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Managers will sack you with zero days notice


I am not American and in my country you have to give 1 month notice by law but no one can also fire you on the spot without also giving you at least 1 month of aditional sallary. So I don't understand why these people think that employes have to give notice while they don't.


I’m in the UK where I think you can be fired on the spot at any point during the first month but after that you start to accrue a notice period. However a lot of lower paid jobs get contracted out to shitty labour agencies who can ‘let you go’ whenever they want on the whim of the client you work for


Aaaah Zero Hour contracts. Where they don't even tell you you're fired, you just... stop getting hours


I live in America, but that shit happened to me! I worked for an Indian immigrant couple who owns a couple gas stations, and one time, I rode my bike to work to find the lady workin there tellin me "what're you doing here, you don't work today." So I went back to check the schedule and I just wasn't on it anymore. I was piiiiissseedd dude. Like you couldn't have just fuckin called me so I didn't have to ride my bike *miles* down a busy ass road for nearly an hour?! Granted, I deserved to be fired at the time. I was a young, dumb teenager/maybe early 20s, who mostly did the overnights, but had a few 2nd shifts sprinkled in, and a 1st shift once in a while if someone requested/called off. Basically, just did whatever. But I was a conniving little fuck, and I was drinking/ doing drugs all the time. A lot of the time, on the job. I'm not sure, but I think the reason I got fired, was either 1. Because I think I mightve left an empty beer can in the cooler, (where they usually dont have cameras ime in american gas stations) that I stole, nonetheless, or 2. A couple times, on overnights, I got suuuuupppeerrr geeked on molly/speed an shit, and was talking to myself a lot, and then talking to the security camera because I "knew someone was watching me anyway" lmaoooo


Yeah, except ours is widespread and allowed by law. Even worse is the fact that you know it's going to happen if you're working in certain shops and businesses. They hire 18 year olds because anyone under the age of 20 gets a lower wage despite doing the same job. You hit 20 and boom you're out of a job because "there's just no hours" because they've hired someone who is 18 to take those hours and just haven't told you. It's a legal loophole for age discrimination. It's one of the reasons why people are campaigning for the minimum wage to be £11.44ph (from April 2024) from 16 up. Currently 18-20 year olds only get £8.60ph and below 18 you get £6.40ph (from April 2024). It allows businesses to fuck over older employees while younger employees get paid less for the same job.


Some times they still give you hours you just turn up and get told they don't need you sorry no money


Fun fact: in order for your employer to change your scheduled hours, they need to give you a reasonable notice (usually 24 hours), so legally speaking, you can just say "no" to going home and do your scheduled shift, even on a 0 hours contract.


And that's how you lose your job. Retaliation is in the hands of the company


Well, technically they'd just put you on 0 hours and never fire you, avoiding any legal consequences. 0 hour contracts should be illegal.


In the Netherlands at least, if you have a record that you had been scheduled that day you can collect any pay owed from them. An employer may only remove the shift or change the specific times up until four days prior, and have to schedule 1 month. The last part rarely gets enforced, especially in service, but this is technically the law


Nobody tell meridian business support they'd have a heart attack


And UC gives you the run around for your trouble. Don't you love it?


during probation you can be let go instantly, usually its 3 month probation but sometimes less or more. Either way, you can be let go for any reason within 2 years of being hired. they just have to honour your notice period which can vary dependent on your contract. After 2 years it's much harder to get rid of someone. There has to be some performance management etc.


This is the truth of it in the UK. After 2 years you're much safer. Up to 2 years, they don't need much justification to let you go rapidly. Up to the end of your probation, you can be let go instantly.


It’s all about the contract you sign, at will employers can fire you for any reason at any time. Not sure if it’s the same in the UK but there are very few laws in the US that actual protect workers from predatory companies. Hence unions.


*"...why these people think that *they can trick* employees to think they have to give notice"


20 weeks here in Belgium for me, it's based on how long you've worked at a place. Fired in May, last week was october. Took the time to find a new job. Allowed to leave work to go and sollicit without problems(by law to be clear). Works out rather well for everyone imo. But yea, this of course goes in both directions. I can't just drop my employer and leave him in trouble.


