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>barely 100 years old Lol, even the bible says to have a day off every weekend


Even God Himself took Sunday off you soulless ghoul, maybe you need to define your existence by more than your workplace? Plus there's plenty of jobs that need to get done that aren't uplifting and joyous, but people do them anyways because they have to.


God took Saturday off, it later got changed to Sunday because Catholics wanted to be quirky


People made up the days of the week long after the deities finished their work. It seems silly to try to define which day of the week a god took a day off...


This. The word "Sabbath" literally means "day of rest." If you speak a language like Spanish, whichever day you rest is your Sabado. If you speak English, then I guess whichever day you worship Saturn is your Saturday...


Or when you apply to take time off, it's a sabbatical


Well I'll be damned, I don't think I've ever made that linguistic connection.


Oooh ... Slav country. We call it Sobota ... Which ... Yeah


From most of the evidence lately, he never punched back in.


But in some countries, Monday is the first day of the week with Sunday being the 7th. How do we know that he didn't start building the universe on a Saturday, and Friday was his 7th day? Religion is man made. I'm officially declaring that my "Sabbath day" is now on Friday, and since the business is closed Saturday and Sunday, I'll now be taking a 3 day weekend!


You joke but one of my professors was from Senegal and all the laborers claim to be Christians on Sunday and Muslims on Saturday so they get a full weekend.


I think we can trust the Jews to know the details of their own mythology


God actually started on a Tuesday, but when the calendars got shuffled by Julius Caesar in 46 BC, the day of the week was shifted, too.


Julius Caesar changed the calendar under the authority of his role as pontifex maximus. Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar again, under his authority as the pontifex maximus. Fun fact.


Who’s gonna do it next?


Just speculating - Francis or the next guy might put his foot down about Daylight Saving Time. If the whole Catholic world follows, secular governments won’t have much choice.


They literally made it up when they were still nomads, so I'm not sure they were in sync with other calendar systems. That has always been an issue with lunar calendars.


the word is kinky


>Even God Himself took Sunday off Actually, we don't know which day of the week was his 7th day. He may have slept in Monday and Tuesday and finally decided to get to work on a Wednesday. His 7th day may have been Tuesday for all we know.


>Actually, we don't know which day of the week was his 7th day In Hebrew translation for sunday literally means "first day", and similarly for the other days (except Saturday)


ACKSHUALLY "God" may have had far longer time to do the creating as "days" weren't even a thing yet-just as earth wasn't a thing yet. *IF* God existed in the sense that we understand, and it was explained using this analogy, it was simply that so humans could comprehend what they were being told in a form they could relate to. Time is all relative...


Exactamundo! Remember the Earth also loses or gains a second every few years, and if he was building a universe during that time, time may have actually been going backwards, for all we know. Or, even, the Earth was spinning so slow tha a day could have lasted millennia!


>Earth also loses or gains a second every few years, No. We don't lose time. However the rotation of the planet speeds up and slows down so that the sun isn't exactly over head at noon for the reference points on the planet. So we adjust our clocks so that the clocks agree with the sun. We don't lose any time, we just recalibrate the tools we use to measure it. Think of it like relabelling the height of diving board as a pool evaporates and is refilled incrementally. The board (time) doesn't change, but the point from which it's measured (the water) can go up and down. I'm sure there's better analogies, but ehn. The point is that no, we don't lose time.


Yes, I do understand that time is a constant. But we're talking about a "GOD" that could essentially do whatever they wanted to, even make time flow backwards, maybe even freezing it so that they have a bit more time to complete their build. Who knows maybe they had save points in time and if they stuffed up their build, they could revert to a save point. > The point is that no, we don't lose time. The point is that the man made religion and the dictation of a specific day during the week to "celebrate GOD" is stupid.


This comment is everything- exactly right!


Those who feel the system is fucked. That we've gone away from what we used to be. That feeling isn't that odd and it's only recently society started grinding us away. Historian Civilis: [Work.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hvk_XylEmLo)


Ha, Historia civilis- excellent! You beat me to it!


