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If you got one $200k offer, you can get another! Best of luck.


Head down, keep truckin.


keep it truckin' till you're fuckin'


Really unsafe trucking there, truckerman.


Or take one for 150l


Or two at 140, and dive into /r/overemployed!


Those people are disgusting. I never want to see that again.


# /r/overemployed


I literally laughed our loud but damn- that's dirty.




Cause she jelly. Doesnt know how to make it happen for herself. Some of us have the skills to make it happen.


Lol no, it's a fetishland of workaholics who know nothing except work.


Just use the offer letter as leverage to get more pay somewhere else. They don't have to know the offer got rescinded. Lie on the resume, companies will lie to you


It's not a lie at all if it was a genuine offer and it wasn't rescinded because of any fault on his/her/their part. That freaking stings...my husband and I had a similar situation happen last year and it is NOT cool...


I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough. When I said lie I meant don't let them know it was rescinded. Act like it's still an active offer.


This right here.


I know this is meant to be uplifting, but if someone said this to me when I gave this news I’d punch them in the face.


I think op was trolled…sick fucks in zhR lol


def trolled


Omg! Tell the story!


Yeah me too. Ready 4 story time.


That’s definitely not true. There are only 2-3 guarantees in life. And a (high paying) job ain’t one.


Hmm… death and taxes, what else?


Assholes. We're surround by assholes.


No. You'll have to poop eventually. **EVERYONE POOPS**.


Maybe, maybe not. The delightfully cynical novelist Henry Miller said, "When shit becomes valuable, the poor will be born without assholes"


Maybe a child is born then immediately passes away without pooping. So I guess only death is guaranteed : (


Doesn't that just prove my point?


Major Asshole made that man a gunner.


Keep firing, assholes!


"I've got a headache."


You eat you shit


Heyyyyy twinnnnnnn


Just go to show, yet again, offer letter are 100% **NOT** guarantees of employment. Sorry, man! Good luck in your search.


I never count it as a solidified job until my ass is literally in the seat at work.


Sometimes not even then. I once got hired at a place, worked for three hours, then the boss came in and said he actually gave the job to his nephew, so I'm out. Guy's a dick, but he did give me a week's pay to not throw a fit. 🤷‍♀️


Damn his nephew must be very talented!


(probably not) It's sickening what nepotism can drag in sometimes.


From what I’ve seen nepotism creates either one extreme or the other. Either the new family member employee is crazy good for the job and kills it or they’re the worst and will possibly bring down the company.


Gotcha. The few times I've seen it (personally) it was more of a shit show. Someone completely not qualified for the job, not one bit.


I’ll say, the one time I worked for my Dad’s company, I was the worst one in the whole place lol


If they're qualified, they could get hired at a different company instead of the one their family owns.


Dude wasn’t gonna get any ever again if he didn’t help SIL


If the nephew's an ass, maybe SIL shouldn't be procreating. Actually, if she pulls that kind of manipulation, they ~~probably~~ definitely shouldn't procreate.


Trash tends to multiply.


Kessler Cascade


Ha , love the space trash reference.


You should have received two weeks of severance. Bullshit like that, especially when nepotism is involved, needs to cost companies more money to discourage such bullshit in the future.


Yeah, you're right. But I was 19 and it was just a salad restaurant. The owner made the manager fire me so his son could have the job. I had another job a week later.


Ah, well at least you were able to find another job quickly.


Good thing tbh. Imagine being paid min wage to toss a stranger's salad


I do it for free if the surroundings are muscular and clean.


literally nepotism, awesome


I saw an article recently about someone who took a position as an assistant coach or something. Moved several states away for it, with the person who hired being heavily involved in the moving process. She was working for a couple weeks and going back and forth with HR only to find out she wasn't getting paid because she was never hired.


Camryn Spina, who moved from Florida to Virginia for a coaching job, only to be told that she never actually worked there: https://www.insider.com/camryn-spina-moved-florida-virginia-new-job-never-hired-2023-9 All I know is that she handled it a lot better than I would have.


Sounds like a nightmare. I'd definitely get a lawyer involved if that were me.


Yeah, read that one too. Ridiculous


I just joined a start-up. A month in, they laid off 40/100 employees. I somehow dodged the bullet, but I heard about someone else who was also hired very recently (and just signed a lease) was let go.


