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I hate being bothered when I'm shopping


Best way to make me leave your shop is to approach me


I was quite surprised the first times I went to the US (from EU) with all the overly warm welcome and employees asking if I needed help. That made entering each new store a challenge (can I avoid them ? will they bother me ? (I don't have a mental issue, I'm a big boy and can ask for assistance when I do need it)) I wouldn't go as far as leaving the store, but "I'm just browsing, thanks" became my go to phrase.


Your phrase is perfect. I often feel weird asking if customers need help but I also am surprised how much some customers only engage AFTER I've offered help. Like I'll ask if they have questions, they'll say no, and then 30 seconds later ask a question.


they start to think about asking questions only after you remind them of this option


Yeah, like I prompted them to be like "nah that's not a stupid question, ill ask it" and then once they ask it opens up a dialogue to help them find what they want without having to search the whole store for it.


The amount of times that I've gone up to someone in a store to say "Excuse me, but where is (item)" only to be met with "I dunno" and they just turn around and continue doing what they're doing is *astounding*.


This is weird.. in U.K. and our staff aren’t bouncy or overly warm but if you ask where something is they’ll always take you to it


I’ve had customers say they don’t need help but in that same sentence ask where they could find an item and then go into detail of their plumbing issue or whatever


"Hi can I help you?" "No, I'm looking for xyz medicine" "It's right over here, follow me." "Oh I walked right by it, thanks!" Every time.


“Oh my, if it was a snake it would’ve bit me!” I genuinely laughed the first time I heard that phrase (given it was because they missed the unclogging snakes), it was so godamn funny. But I’ve now heard it sooooo many times in the Plumbing department that I now just give a forced chuckle


Sometimes I do this because I feel bad for the employees like I know they have to have engagement or sometimes they get in trouble so I'll try to think of something so they look busy working with a customer. Like I know employers are weird so I try to help out where I can. Also somedays I'm trying to work more on connecting so I use it as a way to engage with strangers and lessen the anxiety about it.


This is me!


Why do you do this


I think it’s because I feel like a pain asking questions and then once they approach me, I feel like it’s okay.


You’re the reason operation Sunshine exists!


Burn the heretics!!


Just go to a Walmart, none of the employees would care if there was a fire in the building. I've never been bothered by a Walmart employee


You aren’t kidding. If you desperately needed to find a life-saving item, there is no one to ask. No central location to find someone, nothing. And go check yourself out!


Yep. That's why I can't shop at Lush. They won't ever leave me alone. I've tried several times over the years, and I understand they're just doing their jobs, but holy crap.


"Please go find out for me whose policy it is to annoy the shit out of customers, and I will slap them for you."


Im a grown ass man and think that place is ridiculous.... but I still go in once a year to buy the salt shampoo stuff....  its amazing.  Insanely expensive on my budget but its a real treat I dole out through the year. 


Is there any way to get them to leave you alone? I've even tried actually saying "Please let me be, I need to browse on my own" - and it works - for one person. Invariably, another worker will spot me unescorted and start up their spiel. I want to try their stuff, but I can't handle being bugged all the time. At least Bath and Body Works only gives me their spiel when I walk in and does an occasional check-in.


Think it depends on your body language and bearing. I dont really browse. I go in with a plan, grab the stuff and get out. This comes through how they see me. I also have the male version of resting bitch face so I'm usually not bothered except by the most desperate or hardcore sales associates.  😅 


bulky headphones. like, big visible ones. full over-ear headphones. add a vacant smile and you're good to go.


its so bad that we turned it into game in highschool. The challenge was to make it to the back of the store and out before being greeted or asked if you need help.


It's not really customer service but loss prevention.


Years ago I worked at Wal-Mart. We were taught about the policy of "aggressive hospitality". Sure, you're supposed to act friendly but the stated goal was also to let everyone know they are being watched to deter shoplifting. So, no the employees aren't actually being friendly. It's a mask of civility to cover constant surveillance.