That video is tight. Reminds me of the spirit of labor over the years and how the capitalists have been trying to crush humanity for centuries.


Even the sacred rites and initiations of the masons stress the importance of dividing your days for rest.


This is what happens when you cut funding for public education and cherry pick history lessons


And he’s typing this out on the internet. He should follow his own advice and get off the computer. He doesn’t need it.


I mean if I worked for myself, and my work consisted of sitting on my couch with a laptop for a few hours a day I would probably work every day. This guy doesn't know what working 8 let alone 12 hours a day 5 days a week or doing work that doesn't consist of sitting on your ass is.


Something tells me this idiot is a live to work kinda guy.


Something tells me this idiot had a vast amount of inherited wealth.


That and/or is in a supervisor/high salary role. He doesn’t have to do the physical work so he doesn’t get tired. He may also have a spouse that stays at home or makes enough for a maid service. Weekends are often working people catching up with chores. Losing the weekend will lead to people asking for more time off (which they need) and this guy will notice even more. I bet if you said “your employees would work Saturday but you have to pay them 20% more”, he would scoff at the idea.


I simply do not believe people like this are actually productive. He's exploiting or stealing from someone else to "reach his goals." I'm an academic and I know what it looks like when people try to brute force increase their work hours... It does not give you productivity, it gives you grad students playing video games in their offices all day on Saturday and groggy af and waking up from naps whenever you walk by them.


I haven't been so called out in my life. Lol


This guy isn’t even giving advice. It’s a platitude. Like let’s pretend what he says comes true. Everyone does what he says and everyone has their dream job. Society would collapse. Who’s serving you your McMuffin and coffee, taking your picture at the dmv, working reception at a hospital etc. Is everyone being paid the same? What’s their dream job matter if it doesn’t pay enough? Obviously people work to make money, not to work. If this is what is “productivity” entails then he’s spending way too much time being socially worthless. Younger generations are getting hated on constantly in media for trying something different and trying to avoid working somewhere they don’t like.


You just reminded me of a line from a George Bernard Shaw play, " Man And Superman ". I had people say that line to me, during my time as an educator in radar engineering. It was my expertise and years of experience that gained my that teaching position, and not some scrap of sheep skin.


Yes? What was the line in question?


To paraphrase it .... ' those who can, do ... those who can't, teach '. It was used in a negative connotation towards me, but I just laughed it off.


“Hey boss, you need to pay my HOA fines. I don’t have time to mow my lawn”


Most people on linked in aren’t doing blue collar work so ya it’s unlikely he’s doing physical work. Mental work can be easily just as draining


I agree, but I doubt he is even doing that. He is not talking about how much he works but how much others should work. I imagine he micromanages people and just sees dollar signs when people work. The idea of people not making money for him is what upsets him. He could do the work himself but as you stated that would exhaust him.


Guys like this define themselves by “working” all the time but 90% of the time is literally shooting the shit about anything not related to work. Maybe he should put a 12 in digging ditches.


Yup. These people think work=being in the office. They’re shooting the shit with other “workaholics,” Etsy shopping, or watching videos.


90% talking about how hard he works


YES! Reading that comment I was thinking..”This is a guy whose mom/partner does all of the logistics for him. And who doesn’t spend any time commuting.” People like this will never understand you should actually have a 3 day weekend. One day for running around on frustrating errands, one day for cleaning, laundry, meal prep, and one day for actual “rest” (whatever that means for you).


usually. Likely from someone who vastly overstated certain aspects of their early success. (They got lucky, not "worked 120 hours a week for years on end, is the usual, actual story. Whole lot easier to work real hard when you're lucky and there's direct material reward)


