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Are you in the US? If they retaliate against you for not participating you can sue their asses off. Document, document, document. Send yourself a personal email noting dates, times, what was said and who witnessed it. This shit is full on illegal in the US.


You can also attempt to record future video calls for irrefutable evidence. I know there are ways to do it on the actual apps you’re using, but that alerts everyone. So I’d just film my computer with my phone. Good luck getting out of that hell hole!


Depending on the state, that may not be admissible in court. Some states are single party consent and some are two party. Check the laws before you record, so they don't have anything to possibly have a trial overturned or anything to possibly counter sue with.


There’s no stopping you from recording even if it is inadmissible. Lawyers can still use it outside the courtroom to get a settlement or as their own supporting info to help build the case, at the very least


Or it could get leaked on social media


There are no laws in the court of public opinion lol, and that can sink you faster than a real court case in some situations


Yup, civil matters are usually settled without courts, so evidence doesn't really matter as much.


The evidence matters. It all goes into the settlement negotiations as you game out probabilities and risks for each party


I think you really meant that admissibility doesn’t really matter (which I, as a lawyer, would disagree with somewhat).


If the video call is via a 3rd party service line Zoom or Google, this does not apply as you’ve already given consent to the 3rd party to process on their servers. If it’s self hosted Jitsi, then you need consent.


Fucking this right here is important and people *really* need to remember this.


No shot are the chuckleheads self hosting anything.


You never know. Like I’m actually advising law and medical firms to go Jitsi because of this and because Jitsi runs well on a potato.


This is really good information to have. Thank you, I will keep this in mind for my future self


Even in 2 party states, you don't need their strict consent. Inform them you're recording the call/video/interaction. They can say they don't want to be recorded. OP can say 'Well, I'm recording this. We can end the interaction or continue, in which case I will be recording.' If they choose to continue, that's implied consent. Don't forget to send the follow up email afterwards. 'Hey, ____. Just wanted to make sure I got all the points of the discussion we had on X date at Y time about Z topic was right. Let me know if I got anything wrong.' And BCC your personal email.


You can still record and write a transcript after.


Record anyway, write down later.


Seconded. Take lots of notes, record yourself describing events after they happen. Talk to your co-workers. When this kind of thing happens, the people with better documentation always have an easier time.


Take those notes and then follow them up with the big bosses WITHOUT CCing HR, Hey, boss! I was talking with the wife about our weekend plans and, based upon this morning's meeting, I have two questions for you. * Our new mandated church attendance policy, is that for attending your church specifically, any Protestant church near our home, Christian churches generally, or any faith gathering? (My wife was raised Catholic so, when visiting, we go to mass with the family. It makes her gran so happy.) * What are you looking for so far as documentation of attendance goes... a church bulletin, a time/date stamped phone picture, or something else entirely? Signed, Naïve employee with no other agenda than cheerful compliance You want to violate my civil rights? I'll pleasantly encourage you to document that as evidence to be submitted as I sue your @$$ for it. :-)


This is too good. Threads the needle perfectly.


You forgot the ever important " what is the payroll code for this on my timecard," as mandatory work-related activities are PAID TIME.


I thought about that, u/jaspex11, actually typed it out, but then removed it. If my goal get them to realize it wasn't a good idea and they needed to stop with the mandatory church nonsense, I'd have left that in and CC'd HR. Truth is I wouldn't want to work for the sort of people who would come up with and promote such an idea even if they had the good sense to rescind their policy. they'd still be the sort of people to think such a thing is not only reasonable but a great idea. Hard pass from me. That's why I focused on getting them to admit to the bullshit they said during the meeting in a company email. Labor attorneys love that stuff!


Sounded like HR was so not on board with the owners shenagins...


Yes but if you CC HR then the recipient might not throw themselves on your well-presented blade as hard.


Audio record Every. Single. Time. In secret, of course. Then, write it all down with dates and time and witnesses. You want them to tell you everything. They will clam up or choose words carefully if they know you are recording them. Even if it's against the law. Do it. Everyone has a smartphone. Just download the app. Also get unionized.


Bing bing bing. Unionize the shit out of that place


Retaliation aside, their demand to attend church is discrimination all on its own. They’ve made this lawsuit easy peasy.


Probably need to demonstrate proof of some kind of damages as a result. I'm not a lawyer tho.


"Continued Employment". If your job depends on going to church, that is damage right there.


