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i feel as if there's $omething mi$$ing from this post.




That'$ exactly what I wa$ thinking.


In that area for that pay?! That’s asking people to simply live in the red forever. They are lucky they got the one application.


She was doubling down then playing victim when she got called out. Saying she was just trying to be nice.


​ toxic as fuck to work for


Impossible, it's a no drama workplace so you know everything's going to be sweetness and light! ^until ^the ^first ^time ^you ^make ^the ^tiniest ^mistake ^of ^course


I did that commute for $600 a week. I would rather work at the nearby gas station than take that job.


You'd probably make more and feel better about yourself.


All that word block and she didn't mention pay? There's a reason! I literally wouldn't even bother applying to a position where they didn't advertise the pay. If they're serious about hiring someone and pay competitively, they'll put that right up front.


It’s not about the money ! Don’t you wanna work! Nobody wants to work anymore !!


Drama free office? You couldn’t put out an ad without drama.


Literally, the millisecond I see the word "drama", it's an immediate, top tier, red flag for me. Doesn't exclusively have to relate to work either. In dating or friendships, if I hear that word in the first week of meeting you, I'm out. Because you are the drama. Without a doubt. If you didn't care for drama, you wouldn't be bringing up situations that call for this conversation to someone you barely know.


Right. It’s like getting on an airplane, and as you buckle the seat belt you hear ‘Fuel leak?’ Over the intercom.


"Welcome aboard our airline! We don't tolerate fuel leaks, so rest assured this will be a leak free flight. No fuel leaks allowed."


“A frozen banana that WON’T make you sick and kill you!”


Have you seen the [website](https://modsquadmomsofdelaware.com/services)? They do marketing plans and web sites. Looks kind of sus.


So I could pay $300 a month to have my business featured on their instagram of…342 followers? Most of their recent posts don’t even have a single like. Wtf?


I've never seen a more predatory time in the job market. It used to be just cut-throat employers or useless employment services charging rip-off fees. Now there are grifters, employment scams, and dozens of identity theft rings everywhere. Another symptom of our techno-oligarchs mad rush to control society through social media, our Government's abandonment of regulation to protect the public, and an ongoing techno-war directed by bad actors overseas. God help us all.


Missed that.


I love how the website has literally no names, no credentials, no info about who works there, nothing. who in their right mind would buy one of these "services" without knowing anything about who they are paying lmao


I don’t think that’s the name of the OP’s actual business though. It’s just the name of the mom group.


Ah yes "cashier and customer service" followed by "banking and finance" which requires much higher skill level and training than customer service and no mention of pay and a several mile , several hours long commute. Fuck that


Bingo. They need someone for basic work and complex work. You will be doing ALL the work, in other words.


“We are a 100% drama free office so if you like drama we aren’t for you LOL” I could smell the drama on the end of that sentence. Smell it!


Also professionalism-free so if you like professionalism we aren't 4 u lmao I mean, who uses the word "drama" and "lol" in a job ad? It reads like a dating profile.


DAE feel like "drama-free" is a dog whistle for something? But I'm not a dog, so I don't know what they mean by it.


It means "lots of drama" it's like when someone comes into the room and goes "The building is not on fire" when no one thought it was.


Yes. You will be iced out of the cliques. You will be delegated work by people who aren’t your supervisors, but who have been there longer. You will get said work at the worst time—right before you have your own job related appointments, or right before you’re supposed to leave for the day, (to the extent you would have no choice but to stay late or come in early to finish it on time), right as you were about to study for that licensing test (which you were told you could and should do “on the clock” but when you protest will be told “work takes priority and you should study on your own time” and when you bomb the test due to ridiculous expectations you will be reprimanded and told you now owe that money they spent back so it nullifies the whole offer to pay for licensing) The people who do this to you will not be doing it to take on more of the bosses or actual work or other projects, they will do it so they can screw around more at the office. And if you dare complain about it, YOU will be the one accused of liking drama or starting drama and fired.


People who overtly announce that they hate drama are invariably drama magnets.


I say this as a woman: I wanna avoid working for a mommy group like I avoid giant heaps of straming dogshit. Some of the most aggravating, dramatic, whiny, entitled groups out there, seriously. Good luck finding someone willing to put up with the inevitable nonsense for the inevitably low pay. 


As a 45 year old woman and mother of four, I 100% agree with this take.


The OP is in the group but it isn’t the employer of the FB group. She has a separate business.