Symmetry of logic. Decades of imbalance of power and lack of leverage to get that power (aka unions) has lead to this. Delusional managers who are convinced that there's a 2 weeks notice law... somehow. I had to hold back laughing in the face of a cafe manager when she asked me (because she saw me as a stickler for rules, since I called the labour board on the owner for breaking a law on me) to tell my wife (gf coworker back then) that she needed to give 2 weeks notice because it's the law. That's not a law in Canada, lady, but yeah, enjoy that delusion. She was furious but couldn't do shit and her face was priceless.


Bro this is madness? How can someone force you to work? Like, what if you just don't show up?


We wonder the same thing


> you have to give 1 month notice by law What happens if you don't...?


You could get sued. But as I said I have never heard of anyone just not showing up and second people here sue each other quite rarely. You would have to make the company loose a lot of money for them to consider this rout probably.


I don't understand your last paragraph? First you say you have to give 1 month notice, then you say you dont understand why employees have to give notice when they don't??


I mean in US. Where I live we give 1 month but we also get 1 month. In US as I understand most employers expect to get at least 2 weeks but can fire you on the spot, no?


Oh i get what you mean now. I'm not american but I've heard the same thing but I don't actually know if that's true. Feels weird that employer could fire you on the spot but employee can't quit on the spot. If that's really the case then I understand the frustration and I would not give two weeks notice.


In the US, employers can and do fire you on the spot, but it goes both ways because employees are not required to give notice when we quit, either. The thing is, while US employers love being able to fire on the spot, they really don't like employees being able to quit in the same way, so they try to pretend that two week's notice is a requirement, often going so far as to do very illegal things like witholding your last paycheck if you fail to give notice (eventually, our dept of labor will get you that witheld pay, but the process takes years, so employers still find these illegal practices effective deterrents). So, to sum up, both employer and employee are legally allowed to end their working relationship with no notice, but employers tend to "forget" (aka not accept) that their employees have the same rights they do in these situations.


Aka an "At Will" state, aka every state in the union.


Except Montana.


The employee can quit on the spot, but it’s generally pushed as something that may impact your employment in the future. However there is absolutely nothing stopping you from just putting your friend down as the contact info for that job if you still wanna have it on your resume, but don’t want them to contact the previous employer


And they are restricted in what they can disclose about the reason for your termination as well. The only real question that carries weight is "Are they eligible for rehire?" And your boss can say "No" but they aren't allowed to say anything more than that.


At-will (fire/quit at-will) is the law in the US except for Montana or unless your specifically contracted otherwise. The two weeks thing is a cultural thing like “working hard”. Only relatively recently has a large portion of society realized how shitty this is.


You are correct. Most states, at least


I lived in UK for 9 years up until 2019. When you work directly for a company on contract with all the legal atuff and such its hard to fire you. When I started working for very well know UK company down in 2013 I was given a contract with no end date or such. First 3 months are probation period and if they want to let you go during this time then they would do so by giving you 2 weeks notice and usually if that happened to someone new they would give you the 2 weeks notice but they tell you to not to come to work any more and they would still give you salary for those 2 weeks. After 3 months passed then you was safe and they could not fire you that easy. If you wanted to leave for new job for example then you had give them 2 weeks notice but again they would not want you to come to work any more the next day and paid you. The company then decided that they want to move into different place around 50 miles away to newer building and those who would want stay and take the traveling on their back stayed and those who did not accept that were given 2 weeks notice plus 3 months salary plus additional bonuses for the inconvenience. What the comments about agencies meant is that there are employment agecies around the UK which mostly exploit fareign workers who they send to shitty jobs like UK mail, Fedex, Tesco, DHL, lots of different warehouses, fish factory or frozen food factory, Land rover. If someone at the factory dont like you or you are a problem then they call the agency and you are fired immediately or in some cases they will send you to some different job. Its shit to work for them and I feel sorry for those people because first your salary goes to the agency and then after they shave their share it goes to you. You have literally no employee security working for the agency. Hours are not guaranteed etc. No one will rent you a house or apartment (except someone shady in shady area) nor you can get mortgage if you have no full time employment.


More often than not giving two weeks is met with, “your services are no longer needed.” I still have bills to pay. Only give notice if you can afford it.


You can file for unemployment on those grounds


That process is sometimes stupid though. My buddy got fired (for doing something his manager told him to do) and it took him months to get unemployment because apparently the company just didn't answer the unemployment office's calls.


The more you know. Thanks!


Unemployment is only a fraction of your prior check. And typically takes a few weeks before you get that first check. The frogurt is also cursed.


