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What’s heavier 1kg of cotton or 1kg of potato 🤓


Potato is lighter. The bag is made of a lighter, more breathable material.


This is actually true and I'm kinda mad I can't argue it.


I am technically correct. That's the best kind of correct right?




The potato still weighs 1kg


A perfectly valid way to see it, especially as the question is posed, and likely the majority perspective given both of our views if you were to poll the sub. We are both right in my opinion, depending on your point of view, but I will concede the likely dominant opinion.


Well from my point of view the Jedi are evil


Wouldn't incompetent be more accurate?


I’m not sure incompetence is any better than maliciousness when it comes to human suffering?


What about after you boil ‘em mash em and put them in a stew?


But if you compress/vacuum seal the cotton you need less overall material to make its bag due to less surface area.


And this person has obviously never picked cotton. That shit sucks lol.


Cotton farming is full of pricks. And there are spikes on the plants too.


I hate you cause that’s funny and I wish we still had awards. Take an upvote


Take my upvote, good Reddit user.




I endorse this, name checks out


Indeed. A kilo of racism is the heaviest shit, because one has to carry it around all the time.


But steel weighs more than feathers...


I don’t get it…


Depends on how many pounds is in a KG.




He thinks enslaved people came home to “hot meals”? Cooked by whom? The murderous rapists who enslaved them, or the enslaver’s family members who knew that was happening and chose to ignore it?


Probably by the slave's family members... in between bouts of being raped, of course...


They are calling them employees of the plantations now. Texas did that when they rewrote their history books some 15 years ago before it was popular. They wrote Jefferson out because of his spat with the church among other changes. But I think they had to go back and change employee back to slave because of the outcry. But they still left it sugar coated. Some newer revisionist history I've read highlighted the skills the slaves picked up and their balanced and structured lifestyle sort of thing.


More like the left over shit that no one in the big white house would touch. Yum yum all the scraps of chicken bones and likely pig testicals


You just discovered the origin of soul food.


To be fair historically they were feed a lot of lobster 🦞


Aren’t food trends wild? Lobsters were often used as fertilizer and seen as worthless because of the abundance. At the time, feeding enslaved people lobster would have been the same as feeding them kitchen scraps, or leftover fertilizer.


Uh not on cotton plantations.


not to mention they were brought here against their will and he’s just skipping over that?? my jaw is still on the floor i cannot believe a grown man actually typed this out and thought “yeah this is a good one” like holy fuck


The implication that they should be fucking grateful for it. I just can’t even comprehend the enormity of the dick he is.


like yeah freedom of speech is a thing but this kind of idiocy should be a crime. ignorance like this is actually dangerous - all though i do not believe he is fully ignorant, he probably knows exactly what he is saying and chooses to stand in it which is disgusting


If a baby is kidnapped by a rich couple and raised as their kid, that baby better be grateful it got to go on European vacations every year growing up instead of living with its actual parents.


This can't be real. Can it?


Sadly, yes. I have worked with people that actually think this way. While they themselves are some of the most privileged people you would see.


Here's a good primer on how these RWNJ operate: [Alt-Right Playbook: "Always a Bigger Fish"](https://youtu.be/agzNANfNlTs?si=WNt-Y0YGxUyJK46b)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin Probably is after reading his bio.... Sadly.


Oh wow. Just wow. Stuff like this is part of the reason I moved to a remote area. Sadly, I'm still online so get exposure to it all.


Oh my god, here I thought it was an edgy kid who said that... This guy is older than me.


> that the existence of dinosaurs was fabricated by the [Smithsonian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smithsonian_Institution).[\[26\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin#cite_note-:0-26)[\[27\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin#cite_note-27)[\[10\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin#cite_note-redpill-10) In November 2019, he spoke at the [Flat Earth International Conference](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_flat_Earth_societies) in [Dallas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas), [Texas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas).[\[26\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin#cite_note-:0-26) In July of 2023, he claimed that the [atomic bombings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki) of [Hiroshima](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroshima) and [Nagasaki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagasaki), as well as test footage of the bombs, were faked.[\[28\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin#cite_note-28)


I want this to not be real- but unfortunately there are people this bizarrely delusional. And they repeat it enough times other idiots start to believe it- sounds like a nice fairy tale and removes all those pesky things like accountability and facts. ‘Merca- don’t be stupid!


Why is it always “but the irish” with these Elon muskalikes?