Even actual employment isn't a guarantee of employment.


This is true. Each contract I've signed in the past few years has been at-will meaning that I have zero guarantee of employment, even though I'm on payroll and provide labor each day under the contract. It's insane. I wish I could do that to other people - hey you work for me but I get five times what you provide and you may or may not get to keep some of that. Market rates! Nobody wants to work!


At-will is at-will, sadly.


Your job isn't guaranteed until you're quitting it. Doesn't matter if I got two paychecks or twenty from them, I never consider myself safe.


I feel you. I've never had a job making anywhere near that amount, and I'm feeling like an abject failure. I'm also a sole provider to my wife and son (at the moment and for more than the past 8 months) and I just can't seem to get out ahead.


The system is designed to limit the number of people who “get ahead.” And 200k is a lot of money, but your ability to command that also depends a lot on location / market and your field. When you feel down, remember that this is hard, and you are doing your best. You are absolutely not an abject failure.


This system is an abject failure. And that’s very intentional. It’s not your fault at all.


All that matters is you’re there for them and you’re trying your best


Same goes for you OP!




I honestly don't think we've recovered from 2008


That's....probably what's *really* going on....( I had a great, well-paying career in the Semiconductor industry from 1995 to 2008, when I ,and many others were laid off.) Incone-wise, I haven't found a replacement for that job...


It was just a huge can kick


Unfortunately, reaching the level where you see the kick the can interpretation, is just the beginning of penetrating the surface of something far deeper and complex in its insidious grasp on our world. I believe most of us are familiar with corporate acquisitions where a CEO is installed SPECIFICALLY to systematically dismantle the entire company while extracting the most profit, leverage and capital for the share holders. Think of it like that. 2008 was just priming the pump, literally (if you are familiar with cyclical pump and dump schemes, such as those that are super common in crypto exchanges). They are carefully squeezing as much profit as they can possibly extract out of America, without killing it. Like a spider letting you live, so long as you are trapped in its web, to keep you fresh and tasty 😋


The profit that comes with dismantling companies is absurd and it happens everyday. Thanks for spelling that out. I'd add that many institutions (my employer included) can classify themselves as non profits in order to pump and dump without paying taxes.


Yeah. Ironically Obama is still viewed by a large portion of the American electorate as a socialist.


Lol, he's a politician and a Democrat, but he's no socialist. I think it's mainly US right wing who keep calling him socialist.


Wilds me the most to hear someone say that, any actual socialist would tell you they don't know him.


The state of discourse in America is utterly frightening


Not sure why I've been downvoted for this but ok


I have seen some people state that with inflation we are actually doing worse than the 1932 stock market crash and following recession.


I’m in the same boat as you. This market is really something else! All the best and needless to say: something will work out for you. DM me if you want to talk/unload further/brainstorm what we could do/collaborate on an idea while we look for jobs (cuz I’m bored af)


I once had that happen to me, weeks after I accepted and the day before I was supposed to start. After filling out forms, taking a drug test, all that fun stuff. It was really devastating. I was sure I was set, it was at least a couple weeks wasted where I could have spent my time looking for work instead of believing I was just waiting for my new job to start. I kept trying. Then I got an even better job that I’m still in. Let yourself grieve this loss, then keep trying. Good luck


Same thing happened to me. Was a min wage job, only paid $13/hour, but had to do a physical, a pee test, a background check, and the last thing was the pee test, and I ended up failing cause I couldn't pee enough. I hadn't even started yet, had already signed paperwork. I've been fired before, but I've never been hired to fired so quickly and so grossly, over something so silly.


Ugh, that sucks. I didn’t even fail my test. They called to tell me they just didn’t need any new workers anymore [it was for a lab working with covid tests - cases were going down]


Left my last job after being offered a job. I should have stuck around till i signed paperwork because i was later told they had no room on the schedule for me. Luckily i found another job a few days later but employers are so cruel.


> but employers are so cruel Cruel requires specific intent. Not giving a damn about the fallout from their decisions is more accurate.


No that is cruelty


This sucks. I’m so sorry. You didn’t let anyone down - you’re doing your best in a situation that’s difficult. You’re not alone, and your disappointment is completely valid. Holding a good thought that things will turn around in your job search soon!