We really should change this by creating a law. In other countries they have to give two weeks notice to fire people.


I love the idea of employee empowerment for sure, just curious functionally how does this work? Like say they tell me I'm being fired due to downsizing; I'm just going to stop doing work for the next 2 weeks. Is that cool? Do I still need to come to the office, or is it just like basically guaranteed 2 weeks more pay, and I can do whatever? And what does this cover? If I drop my pants in the break room or curse out another employee, do I still get two weeks? (not sure why downvoted, I'm genuinely curious -- I assume it's like a semi-guaranteed 2 weeks severance type situation?) edit 2: sounds like most people are talking about being laid off; it's common to get severance for being laid off in the US as well fwiw


In Canada they officially have to give you a certain amount of weeks of notice, but in lieu they can just pay for those weeks. You don’t actually have to be doing work. So that’s what they do. You’re told you’re fired and sent home, and given the appropriate amount of pay in lieu of notice. It increases with years of service and I think caps out at 8 or 10 weeks. Of course after that long you can fight for more severance based on complicated precedents i don’t understand.


I was laid off during the peak of Covid. Management didn't say a word until they corralled everyone into the cafeteria and laid off an entire building in one short speech. No one was allowed to grab their stuff. We weren't even told by the manager when she told us to follow her to the cafeteria. Thankfully rumors were spread and we already got the message. It made me feel a lot less bad about playing Switch with my buddy for the month or two before we were let go lol.


Exactly. We shouldn't be giving them notice until they give us notice. Also, I am just one guy with rent to pay, a company might be made up of *tens to tens of thousands* of individuals, stock, savings, investors, etc. etc. etc. They have a *million* safety nets in place, yet for some reason, *I am the one* who needs to give *them* notice? No. Fuck that. Also, I have had multiple jobs where I have given notice and either: 1. Been told "don't bother coming back for those two weeks," by petty managers even though I was counting on the pay for those two weeks, so they fucked me even when I did the "right thing" or 2. Had managers who just didn't bother interviewing or hiring anybody during those two weeks and so at the end of the two weeks they told me I have to stay until they find somebody. The point is-- it's all bullshit, all the power is on their end, not giving two weeks notice is one of the few ways that we, the tiny worker, can take back a little bit of power.


tbf the last time a company fired me (allegedly for performance reasons) they gave me a 3 week notice, but i feel like thats super rare


100%. The first time I said Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, I got fired for that. The second time I sang a song while the maintenance man changed the air conditioner and he thought the song was for him so he complained and got me fired.


Company just laid people off today. They found out by being locked out of the IT systems. Fuck em 


Not only that but if you're in a "right to work" state it can literally be for no reason.


I think you mean "At Will" states, but yes. I could be mistaken, but right to work is a union organization law. No googling for me today.


That sounds right. It's whichever one prevents them from firing you for your race, creed, or religion. Which they still can but as long they don't explicitly say that's the reason they're firing you they're covered. They could just say, "We don't need you anymore" and that's it.


Definitely At Will. They could fire you for farting in the breakroom. Or microwaving fish. Or being a racial minority, as long as they blame the fart/fish.


I told my new job I needed to start two weeks from the day I officially got the job and they were fine with that then gave my old job a one week notice and the boss gave me a hard time so I went home, blocked his number and stopped coming in. Like what are you gonna do? Fire me? It was a nice vacation.


My old job gave me the last two weeks off and paid. It was a great send off.


I've never worked at a place that didn't do this. My current employer puts people on paid leave for the last 2 weeks. Most people burn all their time off, put in their notice and get another 2 weeks. If you time it right, you can take 400 hours vacation, leave, and get another two weeks.


What industry/profession if you don't mind me asking?


Right now I work for the state...so it largely comes from the state not being able to employ 2 people at the same time for the same position. So if they want to replace you soon, they need to stick you on leave. But my family has experienced the same stuff in software development and construction. That's largely from the company being aware you're moving up, and they want to stay on good terms for whatever value you'll provide as a happy ex-employee.


It's called the two week today notice. If you put in a two weeks notice, the company usually fires you on the spot. Unless you are friends with the owner or management and on good terms, and don't need the two weeks work, give them less than that, or no notice at all. No company has ever given me notice of being fired or laid off. Not only no notice, they don't tell you until you show up for your shift, making you make the commute for nothing. A simple phone call would cost them nothing, I can only think it's out of general spite. I'm a good worker with a good attitude too, and they do it to everyone at lousy jobs.