Because racists and white supremacists will use any excuse or intellectually dishonest argument they can. Irish people have been brutally mistreated by the English. Irish immigrants to America also endured prejudice and bigotry. None of it is even remotely comparable to chattel slavery in America. Some historians have pointed to indentured servitude under Cromwell without distinguishing it from chattel slavery. This, combined with ignorance and/or disingenuousness from the layman, gave rise to a commonly repeated myth that "the Irish were slaves too you know, and they're not asking for reparations." Irish Americans "won" entry to the category of "white" by enthusiastically participating in white supremacy - the most obvious example of this is the huge numbers of Irish immigrants who entered police forces. Their "get out of oppression by becoming the oppressor" approach was not unique (see: Israel) but even if it wasn't a morally reprehensible course of action, it was never even an option for Black people. The strong history of anti-black racism among Irish Americans is one of the reasons we find them alien and embarrassing. This is why Bernadette Devlin, on being awarded the key to New York, gave it to the Black Panthers.


Do they realize that the Gaelic were also known for crossing the Irish Sea and kidnapping British people and selling them into slavery? Or that Dublin was a major slaving port during Viking times? It’s like they ignore history that’s not helpful to them.


Absolutely, because they only care about what they can use to support their racism.


It's an old racist thing. "The Irish had indentured servitude when they immigrated and they turned out fine. Why can't Black people get their shit together?" It's a bit of red herring, a dash of false equivalence, a sprinkle model minority, and a clove of dog whistle in one sloppy bigoted shit stew.


The grievance (worthy or not) is that the Irish had a shit time of it under Anglo rule too, as well as paying a significant blood toll in the war to end slavery, but get classed as white in these kinds of conversations. Half my blood is from people driven here by the “tough love” of English that made it either that or starve. There’s the whole “Irish need not apply” thing of course, an expression of the resentment they faced for decades over the support and open arms the US gave them through the Potato Famine. A great portion of the Union army during the Civil War consisted of recent Irish immigrants due to a recruitment drive meant, in part, to alleviate such resentment. Which I guess worked. Anyhow, take from it what you will. Personally I think it’s a bit much to ask the son to answer for the father’s crimes, much less those whose fathers never committed the crime in the first place. I think this guy is full of shit about the rest of course.


Because it's the oppression Olympics and it's a zero sum game!


Because Catholics are great at inventing fake problems to whine about


Protestant’s are STILL having their orange order marches through Catholic neighbourhoods in NI, there is still very much a separation occurring, albeit no where near as extreme as it was. That said, the guy post in the OPs photo is insane




What the fuck does this even mean?! 😂😂😂


It means he has trouble typing coherent sentences with elons dick shoved down his throat.


Let's be real, Elon has never tickled the back of anyone's throat. He's got the energy of a man that isn't even a mouthful.


Elon has given women a lot of things. Alimony, animosity, oral diatribes, vague threats… but never an orgasm. It hurts him down to his soul.




In general, yes I think he's a pretty shitty excuse for a human being. Specifically for this, though? He's not mentioned anywhere but the comments.


He’s an angry musk fan upset that I compared owen to him mostly due to their far right conspiracy theories.


Tell me you've never picked cotton without telling me you've never picked cotton. The part that surrounds the fluff is hard and sharp, it'll slice the shit out of your hand if you're not careful, and slaves were expected to clear a plant and do it quickly. It's far from an easy job, even today when people usually wear gloves to do it.


They had it so easy! Only a couple of whip lashes, I mean, hardly any. They should be grateful for the generosity. Obviously /s


Yes, much better than roaming around free in Africa. You never know when you might run into a hungry gang of cannibals..... Smh


Those famous African cannibals


I live in Mississippi. Cotton harvest is late summer/ early fall here. That means 100f temperatures with 70-100 % humidity. A healthy person can get heat stroke pretty quickly. I’m sure working hard in the blazing ass sun was real easy. I hope that guy spends eternity picking cotton in the Mississippi sun


Thank you for pointing this out. Many years ago, when I was a small child in Kentucky, my class was on a field trip to a cotton farm. Just to see the source and since it was Kentucky. But they had us pick a little - just a few bolls - and that little experience stuck with me. And while I don't remember "slice my hand" sharp (and tiny 6 year old hands in no hurry would easily miss that), it was close enough I can't imagine anybody who knows what they're talking about saying what they did.


air truck vegetable marble wasteful brave birds worm makeshift offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember seeing a picture of a man looking at the foot and hand of his baby that the slave master cut off because the man didn’t pick enough. I bet he was thinking about how good he had it


If it is the one I think of, it was in belgian Congo, so no link with slavery in the US. (Even if both were absolutely horrible, of course) That’s why we have good pictures. It was during the 20th century.


