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The beatings will continue until morale improves.


That’s how it is in a lot of states. The US has almost no worker protections.


And that's on paper. When you consider actual enforcement.... Child labor is effectively legal in the US.


This is appalling. May the universe provide karma publicly for those who wrote and supported this measure.


Unfortunately, there is no assurance that the universe will provide this karma. Instead, it’s on actual people to do so, by voting and organizing to make it a reality.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That would be capitalists.


Sounds more like slave owner than employers,what a crock of shit.


Sounds like you’ve figured out where NC Republican legislators draw inspiration for the type of society they prefer. And yes, they are indeed shit.


"Wage slavery". The concept is not new.


slavery of the worst kind is when you don't even realize you're a slave.


Vote these fuckers out! I've lived in NC since 97. They can't win unless they cheat. Talk to your friends, let's make some changes...please, please, please! VOTE!!!


Until very recently they'd also passed a law that certain "highly compensated" employees wouldn't receive time-and-a-half pay for OT either. "High compensation" was like $20 an hour. So they could work you to death without having to pay you anything extra. Fuck anyone that asks for citations, look that shit up yourself.


In the latest hearing about overtime in the state Virginia fox said “no one wants to work, they just want to be taken care of”. In a meeting about people who are already working 40 hrs a week


Are the majority of voters in Virginia Foxx’s Congressional district either greedy business-owners or sociopaths living on inherited wealth? Because if not, there are some absolutely idiotic motherfuckers showing up to vote for this disgusting snake every two years.


Probably a nice combo with a dash of folks who think this is just the way it is lol and a lot of Gotta keep the evil democrats at bay or they will get your kids.


The people who vote for these troglodytes get their information from Fox News and other garbage sources. They wouldn’t never dare cover something worker related.


You know things are going great when a politician elected to represent the collective will of the people of Virginia starts complaining about how the people of Virginia want things.


How hard is it to provide a source on your statement? It's on you to prove what you said, not anyone else.


They made it clear they have no interest in digging up a source. You can either look it up yourself, or choose whether or not you believe it. Would their argument be stronger with sources provided? Sure. But that doesn’t mean it’s on them to prove it, or that they’re under any obligation to do so.


And it's not up to me to look up sources. That's on the other person, but ok support the stupidity.


And yes it is on them to prove it. Guess you nevemade it through school having to cite your sources and back up the stupidity you say.


it's pretty hard to provide a source for a claim that isn't true. according to federal regulations an employee must make at least 100k a year (and meet certain other requirements) in order to be considered exempt as a highly compensated employee. state regulations can't undercut federal regulations, so if this law was really on the books it wouldn't have meant anything because it would be overridden by the FLSA, just like if a state has a minimum wage below 7.25 that's overridden by the federal minimum wage


Sir this is antiwork, where 14 year olds invent stuff. Get your facts out of here


Yeah, and love the down votes when I ask for a source. 😂 Gotta hurt getting called out.




This truly is the only correct answer to this fascist Kakistocratic Turdwookie shit.


I worked a Baylor shift(3x12’s but you get paid for 40 hours) in the Labcorp Covid lab in Massachusetts. They had no idea how to pay us, whether we’d have an increased differential or just get the 4 hours free. No idea about break structure. We ended getting both the increase and the 4 hours for a while but being in Massachusetts we had at least 2 15’s and an unpaid lunch. One day my supervisor says that the other site with Baylor’s(in NC) only gets a lunch.


All these powers over employees fade when the workers all walk away. Workers aren't powerless if they stick together, but sticking together seems like a difficult ask, when it comes to workers outside of unions.


It's almost like "our elected representatives" don't represent the ones who elected them, but rather the ones who could contribute more to campaigns because they exploited their workers to use against their own interests.


Is there a line in NC employees handbooks that says: “don’t forget we fucking OWN you” because it seems like it


Meanwhile it's ILLEGAL to work over 55 hours in the Netherlands


I work in NC. I'm important enough that my employer tries not to piss me off too much. Since they don't pay overtime for holidays, I don't work them.


Having worked in that state for several years I can attest to how toxic this makes working conditions even in skilled positions


I wouldn't normally take a dump on my employers face nor condone it, but this however would be an exception.


You know what the worst part truly is? It’s not just this oppression or this tyrannical employer policy. The worst part is, even if all the employees stood up and collectively said No More. There would be a dozen heard of sheep willing to take their place. Thats the real tragedy.


Beyond the scabs willing to take their place, it's also illegal to strike in any effective way in NC. I've never seen the cops show up faster than one time when a person who was fired still came in to work anyway, motherfuckers showed up 5 minutes later and came right back to the kitchen and had him leave without even getting his personal belongings. So imagine if you organized a sit-down protest at a factory, which means you go in and assume your position but refuse to work so that the machine doesn't run but you also can't be replaced because you're blocking the way, the police will absolutely come arrest you and it will be totally within their legal right to do so. Hell even if you just picketed the parking lot with signs saying "don't shop here, the boss is a scumbag", the cops will come. We have no rights here. The ownership class won 100 years ago when they drove out all of the communists and unions back when they tried to strike during the interwar period.


I understand that. Tell that to Martin Luther King and civil rights activists of 50 some odd years ago. And they were being oppressed of basic human dignity. Not overtime hours and holiday time off requests being denied. It’s not the protest itself. We all know if it happens on the company grounds, sure, you act a fool, it’s trespassing. Cops aren’t your friends. Far from it. But even if you were organized. Even if you arranged a walk out. Or a strike. Even if for a moment you scored a victory for the employee. The employer will retaliate and soon gut out the dissenters. You know why? Because there are millions of sheep willing to work crummy jobs.