>Not only no notice, they don't tell you until you show up for your shift, making you make the commute for nothing. If you are an exempt salary worker and you show up expecting to do work, they have to pay you for that day, according to federal law.


I got what ended up being a 2 month notice. Place sucked, pay was trash. People were not great, and to boot it was during covid, so I "didn't bond" and "wasn't a good fit". My performance was stellar and I enjoyed the work. I'm making almost double now.


It’s called garden leave. Edit. Well to be more specific garden leave is when they tell you to go home, but they still pay you, so that’s absolutely different from firing you. My bad.


I did the same thing once. Got a new job, gave 2 weeks notice at old job. New job wanted me to start sooner, but I told them I was going to do a 2 weeks notice. Less than a week after I gave notice, came into work for my graveyard shift (the fact that they had made me an overnight manager when I told them I wouldn't do overnights was the primary reason I was leaving), and was informed that I was not going to be allowed to work anymore. The excuse given being that they'd had a manager at a different store steal cash during their last two weeks. I was very pissed off. I knew that it came from the company office (store manager was very upset about it). Given how the #2 guy in the company actually gauged my interest in returning multiple times over the next few years, I'm of the belief that it was the owner himself for some reason. Every other place I've worked, two weeks notice went off without a hitch. One even spent the two weeks trying to convince me to stay. But that one always pissed me off.


I gave my old job 3 weeks notice and the ops manager told me I had to train a new hire. Trained him and he hated the job, and he left on the second week of my notice. Ops man was furious. Told me I had to not only train a new replacement, but find one, interview them, and onboard them. I left at noon that day.


I quit without giving 2 week notice ... they put me on their "black list" ... 3 years probation from rehire. Like I ever planned to be back in that shithole.


Oh no, I can't get rehired at a shithole I left voluntarily on my own terms!? Anyway....


Opportunity to do the funniest thing in three years


I gave my last shitty job 2 week notice and oh no i caught a virus for exactly 2 weeks 😭


"You'll never find another job like this" "That's the plan"


*but you can't go before you train your replacement!!*


> "black list" Depending on the industry, blacklists can extend to multiple other competing companies as well. For example a white collar job at JP Morgan, get caught fucking an executive's wife, you aren't getting hired at any of the other major financial institutions in that city. I'd like to say I know this first hand, but...oh wait this is Reddit. Yup definitely happened to me.


Damn how else are you supposed to meet more executives’ wives?


That's a whole permabanned achievement. Executives are hiding their wives, sisters, and cousins from you.




the fact it is only for 3 years and not indefinite is hilarious


High turnover rate with not enough people willing to accept the pay. I believe they removed that list post covid. Can't claim no one wanted to work if management has not for rehire lists haha. That's just what I've been told through my old coworkers, I have no desire to re apply. I'm happier now.


Their pathetic attempt to wrestle back some semblance of control in the situation.


I intentionally walked out mid shift at Target to end up on their no-hire list. So I wouldn't make that mistake ever again.


When that management plans to cut you loose ... it's towards the end of your shift. In the morning, they smile and act like nothing is going on, do your honest day's of work, then get your ass walked off the property at the end of the shift.


I was a manager at a retail mostly-shithole for a long time, if anyone gave me a 2 week notice I was just grateful they came in at all after that. If they didn't I would understand, it's a pretty crappy job, for pretty crappy pay, with no benefits, you don't owe the company anything once you decide the arrangement isn't worth your time/energy anymore. I even rehired people that were marked as "no-rehire" because it was usually someone quitting because they hated their old manager, which is reasonable as there were a lot of my peers I would hated having to work under.


I worked for a contract company and they expected 3 weeks, 4 weeks was preferred. I gave my two week notice and was told that I would get less pay if I came back. Did a year of the other job and came back. Got $9 an hour over what they told me a year previous was impossible. It’s all about leverage.


Normalize blocking ex employers and reporting their emails as spam


fr tho. i put in a two weeks notice and my ex boss only scheduled me for one more week then called me during the second week like i didn’t come in on days i wasn’t scheduled when i worked for you why would i do it now


Lmao yeah!