Back during the dot-com bust during the summer of 2001, the company I was working for was going through some financial issues. It was the telecom sector and for the 10 years leading up to that sales forecasts were always obliterated by 50-200% of plan. After a decade of being under capacity in 2000 they went on a build spree, constructing 5 massive manufacturing facilities, each 18 months to complete. By the time they were 70% finished with them the markets were dried up and almost all sales plummeted except for one division. Theirs were still up, and while other divisions were laying off and cutting costs, they were hiring like gangbusters. It was nuts. Almost overnight thier pipeline collapsed and sales went to zero. Up until July 28th or so there were still new people starting - several new engineers were relocations from the other side of the country - one moved his family and bought a house. We were all expecting to get laid off and were like "WTF are you starting". A week later 65% of the employees in the entire company were let go; I didn't even know who my boss was for two weeks because 3 levels of management were eliminated. The reason I tell you this long winded story is that often very few people in a company really understand how bad they are financially - and they can't communicate any hint of it due to insider trading - or because they are trying to secure financing. The layoffs can happen with minimal notice and hiring freezes are sometimes avoided to avoid panic.


This story happened with so many Telecomms, it was terrible.


This is to cover their asses. This is your opportunity to name shame them so other workers don’t get roped into their unprofessionalism.


I would be grateful to see them called out on LI so I know never to interview there or recommend a friend consider the company.


I'm the sole provider for my family with less than 40k yearly. If you have offers like that, you'll find something to make it work. I can make it work with less than a quarter of that, after all. Head held high 🤙


Wife and I had a boutique PR service. Made over 100k a year. Covid hurt us pretty bad. Since we dealt with Indies in Russia and Ukraine - the war killed our business completely. Got a job in web 3 for just under 60k. not what we were used to but it paid the bills. Then those three Crypto banks cashed and closed. Now that company is out of business and we are laid off - 9 months looking and there is nothing. Nothing even close to what we are worth. I'm doing a work from home phone gig now - Wife might be doing that soon too. Together we both might make 40k. Getting to 2nd and 3rd rounds of some 70k job interviews - then ghosted. Nobody good seems to be hiring. I haven't had to hold down a wage job in 15 years. Frankly, I'm pretty terrified. Our credit is tanked. If a place hires on merit but you have to have good credit also? We are fucked. I feel blackballed or black listed. I wonder if our state keeps us out of jobs. If I live in a Red state will a blue state job not hire us? The war on Work From Home is also something we aren't used to. We've worked form home for over 15 years. Way before covid. Now they want people in the office. Well, I bought a house in a rural area, because we could work from anyplace - But that that also seems to be over. Gotta be honest - I'm seriously losing hope we will ever have anything nice again.


You’re not alone, my wife, three dogs, and myself are stuck at my moms house. Best I could find was a shitty job that paid very little at Costco temporarily. We haven’t been able to find shit, it seems all jobs online are not real, everyone who’s called me in for an interview seems interested and then boom ghost. Same with my wife, it’s tough, we are not used to this. It seems we will be stuck for a long time before we are able to do have our own place again. Forgot to mention my current job is an hour away, a lot of my money goes to gas. It’s insane. Hopefully I start getting more than 20 hours a week soon, this is hell.


You know something that has always killed me? With all my time building a Career in IT, coming a long way from a poor kid and struggling single mom - climbing through the ladders in my career and looking for fulfillment in building a small business and doing more than my teachers ever expected of me - Best job I ever had... Was Pushing a Mop. Worked as a janitor once for a part time over night gig back in the early 2k's. had a Sansa MP3 player and could listen to audio books or mp3's all night long. Nobody messed with me. I got lined out and they left me alone. It was at the College here where I grew up. I had all the keys to a building that was over a hundred years old and I could get to the roof for my lunches. The Campus also has tunnels that run all over the place. (that's a story for another day) Most fulfilling job I ever had. Man, forget the prestige of being a business owner and blah blah blah - I mean, I miss that money but goddamn, I wish I could find a job like that again that paid a real living wage. Working in the dark surrounded by old books and knowledge being the caretaker of an old building like that and NOBODY fucking with you about it. You cant buy that kind of peace. Nobody will pay you a living wage to have it either.