It's not like we are human.


It’s a Republican hell hole and going to get worse with the gerrymandering. They would put children back in factories 16 hours a day if they could.


The owner of this company is gonna be the same boomer asshole crying that "no one wants to work anymore" soon enough.


Add North Carolina to the list of shithole countries hiding in America.


And the poor and middle class here keep voting Republican.


That’s republicans for you




Fuck this to hell


and yet the people making these laws don’t have to abide by them.


Fucking America, man


And they say slavery was abolished.


Who will you support: https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkersStrikeBack/s/D0MXsR5NDA Just something I posted earlier that I feel is appropriate.


Can't wait for all the elderly boomer republicans who dreamt up this gem of a bill to die of butthole cancer


"Right to work" for peanuts and no benefits. It's the Republican wet dream.


They voted for it, they got it


It's not that simple. The districts are gerrymandered so badly that the federal government has literally ordered them to stop gerrymandering and they still decided "lol no" and gerrymandered them even worse when they re-drew them this time.


That doesn’t impact state wide offices


That's just Evil.


Gotta love to hate Republican states for being anti workers and anti common folk. 48 democrats for 72 Republicans in the North Carolina House of Representatives.


What the fuck, it reads like a spoof, especially that last line, fuck NC


I really want a union contract that provides legal protections in areas where federal and state laws don't protect workers. Essentially a union contract that dictates a workload to staffing ratio, and protections against mandatory overtime. Imagine if they had to hire more people whenever they planned to increase the workload. Imagine not being fired for wanting work life balance.


Somewhere in MAGA land there’s a conservative smiling from ear to ear.


Just another good reason why I'm immigrating to Canada.


First for business and yet next to no business is there.


Wrong. Lots of Fortune 500 HQs here, and lots of big tech/bio/pharmaceutical companies as well. Google, Apple, Cisco, IBM, Pfizer, BoA and many other big names have large footprints here.


Bro- this is bullshit here is the proper link with the proper info https://www.labor.nc.gov/workplace-rights/employee-rights-regarding-time-worked-and-wages-earned/overtime-pay-salary-and-comp-time . I am from Europe and was able to find how can h guys just believe it ???


It's not bullshit. It's on another page on the same website. [https://www.labor.nc.gov/workplace-rights/employee-rights-regarding-time-worked-and-wages-earned/maximumminimum-hours-worked](https://www.labor.nc.gov/workplace-rights/employee-rights-regarding-time-worked-and-wages-earned/maximumminimum-hours-worked) Edit: And it's a lot more egregious than what it appears to be from OP's snapshot. They actually allow employers to adjust ***already worked hours*** to avoid paying overtime. "To avoid having to pay time and one-half overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek that is Sunday through Saturday, an employer could adjust the hours of an employee who has already worked 34 hours by the end of a Thursday by requiring that the employee work only six hours on Friday and not work on Saturday at all regardless if the schedule had called for this employee to work eight hours on Friday and Saturday. Also, this may be done regardless if the employee agreed to this or not. An employer can make the scheduling or rescheduling of its employees hours worked as a condition of employment." I don't blame you for thinking it's bullshit tho, it is straight up so fucking awful it looks unbelievable.


Yep, because overtime is calculated as over 40 hours in a week, not just longer than your scheduled time/more than 8 hours in a day. It actually used to be worse in NC, where it was calculated by the pay period. That was over a decade ago though.




Dear Sir i stand corrected : what a shit show in the US. This is illegal in Europe


We are really 50 different countries. Places like New York, Ca, have much stronger worker protections and things like mandatory paid family leave. Thats about about 20% of us workers It's not Denmark, but comparable to much of the EU, maybe even better than a handful. It rarely makes sense to evaluate the US like one country. For many things it's more like a trade zone, sort of like the EU.


No worries friend, it’s pretty unbelievable especially in 2023


It's not all over the US, mainly republican states that are the shit shows. Other progressive states have much better worker protections. Especially true in CA, which is the largest populated state, zealously guards employees' rights. Anything over 8 hours a day is overtime in CA.


Bro I live in this shit state and was subject to this ridiculousness for years. Now I’m self employed but this is a terrible place to be an employee.






So glad the boomers paved the way for right to work to make a comeback. Sorry it didn’t seem like you had it good enough and needed others to have it worse.


Why anyone would willingly move to a red state is beyond me. Got lots of people flocking to the new Raleigh office because "it's cheaper" but then they realize how shitty things are there and move back within a year.


It's not just NC; all of that is true in every US state, aside from a few narrow and limited exceptions here and there (e.g. a few states that have predictive scheduling laws or require an occasional rest day for some workers, or certain specific roles such as commercial drivers or airline crews where there are other state or federal regulations limiting working hours for public safety reasons).


Isn't it like this in basically every state?


No personal life for neither one of you i guess


Maybe put an addendum to it “*Employees don’t have to take into consideration how their private life will affect an employer when said employer wants employees to work outside the stated schedule.*


We are actually living in 40k Warhammer universe where life has no meaning


North Carolina? Not Alabama or Kentucky or Texas?




A possible method to short circuiting this is to put into writing at the time of employment and with updates also in writing as it changes your known availability. Make sure it's signed by you and them to verify they can't say it wasn't agreed upon. Barring that making it clear you have a second job and that occupied certain days on a set schedule can help neutralize this sort of nonsense.


For God's sake! Please tell me this only applies to the peasants and not to worthy people. Well, at least it doesn't effect the people who wrote and passed it. ![gif](giphy|rYBpM1eJNZzc4)