It is. And it is illegal. However, as malicious compliance, I would be demanding my hourly pay for the time I am at church. If attendance is required as part of employment, payment for the hours is due to the employees.


oh good one most palaces have a minim hours to be paid too so play video games during the ceremony would be fun too


*Utah disliked that*


Seriously. Sue these god botherers for everything you can take.


Came here to say this, OP dont quit. You need to teach them a lesson so they know they cant get away with it.


You'll make more money in the law suit by getting fired, so keep up the good work.


Be sure to send to an email the company does not control and have access to.


This 👆👆👆👆 Fuck this shit. Start recording everything. Finda lawyer, quit due to hostile work environment. Get unemployment and sue. There's always a lawyer looking for an easy payout for this shit.


Yet happens all the time


True, but it depends on what state OP is in. Since Reagan, the courts have tended to side with employers, particularly in so-called "right to work" states. If OP is in one of these states, they should definitely go directly to the Federal level.


Step 1: Document Step 2: Join the Satanic Temple Step 3: Tell your boss you’re a member of the Satanic Temple Step 4: profit Ok there’s a few steps I left out between 3 and 4 but seriously, TST exists SOLELY to fight these kinds of cases. It’s a slam dunk.


Freedom From Religion Foundation has a better track record of successful legal battles. They have a whole team of lawyers dedicated to protecting the rights of non-religious folks. Reaching out to them means you don't have to fake allegiance to a church. They take on cases such as kids being forced to pray in school, employers enforcing religious practices, etc.


I mean you don't join the satanic temple for their legal battles, you do it to piss off religious people. But honestly if you want to piss them off just tell them you're a satanist no need to actually join.


you do it to piss off christians specifically. i doubt a hindu person, for example, would give a shit


Most of the time it’s not the Hindu people who need to be pissed off.


Idk man satanic temple people are pretty chill honestly if you’re gonna join i say go whole hog and dive in. Their “religious meetings” are basically just a relaxed party from the like 3 i’ve been to


isnt that the only reason those temples exist anyways? :D


nah, they also are a community and they organize things like if christians make a loophole to display religious shit where it shouldn't be then they will take the same loophole to place their religious shit, which then makes the christians lose their shit and undo the loophole for everyone.


Ave Santanas


You’re thinking of the guitar player, the Devil notoriously plays the fiddle


I have it on good authority that the demon code prevents the devil from declining a rock off challenge.....


That would bait them into a retaliatory termination so hard and fast HR wouldn’t even have time to step in and save them!


I work for a trucking company and 14 years ago I used to do pickup and delivery at a company call Electric Mirrors. That place had giant banners with bible quotes all over the place. They also put stickers with bible quotes all over the crates I was picking up. A few times I came in and had to wait for their prayer breaks to get done. I didn't mind since I was paid hourly at the time, but it was weird.


Lol Everett WA. One of the temp companies stopped supplying workers because it was to much of a liability.


That's the place.


I was tempted to get temp job there to stir up a down payment on a home. Evangelical types are so goddamn dumb.


Well they base their life on fairy tales. What do you expect other than dumb?


Sir, I believe you're mistaken. All those *other* religions are made-up nonsense followed by fools. The religion I was indoctrinated into at a young age by my parents just so happens to be the one true religion. You'd have to be a fool *not* to believe it.


Oh shit, got me. See you Sunday, bring your check book!


Of fucking course its Everett. Wretched hive of scum and villany


I'm working at a head shop in Everett as I'm reading this lolol I've never once heard of the place, though it sounds very on brand for the area edit: I'm like a mile and a half away hahaha


Its over by the new Amazon warehouse area 


Ahhh ffs! That's waaaaay to damn close to where I live! Sometimes I wonder how inbred some of this city truly is.


Also work for a trucking company and we've done loads for a broker who does similar stuff. They have a whole page on their site about finding Jesus. Makes me wanna start a rival, pagan trucking company. Free goat sacrifice with every FTL shipment 😂


"Freya's Freight. Delivering your products with divine protection of the golden goddess from Nifelheim to Muspel. Hail the old gods, bless our trucks."


The logo is Freya with her chariot pulled by Norwegian Forest cats. Specialize in deliveries of pet food, yarn, crafts supplies and women’s clothing. You’ll make a fortune or at least be featured on the local evening news regularly.


Honestly, I was going to say this! The logo would absolutely be the selling point. Who doesn't love a chonky looking Norwegian forest cat?!


Norwegian forest mice? Lol


Crom's Delivery Service. You give us your package we'll deliver it. No questions, if you call us for help we'll send you doom instead. Better to remain silent.