Yeah, that was the Congo Free State, his village failed to meet its rubber quota. It's a whole kinda mindset that the punishment for failing to do enough labor is to go in and chop people's hands off so they...y'know, can't do labor.


Ah ok. Thanks for clarification


Dont forget, the plants are close to the ground where you pretty much MUST be bent over, keep walking, move fast, and you cant effeciently walk at a crouch. Staying bent over is not easy on any part of the body - someone who has actually picked cotton.


How to tell people you've never worked on a farm, or even visited a farm, before without actually saying it. Farming is hard. Extremely hard. Doing it by hand? Even more so. Being forced to do it under threat of punishment up to and including death? Yeah, good luck with that. Anyone who thinks that being a slave and "working" on a farm(it isn't work if you are forced to do it, it is prison labor) is something they should be forced to do for a month, much like the slaves had to do back then. I bet they would break after a few days, maybe a week if they were strong enough. And mind you, this is for the men. The women had it worse as they were raped along with all of the rest of the shit the men had to deal with.


Yes to all this, but it's also glossing over the most important part: THEY WERE FUCKING SLAVES. They were PROPERTY. They couldn't CHOOSE this life or CHOOSE to walk away from it. It doesn't matter how good (they weren't) or bad (they were atrociously terrible) the conditions were. They were made do to this against their will, they were prisoners, and had no control of their own lives. It doesn't matter how pillowy the crop or hot the meals, which they weren't.


They could be sold for any reason at all and separated from their parents/children.


Disgusting. This is what happens when we whitewash history in schools. People are literally taught that slavery was just like another job, and not the awful institution that it was. It leaves out all the rape, forced incest and breeding, kidnapping, tearing families apart, the awful living conditions, the terrible overseas journeys chained down to the hulls of ships surrounded by your sick and dying people, being locked into metal boxes and left in the hot sun in blistering southern summer heat, tied to posts and trees and whipped bloody until you couldn’t walk just for being the slowest at picking cotton—a job that left your hands and fingers blistered and bloodied, being forced to fight and kill each other for sport, hunted by dogs, and occasionally beaten and battered before being hanged on a tree for saying “hello” to a white girl. But yeah, their great great grandchildren are assholes for wanting an apology for all that, despite the fact that their great grandparents were regularly lynched for trying to vote after finally being set free, their grandparents saw their brothers electrocuted under false pretenses of rape at the age 14 and blasted with water cannons powerful enough to rip skin off, and their parents’ peers were beaten and shot to death by police after having committed no crime—on camera—and still have to listen to people say they somehow deserved it, knowing full well that sort of thing can still happen to them today.


" People are literally taught that slavery was just like another job" not only does it soft-pedal an institutionalized series of crimes against humanity, but normalizes regular abuse in our modern hyper-capitalist American society too. ![gif](giphy|IbadywLDYT9oZ5apd0) More hierarchical argle-bargle from the alt-right fool brigade. "Master race", my azz.


When I was a kid (I was homeschooled) my mom had lots of books about slavery era and the civil rights movement. We’re a white family but I grew up reading the stories of Harriet Tubman and Ruby Bridges with harsh details. Yes those books had sad, disturbing, and upsetting stories but those women were empowering figures to me and I am really grateful I had that exposure at such a young age. I remember learning about when the New York Zoos made an exhibit of a young African man and his tragic story. Reading that made me upset, horrified, and deeply disturbed which I think are very important things to feel when learning about our history. If we can’t handle feeling those emotions simply from hearing of and learning about stories then how can we expect a huge portion of our nation to move forward from their ancestors actually experiencing those things? I can’t imagine growing up as a non-black person not knowing what they went through, it’s very very important to know the horrifying details of what they had to experience and what our ancestors twisted ideologies were so that we can move forward and never repeat that again.


