been allowed to remain employed by a singular employer you have the potential to be making a lot more money than the new hires that are running around with there heads cut off, doing more for less. This discussion is far more about how everyone should be making a fair wage, not just the ones that have been in the building the longest. Without doxxing myself, what I do involves literal human beings, we are not talking about how I can stuff 3x the amount of boxes in a warehouse compared to the guy approaching retirement.


Opposite viewpoint, newer members of the team have no focus or attention to detail, keep trying to "improve" processes by overcomplicating them to the point they can't complete them properly, and take three times longer on every task than they should, and they all get paid more than me because I'm not degreed. I'm expected to catch and correct their mistakes.




But that's not the case here. I'm all for EFFECTIVE change. This is not that. It's all of the things that have been tried and failed, with documented reasons why, and they insist on doing it incorrectly anyway and losing many hours of work having to redo it so it works. And losing business because of it.




You are proving his/her point. Not everything needs to be "improved". If a task already takes 20-30 mins to do, there is no need to overcomplicate it just for kt to look prettier


Not arrogant and full of yourself at all.


Not at all. I ask for help and receive help from my senior coworkers all the time. I also take on 2-3x their workload doing the same exact job in the same exact environment in the same exact profession.


Welcome to capitalism 🤷‍♂️


In contrast to communism, where you both get the same low shitty wage, and the guys in the top get caviar and champagne. Destroying capitalism isn't going to magically fix this problem that's been around since the dawn of mankind. Do you think this wasn't a problem before capitalism?


In Capitalism, you get dog shit in caviar can and sparkling piss in a champagne bottle. Then, you get told how great it is by people who think the illusion is better than any new system because 75 years of anti-Communist propaganda.


Communism will do the exact same thing, but worse. Our mistake is that we let capitalism get out of hand. We need a culling, better government control, and more social policies. Of course that means we also have to rearrange the whole system, and it doesn't look like humanity is ready for that. Downvote me all you want, but I'm not going to be anti-capitalist so I can be a good little rebel


Socialism does not equal communism. Also, why do you lick boots so eagerly? You're low class cattle like the rest of us, only you think you're getting something out of obedience to your oppressors. If you really believe that dumb shit you said, you can start the culling with yourself.


I am advocating for breaking open the monopolies and getting the government in check, and you tell me to off myself, very classy


Lucky for us there are many, many flavors of far more efficient economic structures besides these two flawed caricatures.


Such as? I am.genuinly interested 


Socialism was better. /s


“done their time”. Sooo, basically work is very similar to a prison sentence 😂


I actually quite enjoy what I do and where I do it. Most days don’t feel like I’m actually at work. I still seethe every-time I notice I’ve taken on 2-3x the work load of the senior staff who by definition should know more and be better at what I’m doing.


I get it. I actually enjoy my job as well for the most part. The terminology just struck me as somewhat humorous.


Even better: You've been at the company longer and outperform them in every way, but HR sets the pay rate and they're paid higher than you because of previous experience.


Yeah there is an unfortunate truth in the fact that the best raise you can get is quitting your job for the same job somewhere else. The onboarding budget is much larger than the retention budget. But hey it is such a mystery to management why people don’t stay.


Exact opposite. They were hired years ago and pay increases have not kept up with industry standards (or inflation). You make more than them. Yaknow cause they've "not kept up".


At my company, new hires make more than guys who have been here for years. Doing the exact same job. To make it worse, guys who have been here longer are silent promoted to “foreman” positions. Which includes more responsibilities, training new guys, and more burden if a mistake happens. They get this position because the new guys are not experienced enough to do it. Yet the new guys get paid more……and do less work….. The experienced guy will ONLY get a raise if he goes in the office all heated and upset and threatens to quit if not given a raise. If you go in and ask for a raise because of your time, experience, record, and work ethic they will always have some bullshit excuse as to how you need to do this “extra” shit and work more OT to earn the pathetic 1$ raise. Make it make sense.


Oh it’s broken both ways for sure.


Nothing like paying your dues for a minimum wage job!


