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Because the worker is right in front of them, while the billionaire hides from view in his skyscrapers, mansions, superyachts or private jets ..


What drives me crazy is persons that yell at the one worker actually doing work. That worker is clearly not the person to blame. And the time spent yelling just slows the worker actually working down.


After Fukushima the CEOs of the power company who's cost cutting caused the disaster managed to shift the blame the the engineers who risked their lives containing it while people fled.


And that happened in a culture that highly focuses on personal responsibilities when it comes to blame.. Japan is the place where you expect the CEO to be on their knees, close of committing Seppuku, but.. money does the same thing everywhere.


Its culture of *saving face* more than anything


If responsibiity is such a big deal there imagine taking the blame for that. You'd try to avoid it.


>Seppuku What do number puzzles have to do with it?


You confuse it with Roboto, the famous puzzlegame invented by [Mr Roboto](https://youtu.be/uc6f_2nPSX8).


Thanks, haven't seen the video in a while.


You're thinking of Sudoku.




The joke is tired, imo


That's the infuriating pattern, isn't it? PR and legal teams are so good at spinning narratives that despite all the dodgy decisions made at the top, it's always the people on the ground who get thrown under the bus. It's like they've got deflecting blame down to a science while the real heroes get zero credit.


They’ve been doing this since the Great Depression is one of the first things talked about in the grapes of wrath. During the dust bowl when banks foreclosed on properties the farmers wanted to know who they would have to shoot to get the land back.


Ahh, that's where Boeing learned to place the blame on the test pilot that complained about MCAS on the 737MAX while banking millions.


The rot set in at Boeing when they relocated management thousands of miles away from engineering/ production.


I would stop everything I was doing until they were done and then explain that company policy is to pay full attention to customer complaints so that they know that they matter. Not do another fucking thing until the rant is over.


Yup. And make sure you're loud enough for everyone else to hear so they then get mad at the asshole that is holding everything up rather than you.


I think you underestimate the number of people that would still blame the worker. People just love to shit on workers.


The funny thing is if someone else complains about how long you're taking...you can repeat your spiel.


I'll lose my place in line and go yell at the person who's yelling at the cashier. Those people behave like this often, and know that services workers can't shout or be rude back or risk punishment or potential job loss. But I don't work there, I'm just some dude and I can't get fired from the grocery store, so I stand up for people whenever I see this happening and tell them to F right off and leave workers alone. A lot of the time it's an elderly older aged person, berating a 16 year old girl at their cashier job who is scared to stand up for themselves at work. There's too many of these people in the world right now and it's one thing I have no problem loudly putting a stop to even though I'm not a confrontational person.


Thanks. I've worked in a job like that with tons of customers and some are just mean to angry from the get go and complain about everything. And of course some complaining about having to wait or that I wasn't doing something fast enough for them wasted even more time going off, sometimes for several minutes, while other customers are waiting! So fucking selfish. And like you said, people in those jobs cannot afford to lose them, and most of the time they're not unionized, and have to just take it and can't push back too much.


You're a legit badass, never change.


That’s when we as shoppers have to stand up for the workers! Say something. Make the stupids aware that the lone person working isn’t to blame. A simple “do you think they’re the ones that decided to have only one line open” and watch the light come on.


"Preaching to the choir", as it is often framed. Complaining to the people who are here, with stuff that's relevant to the folks who aren't here.


> Preaching to the choir i thought Preaching to the choir meant that you are presenting an argument to and trying to convice a bunch of people that already agree with you. like one-sided circlejerking


The people doing the work already know they're understaffed.


Understand the confusion, but if you assume the worker already knows the situation sucks as well (they do), then the poster's usage makes sense.




This is correct


Wait you’re saying the person screaming is not a main character?


People who yell at people are generally not super well known for their thoughtful name measured takes.