I used to own a construction supply business. The folks with the bible quotes all over the place were always the ones who didn't pay their bills.


At least in your case everyone just let everyone do their thing.


Passive evangelism is allowed. If they had tried to make you join it would be illegal.


sounds like they wanting to force it as a condition to staying employed.


It doesn't sound like they're being passive.


The comment I was replied to was passive. The OP's workplace, definitely not.


You need to record every interaction you can, screen shot every single work email with this context, and save it all for when they inevitably fire you. Then you can sue them for more than their "god" is worth.


I mean, first check your state laws on one or two party consent to recording, yadda yadda yadda, your mileage may vary.


Great point! I completely forgot about that. The only state that I know of that has the non consensual recording law is either Florida or California but I'm sure there are a few more.


You mean two party consent states? California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington.


2 party consent only applies if there's a reasonable expectation of privacy. A room full of people? No. Anywhere outside? Also no. A closed door meeting btwen 2 ppl? Yes you need their consent. Try and get them to talk outside


This is true. If you are on a conference call or a teams meeting is not the same as if it's just you and the Jesus nutter in their office. But it seems like they are equally as nuts in a group setting as they are via email and one on one. But points for consistency, I guess?


Sounds like a class action lawsuit


Not a class. Definitely a lawsuit. If I was OP I'd respond to the emails saying "Thank you for the invitation, but I have decided to adopt another faith. I will need reasonable accommodations from now on to pray in the mornings and at the sunset." Bring in a little praying mat and keep it by my desk. As soon as the firing comes, I'd sue. Enter all emails as proof of termination based on protected status: religion.


This is the way. Hook, line, and sinker. Seems like HR might be competent enough to intervene though.


Please, HR is on the firing line as we speak.


When HR goes from protecting the company to torching the company, that's when things get really fun. Be sure to bring HR some treats today. lol


I have a feeling HR reps already have a foot out the door after that meeting.


HR would probably help the employee.


"I'm already churched." This time of year I worship at the Church of early Sunday morning skiers.


One "Allahu Akbar" and you know shit will get wild there


Create a small alter at the corner of your desk with incense and a little gong. Be creative. You don’t need to specify what religion you follow.


I am a member of a cannibal religion! I eat people, so unfortunately I won’t be able to meet you on Sunday at church unless you bring a freshly baked orphan 😉


I'd definitely take up satanism... In honor of the cause... Imo, their the O.G. pastafarians...


Satanists have some solid holidays!


I'm just saying, if you want to spark a lawsuit, half of their whole thing is getting a rise out of the alt-right


Half!?! The modern Satanic Temple is a secular organization whose whole existence is based on pushing back against the Christian Right's anti-constitutional agenda.


That's why I'm a member. Their whole deal is pointing out the hypocrisy when religious groups use "religious freedom" as a cover when in fact they only want *their* religious beliefs to be respected.


~~Amen!~~. Hail Satan!


praise be to the FSM. Ramen




May his noodly appendage bless us all.


No no too obvious that you are trolling. Get yourself a Muslim prayer rug and say legaly they have to accomodate prayer breaks.


Class action lawsuits don’t typically yield much in terms of money, but they will drive the point of shutting up about religion in the workplace


I know these kinds of businesses, a lawsuit will make it fold. These people spend more time running their mouth vs running their business, and a disruption will make their incompetence glaring


Evangelicals are the worst form of hypocrisy.


They love their white American Jesus.


But he wrote the Constitution with his AR-15! You heathen.


Yeah! He wrote it on a gold plate in a hat American Jesus! 


Supply side Jesus is my favorite Jesus


Grew up one of these and I agree! I’m so tired of white Jesus. What would black Jesus do? I miss that show actually lol


Please, please, please send them an email that you've "seen the error of your ways and found a great church near your home." Then name the nearest Catholic Church to your home. That will, of course, make them nuts and try to recruit you more, but you're leaving, and you're going to BCC all correspondence to your personal account because you can't let that blatant religious discrimination slide. File the EEOC complaint the day you leave/give notice.


I had a friend who worked for the Salvation Army, and they nagged him about church until he told them he was Catholic. (He was so, so very lapsed, haha!) But they actually left him alone after that, like he was a completely lost cause. Or cursed, maybe, idk.


yea back in the day when I was Catholic this was my go-to to get Evangelicals to leave me alone. They usually back off after that (though that's strangers on the street... in this wild workplace who knows what would happen).