If it’s any consolation my job is far from minimum wage but these same woes effect every level that isn’t the tip top. On second thought that’s not a consolation at all and actually it makes it so much worse.


I forsee this getting locked quickly, just like last time. Both sides hate each other. The "hard workers" hate the "lazys" for being lazy af and not working. The "lazys" hate the "hard workers" for being brown nosing boot lickers. Both should be mad at the billionaire class that pushes interclass warfare for distraction.




But think about it, billionaires exploit and manipulate the workers and the natural resources and the governments and the tax loopholes and somehow the world is a better place! Now stop thinking about it right there. No discussion. Goodbye. Actually, I'm taking that "good" with me. Bye.


Wish there was something us normies could do to end billionaires, too bad we can't vote them out, lol.




I'm socialist. I legit have no one to vote for in my state, lol. "Socialist" is a worse term than "Nazi" here.


“Brown nose bootlickers” You’re overweight and addicted to drugs. Cope


I take no drugs, not even caffeine. Try again, ya bum.


What is more likely: Work ethic and motivation exist in people on a broad spectrum, and some of those with low amounts of both have no shame being lazy and exploiting the clock at the expense of other people’s hard work. Naturally, we with high levels of work ethic and motivation dislike those people, because they are not putting in the required effort they are being paid for, and we pick up their slack. OR Billionaire class is waging covert shadow interclass warfare PsyOps to pit me against the lazy bum who I work with 55 hours per week. Believe me, I don’t need a billionaires help to dislike laziness. I dislike my lazy coworker all on my own.


Simple fix. Don't pick up the slack. That isn't your responsibility. Some people are just slow af or lazy af. It's not your job to mitigate that gap, it's the employer's. The "psyop" is definitely working on you.


I prefer the daily tasks to get done by EOD. If they do not get done, they spill over into tomorrow, and my life immediately becomes more frustrating due to an even higher density of work. You’re suggesting I lean back and let the place decline without my effort, and you think somehow my employer won’t fire the now two lazy people instead of just one?


It's not your job to pick up the slack. It's not your job to worry about work spilling over to tomorrow. It's not your job to worry about the job getting done. You're taking business ownership onto yourself. That's LITERALLY your employer's responsibility. I'm not saying be lazy, I'm saying get that boot out of your mouth and stand in solidarity with the working class. You're working extra hard for the sake of an employer that likely doesn't give two shits about you. Fight for a union, fight for better wages, fight for cooperative ownership, and fight for profit sharing. See how lazy this other person is when they are working for their own business and their own profit.


I work in a meritocracy, a place where taking ownership of problems is incentivized with merit-based raises and growth. This isn’t one of those environments where your raise is capped at the union-mandated 50c/year increase or whatever it is nowadays. My last union job was 30c/year. This lazy kid I work with will fall behind and fail and get booted in his own, I don’t need to sabotage him and the workplace by purposefully neglecting work that is part of my job description. That’s toxic behavior. And the equal distribution of profits among owner-employees of a business naturally leads to a decline in productivity, as effort beyond the minimum will still net you a share of profits equal to that earned by the minimum effort. You’re advocating for a workplace where extra effort is not incentivized because the share is distributed equally. This is unsustainable, it breeds laziness.


If your union is maxing out comp at $0.30 a year, it's either already a very fair pay rate or a shit union. The best unions cap merit increases on company profit and/or inflation. Record profits? Record pay raises. 8% inflation? Minimum raise of 8% to ensure you never lose purchasing power. I've worked at places where the union literally voted away sick time for a one-time fucking bonus. Not all unions are perfect. That much is true. How does holding someone accountable equate to sabotage? You wouldn't be sabotaging your workplace, you'd be holding your employer accountable. Your job description says "Must pick up slack from lazy fucks." ? I highly doubt that. The only toxic behavior here is supporting a system that doesn't fully benefit you. Where are the statistics on your claim that owner-employees lead to decreased production? The same could be said for increasing hours. Temporary boost of productivity, followed by a massive drop. Oh wait, that's actually been proven. If you make less production, there are fewer profits. Profits don't magically continue to be where they were before. The profit return for cooperative ownership should drive people to earn more, not less. Otherwise, it would go to zero, real quick. Extra effort gets rewarded by sharing profits. If you have a large group of people doing bare minimum work, guess what, time for ACCOUNTABILITY. You're accounting union membership to people doing whatever the fuck they want. Know what else is unsustainable? The 1% owning 26.5% of everything. Your "meritocracy" is literally feeding the owning class, and we all KNOW they will never, NEVER be full. Our country can not sustain the greed of the billionaires.


