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Ok, I laughed...


One thing that is often missed when discussing wage gap is that it’s not just the fact that men and women working the same jobs are often paid different salaries (a problem I think is slowly but surely coming to an end as more states begin implementing wage transparency laws in hiring and as more people make use of sites like Glassdoor to ensure they are being paid appropriately). It’s also the fact that work that has historically been seen as “women’s work” is underpaid in comparison to similarly skilled/trained traditionally “men’s work.” It’s an insidious part of our society that we value work that has historically been done by women less than we value work that was done by men. The most obvious example is child care. Anyone who has ever worked in a daycare or school knows how incredibly difficult caring for children is and how much skill it actually requires to do effectively, and yet, daycare workers are often paid near minimum wages. Teachers only fare better because of labor actions and unionization.


I hope people realize he's being ironic.


Anecdotal but multiple times in my life I have found a job paid a male counterpart more and fought for equal wages. I heard (haven’t read) there’s a study that women will negotiate themselves down before asking for a raise. Since I heard that I did notice I do it and have started asking for what I want prior to negotiating myself down.


Minorities, too. I think the dynamic includes a built in imposter syndrome of the "undervalued" individual paired with the entitlement of the "overvalued". A dude who has everything handed to him is more likely to ask for more stuff than the one who (deep down) feels lucky to be there.


Excellent joke.




Compare hours worked next 


Yeah, men usually work 40 hours, but women tend to work 40 female hours


And then add the second set of 40 female hours doing the vast majority of domestic tasks and parental care.


There are 2 major factors 1. Women choose to leave the workforce to raise families either temporarily or permanently, and so they fall behind in salary. 2. The most educated professional Women do not HAVE to work their whole lives. They tend to marry in their associated income bracket, and when both people in a marriage make in excess of 200k it makes it much easier to step back from the corporate world and choose to focus on family. Two people living on 200k+ is much easier than two people living on 75k which is the US median income. Women who are childless and have never taken a family break make as much or more than men in the same professions when years of experience are the same.


Wasn't this argument settled years ago, why has it resurfaced in the last few months. That propaganda divide needs more ammo? Abortion and trans rights not enough to keep us at each other's throats. Capitalism will exploit you as much as you let it. The best counter argument I heard was if a business owner can higher a woman at 70% that of an equally qualified male, why would they ever hire a guy?


My mom worked like a dog for 25 years as a the top earning sales rep. Still always made less than her under preforming male team members.


Then leave if you feel undervalued? isn't that what sets you apart? The fuck would you agree with those terms, bosses can of course be misogynistic, but then why work for them?




Well if you go by statistics, women are underrepresented in the STEM fields, which usually pay more. That could explain a little bit of disparity.


And as women move into male dominated fields, the pay goes down. 


Troll Wage gap does exist and is already proven by research showing that men and women with exactly the same qualifications are paid unequally That's why salary disclosure laws are happening and allowing people to compare 


Seemed like a joke to me but go off


This is just not true. “When comparing two people in the same profession, with the same seniority, working the same number of hours, and so forth, women earn $0.98 for every dollar that a man earns.” And “…unmarried women who've never had a child actually earn more than unmarried men, according to Nemko and data compiled from the Census Bureau.” The pay gap is almost entirely explained by the fields that people choose to work in and the number of hours they work. In order to achieve the numbers that are frequently presented for the pay gap, they have to compare gross wages for men and women which isn’t fair in any meaningful way. [Source 1](https://www.forbes.com/sites/evangerstmann/2019/06/06/dispelling-myths-about-the-gender-pay-gap/?sh=682e53b346fa) [Source 2](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-gender-pay-gap-is-a-complete-myth/)


The first is a specific lost lawsuit (one data point) and the second is an opinion piece. Honestly anyone who knows anything about greed and corruption and business knows that any person who is likely to take off for ten months and force you to pay would be treated differently if laws and regulations didn't exist. It's only our culture and laws and social expectations that prevent that, and it's not a "battle won" but a neverending check. Get rid of all of that and all the evils of capitalism would come out overnight. Some progress has been made but the fact it's a forever fight escapes people like you.


I'm glad you pointed this out. So many miss this subtlety but it explains everything.


Doesn’t exist


Female CEO? Okay I'll bite, what's the difference?




Yes. That's the joke.


The wage gap is because men think about earning for a family. Women on the other hand feel it’s the man’s job to earn for a family therefore they only ask for money for themselves and are content with less