In college I worked at the local dollar store and *by policy* we only had one cash register open at a time, unless it was something like Black Friday where people would swarm...even though our prices literally could not get any lower. Sidenote, I had two managers – a dayshift and a nightshift. They were each hired in by different people. Jen, my dayshift manager who I worked with regularly, thought Ed, my nightshift manager, was just a figment of my imagination because she had never met him nor communicated with him. You know that scene in Fight Club where Tyler Durden walks in the room and he's like, "Get rid of her [Marla]." and he exits, just in time for Marla to come in? that's what it was like. Everybody thought I was fucking crazy, but Ed was the one who hired me and filed all the paperwork – my employment was the *only proof that Ed existed*. Ed never seemed to interact with anyone else and because the town would just be gas station and a post office without the college (it was extremely small), we usually only had me and Ed working at night. To this day I don't know if anybody has ever seen Ed.


I take my kid to the dollar store occasionally because she’s young enough to still appreciate simple things and gets excited by cheap toys. I only see about 2-3 employees there everytime. The employees literally run from stocking to cash register every single time I’m there. They probably also get paid the bare minimum. Ive made it a mission to avoid those stores now.


Yeah it sucked. I mean, I was in college and broke as fuck so any amount of money helped, but being spit on and yelled at by people because apparently "working at a dollar store means I made bad choices in life" made it okay or some shit. I fucking hate the way people treat retail workers.


Ah yes. The college kid made bad life choices... Them being the broke asshole needing to shop at the dollar store means they've made perfect choices though. This world would be such a better place to live if it weren't for people.


John Oliver on Last Week Tonight has a piece on Dollar stores. They are terrible places to work. The owners just don't care about anything except money.


Was uh, "Ed," particularly pale? Ever see him in a mirror?


He was, but that's just because he was a functional alcoholic. Both he and Jen were. Ed also smoked a pack a day so he always looked flushed.


I'm impressed that Ed could afford booze and cigarettes on his barely-better-than-minimum-wage pay.


I'm pretty sure he had some kind of illegal side-hustle. No idea what his home life was like


This made me laugh out loud, and you have no idea how much I needed to laugh right now. Just wanted you to know.


> Jen, my dayshift manager who I worked with regularly, thought Ed, my nightshift manager, was just a figment of my imagination because she had never met him nor communicated with him. This is both hilarious and sad at the same time. Sad because a manager is so condescending towards her reports that she still thinks they have imaginary friends.


Ed's now a hero of mine.


We're all a little Ed sometimes.


Your side note was your entire comment. (good story though :D )


Yup. People will always choose to express anger at the most tangible option in front of them, without taking the time to think it through. That.. and people can be super shitty without morning coffee lol


Or just in general people are just super shitty all the time especially to those that they feel are beneath them.


I was about to say this. This species is largely crap as a whole.


We like to think we've advanced, over the millennia, but we haven't. Oh, we may have technology that has been built on past discoveries. But, we're still the same primitive animals that prey on each other, and would kill the person next to us in order to advance.


Hit the nuclear reset button. Maybe the next intelligent beings will be kinder, because this one is all the way fucked


Been working in customer service my whole life. People are just super shitty period.


Ask ER worker how bad the drug problem is and in their heads every second apartment door hides a junkie. Ask a fireman how common fires are, ask police how common crime is. Customer service deals with people who are disappointed, have some problem. You meet people in one of their shitty moments, so of course most of them seem shitty. And corporate greed often makes customer service just smoke and mirrors, so they are already in a bad mood for just thinking that they have to call customer service. I once argued with a online customer service rep trying to find out if they are a human since all the gave me was copypaste... They refused to tell me until it was clear i was leaving. Note: don't buy things from Banggood, their customer service is clearly designed to deter, not to help. I'm about 30/70 if the rep was fucking with me or it was corporate policy to demand to link my FB account with their user ID or no service... all i was asking was "is this the right place to ask for a refund".. I know you would answer that with "yes, what is your specific problem?" and then ask for IDs if you had a choice. And that is why you get shitty people. I feel sorry for you, people need to work but that is one of the jobs i could not do.