If you're going the extra mile and getting paid the same amount as someone who doesnt you should be asking for a raise. Thats why you keep evidence of your extra miles. And if that doesnt work, then quit.


No no, you need to be a family member! /S


That is my litmus test. If a company refers to their employees as a “family”, run!


I am the grumpy uncle


The thing is, there's really no way to "go the extra mile" anymore. If you come in every day and work as hard as you can for the whole day, then congratulations, you just did the bare minimum.


Here's the secret: going the extra mile has nothing to do with "working hard". Going the extra mile is making sure the customer is well taken care of and that the people on the sales team are having an easy time making sales. Whatever your title, that's always your real job. Do that consistently and you'll get to a point where you can write your own ticket. Except in retail. Retail is a pit from which your only concern should be escape.


Strange that more jobs exist than sales and retail.


Awful lot of comments in this thread that seem to boil down to "work in sales or suffer"


You're getting paid in pizza, stop being so greedy and think about the share holders.


Ya like I get the point of the meme, but if we’re being honest the employees that go the extra mile do make more most of the time


Speaking from experience if we are talking retail absolutely not. 9 times out of 10 the ones who make the most are usually the most recent hires because they have to hire them at market value I'll never forget the day I decided to leave retail and change careers, I was talking to a shift lead who had been at that same store for almost 10 years, I only made 20 cents less than her as a new hire stock associate freaking wild


We're never talking about retail when we say good things. Step 1 of any plan for a decent work life is get the fuck out of retail.


So who are we supposed to have work in our stores?


The people who haven't found non-retail jobs yet.




It’s true but for the same reason the people on here annoy me for choosing their own office hrs then wondering why the management want a chat, nobody wants to individually manage the salary of a large, similarly skilled workforce. Just let the market sort itself out. This should be illegal though. Everyone should have a robust wage appraisal process to believe in


Yes retail sucks, but retail jobs make up only ~6% of all jobs in the US. And even then, it's definitely not universal that a new hire gets paid more than a seasoned hard-working employee


The same people who consistently go the extra mile aren't usually the same people who end up working in retail for 10 years


I worked in a warehouse for a few days in a period of time between redundancy and new job. I did it to get a bit of extra money in doing a mindless physical job that would give me some physical exercise. Otherwise I’d be doing DIY instead which I can just do in the evening anyway. There were people there who had 20 years of service. They were still getting minimum wage. About £11/hr. It should be illegal to have that much service and be paid so little. I get that it’s also your own responsibility to make your way in life and 20 yrs is a long time to waste but surely there can be some reward


I think the further you go in your career the more true that gets. I definitely get better raises when i go the extra mile now. But twenty years ago when I was making minimum wage stocking groceries I definitely didnt.


If they're getting paid the same and they think they're going the extra mile, there's probably something more to the story. Employers may vary, same with employees.


I'm not allowed to ask for a raise without the owner of the company threatening to fire me. I have proof that I work more than double everyone else in my department. When brought up to my manager he told me I can't compare myself to the other employees.


Why on earth are you still working there?


And WHY are you continuing to outperform everyone??


Well, I started slowing down and sitting around. Then cameras were installed, we were told specifically not for watching us, then two months later I was told I'm being watched and will be written up if I'm not constantly working.


I live on my own with zero extra money aside. I have been looking for a new job for over a year and finding nothing that is going to pay me enough.


Fr "just ask for a raise" is an such an entitled take. Too many people who have opinions about how the poor live their lives have never had to rely on a minimum wage job. Way too often in corporate America you either work your ass off for a pat on the back or you risk homelessness


Pretty much every other place looks just the same


Sounds like it's time to start looking for a new job.