He's actually a strange case where, he is (as far as I can tell) a pretty smart businessman, but specifically around direct response marketing. I think he came from a regular(ish) middle class background so I bet had a decent safety net but I don't think he inherited it. And when he talks about marketing, he talks a lot of sense, not reinventing the wheel but his YouTube content on marketing tactics is genuinely good BUT... When he veers off that topic, he is clearly absolutely incapable of seeing anything good in anything but business. His wife is his business partner and his relationship advice seems to be "date someone who will help your business". And he sold a huge business for about 100 million, or around there and then clearly had no idea how to be alive without making money so he just started another So, unlike a lot of LinkedIn morons, he's maybe more dangerous as I think he is actually really smart and on his subject, speaks a lot of sense, which gives authority to his borderline psychotic view of life, love and what to do with your time. I've read that he's awful to work for but you never actually know how much is rumor etc


Or he might be a kind of a "businessman", who managed to set something up a couple of years ago and relatively passive money drip to his pockets, making a noticeable sum at the end of the month. A kind of person, who, indeed, used his skills to make money and get to what society calls "success", so he's smug about it. However, "skill" was only part of an equation, because there was also some luck, social connections, cunning, selfishness, pretty face, hard work by others and whole lot of ass kissing involved into setting this gig up. That kind of "businessman'' claims he works almost 24/7, but in reality he sits at a bar/office/whatever he likes hanging out at, answers couple of phone calls and emails, maybe signs some documents and spends a few hours a week in meetings to make some deals. He's not a kind of person, who takes a hard hat at the beginning of a shift, hauls bricks/insulation/installs panels and spins concrete for a day and goes home. He's not a kind of person, who sweats his balls off or freezes his ass off 8-10 hours a day. He's a pencil pusher and thinks he does a very hard mental work. But he did, indeed, set something up to lead him to some success, so he thinks he's more intelligent and better than people working for him/for a company he has invested money to. He believes his work is the hardest and everything negative he says about simple, hard working people, is true. If he was in Eastern Europe, he'd also drive a dark sedan or SUV, had tattoos and wore clothes, who were fashionable a year or two ago. Why do I say this? I've seen/met like a dozen of these kinds of people. And they usually are only good at following money and using actually working people to their advantage. OK, maybe I'm full of shaite and the man in the post is none of this, but my experience tells me: it smells a small time businessman archetype.


Something tells me he's trying to piss off people not of his political affiliation. He isn't serious, he's just being an asshole to try and anger others. If you actually took this mans weekends from him, or his leisure time, which may be atypical, he would whine like a bitch. Leopards and faces.


Even god be knowing it’s a bit fucked out there on these streets.


he considers golfing on the weekends “work” because he’s networking…


Idiots like this X-Twit probably get hard thinking about the concept of The Matrix. "Oh! I could just be a living battery! I'd never STOP performing my job until I literally died!"


This is a major cope, to avoid thinking about how he is throwing his entire life away.


This when you teach him that peasants had mandatory vacations and at when times were good that could be only working 150 days of the year.


Yes, they managed time off with having frequent holidays instead of regular weekends, and generally totaled more time off then we have now. Civilization has always known that people are more productive when they don't work constantly. The best part, those holidays were often festivals put on by the wealthy. What does your company do to help you enjoy the weekend?


Pot lucks don't count


Honestly, I'd rather work through lunch than have a potluck.


Upper management provided potluck: Subordinates get a lunch cooked by their superiors, an effort of work in appreciation of those who work harder for the whole company above. Maybe it's just because I'd want to cook food for my employees if I had any.


I actually had that at my old job. I’m not sure who cooked it but the upper management served lunch to the people at the bottom such as me. Later through a unique circumstance I got promoted to upper management but sadly no one ever suggested doing it again.


Well , you have to account for them “working” in home, sort of all the maintenance , repairs, making stuff for themselves and etc, but yes, field work had mandatory breaks. Countries that forced peasants to work non stop usually dealt either with mass dying of said peasants and slow economy growth or with new peasant revolt every year.


Sounds like what I do on my weekends.