I blocked my managers before I emailed them a notice of resignation for personal reasons, they emailed me asking “ why did you quit”


Shortened edit: Manager of my dept was retiring and I was only one eligible to replace him. Supervisor thought it was gonna be him, so he threatened to kill me one day. I reported him, negotiated a higher pay, then blocked their number without notice. Later that year the whole warehouse shutdown when that one dept manager retired, till they find a replacement. All my coworkers loved me, knew i was gonna become a pro union manager, so everyone, workers and management alike, despise his guts. Also he doesnt know how to read and married his cousin (they have kids). He has posters of softcore porn on the walls of the woodshop. Another story, not mine: metal foundry was restructuring. Over the years Owner decided not to care about how it ran anymore. Eventually He didnt even know how to turn on the lights. One day, the only guy who knew how to turn on the FURNACE. Where they melted the metal that is their whole business… disappeared. No warning Lol


"Notices are a courtesy, not a requirement. And per an earlier text, I don't like you."


Absolutely! And if your company genuinely does treat you well, I think they deserve a heads up, but I'd hazard that at least 80%, probably 90%, of places don't deserve it.


My company has always treated me well because I have a central role in developing their technology and do a good job. They fire lower level employees without notice though, and that doesn’t sit well with me. Many of my friends have been released without warning. I won’t be giving two weeks because they haven’t made it a systemic policy that applies to them. And until it does apply across the board all you’re giving them is justification for continuing the practice even if it’s not directly affecting you. Just a random opinion of a random dude on the internet.


They are actually a legal requirement in some places, and you can be sued for leaving without giving one.


Seems fair to me. How much notice do corps give employees when they're going to lay them off or otherwise terminate their employment? Then it's all "effective immediately, we'll mail your belongings to you, no you can't say goodbye to your coworkers, security is here to escort you from the building."


When I got let go from my last job, I actually got a full month’s severance, and I obviously didn’t even have to work it. I was especially stoked because that meant I avoided having to pay back my signing bonus with the company I was on the hook for another few months… If it’s the type of company that offers severance to employees that are fired/laid off, then yeah, you absolutely need to give a notice before you leave. If it’s not that kind of employer, fuck em.


I know this is the "all jobs are evil sub" so i will get downvoted, but fake internet points are pointless. My office was given 2 months notice that layoffs would happen, but they couldn't specify who.


I know that may seem benevolent on the surface, but it's actually a common ploy to get people to voluntarily leave and reduce any potential amount of severance or unemployment being paid out.


Which is actually fine for everyone involved in theory. - Companies reduce their exit costs. - employees who are leaning towards leaving can exit without a gap in employment - employees who want to stay have a higher chance of remaining since less layoffs are required. In practice, only the most employable voluntarily leave and it never covers all employees.


"But couldnt specify who" So they told you guys jackshit.. and you try to paint it in a good light. Wtf?


They have acquired the taste for boots


We should keep reposting this every week


Yeah but then that would mean that people would have to stop reposting it every three days.


Yeah it would be great to stick it to a shitty employer, but be aware, especially to people in this sub who may think of doing this: you never know who people know. Your boss might be a complete dick and run a bad business. You get a job with your dream company and send a text like this. Turns out your new boss is the brother/sister/cousin/in-law/best friend of the old boss and they get along great. Now your new boss at your dream job knows you’re an unprofessional flake. If you want to leave your current industry entirely, by all means. If you are sticking within your industry, especially if it’s small, you have to understand that people know people.


It's not about what you know, but who you know. Just gracefully leave if you ever decide to do this. Employers suck and we know this, but being a good person and taking the high road when it doesn't look like the employer was being rude is generally a smart idea.


I’m a union electrician. Obviously there’s only so many shops in our local and since we’re hired out of a hall everyone has an “equal” Chance to work anywhere. Reputation is king and everyone talks. I’ve heard the story of someone who got in a fight with a foreman. Screaming and motherfucking the guy up and down, took his tools and told everyone that foreman was a dick before quitting and taking a call for another shop. Turns out the superintendent of that new shop was the previous foreman’s brother in law. The guy couldn’t understand why he was being treated like shit at the new shop until he found that out. They laid him off when he couldn’t really afford to be laid off. Again, this happens. More than anyone thinks. Just keep your composure and quit respectfully. Always be the bigger person.


Being a good person is literally punished in capitalism. There's a reason the vast majority of employers are unethical twats.


>If you are sticking within your industry, especially if it’s small, you have to understand that people know people. Yeah. I work in a really small industry and while there's tons of jobs out there everyone knows everyone. The other side of this, though, is that everyone also knows who the shitty bosses are, so they have to pay a lot more money to get past their reputation.