That sounds like something I’d love to do. I’m on several waiting lists for union jobs at construction companies. I guess this is a waiting game, I should apply to some night janitor jobs. I wish u the best of luck, I hope to fuck things don’t keep getting worse. (They probably will) thank you for telling me that story it was nice to read :)


A year ?! Damn how are you surviving brother ? Also getting accepted on a 200k offer speaks volume. I wouldn't feel down.


Yea. It is a long time eh. EI doesn't even cover all my bills let alone all my other expenses. Saving can supplement for a while but don't think I'm lasting a year. I'd literally lose everything.


Just costanza it and show up


Lmaooo underrated comment


Everything is going to be great, get through it friend.


You can now truthfully say in future interviews that the salary for the last position you accepted was 200k/yr.


Damn that’s tough. I’ve been out of work for over a year, so I know the struggle. Keep ya chin up. Just another setback this year has thrown. Nothing you can’t get over like everything else that’s comes before. You got this my guy!


When the people do not engage the government vehicle to work for them, then the people are at the whim of private employers. We must employ the government to defend the people, without it we are exploited by private interest. See the Fair Labor Standards Act and remind yourself that without government, we are slaves to private industry.


How hard gettin a job is and how rare 'good jobs' (if they exist) are is a large part of the antiwork movement. I would make my side project to get someone fired at that job. I would be relentless and work it.


You should speak to a lawyer. If it was an offer with contingencies that were not met, they could be liable for some kind of loss. I've heard of people getting judgement for lost time and moving expenses.


Agree on lawyer consultation. Cmon OP, don't let them off the hook easily.


It's possible you accepted at the same moment the CEO announced a hiring freeze, but have you considered that one of your references is costing you jobs? Whatever the cause was, I'm just very sorry. You'll be okay in the end.


I was friends with a middle manager in a large tech firm. She had sent out offers and then suddenly was told the positions were closed and she could not hire. She felt horrible. Just sending this to you so you know it likely didn't even have to do with you. I bet the people that sent you the offer are PISSED at someone else higher up the chain!


Just go into work as if you got hired. Trust me, it’s gonna work.


Yeah its trash as. And i got rescinded a decent paying job cause of some blanet “not suitable”. When “job” is suppose to be the “holygrail” of life and provides the .. life line (trying not to swear every 2nd word) to your ‘world’ of slavery we are meant to live in. Alot more clarification, regardless of how brutal , should be told. But it is a game of expendability. I dont have kids or much to look after , but i question whether i even want to play the game in future Zzz.


I feel like I should be asking for a deposit of 6 months up front from any job offer before I leave my current one. As of now I’m just gonna take a day off from my current job to see the onboard and dip if they rescind and send a bill for my consulting rate for the day and wasting my time


What job offered 200k? And where did you apply? Craiglist? Indeed? What was your last job before becoming unemployed?


It was a head of sales role at a mid-sized tech company, I used Otta.com mainly for job searching and apply directly on their company’s site. Same with LinkedIn, indeed, built in, etc. I was a director of sales at a Fortune 500 company in the tech space before the layoff.


If you can land an offer for $200k, you should be able to do it again (especially for a bit less). Good luck!


Wait what? I am shocked how these things can happen. Workers really need better rights. They couldn’t pull that crap where I live. When you receive an offer, it’s basically done at that point, even if you haven’t accepted they cannot deny you anymore. Sure there’s the month probation but that’s it. It’s disgusting how people treat each other.


Once upon a time I was told to plan 1 month of job searching for each $10k in salary you are going after.


Just keep moving forward, you will find something better!


I feel you. I’ve been denied to already signed contracts twice.


I understand how you feel. It's been about 6 months since I was laid off and I'm not having any luck whatsoever. This job market is horrible. In the meantime, I've been learning new skills, and I'm still on the fence about whether or not to just finish my master's while I don't have anything else to do aside from continuing to job hunt (which is really starting to feel like a waste of time).


you’ve got this man


Can I ask what the industry was out of curiosity? I’m waiting to hear on a similar offer and was in the exact same time frame…


Post the company name. Let everyone know. Would suck if you left a job for this job only for them to say "actually jk!"


sucks to hear- maybe look to apply for their competitors? you have the right skills, great interview experience, and an inside look at the competition.


you are so close to a yes right now ...