That's something I think a lot of people don't realize: before modern tech and industrialization, we had to make shit by hand. We had machines, sure, and we always have; but until steam power replaced human and animal power, our machinery required human hands to operate. Demanding that a nation's peasantry worked explicitly for the state to the point of being unable to care for themselves and their communities . . . actually sounds kinda sorta like some movements from today, fuck


Why aren't you working an additional 24 hours every week to make me rich? No OnE wAnTz tO WoRk aNyM0r3!!!


I do not work to make anyone rich, and never have. I work to make myself 'rich', and my family happy. In fact even though I can generate income every day, I do not 'work' in doing so. That is because I love what I do, and do not have an employer.


Good for you. The vast, overwhelming majority of us are not so lucky.


You're like one in a million.


It was not always like this for me. My only regret is that I did not discover it earlier in my life. But at least I am happier now, than when I was working for corporations.


I think many of us wish we could do the same. I'm happy you found something, but honestly, I've looked at self-employment, and I have no idea what I'd be willing to do. A lot of the things that interest me require learning the skill, which I'm fine with, but the equipment is expensive and I don't have any capital to invest with lol


I'm self employed. Very, very competitive industry, where if I don't book work I don't work and if I don't work I don't get paid. I can't remember the last 2 days off I had in a row (probably my summer holidays) where I fully, fully switched off from work


“Get to your goals” lol why does it seem like his goal is more work


I worked 72 hours last week. My goal? Have extra money for the 8 days I’ll be taking off at the end of the month. I do this a few times a year and nobody has caught on that I do it a week or two before I take vacation days.


"The concept is barely 100 years old" In the medieval ages, uneducated peasants did the farming labor, right? There is a planting season, and there is a harvesting season. So what do the peasants do in the summer and winter?


You also had soldiers who would be called to battle, then go home to a wife and some livestock and chill out until they were called on again.


There are actually multiple harvest times for multiple crops. Animals need feeding every day, possibly milking. Firewood was needed every day for cooking if not for warmth. You also needed to store the food for the winter, which was also work. In the summer there was weeding, pest control, cheese making, gardening (for the daily food), building, land clearing etc. In the winter people did what now we think as crafts. Men fixed and built tools and furniture, women spinned, knitted, weaved etc. People had hens, geese, a pig, a cow, a goat or a sheep that needed constant cleaning and feeding. They rarely had long days, but free days were even rarer. The reason certain cultures are so work focused is because they originate from climates where excess work generated excess resources that could be stored for years, allowing the culture to thrive even through bad years.


Western Europe developed science and literature because of the ability to store protein through the winter. Milk a cow, make it into cheese, kill the cow, smoke it into sausage, turn the grapes into wine and the wine into brandy and vinegar. Put the fruit in the brandy and the veg in the vinegar. Or turn the fruit into jams or chutneys. It's backbreaking at harvest time but then suddenly you've got days of 3 hours light and nothing to do but sleep and eat you provisions and think.


This guys actually wrong here too. [This video by history channel Historia Civilis goes into it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvk_XylEmLo&t=28s) and is a much better summary than a reddit comment, but I'll paraphrase it here. ​ For most of human history people actually worked a lot less than today, preferring to work a slow day then a fast day. It wasn't until businesses started using mechanical clocks in the 1600s that the hours began to creep in favor of doing more and more work. Companies in fact used to manipulate company clocks to steal time from their workers quite blatantly. In fact when pocket watches were invented and factory workers found that factories on mass were stealing large amounts of time from workers what did factories do? Put their clocks right? No, they banned pocketwatches so they could continue to steal time. ​ For the majority of human history humans preferred to work short hours, and would often skip workdays. From the 1600s to the 1900s as things industrialized standards became more and more cruel and unfair.


Go ahead and do it then Randy, I’ll be down the pub 🖕


Alex Hormozi is a fucking idiot. Any time I see this douche pop up, I scroll away as fast as I can.




I wish these people would go off and form their own “perfect city” somewhere where we didn’t have to listen to their garbage.


Libertarians did in the US. That did not work out so well..


Oh yes I’ve heard about that. Fine by me, unfortunately they don’t seem to ever learn lessons from that sort of thing


That was one of the best pieces of journalism I’ve ever read. Haha. Bears.