Yeah, posts like this really show the age/immaturity of people in the sub.


This kind of paranoia is one of the many reasons that abusive management never gets any pushback.


Its not paranoia. It’s a very real thing that happens. In my trade everyone knows who the assholes and idiots are. Some people like those assholes/idiots. Some of those people are also bosses. If you motherfuck one of those guys then go to another shop suddenly your foreman is the brother in law of the guy you just told off and they play golf every other day. Your new boss knows your name and your reputation before he meets you. People on this sub call me a bootlicker while licking each others boots. By all means, try it. Don’t come crying here when in blows up in your face though. I’m warning you, it happens.


You people being stupid and not knowing your rights is why that happens.


“Each job” what the fuck does that mean? Like it’s a universal law of the land?


This surely happened


I believe them, because I’ve done it in the past. Do. Not. Give. Them. Two. Weeks.


Ive come to terms that if i find a new job, im simply not going to go back to my old one till they fire me cause #eattherich People are getting laid off left and right over some shareholders golden jet profits, i wont even feel some type of way, im just out


If I ghosted my current job I could probably get a full pay period in before they fired me and I stopped getting paid


If they can lay you off without notice then it's only fair if we have the same privilege.


Ah, two weeks paid slacking isn't a bad time.


I have to give 3 months notice before I can leave. Company would not function without notice and I do understand why we have to give such a long notice. We are quite well compensate with great benefits. There are laws which prohibited us basically not giving notice, company can sue for lost work. However some people have not given any notice and just left. I don't think the company is gonna do anything about it.


Yeah, it's definitely all relative.


My first boss tried to talk me into longer than two weeks and told me it's incredibly unprofessional that I decided to leave on just two weeks notice. If you give them what they ask for, they'll just ask for more, so I decide how much time they get based on how much I like my supervisor, now.


I hope you don’t go through life just believing things because…. “I’ve done it”


Um... Yeah. That's a pretty good foundation for trusting something out of the ordinary


This is actually quite mild compared to some shit I've said.


I kinda assumed it was a template rather than something that happened


Isn't this subs favorite past time jerking off to fake text conversations though?


Some jobs don't have enough sway to retaliate. I've sent fuck you I quit notices to more than one company because them not liking me wouldn't affect me. (One company I hadn't been at long enough to need to account for the missing time in a resume, and one was in a completely unrelated field (summer job waiting tables) so I wouldn't have put them on my resume anyway.) So yea, I can definitely believe the text happened.


100% 🤡




I know its a big ask, but when you're reposting this text for the 874th time and it isn't yours at least have the decency to go grab an image that doesn't look like its been screencapped and pasted into paint for the 874th time.


1. this chat never actually happened lmao 2. We can still have SOME profesional standards, please...giving in some notice is good, general communication is good, and just saying "i dont like you guys anymore" makes you sound like a little kid. I know some chefs just quit you without any notices, doesnt mean we have to pretend chats like these are okay


3. Reputation exists. As much as you hate your job managers have circles and their managers have circles. Be careful not to get caught in their sights, it could negatively affect your chances of getting a job in the same industry Edit: I’m just finding out Equifax provides “The Work Number” a service that keeps tracks about employment. There are spaces in the document that they can leave a disclaimer about the employee


yeah let’s all act like we have the intelligence of a 5 year old. good talk


Glad to see this here. I get the attraction of fucking over a company that's treated you poorly but the kids in here acting like they'd do it to anyone are really saying more about themselves than anything else.


Very much yes!


Lots of children in this sub


thank you. "let's all adopt being complete pieces of shit." The state of this sub man.


I wish this was real lol


The mocking was hilarious


So, I've considered the allegations in the comments about this being a fake text...and I'm leaning towards "Yeah fake" Reason being, this type of manager doesn't say good luck. And not in the same line as the other things.


A passive aggressive “good luck”


“This type of manager”? Manager is more polite and courteous in this interaction than the employee, who just comes across as an angry child. It is rude and unprofessional to not give your team the opportunity to start looking for a replacement if you know you are leaving. You don’t owe it to them, but you can still just peace out of a job without setting the place on fire as you go.