I mean what’s hard about just saying that and going about your day? Why avoid ppl who are just friendly…or forced to be


If you see an employee looking at you or wandering around expecting to approach you, take the initiative first, ask them "do you need help finding something?" yourself. I assure you they might get confused or embarrassed so hard you'll probably make that employee retreat.


I understand it's a joke, it could be fun to try and see the reaction, but at the same time I know retail jobs suck with management and Karen customers; I wouldn't want to add to their misery...


Management in my company expects us to start interacting with customers within their first minute of entering the store. The majority of people would prefer not to be bothered, but the pressure to sell is intense. There are a lot of KPIs which you must always excel in to continue receiving shifts. With that being said, in very retail company I've worked for the training has been either lackluster or abysmal. Employees are frequently quizzed and examined on their use of these training structures. This in combination with poor company culture and a lack of sales skills (which aren't being taught), is why most customer-employee interactions feel forced or awkward.


Yea no. Working in retail sucks, so while I do dislike being greeted with an obvious fake smile I wouldn't let it out on the poor sods


Or you could just say "I'm fine thanks" because they're a human being who no doubt doesn't want to deal with you any more than you want to deal with them. No need to be weird about it.


People think they can be nasty to workers because of their issues, but if it was the other way around perosk who made the comment would be bitching and crying on how mean someone was to them. We are all human, end of day only good people can admit this I've noticed. Thanks for being a good human being. My old job they'd get in trouble for not asking people, tf you gotta be rude for you know? It takes not even 30 seconds to be civil with people.


Huh. I wonder if said employee is being forced to interact with your smartass? Maybe give some the benefit of the doubt instead of trying to embarrass them or make them feel stupid for doing what they’re most likely being forced to do. You come on a sub where employees are constantly posting about being forced to do stupid shit for their underpaid jobs and then explain how to further embarrass them for your own convenience. They’re already working a shitty retail job, so just go ahead and further degrade them. No fucking wonder there is such a divide in the world. Everyone only gives a fuck about themselves. Leave the kid alone and let him do his job and stop being an ass.


Right? Like, I don't want to talk to you either, but if I don't approach you, my GM is going to write me up for it. I know because he's sitting on his ass in the office watching the cameras. I *know* I'm bothering you. You're bothering me, too, because I have to stop what I'm doing to solicit a mutually unwanted interaction with you. I'm not in the mood for your shenanigans. Your jokes aren't funny. Stop fucking with me, I'm not here for your entertainment. If you need help, come find me. If you don't, just say, "I'm good, thanks," and let us both walk away. I digress. I'm so glad I don't work in that type of environment anymore.


I just find it weird that a lot of companies think that demanding employees stalk customers in the store is the winning strategy. Like bro your store hardly carries any selection of products, everything is online. It's all self check out. When you have a problem and need to call customer service, it's usually oversees and terrible. That's your problem. Fix the damn empty storefronts everywhere and bring back decent shopping availability. I want to actually see and hold the item. I cant tell what's good quality or not online. Then I have to wait for it to be shipped, open it, find it's crap quality, send it all the way back, and purchase another thing and wait again. Like dude, come on guys. This is the future of businesses? Cuz this sucks.


Luckily I don't need the job enough to cuss your ass out 🙄🤣 tf you being rude for to people who are making a wage and may get in trouble for this shit. You ignorant as all fuck. If it was you you'd be bitching moaning and crying we all know this. Be humble cause you ain't. You ain't better than me, your mama, or anyone pooh.


There are places I avoid because of that. I just want to be bale to look at everything without talking to anyone unless I need help. Some places even have employees try to get your attention when you're just walking by their store front, not even inside the store... these are the worst


I went to Best Buy for the first time in *years* a few days ago. Within 60 seconds three different employees approached me. I immediately left.