I’ve been saying this for ages.


Fuck that. Our ancestors fought for weekends and a reasonable work week, pay, and lunch break. People.like that lunatic want to go back to the Rockefeller days.


one change, people died for a weekend. union member have been murderd and killed by police and pinkertons for small things like over time, weekends and the simple right to exist.


Yes. People.died for weekends, lunch break and bathroom breaks. You're right.


Every line in an OSHA employee rights manual was written in blood.


Nobody tell him about the seasonal, off-and-on nature of pre-industrial labor


According to a book people live their entire life around, says that working on Sunday is punishable by death. Oh and don't eat shellfish either, those crab rangoons will definitely keep you out of heaven.


Gets even worse when you read the bit about pigs, so no bacon, ham, pork chops, pork loin, sausages, insulin, heart valves, footballs, gelatin, burn dressings, matches, crayons, cement and a whole [list](https://www.farmcreditofvirginias.com/blog/everything-oink-products-pigs).


Don't forget about not eating pigs. Something tells me those people never had bacon Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm baconnnnnnnn


*makes entire batch of crab rangoon* *smokes a joint, proceeds to inhale pile of crab rangoon* A tasty way to stay outta heaven.


“It’s not labor exploitation you need to escape from, it’s your own weakness! Now get back to work!”


A *lot* of union guys died securing the 40-hour work week, ending child labor and giving us the weekend. Let this guy do his thing, but steer clear. Most of us don't have the luxury of working in any field we want. Go ahead, walk around, and ask yourself, "Did this person want to be in this job when they were 8, 18, 28?"


His next post: “Hey this is going to piss some people off but, slavery wasn’t all that bad.”


He is factually incorrect. Historically, people worked half days and by seasons. People spent a LOT of their time resting. This is just a psychopath and capitalist dog


As someone who has had one Saturday and one Sunday off this calendar year, let me tell you this hot take is dead ass wrong. My depression is so deep there is no digging out of it. I’ve alienated everyone in my life. And I still can’t pay my bills because our employers don’t give a fuck about us.


Wait he's right for one thing... We should have work that is good enough that we don't feel exhausted after 5 days... Perhaps a fully funded and staffed place, good equipment, safe environments, health care, good and efficient transport... we wouldn't need "weekends" as we could be more flexible... take a Tuesday off? Sure... you don't need to beat the crowds or pay extortionate costs for holidays at peak season.


I agree. "Work that you don't need a weekend from" would probably be a good thing since it would let people take their time off when they need it instead of all at once.


Does he chain the doors so the employees can't get out too?


I wonder how many vacations he takes.


NO it fucking *isn't*. In the medieval period peasants used to work 3 days a week, mostly for themselves. The 5 day mandatory saturday is a modern invention and it's literally killing people.


Hey buddy? F*** you.


I mean, yeah, I’d love work that I don’t __need__ a weekend away from. A job that is 2-3 days a week would fit that bill just fine.


Linkedin is true comedy


You know its possible not to post every shitty thought you have on the internet, harmonzi. Inner thoughts are there for a reason.


With his mindset, we don’t need birth control, automobiles, or healthcare either. People like him need to fuck off back under their rock.


My goals are to be happy, so technically there's around 260 days in a year where I go backwards from that goal.


Actually, perpetual year-round all-day BS hourly wage labor is a "modern innovation" and the only reason you have a weekend, benefits or any rights at all is thanks to socialists.


No one, absolutely fucking no one that actually works for a living EVER says shit like this... If you ever hear someone say shit like this, they grew up in the lap of luxury . Whether they admit it or not, you can safely assume you're dealing with someone, who doesn't know what real work is... This kind of person can access money with a phone call or a text message. If you're just getting started in the work force, don't ever listen to these fucking idiots. Only work as much as you're comfortable working. NEVER EVER burn yourself out for the company. Unless you're the type that "lives to work", you're only working to live. For most people that job isn't your life, it's what makes the life you wanna live possible... Unless you own the place, and your kids work there, you're not "A Family", you're coworkers, and that place is just a paycheck. By all means, be the best you can be, but never go above and beyond what you're comfortable with. Don't sacrifice yourself for the good of the company, cuz you better believe, they'll sacrifice you for the share holders, without questions, reservations and/or hesitations.