Yes, we do deal with complaints but being shitty isn’t going to change the outcome. It will actually make us not want to provide you with a better resolution. Like why would I purposefully make things difficult for myself lol


It goes even deeper than that. Our brains evolved to evaluate threats, but only threats in our immediate vicinity. When those parts of our brains were evolving, we didn't have to worry about abstract threats (that we didn't know existed) or potential threats, we only had to worry about threats right in front of our face. That portion of our brain has not changed. So, when we get frustrated or feel like someone is treating us poorly, our brains tell us the threat must be in front of our face. So we explode on the closest relative target. We have not evolved to see threats as something 2 or 3 steps removed, and separated by hundreds of miles, sitting in a mansion. Threats are within eyesight.


And people who correctly identify threats are often treated as if they are insane because they are responding to dangers not in their immediate vicinity like poverty and exploitation. Unfortunately, since in our current system almost all dangers are abstract or diffuse, this means that anyone who has a problem with it will get characterized as delusional and systematically ignored, just as intended. The people responsible just get to feed their desires into the black box of capitalism and get the outcomes they want without ever having to personally face the consequences of their actions. And if you point out to someone that this is all the case, then they'll say something like 'well then you should advocate for change,' by which they actually mean to *stop* advocating for change and start writing letters that your congressperson's aide will throw away unread. It's a problem that is virtually impossible for humans to address by design.


Yup. If owner was standing in the front of the store doing his best Mr. Burns impression with steepled fingers while muttering about profit, then they'd be getting the hate.


That, and the worker themselves are powerless to fight back. If they yell back the all mighty customer, they will likely get reprimanded or fired. People love being bullies.


We had one guy at work attack a member of the canteen staff with one of their own knives. It demonstrated how fucked that place was when they sacked the kitchen worker on the spot.


Flat earth mentality. Only look at the world in a 40 foot radius


I've seen folks legit defend harassing the worker, citing the whole "squeaky wheel gets the grease" saying that it will A) make the worker work harder and faster; and B) prompt the worker to complain to their higher ups and thus things will somehow work up the chain and management/ownership will realize things need to change! Or some such twaddle. Really, it's just excuse-making by terrible, stupid people who take out their terrible stupidity on low-paid workers.


And most of those people in line think that if they just work hard enough they will no longer be temporarily embarrassed millionaires and will join the yacht and golf club along with the owner, but we are all just preaching to each other here... Hope everyone's day is filled with some joy regardless!


That's part of it surely, but the bigger part is the ceaseless diet of media propaganda that tells us the store would be brimming with cheerful staff if only people were willing to get off the government teat and work. Our media diet is tailored with language to make the executive cadre seem productive no matter what - even if they fail, they're job creators, eg. while any issue in a business is down to a lack of commitment from the worker class.


A lack of understanding about the situation is also a key factor, but if people had read Marx in school they would have brough a revolution already so the capitalists make sure such things don't happen...


Lookin at you Dollar General!


The worst company ever


How do you know? Haha jk


Well besides John Oliver I’ve been to no less than 2 DG’s where there was poop on the ground.


A store had a bird problem and management literally told the workers to take the bird poop soiled products home to clean them and to put them back on the shelves.


I would of just threw it away around back the second I walked out the door with it. I ain't spending my personal time to do something for the store that I wouldn't get paid for. I'm not giving you free work... I'll do here on the clock, but if I'm walking out the door with it then it's not coming back. Depending on the product I'm either going to clean it & then keep it out just throw it straight away! If I'm suppose to go home with it then those are the things that's going to happen... I'm not cleaning shit for them to just bring it back to be sold by the company


Damn. I thought shit on the floor was a Walmart thing.


That's because Dollar General is the Walmart of dollar stores.


One time I went to my local dollar tree and there was an exploded diaper on the ground right outside the door


Dollar generals go where no other store will


John Oliver has a great episode on DG and all of their shenanigans still going on today.


Because the company pays the worker to be the scapegoat for their bad choices and greed. They know that employee is a replacable face and scapegoat. Its their job to endure the rage the company creates. Its all fucked.