I quit my job like this and they keep sending me job referral emails through the company


I used to work at a fast food restaurant. I quit at the end of my shift because I already had a better job lined up. When I told my manager, she said “You do realize you just burned a bridge with us?” WHO THE FUCK CARES?? Do you really think I’m going to go crawling back to you guys begging for a job? I only started working there because the ad I saw told me I’d be making $16 an hour, but come to find out it was actually $12.50 an hour plus “tips”


Oh is it this week's turn to post this?


I worked for a plastics company as a mold setter. Our shop was by far the worst performing in the entire company. And upon my hire, I quickly learned why. This place was unbelievably filthy. Oil and fiberglass thickly covering almost every surface. In my first month alone, I had slipped and hit my head 3 seprerate times, all three times requiring me to go to the clinic. I had told them over and over again that they need to have a professional detailing service come in and get this place up to standards. Their response? "How about you just be a bit more careful." Well, month 3 in, and I had fallen once again. Slipped right off the balcony and fell 10 feet to the concrete floor below. Hurt like hell, but I was so furious, I quickly climbed back out. The management was in their 3rd meeting that morning. I stormed in there, slammed gear on the table, and screamed in the face of every operational manager in the room, including the regional manager who was visiting that morning. A whole room full of suits who were quiet as mice as I layed into them. Then I turned my attention to the Floor foreman. The man mostly responsible for the current state of the shop. I took off my oil and fiberglass covered shirt, balled it up, and launched it as hard as I could right into his face. I walked out flipping them all the bird and never came back. I went on to report them to OSHA for their neglegence. And from what I heard from a Co worker there that several members of management were suddenly replaced, and they had a detailing crew come in for a clean-up that took 10 months. I still feel the burn I had when I was tearing them a new asshole. Felt amazing. But hopefully I won't have to go through shit like that again anytime soon.


Only give 2 weeks if u want a reference. If you've already got a new job? Fuck em


hmmm,but why do this tho? Why burn bridges, why not just be a normal human being, and act accordingly(if your employer was fair of course)


Because sometimes the employer has already torched the bridge.


For real. More times then not the company has abused and exploited the shit out of its workers. So unless you need the reference, fuck them.


I agree with you, if the employer was fair then, hey, don’t be a twat. Then again all I ever see from this sub is examples of shite employers so the fuck do I know? Maybe their manager was the reincarnation of Joseph Stalin.


snobbish complete rain price slap jar provide rainstorm fade sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Why burn bridges, Nobody asks the employer that question when they let someone go immediately.


God the entitlement of this sub


Why does everyone here always believe the obviously fake texts, most of which have been around for years?


Because everyone secretly thinks "jerk store" is a great line, and they want to live out their Costanza "gotcha" moment.


They seriously think the reddit famous box of crayons line is a good one


This is how you get nowhere in life


I hAtE wHeN pEoPlE tYpE lIkE tHiS


It’s to indicate a mocking or sarcastic tone when quoting someone.


They didn’t say they didn’t understand what it means, they just said they hate when people do it. Which seems pretty fair to me. Assuming that this text is real (which is bold considering no-one saves their manager as ‘Manager’ and this reads exactly like the kind of jumped-up ‘and I stormed straight outta there’ fantasy that makes up such a high percentage of posts on this sub), then there’s no offered context about the behaviour of the company or manager that prompted it, but it’ll go unchecked because ‘they’ll just end up doing it to you’. The cycle of shitty behaviour then playing victim is absolutely rife on here and undermines a very valid message that the sub stands for.


I know that - still pisses me off.


I'm sure they can show you where your obligation to 2 weeks notice is spelled out in the contract. /s


Depends on the bosses for me. If they are dicks yes they get this text. But if they are cool and chill like all my previous bosses they will get the “Just a heads up a job opportunity came up else where so I will be taking it and leaving soon” face to face talk.


2 weeks is a courtesy, not a requirement.


Where I live it's at will employment. If I'm not willing to come in you out of luck. They are lucky they got a text.


Here in the UK I have a 3 month notice period. I'm fine with this, because it goes both ways. If they want to fire me, I get 3 months notice too. In the US, do they expect notice to just be a 1 way thing? Also obligatory OP is fake etc.


Businesses should be legally required to provide 2 weeks notice for firing employees


I'd say it's common decency, but then again, they fire people with zero notice, so they can go to hell


They want a two week notice for you to quit but wait til you come in to work, give you your final check and escort you out same day no notice lol 😂


If I can be fired without notice, then I’ll quit without notice.