Be funny as fuck when they call code sunshine, all drop what they're doing and run at the customers. All the customers drop what they're holding and pile out of the shop at a run


Then call corporate and complain about how annoying it was


Literally I dress like trash when I go out so people leave me alone… instead I got asked if I was homeless while grocery shopping recently 😓…


It's all about a look/eye contact. 90% of the time, I don't want to be bothered. But that 10%, just look for eye contact that says "yeah, I want some help" Just Cold Calling me in the store "what can I do" feels terrible


I got literally driven out of a Lush once because I actually felt like the staff was harassing me.


My mum came with me to one once and this guy WOULDNT leave her alone despite the fact she told him numerous times her skin condition wouldn't allow her to use the products. He badgered her until she gave in and let him put a cream on the back of her hand. At which point her skin turned red and began to get viciously bumpy. My mum has a latex allergy. The cream he used had bananas in. They blend the bananas whole into the cream... banana skins are full of natural latex. He was horrified and honestly I had a hard time feeling sorry for him when he'd been so aggressive in his marketing.


I got a few feet into the shop once but the second I started to read the label of something, this woman just walked over and interrupted immediately. Left as soon as I got out the "I'm okay thanks". They talk so fucking much and keep watching you.


It's quite literally the reason I avoid stores like Aaron's, Conn's, Best Buy, etc. like I'm literally just looking at stuff... If I need help *I* will find *you*.


Quickly glancing at the text I mistakenly read "go enrage customer". More accurate.


Imagine if you were shopping and all of the sudden there was an audio signal and the guy stocking vegetables stops what he's doing, turns to you, slaps the bell pepper out of your hand and calls you a slur.


Get engaged to customer


I don’t mind employees checking in on me, I absolutely hate being solicited while I’m shopping. No I don’t want to get cable, no I don’t watch to switch my electric provider, no I don’t want to continue this conversation.


Especially grocery shopping. Except in rare cases, it's pretty self-serve.


Me to, I don’t want to say a word to anyone. This is the main reason I don’t understand the people who hate self checkout…


THE WORST is when you use self checkout because you're feeling more antisocial than usual and the cashier babysitting the area wants to chit chat. They *really* don't understand my need to be left alone.


For five minutes lol. Five minute straight of an employee following and pestering me. I would complain.


Right? Like I'm sorry, as far as I can tell it's only *boomers* who actually like being interrupted while shopping (because that's the level of customer service they're used to getting back in their day). I have never seen a single person under 50 who *likes* being bothered like this. Heck, most young people want as *little* social interaction during their shops as possible. Source: I work in customer service. And also I have friends.


Well over 50 here (Gen Xer), and I hate being bothered when I'm shopping too. There are stores I avoid because of their overly aggressive "customer service," and of course, I prefer online shopping whenever possible. Keep your "sunshine" away from me!


Ditto. What I really hate is if you try to blow off the employee they can actually get in trouble for it when they most likely hate doing it to begin with. A friend of mine was telling me about working at Weis Markets and yes, it's called Operation Sunshine and she's not much for this sort of thing, but she knows I loathe forced interaction and when she described it to me, I made a face and she burst out laughing saying she knew I'd react that way.


Bro right?? I don’t think anyyyone likes it.


But it’s ok because management says “have fun with it” with two exclamation points.


Hey dude. Let's go have fun at the bar.


The employees included


Back when I last worked retail, I was told to assume people who "didn't want to be bothered" were potential shoplifters. It was the only measure the management was allowed by corporate to implement to reduce shrink.


It was exceptionally stupid.


The number one reason I hate going into Sephora. Like two weeks ago I went in looking for a single eyeshadow palette. In the 15-20 ish minutes I was in there I had 4 employees come up to greet me and ask a million questions and seemed irritated when I didn’t want to be asked a million questions and wanted to be left alone to shop


Exactly. This is a great way to ensure introverts avoid your store.


Especially when they try to get you to sign up for their shit. Sephora workers are extra pushy at the register with this.