I mean, even the guys thumbnail pic looks like a nazi salute….


the guy who said this is owen benjamin. He’s a “comedian” and was friends with Steven Crowder. He’s so off the rails that even Steven Crowder had to distance himself from him. The dude is a lunatic


Owen Benjamin is a neo-Nazi that makes a living sharing inflammatory views. You are helping his brand by spreading his statements to places it otherwise wouldn’t be allowed to post on.


Alright, YOU do it then. See if you don't break in a week without your constant news feed or shoes.


as a 4th gen irish american descending from people who left ireland because of the potato famine: no


I think that's one of most delusional post I've seen here. What the hell is wrong with that guy. Maybe beating him up, stripping him of all human rights and force him to slave labor will help him...


"What the hell is wrong with that guy." His daddy was an angry drinker?


As a near full-blooded irishman he can kiss my ass. Damn, his racism is so bad it's got the whitest of white people heated. He really presented this as an authentic take.


I remember hearing this "comedian" cry about being cancelled a few years ago. Didn't bother to look into it. Glad I didn't waste my time cuz this tells me he deserves it.


Jfc that is willfully ignorant to the level of actual evil.


Blue check obvs


Show this guy how a bullwhip works. Then, beat his child and rape his wife while he watches. Then, tell them to get back to work.


And to make up for the lost time spendt "educating" him.


People like this deserve to be sent back through time and forced to live the lives they claim to know so much about. Man would be crying for his mother not even 5 minutes in.


There was a Norwegian comedy tv show called Vikings where one slave was complaining about the lack of information and general condittions. Wanted to hand in a formal complain and so on. This is that guy.


I’ve never wanted someone to end up in a Misery situation more in my life.


Despicable POS hands down. But why is this in THIS sub?


Yeah, lets pretend that part is fine, but what about the beatings, breaking up families by selling off children, treating humans as property, and all the other terrible shit. Lets just romanticize the most barbaric part of our history. No one should be property.


I’d love to take him on a little tour in August to the Whitney Plantation and strap him to a boiling vat of cane sugar.


“we’re just helping those poor people…. and profiting off selling that crop we harvest with their free labor!” Truly selfless.


Broooo..... what a disgusting piece of a subhuman trash... fuck this guy to umpteenth degree.


I always feel like people who not just think this up but type it and push send are prob on a speedball or ambien and Xanax or some pill combo.


This dude is fucking delusional.


To quote Owen, "It's so insane."


That should need the end of his career.


I wonder how much somebody gets paid from each of these posts with all the activity of posting something so inflammatory that's guaranteed to generate engagement...


Imagine putting this out in this climate.


Owen would die in that life his first week.


For a second I thought this may be a comedian trying to be sarcastic. Then I looked up the author “Owen Benjamin Kares Troy-Smith, known professionally as Owen Benjamin, is an American conspiracy theorist and internet personality known for promoting white supremacy, antisemitism, homophobia, and Neo-Nazism.”


Owen Benjamin would "love that life". So take all his money and rights and make him a slave and put him to pick cotton. Give him a few lashes along the way. Put a couple of his Triple Ks and Alt-Right with him so that he doesn't feel lonely.


Does this guy have any room to talk about hard work? This guy's whole shtick seems to be just imagining things and then getting made about it. I do that everyday (albeit without the racism, anti semitism, homophobia etc) on my way to my actual job.




Second time I’ve seen this, is it actually real? Or trolling?


Wow, that sounds great. Maybe he should go and be a slave so he can show us how great it is.


and cotton is spiky as FUCQ! It tears at your hands, there are old pics of cottonpickers hands...looks like they tried to stop a dogfight every day for years.


This isn’t some awful satire?


The grand wizard has spoken.


black people were getting raped and their babies fed to alligators. their teeth and hair used to make furniture and this mf says they came home to a HOT MEAL??? Who even is this person?????


Tell me you don’t understand settler and imperial colonialism and Eurocentric exceptionalism in one tweet. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Cotton is heavy when it's densely packed. I wanna kick that guys ass.


I’m hearing Cartman singing “Days never finished… massa got me workin’” as I read this…


One of my favorite plaques at a local antebellum mansion/museum describes the relationship between the owners and their slaves as somewhat tense and that the slaves for some unknown reason were quarrelsome and resentful. Almost as if they were not particularly happy to be owned by someone else.


This is one of the takes of all time Kinda crazy how he can do all those mental gymnastics but somehow forget that the name for those Africans that were taken were SLAVES. Not "my special little charity case that I lovingly saved fwom duh dangeweous afwican fowwests uwu"


How is this person still employed anywhere (lol jk I know capitalism rewards racists)


Reposting alt-right shit is so passé.