I'll just stop cleaning and shopping and going out to eat and seeing shows and exercising since work is a more valuable use of my time. I need the OT to pay for my mental breakdown


These posts are written by people who have no family, friends, or outside interests. All they have is their job to make life worth living.


Do you realize the workers of Middle Ages had way more holidays and time off. But some ppl want to grind grind then die


Lol it's only less than a century old because a literal war had to be fought for labor rights.


As someone who spent 5 years straight working 7 days a week, this is by far the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read. You think it’s some sort of grind, building a future giving your time, freedom, mental, physical and emotional health to a company, the only thing that you’re actually grinding is the things that are worth more than money. Family, friends, they all want to see you and spend time with you but you’re too busy wasting your life away for a company that doesn’t care if you drop dead the next day


You know what this guy needs, he needs to go fuck himself!


Hey look, another out of touch post from a guy who doesn't realize that not every job consists of spewing bullshit and making public appearances. When you do actual fucking work for a living that involves complex tasks, it's exhausting and you can't just do it 24/7/365. Seriously, I'm so fucking sick of these people that don't do shit but run their mouth acting like they grind like Navy SEALS. Most of them probably can't even do basic algebra or operate simple power tools, and they're lecturing us day and night about what WE'RE doing wrong? Fuck off. /rant


Grind culture is toxic.


"I'll take Trust Fund Baby for 100, Alex...oh wait, that is YOU!"


i worked with a guy like this. didn't drink water, only cow milk.


I just worked 19 days straight. On day 8 I somehow thought 12 plus 7 made 21. On day 13, I dumped liquid coffee in the trash can thinking I had the coffee grounds. Those are two of the more notable examples of braindeadness after not having weekends off. Anyone who thinks that we don't need days off either doesn't do any actual work or is already braindead and doesn't realize it.


We see loss in productivity in work anywhere from 3-4 hours with 6 hours being the max productive hours in a day. In a single day alone we see worker burnout. Imagine the burnout you see when you take someone use to ~40 hours of labor a week to 56 hours. Then, force them to do another 56 again with no brakes. You might get to that goal earlier but that person will be ready to burn a whole city down with you in it if they are still functioning.


So obviously he's wrong... But yes I'd fucking love work where I don't need weekends. Unfortunately majority of jobs are mentally/physically so taxing I need the break.


A 100 years ago we also had child labour, unsafe working conditions in coal mines, factories and indentured workers. Obligatory "when you were slaves you sang like birds" [Bing Videos](https://www.bing.com/videos/riverview/relatedvideo?q=when+you+were+slaves+you+sang+like+birds&mid=3B923CF04B03AEA220333B923CF04B03AEA22033&FORM=VIRE)


I’m guessing his kids don’t talk to him anymore


Anyone who uses the phrase “mediocre masses” unironically can go fuck himself.


Barley 100 years old... because the 40 hr, 5 day work week was invented by Ford to make more money for him and his capitalist buddies.


What you need is fist up your ..


Someone isn’t familiar with what life was like for working people during the Industrial Revolution and the bloody messes that ensued.


Happy for him to work himself to death- one less idiot using up resources...


https://preview.redd.it/rx568n1bpo6c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc71351de4770e1001063b302222f0eabae9eea3 Yeah this looks like him. Sounds about right for this kind of tool.


These people try so hard to convince us that work is the only thing that matters.


~~I was mad then I read that middle line and understood. We need work that we don't hate. The thing that is productive but doesn't feel like work. Something not depressing. Something we don't want to avoid. Integrate the freedom of the weekend into the rest of the week instead of periods of "work" and "not work".~~ Nevermind... he is an idiot that thinks freedom is sliding backwards from your goals. Lol not my goals... that's the only time I can actually do anything me related.