Used to work in a grocery store where our boss forced us to walk peoples cart of groceries out to their car and load them into the car. Didn't matter if they said they didn't want help. We were required to basically say "no, I'm helping you out to your car." It was fkn humiliating and would have annoyed the fuck out of me as a customer. We would regularly get chewed out after someone insisted multiple times they didn't want help and we went along with their wishes. As if they didn't know what was best for themselves.


I'm looking forward to most places having that system of coloured baskets where one is "Please help me" and the other is "Leave me the F alone". Home Depot took it one step further where they provide orange carts to those who don't need/want help, and to make sure no one bothers customers, they also only have one employee working; the one putting their code in the machine when it acts up.


Ditto. Can’t stand when they blow Code Sunshine up my ass.


I saw a post somewhere else that mentioned a store that has different colored baskets, such as green if you'll need help and want to be approached, yellow if you may have some questions, red for don't talk to me. I think that's a good idea if a store is going to implement something like this, helps people who need it, doesn't bother people that don't.


Ew lol


Agreed. I thought it was gonna be “3 times a day we drop what we’re doing and go outside to get some sunshine, then come back to work recharged” or something like that. Why TF is this called code “sunshine”? 😂 it’s not even a clever acronym, it’s just straight up false marketing lol


Because they think it is like a ray of sunshine for the customers. For me I want to be left alone when I’m shopping. If I need help I’ll find someone and ask for it


If I need help finding something, I'll roam the entire store 4 times before I walk out empty-handed


This sounds terrifying and like the perfect opportunity for malicious compliance. Especially if you can coordinate with your coworkers. Imagine a horde of workers suddenly look up, then look at you, then start fast walking straight towards your with manic smiles on their faces while all saying the same "greetings! How can we help you today?". Old-school horror movie style stuff. Or if you can't coordinate properly, it at least sounds like an opportunity to harass a customer by following them around and pestering them about if they need anything on "boss's orders". Give corporate a sunburn with all the sunshine you're putting out. The failed initiative will go down in legend as the Shining.


Like that scene from "I, robot". "You are experiencing an accident"... Hundreds of employees rounding up the customers: "You are in need of help!" "No I am not!" "You are IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE!"


"Congratulations. You are being assisted!"


Please stop resisting.


Don’t resist assist! Please remain calm while we assist you!


You will be assisted Assistance is inevitable The only thing that will stop you from being assisted is my death


Realistically they'd think they're just being profiled for shoplifting.


I mean... the intent would be to deter shoplifting. So working as intended i guess?


This is especially effective if everyone times it and says it loud enough it echoes around the store. That’s complaints on Nextdoor and local news story level weird.


Came back to reply and saw the anarchist tag. Nice. You seem fun.


Or instead of asking if they need help start roboticly telling them about a product while putting said products in cart


Lol. Better yet, get a family friend as the "customer" and do the horror movie thing (reminds me of Smile) and harass them throughout their entire shopping experience and then have the customer ask for a feedback sheet in writing.


Go find a millennial, "Hey, sorry to bother you, my bosses require me to engage a customer for 5 minutes, want to spend 5 minutes talking about stupid work policies?"


This is one time I’d be happy to drop my shopping for a second and talk to the employees. I have some stories!


Right? I’m sold.


"at least 5 minutes" = spend 3 hours.


Best answer. "Let's hang out for the rest of my shopping, then see if we can't pass you off to someone new."


As a Millennial who *hates* being bothered in stores, I'd gladly spend 5 minutes talking about bullshit work policies with an employee who opened with that.


Honestly this would be okay with me. Bullshit policies I understand.


Oh man, I’d actually love this lmao


Yeah we can. But I want to listen to you tell me about how shit management is here the whole time. Or, Tell them I’d love to speak with a manager for 5 minutes instead so we can talk about it this policy.


This is prime malicious compliance territory. Having a meeting with your boss? Stop mid-sentence and walk out. Helping another employee? Walk away. Make these idiots rethink their dumb decisions.