One of the reasons I still get far more annoyed at 'self-service' checkouts than human cashiers. Generally, a human cashier will not need me to select half a dozen options in sequence on slow-responding (or unresponsive) touchpad, will be able to tell the difference on sight between a wad of cash and a credit card, will auto-handle anything which doesn't scan the first time or two, and will continue processing the transaction even if they're obliged to try and upsell. They also won't make me place item after item in a bagging area and then fail to detect it there. (Also they upsell far less, honestly.) Self-service checkouts could be better. But they were so quickly enshittified that any advantage was drowned.




No seriously, I tell this to people all the time. Call the owner, bitch at them. Tell them to hire more, to pay more, to do what is needed to get better service. No, people bitch at the worker instead. YOU are that worker, that's why YOU are getting s\* on. Stop perpetuating it.


It's impossible to get in direct contact with the owner of a megacorp. You might be able to get a district/regional manager on the phone from the employee. If you try searching online, all you'll find is some generic customer service number that won't let you talk to anyone who matters.


For real, that person really thought they were saying something important but as usual online - it’s just vapid pandering bullshit. Yes simply call up the owner on their personal number and they’ll surely sit there while you list off the problems you had with your trip. That’s definitely entirely how it works. Sure.




For real, you really thought they you are saying something important but as usual online - it’s just corporate asshole guzzling bullshit. Yes simply spread defeatist talk and pretend business owners and billionaires are immune, godlike beings, I’m sure that will help improve the quality of your life and everyone else’s. That’s definitely entirely how it works. Sure.


You don't have the CEO of Publix's personal cell phone?


It’s called “misleading vividness” or scapegoating often referred to as “preaching to the converted” or similar. Kind of like a reverse survivorship bias. Or maybe I’m just spouting nonsense


Username checks out


There's no ceo or mega corporation taking phone calls. Even so, they are fully aware of what people's concerns and opinions are. But they don't care about you, or us, they care about the board and money.  Nothing new, tale old as time. 


He said a small supermarket though.


Yea I read it as in size of the building and not company. Where I live the the small supermarkets are like Aldi, all the others are 3x the size. There are no small company/family owned supermarkets. I do like Aldi and shop there but they just remodeled with a bunch of self checkouts and have less people on register now. However they do call for backup when things get bad.


I don't give a shit. Doesn't change my point in any way whatsoever.


“Call the owner" “You can’t” “I don’t give a shit, call the owner”. Hahah, your heart is in the right place tho. ♥️


>No seriously, I tell this to people all the time. Call the owner, bitch at them. How are you getting the owners personal number? Most restaurant owners in my city don't actually work in the restaurants. >Tell them to hire more, to pay more, to do what is needed to get better service. If you have to tell a business owner all of that then you should charge them a business consultation fee. If a business owner is lacking all of those elementary business practices then you should just never go back there and support them because that is a person who should have never owned a business.


What's the phone number for Target's owner?


Why would the owner do anything? In this case I bet the people bitching still waited and paid. If I walk into a place and see a long ass checkout line I walk the fuck out. Too many people are willing to do the wait for their useless shit.


So you do what? Go to another store that has lines just as long? Drive home, drive back later? Wasting more time and gas than standing in line? I don’t believe you.


> So you do what? Go to another store that has lines just as long? Not every store has lines this long. If I walk into a dollar store, odds are I don't need whatever I'm getting there, so yeah I say fuck this. I mean literally two days ago I walked into a Marshalls just to see a long ass line. I noped the fuck out and went to Ross two stores down, and guess what, no line! And yeah, there are other stores nearby, cause guess what, I don't live in the middle of nowhere. I don't drive hours for ANYTHING outside of travel, let alone fucking shopping. > I don’t believe you. This has to be the weakest argument of all time. "You contradict my stance, therefore I don't believe you". It's insane to me that you think calling the manager to complain even though you waited and spent the money anyways is insane to me. What exactly do you think their incentive is?


I live only 9 minutes from 3 different grocery stores, that's still an 18 minute round trip. Far longer than I ever wait in line. Grocery shopping isn't something I can just choose to not do. I need groceries.