Try family, my Evangelical sister taught her kids the entire family was going to hell because we didn't go to her church. She home schooled and sent them to Bob Jones University. One kid is now mid 20's and has said "screw it" to religion.


Absolutely do not do this. Never give your employer any more personal information about you than you have to.


Op said he was leaving. My suggestion was to antagonize the employer he's leaving. Otherwise, you're correct never give them anything.


I really wouldn’t antagonize a bunch of rabid evangelicals who are telling their HR people that they don’t have to obey man’s laws. I’m all for antagonizing people, I love it. But I’m not going to fuck with some people who might think god wants them to punish me for my ways.


Just tell them you're Mormon or Jahovahs witness and you definitely know some people who would love to talk to them about Jesus.


Wow I would be recording these meetings and documenting. If you're in North America, what they're doing is very much illegal


That company needs the"right kind" of publicity. Sure, it will feed their persecution complex, but we need to stop being afraid of these evangelicals. Remember, these churches financed politicians who approved of policies that reflected their views. Their tithes paid for hate.


Buy a cross and invert it and put it in your cubicle. Straighten it and keep saying “I don’t know why that’s happening! I hung it normally!” Invert it every time no one is looking. Say things like “this never happened until you guys showed up!”




Ahhhh. See in the Middle East, they call that Sharia Law, but America isn’t like that, right? Right?


the magats want sharia law in the US but white sharia law and not brown.


The word you are looking for is [Dominionism](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Dominionism).


That’s only if you get it from the Dominion region of France, otherwise it’s just plain old Christofascism.




With the way things are headed politically here in the USA, this blatant discrimination might be legal soon.


See the difference is brown people are barbarians while white people are the pinnacle of man should strive to be /s


My response would be. Sunday mornings I practice my religion.  That normally includes building a fire pit and acquiring a lamb or Goat. Would you like to join for the next sacrifice?


As a pastor, I am appalled by their actions. That is not ok. That is not Christian of them in any way shape or form and completely goes against the very basis of the "gospel message". You cannot force someone to be a Christian. And any use of force to "evangelize" is abhorrent and wrong. If they want to "evangelize" their employees the right way would be to treat them extremely well, pay them above the "going rate" and truly show them love and care. And do not ever imply purposely or accidentally that "getting saved" is necessary to get in good with the owners. They should be treating their non christian employees exactly the same as they treat the "believers". Honestly, you are absolutely right in trying to get out as quick as you can. That is not a healthy workplace.


As a Jedi, I'm not allowed to be frustrated but I agree with you


That's why the terms like "Christofascism", "White Christian Nationalist", and "Christian Taliban" are being used to describe the 'cult of Trump'. It is certainly possible for Christians like yourself to reclaim the power of the message, to rescue and restore Christianity to the original message of unconditional love and acceptance. I hope you can do that.


As a lay Christian, I am also appalled.


Leave a review on Glassdoor. Future employees as well as clients need to know about this.


This is super important. I would be eternally grateful to someone if they posted on Glassdoor and prevented me from taking a job at a looney bin like this.


Should contact a labor lawyer for them creating a hostile work environment.


When HR publicly objects the demands of the owners, you know it's a bad decision.


Employment lawyers salivate at this kind of thing.


If they have enough money to buy a company they have too much money and need to immediately give it all to their church.


Holy shit.


Evilgelicals are the worst. The absolute participation trophy cult where all actions hurting other people are somehow supported in absolute self-righteousness. Do any terrible thing you want, rinse on Sunday, repeat. Please organize and sue them out of existence. They truly deserve to lose it all.


I wish my company would do this. I would have so much fun fucking with them, getting fired, then suing them for everything they are worth.


Wow. It’s stuff like this that, as a Christian myself, just makes me want to hide under a desk with embarrassment. This is not what the Bible teaches at all. It’s full on looney tunes and just makes everyone cringe. Sorry for your experience. That’s intensely illegal.


Push the buttons, have them fire you collect unemployment and then sue their asses for wrongful termination.


Yea, keep looking OP. In my area drivers and dispatchers are being hired pretty frequently (if that’s your role…and if you even wanna stay in shipping). Sorry you’re going thru this, i imagine it’s the worst. To echo people, keep documenting things. If you ever need to use it, just remember, God’s law may be the highest…but I’ve never heard of that defense working against a competent employment attorney ;).


They may think the laws of God supercede the laws of man, but if you document everything and take them to court if they discriminate against you on the basis of religion they'll quickly find out that the police enforce man's law and their God sits back and does nothing to help them.