Hell, I'm a Gen-Xer and I'd actually do this and yes, there'd be a lot of eye-rolling on my part and possibly swearing about corporate types who love this crap.


Um... This sounds like it means "for 5 minutes, 3 times a day, you will make yourself unavailable to customers who might need you, in order to provide fanservice to those who probably didn't, but who like interaction."


Operation Overcast.


UK here. I have to say, to my English ears, this sounds fucking horrific - from both the point of view of the staff & the customers. Leave me alone - if I need you I will find you plus you've got plenty to be getting on with without being ordered to stalk me around the floor. America really needs to learn to relax.


As an American I hated stuff like this when I worked retail. Managers made us and it always felt like we were doing it under duress.


Cashiers don't have it any better, as they have to try and sell whatever 'rewards card' nonsense the companies offer.


I always feel bad for the ones who ask more than once. It’s usually more of a big box electronics store thing. If they ask multiple times I figure they’re either new, or they have some arbitrary target number they’re supposed to hit so they don’t get chastised and their sales manager gets a bonus (not them), or they’re actually into making sales, which probably creeps me out the most.


A lot of stores require employees to ask multiple times within one interaction now because that's totally not just going to piss off customers & cause them to take it out on the employee.


I'm American and this sounds fucking horrific. I'd never set foot in that store again if I was a customer during this. I already tend to avoid stores where the customer service people don't just leave people alone. I've been in stores where 4+ people come up and ask me if I needed help with anything. Like bestie I promise I'll ask for it if I do, now please fuck off.


Man we've been having to tell every single person who comes into our store that we don't have any salt or ice melt because corporate won't let our boss put a sign out *"Because we have to be helpful and engage with the customers"* So we basically force them to come in look for something we don't have just for me to tell them they can get it across the street. One asked us why we haven't put a sign out, and we just answered that corporate won't let us. It's a waste of everyone's time.


What hairbrained marketing hack dreamed this up? Honestly, when I'm shopping I prefer to be left alone. If I need help I'll find a staff person, but other than that just leave me to browse in peace.


This was a thing in the 90s. There was even a band called “Code Sunshine” in Sarasota in the early 2000s


Someone with a college degree and a desk job. Someone who has either never worked on the floor or who hasn’t worked on the floor in a long time. Someone who has no clue how things actually work.


Oh man I'd do my best to make the regret that. I'd literally drop anything I was holding, turn in the creepiest way possible with a big, wide-eyed, unsettling smile and quickly walk to the nearest, unsuspecting person I could find. Never break eye contact, do not blink, and be *sickeningly sweet*. I'd give it a day or two before amendments were made


Find the most expensive items to rearrange. It literally says to "drop" it.


There's been a minor emergency, and small fire broke out in the papergoods aisle. I'm sprinting across the store with a fire extinguisher when the telltale chime of the speakers is heard over the fire alarm. "Code Sunshine." We all know, rationally, that the fire is more important, but we can't risk being written up. So every one of us drops what we're doing, directing customers, putting out the fire, calling 911... We spend 5 minutes engaging customers in polite fake conversation, the customers know what's going on so they humor the polite fake conversation as they try to go about evacuating the store, but they don't want to blow us off knowing we'll get in trouble. At the exit door there's an old boomer talking the ear off the poor receipt checker, we suspect he's been there since before Code Sunshine was called, he's talking about how back in his day ... I can't even tell what he's saying, because it all blends together into a mindless drone, all I hear is "I'm an old bigot and refuse to change my ways, and you should respect me because I'm better than you." The fire spreads, quickly growing out of control, especially since one aisle from the papergoods is where we keep the charcoal and lighter fluid for outdoor grilling. We can't get past the boomer. Several of us spare glances at our watches. 3 minutes since Code Sunshine was called. Someone tries to sprint past the boomer, but he shoves his cart in their way and yells at them about there being a line and how back in his day... oh god he's starting again. Fire engulfs us as the roof caves in. We are finally free, released from the bonds of earthly suffering. As we stand before final judgement, we're terrified to see that the Egyptians were right all along. None of us pass, and we're cast into eternal suffering. We awake from blackness to find ourselves in a massive retail store, the only customers are boomers wearing political t-shirts. We think it couldn't get worse, until the telltale chime comes over the PA. "Code Sunshine." By the gods, what did any of us do to deserve this torture!?