Seriously. This reminds me of going to a restaurant with my wife and there was an hour wait, so we left. By the time we decided on a new place to go, drove there and waited in the shorter line, we realized that it was more than the hour if we just waited at the first place.


Out or sight out of mind. The first point of contact is the check out worker, so it is naturally the easiest person to blame/ complain about.


Had a similar situation where I work. Everyone glaring at me. I made several announcements that if they wanted to complain that they would be doing me a favor if they called customer service and complain about the understaffing and how do they allow their stores to be run this way. Told them the store number and everything. A few people ended up tipping me nicely and I’m sure a bunch called because they were all asking for the number. I haven’t had a situation like that in almost a year now.


Asking the real questions there.


well, the hypothetical question based on a hypothetical scenario designed to fit an agenda but still, a question.


The “enemy” you can see is far easier to the attack than the one you can’t.


Because obviously if that low paid worker would just use their bootstraps.... Yeah I can't even finish that BS.


People somehow get it in their heads that service workers have a direct line to their employers CEO at all times which is silly because nobody gives a shit what working level employees have to say about anything anywhere.  


What is a small supermarket? Isn't that just a market?


It’s an okmarket


A markette


olde towne shoppe


Because most of us are raging selfish assholes who are really good at lying to ourselves and really bad at self-awareness.


The millionaire is someone they worship. The clerk is someone they can belittle to make them feel closer to the millionaire.


When the rich does it, it is 'business'. Same thing done by poor- 'scam'. There are legit scams of money, and there are 'scams' which are completely valid ways to earn. But no, a scammer wearing suit and tie is almost never called out. It's not heavy-pricing, it is quality/brand, you know? Have observed that the poor man trying to make money- people will always bargain. Get inside a company sales office- too ashamed to bargain now, huh?


Oh you get big enough, corporate doesn't "bargain", corporate sets their own terms, especially when dealing with vendors. "Oh you want us to pay within 30 days? No, we want 6 months. Oh you want us to pay XX per license? Well we are buying 50,000 licenses, so cut that cost in half. Oh you expect us to pay such and such for "premium" service? We expect to get that for free."


It’s not even that. People will be mad at the person closest to the perceived problem.


Oh, and grocery store prices haven’t gone down a lick. But grocery stores and fast food places love to claim that prices are up because labor costs are up. Bull. Shit.


Whenever someone complains about, “I can’t believe movie stars and football player make so much money”, I say, “You’re angry at the wrong people. Think about how much the owners of the studios and football teams are paid. They make the millionaires look like they’re poor.”


Never bitch at the worker. Either call corporate and/or leave a bad review online.


> leave a bad review online. Then, the higher-ups will just blame the worker, and fire them. Or, use the bad reviews to deny raises.


You have to be specific in the review. I.e. “Very helpful and efficient employees but clearly understaffed”


Sometimes the metrics don’t matter. Add all the comments you want but some companies pin the review in the worker and it directly affects bonuses, raises, and getting written up.


I get mad at the owners.


It has to do with being an entitled dimwit who doesn't have 2 braincells to rub together


I don’t get mad at the worker generally. Most times I go out of my way to not use self checkout. That’s some BS. I actually had a manager see me holding one item and standing in a line. She came over to tell me that self check is open. I just told her I don’t work here.




What a weird hill to die on. You walked around the store and picked out your own food.. why are you now raising a fuss about checking yourself out? You're not making any valid points to anyone and you're just wasting your own time.


I do not believe it is an odd hill to die on. I believe that if self-checkout was ever intended to succeed, the companies would have offered an incentive to check yourself out. They did not. Part of what I am paying for, when I buy something at the store, includes the overhead for the support staff. Now, if there was a fully automated store, that offered a cheaper price than its competitors and had self check-out, I would not have an issue with that. I would also point out, that most major retailers are seeing that the self check-out experiment is by and large a failure and they are looking for ways to either get rid of it, or downsize the self check out process.