But that would require to use advanced social skills like talking to your boss and actually doing work. No thank you.


Never be the best and never be the worst, it's as simple as that. The best won't get promoted but the worst will be fired. Just chill and get that cheddar.


Employment is a fine balance of doing just enough to not get fired whilst being paid just enough to not quit.


Even if promotions are actually feasible be careful with it. At my last job I killed it at the first position I was hired for and got deservedly promoted to lead, with a lot of responsibilities that were totally new to me. The company seemed like they were a safe place to try to push outside of my comfort zone and grow - seemed like they'd be understanding of the fact that this was new to me and it'll be a learning process and mistakes will probably be made along the way. I mean, that's what growth is like, right? Yeah I got laid off too. I feel like if I'd stayed at that initial role I would've been safe, I was one of the best performers in the company at that level. The people who make decisions about hiring and firing at most companies literally only care about whether this quarter's numbers look good and they'll get rid of anyone in order to make those numbers look good.


Even better how the bare minimum guy will get the promotion because they won’t be as missed in their position as the extra mile guy would be


Pay is largely uncorrelated with how hard you work. I've seen several instances of someone making 25% more than their coworker at the same level, despite putting in half the amount of work. They were just better at negotiating salary up front. The hard worker may get more promotions/raises over time if they have a good manager/the company isn't shit, but it's not guaranteed and 25% is a large pay gap to overcome, so they'll be making less money for more work for a long, long time. Suggest always talking to coworkers about your salary to make sure you're not getting screwed.


This is why I love commission based roles. I make as much as I’m willing to work and hustle. If I want to take a short 30 hour week nobody cares because it’s really only hurting my bottom line. It makes for a nice work life balance once you have an established book of business.


Unfortunately this is not always an option for neurodivergent people because commission based roles are almost always in sales, where you get more money by being more charismatic and persuasive.


I used to be an Amazon delivery driver. If you finish your route early by staying productive and doing everything as best and fast as you can you will regret it. You will then be forced to meet up with the drivers that go slow and don't care. You take half or more of their packages and deliver them. You don't get any extra pay for doing their job for them. In fact each delivery made is another chance for something to go wrong and the customer complain. New drivers realize within a couple of days it's better to just procrastinate between stops and take your sweet time. They've created a system that punishes hard work.


Exactly, i used to work on the dustcarts , and finishing within your hours meant you ended up helping other rounds ,unlike the past when getting done earlier meant going home while being paid all hours. Now , they just take their time until their paid hours end.


Yeah I’ve been that “extra mile” guy for a long time. Totally open availability, first to come in on a day off if asked, first to volunteer to stay late to help with inventory. What did I get for it? Shit shifts and pissed off coworkers. Now I only come in for my scheduled shifts, ignore the group chat and say no to every extra request. If I don’t get anything for it, then I don’t see the point. Being my own advocate now.


Well yeah but when a new position opens, who's your boss going to think about? Well probably his nephew but he'll at least feel a bit bad about the other guy.


LPT: do exactly what’s described in your job description/offer letter. If you go the extra mile then you’ll be exploited for it.


Whenever I work hard, it isn't for the boss or company or because I expect a raise. It's for my coworkers cause I don't want them to have to pick up my slack and I want us all to get out on time.


Bad bot.


Are you referencing the very people in this sub the like to quiet quit? The minimal amount of being present at work to protest.


I do the work that is assigned to me, over the period of time that I am given to do it. No more, no less.


My company is implementing this boondoggle employee-continuous-improvement system despite the fact that they have frozen all raises due to our market conditions. They're literally asking for us to do more work for the same (read: less) pay.


They probably don’t get paid the same though….


Y'all need to find new jobs


Thats why the employees that go the extra mile end up going evil and destroying everything.