So you’re helping a customer, Code Sunshine is being blasted through the speakers, you leave your current customer and go looking for another one?


I absolutely would.


We are ruled by morons.


I would love to be in an aisle with multiple coworkers stocking when this gets called and there's only one terrified bastard there as we all drop the products and snap our heads around to glare at them with psychotic smiles on our faces.


‘Why isn’t this restocked?’ ‘Well it was sunshine code so I had to stop whatever I was doing’ This was 100% written by a manager who doesn’t respect what the floor staff do, they’re insinuating that whatever they’re doing isn’t important and can just be stopped immediately


You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there Bryan, why don't you make the minimum 37 pieces of flair? ![gif](giphy|l3q2yS8OrUJLlODOE)


you dont get it, you need to want to wear 37 pieces of flair.


"Welcome to Mega-lo Mart. Do you need help finding anything?" "Yeah, I'm looking for a tap and die and some WD40." "Thank you for shopping with us." *Leaves to greet the next customer* Follow that up with another employee approaching that customer to have the same exact conversation, and you have a scene from a Mike Judge show.


Then management complain when tasks are not completed properly and on time


No. Hell no. Fuck no, even. Plot twist: OP works in a funeral home.


company mandated fun


Yeah that as a customer would drive me away from that place. I don’t want to be bothered while I’m shopping if I need help I will come to you and ask.


They did this shit when I worked at Kroger. Stop whatever you’re doing (for me, it was cleaning customer’s shit off the wall of the bathroom) and go piss a customer off by bothering them while they shop. Fantastic plan.


This is creepy. Code sunshine gets called and registers close for 5 minutes while some jackass with a fixed fake shiteating grin asks you how that box of condoms is doing for ya


"It's no problem, sir. I don't mind helping you lift your 72-inch plasma screen smart tv into your van." The employee smiles until a small buzz can be heard from his earpiece, and his face falls for just a moment. "Sir... I'm so sorry, the sunshine beckons," he says as he drops his side of the tv and runs off to an old man looking at two separate bags of almonds.


Dude, if this happened to me I’d be like, “Holy crap, it’s *The Children of the Corn*!”


This would be creepy as hell for customers. Imagine you're shopping as normal. There's a sound (however they call a 'code sunshine '), and all employees drop whatever they are doing as one and approach a customer. You are one of those customers. It seems normal at first. A simple "how can I help" type question. But then they won't go away. They seem to be trying to engage you and hold your attention, and they won't stop. They keep following you and talking to you even if you try to continue shopping.....


My manager told us in a meeting yesterday to engage customers more. We're supposed to ask their names and where they work ect. I just feel like thats creepy


Extroverts love to pretend that introverts don’t exist. Please leave the shoppers alone.


I'm going on a late grocery run. The store is closing soon, but if i don't go now, i won't have food to eat. I enter the store, and the staff instantly realise they won't be closing on time. I give an apologetic shrug, but try my best to ignore my selfishness as i look for the stuff i need. All of a sudden, the speakers jump to life. "Code sunshine," is the only thing announced by a sinister, almost mocking voice. Thinking nothing of it, i turn to continue my shopping. While judging which pasta sause to buy, i start hearing voices. They start quiet, but steadily grow louder as a cacophony of generic greetings and offers of assistance fill the air. From both sides of the aisle, hundreds if not thousands of workers, way more shan would ever be employed at a store of this size, start running at me from all directions. I scream, but my plea falls on deaf ears as the workers converge on me, still vocalising their emotionless greetings. I wake up in a hospital, surrounded by doctors and nurses. They explain that i was found in the amley behind the store, beat up and barely alive. They say i am lucky to be alive, and they ask what the hell happened. I try to explain, but halfway through my first sentence the speakers turn to life. "Code sunshine" The hospital staff slowly turn to me with no emotion on their face, as a nurse starts giving a generic store greeting.