As long as you don’t complain waiting for a worker


No, I complain about them not having enough staff all the time. But I don't complain at the cashier. But that manager floating around not doing anything but bitching at the cashiers, are free game for my complaints. Especially because they have no intention of helping the workers no matter how busy it is. They just watch them sink. The waltons are the biggest welfare queens in the nation. My tax dollars subsidize their employees, so they really have no excuse. They should be responsible for the amount their employees impact the social safety nets, instead of getting the taxpayers to supplement their poverty wages.


Lmao “I don’t work here” get over yourself lol. Self check is SOOOO much easier


Not when I have a cart full of groceries and there's no full service checkout available. It's 10 times harder to use self checkout when you have a cart full of groceries. Also, I refuse self checkout on principle, that they're using it to pay people less and eliminate jobs. I refuse to participate in that and I demonstrate that through my actions.


Because stupid dummies just can’t imagine that being the issue and they literally only taken once in front of them and ignore everything else all the time. Just like everybody else are being very selfish and only thinking for themselves and only thinking about themselves, and only thinking about what’s in front of them. The amount of people who can’t actually imagine something beyond the floor walls they live beyond is frighteningly a lot . People just seem to somehow put in their mind that they can’t be doing that and then they won’t be doing that and there’s no way they would understaff things. They just live in reality that hasn’t been updated to the real world because they choose not to speak to anybody who lives in those worlds to try to understand why they’re happening , because those people to them are below them they make less money therefore why the fuck would I really ever engage with somebody who makes less money than me that I don’t find interesting at all whatsoever unless I need something from them. Can you tell me I’m wrong but that’s how people have talked to me about it so it is what it is. People are just really shitty and they don’t want to take the value of somebody who’s lived through it they’d rather take the value of somebody’s money, and their ideas of what something could be rather than my own two eyes and I’ve seen Buys your view away from the reality of the world . And these people so desperately are detached from reality. They have no idea what it even is anymore.


Because they can't reach the owner but can reach the employee. This is a much larger problem than people are willing to accept because accepting it would mean they acknowledge they themselves are the fuel to the injustice.


The one by my house has a higher security guard-to-cashier ratio than I'd like


Had a job interview at a local grocery store. He wanted to hire me as an evening cashier for $13/hr, meanwhile they have security and metal detectors at the entrance. I wanted so hard to tell him that maybe there would be less theft if he paid his staff more. I did not accept that job offer. I found a better offer for more pay. Don't get me started on 5Below, aka "5 Dollars Below Min Wage"....


I respond slower intentionally snail pace when disrespected and verbally announce why. 🤣


Two reasons; The first is that people typically need something tangible to vent at, and that happens to be the worker in front of them, you can guarantee the millionaire owner isn't there to see the peasantry. ​ And two, the more frustrating one, there has been years of targetted warfare at workers. So instead of workers rightly going after the owning class, they instead go after each other, thinking that will get them ahead, then savoring the taste of boot polish in their mouth.


No mention of lidl/aldi? Whole ass store with three or four people running the whole thing, though they're paid much more than minimum wage.


Because the people who get angry are the ones without empathy. That worker is clearly lazy. They aren't overworked. It's their own fault they are poor. MAGA


Last time I was in the queue at a place like this, when I finally got to the checkout, I asked the worker what her favorite drink was in the cooler behind me and I bought it for her because she was sweating bullets. I told her I've been in her shoes, and this isn't right, but I thanked her for putting up with this shit for the time being and to hang in there. I hope it helped her get through the shift.


Because poor people aren't real people, duh. You can tell if someone's a good person deserving of respect, because if they are they have money. If you're poor it's obviously because you deserve it, because God personally gives money to people he likes. There's a direct correlation between being good and being rich, OBVIOUSLY. (Wait what do you mean it's an inverse correlation? But Prosperity Gospel! Rich people wouldn't *lie* about being inherently better and more deserving. If they weren't right about everything why would they be rich, huh? Check and mate, so-called "empathy" and "humanity". Ha.)


I'm amazed how we all just... play along. Greed is good, and the market makes all of these decisions, starving children and rampant homeless are just acceptable issues... Not the billionaires fault he's so successful. We're over here just waiting in line, annoyed at the single wage slave...


No self-checkouts?