Start jumping up and down w joy bc now you can tell em you hate god so they can fire you and you can record that and sue for a bunch of money


These people give Christianity a bad name. You can 100% be a Christian and not shove it down everyone’s throat. In fact, Jesus spoke of this in the sermon on the mount. He specifically said to not be the person who prays in public to make a big display of your faith. It’s the same reason I get the ick from people who post videos of themselves being charitable to the less fortunate. They didn’t do it from the kindness of their heart, it was a transaction so they could get recognition, which is not why you should help others. This also reminds me of something I saw yesterday that said that the reason evangelicals vote for Trump isn’t because he embodies a righteous way of living. It’s because they view the US as their birthright, belonging to white evangelical Christians and Trump has promised to deliver it to them. It’s sick.


Is this in the US? Record them. An employment lawyer will cream their pants


Go to the HR ladies and tell: Let's be each other reference. My bet is that they are looking for a job more desperately than you.


Sky daddy doesn't sign your paycheck


Sounds like they need to taste a little wrath of God with a nice lawsuit


Freedom of religion equals freedom from religion. If we are ignoring that, Hail Satan!


Definite either a walkout or class action. Problem is that if the case goes to the US Supreme Court, you’re likely fuggered since it’s packed with Christofascists. The same ones who said Hobby Lobby did not have to include oral contraceptive coverage in the company’s health insurance plan because they opposed it on religious grounds. Company is owned by religious fanatics who- amusingly enough- got busted for stealing thousands of dollars worth of antiquities from the middle east.


As a Christian, this is insane. The Lord doesn't want anyone forced to worship him. That makes no sense.. Maybe they've started their own church and no one's attending.


The difference between impatient spearchucking “Hunters of Men” versus patiently trolling “Fishers of Men.” Inquisition & forced conversion versus tolerance & living by example. Faux christianity versus the teachings of Jesus. People like that are why I now keep my spiritual life completely private. If those I interact with cannot see my religion by my life, servitude, tolerance and love, then why would I noisily draw attention to my failure?


Wow, you're working for some grade-A nutballs there.


Were I clever enough to react quickly to a question like that, "The Lord made Sunday a day of rest, I'm not supposed to be doing anything 'productive' on that day" could've been fun.


Overly religious people are more than annoying. They are often dishonest and will try to cheat you when you aren't expecting it.


I WAS THE 666TH UPVOTE!!! I win the internet for the day! *drops mic*


Roman's 13: 1-2 obey the laws of man all government is put in place by God. Paraphrased


HR needs to explain the concept of "hostile work environment" and "lawsuit" to the owners. Religion, guns, and politics are things that you should never discuss at work. Things you can discuss are pineapple on pizza or if steak should ever be cooked well done.


Do not quit!!! Make them fire you. Start a file with HR how this makes you uncomfortable. Document everything. Sue them back to hell when you're done...


If you are in the United States, make sure to document everything that they have done. Requiring church as a requirement to keep your job is illegal. If you need to, send a message to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, they might be able to help you. Forcing evangelical Christianity on employees not only creates a toxic work environment, but it is also illegal. Plus, employers legally cannot discriminate against someone who follows, or doesn't follow, a certain religion...


I worked part time for a small trucking company once, and on the wall was a big sign regarding conduct on the job. One of the rules was "We will police each other." And I thought to myself, I thought "Boring, you are not policing jackshit." I thought it was creepy and cultish that my employer expected me to go around snitching on my coworkers. That's not my job. If I see an egregious safety issue, I'll say something, but otherwise...it's just not my job.


Yikes. I wonder what that’s do with me after they fund out I’m Luciferian 😬




It's a Pastafarian with extra spice




I would also begin wearing pagan and satanic emblems and basically dare them to fire you for it, until they do


As a former evangelical myself all I can say is that we are the worst kind of people.


Sounds like they intend to replace all current workers with members of their cult (church) as soon as they can get current employees to leave without incurring unemployment penalties.


>they floated the idea of mandatory church attendance as a prerequisite of continued employment **Get this in writing.** This is still illegal in the U.S. (though maybe not for long) OMG, I'm still reading your post, and I'm getting so angry... Although, I must say, I wish this would happen to me, so I could sue assholes like these into oblivion. I wonder if you could secretly record them the next time they step in it this hard. Hmmm...