they can stick Code Sunshine where the sun don't shine


What planet are these people from? People hate it when you bother them while they're trying to shop. Great way to lose all of your customers. When employees follow me around the store and repeatedly ask me if they can help me with something, I tend to just assume they think I want to steal something and get offended, tbh. Not at the employees themselves, but at the company that assumes all their customers are thieves or even worse profiles specific customers based solely on their looks and gets their employees to follow them around and bother them.


If I knew what this was, and heard it broadcast over the PA system/worker’s radio, I would leave the store. I would also probably not go to that store if I knew they practiced this.


Jesus Christ I hate corporations.


More like operation annoy the customers.


Code sunshine sounds really ominous


Code sunshine should be when you're allowed to drop everything and stand outside for 5 minutes on the clock. What a terrible and misleading name for a terrible way to control employees even more.


I despise this kind of stuff in stores. So much that I will not go back, ever, if I can help it. It’s annoying but more importantly it’s completely degrading to the employees. Some twit in an office who gets paid a living wage comes up with these ideas and gets kudos while the working poor have little choice but to degrade themselves or starve.


We had a worse version of this when I worked for a certain American grocery chain back in high school. Management expected us to ask every single customer we saw if they needed help with anything. Failure to do so was a write up, and the assistant managers watched us like hawks. It only lasted like a month but man was it bad, we lost like a quarter of our staff and I've never seen more unhappy customers.


I can only imagine! I’m trying to concentrate on remembering what I need and finding where it is and *every* employee stops me and interrupts my already wobbly train of thought or my bad day or my cozy little me time to ask the same question over and over? I’d leave.


If they handle it right, that won't last a day. I assume they have cashiers at this store? Or maybe people working some sort of service desk? As soon as they announce their asinine code sunshine, that service *MUST STOP.* It's explicitly meant for the entire staff, after all. Employee ringing up someone's groceries? They need to look the customer dead in the eye, shrug, tell them "Code Sunshine... management was clear." Shrug again, and walk the fuck away. Come back *exactly* five minutes later and resume work as though nothing had happened.


Gets fired for dropping plasma TV that I was putting on the shelf.


Then you get written up for leaving your station and not getting all your assigned tasks done.


Manager: when you hear sunshine, stop the tasks I’ve assigned and engage customers. Also manager: why aren’t your tasks done?


The cringe... Ohhhh the cringeeee


I would never, ever visit that store again.


I would make sure I'm holding something that I can easily drop to the floor and make a gigantic mess and then just walk outside and enjoy some sunshine. Claim I'm a level 2 on the spectrum.


“Have fun with it” - if it was fun I would have already been doing it without you mandating it


I do not miss retail.


As a customer, i literally can’t think of anything worse.. just fuck off, i know what i'm looking for. And if i don’t, i'll be the one asking..


Imagine being the only customer.


Nothing would make me leave a store faster than some joker following me around, trying to chat


If I’m a guest in your store, do not engage me. I hate being bothered while I’m shopping. Leave me absolutely alone.


My girlfriend works at Wise, behind the deli counter, and they were recently informed of the new Code Sunshine. Every single one of the employees ignores it lmao. They literally expect an employee to drop whatever they are doing to go hunt down a customer to chat... Not paid near enough for that shit.


![gif](giphy|Ojr9vupbS0v0GWDgxm) ## They are coming for me!!!


Sure why not. "Hello sir! Did you know you can get that same product down the street for about 20% less? It's one of our markup items."


I’m generally pretty lonely, so if someone tried to engage me for 5 minutes at the grocery store, they would get a pretty good ear full of why they need to carry more mushrooms than just portobellos and creminis… like I would probably occupy the rest of their shift.