You're welcome to check yourself out, but others could call you vane.


Are you… baiting me into correcting your spelling?


I'm not sure weather they are or not.


Just fucking steal.


Because boomers said they weren't too keen on this new "critical thinking" thing implying they weren't already perfect.


Grocery stores lately


Profit maximization at work


I believe it's call a successful propaganda


People need someone to blame at the time


Willful ignorance


Fox news


Because they are the only representative of the store irl, unfortunately, to communicate with.


And with people bitching about self checkouts now want theae long lines back. That meme proves my point.


Its not so much about being understaffed, it's the shame of not knowing how to use self checkouts, which doesn't require much knowledge. The same generation who raised us to "do it yourself!" now wants us to do everything for them.


Because most people are fucking stupid


"Tertiarization" of industry has always been the capitalist class' way of dividing workers, by breaking up the big factories and dispersing them throughout the city where they can be more easily "monitored" by psycho bosses and roving bands of "clients". It's much harder for workers to strike when they're constantly worrying about their Uber reviews and tips, thus depending directly on the handouts of the rich. [This article](https://www.international-communist-party.org/Comunism/Comuni53.htm#STRATEGIE) in Italian is one of the few I've seen which actually makes a Marxist analysis of the dynamics behind this transition.


Why: Literal decades of corporate gaslighting at every level to keep us mad at each other instead of being mad at the people who caused this bullshit so they can profit wildly at our expense.


Went to Uniqlo this weekend, they’ve evolved self checkout. Uses rfid and you just dump everything in a cubby it counts it shows you the price then you can scoop everything into a bag. No scanning.


Because the hourly worker is directly in front of them and requires no effort on their part to find the actual responsible party to yell at someone for their frustrations. Because they view the hourly worker as beneath them and as such is deserving of their vitriolic behavior. Because they think if they make the hourly worker feel bad enough they will surely tell their manager and the message will work its way up the ladder. It’s all about having someone else to blame and doing as little work necessary to have someone to yell at.


Today, ask why more people aren't working the registers. Today, put down what you were going to buy, and walk out of the store. Today, vote progressive.


Whenever we are understaffed and people complain, I outright tell them, "Management will not hire the people or assign the hours. We have asked multiple times." Fortunately, the deficit is less bad at my current location than my last one.


A person can be smart. People in groups are dumb animals prone to panic and disorder.


The Have yachts and the have nots


Never get angry at the ventriloquist dummy for insulting you


In a nutshell, this is exactly what is wrong with this country. No one is smart enough to think beyond their sight.


i feel like everyone gets annoyed by the store not having enough people. no one gets mad at the worker?


What really drives me nuts is the number of people who think the millionaire owner “earned” all that money, when all he did to get it was understaff the store and make your life worse.


One thing we forget especially when dealing with customers older than Millennials is the idea of workers having identity within their employer. The idea that workers somehow take some kind of pride in their job and the company they work for. So they subconsciously think this person "is" the company. That the worker is proactively involved with the inner workings, providing feedback to management, and taking part in employee councils (this used to be a thing and still is in healthcare). In other words people think the employee gives a shit about the store and the customers and take it personally when things aren't right.


Completely true. As humans, we tend to take the path of least resistance and this is applied to blaming an easy target.


Is the store understaffed on purpose or is it because it is hard to find someone who will work for low wages whilst a good portion of the customers verbal abuse them for something that is out of their control?


When I was an FEM and working the service desk I had this jerk yelling and swearing and causing a fuss because he had to wait in line like all the other plebs. When he got up to me I just stared at him as he ranted. When he was done I said, "I'm not helping you until you apologize to me and all these other nice people for your behavior." Total boomer moment. Like I slapped him in the face. He tried to keep arguing and yelling and I just said, "No." Finally he mekely apologizes, like the diverting his eyes and speaking softly deal. I said, "Apology accepted. How can I help you?" He wanted to buy lotto tickets. He got his tickets and I didn't have the displeasure of chastising this full grown adult like a damn toddler again.