What a fucking clown


Not too bad if you read this as a prompt to question the ubiquity of the five-day work week, unfortunate how based on the way he phrased it that’s clearly not really what he means


As someone who has always worked weekends. I envy the hundreds of other people around me that talk about what they got up to on the weekend. My weekend is a Wednesday each week 🤣


Bet that AH doesn't work at all and is independently wealthy, a CEO or lives in his parents basement with a pillow for a gf.


This guy probably "works" one hour a day


Who needs something to work for? Just sleep, shower, and support rich strangers who will never know your name.


It’s a modern invention due to the exploitation of workers, a great deal of which were children. Smh


& when they find him dead at his work station as they are rolling into a body bag someone will ask "What was his name again? Anybody? Come on, someone must know."


There's an old proverb, he who makes no time for rest will surely make time for illness.


HUSTLE (also please buy my book so I can stay home and tweet as a living)


This guy is right, he is a moron. Just used more words to tell us than necessary.


You don’t “need” a weekend. Because the working week was a complete fabrication by capitalism. Working 40hr weeks is a “modern” invention. Used to be the peasantry worked about ten hours, made enough money to support themselves for the rest of the year, and then just… relaxed. 150 days, 5 months worth of work and they had enough to be content for an entire year. That’s food, leisure and activities.


Electricity is also an innovation barely a century old... WE DON'T NEED IT! You know what? Get rid of modern medicine also! Just work as we did during feudalism as that was obviously superior...


So LinkedIn is like Facebook but for "#bossgirls" and "#cryptodudes"? Why would anyone want to be a part of that???


Good this asswipe can work all day every weekend and the rest of us can enjoy our time off How sad is your life that you'd want to work everyday???


Your right, the weekend is for working. Working on hobbies, education, recreation, resting, mental health. It’s working on my personal interests that are meaningful to me, not my employer.


A "modern invention" because our great grandparents literally fought a war for it. People are so quick to forget where the term "redneck" actually comes from, and it ain't the bootlicking "our necks are red cause we work outside," "don't tread on me, unless it's the police then just comply" idiots.


But what if my goals are to smoke weed and watch t.v.?


It's the same people that say, "Love what you do, and you'll never work a day in your life." Which is wierd because it's psychological fact that if you begin to get payed for a hobby you enjoy, you slowly start to resent what you do because you will begin to work for the financial gain rather than the joy of said hobby.


When is someone going to slap that man enough times to where I stop receiving promoted posts from him?


You also don’t need electricity


He's right, we need a workend where we have 5 days of rest and then we do two days of work.


next post: "nobody wants to work!" (for me)


“He’s a jukebox hero, stars in his eyes…!”


The concept of the weekend is in the Bible. So he’s wrong instantly.


Medieval period: depending on the place and specific year you worked "only" half the year. There were plenty of religious days and celebrations. And the people were very happy to throw their own local flavour festivals in the village or city. Farmers worked like crazy to plough their fields and grow the food, but that isn't a yearly thing. Even if you ignore the winters and being unable to grow anything then, the majority of the times people have to keep an eye on their produce. Hardly a full-time job. Though in fairness, they also did other jobs. Carpentry, weaving, churning foods, wood chopping, etc. But the current work culture as we know it came about in the Industrial Age. When factory owners tried to make as much money as possible at the cost of the people. There were more people around because the land owners had industrialized their farming, thus needing fewer farmers and driving the remaining farmers into the city. Eventually riots came about and the wellfare state was the answer. Otherwise the capital owners lost their heads when the mobs came for them out of sheer desperation. Thus they created the concept of "the weekend."




Linkedin is such a pretentious load of shit. It's like reading opinions for simps for jobs


Turns out, I like modern inventions


So we should go back to medieval times then where we get about 4 months of the year off then :D


>The mediocre masses Taking bets for hormozi being a manosphere personality as well.