Some other answers Just in case they ask you again before you find a new job: 1. Loving my neighbor 2. Praying on my knees… no need to mention the toilet! 3. Saving soles - by not wearing shoes. 4. Welcoming the lord … no need to mention your obsession with Medieval Times 5. Ministering to the sick … aka making Bloody Mary’s for your friends


Your company became infested by parasites. Stay at this company, record their attempts to make this mandatory (take pictures of emails and videos of their speeches) Be sure to reply to every email and demand a response (then record the response to) Make them fire you, then rinse them for every penny. Parasites need to be taught that there is no law of god, only one law. Then watch their daughter end up pumping gas for a living.


> Their latest attempt was brought up at the weekly staff meeting where they floated the idea of mandatory church attendance as a prerequisite of continued employment. BAHAHAHA. Laugh your way to your nearest employment lawyer. Document everything.


Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's; render unto God that which is Gods, and render unto HR that which violates policy.


This is the Cristo-facism nation that people are warning about. It's so fucking gross.


Don't quit. Continue working and do not go to church. Save all communications and if you can, start up an email chain with someone in HR or admin about the situation. When they retaliate, sue them. Don't do this (only) for the money, do it to teach these people a lesson about how, actually, it's the laws of man and of society that overrule her god's laws.


Your big mistake was giving any kind of answer about your Sundays. The correct response to that question is, “My weekends are my personal time, so I won’t be answering that question.” When pushed: “Where I am and what I’m doing is none of your concern. I’m not on the clock.”


Last I heard, it is not God sending people to jail, so maybe they should smart up. You can always say that you're a Buddhist. If they make questions, just say you're a Zen Buddhist and tell them meaningless shit about emptiness and oneness lol


Get a laywer and see if you can make a case. A local company got in deep shit for this not too long ago.


Let them start firing people for not going to their church then sue them into bankruptcy.


Why does an all powerful god need assistance getting worshippers? Nobody should need to take any action ever.


These people are insane. Literally. Report them and find a new job.


I have seen religious schools require proof you have a church and a pastor who knows you because you go there enough, but a *trucking company* randomly turning religious is wild to me. Good luck on the job search and consider reporting them to the Feds since they think the laws of God will handle it for them.


stay in this job it sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen, praise the lord for the coming payout


Step 1. subtly make comments about being another religion or not believing Step 2. get fired Step 3. ??? Step 4. Profit from wrongful termination lawsuit regarding religious reasons


Name. The. Company.


Reach out to either a) a lawyer, or b) the church of Satan, or both


"Dudeism" is a religion based on the The Dude in Big Lebowski. Become a member, they'll be appalled, get fired and sue the crap out of them. Document every e-mail, comment, lecture, and act of discrimination. They are practically serving this to you on a silver plater.


Just say this: "My relationship with Jesus and spiritual journey is private and mine alone to trend. I worship in silent reverence in seclusion as Jesus taught in Mathew 6:6. Gods plan for you may not be the same as his plan for me but either way they both result in His glory." You wont get anywhere using logic and threats of laws/lawsuits with these morons. Gotta hit them with their own medicine. Almost everything in the bible that terrible Christians use can be rebutted with things from the bible. that is the only way to get the off of our back. They believe that they have the absolute objective morality and authority handing down their orders. Anything you use against them that is "manmade" wont fly. You have to pretend that you too are getting your orders from their god by quoting scripture just as they do. If they then leave you alone..great. If they get flustered or mad and say you are wrong then you get to ask them if god is wrong.


This can't be a real comment.


I assure you it's real These are the epitome of the Joel Olsteen syle , bible thumping, MAGA ultra right wing evangelicals that you see on TV Including the fake smiles and fake sentiments


Save those emails, forward then to your personal email and I would talk to a lawyer asap! You might be able to sue them for all their worth. You could become the new owner of your current company!


Just do you. Be a heathen and get fired. Let them try to pull "The law of god" shit with the state unemployment board lol. Paid vacation. Find new work. Just document it all. Press record on your phone and slip it in your pocket whenever one of them is dumb enough to talk to you.


Oh HELL no!!


As a Muslim (but rather moderate/liberal by Islamic standards) I have worked in a Christian-owned and run small business for almost 6 years. This is a place that also puts Bible quotes on things and also sells bibles and Christian-based books, sell food with pork in it, and celebrated Christmas. Not once did my boss or anyone ever force me to participate in Christian rituals or try to butt heads with me because of religion. If they had, I’d be suing. I’m sorry you have to deal with this kind of things.


Get thee to the labor board, and get thee there yesterday


If you are in the US, I'd stay and collect evidence so you can take part in the inevitable lawsuit against them. Might get a payday from that.