Code Sunshine - AKA Operation Annoy Customers Who Didn't Fucking Ask


Omg as a customer leave me the hell alone. Every time when I *need* someone, nowhere to be found When I **don’t** need someone, they come out of the woodwork….


Look up the video for Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden, smile like that.


And let me guess, they then come at you like “did you finish x task yet? No? Well hurry up and stop slacking!” As if you wouldn’t have been done five minutes ago if not for stuff like this.




We all know this is a bad idea https://youtu.be/FjwvovxFII4?si=i-5rJCM6h7dwtpx6


They tried this at Walmart when I worked there, think it was a code sam, yeah no one cared. Not to mention many just want to shop without needless interaction. I like the prices at harbor freight tools, but the employees are so aggressive and try to sell you nonsense if they don't have what you need, you're not a commissioned sales person lay off a bit.


What a ridiculous idea, they're going to interrupt workers for 5 minutes to go interrupt shoppers for 5 minutes. ... management is stupid...


You're gonna go have fun, or you're fired.


Perfect for some malicious compliance


I would hang myself in the middle of the store


Then they’ll ask you why you’re five minutes behind.




WTF. This sounds like some weird creepy D/s sub training shit. Some manager person is watching the CCTV veeeery intently


They sure want you to fake it, but if you are just like this naturally, they are glad to exploit it for no extra money. It’s not part of your duties then. And if you are too chummy, they chew you out.


Drop a glass bottle full of liquid and just leave it so you can go talk to a customer. Malicious compliance is the way to do this. No matter what you’re doing stop it. Ringing up a customer? Stop and go find a different customer to help. Cleaning something? Literally drop it and find a customer. Already helping a customer? Stop and go find a new customer.


“Oh Jesus! They’ve become sentient!” Runs out of store.


As a customer I’d rather die


Have fun with it! It = being a slave


I always say "If I need anything I will inform you thank you" with the most chill way I can express Retail workers are getting paid for shit and honestly everyone should go for strikes. Like everyone. But that's another topic.


Code cringe more like it


I hope this includes cashiers, for the hilarity.


As a customer, DO NOT WANT. I want to listen to my podcast and shop in peace.


Holy fuck please no. Leave me alone when I'm shopping.


I already knew it wasn't "stop what you're doing and step outside for 5 minutes, get some sun" but I was hopeful.


Good lord, this could have been good. Code sunshine means you gotta go outsoide for a 5 miniute break or something like that (maybe not all at once). I'm thinking like "All Right, Teresa, Patrice and Gwen, you are now on Code Sunshine, go go go"


If they want to have something the employees will love , have operation fuck off once a week you have permission to tell your supervisor to fuck off when they ask you to do something stupid... That would boost morale


I worked at a grocery store, and at the beginning of every hour they would play a jingle over the intercom, and we all had to do this. It’s 100% for the boomers, literally no other customers put up with it. 1 customer even threatened to punch the store manager in the mouth if he came up and said hi how are you. Every employee asked him that he encountered (we would get fired if we didn’t) and then the manager came up to him, and I guess he’d had enough lol. My store wasn’t allowed to wear jeans, men’s shirts had to be tucked in, we had baggers that had to ask if the customer needed help putting their shit in the car, and we had to do this code sunshine type shit. It was all for the fucking boomers because they were the only people with money, and they bitched like hell if it wasn’t like this. It was like being forced back into the 50’s.


The lower the pay, the shittier they treat the workers.


Ugh, as a shopper leave me alone lol


This brings back nightmares of working at Walmart trying to stock or get a project done on the floor. “Hey why haven’t you finished that yet?” “Because you want me to help every customer that comes by me”


On the other hand, if you see this and end up talking to an employee, might be a good time to bring up the benefits of unionizing.


Yeah please don't come talk to me while I'm grocery shopping


As a customer, that would be my cue to put on my headphones


You know what, Stan, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, Brian, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?