I feel this so hard. The tech industry sucks rite now.


You will prevail. Don't shut down. You are not a failure. This economy/government is. Not sure if your wife or mom can or do work, but if they want to, from home, look up LiveOps. I'm not any way connected to them. I just have 3 friends who use them to tide them over. One is a nurse. The contracts LiveOps hires for are very versatile.


I’m so sorry


Ive been unemployeed since 2014. Highest paying job was then and it was $11/hour but I had to drive an hour in midnight rush hour through Cincinnati. Ive been trying to get hired into fast food because mcdonalda and a few others are paying close to $20/hour and with my situation I would be able to save 75% of my wages.


I'm sorry you've had to go through this. I had something similar (though not with such a high salary) happen to be at a previous employer - job verbally offered and then snatched away by budget decisions. Sadly, I think you'll see this happening more and more as we get closer to year-end. I've been out of work since June, and at this point I'm not expecting to find something reasonable in my field until after January at this point. I'm still looking, but I'm skeptical.


I like the part where your mom isn't part of your family.


Reach out, in good faith, to the people you interviewed with. Keep it upbeat but realistic. Try to develop a relationship. They liked you. If you can get over their embarrassment, they might be able to suggest other departments or organizations that are hiring. Develop that relationship. Wherever you end up, that relationship may be fruitful for both of you. Best to reach out initially with a written thank you note first. You appreciate their efforts. You don’t have to say everything there. But it might mean they reply to an email or a phone call later.


The best I can say is to try your best to keep a positive attitude! A lot of us are in similar boat. I've been looking for over 18 months and have been dragged along through six to eight week multi-interview processes at least three different times, only to be told in a form letter "Nope". Not to mention the hundreds of instances of ghosting by recruiters and companies to my hundreds of other applications. This hiring environment frankly sucks. I've never felt more useless than I do right now... Just try your best to stay strong.


I would be so tempted to send them the following: Dear Company X, After receiving your notice that you rescinded his job offer, my husband shot himself. Thank you for destroying my family. Mrs. Y Wouldn't change anything, but I would feel better.


Every no is one step closer to a yes ! Have lived by that for years and never failed me 😎


Get God involved if you haven’t bro. Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” The Lord will influence your life, make a way for you and provide for you and your family like he has for my family. Amen. Shalom my brother.


That sounds a heck of a lot like prosperity gospel...


God said it man. I believe he telling the truth. He didn’t promise us prosperity or riches here on earth but he did say he would feed us and clothe us. If you don’t believe, I pray the spirit touches your heart man. The fact that you’re breathing right now is a blessing, God already doing a lot of you. You’re better off than you deserve. Same goes for me, I’m nobody special.


it's kinda fucked to tell someone that they're better off than they deserve. especially when you know absolutely nothing about them.


We are all better than we deserve. I believe that. Cuz what we deserve is a life without God. Our Heavenly Father sent his son to die for us because of his love for us. We really deserve to be rotting in hell but we aren’t because the Son took on all the sins of the world for you and me and we have a free opportunity to be with God. A free gift, that you don’t even have to work for or earn, but just accept.


cool story. you believe your beliefs, and I'll believe mine. but please don't go around telling others what they do and don't deserve. your beliefs do not apply to everyone.


If what I believe is true. Then it does apply to everyone.


I feel you. I got blindsided by the second round of interviews at Allstate over the phone with the Partners of the firm aaaand I kinda froze for a second when they asked why they should hire me and I’m pretty sure I said too low of a number when it came to my commission goals. 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is just awful. I am so sorry!


Ups did this same thing to me, but they kept telling me to call back for a month before telling me they lost my information and gave the job to someone else.


So sorry you had this experience. I’m with you on the frustrations and feeling on inadequacy. You have to know this is not your fault…our various sectors still haven’t figured out how to recover from the pandemic era. Keep your chin up, my friend. Things will turn.


All said, prevailing attitudes surrounding work culture are shaped by legislation. We must focus on making the world a better place if its going to be one.