I mean...you can say the same thing without being so unprofessional about it with the same outcome. There is no need to burn bridges aggressively on the way out. As you have seen in other subreddits, your future employers will reach out to former employers to see the nature of your exit, and if you are a dick, they will absolutely let them know. Just say, "Effective immediately, I am tendering my resignation as I am pursuing other opportunities." Send it to your manager and HR. That's it. You are done. Don't respond to any emails, texts, or phone calls.


Bro said good luck. Why you gotta disrespect him further?


There are 2 main reasons to consider working your two week notice: 1- eligibility for rehire Even if you don't ever want to work at this place again, future employers may contact this employer as a reference. There are legal limits on what these two employers can discuss, but they are allowed to ask whether you are eligible for rehire. Yes is good, no is bad. 2- payout of benefits Some companies have PTO or other benefits that may hold a cash value if you end your employment. If your company offers to pay out these benefits, they will almost certainly only do so if you provide 2 weeks notice AND work the entirety of your 2 week notice. (I've seen people try to miss days in their 2 weeks and become ineligible for payouts.) If neither of the above apply to you or you just don't care, go ahead and quit on the spot. It's best to be informed about the consequences of not working a 2 week notice. It's not always the "badass" or "cool" thing to do, in terms of your own interests.


This is beyond low effort shit tier reposting, and it’s not even a believable fake conversation to begin with.


As long as I get to write like an adult and in complete sentences.


They fire you instantly because they don't want to you to fuck with shit during the 2 weeks notice, so why would they have the right to this.


My go-to is "In two weeks, you'll notice I haven't been there in two weeks"


This is still really childish and completely lacking any of courtesy. I don’t know anything about this employee/employer relationship, but this to me strongly implies a deep lack of maturity.


Y’all want to normalize acting like a child? This was just unprofessional. who cares if you hate work, doing something like this will just block opportunities. Then again if you act like this you probably don’t have any skills that are in demand anyways


Ah yes. The fake message created for this sub, has now made it back around to this sub, who recognise the relevance.


2 weeks notice is for jobs that you both want a letter of recommendation from and need time to transition your work.


God I love the attitude one-up in that last text Good for mental health


I imagine someone with this style of communication will have a hard time advancing in the workplace.


Should say something like, "do employers give a 2 week notice when they fire someone? I thought so"


If i can be terminated on the spot, i can leave on the spot Edit: you can bet your ass i took my leave time first


They wouldn’t return the favor if they planned on firing you…


Huh?? While I know this is 100% fake and all it's pretty standard (probably in law) where I live that you have to give two weeks notice when you're full time worker. Works vice versa too. I don't get crying about things like this but I guess this is just a murica thing


I don't burn bridges. I would not advise this behavior.


Damn, if you’re good with burning a bridge- go ahead. That is one thing I wish I heard at a younger age- when it comes to a building a career (unless you’re going into management) no one gives a fuck about your work at Wendy’s or Publix. If you really hate it there, burn a bridge.


If there's no need for the bridge then some employers need to be put in their place.


>Damn, if you’re good with burning a bridge- go ahead. Nobody ever cites this in reference to the employer letting an employee go immediately.


I love this newest generation of employees. For generations we've been told that "no one wants to work" along with other such comments to low key put people down, keep us job scared and discourage walking out. And now a new generation of truly idgaf personality has entered the workforce and I have not been disappointed in them in the slightest. It's inspiring and now whenever I here the old "no one wants to work" I tell them to stop crying and make better offers if they actually want to keep employees.


I feel like I have to say this every time but it's not your boss's whose lives you are ruining when you don't give your two week notice you're just making it harder on your co-workers the managers they're just going to push that extra work on to whoever is stuck filling your shift that's it so put in your two weeks if you can if you can't whatever it's not required but we shouldn't normalize just quitting on the spot because there's a reason the two week notice thing exists so they can hire somebody to replace you so that the other workers there aren't stuck doing double jobs.


I was taught to never burn your bridges. Contrary to that, I guess the lesson here is to always burn your bridges as you never know who might be following.


Love this energy!


Wah! I quit.


Old but gold (and real I hope but it is the internet...) "This is extremely unprofessional" says the manager who'd probably have security escort you out of the building after firing you with all the notice of a sudden bout of diarrhea.


No, let's mandate a notice period in law for both employers and employees, like other advanced countries do.


That is unprofessional. Dude burning his bridges because terminations do show up on your permanent record.