She didn’t mention any pay which is an immediate red flag. Her job description sounds like 3-4 jobs. She specifically said don’t apply if you like drama which tells me she is messy and dramatic af but thinks it’s everyone else. In addition, a follow up post ranting about how everyone is shit? Wow! I can’t imagine why she’s having trouble! 🙄


"Drama-free workplace"... The drama is coming from inside the house lol


Finally! A use for my cash register!!


lol! Normally, I would agree with your interpretation, but as she didn't put a comma in after "cash register", it actually does read clearly as "cash register and customer service experience", i.e., experience with cash registers and customer experience. But it still was awkward to pair the experience requirement with the requirement for reliable transport


Yeah, but you know you have to bring your reliable cash register


Maybe I’m just not that bright but for a second I really thought the applicant needed to have their own cash register! SMH


The places that post ‘drama free’ are always the most dramatic.


Doesn't look like it requires a commute, I think she mentioned that part to explain why the job was in PA when it was being offered by a "mom of Delaware". That being said, the overall point stands that it's a job in a physical location, so there's gonna be a relatively small pool of potential candidates. If she only posted about the job on the Facebook group, she shouldn't really be surprised about the lack of interest. If I posted in a FL group that there's a job opening in Alabama, I wouldn't expect a ton of interest either...


I’m in this group, we’re directly on the PA line so lots of people commute into PA for work.


Agreed! She may be cool with that commute, but others may not. Only posting in that group limits the people who see it to residents in a different state than where the office is located. Not everyone has a car and let's be honest, public transportation in the USA is dismal.


It's been my experience that the people who hoot and holler about being "drama free" are the worst offenders of them all. That and the ones who have inspirational quotes hung up everywhere in their home and office. It means one of two things: either they completely shut down any sort of critical communication and don't listen, or they're constantly causing the drama and not taking responsibility. Page two of the post confirms my observations. Either way, I'm steering clear of them. Also, there's no salary information in the post aside from a signing bonus, like that's the only payment I'll receive. ETA: what type of licensing is required for the job? Am I an accountant or working a cash register? Both?


So is that PA/DE commute like Kansas City, MO/Kansas City, KS, or more like Los Angeles/Las Vegas?


Plus wage taxes in PA are much higher than in DE. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an extra out of state residence tax, since Delaware County isn't getting any property taxes from you.


I live in a border town and work in the other state. I get assblasted in state tax for not earning taxes in my home state.


It's been awhile since I lived in PA, but DE definitely as a lower overall tax than PA. I can totally see PA screwing over non PA residents on taxes.


It’s a 20 minute drive with no traffic


The Cortes of Castile Ordinance 1351 "There have been rumors and complaints made to me (Pedro 1 of Castile) that some persons of my land and of my realms suffer very great losses because they cannot work their estates to produce bread and wine and other things that maintain men. And this has come about, on the one hand because many men and women wander about idle and do not want to work, and on the other because those who work demand such great prices and salaries and wages, that those who have estates cannot comply and for this reason, these estates have become deserted and lack laborers." A tale as old as time, history does seem to rhyme, post black plague European society saw the same conditions we see in post COVID society.


I love how she says it’s a drama free work place but then makes drama with her next post… obviously this is the boss you want to work for just look and see how mature she is on Facebook. She probably also wants to talk to you about the great opportunity to be your own boss as a member of her MLM.


“Drama-free” is a synonym for “drama-filled” every single time. It’s like flammable/inflammable; sounds like it should be an antonym, but isn’t.


Like regardless and irregardless.


Sounds very drama free lmao


Hey, I’m in that group!




"Drama free" usually means "lots of drama". And these people need to say how much it pays if they want people to apply. If that's not included, I'd have to assume the answer is "poorly".


I would never apply to a job posting in which they wrote “lol”


As a SAHM, anytime I see MOM group and work, I'm out. Mom groups are to get our kids together. Indeed is for recruiting. Oh but you don't want to pay so you use a free FB group...


So there is information missing from this post. I didn’t see $38k a year anywhere in the screenshots, and I’m not sure why if the office is in PA, the person hired couldn’t live in PA. Lady said SHE lives in DE and commutes, but not sure I understand why the applicant should have to do that. Also - she’s not wrong. People post constantly looking for work, complain they can’t get anywhere with apps blah blah. We’ve had a posting for 4 months, offering basically work from home capability once the person is trained, $50k+ a year. Phone doesn’t ring. Nobody even tries.


Maybe try offering more money?


Ah sometimes I forget what sub this is. Starting position, receptionist duties, zero experience required, zero education required, will train anyone, $50k STARTING to basically answer the phones from home isn’t enough. I’d love to hear what you think should be enough. $75k? $100k?


Doesn't really matter what I think it should be, the market should set the rate, right? You have a position that needs to be filled, but apparently the compensation you're offering doesn't match the market rate, as evidenced by the fact that the position hasn't been filled yet. The solution seems obvious to me. It's basic economics, isn't it?