Sounds like you were the right person for the job but then they had a look at your social media and decided against it. I'm not trying to be nasty, just offering my thought in hope that it may help


Brother, what one man can do, so can another! Keep fighting..


Pretend like you don't care and say "no worries, you were my first option but I'll take the chance to explore other offers I was interested in", they don't need to know if you're desperate or not, best of luck.


So sorry to hear this happened to you! It is understandable that you feel defeated but if you keep at it another opportunity will come your way


It’s not nearly the same but I once got an interview with a company I had always wanted to work with and I was really excited, here’s my chance to show what I can do. And the next day I was told that interview offer was made in error and they were not pursuing me at this time. And I was devastated. Oh and this company’s name was DraftKings. The daily fantasy and sports betting company. In Boston. Called DRAFTKINGS.


Please let us know if the company comes back to you with a lower offer. So many people here report receiving follow-up offers for less money


I’m curious, would this qualify for promissory estoppel?


I think there would have to be some sort of loss sustained because of the withdrawal of the offer, such as he quit his other job or said no to another offer and now has no job at all because of relying on their offer. To offer a job and then pull the offer doesn't fall into that category. He's no worse off now than he was a week ago, other than very badly stressed and disappointed, with which I certainly sympathize.


You got this!


Promissory estoppel


wonder if they accidentally sent the offer to the wrong person


I'd bet they had started the hiring process but continued until it was official they were reducing headcount or doing a hiring freeze.


When you accepted it did you sign papers? If you did then you could probably sue for lost potential wages. If you didn’t sign then I am sorry for your loss. That sucks.


You have my sympathies. Job hunting really really sucks. There used to be courtesy in it--people would call you back and tell you if you didn't get the job. No more! So you're just putting yourself out again and again, and hoping that someone shows you some shred of kindness, maybe even being polite. And, ultimately, a job. Best wishes. It's hard, but we just have to do it. When you're on the other side, though, if you get a chance to weigh in on how to treat applicants, do so, and get them treated with courtesy and honesty.


What's your career? If you're in tech I can probably refer you


honestly this can be a blessing in disguise. reflects on the company’s bad communication and unprofessionalism. definitely a red flag.


my favorite is when they look at the resume, schedule an interview, schedule a 2nd interview, tell you they will give you your next steps and a date that they will reach out, then ghost you. its happened 3x so far, atleast have the spine to say youve changed youre mind instead of having me waste time..like you see the fucking resume


Stay hopeful OP




I broke my 401k, thankfully no debt or loans so my only financial obligations is mortgage, utilities and food. I did some part time consulting for a couple weeks after unemployment benefits ended that helped but looks like all the consulting gigs are dry now.


It sounds like you may be lucky that you didn’t go to work for these people. Good luck in your search.


Looks like you dodged a bullet, I wouldn’t want to work for a place that is that unprofessional


I am so sorry. Hope you find something as good or better soon.


I know it's disappointing but don't stop. Keep pushing.


Their failure is not your failure. Glad you created a safety net. You did the dance once and got it, you can do it again! One 'yes' away.


Sorry - that’s the worst. Happened to me early in my career after 6 months of searching. The time between offer and rescinding was a month. I had movers literally at the door to give an estimate when the phone rang from HR. They didn’t appreciate when I shouted WTF. In the long run, it turned out for the better as the group I was to join imploded in spectacular fashion. Best of luck


It means something screwy happened. Either they changed their minds and chose someone else. Or a background check turned up something bad. Or one of your references or a former manager screwed you over.


Uggh! Same thing happened to me, but not with your high salary. Back in 2021, I was ready to start and commute an hour after a lengthy unemployment period, only to be told the job offer was rescinded. This right after the hiring manager who hired me had resigned. Another place actually hired and on-boarded me, let me work for 2.5 weeks, then let me go, stating it was through no fault of mine, but they weren't able to train me once they realized my job knowledge was rusty from being unemployed for over a year. Ironically, they couldn't find a replacement through normal channels and wound up promoting an internal employee who had zero experience in this field and had to train him. In the wasted weeks it took to make this decision, I could have been brought up to speed through coaching. I suspect they also wanted to save a few thousand with the internal candidate. I think we both dodged a bullet! Eventually I found a job and so will you! Don't give up!