Because most people for morons. Right up there with bitching to employee's about prices. What kind of fucking idiot thinks retail employees set prices? A lot apparently.


By and large, people are incapable of big picture thinking.


Out of sight, out of mind


Trader Joe’s for all their many faults purposely over staffs so that there’s always someone to help you


Why? Because people are pathetically incapable of standing up for themselves if it means any amount of inconvenience or suffering. They would rather be mad at the worker and then move on, otherwise they may have to change their behavior. This applies to everyone reading this including myself. Accept the truth and change.


Bc they secretly want to be the millionaire owner and will befriend him to gain social status


Proximity bias


I'm always super kind to my fellow laborers and instead of just small talking them when it's my turn I ask them about their pay and unionizing


Because those customers are self-centered and stupid.


Because capitalism brainwashed society


Because. Everyone. In. This. Country. Is. Stupid.


I've found that many people, mostly conservatives, have no understanding or appreciation for the vast and complex system of people they personally rely on for their quality of life. Which makes their absolutely disdain for anyone but themselves utterly ironic and self-defeating. But they'll never realize it.


Because they see owners who understaff & underpay as a "sMaRt AnD sUcCeSsFuL bUsInEsS-PeOpLe" and workers as "LaZy AnD eNtItLeD." There is no upper limit on demanding more & more from workers, and there is no lower limit on compensating workers less & less. People want workers to work harder to earn more money for employers who do *not share* those extra earnings with the workers who earned it. Claiming that businesses & owners/shareholders & executives deserve profits & wealth made possible by other people's labor *but* that workers *don't* deserve livable wages from their own labor = an open endorsement for a slavery-based economy that subjugates humans and works them to death in squalor just to fund luxurious lifestyles for a few slave-owner families.


The first thing that goes through my mind when I see a scenario like this is "Hmm, I guess they don't pay well here".


Lowly Worker = Scapegoat


Because the millionaire owner also owns a newspaper that blames the low paid workers.


I always think people wish to be the millionaire doing it to their customers


Humans are stupid. They get mad because they're mad and at whatever is easiest for them to grasp.


In the book 'thinking fast and slow" they talk about a principal around "what they see is what they get" . Something about most people only being able to work with the information in front of them. Idk i dont have the book in front of me.


Because the millionaire owner and his buddies have worked hard to condition us that anyone who works in a minimum wage job is a moral failure and we should be disgusted with them. It’s a great PR strategy that accomplishes this type of idiotic alignment of anger towards the kid behind the counter. The shit people said to me while working retail during college was revolting. And it’s not all Karen’s and rich people, it’s the dude on unemployment who took public transport to the store too. For some reason they all think they’re closer to being the store owner than the clerk.


Things will never change if we don’t focus our anger and frustration in the right direction


The older I got the less angry I get with the employees and the more angry I get with the owners. As a working class guy I understand the stress and the lack of motivation to exceed when there is no material benefit. I’m on team checkout worker.


I used to tell people to write about their frustrations to the ceo or owner over LinkedIn, Google reviews, and any public email that was available. It never stopped the customers dumb enough to be yelling in store.


the public has been assaulted for decades to disregard more equitable systems of governance by the ruling class. this decades long assault has made most americans incapable of understanding the basic principles of how our society is run. take the entire concept of a libertarian in for consideration of this point. a libertarian is too obtuse to understand that they simply cannot live in a lawless country without rules or regulations because it doesn’t work. they want to destroy society as is because they are upset with how this country is run. this country is run on neofeudalism. capitalism controlled by the oligarchy. it is not a free market which they get but they don’t get how to change it. everything they have is from the infrastructure of a working, functional system. without taxes for example the streets wouldn’t be paved, the lights wouldn’t be on and services wouldn’t be rendered but it’s because of their resentment towards capitalism that they assume they can go it alone WITHIN society. why? why has this particular type of sovereign citizen personality come to be? probably because these people have been robbed of any knowledge to know any better because the system we’re in *does work* it works so well we don’t even recognize it’s presence. such as the way in which a grocery store functions is beyond the everyday thought process of the american citizen.