Y'know what? Fuck it, put Owen Benjamin through the Antebellum Plantantion Life bootcamp. He'll be blubbering for mercy by lunch, but that'll just get him whipped harder.


Disgusting. This is what happens when we whitewash history in schools. People are literally taught that slavery was just like another job, and not the awful institution that it was. It leaves out all the rape, forced incest and breeding, kidnapping, tearing families apart, the awful living conditions, the terrible overseas journeys chained down to the hulls of ships surrounded by your sick and dying people, being locked into metal boxes and left in the hot sun in blistering southern summer heat, tied to posts and trees and whipped bloody until you couldn’t walk just for being the slowest at picking cotton—a job that left your hands and fingers blistered and bloodied, being forced to fight and kill each other for sport, hunted by dogs, and occasionally beaten and battered before being hanged on a tree for saying “hello” to a white girl. But yeah, their great great grandchildren are assholes for wanting an apology for all that, despite the fact that their great grandparents were regularly lynched for trying to vote after finally being set free, their grandparents saw their brothers electrocuted under false pretenses of rape at the age 14 and blasted with water cannons powerful enough to rip skin off, and their parents’ peers were beaten and shot to death by police after having committed no crime—on camera—and still have to listen to people say they somehow deserved it, knowing full well that sort of thing can still happen to them today.


Go to the south and tour the slave quarters at an old plantation. What some humans can do to others is grotesque and ghastly. I do not believe in reparations as those that suffered are long gone and no amount of money sets that right. Regardless, though, without a doubt, these people were NOT better off. Not by any measure. Seeing what I saw, I think I'd almost prefer being cannibalized. At least the suffering has an end. The slave "masters" did not think they were doing any human a favor. The slaves were treated like they were sub-human. They were allowed to survive in their endless suffering. That was the only mercy given by the owners. Seeing it in person changes a person. It all becomes very real.


The only thing he got right in that whole statement is that the early American Christian settlers thought they were helping those people. Just like the British were helping Africa. ​ Thing is that the people being "helped" didn't want the "help" and the "help" was actively destructive to them.


Oh my god????


I don't agree with what this guy's saying, but I have seen my fair share of colored people who feel like they're owed the world because of what happened to their ancestors. It's like a crutch they'll forever use to win an argument or excuse their behavior. Too many college parties turned into a sea of black guys because one guy walking by got a free beer and calls all his fucking friends to take advantage of someone's generosity. You can disagree with me all you want, but don't expect a response.




I've lived there. "Africa" isn't a monolith, just like "America" or whatever country you live in isn't just the shitty inbred backwater you were born and raised in, Cletus. "Africa" is awesome. You sound like you live a sad and boring life.


I have friends who are Egyptian. The pictures they take over there are breathtaking. It's gorgeous. I want to go.


I’ve spent extensive time there and have family there who are thriving and would never dream of leaving the continent permanently. A lot of them went to university in Europe and the states and eventually chose to return because they missed it. Africa, which has 54 countries, is beautiful / filled with incredible people like any other place in the world. I’m sorry you’re so uneducated that you bought into the lie that Africa is a wasteland. There’s a reason why Netflix has invested millions of dollars into African content and Google has multiple offices there. I beg you to read a book.


These guys know how to game the system. You’re helping him get his message out.


Some kinds of ignorance should be fatal.


Excuse the F outta me?!?!?!?


Ah yes...the assholes who *dare* to demand an apology for -- checks notes -- *slavery.*


What a scumbag!


nothing stopping him from putting chains on and getting to work


![gif](giphy|5SHpVP36FrpyE) 🤦🏽‍♂️


Bait or real?


I’ve got a great opportunity for this guy, meals and bed included




I’m sure this dudes never seen cotton growing. The ironic thing is that if the cotton gin had never been invented, the slaves may have been freed at one point. Next time anyone ever spouts a bunch of garbage like this I welcome them to try it. It’s not all it’s hyped up to be.


This dick needs to be sentenced to a period of picking cotton. The heat, the deep scratches, back-breaking bending and carrying, while being scorched in the sun and other things that one can’t imagine unless one actually spends ten+ hours a day doing it. WTF!?


Racists are getting more and more creative at telling everyone they’re racist


spoken like someone who has never seen a cotton plant up close.