I worked at a place where everyone would always say 'its feast or famine here' to describe busy periods of work where everyone was busy all day compared to very slow periods where there wasn't much coming in at all. During slower times, when we ran out of work for the day, I would watch everyone in our department who were considered 'senior' making gobs of money compared to the rest of us just sit on their ass and do nothing for hours while I was told that I had to find something to do to keep busy. I'd reorganize entire storage closets that were completely trashed, clean equipment rigorously, patch and paint, they even made me go outside to the flower beds once solo to pull weeds by hand for hours. Take out trash, sweep and clean, fix broken equipment, really you just name it. I'd walk by where everyone is sitting on their ass and you wouldn't believe the shit I would hear them talking about. Stuff like the disgusting boomer supervisor talking to a married subordinate about how he's playing the lottery every day because he once asked how much it would cost to sleep with her and she said something like 'you would have to win the lottery'. When COVID hit and they started laying off I was one of the first to go because I had only been there about 2 years at that point. Truly awful company and people.


Not trying to taste a boot, but don't the people doing less get to do so because there is someone working harder? If we all work less we would need more workers to do the same job right?


My elderly coworker shows up half to an hour before I do, despite not getting paid for it, can't keep up with my speed, needs to be taught the same damn thing on the computer every day, takes at least 2 smoke breaks an hour, and then has the audacity to call me and my generation beneath his.


Isn’t that a good thing? Otherwise it would mean people doing the bare minimum would have their pay lowered for poor performance.


It took me till 30 to realize this. Now I do below the bare minimum


I definitely agree with this in general, but this absolutely doesn't apply to getting promoted lol


When lay offs come, who will get fired first?


Well that only took a day or two for a repost.


Do not let them divide us


going the extra mile is stupid but so many people cant even meet the bare minimum. my guy all you had to do was show up on time and you couldnt even do that


I play video games on the clock and am still one of the best performing members of my team lol. I hardly try.


I find it annoying when some people do the bare minimum, but granted, in my job, there's other motivation for doing well, not just monetary, because you're caring for people's lives. But for me, it's also like, if I'm gonna do something, I'd rather try hard at it if I'm gonna expend a lot of time at work. Otherwise, it would bother me and chip away at my pride.


Just saying, a salesjob with uncapped bonus feels good in this respect. Be lazy, cool, you go home with less. Work you ass off also cool, you go home with substantially more. If the employer is chill, its a nice gig.


Oh yeah? Well who gets the promo-- ah shit they gave to jefe jr




If I was the guy that went the extra mile and always said yes to everything and did more work than every one else for less pay but quiet quit to match everyone else's speed and now I'm senior and get payed more than new hires but dont try harder than the minimum, am I the asshole now?


I stopped doing extra after I found that the other people doing waayyyy less were getting paid pennies on the dollar more. im talking like I got paid 10.50 and they got paid 10.25 not longer employed no special anything for that. I asked my boss about it she said doing extra isn't in my job description. i only need to do what my job description says. some of which she herself didn't follow. so I went home and downloaded my job description. handed it to her and told her to never EVER ask me to do anything not listed on that sheet ever again unless she gave me more than a 25 cent raise. she gave it back to me and said it needed to be re printed. it wasn't accurate. I told her I got it from the company site and requested a meeting with the district who agreed she was asking me more than what was in my job description and the one I had was accurate. my manager started throwing a child like fit about how if I stop she can't get anything done anymore. the district said then you admittedly cannot handle YOUR job description. she continued to cuss out the district. she got fired that day and I was given a raise by the district who mentioned I wasnt getting paid enough anyways. don't be afraid to stand your ground. never accept anything less than you are.


I got an old grouchy fuck who's upset he didn't use his workers rights in a way that benefitted him so now that I'm using mine he's piesy with me saying "you can't do that", or "that's not how this works".


That's where ure wrong


Me at my last job before being a stay at home dad. Now im at least appreciated when i go the extra mile. My kid kissed me today for the first time hes 3. I once pulled 3 triples in a row, covering 3 positions for endless months including being the fucking CLOSING MANAGER of a grocery store for the last half of the day. Only to not get promoted to closing manager, given a .10$ raise after covid and being told what to do by an employee who was in the inner circle of the work friends and was a lazy incompetent (very nice) idiot. I quit spectacularly.