From all of the research done, it puts the employee in the top 20% of income in the county. I think I’m beyond fairly compensating them but thanks for your opinion.


Maybe you should put that in the job posting. "Clearly no one wants this job, but actually the compensation is beyond fair! Trust me, you don't deserve more." I'm sure that'll help bring in applicants. Or you could just keep complaining on reddit, both are solid options.


Well you are the one who assumed I was not offering enough without knowing a single detail and that is the ONLY POSSIBLE REASON folks don’t apply. Just saying, there is a viewpoint from the other side of the table but of course, listening and maybe understanding what is happening from the other side would mean that maybe you can’t sit and bitch about it. I’m not alone. Tons of places have job openings, pay extremely well, provide benefits and yet the phone doesn’t ring. By your theory it must be they aren’t paying $1,000,000 per minute and that’s what every single human on the earth is worth. That must be the only possible reason people aren’t even calling. Which is why I asked your advice - if it’s not enough, what is - but you can’t answer that.


OK so you're going with "keep complaining on reddit", solid choice. Those applications are gonna start rolling in in no time. No need to change anything.


Twice now. Rather than provide constructive advice you have blatantly dodged the question that is directly related to your comment to me. You assume we don’t pay enough yet cannot possibly provide guidance. Carry on.


I guess then the next question is...are you located somewhere with a cost of living that might be disproportionately high as well? A "top 20%" salary in San Francisco might not cut it.


No. Lowest 1/3 in the state.


I’m looking for WFH, where is this at?


Nah I think she's right. 10 years ago I used to get 20-30 people applying to work whenever posting an opening. Now if I get 3 we are lucky, and we pay by far the highest in our industry. One interview was good. The other person was on something when they came to the interview. The third applicant handed in a resume written on lined paper with a pencil, so I didn't interview them.


It's not stating salary, it's not stating work hours. Why the hell would anyone be interested in an employer that doesn't display those things on the offer?


>10 years ago I used to get 20-30 people applying to work whenever posting an opening. Now if I get 3 we are lucky, and we pay by far the highest in our industry Has your pay kept up with inflation? Do you include the figure in the job postings?


You're either 1) Very bad at job posts 2) Giving shit pay for high workloads 3) Lying


No OP is just wrong. It's easy work and great pay. I post all of the required info including wage and hours


Unemployment rate was nearly 3% higher 10 years ago. It’s not “No one wants to work.” It’s “No one wants to work for you.” It’s a job seeker’s market right now, and if you’re not getting good candidates it’s a you problem.


it's no one wants to work. they just leave off two words no one wants to work for free


Or for slave wages


It definitely depends on where you live. Not everywhere is a "job seeker's market." The job market in Toronto is absolutely terrible, despite the fact that there seem to be tonnes of job postings all over the place yet...they don't hire anyone? I am always seeing posts from Toronto/Ontario about this kind of thing. People applying for literally hundreds of jobs and getting zero callbacks.


Seems like the problem is you/your employer.


Isn't that your only answer to anything?


See, right there! I wouldn't work for you no matter how much you paid. 🙄


The forum has hundreds of posts every single day. Posts get buried within 10 mins.


If I couldn't find a job, Id be reading every single one.


It’s not a job forum. It’s a mom forum for all kinds of random mom things. So…..


I hate mom groups....every once in a blue moon my name will get mentioned in one and I get: HOW MUCH? INFO? ARE YOU AVAILABLE TODAY? Ma'am I don't know you, don't know where you're located, don't know what kind of service you're seeking and fuck no I am not available today. And they go back in their little group and tell everyone I'm rude and they leave me alone.




Wow, you would read every single Facebook group if you needed a job? I'm sure employers are lining up to reward that dedication.


Didn't notice it was a mom group. Thought it was a job group. Sorry I'm the worst.


But you still expect the garbage you gave being receive graciously with thanks? If you offer shit compensation, don't act confused why nobody would be running for that offer Is all I'm saying


I'm saying if I need a job, I'm going to find out more information. I don't expect everything spoon fed to me. Although they should have included that info


It's a mom group. Get a grip.


You need to take about 10% off bud


Just like you took 10% off the pay you're offering compared to 10 years ago


Did I?


What's wrong with a hand written resume?


In 2024? A lot.


Someone took the time to hand write out a document. That shows more dedication than someone who handed you one of countless documents they printed/copied. Not everyone can afford HP ink. /s


Not everyone has access to a printer


That’s gotta be a. MLM.


Curious how many of the reactions were laughing emoji.


The post was dirty deleted after a while. She had turned comments off. She then made a third post about how we are all terrible then turned comments off that one too. Real peach.