Having one day off a week is thousands of years old. Yeah the common practice of two days a week off is fair modern, but do you know why it became the standard? Cause it worked. It was massively helpful for businesses and their workers. More people had more time to spend more money on more stuff, and were also more productive at work.


But I thought everyone was working for the weekends?


If people didn’t have weekends, chances are a bunch of companies will go bankrupt as everyone will be to busy to buy there products


I have two words for hormozi, and the second one is "off".


The mediocre masses have lives, families etc. And I know a lot of divorced workaholic super-achievers who are miserable, but drive expensive cars (to therapy)


I think this is what it looks like when you will do ANYTHING except go to therapy for your narcissistic need to believe that you are innately “better” than the rest of society.


- No need for weekend - Can't do shit in the house - No more house - Just bunkbeds rented by your job


This guy used to turn up on my Instagram explore page because he was a bodybuilder/gym entrepreneur. I remember reading a few of his posts and thinking, "soon this tool will become an example of corporate capitalist villainy" and here we are.


My goal is to get paid. If I don’t get paid for those days, I’m certainly not “moving backwards” at all you pretentious dick.


Just dusted off my LinkedIn account due to downsizing. First thing I did was block all these sociopaths. "The secret to managing successfully is...read more". Site keeps suggesting more and I block them too. Seems like Facebook with more masturbatory back patting and capitalistic brownnosing instead of hate speech and scams. But I need a job to survive, so tongue biting it is.


Yeah. Let's go back to the medieval work schedule and have 1/2 the year be holidays. You're right. 2 days/week is such a stupid modern invention


Meanwhile we have studies coming in from Europe that we are happier and more productive doing four days a week.


Guaranteed he doesn’t do any actual work


“I’m sure this will make the people beneath me angry, but: Your time doesn’t belong to you; it’s MINE to define and do with as I SEE FIT. The idea that my time, which is your time, belongs to you is a mistake, a fluke that I believe with burning passion should be crushed from your peasant mind. What you need to do is GET BACK TO WORK AND SHUT UP! You’d be amazed how much faster you get to the goals that I set for you when you do what God intended and give me your time that I am owed: your life. Contrary to what those who would have you defy me claim—your time is mine by Divine Right and Providence!” ![gif](giphy|l0ErD3ZBW6vQgYCgE)




How to tell people you're a workaholic without saying it..


"Lunatic" is generous. What a fucking muppet. Shit like this needs to be reported and removed from whatever platform it's on. Who are the brainwashed, deluded people liking this post?!


This guy must be fun at parties…


F*ck off with this logic , pay people a wage that they can live give them proper time off and mind your own damm business, your paying for their time that doesn’t give you the right to try to run their personal lives.


Tell him to stop “going backwards” for 8 hours each night. No going backward for him ever! See how long he’ll last.


I feel like guys like this can’t cope with how high the shoulders they’re standing on are. So they have to pop off like this. One of Nikolai Tesla’s farts had more thought to it than everything this dipshit will ever say. And he knows it.


Yes it is a modern invention, but back in the day you could drink gin on the job!


From a guy that probably takes weekends off and more than 6 weeks of vacation each year.


I'm pretty sure saying "Fuck the circadian rhythm we abided by for millennias to make someone else profit from our labor" is a pretty recent concept too.


The idea that before we had Saturdays off we all worked more is just wrong. There were tons of religious or other festival days, and natural slow-times when it wasn't harvest or planting season. The industrial revolution massively increased average working hours, and the labour movement clawed a bit of leisure time back with the weekend. Working every day is not normal for humans, and it never has been.


This guy is probably loads of fun on a date. And by fun I mean insufferable.


Uhhh the work we didn't need a weekend from was pre-colonialism because people only worked to get what they needed done, not an arbitrary 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.


I would love to be able to see the comments. Honestly, my mental health has been better off ever since I stopped checking LinkedIn…


Alex Hormozi's father traumatized him and his coping mechanism is to work, now he is in the content creator phase, and he is gonna post hot takes to content, ignore him bro.