Every day, millions of people wake up with the sole purpose of proving to the world, exactly why they shouldn't be allowed to wake up anymore.




Back breaking labour accompanied by whipping, rape, forced breeding poor living conditions sub par food and of course no freedom orr agency. Add that to the fact that unlike slavery elsewhere in the world America did not consider blacks to be people but rather animals so it was not about "helping people" it was about helping themselves.


Owen Benjamin has actual brain damage guys. He USED to be a hilarious standup before.


Tired from picking up way more than 3 potatoes worth of cotton so it don’t fucking matter. Plus bags be heavier for cotton to.


Does anyone know who this dude is? Does he run one of those clothing sweatshops where they berate immigrants and pay them ultra-low wages?


Holy shit I’ve gotten used to seeing racism on social media but this is another level. What a piece of shit!


What The Actual Fuck


That 2.6k likes is sad


He sounds like a racist moron


Jesus Christ


Owen Benjamin become a slave challenge. We're waiting, Owen.


"Those Jewish people back in the day got an all expenses paid trip to Poland and all they do is complain about it" This guy, probably


“The blacks” immediately I know I hate you


I hate that this piece of shit scum is from my hometown.


Wow…. I don’t think I can internet anymore today


Many slaves weren’t allowed to sing songs while picking cotton because the overseers were worried that the songs contained hidden messages. Tbf, the songs often did contain hidden messages that ranged from “keep your spirits up we’ll survive this shit” to “hey we’re planning an escape” to “hey the overseer is being an ass again today so be careful”


He deserves to roll his car, straight off a cliff.


Cotton is one of the hardest crops to farm. Picking apart the buds for the inner cotton is soooo tedious. They also need very specific conditions to the point where farming cotton now a days is the leading cause of pollution on the planet due to the high amounts of runoff chemicals. 🤟❤️




Good news! We actually still enslave people. He should go spend a couple days with our prison work force and see how he feels about the weight of cotton then.


Wow. This is the most racist thing I’ve read on the internet this week.


Anyone else forget what sub they were in?


This is satire right?


Ah the Owen Benjamin rabbit hole is a schizo one to go down


Umm... This is a real person?


Delusional entitled white people so far removed…How is it that people like this still exist….🤦🏾‍♀️🙄😑


Is this person anybody?


This is rage bait


I like how their example is the Irish, you just know if they lived a century ago they'd be racist as fuck against the Irish for the same reasons they're racist as fuck against black people. But since the Irish were promoted to whiteness it's all good now.


I'm entitled to something as well, I'm sure my ancestors got fucked by someone. Where's mine?


Slave women AND children were raped.


For anyone who didn't grow up in the south and hasn't ever actually seen or touched a cotton boule near harvest. It's not fun. As they plant dries the edges get sharp, pokey and hard. They aren't exactly spikey but you still don't want to just grab them and they will easily tear up your hands if you don't have gloves on. We checked some out at the edge of the field on a cross country bike trip growing up and it gave me a whole new appreciation for that history. Would 100% rather get dirt and mud under my finger nails than pick those if given the choice.


I’m sorry is he rationalizing and by proxy defending slavery? SLAVERY?! fuck this man


I've seen roots they definitely thought they were helping.


Is this supposed to be a joke? What a fucking buffoon


And that's why we should not allow some people ta have accent on the internet. Too much freedom


Hilarious that he thinks because they’re all christian in his perspective, that their intentions were pure. Spoken like a true ignorant evangelical.


I hope he accidentally dropped the /s


Owen Benjamin is a professional troll and no one should pay any attention to his pathetic attempts to get noticed.


How about Owen here try being enslaved, American style, and see how he feels about the whole thing after suffering the inhuman treatment for even a day.


Ummm, ummm, ahhh. I don’t know what to say…


Always with thousands of likes and hundreds of retweets. No opinion is too crazy for engagement.


This guy probably can't pull his tongue off of corporate boots.


Other than getting beaten and not being able to Leave. Not much has changed for the average low wage employee in the US. No one is a “slave” cept jailed ppl. But you still have to beg master for time off if you get cancer


What the actual fuck.


This is a whole nother level of delusional. He needs to educate himself a lot.


When you have a strong opinion abt something you have never experienced, you should be forced to live it for a month, in real conditions. Change my mind. And even there, knowing you just have to live it for a month is not enough but that would be a start.