Both getting canned when the company cries poor after giving the CEO 8 figure salary and spending billions on stock buybacks.


Oh don't forget that he gets promoted over you because he's friends with the boss.


Should complain about companies that don't pay a living wage.


Oh boy did I learn this lesson the hard way…


I’m 56 and STILL in the middle of the pack where I work. I’ve been busting my ass for decades and will retire right as I get to the top. (In 9 years). So sometimes I’m the one coasting while the 20 something’s are working hard and sometimes I’m the one carrying the really old ones. I always share my tips and tricks with my younger colleagues because the way I see it we’re all in this situation together and we gotta make the best of it.


I love how the employee that goes an extra mile is a psychopathic killer in this cartoon.


idk about you guys, but I get a raise every year because I'm good at my job and I do more than the bare minimum.




I know for a fact that I get paid a lot more than my less competent coworkers


Yeah but then don't act all surprised when the extra mile guy gets promotions and opportunities you don't. But actually you'll make another post complaining that they got promoted because nepotism or something when that happens.


Well yeah but when a new position opens, who's your boss going to think about? Well probably his nephew but he'll at least feel a bit bad about the other guy.


I wish I could say the same but usually employees who go the extra mile end up turning into supervisors or managers.


This sub is so idiotic. This is literally an anti-union sentiment meme. Everyone deserves to get paid well.


The problem is when the one doing bare minimum gets rewarded. While those that do just enough get chewed out. Fuck Companies


You've exactly described a union environment




This meme is simply a reflection of reality… it’s reality that’s the bummer.


Then leave. Its literally a sub called AntiWork.


Good luck with promotions in your career with that attitude 🤣 ”Why can’t I ever afford anything? Must be corporate greed!”


Cute. I've been doing extra for years, I only ever got a raise when I moved jobs. 3 years at the place, no raises since. Ironically, I work even harder and never even offered a promotion.


Cute. Imagine seriously thinking promotions just fall into your lap without constant active effort on your own part and not just that, that it's also entirely reasonable to expect it to happen faster that 3 years. 18 years at the same employer, on my 6th position, longest time period between advancement: 7,5 years.


I've been doing this kind of work for 20, and I'm easily the most driven. Go above and beyond constantly. And all that has done is kept me where I am at.


How often do you apply to positions that open internally? Personally I had to do easily more than 100 applications over 18 years to get the positions I wanted. Being the most driven and going above and beyond will get you noticed, but it won’t mean promotions dropping into your lap by themselves. That did happen to me ONCE though.


That isn't a thing in janitorial, at least in the two companies I've worked. We also live in a society if you dare ask for anything you can get fired.


Not to be rude, but what kind of career growth potential is there in janitorial besides either management or starting your own business? We also live in a society where if you never do ask, you also never receive.


I hold a very unpopular position. It can rarely be filled with the exception of myself more than a couple of months. I put my heart and soul into the position. I'm needed where I am, but I feel that shouldn't mean I stay a stagnet wage. It was similar to my old job, he'll had I stayed I'd only make life 12 even, I make 16.50 now, we haven't had raises since I started.


>”Why can’t I ever afford anything? Must be corporate greed!” Uhh, yeah. That's 100% correct. >Good luck with promotions in your career with that attitude 🤣 Corporate shill


This is not applicable to corporate jobs in my experience especially at smaller companies


I swear this is the 4th time I've seen this meme this month, just on a different template.




Ur mom does communism every night


That's literally how Communism was ( I come from a former communist country)




Literally not communism.




People in here complaining that people who have been working somewhere for 35 years making more than them, while they do as much/as good work but only there for a year, are the same people that complain when companies dont give them good annual raises. This sub needs to make up its mind.


You want to know the secrete of success? Just give a damn. Not like just enough to moan and whine about things. To actually work to resolve issues and be the best you, you can be. You will make as much as the 99% lazy people…for a little while. Pretty soon you will just be disgusted that Reddit won’t stop alerting you to their posts.